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Oxford University Press Granites: Petrology, Structure, Geological Setting, and Metallogeny
Granites are emblematic rocks developed from a magma that crystallized in the Earth's crust. They ultimately outcrop at the surface of every continent. This book offers a modern presentation of granitic rocks. It considers granites in their geological spatial and temporal frame, and in relation to plate tectonics and Earth history. The book - translated, edited, and updated from the original French edition Pétrologie des Granites published by Vuibert in 2011 - gives a modern presentation of granitic rocks, or granites, from magma genesis to their emplacement into the crust and their crystallization. Mineralogical, petrological, physical, and economical aspects are explored and developed in a succession. The text is supported throughout by a large number of illustrations, descriptions of modern techniques, and additional boxes holding further discussions for those wishing to deepen their knowledge of the subject.
Kehrer Verlag Rudi: Discovering The Weissenstein Archive
Spektrum Akademischen Verlag Industrielle Mikrobiologie
Die Industrielle Mikrobiologie vereint das Fachwissen von Naturwissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren über die Nutzung von Bakterien und Pilzen. Als innovative Querschnittsdisziplin bietet sie wichtige Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung konkurrenzfähiger Produkte auf der Basis umweltschonender Verfahren. So setzt z.B. die chemische Industrie heute bereits Mikroorganismen in Prozessen ein, um Rohstoffe und Energie sparen. In dieser Branche besteht ein zunehmender Bedarf an gut ausgebildeten Fachkräften.Dieses neue Lehrbuch wurde von erfahrenen Wissenschaftlern aus Hochschulen und der Industrie verfasst. Es soll Studierende aus Life Science-Bachelorstudiengängen sowie fortgeschrittene Studierende der Chemie oder der Ingenieurwissenschaften in die Industrielle Mikrobiologie einführen. Es vermittelt die Grundlagen der Entwicklung von Produktionsstämmen und erklärt spezielle Verfahren zur Herstellung mikrobieller Produkte. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, wie das Potential der Mikroorganismen optimal genutzt werden kann.Zunächst wird ein Überblick über die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Industrielle Mikrobiologie und eine Einführung in die Bioverfahrenstechnik gegeben. Anschließend werden in 10 Kapiteln ausgewählte mikrobielle Verfahren zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln, organischen Säuren, Alkoholen, Aminosäuren, Vitaminen, Antibiotika, Pharmaproteinen, Enzymen, Biopolymeren sowie Steroiden und Aromastoffen beschrieben. Im letzten Kapitel wird am Beispiel der biologischen Abwasserreinigung aufgezeigt, dass die Mikroorganismen nicht nur ein enormes Synthese-, sondern auch ein großes Abbaupotential besitzen, mit dem sie einen Beitrag zu den Stoffwechselkreisläufen auf unserer Erde leisten.Die Autoren wünschen sich, dass dieses Lehrbuch das Interesse vieler Studierender an diesem spannenden Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet weckt und sie daraus Nutzen ziehen können, um dann selbst zur weiteren Entwicklung der Industriellen Mikrobiologie beizutragen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Löffler/Petrides Biochemie und Pathobiochemie
Jetzt kommt Bewegung in die Biochemie!Die ganze Welt der Biochemie und Pathobiochemie in 74 überschaubaren Kapiteln und über 1000 Abbildungen erklärt – da bleibt keine Frage offen.Und mehr noch, damit Sie die komplexen Vorgänge in Stoffwechsel, Signaltransduktion und Molekularbiologie schneller verstehen, sind mit der kostenlosen MoreMediaApp fast 400, teils vertonte Videos direkt aus dem Buch abrufbar – einfach das Bild mit dem Smartphone oder Tablet scannen und schon werden Citratzyklus, DNA-Replikation und Co. lebendig! So lässt sich auch später in der Klinik schnell etwas wiederholen – Film ab und das biochemische Hintergrundwissen ist aufgefrischt.Außerdem bietet die Biochemie und Pathobiochemie: 74 überschaubare Kapitel für einen guten Überblick Auflistung der Schwerpunkte am Kapitelanfang Einen Roten Faden, der kleine Abschnitte kurz zusammenfasst Zusammenfassungen am Kapitelende Tafelteil mit den wichtigsten Strukturformeln zum Nachschlagen Wie wichtig das Wissen über Moleküle, Mechanismen und Signalwege für das Verständnis pathologischer Vorgänge ist, wird anhand zahlreicher spezieller Abschnitte oder eigener Kapitel zur Pathobiochemie herausgestellt. Schließlich geben spannende Exkurse und Hintergrundinfos einen Blick über den Tellerrand oder weiter in die Tiefe.Biochemie ausführlich und animiert – Ihr Begleiter durchs ganze Studium!
Campus Verlag People at the Well: Kinds, Usages and Meanings of Water in a Global Perspective
"People at the Well" investigates habits, practices, and meanings of water through case studies from around the world. With its wide range and impressive diversity, this volume explores water practices in different cultures and shows that water is much more than a commodity, a resource, or a substance - it is a focal point that reflects local culture. By providing close scrutiny, the contributors explore and discover the fundamental differences and dynamics of various water-related practices and cultural phenomena.
Kohlhammer Die Entstehung Des Alten Testaments
De Gruyter Staatsrechtslehrer des 20. Jahrhunderts
De Gruyter Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe
This handbook comprises an in-depth presentation of the state of the art in word-formation. The five volumes contain 207 articles written by leading international scholars. The XVI chapters of the handbook provide the reader, in both general articles and individual studies, with a wide variety of perspectives: word-formation as a linguistic discipline (history of science, theoretical concepts), units and processes in word-formation, rules and restrictions, semantics and pragmatics, foreign word-formation, language planning and purism, historical word-formation, word-formation in language acquisition and aphasia, word-formation and language use, tools in word-formation research. The final chapter comprises 74 portraits of word-formation in the individual languages of Europe and offers an innovative perspective. These portraits afford the first overview of this kind and will prove useful for future typological research. This handbook will provide an essential reference for both advanced students and researchers in word-formation and related fields within linguistics.
Laurence King Publishing Essensualism: Shang Xia and the Craft Spirit of Chinese Design
Glasgow Museums Publishing Painting for My Life: The Holocaust artworks of Marianne Grant: The Holocaust artworks of Marianne Grant
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Health Monitoring
This book is organized around the various sensing techniques used to achieve structural health monitoring. Its main focus is on sensors, signal and data reduction methods and inverse techniques, which enable the identification of the physical parameters, affected by the presence of the damage, on which a diagnostic is established. Structural Health Monitoring is not oriented by the type of applications or linked to special classes of problems, but rather presents broader families of techniques: vibration and modal analysis; optical fibre sensing; acousto-ultrasonics, using piezoelectric transducers; and electric and electromagnetic techniques. Each chapter has been written by specialists in the subject area who possess a broad range of practical experience. The book will be accessible to students and those new to the field, but the exhaustive overview of present research and development, as well as the numerous references provided, also make it required reading for experienced researchers and engineers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Aspects of the Environment
This two volume collection of pioneering material includes landmarks and significant contributions to the subjects of global environmental issues. The editors have prepared a new introduction for this authoritative collection.This collection enables the reader, whether an economist or environmentalist, to have access to material published in a wide range of journals, many of which are relatively unavailable. It will be of considerable value to researchers and teachers in all of the disciplines, including: theoretical ecology; resource and environmental economics; industrial ecology and environmental science.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Economics and Development
This outstanding new collection surveys the relationship between the environment and development, and highlights some of the tensions that are implicit in the notion of sustainable development.Environmental Economics and Development is organized into six sections: general aspects; resource utilization and management; valuation and accounting of environmental change; environmental policy instruments; adjustment, trade and the environment; and distributional issues. These areas include general features of environment-development interfaces, operational valuation and accounting methods and economic approaches to environmental policy instruments in developing countries and in the international context.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek
This major three-volume collection - offered in the centenary year of Hayek’s birth - celebrates a lifetime of scholarship and original contributions that cross the disciplines of politics, philosophy and economics.Hayek rose to fame as a young technical economist engaged in debate with Keynes and became infamous in middle age for his harsh critique of socialist planning. For much of the 1950s and 1960s Hayek was ignored as a relic of 19th century economic liberalism as the tide of intellectual and political fashion moved against both his warnings about Keynesian demand management and his critique of socialist planning. Late in life, Hayek was celebrated as a prescient scholar who foresaw the decline in both the Keynesian and socialist systems of economic control. Hayek made major analytical contributions which have yet to be appreciated by either friend or foe. Through this selection of classic articles The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek attempts to place Hayek’s contributions to political economy in a proper perspective.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies
This topical and timely analysis of late career and retirement within nine European societies and the USA examines how social inequality structures have developed in an era of globalization and aging populations. For several decades, many European societies relied on pushing and luring older workers out of employment by using generous early retirement programs in order to relieve national labor markets in times of globalization. However, as this book argues, one of the major challenges facing European and Northern American societies today is their severe demographic aging, which in turn places pension systems under substantial pressure due to the rising imbalance between those claiming pensions and those contributing to the pension system. Indeed, it is observed herein that in the recent past, governments have tried to increase the labor market attachment of older employees by retrenching early retirement benefits. This study investigates how these developments have impacted on the situation of older workers and retirees in nine European societies and the USA. In particular, the book looks at how social inequalities in later life have developed in the light of recent pension reforms.This informative book will appeal to sociologists, demographers, political scientists and economists interested in many different aspects of research including: international comparative research, globalization, labor market, welfare state, social inequality and research on aging. Researchers in the field of retirement and globalization studies will also find this book helpful, as will academics in labor market research and comparative political studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities
This Handbook offers an unrivaled overview of current research into how globalization is affecting the external relations and internal structures of major cities in the world. By treating cities at a global scale, it focuses on the 'stretching' of urban functions beyond specific place locations, without losing sight of the multiple divisions in contemporary world cities. The book firmly bases city networks in their historical context, critically discusses contemporary concepts and key empirical measures, and analyzes major issues relating to world city infrastructures, economies, governance and divisions. The variety of urban outcomes in contemporary globalization is explored through detailed case studies. Edited by leading scholars of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network and written by over 60 experts in the field, the Handbook is a unique resource for students, researchers and academics in urban and globalization studies as well as for city professionals in planning and policy.Contributors: M. Acuto, A.S. Alderson, H. Ali, D. Bassens, H. Bathelt, J.V. Beaverstock, J. Beckfield, A. Boulton, S.D. Brunn, L.C.S. Budd, T. Bunnell, K. Datta, B. Derudder, A. De Vos, L. Devriendt, E. Engelen, Y. Evans, J. Faulconbridge, R. Grant, T.H. Grubesic, C. Grundy-Warr, S. Hall, C. Hamnett, J. Harrison, J. Herbert, M. Hoyler, P. Hubbard, R. Keil, A.D. King, R. Kloosterman, P. Knox, E. Korcelli-Olejniczak, K.P.Y. Lai, B. Lambregts, R.E. Lang, L. Lees, C. Lizieri, E.J. Malecki, T.C. Matisziw, J. May, C. McIlwaine, D. Murakami Wood, C. Nagel, P. Newman, C. Nicholas, J. Nijman, S. Oosterlynck, K. Pain, C. Parnreiter, A.C. Pratt, J. Rennie Short, J.D. Sidaway, D. Smith, R.G. Smith, M. Sparke, P.J. Taylor, A. Thornley, B. van der Knaap, H. van der Wusten, R. Wall, A. Watson, J. Wills, F. Witlox
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, Uncertainty and Men’s Careers: An International Comparison
Globalization, argue the contributors to this book, has remarkably accelerated social and economic change in modern societies. One such change is manifested in the world of work and careers. This book explores whether the forces of globalization affect the erosion of standard career patterns of mid-career men in twelve OECD countries. Overwhelming evidence against the 'individualization of inequality' thesis is provided - it is argued that equality remains largely stratified by factors such as occupational class and educational level, and in some countries has even grown over time.The contributors illustrate that globalization appears to have influenced the rise of 'patchwork' careers in countries where workers have been increasingly less protected by institutional configurations. These countries include Denmark, Mexico, The Netherlands, the UK and the US, as well as post-socialistic countries such as Hungary, Estonia and the Czech Republic. Interestingly, there is no evidence that men's careers have become more erratic in Italy, Spain, Sweden or Germany. Nation-specific institutions, such as welfare regimes, education and training systems and employment relations remain key factors impacting on job mobility patterns. Using empirical evidence to demonstrate how different policy approaches impact on the employment careers of individuals, this book will be invaluable to academics, students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers seeking to understand the effects of international social change on national contexts.
CABI Publishing Events Management
Event management studies are fast growing in popularity, covering a diverse range of activities such as music and film festivals, concerts, sporting events and conferences. This textbook gives a broad and practical coverage of the major themes in events. Outlining both the historical developments and current state of the industry, whilst also taking into account wider political and cultural issues, the book covers the different elements of planning, project management, health and safety, funding, operations, human resources, marketing and logistics that are vital for successful management. Critical issues such as impacts, sustainability and legacy of events are also discussed. Supported by international case studies and review questions, Events Management provides a current and up-to-date view of the industry in this field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration
Adeptly navigating one of the most pressing issues on the current global agenda, this topical Research Handbook provides a comprehensive and research-based exploration of the sociology of migration. As well as highlighting the field’s achievements and current challenges, it explores key concepts used in current research, methods employed, and the spheres and contexts in which migrants participate. Presenting an open and pluralistic approach to international migration, this Research Handbook offers a wealth of conceptual analysis, featuring insightful contributions from over 40 leading scholars. Split into three thematic sections, it expertly examines a wide range of theoretical terms, research methods and techniques, and provides an in-depth analysis of the significant work that has been carried out to date in relation to migration. It ultimately sheds light on important discussions surrounding the origins of the sociology of migration, considering not only past events, but also future directions of research for this ever-evolving field of study.Offering a unique and forward-thinking perspective, this authoritative Handbook will serve as a fundamental reference for students, scholars, and practitioners in the fields of sociology and social policy, development studies, and political science, as well as in the wider social sciences.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Intellectual Property Law: Vol 1: Theory Vol 2: Analytical Methods
Both law and economics and intellectual property law have expanded dramatically in tandem over recent decades. This field-defining two-volume Handbook, featuring the leading legal, empirical, and law and economics scholars studying intellectual property rights, provides wide-ranging and in-depth analysis both of the economic theory underpinning intellectual property law, and the use of analytical methods to study it. Volume 1 explores the the role that economic incentives play in promoting innovation and creativity. It also examines the analogy between intellectual property and tangible property, the economics of intellectual property institutions, and the interplay of intellectual property, development, and international trade. Volume 2 explores analytical methods used to study intellectual property law. The chapters survey data sources, the use of patent citation data, patent valuation, empirical studies of intellectual property modalities (patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secrets) and institutions, the impacts of technological change on technology and content industries, the use of experimental methods, economic history research, political economy, and knowledge commons research.
CABI Publishing Managing Hospitality Experiences
Managing hospitality experiences is a crucial part of the hospitality business and industry alike. While many textbooks cover the management of hospitality services, this text focuses specifically on experiences, while also providing a full and detailed insight into the ways in which experiences are designed and delivered. Using examples from the gamut of hospitality, this book explores issues around people, services and spaces. It covers management issues such as marketing, human resources, operations, quality management, facilities management, project management and strategy, while considering hospitality operations within their wider geo-social and geo-environmental settings. This book includes a range of important contemporary topics, such as sustainability, resilience and ethics; supported throughout by learning objectives, case studies, review questions, links to videos and further reading suggestions. This book: Emphasises experiences within hospitality, providing students with a focused and applicable text. Includes numerous international industry case studies to illustrate how hospitality organisations manage experiences; these real-life scenarios provide key teaching points. Provides wider theoretical principles to develop the field of hospitality and place it within an industry context. An invaluable read for undergraduate students of hospitality and event management, this textbook also provides an overview for postgraduate students and those studying further education courses in hospitality and related areas.
Profile Books Ltd To Walk Alone in the Crowd
Winner of the 2020 Prix Médicis etranger I want to live on foot, by hand, by pencil, at ease, responsive to whatever I meet, loose like the air that moves around my body as I walk or like a graceful swimming stroke. I want to remain astonished. Join Antonio Muñoz Molina for a walk through Madrid, Paris, London and New York, where the past and the present live side by side in the literature of newspaper headlines, billboards, casual glances and overheard conversation. This is the digital metropolis, captured in notebooks, recorded on the iPhone, where Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Charles Baudelaire, Thomas de Quincey, Fernando Pessoa and Walter Benjamin step beside us, all of us writing the unfinished poem of the crowded city.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International Perspective
Recognizing that social change over recent decades has strengthened the need for early childhood education and care, this book seeks to answer what role this plays in creating and compensating for social inequalities in educational attainment. Compiling 13 cross-national and multidisciplinary empirical studies on three interrelated topics, this book explores how families from different social backgrounds decide between types of childcare, how important parental care and resources at home are for children's educational success and the consequences of early education and care for children's diverging educational destinies. Analysing a currently neglected area in sociological research, expert contributors employ the most recent country-specific longitudinal datasets in order to provide an up-to-date portrayal of the patterns and mechanisms of early educational inequality. With its extended analytical window ranging from short- to long-term educational outcomes this book will undoubtedly appeal to students and scholars in the fields of childcare, education, and social inequality. It also contains important suggestions and evidence for practitioners and policymakers trying to combat inequality in educational opportunities.Contributors include: M. Attig, H.-P. Blossfeld, S. Blömeke, A. Breinholt, Y. Brilli, M. Broekhuizen, S. Buchholz, J. Dämmrich, E. Dearing, D. Del Boca, A.-Z. Duvander, J. Erola, G. Esping-Andersen, E.C. Frede, A. Karhula, E. Kilpi-Jakonen, Y. Kosyakova, N. Kulic, P. Leseman, F. McGinnity, P. McMullin, T. Moser, H. Mulder, A. Murray, D. Piazzalunga, C. Pronzato, H.-G. Roßbach, H. Russell, J. Skopek, P. Slot, W. Steven Barnett, M. Triventi, S. van Schaik, J. Verhagen, I. Viklund, S. Wahler, S. Weinert, G. Yastrebov, H.D. Zachrisson
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A New Model for Balanced Growth and Convergence: Achieving Economic Sustainability in CESEE Countries
This topical book addresses the need for emerging economies in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe to find a new, sustainable growth model that fosters continued convergence with the EU without leading to the build-up of new vulnerabilities.The expert contributions frame the discussion on balanced growth in Europe, deal with the legacy of the old growth model (such as managing disrupted capital flows and deleveraging), and provide insights from the growth strategies of Russia and Turkey as well as the adjustment process of successful small CESEE countries. They focus on providing a multi-disciplinary assessment, combining the views of policy-makers and academics with those of central and commercial bankers.This book will prove a thought-provoking read for academics, researchers and students in the fields of economics - particularly international economics - and finance, money and banking. Policy-makers and economists interested in European integration and emerging European economies will also find this book to be an invaluable resource.Contributors: A.F. Aysan, G. Bisagni, D. Bogov, M. Dabrowski, M. Ferrazzi, A. Filardo, M. Gächter, L. Gattini, M.H. Güler, A. Hansson, S. Honkapohja, R. Jela i , K. Knot, I. Korhonen, A. Krstevska, E. Liikanen, E. Nowotny, C. Orman, E. Plato, P. Pumberger, M. Randveer, D. Revoltella, A. Riedl, D. Ritzberger-Grünwald, K. Sonin, E. Tuomi, S. Verkaart
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Integration in a Global Economy: CESEE and the Impact of China and Russia
This important book discusses European integration in a global economic setting, investigating the impact of China and Russia as emerging global players in the catching-up process in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The expert contributors focus on global imbalances and accompanying policy challenges, competitiveness and trade, the sustainability of current growth strategies, and banking and financial stability in the light of the global economic and financial crisis. They provide a multi-disciplinary assessment, combining the views of high-ranking central bankers, policymakers, commercial bankers and academics, and demonstrate that a broad view of European economic integration is crucial given that spillovers and contagion were major issues of the recent economic crisis. This book will prove an illuminating read for academics, researchers, students and policymakers with an interest in international economics, money, finance and banking and European studies. Contributors: S. Aleksashenko, A. Aslund, M.D. Chinn, A. Csermely, L. Everaert, P. Harasztosi, W.J. Kooi, I. Korhonen, E. Liikanen, G.M. Milesi-Ferretti, P. Mooslechner, C. Moser, F. Moss, E. Nowotny, G.F. Papa, G. Pellenyi, D. Ritzberger-Grunwald, A.K. Rose, C. Schitter, G. Schnabl, J.-L. Schneider, A. Scott, M. Silgoner, D. Soskic, K. Steiner, L. Stemitsiotis, A. Tanku, M. Taube, J. Worz, H. Zemanek, M. Zhu
CABI Publishing Research Themes for Tourism
Tourism studies at Masters level are often divided into subsets of tourism such as environmental tourism, rural tourism and sports tourism. Now available in paperback, this textbook provides an overview of types of tourism, and common themes studied in courses to allow undergraduate students to become familiar with a wide range of tourism topics at a foundation level, allowing them to make an informed decision about their future studies and career. It will also be a useful text for providing a broad brush introduction to the major topics that are covered in undergraduate courses. Popular subjects like urban tourism, festivals and events and heritage and cultural tourism are covered.
PM Press Romantic Rationalist
Bristol University Press Guerrilla Democracy: Mobile Power and Revolution in the 21st Century
The liberating promise of big data and social media to create more responsive democracies and workplaces is overshadowed by a nightmare of election meddling, privacy invasion, fake news and an exploitative gig economy. Yet, while regressive forces spread disinformation and hate, 'guerrilla democrats' continue to foster hope and connection through digital technologies. This book offers an in-depth analysis of platform-based radical movements, from the online coalitions of voters and activists to the Deliveroo and Uber strikes. Combining cutting edge theories with empirical research, it makes an invaluable contribution to the emerging literature on the relationship between technology and society.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Populism in the Civil Sphere
Even as the specter of populism haunts contemporary societies, scholars have not been able to agree about what it is. Except for one thing: a deviation from democracy, the source, it seems, of the precarious position in which so many societies find themselves today. This volume aims to break the Gordian knot of “populism” by bringing a new social theory to bear and, in so doing so, suggesting that normative judgments about this misunderstood phenomenon need to be reconsidered as well. Populism is not a democratic deviation but a naturally occurring dimension of civil sphere dynamics, fatal to democracy only at the extremes. Because populism is highly polarizing, it has the effect of inducing anxiety that civil solidarity is breaking apart. Left populists feel as if civil solidarity is an illusion, that democratic discourse is a fig leaf for private interests, and that the social and cultural differentiation that vouchsafes the independence of the civil sphere merely reflects the hegemony of narrow professional interests or those of a ruling class. Right populists share the same distrust, even repulsion, for the civil sphere. What seems civil to the center and left, like affirmative action or open immigration, they call out as particularistic; honored civil icons, such as Holocaust memorials, they trash. How can the sense of a vital civil center survive such censure from populism on the left and the right? Populism in the Civil Sphere provides compelling answers to these fundamental questions. Its contributions are both sophisticated theoretical interventions and deeply researched empirical studies, and it will be of great interest to anyone concerned about the most important political developments of our time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Populism in the Civil Sphere
Even as the specter of populism haunts contemporary societies, scholars have not been able to agree about what it is. Except for one thing: a deviation from democracy, the source, it seems, of the precarious position in which so many societies find themselves today. This volume aims to break the Gordian knot of “populism” by bringing a new social theory to bear and, in so doing so, suggesting that normative judgments about this misunderstood phenomenon need to be reconsidered as well. Populism is not a democratic deviation but a naturally occurring dimension of civil sphere dynamics, fatal to democracy only at the extremes. Because populism is highly polarizing, it has the effect of inducing anxiety that civil solidarity is breaking apart. Left populists feel as if civil solidarity is an illusion, that democratic discourse is a fig leaf for private interests, and that the social and cultural differentiation that vouchsafes the independence of the civil sphere merely reflects the hegemony of narrow professional interests or those of a ruling class. Right populists share the same distrust, even repulsion, for the civil sphere. What seems civil to the center and left, like affirmative action or open immigration, they call out as particularistic; honored civil icons, such as Holocaust memorials, they trash. How can the sense of a vital civil center survive such censure from populism on the left and the right? Populism in the Civil Sphere provides compelling answers to these fundamental questions. Its contributions are both sophisticated theoretical interventions and deeply researched empirical studies, and it will be of great interest to anyone concerned about the most important political developments of our time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manet: A Symbolic Revolution
What is a 'symbolic revolution'? What happens when a symbolic revolutions occurs, how can it succeed and prevail and why is it so difficult to understand? Using the exemplary case of Édouard Manet, Pierre Bourdieu began to ponder these questions as early as the 1980s, before making it the focus of his lectures in his last years at the Collége de France. This second volume of Bourdieu's previously unpublished lectures provides his most sustained contribution to the sociology of art and the analysis of cultural fields. It is also a major contribution to our understanding of impressionism and the works of Manet. Bourdieu treats the paintings of Manet as so many challenges to the conservative academicism of the pompier painters, the populism of the Realists, the commercial eclecticism of genre painting, and even the 'Impressionists', showing that such a revolution is inseparable from the conditions that allow fields of cultural production to emerge. At a time when the Academy was in crisis and when the increase in the number of painters challenged the role of the state in defining artistic value, the break that Manet inaugurated revolutionised the aesthetic order. The new vision of the world that emerged from this upheaval still shapes our categories of perception and judgement today - the very categories that we use everday to understand the representations of the world and the world itself. This major work by one of the greatest sociologists of the last 50 years will be of great interest to students and scholars in sociology, art history and the social sciences and humanities generally. It will also appeal to a wide readership interested in art, in impressionism and in the works of Manet.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Suki, Alone
Edinburgh University Press Scottish Arbitration Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC F9F Panther vs Communist AAA: Korea 1950–53
A detailed look at the deadly battle between US Navy F9F Panther jet fighter-bombers and communist anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) defenses that proliferated throughout the Korean War. The F9F Panther was one of the many fighters converted for ground-attack duties, following an established US tradition. Originally designed as a jet fighter, in April 1951 it became the first jet to launch from a carrier with bombs loaded, using them to destroy a crucial railway bridge at Songjin. The Panther’s four 20 mm guns were considered to be very effective for flak suppression and these aircraft were used as escorts for propeller-driven AD Skyraider and F4U Corsair attack aircraft. However, later in 1951, flak damage to Panthers increased as the Chinese established better AAA weapons to defend key transport routes. The communist AAA crews had heavy guns of 37 mm caliber and above. Gunners could use optical height finders, predictors and in many cases radar control. They learned to conceal their weapons in civilian buildings, use wires to bring aircraft down, and set up false targets as "flak traps." Both opponents’ tactics and gunnery are explored in depth in this study of the F9F Panthers and of their adversaries. Containing full-color illustrations including cockpit scenes and armament views, this innovative volume also includes a detailed analysis of the US Navy Panthers’ loss rates and their causes.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC B-52 Stratofortress vs SA-2 "Guideline" SAM: Vietnam 1972–73
Ever since its introduction in the late 1950s, the B-52 Stratofortress has been the United States’ primary heavy bomber and a powerful symbol of its immense military might. Its powerful electronic countermeasures equipment (ECM) was thought to make the B-52 immune to ground-to-air missile attack, but in Vietnam, and later conflicts such as Operation Desert Storm in 1991, it came up against the Soviet-designed SA-2 SAM which used heavy salvoes of missiles to bring down the bombers. The losses of several of its most feared, powerful and supposedly invincible bombers per night to a torrent of Soviet missiles during the closing stages of the Vietnam War was sobering to Americans, but the B-52s’ crushing attacks virtually eliminated North Vietnam’s defences and forced a peace settlement. This fascinating book analyses the roles of the SA-2 operators and the B-52 Electronic Warfare Officers (EWOs) using specially commissioned artwork as well as first-hand accounts, and traces the cat-and-mouse tactics that each side employed.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Many Futures of Work: Rethinking Expectations and Breaking Molds
What will work eventually look like? This is the question at the heart of this timely collection. The editors and contributors—a mix of policy experts, academics, and advocates—seek to reframe the typical projections of the “future” of work. They examine the impact of structural racism on work, the loss of family‑sustaining jobs, the new role of gig work, growing economic inequality, barriers to rewarding employment such as age, gender, disability, and immigration status, and the business policies driving these ongoing challenges. Together the essays present varied and practical insights into both U.S. and global trends, discuss the role of labor activism in furthering economic justice, and examine progressive strategies to improve the experience of work, wages, and the lives of workers. The Many Futures of Work offers a range of viable policies and practices that can promote rewarding employment and steer our course away from low-wage, unstable jobs toward jobs that lead to equitable prosperity and economic inclusion.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Many Futures of Work: Rethinking Expectations and Breaking Molds
What will work eventually look like? This is the question at the heart of this timely collection. The editors and contributors—a mix of policy experts, academics, and advocates—seek to reframe the typical projections of the “future” of work. They examine the impact of structural racism on work, the loss of family‑sustaining jobs, the new role of gig work, growing economic inequality, barriers to rewarding employment such as age, gender, disability, and immigration status, and the business policies driving these ongoing challenges. Together the essays present varied and practical insights into both U.S. and global trends, discuss the role of labor activism in furthering economic justice, and examine progressive strategies to improve the experience of work, wages, and the lives of workers. The Many Futures of Work offers a range of viable policies and practices that can promote rewarding employment and steer our course away from low-wage, unstable jobs toward jobs that lead to equitable prosperity and economic inclusion.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Encyclopedia of the Novel
Now available in a single volume paperback, this advanced reference resource for the novel and novel theory offers authoritative accounts of the history, terminology, and genre of the novel, in over 140 articles of 500-7,000 words. Entries explore the history and tradition of the novel in different areas of the world; formal elements of the novel (story, plot, character, narrator); technical aspects of the genre (such as realism, narrative structure and style); subgenres, including the bildungsroman and the graphic novel; theoretical problems, such as definitions of the novel; book history; and the novel's relationship to other arts and disciplines. The Encyclopedia is arranged in A-Z format and features entries from an international cast of over 140 scholars, overseen by an advisory board of 37 leading specialists in the field, making this the most authoritative reference resource available on the novel. This essential reference, now available in an easy-to-use, fully indexed single volume paperback, will be a vital addition to the libraries of literature students and scholars everywhere.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Drug Treatment in Urology
A working guide to the use of drugs in the treatment of urological disease The content is arranged so that the busy urologist can go quickly and easily to the relevant section Coverage of treatment is evidence-based It is the only current book on drug treatment in urology Great strides have been made in the understanding of the scientific basis of urological conditions and this has allowed the development of drugs for a wide variety of urological disorders. This book provides urologists with a working guide to the rapidly growing armoury of drugs available to them.
Marvel Comics What If?: Into The Multiverse Omnibus Vol. 1
John Wiley & Sons Inc Liquid Crystal Displays: Addressing Schemes and Electro-Optical Effects
LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYS THE NEW EDITION OF THE GOLD-STANDARD IN TEACHING AND REFERENCING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LCD TECHNOLOGIES This book presents an up-to-date view of modern LCD technology. Offering balanced coverage of all major aspects of the field, this comprehensive volume provides the theoretical and practical information required for the development and manufacture of high-performance, energy-efficient LCDs. The third edition incorporates new technologies and applications throughout. Several brand-new chapters discuss topics such as the application of Oxide TFTs and high mobility circuits, high-mobility TFT-semiconductors in LCD addressing, liquid crystal displays in automotive instrument clusters and touch-screen systems, and the use of ultra-high-resolution LCD panels in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) displays. This practical reference and guide: Provides a complete account of commercially relevant LCD technologies, including their physics, mathematical descriptions, and electronic addressing Features extensively revised and expanded information, including more than 150 pages of new material Includes the addition of Oxide Transistors and their increased mobilities, the advances of fringe field switching and an overview of automotive displays Presents quantitative results with full equation sets, their derivation, and tabular summaries of related information sets