Search results for ""pearson education""
Pearson Education Rapid Maths Pupil Book Pack Level 2
Rapid Maths offers personalised learning support and repeated practise through books and software to help low-attaining children catch up in maths. Founded on proven teaching strategies and written by expert author Rose Griffiths, the vibrant design and accessible reading levels are perfect for less-confident learners. The Independent Practice Software puts children in control of their learning. Fun interactive games build confidence and make learning key maths fundamentals engaging. Motivating comic-style Pupil Books and colourful Home Maths Books to help children continue learning at home with their parents. Supportive Teaching Guides with details on group sessions, planning and assessment.
Pearson Education Rapid Stage 3 Reader Set Series 1
Pearson Education Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics Mechanics 5 M5
Pearson Education Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics Mechanics 4 M4
Pearson Education Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics Core Mathematics 3 C3
Pearson Education AQA GCSE Media Studies Student Book with ActiveBook CDROM
The AQA GCSE Media Studies Student Book is written by an experienced and popular author team, including the Chief Examiner, and has a strong focus on assessment preparation to help students achieve their best results in AQA GCSE Media Studies. Tailored to the new AQA specification you will find invaluable Controlled Assessment and External Assessment advice and practice written to help students get the best grades. Extensive multimedia content that will appeal to different learning styles provides support for every student, and Grade Studio provides grade-focused guidance and activities that show students how to improve their answers.
Pearson Education Atouts AQA AS French Student Book and CDROM
Pearson Education Echo 1 Workbook A 8pk New Edition
Echo 1 Workbook A (reinforcement) supports less able pupils with practice and consolidation through a wide variety of activity types. Differentiated workbooks for each year contain extra reading, writing activities with vocabulary lists at the end of each module - perfect for homework or coverwork and help pupils learn new words.
Pearson Education Literacy World Comets St 3 Novel Tupilak
Pearson Education Bug Club Comprehension Y6 Magazine 12pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Comprehension Y5 Term 3 Pupil Workbook 16pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Comprehension Y3 Term 2 Pupil Workbook Half Class Pack 16
Pearson Education Bug Club Comprehension Y4 Daring Deeds 12 pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Comprehension Y3 Escape from Black Mountain 12 pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Yellow B Pippas Pets Scaredy Cat 6pack
Pearson Education New Heinemann Maths Yr3 Activity Book 8 Pack
NHM Year 3 Activity Book: Has built-in assessment. Provides a structured development of each separate topic. Uses language at an appropriate reading level. Places maths in a variety of contexts. Provides a range of problem-solving activities. Reinforces and extends your pupil’s fluency in number facts and mental calculation strategies.
Pearson Education SHM Delivering the Curriculum for Excellence First Teacher Book
Designed to help you embed a more active approach to learning and develop children’s mathematical thinking skills within relevant contexts, the guides help ensure your classroom is a Curriculum for Excellence classroom by: Making it happen: Planning support and matching charts aligned to the finalized experiences and outcomes Sharing practice: CD-ROM shows video clips of good practice Developing thinking skills: New problem-solving activities. The Delivering the Curriculum for Excellence Guides are available as part of the Complete Reference Packs, or to buy separately.
Pearson Education Scottish Heinemann Maths 1 Number to 10 Activity Book 8 Pack
Pearson Education New Heinemann Maths Yr1 Measure and Data Handling Activity Book 8 Pack
NHM Year 1 Activity Books: Have built-in assessment. Provide a structured development of each separate topic. Use language at an appropriate reading level. Place maths in a variety of contexts. Lead more able children through a range of problem-solving activities.
Pearson Education New Heinemann Maths Yr2 Activity Book Easy Buy Pack
Pearson Education Rapid Series 1 Starter Pack
Part of the Rapid Reading series, created to help children catch up. Rapid Reading is the UK's most comprehensive reading intervention programme. The books and unique speech-recognition software are guaranteed to motivate children with SEN and struggling readers at Key Stage 2 (1st/2nd Level).
Pearson Education Bug Club Turquoise A1A Goldilocks and the Porridge Problem 6pack
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme that joins books with an online reading world to teach today's children to read. Turquoise-A level: Goldilocks and the Porridge Problem ... The three bears are coming to tea. But Goldilocks is having problems making the perfect porridge. She has oats, milk ... what else does she need.
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionYr2P1P3 Stages 1omplete Card Pack 304
Pearson Education Storyworlds Yr1P2 Stage 6 Fantasy World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds YR1P2 Stage 5 Stories Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Yr1P2 Stage 5 Fantasy World Workbook 8 pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Yr1P2 Stage 4 Easy Order Workbook Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Yr1P2 Stage 5 Our World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionP1 Stage 3 Our World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionP1 Stage 3 Our World Stories 4 Pack
Part of the "Storyworlds" series, this pack contains the four Stage Three "Our World" stories about children's experiences at home and school. The stories are "The Lost Coat", "The Empty Lunchbox", "The Robots" and "The See-Saw." Each stage of "Storyworlds" provides a carefully structured introduction of words and language. The different worlds ensure that these are introduced and practised in a variety of contexts. Stage Three, like Stage Two, offers the "springboard approach" - developing the role of the young child as an independent reader, whilst retaining some support offered by the experienced reader. Twenty-two new key words are introduced. The opening page of each story provides simple text for the teacher or older child to read. The child then reads the rest of the story. The repetitive language allows for the confident development of word-recognition skills.
Pearson Education Literacy Edition Storyworlds Stage 2 Fantasy World Stories 4 Pack
Part of the "Storyworlds" series, this pack contains the four "Fantasy World" Stage Two stories, about fantasy characters. The stories are "The Birthday Party", "Monty at the Seaside", "Monty at McBurgers" and "The Ghost Train". Each stage of "Storyworlds" provides a carefully structured introduction of words and language. The different worlds ensure that these are introduced and practised in a variety of contexts. Stage Two offers the "springboard approach" - developing the role of the young child as an independent reader, whilst retaining some support offered by the experienced reader. Twenty-two new key words are introduced. The opening page of each story provides simple text for the teacher or older child to read. The child then reads the rest of the story. The repetitive language allows for the confident development of word-recognition skills.
Pearson Education Bug Club Guided Non Fiction Year Two Lime A Rocky and the Wolf Club
This book follows a TV reporter and cameraman as they cover the eruption of Mount St Helens in north-west America in 1980. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age 6-7 (Year 2) Book band: Lime A Phonics phase: 6
Pearson Education Pearson Baccalaureate Standard Level Mathematics Revised 2012 print and ebook bundle for the IB Diploma
Pearson Education Rapid Plus Stage 9 Easy Buy Pack
Pearson Education Heinemann Maths 1 Measure Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Rigby Star Guided Year 2P3 Turquoise Level Guided Reader Set
Part of Rigby Star Guided series this is the only programme built specifically for guided reading. Its rich, multi-layered stories and non-fiction texts by top quality authors and illustrators are guarantreed to captivate children and facilitate discussion.
Pearson Education Bug Club Nonfiction Green B1B A Vets Day 6pack
This title is part of Pearson’s Bug Club - the first whole-school reading programme that joins books and an online reading world to teach today’s children to read. In this book: Sam is a vet. Come and spend the day with her! This title is suitable for ages 5-6 (Green level)
Pearson Education Bug Club Nonfiction Red B KS1 Be a Pirate 6 pack
Pearson Education Phonetics
Pearson Education Audio CD Package for Fundamentals of Phonetics
Introduce students to the fundamentals of linguistic phonetics, designed to help students become proficient in phonetics and phonetic transcription. This clear, systematic, easy-to-understand text provides speech and hearing students with a thorough understanding of phonetics principles through practice. Fundamentals of Phonetics uses in-text exercises and supplemental audio recordings to teach the practical skills necessary to successfully perform phonetic transcription of individuals using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Students learn about the transcription of consonants and vowels, connected speech, and individuals with speech sound disorders. A chapter on speech acoustics introduces spectrograms and the acoustic characteristics of speech sounds. Students also learn how to transcribe individuals who display regional and ethnic dialectal variation of speech, including those who have learned to speak English as
Pearson Education Big Fun 2 Student Book with CDROM
Pearson Education Pearson REVISE Edexcel ASA Level Biology Revision Guide incl. online revision 2025 and 2026 exams
Pearson Education REVISE Edexcel ASA Level Chemistry Revision Guide
Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: A levelSubject: Science / ChemistryFirst teaching: September 2015First exams: June 2017 Revise smart and save!Designed for hassle-free classroom and independent study, our Revision Guides are designed to complement the Student Books with a range of specially designed features such as: One-topic-per-page format Worked examples with exemplar answers 'Now Try This' practice questions Knowledge checks and skills checks Includes FREE online edition! With a one-to-one page correspondence between this Revision Guide and the companion Edexcel AS/A level Chemistry Revision Workbook, the hugely popular REVISE series offers the best value available for A level students.
Pearson Education Edexcel ASA Level History Paper 12 Revolutions in early modern and modern Europe Student Book ActiveBook
Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: A levelSubject: HistoryFirst teaching: September 2015First exams: June 2017 This book: covers the essential content in the new specifications in a rigorous and engaging way, using detailed narrative, sources, timelines, key words, helpful activities and extension material helps develop conceptual understanding of areas such as evidence, interpretations, causation and change, through targeted activities provides assessment support for both AS and A level with sample answers, sources, practice questions and guidance to help you tackle the new-style exam questions. It also comes with three years' access to ActiveBook, an online, digital version of your textbook to help you personalise your learning as you go through the course - perfect for revision
Pearson Education Level 3 The Cellist of Sarajevo Book and MP3 Pack