Search results for ""author george""
WW Norton & Co Middlemarch: A Norton Critical Edition
This Norton Critical Edition includes: The 1874 corrected edition of the text, with small textual variations from Eliot’s manuscript. Introductory materials and explanatory footnotes by Ronjaunee Chatterjee. Twenty-three background selections from Eliot’s correspondence, journals, and other writings. Seventeen critical responses, including five contemporary reactions and twelve critical analyses of the novel’s most important themes. A chronology of Eliot’s life and a selected bibliography.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Open Issues In Core Collapse Supernova Theory
Efforts to uncover the explosion mechanism of core collapse supernovae and to understand all of their associated phenomena have been ongoing for nearly four decades. Despite this, our theoretical understanding of these cosmic events remains limited; two- and three-dimensional modeling of these events is in its infancy. Most of the modeling efforts over the past four decades have, by necessity, been constrained to spherical symmetry, with the first two-dimensional, albeit simplified, models appearing only during the last decade. Simulations to understand the complex interplay between the turbulent stellar core fluid flow, its magnetic fields, the neutrinos produced in and emanating from the proto-neutron star, the stellar core rotation, and the strong gravitational fields have yet to be performed. Only subsets of these fundamental ingredients have been included in the models thus far, often with approximation.The purpose of this volume is to identify the outstanding issues that remain in order to come to a complete understanding of these important astrophysical events. As the book focuses on open issues rather than the current state of the art in the field — although the latter will certainly be discussed — it will remain relevant for some time.
The American University in Cairo Press Guard of the Dead: A Novel
Abir scrapes a living in a Beirut hospital morgue by night, stealing from both the bodies he tends and his bosses. But he has a dark history that continues to haunt him. Earlier in the civil war, he fled his village for Beirut and, lost in the big city, joined a political party to survive. When he is kidnapped from the hospital, he knows he has not escaped his past and the many crimes he witnessed. But what or who is still chasing him?
Central European University Press Free Market in its Twenties: Modern Business Decision Making in Central and Eastern Europe
This book provides a broadly managerial perspective on key trends that affect business decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe twenty years after the beginning of the region's transition to market economy. Reflecting different viewpoints, including economic, social, and political approaches, the essays helps managers of the region to understand better both regional and the global forces influencing their businesses - as well as to bring to their attention relevant cutting-edge approaches to business thinking and decision-making.
Kapon Editions The Smyrna Quay: Tracing a symbol of progress and splendour. Greek language text
The Smyrna Quay presents the buildings of this legendary 3 km-long strip of land on the waterfront of the Ottoman port city of Smyrna as a continuous architectural, topographic and historical ensemble. The Quay became an iconic symbol of Smyrna (modern-day Izmir), synonymous with the progress, cosmopolitanism and wealth of its inhabitants, throughout the 47 years period which spanned its existence, from its completion in August 1875 to September 1922. It was then that this glorious sight was lost in the aftermath of the Greco-Turkish war (1919-1922), after the recapture of Smyrna by the Kemalist forces and the Great Fire that followed. Most of the Quay buildings were destroyed by fire, and many of those that escaped the fire fell prey to the reconstruction of the city. Very little of the original waterfront remains intact. The authors have used commercial and travel guides, maps and postcards, as well as computer tools, in order to digitally restore the façades of all buildings of the Smyrna Quay to their original appearance. These reconstructed images form the core of this book. They have studied hundreds of Quay postcards and panoramas, depicting grand mansions, theatres, cafés, consulates, clubs and hotels, as well as the bustling port, administration buildings and agencies. All these showed aspects of the public and private life in an Anatolian city, where the European west wind blew strongly for centuries. Particular attention is paid to the lives of the inhabitants of the Quay - a dynamic, multi-ethnic society. Original research using new techniques shows Smyrna’s Quay as it was. Illustrations include architectural plans and reconstructions as well as photographs and photomosaics. 620 illustrations, 140 drawings. 2-volume set, paperback, slip-cased. Volume 1: Residential and Recreational Sections, 396pp; Volume 2: Commercial and Administrative Sections, 356pp. Greek language text.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Everest and the Struggle to Conquer the Himalaya
A century ago the summits of the world's highest peaks, Everest included, were beyond reach. Pioneering attempts to overcome the dangers of climbing at extremely high altitudes ended in failure, sometimes with disastrous consequences. Yet today high-altitude ascents are frequent, almost commonplace. Everest can be conquered by relatively inexperienced mountaineers, and their exploits barely merit media attention - unless they go fatally wrong. In this fascinating study of the dramatic history of Everest climbs, Richard Sale and George Rodway describe in vivid detail the struggle to conquer the mountain and the advances in scientific knowledge that made the conquest possible. Their account gives a compelling insight into the science of mountaineering as well as the physical and psychological challenges faced by individuals who choose to test themselves in some of the harshest conditions on earth. Dr George Rodway, an assistant professor at the University of Utah, is a physiologist, mountaineer and an expert on mountain medicine and the science of high-altitude climbs. As well as publishing many papers and articles on these subjects, he is the editor of George Ingle Finch's The Struggle for Everest. He has also written extensively on the history of high-altitude physiology for journals such as High Altitude Medicine and Biology.
David & Charles Car-Tastrophes - 80 Automotive Atrocities from the Past 20 Years
Having spent the last 20-odd years driving different cars on a weekly basis, often twice a week, George Fowler is more qualified than most to hold an opinion that counts. A reader of his Motormouth column once asked him what he thought about a car he'd praised, and added: "I know you get paid by the manufacturers to say nice things, so I just wondered what you really thought."That week, a furious Fowler absolutely slaughtered the then new Nissan Primera, and added at the end of his column: "How much do you think Nissan paid me for that, Mr Smith of Preston?" He didn't get a reply.If your car is, or was, remotely good then you won't find it in this book.On the other hand, if it's here, don't expect any sympathy.
Imprint Academic Premiership: The Development, Nature and Power of the Office of the British Prime Minister
Luath Press Ltd Animal Fairm [Animal Farm in Scots]
AW ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MAIR EQUAL THAN ITHERSIt didnae seem unco when Napoleon wis seen daunderin aboot the fairmhoose gairden wi a pipe in his mooth...Frae the instant o its first publication ower seeventy year syne, Animal Fairm, in mony weys, has come tae be oor socio-political urtext – oor wan-singer-wan-sang, oor collective pairty piece, the script we’re doomed tae keep repeatin...George Orwell’s faur-kent novel Animal Fairm, yin o Time magazine’s 100 brawest English-leid novels o aw time, has been translatit intae Scots for the verra first time by Thomas Clark. When the animals o Manor Fairm cast aff thirldom an tak control frae Mr Jones, they hae howps for a life o freedom an equality. But when the pigs Napoleon and Snawbaw rise tae pouer, the ither animals find oot that they’re mebbe no aw as equal as they’d aince thocht. A tragic political allegory described by Orwell as bein ‘the history o a revolution that went wrang’, this buik is as relevant noo – if no mair sae – as when it wis first set oot.
Pushkin Press Johnson's Brexit Dictionary: Or an A to Z of What Brexit Really Means
'A delight' Stephen Fry BLUNDER To mistake, grossly, to err very widely. 'Someone has blundered'(Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 'Charge of the Brexit Brigade') EUTHANASIA An easy death. Strangulation by EU regulations, according to Brexiters. 'Brexit' seems to mean many things, but none of them is clear. Fortunately, help is at hand from Harry Eyres and George Myerson, who offer us pithy and incisive definitions of the key terms associated with this momentous process. From 'COCK-UP' to 'WRETCHED' via 'BUFOON' and 'MAY', Johnson's Brexit Dictionary is a delightful, witty and essential compendium inspired by Dr Johnson's original, and updated for our turbulent times.
Rocky Mountain Books Saskatchewan Book: Photographs by George Webber
Rowman & Littlefield Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America
When George Yancy penned a New York Times op-ed entitled “Dear White America” asking white Americans to confront the ways that they benefit from racism, he knew his article would be controversial. But he was unprepared for the flood of vitriol in response. The resulting blowback played out in the national media, with critics attacking Yancy in every form possible—including death threats—and supporters rallying to his side. Despite the rhetoric of a “post-race” America, Yancy quickly discovered that racism is still alive, crude, and vicious in its expression. In Backlash, Yancy expands upon the original article and chronicles the ensuing controversy as he seeks to understand what it was about the op-ed that created so much rage among so many white readers. He challenges white Americans to rise above the vitriol and to develop a new empathy for the African American experience.
Rowman & Littlefield My West Side Story: A Memoir
Natalie Wood and “lovely” Richard Beymer, to the mercurial Jerome Robbins and “passionate” Rita Moreno, with whom Chakiris remains friends. “I know exactly where my gratitude belongs,” Chakiris writes, “and I still marvel at how, unbeknownst to me at the time, the joyful path of my life was paved one night in 1949 when Jerome Robbins sat Leonard Bernstein and Arthur Laurents down in his apartment and announced, ‘I have an idea.’"
McGraw-Hill Education Advertising and Promotion ISE
Today, we are experiencing the most dynamic and revolutionary changes of any era in the history of marketing communications! This comprehensive, latest edition reflects these changes and their implications for the marketer. Because the digital evolution and revolution also applies to how students learn, our digital support package with Connect and SmartBook 2.0 have also received extensive innovative updates! Contains Ethical, Global and Digital/Social Media Perspectives throughout Explores changes in media consumption patterns and the implications of these changes for IMC strategies and tactics. Extensive discussion around challenges facing traditional media such as television, magazines, newspapers, and radio as they compete against digital media. Emphasizes on the integration of advertising with other promotional-mix elements and the need to understand their role and overall contribution. McGraw Hill’s Connect ensures demonstration of marketing communications to real-world scenarios with Smartbook 2.0, Video Cases, Case Analyses, Application-based Activities and much more.
McGraw-Hill Education Clinical Electrophysiology Review, Third Edition
A unique combination of case studies and workbook exercises helps you master the practice of measuring heart rhythm disordersIdeal for both practicing physicians, residents and fellows preparing for board exams, Clinical Electrophysiology Review, Third Edition serves partly as a case study guide and partly as a workbook to challenging studies in advanced electrodiagnostics. The book is filled with illustrations to help you recognize common rhythm disturbances and uncommon arrhythmias. This new edition includes 23 all-new cases on the surface ECG. Chapters include: Analysis of Complex Electrophysiologic Data Electrophysiologic Approach to the ECG Correlation of Intracardiac Data with the Surface ECG Fundamentals of Clinical Electrophysiology Narrow QRS Tachycardia Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia Catheter Ablation Strategies for the Examination Board Questions
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
Kenneth Winkler's esteemed edition of Berkeley's Principles is based on the second edition (London, 1734), the last one published in Berkeley's lifetime.Life other members of Hackett's philosophical classics series, it features editorial elements found to be of particular value to students and their teachers: analytical table of contents; chronology of the author's life; selected bibliography; note on the text; glossary; and index.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Persian Letters
Based on the 1758 edition, this translation strives for fidelity and retains Montesquieu's paragraphing. George R. Healy's Introduction discusses The Persian Letters as a kind of overture to the Enlightenment, a work of remarkable diversity designed more to explore a problem of great urgency for eighteenth century thought than to resolve it: that of discovering universals, or at least the pragmatic constants, amid the diversity of human culture and society, and of confronting the proposition that there are no values in human relationships except those imposed by force or agreed upon in self-interested conventions.
Josef Weinberger Plays Laura
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Rangers Led the Way: WWII Army Rangers in Their Own Words
Rangers Led the Way is a collection of interviews from 20 Rangers who fought in Europe during WWII, including the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Ranger Battalions. The book also includes historical context so the actions described in the interviews can be understood as part of the larger war. Within a year after the fateful attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the US military understood the need for Special Forces and began training with the British Commandos to create the force that would become the famous US Rangers. Although US Ranger history emanates from before the Revolutionary War, Ranger training and missions substantially changed during WWII, leading to a new generation of Rangers. Many never-before-seen maps and photographs are also included.
Basic Books Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves
Bold and provocative, Regenesis tells of recent advances that may soon yield endless supplies of renewable energy, increased longevity and the return of long-extinct species.", New Scientist In Regenesis , Harvard biologist George Church and science writer Ed Regis explore the possibilities,and perils,of the emerging field of synthetic biology. Synthetic biology, in which living organisms are selectively altered by modifying substantial portions of their genomes, allows for the creation of entirely new species of organisms. These technologies,far from the out-of-control nightmare depicted in science fiction,have the power to improve human and animal health, increase our intelligence, enhance our memory, and even extend our life span. A breathtaking look at the potential of this world-changing technology, Regenesis is nothing less than a guide to the future of life.
Anthology Editions Unusual Sounds: The Hidden History of Library Music
In the heyday of low-budget television and scrappy genre filmmaking, producers who needed a soundtrack for their commercial entertainments could reach for a selection of library music: royalty-free LPs of stock recordings whose contents fit any mood required. Though at the time, the use of such records was mostly a cost-cutting maneuver for productions that couldn’t afford to hire their own composer, the industry soon took on its own life: library publishers became major financial successes, and much of the work they released was truly extraordinary. In fact, many of these anonymous or pseudonymous scores-on-demand were crafted by the some of the greatest musical minds of the late 20th century—expert musicians and innovative composers who reveled in the freedoms offered, paradoxically, by this most corporate of fields. Unusual Sounds is a deep dive into a musical universe that has, until now, been accessible only to producers and record collectors; a celebration of this strange industry and an examination of its unique place at the nexus of art and commerce. Featuring original art by Robert Beatty and an introduction by George A. Romero—whose use of library music in Night of the Living Dead changed film history—Unusual Sounds is mandatory reading for anyone interested in this enigmatic field and its hidden but pervasive cultural influence.
Titan Books Ltd Dark Souls: The Complete Collection
Step back into the Kingdom of Lordan ten years after its first appearance in Dark Souls and immerse yourself in the complete collection of Titan Comics' graphic novel series. All five Dark Souls graphic novels have been bound in one spine for the first time ever in this anniversary edition! Now featuring the Age of the Fire - the comic prequel to the game - and the Legends of the Flame and Tales of Ember anthologies. Dark Souls: The Complete Collection is packed from cover to cover with rich artwork from rising star Alan Quah and more! Collects Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus, Dark Souls: Winter's Spite, Dark Souls: Legends of the Flame, Dark Souls: Tales of Ember and Dark Souls: The Age of Fire!
Penguin Random House South Africa Two Oceans: A Guide To The Marine Life Of Southern Africa
This popular and authoritative guide has been fully revised, updated and expanded to encompass more than 2,200 species found in and around southern Africa’s oceans. It includes an additional 125 species, 190 new photographs, revised distribution maps, and 260 updated species names to reflect the new taxonomy. Key features include: Concise and easy-to-use species descriptions; spectacular full-colour photographs; accurate and up-to-date distribution maps. This new edition of Two Oceans is a celebration of the extraordinary diversity of life that inhabits the sea and surrounding coastline, reaffirming this book’s reputation as the region’s pre-eminent guide for scientists, students, divers and beachcombers. Sales points: Covers over 2,200 species; full-colour photos, maps and concise text make identification easy; up-to-date information; highly accomplished author team.
PublicAffairs,U.S. The Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival?
The European Union could soon be a thing of the past. Xenophobia is rampant and commonly reflected in elections across the continent. Great Britain may hold a referendum on whether to abandon the union altogether. Spurred by anti-EU sentiments due to the euro crisis, national interests conflict with a shared vision for the future of Europe. Is it too late to preserve the union that generated unprecedented peace for more than half a century?This is no mere academic question with limited importance for America and the rest of the world. In the past decade, the EU has declined from a unified global power to a fractious confederation of states with staggering unemployment resentfully seeking relief from a reluctant Germany. If the EU collapses and the former member states are transformed again from partners into rivals, the US and the world will confront the serious economic and political consequences that follow.In a series of revealing interviews conducted by Dr. Gregor Peter Schmitz, George Soros -- a man of vast European experience whose personal past informs his present concerns -- offers trenchant commentary and concise, prescriptive advice: The euro crisis was not an inevitable consequence of integration, but a result of avoidable mistakes in politics, economics, and finance; and excessive faith in the self-regulating financial markets that Soros calls market fundamentalism inspired flawed institutional structures that call out for reform. Despite the considerable perils of this period, George Soros maintains his faith in the European Union as a model of open society. This book is a testament to his vision for a peaceful and productive Europe.
Tommy Nelson The Oak Inside the Acorn
Every person is tasked with learning why they were created and the unique gifts that make them special. Written by New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, The Oak Inside the Acorn teaches about the incredible miracle inside each of us while reminding us that we were created by God for a special purpose.The story highlights the adventure of a sweet little acorn becoming a big, strong oak tree. Readers will cheer on the growing tree when he can't grow oranges like the orange tree or flowers like the rose bush. Children will read with wonder as the tree grows empty branches, and later, a very special purpose is revealed.The Oak Inside the Acorn is an inspiring picture book for readers, ages 6 to 10 that shows All of God's creations have purpose and contribute to the well-being of others Patience is a process, and it takes time to grow into all God created them to be Life is a journey, and God has a plan for them through the ups and downs This wonderful picture book makes an excellent Bedtime story for snuggling close with little ones Inspirational gift for graduation, baptism, baby showers and dedications, and adoptions Read aloud story time to help children understand all they were created to be
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
Kenneth Winkler's esteemed edition of Berkeley's Principles is based on the second edition (London, 1734), the last one published in Berkeley's lifetime.Life other members of Hackett's philosophical classics series, it features editorial elements found to be of particular value to students and their teachers: analytical table of contents; chronology of the author's life; selected bibliography; note on the text; glossary; and index.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Meditations
The unabridged version of this definitive work is now available in a highly designed jacketed hardcover with a new introduction by philosophy scholar Pierre Baumann. The personal writings of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who ruled from 161 to 180 AD, not only reflect on the philosophical idea of Stoicism, but also on this powerful man’s day-to-day life and issues that still plague us all. Considered to be one of the most influential writings, Meditations is as relevant today as when it was originally published. With a timeline of the life and times of Marcus Aurelius at the back, a modern design makes this timeless book a perfect addition to any library. Essential volumes for the shelves of every classic literature lover, the Chartwell Classics series includes beautifully presented works and collections from some of the most important authors in literary history. Chartwell Classics are the editions of choice for the most discerning literature buffs. Other titles in the Chartwell Classics Series include: Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft; Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Complete Novels of Jane Austen; Complete Sherlock Holme; Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; Complete Works of William Shakespeare; Divine Comedy; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Tales; The Essential Tales of H.P. Lovecraft; The Federalist Papers; The Inferno; The Call of the Wild and White Fang; Moby Dick; The Odyssey; Pride and Prejudice; The Essential Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Emma; The Great Gatsby; The Secret Garden; Anne of Green Gables; The Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe; The Phantom of the Opera; The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital; Republic; Frankenstein; Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; The Picture of Dorian Gray; Wuthering Heights; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass; A Tales of Two Cities; Beowulf; The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; Little Women
John Wiley & Sons Inc Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly
A comprehensive resource for new and veteran researchers in the field of self-assembling and functional materials In Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly, a pair of distinguished researchers delivers a thorough overview of how the colloidal self-assembly approach can enable the design and fabrication of several functional materials and devices. Among other topics, the book explores the foundations of self-assembly in different systems, nucleation, the growth of nanoparticles, self-assembly of colloidal microspheres for photonic crystals and devices, and the self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules as a template for mesoporous materials. The authors also discuss the self-assembly of biomolecules, superstructures from self-assembly, architectures from self-assembly, and the applications of self-assembled nanostructures. Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly provides a balanced approach to the theoretical background and applications of the subject, offering sound guidance to both experienced and early-career researchers. The book also delivers: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of colloids, including the theory of nucleation and the growth of colloidal particles Comprehensive explorations of mechanisms and strategies for the self-assembly of colloidal particles, including DNA-mediated colloidal self-assembly Practical discussions of characterization techniques for self-assembled colloidal structures, including electron microscopy techniques and X-ray techniques In-depth examinations of biological and biomedical materials, including tissue engineering, drug loading and release, and biodetection Perfect for materials scientists, inorganic chemists, and catalytic chemists, Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly is also a must-read reference for biochemists and surface chemists seeking a one-stop resource on self-assembling and functional materials.
Emerald Publishing Limited Duty to Revolt: Transnational and Commemorative Aspects of Revolution
Throughout the 19th century, revolutionary movements united intellectuals, artists, dissidents, and significant segments of the population in joint crusades in the name of justice or liberation against empires and aristocratic elites, often across class, religious, race and national lines. Duty to Revolt takes the Greek Revolution as a foundational historical departure point to investigate historical continuities and discontinuities in transnational and commemorative aspects of revolutionary wars. This edited collection provides an innovative and comprehensive contribution to the study of historical revolutions and their commemoration, as well as contemporary protests and uprisings, and how they are communicated today in everyday networked media. Duty to Revolt is the first work of its kind to take an interdisciplinary approach across historical time on this subject and bringing together leading and emerging scholars in several fields, merging history and political science with digital media and communication studies.
Vintage Publishing Nineteen Eighty-Four
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.The year is 1984, and life in Oceania is ruled by the Party. Under the gaze of Big Brother, Winston Smith yearns for intimacy and love - "thought crimes" that, if uncovered, would mean imprisonment, or death. But Winston is not alone in his defiance, and an illicit affair will draw him into the mysterious Brotherhood and the realities of resistance. Nineteen Eighty-Four has been described as chilling, absorbing, satirical, momentous, prophetic and terrifying. It is all these things, and more.The Authoritative Text. With an introduction by Robert Harris.*The jacket of this stunning hardback edition features period artwork by Elizabeth Friedlander, one of Europe's pre-eminent 20th-century graphic designers. Look out for complementary editions of Orwell's essential works Animal Farm and Down and Out in Paris and London.*
Vintage Publishing Orwell on Freedom
With an introduction by Kamila Shamsie‘Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.’GEORGE ORWELL is one of the world’s most famous writers and social commentators. Through his writing he exposed the unjust sufferings of the poor and unemployed, warned against totalitarianism and defended freedom of speech.This selection, from both his novels and non-fiction, charts his prescient and clear-eyed thinking on the subject of FREEDOM. It ranges from pieces on individual liberty, society and technology, to political liberty, revolution and the importance of free speech. Orwell's ambition to create a fairer and more egalitarian society is essential inspiration as we strive for freedom and equality in today's world.'If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.'
Quercus Publishing The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye: A Dragon Tattoo story
THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO LIVES ON.Lisbeth Salander is an unstoppable force:Sentenced to two months in Flodberga women's prison for saving a young boy's life by any means necessary, Salander refuses to say anything in her own defence. She has more important things on her mind.Mikael Blomkvist makes the long trip to visit every week - and receives a lead to follow for his pains. For him, it looks to be an important expose for Millennium. For her, it could unlock the facts of her childhood.Even from a corrupt prison system run largely by the inmates, Salander will stand up for what she believes in, whatever the cost. And she will seek the truth that is somehow connected with her childhood memory, of a woman with a blazing birthmark on her neck - that looked as if it had been burned by a dragon's fire . . . The tension, power and unstoppable force of The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye are inspired by Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy, as Salander and Blomkvist continue the fight for justice that has thrilled millions of readers across the world.Translated from the Swedish by George Goulding
Little, Brown Book Group Keep the Aspidistra Flying
A new edition of Orwell's end-of-tether third novel, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. TaylorFirst published in 1936, and drawing on Orwell's own experiences of working in a Hampstead bookshop, Keep the Aspidistra Flying tracks the career of Gordon Comstock ('nearly 30 and moth-eaten already') a struggling poet who tries to rebel against the conventions of middle-class English life, only to be drawn inexorably back into the world that grinds him down.This new edition includes an introduction and extensive end-notes, and an appendix containing original responses to the novel as well as letters and documents from the period in which it was written.
Little, Brown Book Group Coming Up For Air
A new edition of Orwell's elegiac fourth novel, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. TaylorFirst published in 1939 and dominated by the shadow of the Second World War, Coming up for Air finds fat, middle-aged and unhappily-married George Bowling trying to revisit the world of his Edwardian childhood in rural Oxforshire, only to discover that the certainties of his past are dead and that a very different future is looming up to claim him.This new edition includes an introduction and extensive end-notes, and an appendix containing original responses to the novel as well as letters and documents from the period in which it was written.
Amberley Publishing Too Few Too Far: The True Story of a Royal Marine Commando
British Commando George Thomsen's action-filled account of combat during the Falklands War. Seen through the eyes of Section Commander George Thomsen, this inspiring first-hand account, tells of the tension-packed lead up, and the heroic stand, by a tiny band of brothers on one of the most inhospitable islands on the planet - South Georgia. They fought alone - besieged, isolated, and against an overwhelming invasion force - and yet had the enemy reeling on the ropes. This is the story of true British grit, sheer bloody-mindedness, professionalism and ingenuity. The Royal Marines' courageous action on that extraordinary day changed the balance of the South Atlantic war. This was a modern-day Rorke's Drift when world events literally took too few too far. Twenty-five years after these events took place, this is George Thomsen's true story, as told to Malcolm Angel.
Penguin Books Ltd The Gates of Athens: Book One in the Athenian series
Brought to you by Penguin.The momentous struggle between Athens and Sparta as rival powers and political systems will last for twenty-seven years (431 to 404 BC). It will end in the fall of Athens. Filled with cunning political scheming, astonishing military prowess, invasions, treacheries, plagues, ambitions, virtues, and emotions and a lot of intrigue, Conn Iggulden brings to life one of the most thrilling chapters of the ancient world.© Conn Iggulden 2020 (P) Penguin Audio 2020
Little, Brown Book Group Dawn of the Dead: The original end of the world horror classic
WHEN THE END OF THE WORLD COMES, WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING?The classic horror that inspired a genre: if you haven't read this yet, you need to. If you have, you'll want to again. Includes a brilliant and exclusive introduction from Simon Pegg.When there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.George A. Romero's iconic film and novel terrified generations.Now Dawn of the Dead is back to terrify once more.The world is being devastated by zombies. No one knows how far they have spread, or how to stop them. And as the living fight to save themselves, society collapses. Four people escape the chaos of downtown Philadelphia and find shelter in a shopping mall. As the survivors exhaust their greed and the undead scrape at the doors, the refuge becomes a prison.And soon there will be nowhere left to hide . . .
Faber Music Ltd Twenty-Five: For The Loyal
"For The Loyal", is the matching songbook of the third of the 3-CD set from George Michael's album 'Twenty-Five', the latest collection of hits. All the songs are arranged for piano, voice and guitar with pages of colour photographs.Also available is a beautifully produced three-songbook presentation set, Twenty-Five (0-571-52879-1), chronicling his colourful twenty-five years and includes all the songs from each of the three albums arranged for piano, voice and guitar with pages of colour photographs.The other songbooks are also available separately. For Living (0-571-52994-1), For Loving (0-571-52995-X) and For The Loyal (0-571-52996-8).
Oxford University Press Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues
Berkeley's idealism started a revolution in philosophy. As one of the great empiricist thinkers he not only influenced British philosophers from Hume to Russell and the logical positivists in the twentieth century, he also set the scene for the continental idealism of Hegel and even the philosophy of Marx. There has never been such a radical critique of common sense and perception as that given in Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge (1710). His views were met with disfavour, and his response to his critics was the Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. This edition of Berkeley's two key works has an introduction which examines and in part defends his arguments for idealism, as well as offering a detailed analytical contents list, extensive philosophical notes and an index. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Oxford University Press The Odd Women
`there are half a million more women than men in this unhappy country of ours . . . So many odd women - no making a pair with them.' The idea of the superfluity of unmarried women was one the `New Woman' novels of the 1890s sought to challenge. But in The Odd Women (1893) Gissing satirizes the prevailing literary image of the `New Woman' and makes the point that unmarried women were generally viewed less as noble and romantic figures than as `odd' and marginal in relation to the ideal of womanhood itself. Set in grimy, fog-ridden London, these `odd' women range from the idealistic, financially self-sufficient Mary Barfoot and Rhoda Nunn, who run a school to train young women in office skills for work, to the Madden sisters struggling to subsist in low-paid jobs and experiencing little comfort or pleasure in their lives. Yet it is for the youngest Madden sister's marriage that the novel reserves its most sinister critique. With superb detachment Gissing captures contemporary society's ambivalence towards its own period of transition. The Odd Women is a novel engaged with all the major sexual and social issues of the late-nineteenth century. Judged by contemporary reviewers as equal to Zola and Ibsen, Gissing was seen to have produced an `intensely modern' work and it is perhaps for this reason that the issues it raises remain the subject of contemporary debate. *Introduction *Textual Note *Bibliography *Chronology *Explanatory Notes *Map ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Oxford University Press Keep the Aspidistra Flying
"Money is what God used to be. Good and evil have no meaning any longer except failure and success." Disgusted by society's materialism, Gordon Comstock leaves his job in advertising to pursue an ill-fated career as a poet. In his race to the bottom, only Rosemary, his long-suffering girlfriend, challenges Gordon's self-destructive course. The novel contains the most sustained reflections on the role of the author and the artistic imagination anywhere in Orwell's fiction, as the book's protagonist struggles (and ultimately fails) to reconcile his romantic-aestheticist sensibilities with the pressures of the literary marketplace and with social expectations. Completed while Orwell travelled north to work on The Road to Wigan Pier, this novel is a key transitional text in his career. Offering a powerful portrayal of the emotional toll of precarity and the desire to break with capitalism, Keep the Aspidistra Flying is a significant work of mid-century British fiction but it also speaks to our own time. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Oxford University Press Burmese Days
'...after all, natives were natives - interesting, no doubt, but finally ... an inferior people' Based on his experiences as a policeman in Burma, George Orwell's first novel is set during the end days of British colonialism, when Burma is ruled from Delhi as part of British India. In the fictional district of Kyauktada, based on Kathar, U Po Kyin, a corrupt Burmese magistrate, is planning to destroy the reputation of the Indian Dr Veraswami. The doctor's main protection is his friendship with John Flory who, as a European, has higher prestige. Dr Veraswami wants the privilege of becoming a member of the British club because he thinks that if his standing with the Europeans is good, U Po Kyin's intrigues against him will not prevail. U Po Kyin begins a campaign to persuade the Europeans that the doctor holds disloyal, anti-British opinions, and believes anonymous letters with false stories about the doctor 'will work wonders'.
Oxford University Press Rudy and the Wolf Cub
With boundless energy and an impulsive nature, Rudy is always ready to follow the scent of adventure! And with his loyal pack of friends by his side there's nothing he can't achieve. When Rudy finds a lost wolf cub at the skatepark, he knows he has to help him. Rudy tries everything he can think of to find the cub's pack, but they're nowhere to be seen, or smelled, and time is running out. Can a howl in the night change the fate of the little cub? How-how-harrooooow! Howlingly cool illustrations and an irresistible character finding his way in the world make Rudy and the Wolf Cub the ideal choice for those looking to bridge the gap between picture books and independent reading.
Penguin Books Ltd Animal Farm: Penguin Modern Classics
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Animal Farm by George Orwell.'All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others'When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master Mr Jones and take over the farm themselves, they imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality. But gradually a cunning, ruthless élite among them, masterminded by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, starts to take control. Soon the other animals discover that they are not all as equal as they thought, and find themselves hopelessly ensnared as one form of tyranny is replaced with another.(P) Penguin Audio 2021
Penguin Books Ltd Nineteen Eighty-Four: Penguin Modern Classics
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell.'Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, symbolic head of the Party. In his longing for truth and liberty, Smith begins a secret love affair with a fellow-worker Julia, but soon discovers the true price of freedom is betrayal.(P) Penguin Audio 2021
Penguin Books Ltd The Orwell Diaries
George Orwell was an inveterate keeper of diaries. The Orwell Diaries presents eleven of them, covering the period 1931-1949, and follows Orwell from his early years as a writer to his last literary notebook. An entry from 1931 tells of a communal shave in the Trafalgar Square fountains, while notes from his travels through industrial England show the development of the impassioned social commentator. This same acute power of observation is evident in his diaries from Morocco, as well as at home, where his domestic diaries chart the progress of his garden and animals with a keen eye; the wartime diaries, from descriptions of events overseas to the daily violence closer to home, describe astutely his perspective on the politics of both, and provide a new and entirely refreshing insight into Orwell's character and his great works.