Search results for ""author peter prinz"
Simon & Schuster Charlie and Kiwi: An Evolutionary Adventure
An easy to understand scientific adventure with Charlie and Kiwi who take you on a journey through time and through a huge scientific principle. The story of evolution!To Charlie’s classmates, it seems like the kiwi bird got a raw deal: It barely has wings at all, so it can’t fly, and its long whiskers are more like a cat’s. How can such an unlucky bird even survive in the wild? But Charlie thinks the kiwi is cool, and with the help of his great-great-great-great-great-grandpa Charles Darwin, he travels back in time to learn how the kiwi evolved from a dinosaur-like creature to its present-day wingless state. Learning that “little changes in each generation can add up to BIG changes,” Charlie begins to understand that the kiwi bird’s flightless ways and catlike whiskers might be a bit odd, but they are exactly what has helped the species survive over thousands of years! Based on an exhibit from the New York Hall of Science that is currently touring the country, this Darwinian adventure through time explains the hugely important principle of evolution in an accessible, kid-friendly style.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Canine and Feline Specialty Handbook: Musculoskeletal Disorders
Designed for quick reference in the clinic examination room, this compact, easy-to-use handbook provides practical guidance on diagnosis and treatment of all musculoskeletal problems seen in dogs and cats. Topic entries are written by the foremost experts on small animal musculoskeletal problems and follow The 5-Minute Consult format that is so popular among busy practitioners. Topics are organized alphabetically so that readers can quickly find the information they need. This timely new resource covers a wide range of canine and feline musculoskeletal conditions, including elbow dysplasia, intervertebral disc disease, and arthritis. A full-color insert of images and illustrations depicting various disorders is also included.
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Die Abbildungen Des Buches: Scheffer/Schachtschabel: Lehrbuch Der Bodenkunde
Emerald Publishing Limited Examining and Exploring the Shifting Nature of Occupational Stress and Well-Being
Volume 19 of Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being explores and enhances our understanding of how stress and well-being at work can change over time. Much of the prior literature in occupational stress and well-being is designed to look at antecedents of stress and well-being, treating them as dependent variables. Although these models implicitly acknowledge the dynamic nature of stress and well-being, they are often assessed at a single time point and treated as a static end-state. This volume moves beyond this approach by explicitly examining stress and well-being as a dynamic phenomenon by examining changes in stress and well-being that happen developmentally, because of intentional interventions on the part of organizations, in response to job role or job status transitions, or which examine the ways in which changes in stress and well-being is conceptualized and assessed.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Adult Learning in Modern Societies: An International Comparison from a Life-course Perspective
As industrial societies increasingly evolve into knowledge-based economies, the importance of education as a lifelong process is greater than ever. This comprehensive book provides a state-of-the-art analysis of adult learning across the world and within varying institutional contexts. The expert contributors examine the structures of formal and non-formal adult learning in different countries, and investigate the levels of success those countries have experienced in encouraging participation and skill formation.The book offers a cross-section of international perspectives, with chapters focusing on Australia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United States. Using empirical, longitudinal data from each of these countries, the contributors identify which types of learning are converted into positive labor market outcomes and assess the potential of adult learning for reducing social inequalities.This book will be of great use to both academics and policymakers with an interest in adult learning, sociology, education and inequality, and the economics of work.Contributors: P. Barbieri, C. Barone, H.-P. Blossfeld, S. Buchholz, S. Buchler, J. Chesters, G. Csanádi, A. Csizmady, G. Cutuli, J. Dämmrich, C. Elman, D. Hamplová, M. Haynes, A. Higginson, E. Kilpi-Jakonen, Y. Kosyakova, M. Lugo, P. Martikainen, P. McMullin, P. Miret-Gamundi, V. Myrup Jensen, E. Reichart, P. Robert, E.-L. Roosmaa, E. Saar, S. Scherer, S. Schuhrer, N. Simonová, O. Sirniö, A. Stenberg, M. Triventi, J. Unfried., M. Unt, D. Vono de Vilhena, S. Wahler, F. Weiss
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding and Modulating Aging, Volume 1067
For the last 40 years, biogerontology—the study of the biological basis of aging—has progressed tremendously, and it has now become an independent and respected field of study and research. This volume brings together contributions by biogerontologists, bioethicists, biodemographers, researchers, students, clinicians, and dieticians. The main areas of discussion and presentation of new research results include (1) biological and non-biological factors affecting lifespan and the quality of life; (2) ethical and social issues related to lifespan and health-span extension; (3) physiological, cellular, and molecular aspects of aging; (4) new technologies to understand and modulate aging; (5) the latest successful approaches in the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases, and (6) aging intervention, prevention, and modulation by genes, natural and synthetic molecules, and lifestyle modifications. Accordingly, the main sections of the volume focus on the following topics: defining aging, longevity, and the diseases of aging; selected aging organs; cellular aging; molecular aging; ethics of aging intervention; genetics of aging and longevity; and aging interventions. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
Taylor & Francis Inc Water Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological Materials
Unique and informative, Water Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological Materials is based on lectures and papers given by leading international researchers at the 9th International Symposium of the Properties of Water in Foods (ISOPOW 9) that took place in September 2004. Each chapter presents an authoritative account of the latest research on the physical and chemical properties of water in relation to the stability of food, pharmaceutical, and biological materials.The first part of the text focuses on presentations given by invited speakers, whereas the second part is dedicated to oral presentations and discussions. Topics include the role of water in structural and functional properties, preserving biomolecule functionality in restricted water environments, and micro- and nano- techniques used for assessing water-solid interactions in food and drug development. This book is an invaluable resource that synthesizes cutting-edge information with innovative viewpoints from internationally esteemed researchers who participated in ISOPOW 2004.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 8 Volume Set
Available in print and online, this unique reference brings together all four fields of genetics, genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics to meet your dynamic research requirements. It brings together the latest concepts in these vibrant areas and ensures a truly multidisciplinary approach. Topics include genetic variation and evolution, epigenetics, the human genome, expression profiling, proteome families, structural proteomics, gene finding/gene structure, protein function and annotation, and more. The work incorporates a vast amount of topical information, profiles cutting-edge techniques, and presents the very latest findings from an international team of over five hundred contributors. With articles for both students and more experienced scientists, this is a key reference source for everyone. Contains more than 450 articles covering all aspects of genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and related technologies Includes a glossary containing over 550 clear and concise definitions "I am pleased to recommend it heartily as a essential reference tool...should remain the definitive work...for many years to come."THE CHEMICAL EDUCATOR "Jorde...and co-editors have done a remarkable job in coordinating this information, distilling it into a package that is both easy to navigate and over-flowing in discovery."ELECTRIC REVIEW
Bohlau Verlag Schafft euch Schreibraume!: Weibliches Schreiben auf den Spuren Virginia Woolfs. Ein Memoir
Ergon Verlag Theorie, Semantik Und Organisation Von Wissen
Verlag F'Ur Moderne Kunst Constantin Luser: Music Tames the Beast
V&R unipress GmbH Abhandlungen zur Musikgeschichte.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Stone Age Sites and Their Natural Environment: The Capital Area of Northern Oman. Part III
Universitatsverlag Winter Proceedings of New Perspectives in Quantum Statistics and Correlations
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblische Hermeneutik
Verlagsgruppe Patmos Der Brief an Philemon
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lehrbuch der Lebensmittelchemie
Das erfolgreiche und bewährte Standardwerk von H.-D. Belitz, W. Grosch und P. Schieberle: Studenten der Lebensmittelchemie und benachbarter Fachgebiete schätzen es als Lehrbuch, Praktiker in Industrie, Forschung und bei Überwachungsbehörden als Nachschlagewerk. Die gründlich überarbeitete und ergänzte 6. Auflage (u.a. Kontaminanten, phenolische Verbindungen, alkoholische Getränke, BSE-Nachweis) trägt aktuellen Entwicklungen Rechnung, ohne den Gesamtumfang wesentlich zu verändern. Die Autoren arbeiten die Zusammenhänge zwischen den makroskopischen Eigenschaften von Lebensmitteln und den Strukturen und Reaktionen der Inhaltsstoffe heraus.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hebrew Bible / Old Testament -- The History of Its Interpretation: Part III / 2: The Twentieth Century
The long and complex history of reception and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament through the ages, described in the HBOT Project, focuses in this concluding volume III, Part 2 on the multifarious research and the different methods used in the last century. Even this volume is written by Christion and Jewish scholars and takes its wider cultural and philosophical context into consideration. The perspective is worldwide and ecumenical. Its references to modern biblical scholarship, on which it is based, are extensive and updated.The indexes (names, topics, references to biblical sources and a broad body of literature beyond) are the key to the wealth of information provided.Contributors are J. Barton, H.L. Bosman, A.F. Campbell, SJ, D.M. Carr, D.J.A. Clines, W. Dietrich, St.E. Fassberg, D. Føllesdal, A.C. Hagedorn, K.M. Heim, J. Høgenhaven, B. Janowski, D.A. Knight, C. Körting, A. Laato, P. Machinist, M.A.O'Brien, M. Oeming, D. Olson, E. Otto, M. Sæbø, J. Schaper, S. Sekine, J.L. Ska, SJ, M.A. Sweeney, and J. de Waard.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG männlich und weiblich schuf Er sie: Studien zur Genderkonstruktion und zum Eherecht in den Mittelmeerreligionen
Gott schuf den Menschen "männlich und weiblich" (Gen 1,27). Religionswissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen aus acht Ländern der Europäischen Union und rings um das Mittelmeer gehen der Wirkungsgeschichte dieser Juden, Christen und Muslimen gemeinsamen Vorstellung nach. Die Aufsätze behandeln die Auslegung und Wirkungsgeschichte dieser Vorstellung in den heiligen Schriften der drei Religionen - von der Hebräischen Bibel ëber das Neue Testament, den Talmud und Koran bis zum kabbalistischen Schrifttum - sowie in den religiösen und außerreligiösen Rechtstraditionen, der Halacha, der Scharia, dem Kirchenrecht sowie dem Codex Theodosianus und Justinianus.An markanten Beispielen wie etwa dem spätantiken Mönchtum, der Sklavengesetzgebung nach jëdischen Texten der Kairenser Genisa, der Heiratspolitik der Mamluken in Ägypten, der islamischen Kleidungsvorschriften oder dem frëhen christlichen Feminismus werden einige rechtliche und soziale Kontexte dieser Auslegung und die ihr entsprechende Praxis vorgestellt.Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Frauen- und Männerbilder ëberraschende inhaltliche und formale Übereinstimmungen und Parallelen, zugleich aber auch Divergenzen aufweisen, die vor allem mit den Wandlungsprozessen zusammenhängen, die Judentum, Christentum und Islam im Laufe ihrer Geschichte durchlaufen haben. Das letzte Kapitel des Bandes versammelt Beiträge zu diesen Transformationen der Genderkonstruktion und zum religiösen Eherecht.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lehrbuch Der Marte-Meo-Methode: Entwicklungsforderung Mit Videounterstutzung
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Die Kirchen Der Stadt ROM Im Mittelalter 1050-1300, M-O: Ss. Marcellino E Pietro Bis S. Omobono. Bd. 4: (Corpus Cosmatorum Ii,4)
Harrassowitz Von Antisemitismus Bis Kunst: Handbuch Der Deutsch-Polnischen Kommunikation. Teilband 1
Harrassowitz Moksopaya - Textedition, Teil 5, Das Sechste Buch: Nirvanaprakarana. 1. Teil: Kapitel 1-119: Kritische Edition
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Mission Und Einheit/Mission and Unity: Gemeinsames Zeugnis Getrennter Kirchen?/Common Witness of Separated Churches?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut (1772-1840): Bürger und Gelehrter
Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut war in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts einer der führenden Rechtswissenschaftler Deutschlands und als begnadeter akademischer Lehrer die prägende Persönlichkeit der Heidelberger Juristischen Fakultät. Er bewahrte eine eigenständige Position gegenüber der dominierenden Historischen Schule Gustav Hugos und Friedrich Carl von Savignys. Deren kodifikationsfeindliche Haltung und Ausrichtung auf das antike römische Recht blieben dem auch der juristischen Praxis und dem späten Vernunftrecht verbundenen Thibaut fremd. Thibauts politisch ohnehin chancenlose Forderung nach einer deutschen Kodifikation des Bürgerlichen Rechts wies von Savigny scharf zurück und nutzte die Gelegenheit, das Programm der Historischen Schule publikumswirksam vorzustellen. Bis heute gilt Thibaut daher verbreitet vor allem als 'Verlierer' dieses 'Kodifikationsstreits' von 1814. 200 Jahre nach diesen Ereignissen waren Persönlichkeit und Werk Thibauts umfassend neu zu würdigen.
Brepols Publishers Vatican I, Infallible or Neglectable?: Historical and Theological Approaches to the Event and Reception of the First Vatican Council
Sing Out! Publications Rise Up Singing
NavPress Publishing Group Intimacy Ignited
Backlist, LLC Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul: Your Personal, Portable Support Group with Stories of Healing, Hope, Love and Resilience
Anthroposophic Press Inc Ita Wegman and the Clinical-Therapeutic Institute: A Photographic Documentation
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Imbalance Part Three
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Peckuwe 1780: The Revolutionary War on the Ohio River Frontier
As the Revolutionary War raged on fields near the Atlantic, Native Americans and British rangers fought American settlers on the Ohio River frontier in warfare of unsurpassed ferocity. When their attacks threatened to drive the Americans from their settlements in Kentucky, Daniel Boone, Simon Kenton and other frontiersmen guided an army of 970 Kentuckians into what is now Ohio to attack the principal Native American bases from which the raids emanated. This superbly illustrated book traces Colonel George Rogers Clark's lightning expedition to destroy Chalawgatha and Peckuwe, and describes how on 8 August 1780 his Kentuckians clashed with an army of 450 Native Americans, under Black Hoof, Buckongahelas and Girty, at the battle of Peckuwe. It would be the largest Revolutionary War battle on the Ohio River frontier.
Sirius Entertainment The Flowers Coloring Book: Hardback Gift Edition
NC State University Gregg Museum of Art and Design Traces: Mapping a Journey in Textiles
Rowman & Littlefield Health and Health Care as Social Problems
This engaging and accessible reader takes a social problems approach to health and medicine, providing a broad and critical lens on contemporary health problems. Designed for courses on social problems and on medical sociology, the volume embraces two fundamental principles: that health and illness are at least partly socially produced, and that health care is not an unfettered good and often brings with it serious social problems. The volume is organized into six sections, addressing the medicalization of human problems; the social construction of health problems; social movements; gender; race and class and the provision of health care; and medical accountability. Taken together, the essays demonstrate the depth and richness of a social problems approach to health and medicine, and the critical perspective it brings to our understanding of health and illness in U.S. society.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mercury Cadmium Telluride: Growth, Properties and Applications
Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) is the third most well-regarded semiconductor after silicon and gallium arsenide and is the material of choice for use in infrared sensing and imaging. The reason for this is that MCT can be ‘tuned’ to the desired IR wavelength by varying the cadmium concentration. Mercury Cadmium Telluride: Growth, Properties and Applications provides both an introduction for newcomers, and a comprehensive review of this fascinating material. Part One discusses the history and current status of both bulk and epitaxial growth techniques, Part Two is concerned with the wide range of properties of MCT, and Part Three covers the various device types that have been developed using MCT. Each chapter opens with some historical background and theory before presenting current research. Coverage includes: Bulk growth and properties of MCT and CdZnTe for MCT epitaxial growth Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) growth Metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Alternative substrates Mechanical, thermal and optical properties of MCT Defects, diffusion, doping and annealing Dry device processing Photoconductive and photovoltaic detectors Avalanche photodiode detectors Room-temperature IR detectors
Oxford University Press Granites: Petrology, Structure, Geological Setting, and Metallogeny
Granites are emblematic rocks developed from a magma that crystallized in the Earth's crust. They ultimately outcrop at the surface of every continent. This book offers a modern presentation of granitic rocks. It considers granites in their geological spatial and temporal frame, and in relation to plate tectonics and Earth history. The book - translated, edited, and updated from the original French edition Pétrologie des Granites published by Vuibert in 2011 - gives a modern presentation of granitic rocks, or granites, from magma genesis to their emplacement into the crust and their crystallization. Mineralogical, petrological, physical, and economical aspects are explored and developed in a succession. The text is supported throughout by a large number of illustrations, descriptions of modern techniques, and additional boxes holding further discussions for those wishing to deepen their knowledge of the subject.
Kehrer Verlag Rudi: Discovering The Weissenstein Archive
Spektrum Akademischen Verlag Industrielle Mikrobiologie
Die Industrielle Mikrobiologie vereint das Fachwissen von Naturwissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren über die Nutzung von Bakterien und Pilzen. Als innovative Querschnittsdisziplin bietet sie wichtige Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung konkurrenzfähiger Produkte auf der Basis umweltschonender Verfahren. So setzt z.B. die chemische Industrie heute bereits Mikroorganismen in Prozessen ein, um Rohstoffe und Energie sparen. In dieser Branche besteht ein zunehmender Bedarf an gut ausgebildeten Fachkräften.Dieses neue Lehrbuch wurde von erfahrenen Wissenschaftlern aus Hochschulen und der Industrie verfasst. Es soll Studierende aus Life Science-Bachelorstudiengängen sowie fortgeschrittene Studierende der Chemie oder der Ingenieurwissenschaften in die Industrielle Mikrobiologie einführen. Es vermittelt die Grundlagen der Entwicklung von Produktionsstämmen und erklärt spezielle Verfahren zur Herstellung mikrobieller Produkte. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, wie das Potential der Mikroorganismen optimal genutzt werden kann.Zunächst wird ein Überblick über die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Industrielle Mikrobiologie und eine Einführung in die Bioverfahrenstechnik gegeben. Anschließend werden in 10 Kapiteln ausgewählte mikrobielle Verfahren zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln, organischen Säuren, Alkoholen, Aminosäuren, Vitaminen, Antibiotika, Pharmaproteinen, Enzymen, Biopolymeren sowie Steroiden und Aromastoffen beschrieben. Im letzten Kapitel wird am Beispiel der biologischen Abwasserreinigung aufgezeigt, dass die Mikroorganismen nicht nur ein enormes Synthese-, sondern auch ein großes Abbaupotential besitzen, mit dem sie einen Beitrag zu den Stoffwechselkreisläufen auf unserer Erde leisten.Die Autoren wünschen sich, dass dieses Lehrbuch das Interesse vieler Studierender an diesem spannenden Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet weckt und sie daraus Nutzen ziehen können, um dann selbst zur weiteren Entwicklung der Industriellen Mikrobiologie beizutragen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Löffler/Petrides Biochemie und Pathobiochemie
Jetzt kommt Bewegung in die Biochemie!Die ganze Welt der Biochemie und Pathobiochemie in 74 überschaubaren Kapiteln und über 1000 Abbildungen erklärt – da bleibt keine Frage offen.Und mehr noch, damit Sie die komplexen Vorgänge in Stoffwechsel, Signaltransduktion und Molekularbiologie schneller verstehen, sind mit der kostenlosen MoreMediaApp fast 400, teils vertonte Videos direkt aus dem Buch abrufbar – einfach das Bild mit dem Smartphone oder Tablet scannen und schon werden Citratzyklus, DNA-Replikation und Co. lebendig! So lässt sich auch später in der Klinik schnell etwas wiederholen – Film ab und das biochemische Hintergrundwissen ist aufgefrischt.Außerdem bietet die Biochemie und Pathobiochemie: 74 überschaubare Kapitel für einen guten Überblick Auflistung der Schwerpunkte am Kapitelanfang Einen Roten Faden, der kleine Abschnitte kurz zusammenfasst Zusammenfassungen am Kapitelende Tafelteil mit den wichtigsten Strukturformeln zum Nachschlagen Wie wichtig das Wissen über Moleküle, Mechanismen und Signalwege für das Verständnis pathologischer Vorgänge ist, wird anhand zahlreicher spezieller Abschnitte oder eigener Kapitel zur Pathobiochemie herausgestellt. Schließlich geben spannende Exkurse und Hintergrundinfos einen Blick über den Tellerrand oder weiter in die Tiefe.Biochemie ausführlich und animiert – Ihr Begleiter durchs ganze Studium!
Campus Verlag People at the Well: Kinds, Usages and Meanings of Water in a Global Perspective
"People at the Well" investigates habits, practices, and meanings of water through case studies from around the world. With its wide range and impressive diversity, this volume explores water practices in different cultures and shows that water is much more than a commodity, a resource, or a substance - it is a focal point that reflects local culture. By providing close scrutiny, the contributors explore and discover the fundamental differences and dynamics of various water-related practices and cultural phenomena.