Search results for ""alma""
Simon Spotlight Henry Y Mudge El Primer Libro (Henry and Mudge the First Book): Ready-To-Read Level 2
Houghton Mifflin Farmers Market/dia De Mercado
Cengage Learning, Inc Wilma Sin Límites: Como Wilma Rudolph Se Convirtió En La Mujer Más Rápida del Mundo (Wilma Unlimited Spanish Edition)
Harlequin Ibérica Para mi hijo
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Accuarel. Libros de regalo.Tu hijo. Estás tan orgullosa de él. Lo quieres con toda el alma. Las citas de este libro lo dicen todo. Y lo convierten en un regalo perfecto
En torno al hombre
Aborda de manera accesible y directa cuestiones como el dolor, la felicidad, la muerte, la libertad, la justicia, el alma... Facilita el conocimiento de la Filosofía y brinda un buen instrumento a quien la enseña.
Práctica de oración contemplativa
La oración vocal, la meditación y la contemplación son los tres modos de orar mencionados en el Catecismo de la Iglesia católica. El primero acude a fórmulas hechas. El segundo se ejercita cuando buscamos una respuesta de Dios a una cuestión difícil, o cuando formulamos un propósito o hacemos examen de conciencia. El autor ofrece recorridos por el tercer modo: cuando, tal vez en un atardecer y en una iglesia vacía y silenciosa, el alma se siente invadida de una paz profunda al advertir la cercanía de Dios.Ofrece para ello algunos recursos pedagógicos, consciente de que, como siempre, la acción corresponde al Espíritu Santo, que lleva el alma hasta Jesucristo.
Atheneum Books for Young Readers Island Treasures: Growing Up in Cuba
Houghton Mifflin What Day Is It?/ Que Dia Es Hoy?
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The big stick
Alma Nel leaves her home on the edge of the Kalahari to retrieve the body of her gay son in Amsterdam. Driven by guilt and grief, she resolves to reconstruct Staal's life and the events leading up to his death, undertaking a bizarre quest in a strange and surreal world. Guided by a coke-dealing Rastafarian, Alma opens a psychedelic can of worms, meeting many of Staal's friends and acquaintances - scissor queens, leather men, rent boys, daredevils. But not everyone is sympathetic towards Alma, and some of Staal's friends would prefer to keep their secret histories hidden in the darkrooms of the night. As her quest progresses, Alma discovers that a mysterious stranger is several steps ahead of her, trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle. The mysterious stranger turns out to be Staal's friend Remco de Heer, the accident-prone leading man from Six Fang Marks and a Tetanus Shot. Rem seeks Staal's help after fleeing from his brother's attic at the end of Six Fang Marks and a Tetanus Shot. Now Rem descends into the underworld again to find Staal's rent-boy lover Janusz, who was with him the night he died. Rem is driven by the need to know whether his malignant accident-proneness played any part in Staal's death. The Big Stick is poignant, comical, suspenseful and (strangely) sexy. Two telling compliments from Dutch reviewers give us a snapshot of their reactions: "Characters I'd love to meet in the flesh" and "How can a straight author write so accurately about the gay scene?"
Atheneum Books for Young Readers Love, Amalia
DOVER PUBN INC Great Singers on the Art of Singing Dover Books on Music
Advice and instruction from operatic immortals including Nellie Melba on voice training and preservation and Alma Gluck on building a vocal repertoire, plus contributions from Caruso, Galli-Curci, Garden, Lehmann, many more. 24 photographs.
Deep Vellum Publishing Forgetting
Forgetting is a brief but searing sojourn inside the mind of Alma as she navigates the complexity of the past and future within her identity.On her nighttime wanderings through a Paris saturated with cultural and historical meaning, she begins the slow work of grieving for her grandfather, a Holocaust survivor, and begins to unravel the ways that his experience continues to reverberate across generations. The journey, both inward and outward, simple and infinitely varied, brings Alma to reconsider her whole life and the circumstances that led to her very birth.In Forgetting, Finkelstein sheds new light on the oldest dilemmas, asking: "What to do with the brief time that is given to us?"
Batalla de gallos
Del escenario al cuaderno. Y del micro a la pluma.Cinco de los mejores freestylers dejan el micrófono y desnudan su alma en la más singular de las batallas: la batalla de la vida.Un grito de rap, valor y poesía.
Houghton Mifflin Big Pig and Little Pig/cerdo Y Cerdito
Houghton Mifflin Chick that Wouldn't Hatch/el Pollito Que No Queria Salir Del Huevo
Taylor & Francis Ltd Practically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Engineering, Technology and Architecture
This book brings together over 1,100 quotes pertinent and illuminating to engineering, technology and architecture. It includes extensive author and subject indexes for locating quotations. The book can be read for entertainment or used as a handy reference by students and professional engineers.
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Psicología y vida espiritual
Libro sapiencial, cargado de ciencia y de experiencia vivas, suscita el gusto por conocer algunos aspectos de la psicopatología para llegar a un cabal entendimiento del alma humana, a través de páginas luminosas por su belleza e impregnadas de sentido práctico.
Alfaguara Si! Somos Latinos: Yes! We Are Latinos
Atheneum Books for Young Readers Alexander, Que de Ninguna Manera-Le Oyen?-!Lo Dice En Serio!-Se Va a Mudar (Alexander, Who's Not -- Do You Hear Me? I Mean It! -- Going to Move): (Alexander, Who's Not--Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!--Going to Move)
HarperCollins Espanol Pio Peep! Traditional Spanish Nursery Rhymes: Bilingual English-Spanish
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Tim tips it: Band 01A/Pink A
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Good friends, funny hats and a whole lot of fun awaits you in this story. Pink A/Band 1A offers emergent readers very simple, highly predictable texts and provides direct support through illustrations. The focus sounds in this book are: /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ /i/ /n/ /m/ /d/ Pages 14 and 15 contain a fun “I Spy” Letters and Sounds activity, which uses visual support to help children embed phonic knowledge. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Little, Brown & Company The Fresh New Face of Griselda
Griselda "Geez" Zaragoza has a love for beautiful things, like her collection of vintage teacups and the flower garden she and her dad planted in the front yard. But when his business fails, Griselda loses not just her home but also her confidence and her trust in her unflappable parents. Tagging along with big sister Maribel, who postponed college for a job selling Alma Cosmetics, Geez dreams up a way to reclaim the life she thinks she lost: If she can sell enough tubes of glistening, glittery Alma lip gloss, she'll win a cash prize that could help jump start her dad's business. With ups and downs along the way, Geez will discover that beauty isn't just lost or found but made and re-made.
Goose Lane Editions The Nettle Spinner
In her early twenties, Alma met a tree-planter and fell in love -- not with the man but with his strangely romantic work. Now, after several seasons of planting trees out west, the tough-minded hero of Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer's visceral first novel has come home to northern Ontario to help reforest the ravaged landscape with a gang of filthy ex-hippies and idealistic students. Baking by day in the hot sun and tormented by mosquitoes and blackflies, Alma and her fellow planters relieve their backbreaking toil at night with sex, dope, and alcohol. But her brief passionate affair with a charismatic newcomer named Willem raises the ire of Karl (whose amorous attentions she has deflected in the past), and he viciously rapes her. Pregnant and alone, Alma flees to an abandoned mining camp where she and Willem once made love. There, with the help of the camp's single weird inhabitant, she constructs for herself and her unwanted baby an increasingly ominous new life. Weaving together Alma's story with an ancient Flemish folktale about a peasant girl's magical hold over a lustful count, Kuitenbrouwer links the power of narrative with the passion for self-realization. The Nettle Spinner is a gritty, sensuous debut that portrays sex with startling clarity and violence with peculiar tenderness.
Desde el punto de vista de la psicología esotérica, la evolución es el desarrollo de la consciencia por medio de la cual el fragmento del alma incrustado dentro de la personalidad se identifica progresivamente con su fuente espiritual y se unifica con ella.
Taurus La infancia recuperada
"Cuando apareció, hace veinticinco años, este libro supuso una pequeña revolución liberadora para muchos: en un panorama dominado por la novela experimental, reivindicaba el placer de la ficción llena de aventuras, emociones e imaginación. Celebraba el entusiasmo intacto de la lectura y la ética de la narración, que se adentra en el misterio de nuestros anhelos y recomienda siempre el coraje. Las aventuras en la selva y los viajes interestelares, las pesquisas policiales o los desafíos del salvaje Oeste son masajes que tonifican el alma del lector, porque el alma -como otras medicinas- necesita ser agitada antes de usarla. Por eso, de todos mis libros, sigue siendo éste el que prefiero".Fernando Savater
Ediciones Akal Apología de Sócrates Critón Fedón
Nueva traducción de estas tres obras de Platón, centradas en los últimos días de la existencia de Sócrates, en las que se abordan distintos aspectos de la doctrina socrático-platónica sobre el deber, el alma y su inmortalidad.
Little, Brown & Company The Fresh New Face of Griselda
Griselda "Geez" Zaragoza has a love for beautiful things, like her collection of vintage teacups and the flower garden she and her dad planted in the front yard. But when his business fails, Griselda loses not just her home, but also her confidence and her trust in her unflappable parents. Tagging along with big sister Maribel, who postponed college for a job selling Alma Cosmetics, Geez dreams up a way to reclaim the life she thinks she lost: If she can sell enough tubes of glistening, glittery Alma lip gloss, she'll win a cash prize that could help jump start her dad's business. With ups and downs along the way, Geez will discover that beauty isn't just lost or found, but made and remade.
La lluvia me dir quin eres
Dónde está mi lugar, dónde está mi vida, dónde estoy yo...Tras un grave accidente de tráfico, nuestra protagonista pierde la memoria, teniendo que enfrentarse a la vida sin más herramientas que las que va construyendo con ayuda de su intuición. Libre de condicionamientos sociales que le indiquen un camino, emprenderá un viaje que la llevará a conocer la oscuridad del alma humana, pero también aprenderá a sobrevivir con la fuerza que habita en su interior.La Lluvia me dirá quién eres es la historia de muchas mujeres en diferentes partes del mundo, que salen adelante con el alma rota y las cicatrices de una guerra en la que ellas no siempre son las vencedoras.
Plaza & Janés El amante japons
Cuando la niña Alma Belasco llega a San Francisco huyendo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, encuentra en la casa de sus tíos la guarida que necesitaba; pero también el amor incondicional de otro niño de su edad, Ichimei, que posee un don especial para las floresA los veintidós años, sospechando que tenían el tiempo contado, Ichimei y Alma se atragantaron de amor para consumirlo entero, pero mientras más intentaban agotarlo, más imprudente era el deseo, y quien diga que todo fuego se apaga solo tarde o temprano, se equivoca: hay pasiones que son incendios hasta que las ahoga el destino de un zarpazo y aun así quedan brasas calientes listas para arder apenas se les da oxígeno.
V&R Unipress 1870/71: Der Deutsch-Franzosische Krieg in Transnationaler, Regionaler Und Interdisziplinarer Perspektive
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of International Human Resource Development: Context, Processes and People
This comprehensive Handbook sets out the nature and scope of International Human Resource Development (IHRD) to advance our understanding of research and practice in the field. Drawing on expertise from a global team representing some of the field's most distinguished researchers, the Handbook explores a range of contextual, process and people development practice issues impacting IHRD research and practice. Focusing on IHRD as a distinct field of research and practice, the authors offer comprehensive coverage of a number of critical contextual dimensions that shape the IHRD goals that organisations pursue; impact the IHRD systems, policies and practices that are implemented; and influence the types of IHRD research questions that are investigated. The Handbook examines the processes or actions taken by organisations to globalise IHRD practices and discusses important people development practices that come within the scope of IHRD. By bringing together a variety of research strands and engaging in key debates while also acknowledging the emergent, dynamic and constantly evolving nature of the field, the authors of this Handbook have created an invaluable resource for academics, students, professionals and practitioners in IHRD, HRD, HRM, international management, organisational behaviour and leadership.Contributors: M. Alagaraja, H. Alhejji, V. Anderson, A. Ardichvili, E.E. Bennett, A. Bratton, R. Carbery, N. Clarke, N. D'Annuzio Green, T. Garavan, J. Gedro, K. Grant, C. Gubbins, M. Hammond, J. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Lai, A. McCarthy, A. McDonnell, R.R. McWhorter, H. Moon, C.T. Nolan, D. O'Shea, J. Pearson, V. Pereira, O. Pruetipibultham, W.E.A. Ruona, V. Shanahan, M. Sheehan, C. Valentin, J. Winterton
Escritura entre las Nubes Momentos poemas en prosa
Tal y como escribe Carlos Pinto Grote al inicio de esta obra: Este libro de versos / abre el alma / de una poeta libre / que guarda su tesoro entre los sueños limpios / que llevan su armonía / a todos los espejos / que crecen en el aire.
Simon & Schuster ME Llamo Mar Ia Isabel: Libros Colibri
La luz de la jornada
Los poemas reunidos en la Luz de la jornada es la obra poética de juventud de Jacinto Rivera de Rosales. Tiene un fuerte aroma del sur, de sus tierras y su mar, acariciados por el viento cálido que recorre los floridos campos, mece las olas de ese mar o se funde con el silencio de la tristeza. Nos regala sus versos de la palabra del alma que arde, la palabra que como un cuchillo recorta la belleza, que convierte todo lo que le rodea en este libro de poemas, donde el alma azul desordenada busca su destino en el horizonte, se pierde en los versos y aleja el dolor en la búsqueda de su sendero entre el sí y el no. El poeta nos abre unas páginas de versos de su vasta aventura interior.
Nick Hern Books Cause Célèbre
Based on the true story of Alma Rattenbury, who, in 1935, went on trial with her eighteen-year-old lover for the murder of her husband. In the play, Terence Rattigan pits Alma against a formidable lady juror, whose own life offers a plangent counterpoint to the central tale of love, betrayal, guilt and obsession. Published in this edition alongside a major revival of the play at The Old Vic, London, Cause Célèbre was Rattigan's last play and was still running in the West End at the time of his death in 1977. It comes, like the other volumes in NHB's uniform edition of Rattigan's plays, with an authoritative introduction by Rattigan scholar Dan Rebellato. ‘Few dramatists of this century have written with more understanding of the human heart than Terence Rattigan’ - Michael Billington
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Cositas y Duna: Una aventura por la tierra y la imaginación / Cositas and Duna: An Adventure through Earth and Our Imagination
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Intertextualität und die Entstehung des Psalters: Methodische Reflexionen - Theologiegeschichtliche Perspektiven
In der Psalmenforschung hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten überkonfessionell und international eine Neuorientierung stattgefunden: Psalmenexegese wird ergänzt durch Psalterexegese. Dabei wird der Zusammenhang von Intertextualität und der Entstehung des Psalters hervorgehoben, aber auch das Verhältnis des masoretischen Textes zu den Psalmen in Qumran und in der Septuaginta kritisch in den Blick genommen.Der vorliegende Band enthält die überarbeiteten Beiträge einer internationalen Konferenz, die im April 2018 an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München stattfand. Alle Aufsätze bieten Einblicke in aktuelle Fragen nach der Komposition und Intention des Psalters. Neben grundlegenden methodischen Reflexionen präsentiert der Band neue theologiegeschichtliche Perspektiven zur Erhellung der Entstehung des Psalters.
Houghton Mifflin Daniel's Pet/daniel Y Su Mascota
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. La vida en Cristo
El autor muestra a todos los bautizados cómo pueden vivir la vida en Cristo. Describe los efectos que causan los sacramentos en el alma, y los medios que ésta ha de prodigar para conservar la gracia: la oración, la renuncia y los métodos ascéticos.
Penguin Putnam Inc La pequeña locomotora que sí pudo
"Querido Maeztu: Con todo el alma le agradezco el envío de su hermoso libro Defensa e la Hispanidad, que he leído y releo con deleite. Sigo su obra con gran interés desde los días en que todos pecamos algo contra la hispanidad". Con estas palabras inic
El amante japonés
La nueva novela de Isabel Allende.La historia de amor entre la joven Alma Velasco y el jardinero japonés Ichimei conduce al lector por un recorrido a través de diversos escenarios que van desde la Polonia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta el San Francisco de nuestros días.A los veintidós años, sospechando que tenían el tiempo contado, Ichimei y Alma se atragantaron de amor para consumirlo entero, pero mientras más intentaban agotarlo, más imprudente era el deseo, y quien diga que todo fuego se apaga solo tarde o temprano, se equivoca: hay pasiones que son incendios hasta que las ahoga el destino de un zarpazo y aun así quedan brasas calientes listas para arder apenas se les da oxígeno.
Paperblanks Spring Lawrence AlmaTadema Ultra Unlined Hardback Journal Elastic Band Closure
In his Spring painting (1894), Lawrence Alma-Tadema represented the Victorian custom of sending children to collect flowers on the morning of May 1, or May Day. By placing the scene in ancient Rome, he suggested the festival’s great antiquity through architectural details, dress, sculpture and musical instruments based on Roman originals. Alma-Tadema’s curiosity about the ancient world was insatiable, and he incorporated his knowledge into over 300 paintings of ancient archaeological and architectural design. In later years, his large panoramic depictions of Greek and Roman life caught the attention of Hollywood. The set design of certain scenes in Cecil B. DeMille’s film Cleopatra (1934) was inspired by this painting. We are honoured to feature a detail from Spring as part of our collaborative The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection.
Paperblanks Spring Lawrence AlmaTadema Midi Lined Hardback Journal Elastic Band Closure
In his Spring painting (1894), Lawrence Alma-Tadema represented the Victorian custom of sending children to collect flowers on the morning of May 1, or May Day. By placing the scene in ancient Rome, he suggested the festival’s great antiquity through architectural details, dress, sculpture and musical instruments based on Roman originals. Alma-Tadema’s curiosity about the ancient world was insatiable, and he incorporated his knowledge into over 300 paintings of ancient archaeological and architectural design. In later years, his large panoramic depictions of Greek and Roman life caught the attention of Hollywood. The set design of certain scenes in Cecil B. DeMille’s film Cleopatra (1934) was inspired by this painting. We are honoured to feature a detail from Spring as part of our collaborative The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection.
Paperblanks Spring Lawrence AlmaTadema Ultra Lined Hardback Journal Elastic Band Closure
In his Spring painting (1894), Lawrence Alma-Tadema represented the Victorian custom of sending children to collect flowers on the morning of May 1, or May Day. By placing the scene in ancient Rome, he suggested the festival’s great antiquity through architectural details, dress, sculpture and musical instruments based on Roman originals. Alma-Tadema’s curiosity about the ancient world was insatiable, and he incorporated his knowledge into over 300 paintings of ancient archaeological and architectural design. In later years, his large panoramic depictions of Greek and Roman life caught the attention of Hollywood. The set design of certain scenes in Cecil B. DeMille’s film Cleopatra (1934) was inspired by this painting. We are honoured to feature a detail from Spring as part of our collaborative The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection.
Reflexiones poticas
Con su inmenso talento reconocido con la concesión de varios premios de carácter literario, Emi Justicia se define a sí misma como autodidacta impulsiva, amante de las letras y de la comunicación entre personas. Tras el éxito obtenido con la edición de su primer libro de poemas, A flor de piel, y su segunda publicación, Jubilación a los 20 años, vuelve a sorprendernos con este poemario repleto de emociones. Reflexiones poéticas recoge la mirada atenta y sensible de la autora a su mundo interior pero también al que nos rodea: los valores heredados, el alma de un perro, la belleza del mar, el don de un artista? Todo es objeto de su íntima reflexión desde lo más profundo de su alma.