Search results for ""author victoria"
Impedimenta La casa y el cerebro un relato victoriano de fantasmas
La casa y el cerebro se considera una pieza maestra de la literatura sobrenatural. El narrador de esta desasosegante fábula de fantasmas, desoyendo los consejos de sus allegados, decide pasar una noche, junto con su criado y su perro, en una casa encantada situada en Londres, de la que todos los demás huyen despavoridos. Allí, tal y como él esperaba, asiste a una serie de apariciones espeluznantes y descubre, a través de unas cartas, que la casa, muchos años atrás, fue el escenario de unos horribles crímenes. El secreto de todo parece encerrarse en una habitación vacía. Conectada a esta, la voluntad de un ser inmortal y perverso, uno de los que tuvo que ver con la casa en el pasado, ha creado y gobernado a distancia los extraños fenómenos.Lovecraft se refirió a La casa y el cerebro como uno de los mejores relatos de casas encantadas jamás escritos. Y Lafcadio Hearn afirmó que estamos ante la mejor historia de fantasmas creada en lengua inglesa, pues reproduce con asombrosa fidelida
Headline Publishing Group Modern Puzzles: From the Victorians to the Computer Age
Modern Puzzles: From the Victorians to the Computer Age is a stunning collection of the finest puzzles created in recent years. Taken from the world's brightest minds, these baffling mysteries and brainteasers are the best the world has to offer when it comes to quizzical questions. Dilemmas that have puzzled the most intelligent humans of our age – including the world's toughest puzzle – can be found here in this dazzling showcase of puzzling greatness!
Oxford University Press How Romantics and Victorians Organized Information: Commonplace Books, Scrapbooks, and Albums
Every literary household in nineteenth-century Britain had a commonplace book, scrapbook, or album. Coleridge called his collection "Fly-Catchers", while George Eliot referred to one of her commonplace books as a "Quarry," and Michael Faraday kept quotations in his "Philosophical Miscellany." Nevertheless, the nineteenth-century commonplace book, along with associated traditions like the scrapbook and album, remain under-studied. This book tells the story of how technological and social changes altered methods for gathering, storing, and organizing information in nineteenth-century Britain. As the commonplace book moved out of the schoolroom and into the home, it took on elements of the friendship album. At the same time, the explosion of print allowed readers to cheaply cut-and-paste extractions rather than copying out quotations by hand. Built on the evidence of over 300 manuscripts, this volume unearths the composition practices of well-known writers such as Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Sir Walter Scott, George Eliot, and Alfred Lord Tennyson, and their less well-known contemporaries. Divided into two sections, the first half of the book contends that methods for organizing knowledge developed in line with the period's dominant epistemic frameworks, while the second half argues that commonplace books helped Romantics and Victorians organize people. Chapters focus on prominent organizational methods in nineteenth-century commonplacing, often attached to an associated epistemic virtue: diaristic forms and the imagination (Chapter Two); "real time" entries signalling objectivity (Chapter Three); antiquarian remnants, serving as empirical evidence for historical arguments (Chapter Four); communally produced commonplace books that attest to socially constructed knowledge (Chapter Five); and blank spaces in commonplace books of mourning (Chapter Six). Richly illustrated, this book brings an archive of commonplace books, scrapbooks, and albums to the reader.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Naughty Victorians and Edwardians: Early Images of Bathing Beauties
Most are modest, some dare smoke and strike suggestive poses. Others go so far as to expose an inch of flesh as they coyly wring seawater from their swim dresses. Enjoy over 100 hand-tinted postcards taken during an era when women may have been clothed from head to toe, but they were women nonetheless. Dressed in the latest beach fashions, bold Victorians flirt with the camera, creating charming and beguiling images..
Workman Publishing Cynthia Harts Victoriana Cats Basket of Mischief 1000Piece Puzzle
So pretty in pink, so seemingly innocent, this fivesome of tabby and calico kittens have that look: Mayhem is around the corner! Created by artist Cynthia Hart, who layers antique paper ephemera, fresh flowers, ribbons, and vintage objects into lush collages filled with life, colour, and energy, Basket of Mischief 1,000-Piece Puzzle is pure whimsy and charm.* 1,000 interlocking pieces* Mini-poster (6 5/8 × 8 3/8) for reference or framing* Completed puzzle size: 19 × 23 4/5
Oxford University Press Victorians and Numbers: Statistics and Society in Nineteenth Century Britain
A defining feature of nineteenth-century Britain was its fascination with statistics. The processes that made Victorian society, including the growth of population, the development of industry and commerce, and the increasing competence of the state, generated profuse numerical data. This is a study of how such data influenced every aspect of Victorian culture and thought, from the methods of natural science and the struggle against disease, to the development of social administration and the arguments and conflicts between social classes. Numbers were collected in the 1830s by newly-created statistical societies in response to this 'data revolution'. They became a regular aspect of governmental procedure thereafter, and inspired new ways of interrogating both the natural and social worlds. William Farr used them to study cholera; Florence Nightingale deployed them in campaigns for sanitary improvement; Charles Babbage was inspired to design and build his famous calculating engines to process them. The mid-Victorians employed statistics consistently to make the case for liberal reform. In later decades, however, the emergence of the academic discipline of mathematical statistics - statistics as we use them today - became associated with eugenics and a contrary social philosophy. Where earlier statisticians emphasised the unity of mankind, some later practitioners, following Francis Galton, studied variation and difference within and between groups. In chapters on learned societies, government departments, international statistical collaborations, and different Victorian statisticians, Victorians and Numbers traces the impact of numbers on the era and the intriguing relationship of Victorian statistics with 'Big Data' in our own age.
Imprint Academic The Victorian's Guide to Consciousness: Essays Marking the Centenary of William James
Workman Publishing Cynthia Hart's Victoriana Cats: 12 Wrapping Papers and Gift Tags
Catnip for cat lovers, these twelve gorgeous sheets of wrapping paper and gift tags designed by artist Cynthia Hart will make the wrapping as desirable as the gift inside. Created with an eye to elevating the mousers, tabbies, and toms that captivated the Victorian world, each sheet evokes the heartfelt nostalgia and joy of the Dickensian era. Tear out the decorated sheets along the perforations, unfold them, cut to size, and wrap your gift in beautiful style.* 12 illustrated sheets (1-sided)* Sheets fold out to 18 7/8" × 25 3/4"* 1 sheet of 12 perforated gift tags
Universitatsverlag Winter Oedipal Murders and Nostalgic Resurrections: The Victorians in Historical Middlebrow Fiction, 1914-1959
Duke University Press Useful Knowledge: The Victorians, Morality, and the March of Intellect
Nineteenth-century England witnessed an unprecedented increase in the number of publications and institutions devoted to the creation and the dissemination of knowledge: encyclopedias, scientific periodicals, instruction manuals, scientific societies, children’s literature, mechanics’ institutes, museums of natural history, and lending libraries. In Useful Knowledge Alan Rauch presents a social, cultural, and literary history of this new knowledge industry and traces its relationships within nineteenth-century literature, ending with its eventual confrontation with Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species.Rauch discusses both the influence and the ideology of knowledge in terms of how it affected nineteenth-century anxieties about moral responsibility and religious beliefs. Drawing on a wide array of literary, scientific, and popular works of the period, the book focusses on the growing importance of scientific knowledge and its impact on Victorian culture. From discussions of Jane Webb Loudon’s The Mummy! and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, to Charlotte Brontë’s The Professor, Charles Kingsley’s Alton Locke, and George Eliot’s Mill on the Floss, Rauch paints a fascinating picture of nineteenth-century culture and addresses issues related to the proliferation of knowledge and the moral issues of this time period. Useful Knowledge touches on social and cultural anxieties that offer both historical and contemporary insights on our ongoing preoccupation with knowledge.Useful Knowledge will appeal to readers interested in nineteenth century history, literature, culture, the mediation of knowledge, and the history of science.
Victorian Secrets All Sorts and Conditions of Men: An Impossible Story
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo La mujer victoriana en novelas inglesas contemporneas y sus adaptaciones cinematogrficas
Rowman & Littlefield Facing the Late Victorians: Portraits of Writers and Artists from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
This is a lavishly illustrated volume that offers a new interpretation of the significance of the portrait image during the final decades of the nineteenth century in Britain, using materials drawn from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection at the University of Delaware. This study highlights the connections between the images of writers' and artists' faces that circulated through the British periodical press, through exhibition spaces in London, and through book publishing, and such late-Victorian cultural obsessions as defining 'genius,' masculinity, femininity, and class status. It focuses in particular on the figure of Oscar Wilde as the writer who best exploited the new market for portraits in advancing his own career, but moves beyond him to look at the broader topic of how and why writers' and artists' faces were idealized, caricatured, and also studied by the general public. It examines, too, the relationship between the circulation of portraits and notions of modernity created through advertising, public relations, and commodification.
Encounter Books,USA Past and Present: The Challenges of Modernity, from the Pre-Victorians to the Postmodernists
The New Press The New Victorians: Welfare Reform and Anti-welfare Reformers in Two Gilded
This volume charts the roots and rhetoric of welfare reform, from the gilded age to Gingrich.
St. Martin's Publishing Group The Invention of Murder How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime
Yale University Press Palaces of Pleasure: From Music Halls to the Seaside to Football, How the Victorians Invented Mass Entertainment
An energetic and exhilarating account of the Victorian entertainment industry, its extraordinary success and enduring impact The Victorians invented mass entertainment. As the nineteenth century’s growing industrialized class acquired the funds and the free time to pursue leisure activities, their every whim was satisfied by entrepreneurs building new venues for popular amusement. Contrary to their reputation as dour, buttoned-up prudes, the Victorians reveled in these newly created ‘palaces of pleasure’. In this vivid, captivating book, Lee Jackson charts the rise of well-known institutions such as gin palaces, music halls, seaside resorts and football clubs, as well as the more peculiar attractions of the pleasure garden and international exposition, ranging from parachuting monkeys and human zoos to theme park thrill rides. He explores how vibrant mass entertainment came to dominate leisure time and how the attempts of religious groups and secular improvers to curb ‘immorality’ in the pub, variety theater and dance hall faltered in the face of commercial success. The Victorians’ unbounded love of leisure created a nationally significant and influential economic force: the modern entertainment industry.
Editorial Debate De matasanos a cirujanos Joseph Lister y la revolución que transformó el truculento mundo de la medicina victoriana
Impresionante e iluminador, De matasanos a cirujanos celebra el triunfo de Joseph Lister, un personaje visionario cuyo propósito de unir ciencia y medicina nos catapultó al mundo moderno.Tras la pista de un héroe perdido de la ciencia, este libro nos desvela el truculento mundo de la cirugía victoriana conjurando el ambiente de las primeras salas de operaciones y sus admirados matasanos: hombres sin miramiento elogiados por su habilidad y fuerza bruta al operar, antes de la invención de la anestesia.En vísperas de una profunda transformación de la medicina, estos pioneros, conscientes de que las secuelas de la cirugía eran más peligrosas que las dolencias mismas, estaban desconcertados por las recurrentes infecciones que se producían tras las intervenciones y que mantenían las tasas de mortalidad obstinadamente altas. Pero, en un momento en que la cirugía no podría haber sido más peligrosa, una figura emergió inesperadamente de las sombras: un joven médico, un cuáqu
Icon Books How the Victorians Took Us to the Moon: The Story of the Nineteenth-Century Innovators Who Forged the Future
'[An] insightful analysis of 19th-century futurism ... Morus's account is as much a cautionary tale as a flag-waving celebration.' - DUNCAN BELL, NEW STATESMAN'[How the Victorians Took Us to the Moon] rattles thrillingly through such developments as the Transatlantic telegraph cable, the steam locomotive and electric power and recalls the excitable predictions of the fiction of the time.' KATY GUEST, THE GUARDIAN'Excellent ... A terrific insight into why the Victorian era was a golden age of engineering.' - NICK SMITH, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINEBy the end of the Victorian era, the world had changed irrevocably. The speed of the technological development brought about between 1800 and 1900 was completely unprecedented in human history. And as the Victorians looked to the skies and beyond as the next frontier to be explored and conquered, they were inventing, shaping and moulding the very idea of the future. To get us to this future, the Victorians created a new way of ordering and transforming nature, built on grand designs and the mass-mobilisation of the resources of Empire - and they revolutionised science in the process. In this rich and absorbing book, distinguished historian of science Iwan Rhys Morus tells the story of how this future was made. From Charles Babbage's dream of mechanising mathematics to Isambard Kingdom Brunel's tunnel beneath the Thames, from George Cayley's fantasies of powered flight to Nikola Tesla's visions of an electrical world, this is a story of towering personalities, clashing ambitions, furious rivalries and conflicting cultures - a vibrant tapestry of remarkable lives that transformed the world and ultimately took us to the Moon.
Icon Books How the Victorians Took Us to the Moon: The Story of the Nineteenth-Century Innovators Who Forged the Future
'[An] insightful analysis of 19th-century futurism ... Morus's account is as much a cautionary tale as a flag-waving celebration.' - DUNCAN BELL, NEW STATESMAN'[How the Victorians Took Us to the Moon] rattles thrillingly through such developments as the Transatlantic telegraph cable, the steam locomotive and electric power and recalls the excitable predictions of the fiction of the time.' KATY GUEST, THE GUARDIAN'Excellent ... A terrific insight into why the Victorian era was a golden age of engineering.' - NICK SMITH, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINEBy the end of the Victorian era, the world had changed irrevocably. The speed of the technological development brought about between 1800 and 1900 was completely unprecedented in human history. And as the Victorians looked to the skies and beyond as the next frontier to be explored and conquered, they were inventing, shaping and moulding the very idea of the future. To get us to this future, the Victorians created a new way of ordering and transforming nature, built on grand designs and the mass-mobilisation of the resources of Empire - and they revolutionised science in the process. In this rich and absorbing book, distinguished historian of science Iwan Rhys Morus tells the story of how this future was made. From Charles Babbage's dream of mechanising mathematics to Isambard Kingdom Brunel's tunnel beneath the Thames, from George Cayley's fantasies of powered flight to Nikola Tesla's visions of an electrical world, this is a story of towering personalities, clashing ambitions, furious rivalries and conflicting cultures - a vibrant tapestry of remarkable lives that transformed the world and ultimately took us to the Moon.
Octopus Publishing Group Sex Tips from 1894: The Secret to a Happy Marriage, as Told by the Victorians
Discover the secret to a long, happy marriage according to the Victorians in this hilarious guide to intimacy from 1894In 1894, Ruth Smythers, beloved wife of The Reverend L. D. Smythers, wrote these heartfelt words of advice for young brides entering into marriage:"One cardinal rule of marriage should never be forgotten: give little, give seldom, and above all, give grudgingly..."The Methodist wife didn't intend to be amusing, but this brief treatise written for young brides is side-splitting today and an eye-opener to how our love lives have changed in just over a century. This little book is:- Delightfully ridiculous to the modern eye- Accompanied by amusing engravings from the period- Filled with Victorian wisdom, which may be more timeless than it first appears!Whether you're looking for a saucy gift for a bride - or groom - to be, or a cheeky anniversary present, this little book is the perfect guide to entertain and inform any happy couple.
Helion & Company Horses Worn to Mere Shadows: The Victorio Campaign 1880
Brepols N.V. Glosa Victorina Super Partem Prisciani de Constructione (Ms. Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal 910)
Vergangenheitsverlag Die groen Huptlinge der Apachen Mangas Coloradas Cochise Victorio Geronimo
Oxford University Press General Introduction
THE Victoria History of the Counties of England has been in progress for 70 years and has recently seen the publication of its 150th volume. The General Introduction provides a conspectus of all that has been published up to and including 1970, with a bibliographical survey, lists of the contents of each volume, and indexes of the titles of articles and of authors. It opens with an account of the origin and progress of the Victoria History, from its confident beginning at the close of Queen Victoria's reign, through its quiescence between the two World Wars, to its renewed vigour and expansion under the wing of the University of London and with the support of Local Authorities.
Rowman & Littlefield The Victorio Peak Mystery: A Search for the Greatest Lost Treasure Cache in America
In a little-known mountain range in southern New Mexico is an unremarkable mountain called Victorio Peak. In a cavern in that mountain, it is rumored that billions of dollars’ worth of artifacts and thousands of gold and silver ingots and coins have been cached for decades, a treasure that dwarfs all others. Its existence, or the belief in its existence, has been responsible for millions of dollars’ worth of recovery efforts, blatant violation of laws and trampling of legal rights by the United States government as well as dozens of citizens, and the involvement of a wide variety of infamous characters. It has also been responsible for a number of deaths. For generations, people all over the world have been fascinated and enthralled by tales and legends of lost mines and buried treasures. There is something in the human DNA that embraces such things. North America has served as a setting for hundreds of such tales, and every now and then one of these treasures is found. Most can identify the Lost Dutchman Mine of Arizona’s Superstition Mountains and the so-called Oak Island Treasure in Nova Scotia as prominent examples of legends that have seized the attention of millions. If one were to write a mystery/thriller incorporating colorful characters, murder, unexplained deaths, intrigue, theft, deceit, and political and legal machinations, one need not look any further than the incredible treasure mystery associated with Victorio Peak. It is, in fact, one of the most bizarre and confounding mysteries in American history and involves what my well be the largest treasure cache known to man.
Penguin Books Ltd Home Run
John Nichol is the bestselling co-author of 'Tornado Down', The Last Escape and Tail -End Charlies and the author of five novels. Tony Rennell is the author of Last Days of Glory: The Death of Queen Victoria and co-author of When Daddy Came Home, The Last Escape & Tail-End Charlies.
HarperCollins Pinkalicious and the Little Butterfly
Kids will love to see the magic of metamorphosis with #1 bestselling author Victoria Kann’s Pinkalicious and the Little Butterfly, an 8x8 illustrated storybook.Pinkalicious is so excited when Miss Penny brings monarch caterpillars to class.
Time Warner Trade Publishing Fearless and Free: Devotions to Set Your Thoughts, Attitudes, and Actions for a Great Day!
Live vibrantly, love openly, and embody kindness with daily devotions from New York Times bestselling author Victoria Osteen!Victoria Osteen wants you to start your day by daringly moving in the right direction. In this new and empowering devotional, Fearless and Free, you will find inspiration that will equip you to live boldly, courageously and fully confident in who God created you to be. Victoria provides you with new insights that will inspire you to anticipate good things and know that God has given you the strength for every battle. Live every day knowing you are fearless, free, and fully prepared for the life God meant for you to live.
Penguin Adult Murder On Wall Street
The next instalment in the beloved Gaslight Mystery series by bestselling author Victoria Thompson, featuring the beloved midwife Sarah Brandt and her private investigator husband Frank Malloy.
Oxford University Press General Introduction: Supplement 1970-90
THIS volume is a supplement to the General Introduction published in 1970, which described the origins and progress of the Victoria County History and included lists of contents of the 150 volumes published by then, with indexes of the articles and authors included in those lists. Since 1970 a further 50 volumes have been completed, and the Supplement lists and indexes their contents. There is also a brief account of the progress of the Victoria County history over the last eighteen years.
Little, Brown Book Group Wildblood
A Most Anticipated Book of 2023 By Readers on Goodreads!A thrilling Jamaican inspired fantasy from New York Times bestselling author Lauren BlackwoodEighteen-year-old Victoria is a Wildblood. Kidnapped at the age of six and manipulated by the Exotic Lands Touring Company, she's worked as a tour guide ever since with a team of fellow Wildbloods who take turns using their magic to protect travellers in a jungle teeming with all the ghostly monsters of Jamaican legend.When the boss denies Victoria the promotion that was promised to her in favour of Dean, her backstabbing ex, Victoria is determined to prove herself. Her magic may be the most powerful on the team, but she's the wrong image the boss wants to send their new client, Laertes Thorn, a renowned goldminer determined to reach an untouched gold supply deep in the jungle.Thorn is everything Victoria isn't - confident, impossibly kind, and so handsome he leaves her speechless. And when he entrusts the mission to her, kindness turns to mutual respect, turns to affection, turns to love.But the jungle is treacherous, and between hypnotic river spirits, soul-devouring women that shed their skin like snakes, and her ex out for revenge, Victoria has to decide - is promotion at a corrupt company really what she wants?A fierce, lush fantasy by New York Times bestselling author Lauren Blackwood, Wildblood tells the story of a girl who must find the strength to defeat the demons of the jungle as well as her own to find where she truly belongs."A lyrically told story of healing after trauma and finding home, Wildblood is as fierce as it is beautiful, and as hopeful as it is heartbreaking." - Hannah Whitten, New York Times bestselling author of For the Wolf"Wildblood is a poignant, thrilling, emotionally complex story of love and sacrifice. Victoria's tense journey through the haunted jungle is filled with terror and beauty, both supernatural and human, and will grip you until the very last page." - L. Penelope, award-winning author of the Earthsinger Chronicles
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) Contemporary World Television
John Sinclair is Professor of International Communication at Victoria University, Australia, the author of Latin American Television: A Global View and co-editor of New Patterns in Global Television: Peripheral Vision.Graeme Turner is Professor of Cultural Studies and the Director for Critical and Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia. He is the co-author of The Australian TV Book (2000).
HarperCollins Pinkalicious Happy Birthday
Pinkalicious goes on a birthday adventure in this new Pinkalicious Level One I Can Read story, brought to you by #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann. Pinkalicious wants the most pinkatastic birthday party ever, and all she needs is some extra pink pizzazz.
Ron Smith, Author and Artist The Royal Princess and the Three Magical Gifts
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Pinkalicious: Crazy Hair Day
Pinkalicious can't wait to show off her wacky hairdo for Crazy Hair Day, but disaster strikes when Rose shows up to class with the same hairstyle. Can Pinkalicious pull together a pinkamazing look at the last minute? #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann is back with this hair-sterical 8x8 storybook.
Amazon Publishing The Day She Came Back
From the bestselling author of The Girl in the Corner comes a story that asks: how do you forgive the family that lied to you, and love the mum you never had? When her loving, free-spirited grandmother Primrose passes away, Victoria is bereft, yet resilient—she has survived tragedy before. But even her strength is tested when a mysterious woman attends Prim’s funeral and claims to be the mother Victoria thought was dead. As the two women get to know each other and Victoria begins to learn more about her past, it becomes clear that her beloved grandmother had been keeping life-changing secrets from her. Desperate for answers, she still struggles to trust anyone to tell her the truth. To live a full and happy life, Victoria knows she must not only uncover the truth, but find a way to forgive her family. But after so many years, is trusting them even possible?
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Torn: LOST Series #4
In New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden's latest novel featuring the Last Option Search Team (LOST), one agent's investigation entices a killer into making her his prey. PARTNERS ...FRIENDS ...Forensic anthropologist Victoria Palmer has always been better with the dead than the living. Shutting down her emotions, she lets few people in. But then Victoria's latest investigation takes her and agent Wade Monroe to Savannah, Georgia. Handsome, dangerous, and more than ready to play dirty on any case, Wade weakens Victoria's aloofness with just one glance...LOVERS Wade knows their recent cases have pushed Victoria beyond her limits. But her skills are crucial to finding a college student who went missing five years ago. Victoria is able to determine she was murdered, and that the killer is still on the loose. And when the vicious murderer targets Victoria, Wade must do everything in his power to protect her ...because he refuses to let a woman he loves be torn from him ...again.
Aschendorff Verlag Necrologium Abbatiae Sancti Victoris Parisiensis: Ediderunt Ursula Vones-Liebenstein Et Monika Seifert Cura Et Studio Rainer Berndt Sj
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Pinkalicious and the Snow Globe
While waiting for the first snow to fall, Pinkalicious discovers her own winter wonderland with the help of a new friend in town! #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann is back with a sweet winter story that's perfect for parents and kids to read together all year round! This storybook also includes winter-themed stickers.
Scholastic The Diary of Sarah Forbes Bonetta: A Novel
“[Victoria Princewill's] real skill, in this highly engaging book, is to create a convincing Victorian heroine to whose emotional highs and lows any modern reader will relate. ” - The Daily Telegraph A powerful retelling of the extraordinary life of orphaned African princess, Sarah Forbes Bonetta. "You are not an aristocrat. An aristocrat is born to a noble family. You were born into royalty. You are a princess." Set in 1860, this is the story of Sarah Forbes Bonetta, the intelligent, multilingual Yoruba princess from West Africa who became the protégé of the British Queen Victoria. On the evening of her seventeenth birthday, she is told that her old name, her real name is Aina. Oma'ba Aina from the fallen Oyo Empire. Equipped with this knowledge, Sarah attempts to navigate life as a foster daughter, a protégé and a young black girl in Victorian England. But can one really feel like royalty when the freedom of autonomy is something so far out of reach for a person of her gender and race? Victoria Princewill reimagines Sarah's life in England, telling the story of a girl living between two cultures, trying to create, and assert, her own identity. The first of two titles from Victoria that will focus on real Black women born into royalty A very exciting new voice in YA fiction Victoria aims to to shed light on women's stories that have been forgotten by history From the author of In the Palace of the Flowers.
Feiwel and Friends Frankenslime
Victoria Franken is a slime scientist. Her experiments lead to amazing slimes. Until, one dark and stormy night, her latest experiment goes awry and her newest creation COMES TO LIFE! Joy Keller’s clever text and Ashley Belote’s humor-filled art combine to create a fun picture book twist on horror movies like Frankenstein and The Blob, that also explores the scientific method and the importance of recording observations and results. The author has also included a couple of Victoria’s best slime recipes, although you'll notice the secret formula that brought her slime to life is missing.
HarperCollins Publishers Meet Me in London (Meet me in, Book 1)
‘Uplifting, romantic and festive – the perfect book to curl up with. I couldn’t put it down’ Rosie Nixon, Editor-in-Chief, HELLO! magazine ‘Fresh, fun and full of romance! I loved it!’Sunday Times bestselling author Heidi Swain ‘A classic romance…I loved the passion, the romantic tension, and the way the characters leapt of the page. An ideal Christmas escape.’ Laura Jane Williams, Bestselling author of The Lucky Escape ‘A perfect escapist, heart-warming read! I was hooked from the first line!’ Katie Ginger, author of The Perfect Christmas Gift 'Unwrap and enjoy this Christmassy treat of a read' Mandy Baggot, bestselling author of My Greek Island Summer ‘Warm, funny and engaging, a five-star Christmas treat!’ Karen Clarke, author of The Little French Café series What do you do when your fake engagement starts to feel too real… Aspiring clothes designer Victoria Scott dreams of one day opening her own boutique. But these aspirations are under threat from the new department store opening at the end of her road. She needs a Christmas miracle, but one is not forthcoming. Oliver Russell’s Christmas is not looking very festive right now. The opening of his family’s new London department store is behind schedule, and his interfering, if well-meaning, mother is pressing him to settle down. He needs a diversion. Something to keep his mother from meddling while he focuses on business. When Oliver meets Victoria, he offers a proposition: pretend to be his fiancé at the opening of his store and he will provide an opportunity for Victoria to showcase her designs. Only soon this fake relationship starts to feel very real. But when secrets in Victoria’s past are exposed will Oliver walk away, or will they both follow their hearts and find what neither knew they were looking for…? ****A Sunday Times #15 paperback fiction bestseller w/e 24th October
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Pinkalicious and the New Teacher
It's the first day of school, and that means a brand-new teacher, Ms. Penny! Pinkalicious misses her old teacher until she comes up with an idea to make the classroom feel a little more familiar and a lot more pinkerrific. Number one New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann is back with this 8x8 school story, complete with a foldout poster, bookmarks, and stickers!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Pinkalicious: Apples, Apples, Apples!
#1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann's Pinkalicious returns in an apple-picking adventure! Young readers will love this pinkamazing 8x8 picture book that comes with a beautiful sheet of stickers. Pinkalicious and the Pinkertons are all excited when they return from their trip to the orchard with lots of Pink Lady apples to munch on! After realizing they have more apples than the family could possibly use, Pinkalicious finds ways to share the apples with others.
Time Warner Trade Publishing Exceptional You!: 7 Ways to Live Encouraged, Empowered, and Intentional
Become the exceptional person God has called you to be with these seven practices for living a fulfilled and plentiful life from Lakewood Church co-pastor and bestselling author Victoria Osteen.In her latest book, Exceptional You! Victoria Osteen shares seven ways to become the exceptional person God has called you to be. She says, "If you're going reach your highest potential in life, you're going to have to develop the ability to see beyond where you are right now." Through empowering, uplifting stories and biblical teachings, Victoria will encourage you to set your mind and intent towards the important things in life with seven exceptional practices: * Keep your memory box full of encouragement *Lift up your eyes * Know that you are chosen * Love well * Keep your accounts short * Live in your space of gratitude * Start your day off right.Live encouraged, live empowered and live intentional and see the new and exciting things God has in store for you.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Pinkalicious: School Lunch
Pinkalicious decides to get school lunch for the first time, but has she bitten off more than she can chew? #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann is back with a fun school story that's perfect for parents and kids to savor together! This storybook also includes stickers.