Search results for ""little, brown""
Little, Brown & Company Kakegurui Twin, Vol. 12
The Full-Bloom Society is disbanded, and Aoi leaves the academy. It seems like everything is returning to normal‚Ä2;except Mary still feels like something isn't quite right. Indeed, something strange appears in the academy, and visitors from the middle school begin wreaking havoc. How will Mary deal with this new turn of fate?
Little, Brown & Company Dead Mount Death Play, Vol. 8
Polka greets the enigmatic visitor, Civil, whose soul is unlike any he’s ever seen. Facedwith an overwhelming sense of death and madness, Polka is startled at the vestiges ofthe other world that he can sense. Meanwhile, Solitaire and the Bug team up touncover the Bastard Children of Sabaramond, but the magician’s strategy is ratherunconventional...
Little, Brown & Company Sasaki and Peeps, Vol. 1 (manga)
When Sasaki brightens up his tired corporate life by buying a pet sparrow, he neverimagined the bird would actually be a reincarnated sage from another world! With hisnew avian roommate teaching him all sorts of magic tricks, could this be Sasaki’schance to escape his droll office job?
Little, Brown & Company The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices, Vol. 3 (manga)
Octavia finally meets Rust, the top candidate to be her fake boyfriend! But for some reason, his oddly familiar face triggers her awful memories of being reincarnated. As she cries on the chest of her bodyguard Klifford, she finally decides to confront her past...
Little, Brown & Company The Asterisk War, Vol. 16 (light novel)
Julis advances to the finals of Lindvolus, and there is still one match left to determineher opponent: Saya vs. Orphelia. But before it can even begin, Saya approachesOrphelia with a different intention. Rather than fighting her, Saya wishes to have a talkinstead. What can she possibly want to discuss? Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Ayatoand his friends become more entangled with the Golden Bough Alliance, and the twogroups may finally face their last battle.
Little, Brown & Company From the Red Fog, Vol. 3
Ivan, Ruwanda’s partner, has a tragic past. Betrayed by his father, he seeks the love helost in a ruthless band of assassins. Meanwhile, Ruwanda, just can't get along with Mei,a being overflowing with an abundance of love. Plotting Mei’s murder, but waveringbecause of love, will Ruwanda and Ivan be overcome by the red fog...or will lovetriumph in the end?
Little, Brown & Company Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, Vol. 16
In exchange for a life, the link between this world and the next has been severed. Evenso, Nene and Kou continue looking for a way to reach the boundaries, a search thatleads them to the cursed "Red House." Inside, they find a boy who looks just likeHanako-kun and may have the answers they've been looking for-but they soon find theRed House is much easier to enter than to leave...
Little, Brown & Company Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Vol. 13
In the world of Nozaki and friends, pandemonium reigns supreme. While searching forthe owner of a rather-unique-book, Hori stumbles across a shocking secret! At thesame time, the life and times of Sakiko Yumeno are revealed online...And what’s this?Might Wakamatsu actually be able to stay awake the next time Seo sings?! But all ofthat pales in comparison when the true agent of chaos, Kashima, introduces a newpartner-in-crime who wreaks havoc wherever they go...
Little, Brown & Company The Girl I Saved on the Train Turned Out to Be My Childhood Friend, Vol. 1
When high-schooler Ryou Takamori steps in to save a girl on a crowded train, he neverexpected her to be his childhood friend Hina Fushimi. Though the two of them sit nextto each other in class, they haven't spoken since middle school-but this heroic actmight give Hina the push she needed to shorten the distance between them!
Little, Brown & Company Durarara!! RE;DOLLARS Arc, Vol. 7
Dotachin was the victim of a hit-and-run. So say the latest rumors running rampantthrough the town of Ikebukuro. And when rumors take on life of their own, chaos andconfusion rule the roost! Those suspected of the crime, those who avenge crime, thosewho exploit crime-ambition and desire spiral out of control while the mystery of theDotachin incident has yet to be resolved!!
Little, Brown & Company No Longer Heroine, Vol. 5
Hiromitsu may have initially gotten closer to Hatori out of a sense of rivalry with Rita, but he now finds himself genuinely falling for her charms! Hatori is delighted to be Hiromitsu’s heroine, but how will Rita take the news?
Little, Brown & Company Shadows House, Vol. 2
As a living doll working for the secretive Shadows family in a mansion that receives nocallers, Emilico’s primary objective in life is to serve as Miss Kate’s face to the best ofher abilities. What exactly this means is still shrouded in mystery, but Emilico will giveit her all to find out! But can Emilico figure it out before the debut, or are thepair doomed to fail...?
Little, Brown & Company Tales of the Kingdom, Vol. 1
Purple-eyed Adarte, blue-eyed Adolte. One enveloped in light—the graceful son;and one shrouded in darkness—the prisoner. Destined to walk different paths in akingdom where a beautiful man is lauded as a hero while his enigmatic assistant toilsto support him...
Little, Brown & Company Shadows House, Vol. 1
Shadows House-a strange mansion that receives no callers, inhabited by a race offaceless shadows who play at being aristocrats and are waited on hand and foot by“living dolls,” who also serve as their masters’ faces. What goes on inside thisenigmatic manor is anyone’s guess, but soot and shrieks billow up from within...
Little, Brown & Company The Beginning After the End, Vol. 2 (comic)
Art, his parents, and the Twin Horns are under attack! With a horde of bandits surrounding them, the powerful mana users are outnumbered—but they won’t go down without a fight. Art is sure he can help...but the shocking truth his father reveals may change everything.
Little, Brown & Company The Beginning After the End, Vol. 1
King Grey is unrivaled throughout the land in terms of strength, wealth, and prestige.However, underneath the glamour lies a deep solitude, so when he’s reincarnated asArthur Leywin, he resolves to not squander this second chance at life and live everyday to the fullest-but the peace of this new world hides something sinister thatthreatens to destroy all he’s worked for...
Little, Brown & Company Shadows House, Vol. 5
After overcoming their debut, Kate and Emilico are officially deemed of age. But what awaits them in the children’s wing with their fellow Shadows is a delicately woven web of shifting alliances. Who can be trusted, who can be used, and who must they deceive? Their survival at Shadows House hangs in the balance...
Little, Brown & Company Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, The Frozen Bond, Vol. 3
Re:ZERO: The Frozen Bond is a manga adaptation of the anime OVA episode by the same name. The story of Re:ZERO: The Frozen Bond takes place before the events of Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- and is centered around fan-favorite character Emilia. Re:ZERO has stood out as one of the most iconic light novel, manga and anime properties for over half a decade. Two seasons of the Re:ZERO anime stream on Crunchyroll.
Little, Brown & Company Val x Love, Vol. 12
While Futaba was en route to Asgard with Gullinkambi in tow, the army of the evil godsinvaded!! Low-level gods with no fighting skills don’t stand a chance...or do they?!Meanwhile, Takuma finally raises his stats to the point that he can open the door toNiflheim. What awaits the einherjar and his lovers beyond the portal...?!
Little, Brown & Company Sword Art Online: Project Alicization, Vol. 5 (manga)
After Ronie and Tiese try to save their friend from the clutches of noble knights Raiosand Humbert, they end up getting captured themselves! With the two girls bound andhelpless, Kirito’s going to need Eugeo’s help to save them...but Eugeo finds himselfparalyzed by the thought of breaking the Taboo Index! With the fate of his pagehanging in the balance, can he violate his world’s most sacred code to rescue her?
Little, Brown & Company Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle, Vol. 1
"Saku Chitose is a womanizing scumbag"-Even if he’s attacked by slanderous gossiponline, Saku Chitose’s reign at the top of his school is unshakable. As a member of thestudent elite, he’s surrounded by attractive, popular kids. ? But as he enjoys hissmooth-sailing social life, Saku is suddenly asked to rehabilitate Kenta Yamazaki, ananti-social shut-in-!?
Little, Brown & Company Divine Raiment Magical Girl Howling Moon, Vol. 3
Kaguya and her friends are taking a much-needed day off from fighting the badguys-and attending an idol concert! But when they arrive at the venue, they quicklyrealize that these particular pop stars may not be as innocent as they make themselvesout to be...
Little, Brown & Company Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway, Vol. 2 (light novel)
At an all-time low after being rejected by his crush, office worker Yoshida reluctantlyagrees to take in Saya, a runaway high school girl he met on the street. Now, as theyare finally settling into their unusual living situation, Saya has a request—she wants tostart a part time job! Saya has always held back from voicing what she wants, andYoshida is overjoyed at her progress. Meanwhile, Yoshida's one-sided crush invites himto dinner, just the two of them...and now she wants to come over?!
Little, Brown & Company Chronicles of the Hidden World: How I Became a Doctor for the Gods, Vol. 1 (light novel)
A girl named Yae reincarnates into a world where one’s name determinestheir essence. When a monster attacks her, she unleashes Arai, an ex-god in the formof a golden tiger, to defend herself. Shortly after, however, Arai manipulates Yae intoassisting his little brother, who has been warped into a grotesque form by a diseasethat strips people of their essences. As Yae searches for a cure, she finds herselfwarming to the pompous, threatening Arai...
Little, Brown & Company The Hero Laughs While Walking the Path of Vengeance a Second Time, Vol. 2 (manga)
Kaito's quest for vengeance is no longer a solo affair-with Minnalis at his side, he canaccomplish so much more. As their hatred burns bright, the two of them begin theirtraining to fulfill their lust for revenge...
Little, Brown & Company The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy, Vol. 6 LN
When Leonis and the rest of the eighteenth platoon return from their mission toNecrozoa, Riselia hammers him with questions about his past. Is it time for him toreveal his true identity? Meanwhile, a group of armed mercenaries from the SakuraOrchid plot to invade the Seventh Assault Garden. To stop her former compatriots,Sakuya will have to seek out the power of a Dark Lord (Leonis)!
Little, Brown & Company Reign of the Seven Spellblades, Vol. 7 (light novel)
The broomsports combat league has begun at Kimberly Magic Academy! Eager to showcase their growth as they enter their third year at school, Oliver and his friends split into three-person teams and enter the event. Nanao and her teammates, considered the top students of their year, are in for a fierce battle when they are targeted by other teams. Meanwhile, the general election for the student body president is finally underway, and the investigation into Enrico's disappearance continues. Will they ever find the person responsible?
Little, Brown & Company Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World, Vol. 11 (light novel)
Iska and Unit 907 have defeated one of the Eight Great Apostles, Luclezeus, and arrived at the Imperial capital. There they meet Lord Yunmelngen, who asks Sisbell to use her astral power to help uncover the truth behind the tragedy that transpired a hundred years ago. At long last, the mystery behind the birth of the Founder Nebulis, of Lord Yunmelngen, and of the Black Steel Gladiator, Crossweil is revealed!
Little, Brown & Company The Otherworlder, Exploring the Dungeon, Vol. 3 (light novel)
Though the loss of Arvin and Zenobia still weighs heavy on their hearts, Souya and hisremaining party members steel themselves to take on the dungeon once again. Thistime, they’re up against their greatest trial yet: The Deranged Stratum, a periloussection of the labyrinth where a malevolent being has been abducting countlessvictims. And it looks like Lana is its next target...
Little, Brown & Company See You Tomorrow at the Food Court
Wada is an honor student who keeps to herself and has an air of mystery around her.Yamamoto is an intimidating fashionista with dyed blond hair and shortened skirt.Though this unlikely duo seems to have nothing in common, it's only during their dailymeetings at the food court that they can be themselves!
Little, Brown & Company Re:ZERO: The Frozen Bond, Vol. 1
Based on a Re:ZERO short story by the original author, this manga offers a glimpse into the world of the half-elf Emilia and her spirit companion Puck before they first encountered Subaru Natsuki!
Little, Brown & Company The Splendid Work of a Monster Maid, Vol. 3
Cirsium Domestic Agency is hard at work, taking on clients and hunting down theboss’s magic...but they’re not the only ones who are keeping busy. Now that thedemon king is aware of his brother’s movement, the demon king's Maid Corps go onthe prowl!
Little, Brown & Company Mint Chocolate, Vol. 6
Peace has returned to the Suzumura family after the departure of Nanami’s cousin,Subaru...or so it seems. The reality, however, is that even though Nanami and Kyouheiare acting the part of a happy couple, Nanami’s been growing more and more distant.Caught off-guard by her sudden aloofness, Kyouhei faces the Herculean task ofpuzzling out what is bothering her and how he can fix it...
Little, Brown & Company Please Put Them On, Takamine-san, Vol. 4
Life hasn’t been easy for Shirota ever since he became Student Council PresidentTakamine-san's closet. He's been forced to re-clothe his new boss whenever she takesoff her panties and rewinds time, and she hasn’t exactly been kind to our hapless heroalong the way. But all that starts to change when an old friend of his comes along...Could the great Takamine-san be getting jealous?
Little, Brown & Company The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody, Vol. 8 (light novel)
In the transformed world, Demon Lord Ard squares off against Alvarto, mightiest of theFour Heavenly Kings. Yet, just as their fated showdown nears a brutal, tragicconclusion, the voice of someone dear to Ard sounds across the battlefield! The saga ofthe Demon Lord versus the Four Heavenly Kings is reaching its climax, but who will beleft standing?
Little, Brown & Company Daughter of the Emperor, Vol. 5
Ria is safe and sound from her potential kidnappers thanks to Asisi’s swift rescue, but she’s left with more questions than ever about the Guardian Knight. What’s the story behind his scar-riddled back? And why does everyone act so strangely when she tries to bring it up? Ria’s determined to get to the bottom of things—even if it takes every last one of her princess charms!
Little, Brown & Company Lost Lad London, Vol. 1
A murder on the London Underground and a mysterious bloody knife draw a regular university student and a grizzled New Scotland Yard detective into a web of crime and suspense...
Little, Brown & Company Kakegurui - Compulsive Gambler -, Vol. 14
Inspired by Yumeko Jabami and Mary Saotome's big win, Terano Totobami—a majorplayer in the Momobami family—finally appears at the scene of the match. To her, ascoordinator for the family, Kirari's uninhibited behavior isunacceptable. The chosen must be respected, even if they’re weak...
Little, Brown & Company Dead Mount Death Play, Vol. 7
When the Fire-Breathing Bug’s minions swarm the police station, Senior Commissioner Habaki makes a break for it-only to run into by a mysterious man wearing a familiar coat of arms. As the Bastard Children of Sabaramond begin to reveal themselves, it becomes clear that the connections between the world of the Corpse God and Shinjuku are even more tangled than anyone could have imagined.
Little, Brown & Company Bungo Stray Dogs: Wan!, Vol. 3
Characters from the popular Bungo Stray Dogs go about their busy everyday lives!Chock-full of heartwarming (?) stories, as Atsushi and the others perform magic tricksand a joint sports festival is held between the Detective Agency and Port Mafia!
Little, Brown & Company Bungo Stray Dogs: Wan!, Vol. 5
The members of the Armed Detective Agency switch bodies, the girls have a special late-night chat, and the twin duos of Twin Dark new and old turn into magical girls (?)… Every day brings a new surprise in this alternate look at Bungo Stray Dogs!
Little, Brown & Company That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Vol. 6 (manga)
After Ramiris’s match-fixing scheme and leaking of Framea's photos to the Shion andShuna fan club, he’s in big trouble with Rimuru. But our resident demon lord isn’tgetting off scot-free either, as his nightly romps have also come to light, and hisallowance is dropping lower by the minute!
Little, Brown & Company Your Turn to Die: Majority Vote Death Game, Vol. 2
The appearance of the mysterious Hoemi and the sudden death of Mishima havethrown Sara and the other people trapped with her into despair. They all continue tosearch for some way to escape, but paranoia is beginning to take hold of each ofthem...
Little, Brown & Company The Holy Grail of Eris, Vol. 1 (light novel)
Connie is a young noble lady whose only standout quality is her sincerity. Maybe that'swhy she loses her fiancé and gets framed for a crime all in the span of one night. Justas all hope seems lost, the ghost of an infamous villainess who was executed years agopossesses her and clears her name. With her incomparable charisma and intelligence,the spirit of Scarlet Castiel turns the tables in the blink of an eye. In return, Connieinsists that she help uncover the truth surrounding her new benefactor's untimelydeath and a conspiracy that continues to this very day!
Little, Brown & Company Reign of the Seven Spellblades, Vol. 5 (light novel)
Thanks to their tireless study and discipline, Nanao and her friends are starting to develop a reputation as dependable upperclassmen. Between brawling with a griffin in magical biology and learning harsh truths about the Tír and the Gnostics in their new astronomy course, their workload shows no sign of letting up. Meanwhile, Enrico brings Pete to his laboratory deep in the labyrinth, with Nanao and Oliver secretly close behind. There, the two friends stumble upon a horrifying abyss and get a glimpse of the longstanding conflict between mages and Gnostics. This may be the perfect opportunity for Oliver to finally exact his revenge on the mad old man...!
Little, Brown & Company Golden Japanesque: A Splendid Yokohama Romance, Vol. 5
The love triangle between the sons of distinguished families picks up in this Meiji-era romance! Overcoming their difference in social status, Maria and Rintarou have vowed to elope. However, just before they depart, Rintarou's father-who has encouraged their engagement-falls ill!
Little, Brown & Company The Fiancee Chosen by the Ring, Vol. 2
Aurora, the daughter of a count, has no interest in romance—embroidery is her onetrue love. But one night at a soiree, her life changes when she’s struck by a ring,leading to a marriage proposal from a man named Felix—a member of the Royal Guardknown as the "Scion of Ice." Even though she accepts, the engagement is merely aruse to deter Felix’s would-be suitors...yet as time goes by, who knows how theirrelationship might change?
Little, Brown & Company The Eminence in Shadow, Vol. 4 (manga)
Still enjoying playing the part of an eminence in shadow, Cid visits the Sacred Landwhere a test of strength known as the Goddess’s Trial is held. However, there are someunsavory rumors going around about the acting archbishop...