Search results for ""author peter prinz"
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Das Grundgesetz. Dokumentation Seiner Entstehung / Band 12: Artikel 38 Absatz 3. Teilband II
Harrassowitz Tall Bi'a /Tuttul: Der Palast a
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Hier Stehe Ich Und Kann Nicht Anders!: Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Und Die Musik
Theologischer Verlag Orte Der Reformation: Zurich
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Autorität im Spannungsfeld von Bildung und Religion
Autorität und Autoritäten spielen für Bildung und Religion eine wichtige Rolle - besonders wenn zwischen beiden eine Spannung, ja Konkurrenz besteht. In Kulturen des Mittelmeerraums und seiner Umwelt wird dieses Verhältnis unter verschiedenen Vorzeichen thematisch: Autoritätskonstruktionen tragen zur Durchsetzung von Wahrheitsansprüchen und zur Speicherung, Tradierung und Vermittlung von religiösem und Bildungswissen bei. Dabei kommen unterschiedliche Medien - Texte, Riten, Traditionen - ins Spiel. Spannungsverhältnisse zwischen Bildung und Religion schlagen sich in Leitdiskursen nieder, die wiederum Aufschlüsse über die innere Dynamik vormoderner Gesellschaften erlauben. Die Leitfrage dieses Bandes lautet entsprechend: Wie verhalten sich Prozesse der Zuschreibung, Fixierung und Usurpation von Autorität im Spannungsfeld von Bildung und Religion in antiken und mittelalterlichen Kulturen?
Green Writers Press The Coconut Crab
A chapter book for advanced readers set in a chain of tropical islands . . .This story charts the intertwining friendships of a crab, a goat, a bird, and a gecko. Along the way, there are the usual challenges of our eat-or-be-eaten world. The perils of timidity, confusion, and self-doubt. The enticements of vanity and routine. The rewards of fearless generosity and genuine trust.
Arcade Publishing The Inferno: A New Verse Translation
August House Publishers A Natural Man: The True Story of John Henry
World Wisdom Books A Treasury of Sufi Wisdom: The Path of Unity
At the very heart of Islam lies the spiritual way of Sufism. Far removed from the negative portrayal of Islam in the headlines, Sufism is rooted in the harmonious qualities of peace, love, beauty, and wisdom. Its primary focus is to return human beings to unity with God. This select treasury of Sufi wisdom includes nearly 400 short sayings from as many as 100 of the greatest Sufi saints and sages in history, covering a vast span of 1,400 years. It includes notable sayings from well-known figures such as Rabiah, al-Hallaj, Junayd, al-Ghazali, Ibn al-Farid, Ibn Arabi, Rumi, and Ahmad al-Alawi. Also featured are over 150 verses from the Koran and the Hadith (Prophetic sayings), which form the foundational sources of this esoteric form of Islam. Whether expressing itself in pithy paradoxical aphorisms, extended intellectual instruction, or rapturous mystical poetry, this compendium of Sufi wisdom will illuminate the spiritual traveler's way of return to God.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Stink y el Gran Expreso del Cobaya/ Stink and The Great Guinea Pig Express
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Judy Moody y un verano que promete / Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
Pitchstone Publishing How to Defend the Christian Faith: Advice from an Atheist
The first book on Christian apologetics written by a leading atheist figure that teaches Christians the best and worst arguments for defending their faith against attack The Christian faith has been vigorously defended with a variety of philosophical, historical, and theological arguments, but many of the arguments used in an earlier age no longer resonate in today’s educated West. Where has apologetics gone wrong? What is the best response to the growing challenge presented by scientific discovery and naturalistic thought? Unlike every work on Christian apologetics that has come before, How to Defend the Christian Faith is the first one written by an atheist for Christians. As a former Christian defender who is now a leading atheist thinker, John Loftus answers these questions and more. He tells would-be apologists how to train properly, where to study, what to study, what issues they should concern themselves with, and how poorly the professors who currently train them practice their craft. In the process, he shows readers why Christian apologists have failed to reach the intelligent nonbeliever. For those Christian apologists who think this book will provide a secret formula to convert the nonbelieving masses, be warned: as an exposÉ of the present state of Christian aplogetics, it can just as easily be used by atheists to refute apologetic arguments. Thus, this book presents both an opportunity and a challenge to Christians: they must either change how apologetics is done, or quit doing apologetics altogether.
Skyhorse Publishing Do-It-Yourself Projects for Bowhunters
Do-It-Yourself Projects for Bowhunters is a detailed reference book including dozens of useful woodworking, antler, bone, and hide projects that are practical for camp and home. This guide also features articles, diagrams, and illustrations on field dressing, skinning, and quartering deer as well as information on planting successful food plots to attract game to your property. Among the many projects included are instructions for making antler knife handles, an archery workbench, game poles, tree stands, storage sheds, an archer’s bookcase, bow and arrow practice holders, bow and arrow wall racks, a bowhunter’s storage box, and more. Expand your hunting knowledge with complete steps to field dress a deer, quickly remove the hide of a deer, and quarter a deer.Projects include: Arrowhead Game Plaque Archer’s Picture Frame Premier Tree Stand Boot Storage Bench Paper Tuning Stand Reusable Practice Target And more! This is the ultimate D-I-Y project book for any avid bowhunter or archer.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Go Figure! New Perspectives On Guston
North Atlantic Books,U.S. The Children of Raquette Lake: One Summer That Helped Change the Course of Treatment for Autism
Hatherleigh Press,U.S. The Body Sculpting Bible Swimsuit Workout: Men's Edition
Candlewick Press,U.S. Stink: Superhero Superfan
Candlewick Press,U.S. Stink and the Attack of the Slime Mold
Candlewick Press,U.S. Judy Moody and the Right Royal Tea Party
Candlewick Press,U.S. Judy Moody, Mood Martian
Skyhorse Publishing The Whitetail Hunter's Almanac: More Than 800 Tips and Tactics to Help You Get a Deer This Season
To take the most impressive whitetail bucks, and to bring them in consistently, a hunter has to know his weapons, the woods and, most of all, his quarry. Now, with The Whitetail Hunter’s Almanac at your side, you too can hunt with the strategies and practical wisdom that master hunter John Weiss has learned during his thirty-plus years on the field. Drawing on years of insider research, data studies, and personal experience, Weiss reveals the never-fail methods to making your shots count.Weiss’s expert whitetail hunting secrets include: Little-known facts about whitetails The perfect places to set up blinds and stands Effective ways to use deer scents How to disappear with camouflage Hunting with a rifle, shotgun, or bow And much more!With careful instructions and more than two hundred photographs to bring the hunt to you, The Whitetail Hunter’s Almanac is the must-have reference to make you a more efficient tracker, woodsman, and consistently successful whitetail hunter. If you love the thrill of outwitting a big buck, The Whitetail Hunter’s Almanac is the guide for you!
Alfred Music Scenes from the Nutcracker: Conductor Score
Alfred Music Scenes from the Nutcracker: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music A New Orleans Nutcracker Suite: I. Overture II. Dirge for a Sugar Plum Fairy III. Tremé Trepak, Conductor Score
Alfred Music Secret Agent Sugar Plum: Conductor Score
Hal Leonard Corporation Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Women Practicing Buddhism: American Experiences
Rizzoli International Publications Piero Manzoni: Life of the Artist
Immediately upon his death in 1963 at the age of thirty, Piero Manzoni s reputation as a provocateur and wild child preceded him, with his most subversive work, Artist s Shit, 1961, elevating him to cult status. But what actually came before, and lay behind those thirty grams of pure artistic output? Flaminio Gualdoni sets out to explore exactly that in this biography that traces the guiding themes of Manzoni s works, lending order to a jumble of hitherto fragmented materials and setting aside any apocryphal hypotheses.
HarperCollins Focus Stress-Free Discipline: Simple Strategies for Handling Common Behavior Problems
Hal Leonard Corporation The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: Piano, Four Hands
Candlewick Press,U.S. Judy Moody and the Bucket List
Candlewick Press,U.S. Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
Rowman & Littlefield Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy
This new book reflects Derrida's latest views on the role of education and international organizations in an era of globalization. In this book, Derrida develops a notion of the global citizen that is uniquely post-Kantian. He looks especially at the changing role of UNESCO and similar organizations at a time when individual and national identities, knowledge and commerce, and human rights all are brought to world attention in new ways than they have been in the past. Following Derrida's writings on these issues, prominent scholars engage in a dialogue with him on his approach to understanding the ethics of international institutions and education today.
Oxford University Press Armstrong's Materialist Theory of Mind
A Materialist Theory of Mind (1968) by David Armstrong is one of a handful of texts that began the physicalist revolution in the philosophy of mind. It is perhaps the most influential book in the field of the second half of the twentieth century. In this volume a distinguished international team of philosophers examine what we still owe to Armstrong's theory, and how to expand it, as well as looking back on how it came about. The first four chapters are historical in orientation, exploring how the book fits into the history of materialism in the twentieth century. The chapters that follow discuss perception, belief, the supposed explanatory gap between the physical and the mental, introspection, conation, causality, and functionalism.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Animal Liberation Now: The Definitive Classic Renewed
JOVIS Verlag Die immer Neue Altstadt / Forever New: Frankfurt’s Old Town: Bauen zwischen Dom und Römer seit 1900 / Building between Dom and Römer since 1900
Die Frankfurter Altstadt zwischen Dom und Römer weist wie kein anderes Areal der Stadt eine spannungsreiche und politisch hoch aufgeladene Baugeschichte auf: Angefangen mit dem Einzug der Moderne, als die neuen Verkehrsmittel Straßendurchbrüche durch die kleinteilige Bebauung der Altstadt erforderten, dem Siedlungsbau zur Zeit des Neuen Frankfurt bis zur nahezu vollständigen Zerstörung im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die modernen Wiederaufbauplanungen in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren waren geprägt von Auseinandersetzungen darüber, ob die Architektur rekonstruiert oder modern wiederaufgebaut werden solle. In den 1970er Jahren baute Frankfurt auf dem Römerberg das Technische Rathaus und das Historische Museum im Stil des Brutalismus, in den 1980er Jahren folgten postmoderne Bauten und Rekonstruktionen. Seit 2013 werden nach dem Abriss des Technischen Rathauses weitere große Teile der historischen Altstadt neu errichtet. Dieses Buch erzählt die städtebaulichen Entwicklungen der Frankfurter Altstadt anhand exemplarischer Bauten und Bauprojekte. Dabei ermöglichen Blicke auf vergleichbare städtebauliche Entwicklungen in Deutschland und Europa eine Einordnung der spezifischen Frankfurter Situation. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Debatte um das Für und Wider von Altstadtrekonstruktionen sowie deren Instrumentalisierung für Identität und Tradition.
Koehlers Verlagsgsellschaft Quieter, Deeper, Faster: Innovations in German Submarine Construction
Birkhauser Jean Prouvé – Œuvre complète / Complete Works: Volume 3: 1944–1954
Norman Foster and Renzo Piano invoke his name. For many architects he is a landmark - Jean Prouvé, creator of the metal curtain wall, pioneer in its application and early initiator of industrialised building techniques. His unfailing ability to combine functional engineering achievements with artistic sensitivity commands recognition. The period covered in this latest volume is significant in many respects. The post-war years placed enormous demands on housing and school construction. In his Maxéville factory Prouvé developed pre-fabricated housing, facade panelling, light filtering and other systems on a large scale. He was inspired by the works of the automobile and aeronautics industry, developing new applications for aluminium, which he presented in the 1954 Aluminium Centenary Pavilion. Moreover, Prouvé s furnitures of this period have become valuable collectors items, some of which are now being reissued under licence.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Burgerliches Gesetzbuch: Rom-Verordnungen - Euguvo - Eupartvo - Hup - Euerbvo: Band 6
Books on Demand Blut-Rosen: Sozial-politische Gedichte
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Chemie für Biologen
Dieses Lehrbuch bietet den Studierenden der Biologie alle Lerninhalte des Grundstudiums für das Fach Chemie. Es vermittelt den Lesern chemische Grundbegriffe und Grundreaktionen, die für das Verständnis der Biochemie, auf die besonders die neuen Biologie-Studiengänge ausgerichtet sind, unerlässlich sind. Leicht können einzelne Themenblöcke unabhängig voneinander gelernt werden. Darüber hinaus werden vor allem Biologie-relevante Bereiche vertieft, z.B. in einem eigenen Kapitel die verschiedenen Klassen von Naturstoffen, ihr Vorkommen und ihre "typische Chemie". In der vierten Auflage ist der organische Teil ausgebaut und die Struktur des gesamten Buches wurde übersichtlicher gestaltet.
Brill U Schoningh Deserteure Der Wehrmacht Und Der Waffen-SS: Entziehungsformen, Solidaritat, Verfolgung
Aschendorff Verlag Starkes Munsterland
Springer International Publishing AG Rhinoplasty: An Anatomical and Clinical Atlas
In this atlas, sequential anatomical dissections are presented which show each component of the nose in unprecedented meticulous detail. Anatomical photographs are often paired with anatomical drawings and even intraoperative clinical photographs to illustrate each part of the nose. Rhinoplasty: An Anatomical and Clinical Atlas, provides an in-depth understanding of nasal anatomy and a wide variety of operative techniques. In rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon must understand the tight linkage between surface aesthetics, underlying anatomy, and selection of operative techniques. The underlying anatomy is only revealed to a limited degree at the time of surgery and the surgeon must then adapt the operative plan to fit the actual anatomy observed in the operating room to achieve the patient’s desired aesthetic result. Ultimately, the goal of this atlas is to allow the surgeon to see the operative techniques in both cadavers and clinical cases which represents the best possible learning approach.
Kohlhammer Kritische Lebensereignisse Und Lebenskrisen: Vom Umgang Mit Den Schattenseiten Des Lebens
Kohlhammer Das Adoleszente Gehirn