Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Senior Tourism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Aging and Traveling
This volume aims to bridge the disciplinary gap between tourism studies and aging studies. It investigates the intersections of tourism and aging from a variety of perspectives that focus on the many ways in which senior tourism is socially constructed and/or individually experienced. The essays tackle key topics ranging from the socio-economic aspects of post-retirement travel to the representations of the traveling elderly in literature, film and media, and the influence of travel on late-life creativity.
Transcript Verlag Memoirs of Well-Being: Rewriting Discourses of Illness and Disability
As the body politics of life writing in the United States change, illness and disability memoirs receive considerable attention. Although these narratives are framed by a lack of health, they abundantly present health and do so beyond its binary relationship to the pathological. This book departs from previous scholarship by bringing into focus the writers' representations of cure, recovery, and healing as well as their reluctance to bring closure to their narratives and align their stories with traditional notions of health. These memoirs thus partake in the construction of alternative narratives of illness and disability.
Transcript Verlag Squatting in Rio de Janeiro: Constructing Citizenship and Gender from Below
The Brazilian Constitution provides a remarkable set of social rights, including the right to housing. Despite this fact, struggles for decent living conditions have become key issues in the daily urban lives of many people in Brazil. Contesting the differentiated access to housing, social movements occupy empty buildings in the cities to challenge historically-rooted and excluding urban politics. Exploring the occupants' agency, Bea Wittger draws attention to the important role of female actors within the buildings. Through oral histories of participants of two squats in Rio de Janeiro, the book delivers a deep insight "from below" into their own perspectives on citizenship and gender.
Transcript Verlag Toward Diversity and Emancipation: (Re-)Narrating Space in the Contemporary American Novel
This book focuses on the pivotal role which space and spatiality assume in plot and narrative discourse of contemporary U.S.-American literary narratives. Embarking from a new, spatialized approach to cultural history and particularly narrative theory that might also prove useful for neighboring philologies, Marcel Thoene hypothesizes that the canon of novels selected represents a dialectic of simultaneous affirmation and subversion of the American space myth. This results in an integrative and emancipatory function of space reflecting the current dynamic toward a more transcultural, diverse and conflictive post-national U.S.-American society.
Transcript Verlag European Mobility in Times of Crisis: The New Context of European South-North Migration
The global economic and financial crisis had severe impact on southern European economies and stimulated growing numbers of mainly young migrants heading north, nurturing the fear of brain drain back home. This volume compiles recent research results on European south-north migration, addressing migration processes and practices, the management of migratory moves by institutional frameworks and relevant public discourse. It thereby delivers an important contribution to the understanding of the durability and contextuality of recent European south-north migration and their consequences for European economies, politics and societies.
Transcript Verlag Working with Nature in Aotearoa New Zealand: An Ethnography of Coastal Protection
Working with nature - and not against it - is a global trend in coastal management. This ethnography of coastal protection follows the increasingly popular approach of "soft" protection to the Aotearoa New Zealand coast. Friederike Gesing analyses a political controversy over hard and soft protection measures, and introduces a growing community of practice involved in projects of working with nature. Dune restoration volunteers, coastal management experts, surfer-scientists, and Maori conservationists are engaged in projects ranging from do-it-yourself erosion control, to the reconstruction of native nature, and soft engineering "in concert with natural processes". With soft protection, Gesing argues, we can witness a new sociotechnical imaginary in the making.
Transcript Verlag Miranda July's Intermedial Art: The Creative Class Between Self-Help and Individualism
This first in-depth study of Miranda July's work reveals some of its major motives and consequently provides fascinating insights into the lifestyle of the contemporary white Californian middle class. Through an analysis of July's award-winning intermedial work, the author lays open how July takes individualism and self-help as constitutive for the creative class. Although a member of the creative class herself, July's voice oscillates between irony and approval. July thus paints a fascinating portrait of neurotic hipsterism, which triggers self-reflection in the general reader and critical thinking in the cultural analyst.
Transcript Verlag On Folding: Towards a New Field of Interdisciplinary Research
It is only recently, with the increasing interest in origami and folding in natural sciences and the humanities, that the fold as a new conception in a whole range of disciplines has begun to be conceived in a broader way. Folding as a material and structural process offers a new methodology to think about the close relationship of matter, form and code. It henceforth crosses out old dichotomies, such as the organic and the inorganic or nature and technology, and blurs the boundaries between experimental, conceptual and historical approaches. This anthology aims to unfold this new interdisciplinary field and its disciplinary impact, ranging from materials science, biology, architecture, and mathematics to literature and philosophy.
Transcript Verlag Performing the Digital: Performance Studies and Performances in Digital Cultures
How is performativity shaped by digital technologies - and how do performative practices reflect and alter techno-social formations? "Performing the Digital" explores, maps and theorizes the conditions and effects of performativity in digital cultures. Bringing together scholars from performance studies, media theory, sociology and organization studies as well as practitioners of performance, the contributions engage with the implications of digital media and its networked infrastructures for modulations of affect and the body, for performing cities, protest, organization and markets, and for the performativity of critique.With contributions by Marie-Luise Angerer, Timon Beyes, Scott deLahunta and Florian Jenett, Margarete Jahrmann, Susan Kozel, Ann-Christina Lange, Oliver Leistert, Martina Leeker, Jon McKenzie, Sigrid Merx, Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt, Imanuel Schipper and Jens Schröter.
Transcript Verlag Intersex Narratives: Shifts in the Representation of Intersex Lives in North American Literature and Popular Culture
This book explores representations of intersex - intersex persons, intersex communities, and intersex as a cultural concept and knowledge category - in contemporary North American literature and popular culture. The study turns its attention to the significant paradigm shift in the narratives on intersex that occurred within early 1990s intersex activism in response to biopolitical regulations of intersex bodies. Focusing on the emergence of recent autobiographical stories and cultural productions like novels and TV series centering around intersex, Viola Amato provides a first systematic analysis of an activism-triggered resignification of intersex.
Transcript Verlag The Art of Being Many: Towards a New Theory and Practice of Gathering
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word "democracy" sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The "many" invoke new concepts of collectivity by renegotiating their modes of participation and (self-)presentation and by rewriting rhetorical, choreographical, and material scripts of assembling. This volume is inspired and informed by the square-occupations and neighborhood assemblies of the "real democracy" movements as well as by recent explorations of the assembly form in performance art and participatory theatre.
Transcript Verlag Digital Culture & Society: Vol. 2, Issue 2/2016 - Politics of Big Data
Digital Culture & Society is a refereed, international journal, fostering discussion about the ways in which digital technologies, platforms and applications reconfigure daily lives and practices. It offers a forum for critical analysis and inquiries into digital media theory and provides a publication environment for interdisciplinary research approaches, contemporary theory developments and methodological innovation. The second issue "Quantified Selves | Statistical Bodies" provides methodological and theoretical reflections on technologically generated knowledge about the body and socio-cultural practices that are subsumed, discussed, and criticized using the key concept "Quantified Self".
Transcript Verlag Bounded Mobilities: Ethnographic Perspectives on Social Hierarchies and Global Inequalities
Mobility is a keyword of late modernity that suggests an increasingly unrestrained and interconnected world of individual opportunities. However, as privileges enable some to live in a seemingly borderless world, others remain excluded and marginalized. Boundaries are created, modified and consolidated, particularly in times of hypermobility. Evidently, mobility is closely tied to immobility. This volume features ethnographic research that challenges the concept of mobility with regard to social inequalities and global hierarchies.
Transcript Verlag Normed Children: Effects of Gender and Sex Related Normativity on Childhood and Adolescence
Gender- and sex-related norms have an impact on us from the first to the last day of our lives. What are the effects of such norms on the education of children and adolescents? Conveyed via parents/family, school, and peers, they seem to be an inseparable part of human relations. After its favorable reception in German-speaking countries from 2014 onwards, this title is now available in English. The texts show that the traditional assumption of a dualistic, bipolar normativity of sex and gender leads to children being taught gender-typical behavior. The contributions in this volume explore the reasons for these practices and open the debate on the divergence between the prevailing norms and the plurality of different life plans. In addition, the book helps to disengage the topic of sex and gender from a hitherto narrowly circumscribed context of sexual orientation. The contributions point the way towards a culture of respect and mutual acceptance and show new methodological as well as theoretical approaches, e.g. by introducing the figure of the continuum, so that, in future research projects, more than just the two sexes and genders of female and male might be considered as a new normality.
Transcript Verlag Global Photographies: Memory - History - Archives
How is photography connected to global practices? This is a first edited collection to trace the relationship between history, photography and memory in a global perspective on three interrelated levels: firstly, in the artistic and cultural production of pictures, secondly, in the decoding of colonial and contemporary photography, and thirdly, in collecting photographs in picture archives dealing with colonial, anthropological and family photography. The contributions sketch the contested field of global photography and trace the manifold intertwinements between historical and contemporary photographs.
Transcript Verlag Games | Game Design | Game Studies: An Introduction
How did games rise to become the central audiovisual form of expression and storytelling in digital culture? How did the practices of their artistic production come into being? How did the academic analysis of the new medium's social effects and cultural meaning develop?Addressing these fundamental questions and aspects of digital game culture in a holistic way for the first time, Gundolf S. Freyermuth's introduction outlines the media-historical development phases of analog and digital games, the history and artistic practices of game design, as well as the history, academic approaches, and most important research topics of game studies.With contributions by André Czauderna, Nathalie Pozzi and Eric Zimmerman.
Transcript Verlag Ageing and Technology: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
The booming increase of the senior population has become a social phenomenon and a challenge to our societies, and technological advances have undoubtedly contributed to improve the lives of elderly citizens in numerous aspects. In current debates on technology, however, the "human factor" is often largely ignored. The ageing individual is rather seen as a malfunctioning machine whose deficiencies must be diagnosed or as a set of limitations to be overcome by means of technological devices. This volume aims at focusing on the perspective of human beings deriving from the development and use of technology: this change of perspective - taking the human being and not technology first - may help us to become more sensitive to the ambivalences involved in the interaction between humans and technology, as well as to adapt technologies to the people that created the need for its existence, thus contributing to improve the quality of life of senior citizens.
Transcript Verlag ReClaiming Participation: Technology - Mediation - Collectivity
This volume unravels the debates on the "Participation Age": Instead of perpetuating visions of social "all-inclusion" or the "digital divide", the collection reclaims collectivity as an effect of technological and historical conditions. Thinking of participation both as promise and duty, the contributions analyse the attractions and impositions connected to the socio-technical formation of collectivities. The constraints of participation are addressed by focusing on the mutual shaping of user practices and technological environments. It is hence a relational thinking that allows specifying the manifold interconnections of technology, practices and discourses.
Transcript Verlag Inheriting Dance: An Invitation from Pina
"Inheriting Dance. An Invitation from Pina" sets out at the historical moment we found ourselves in after the passing of Pina Bausch. The Pina Bausch Foundation started their work of carrying the artistic heritage of dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch into the future. This book reflects discussions and questions aroused by her work: How to archive dance? How to deal with the performative heritage at the outset of the 21st century? How to describe the performativity of remembering? And finally, what is the task of an archive for tomorrow, an archive to serve as a workshop for the future? Furthermore, "Inheriting Dance" provides profound insight into the practical work of the Pina Bausch Foundation, on a local, national and global level, aiming at an archive as a place of transformation, exchange, creative production, and artistic practice, similar to an abundantly growing garden. A place for future generations of dancers, artists, non-professionals, and scholars. Contributions by Salomon Bausch, Stephan Brinkmann, Royd Climenhaga, Katharina Kelter, Gabriele Klein, Sharon Lehner, Keziah Claudine Nanevie, Linda Seljimi, Bernhard Thull, Michelle Urban and Marc Wagenbach.
Transcript Verlag MultiPluriTrans in Educational Ethnography – Approaching the Multimodality, Plurality and Translocality of Educational Realities
Ethnography has established itself as a key strategy of qualitative research in education, because it is so versatile, flexible, and ambiguous. Its growing importance coincides with an increasing diversity of "discovered" educational realities. In the process, many basic assumptions have turned into genuine tasks of research. Where are the places and times of learning, education, and social work to be found? Who are the actors and addressees? How are education and learning performed and enacted? The contributions to this volume discuss the multiple challenges that ethnographic research has to confront when exploring the multimodality, plurality, and translocality of educational realities.
Transcript Verlag Caribbean Food Cultures: Culinary Practices and Consumption in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas
"Caribbean Food Cultures" approaches the matter of food from the perspectives of anthropology, sociology, cultural and literary studies. Its strong interdisciplinary focus provides new insights into symbolic and material food practices beyond eating, drinking, cooking, or etiquette. The contributors discuss culinary aesthetics and neo/colonial gazes on the Caribbean in literary documents, audiovisual media, and popular images. They investigate the negotiation of communities and identities through the preparation, consumption, and commodification of "authentic" food. Furthermore, the authors emphasize the influence of underlying socioeconomic power relations for the reinvention of Caribbean and Western identities in the wake of migration and transnationalism. The anthology features contributions by renowned scholars such as Rita De Maeseneer and Fabio Parasecoli who read Hispano-Caribbean literatures and popular culture through the lens of food studies.
Transcript Verlag Alive and Kicking at All Ages: Cultural Constructions of Health and Life Course Identity
The linking of age and ill-health is part of a cultural narrative of decline as age is often defined as the absence of good health. Research has shown that we are aged by culture, but we are also culturally made ill when we age. The cultural ambiguity of aging can thus deconstruct negative images of old age as physical decrepitude. This volume investigates the topic of health within the matrix of time and experience by addressing issues such as how our understanding of health influences our notion of agency within a subversive deconstruction of normative age concepts, and what role the notion of health plays in such an interaction.
Transcript Verlag Cairo: Images of Transition: Perspectives on Visuality in Egypt, 2011-2013
The Egyptian revolution of 2011 has significantly changed the relationship between citizens, public space, and visual expression. "Cairo: Images of Transition" traces these developments and their effects on political communication, urban space, and cultural production. The book is the first publication to offer a deep view on the relationship between aesthetics and politics in the wake of the Egyptian revolution 2011. Renowned Egyptian and international writers, artists and activists trace the shifting status of the image as a communicative tool, a witness to history, and an active agent for change.
Transcript Verlag Culture - Theory - Disability: Encounters Between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies
Which theoretical and methodological approaches of contemporary cultural criticism resonate within the field of disability studies? What can cultural studies gain by incorporating disability more fully into its toolbox for critical analysis? Culture - Theory - Disability features contributions by leading international cultural disability studies scholars which are complemented with a diverse range of responses from across the humanities spectrum. This essential volume encourages the problematization of disability in connection with critical theories of literary and cultural representation, aesthetics, politics, science and technology, sociology, and philosophy. It includes essays by Lennard J. Davis, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Dan Goodley, Robert McRuer and Margrit Shildrick.
Transcript Verlag Borders and Border Regions in Europe: Changes, Challenges, and Chances
Focussing European borders: The book provides insight into a variety of changes in the nature of borders in Europe and its neighborhood from various disciplinary perspectives. Special attention is paid to the history and contemporary dynamics at Polish and German borders. Of particular interest are the creation of Euroregions, mutual perceptions of Poles and Germans at the border, EU Regional Policy, media debates on the extension of the Schengen area. Analysis of cross-border mobility between Abkhazia and Georgia or the impact of Israel's "Security Fence" to Palestine on society complement the focus on Europe with a wider view.
Transcript Verlag Communication of Love: Mediatized Intimacy from Love Letters to SMS. Interdisciplinary and Historical Studies
By the end of the twentieth century certain new media had established themselves which have profoundly changed communication among lovers. SMS and email in particular have created new relational forms and forms of intimacy. From declarations of love on talk shows to televised dating games and marriage quiz shows, television offers a panoply of wildly popular theatrical communications of love. Does the neglecting of traditional communication media, such as love letters and the telephone, cause the intermingling of intimacy with the public sphere and hence the abrogation of it?From the disciplines of sociology, history, cultural and media studies and linguistics, this book offers answers to this question by analyzing and discussing new media from various perspectives.Contributions by Eva Illouz, Joachim R. Höflich, Friedrich Krotz, Helga Kotthoff, Karl Lenz, Sabine Maasen, and others.
Transcript Verlag Advertising and Design: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Cultural Field
The cultural field of advertising is a much-debated topic with perspectives focusing on a range of concepts from harassment and the anxiety of influence to notions of desire and affirmation. The aim of this publication is not only to take into account the diversity of topics related to advertising, but more importantly, to develop a dialogue between these divergent viewpoints.With contributions by Barbara Aulinger, Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov, Beate Flath, Werner Jauk, Bernhard Kettemann, Eva Klein, Jörg Matthes, Manfred Prisching, Johanna Rolshoven, Nicolas Ruth, Holger Schramm, Charles Spence, Margit Stadlober and Friedrich Weltzien.
Transcript Verlag Metaphors in Architecture and Urbanism: An Introduction
Architecture and urbanism seem to be "weak" disciplines, constantly struggling for a better understanding of their nature and disciplinary borders. The huge amount of metaphors appearing in the discourse of both not only reference to their creative nature but also indicate their weakness and the missing piece strengthening their own understanding: a definition of space for architecture and of city for urbanism. But using metaphors in this field implies a problem - though metaphors achieve to bring opposites together, there remains the question how literal they can actually become in order to relate to these subjects properly. In this volume, several authors from various fields using different approaches discuss this question.
Transcript Verlag Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media
Starting from an analysis of practices of participation in contemporary print and other media, the volume opens up a historical perspective, probing the potential of the concept of participatory cultures for the exploration of past forms of collaboration between individual and collective actors (i.e. authors, editors, publishers, fans, critics etc.). In doing so, the volume sheds new light on the historically, culturally, and medially specific forms and functions as well as on the economic, political and institutional parameters that contributed to the emergence and transformation of what turn out to be precarious alliances.
Transcript Verlag Debating Islam: Negotiating Religion, Europe, and the Self
Conspicuously, Islam has become a key concern in most European societies with respect to issues of immigration, integration, identity, values and inland security. As the mere presence of Muslim minorities fails to explain these debates convincingly, new questions need to be asked: How did "Islam" become a topic? Who takes part in the debates? How do these debates influence both individual as well as collective "self-images" and "image of others"? Introducing Switzerland as an under-researched object of study to the academic discourse on Islam in Europe, this volume offers a fresh perspective on the objective by putting recent case studies from diverse national contexts into comparative perspective.
Transcript Verlag Soundscapes of the Urban Past: Staged Sound as Mediated Cultural Heritage
We cannot simply listen to our urban past. Yet we encounter a rich cultural heritage of city sounds presented in text, radio and film. How can such "staged sounds" express the changing identities of cities? This volume presents a collection of studies on the staging of Amsterdam, Berlin and London soundscapes in historical documents, radio plays and films, and offers insights into themes such as film sound theory and museum audio guides. In doing so, this book puts contemporary controversies on urban sound in historical perspective, and contextualises iconic presentations of cities. It addresses academics, students, and museum workers alike. With contributions by Jasper Aalbers, Karin Bijsterveld, Carolyn Birdsall, Ross Brown, Andrew Crisell, Andreas Fickers, Annelies Jacobs, Evi Karathanasopoulou, Patricia Pisters, Holger Schulze, Mark M. Smith and Jonathan Sterne.
Transcript Verlag Rubble, Ruins, and Romanticism: Visual Style, Narration, and Identity in German Post-War Cinema
Traditional criticism on German post-war cinema tends to define rubble films as simplistic texts of low artistic quality which serve to reaffirm the spectator's image of him or herself as "a good German" during "bad times". Yet this study asserts that some rubble films are actually informed by a type of visual and narrative Romantic discourse which aims at provoking a "critical discussion" on German national identity and its reconstruction in the aftermath of the Third Reich. Considering the lack of previous analyses with regard to the key aspects of Romantic visual style, narration and literary motifs in rubble films, this study points to a major gap in research.
Transcript Verlag To Be Unfree: Republican Perspectives on Political Unfreedom in History, Literature, and Philosophy
"To Be Unfree" is a collection of essays investigating how political unfreedom has been and can be articulated within the republican tradition of political thought. The book combines a theoretical discussion of how freedom and its opposites have been conceptualized in the republican tradition with a broader perspective on this tradition's impact on the representation of unfreedom in Western literature and cultural history. It thus complicates our understanding of what it means to be unfree and unveils a series of distinctions which also shape our modern notions of freedom.
Transcript Verlag Re-thinking Ressentiment: On the Limits of Criticism and the Limits of Its Critics
The charge of "Ressentiment" can in today's world - less from traditionally conservative quarters than from the neo-positivist discourses of particular forms of liberalism - be used to undermine the argumentative credibility of political opponents, dissidents and those who call for greater "justice". The essays in this volume draw on the broad spectrum of cultural discourse on "Ressentiment", both in historical and contemporary contexts. Starting with its conceptual genesis, the essays also show contemporary nuances of "Ressentiment" as well as its influence on literary and philosophical discourse in the 20th century.
Transcript Verlag Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe – Memory, Aesthetics, Art
Culture is a constant reference in debates surrounding Islam in Europe. Yet the notion of culture is commonly restricted to conceptual frames of multiculturalism where it relates to group identities, collective ways of life and recognition. This volume extends such analysis of culture by approaching it as semiotic practice which conjoins the making of subjects with the configuration of the social. Examining fields such as memory, literature, film, and Islamic art, the studies in this volume explore culture as another element in the assemblage of rationalities governing European Islam. From this perspective, the transformations of European identities can be understood as a matter of cultural practice and politics, which extend the analytical frames of political philosophy, historical legacies, normative orders and social dynamics.
Transcript Verlag Active Audience: A New Materialistic Interpretation of a Key Concept of Cultural Studies
Despite a number of retrospective works on cultural studies, to date no other book dedicates itself to the historical and theoretical examination of British cultural studies' engagement with the "active audience theory" of the Birmingham School and its legacies. However, this book is no mere reconstruction of active audience theory as Huimin Jin develops new theoretical insights initially through a critical review of Stuart Hall's classical model of "encoding/decoding" and close readings of David Morley's groundbreaking ethnographic audience studies. Questioning the discourse model of the active audience proposed by Hall and Morley, Jin elaborates a new materialistic concept of audiences for the twenty-first century.
Transcript Verlag Space (Re)Solutions: Intervention and Research in Visual Culture
The rapid changes currently taking place in our urban, political and institutional environments have shifted spatial practice to centre stage both in civic life and academic research. Social networking, political projects, cross-border movements, artistic interventions, urban and environmental initiatives, self-organized educational practices - all articulate the challenges involved in organizing the spaces we share. In this volume, visual culture scholars from around the world discuss the "practical turn" in different fields of critical engagement, proposing fresh ways to assert an interpenetrated space of research and intervention.
Transcript Verlag Love It or Loathe It: Audience Responses to Tabloids in the UK and Germany
Popular newspapers like the British "The Sun" and the German "Bild" regularly invite controversy over their morals and methods, power and responsibility, political and social impact. At best, their reporting is rejected as trivial, vulgar and tasteless; at worst, it is deemed hazardous to the workings of democratic society. Yet, the papers are able to attract large audiences, and contribute significantly to the daily lives of millions of readers. This book looks at popular newspapers from an audience point of view. Examining the crucial relationship between news and entertainment, it provides timely empirical evidence for the values tabloids really have for readers and modern day Britain and Germany. Contradicting common myths and stereotypes, the book calls for fresh perspectives on the popular media and their audiences. With a foreword by Peter Dahlgren, Lund University, Sweden.
Transcript Verlag Setting the Record Queer: Rethinking Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
"To define is to limit", Lord Henry states, and Mrs. Dalloway "would not say of anyone [...] that they were this or that". Why then are the respective novels mostly read - and in recent adaptations rewritten - in denial of their genuinely ambiguous designs? Bringing the two literary classics together for the first time, their shared concerns regarding textual and sexual identities are revealed. Challenging an established critical record commonly related to Oscar Wilde's and Virginia Woolf's own mythologised biographies, this study underscores the value of constantly rethinking labels by liberating the texts from the limiting grip of categorical readings.
Transcript Verlag Images of Illegalized Immigration: Towards a Critical Iconology of Politics
Illegalized immigration is a highly iconic topic. The public perception of the current regime for mobility is profoundly shaped by visual and verbal images. As the issue of illegalized immigration is gaining increasing political momentum, the authors feel it is a well-warranted undertaking to analyze the role of images in the creation of illegalization. Their aim is to trace the visual processes that produce these very categories. The authors aim to map out an iconography of illegalized immigration in relation to political, ethical, and aesthetic discourses. They discuss the need to project new images as well as the dangers of giving persons without legal papers an individual face. Illegalization is produced by law, but naturalized through the everyday use of images. The production of law, on the other hand, is also driven by both mental and materialized images. A critical iconology may help us to see these mechanisms.
Transcript Verlag The Diversification of Health: Politics of Large-Scale Cooperation in Nutrition Science
Complex problems and ambitious goals are often thought to become easier by enlarging and diversifying the group of experts dealing with them. As a result, these complex entities are fragmented into smaller ones that can be dealt with by single laboratories. Bart Penders ventured into nutrition science to observe and join teams of scientists to find out what happens to these problems and goals. He attended conferences and workshops and worked in their laboratories. He shows that scientists mobilise everything in their power to solve problems: they reconstruct elements of the problem, such as our health. In the process, the search for health has led to its diversification.
Transcript Verlag Creative Networks and the City: Towards a Cultural Political Economy of Aesthetic Production
This book offers a fundamental contribution to the literature on the creative industries and the knowledge-based economy by focusing on three aspects: urban spaces as key sites of capitalist restructuring, creative industries' policies as state technologies aimed at economic exploitation, and the role of networks of aesthetic production in inflecting these tendencies. It simultaneously goes beyond these debates by integrating a concern with the cultural and aesthetic dimensions of the creative industries. As such, the book is relevant to researchers interested in the transdisciplinary project of a cultural political economy of creativity and urban change.
Transcript Verlag Lad Trouble: Masculinity and Identity in the British Male Confessional Novel of the 1990s
In the 1990s, the male confessional novel, most prominently represented by Nick Hornby ("High Fidelity"), but also by writers such as Tim Lott ("White City Blue") and Mike Gayle ("My Legendary Girlfriend"), articulated the structure of feeling of the male generation in their late twenties/early-to-mid-thirties. The book presents the advent of the male confessional novel in a fresh and yet critical light, challenging the feminist claim that the genre should be understood as a backlash against feminism and a relapse into sexism. By applying an eclectic theoretical framework, ranging from Raymond Williams to Anthony Giddens, Judith Butler and Jacques Derrida, the study illustrates why the male confessional novel is too complex a phenomenon to be solely interpreted in terms of retrosexism. It convincingly shows how the multitude of postmodern gender scripts adds to the crisis of identity and to the problematic nature of clearly defined gender relationships.
Transcript Verlag Reading Moving Letters: Digital Literature in Research and Teaching. A Handbook
"Digital media" is increasingly finding its way into the discussions of the humanities classroom. But while there is a number of grand theoretical texts about digital literature there as yet is little in the way of resources for discussing the down-to-earth practices of research, teaching, and curriculum necessary for this work to mature. This book presents contributions by scholars and teachers from different countries and academic environments who articulate their approach to the study and teaching of digital literature and thus give a broader audience an idea of the state-of-the-art of the subject matter also in international comparison.
Transcript Verlag Media - Migration - Integration: European and North American Perspectives
Following economists and scientists, politicians of various European countries have realized that a modern society with a declining birthrate is in need of immigrants. What can journalists contribute, in order to enable migrants to feel at home in their receiving country? What can be missed and ruined by journalists and media with regard to the integration of ethnic minorities? Scholars from Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the U.S. present their findings on the matter of media integration of migrants. Can European media learn from experiences in the classic countries of immigration in North America?
Transcript Verlag Indian Architecture in Postcards: A New Perspective on a Modern Heritage
Focusing on a private collection of 60 postcards of modern architecture in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Agra, the contributors to this volume explore the many dimensions of modern architecture in India from the 1890s to the 1970s and share their own perspective on these objects. Experts on architectural history and visual studies, as well as postcard collectors provide new insights into a territory and its architectural heritage which is still largely unknown in Europe, and reflect on the postcard as a medium for historical research.
Transcript Verlag Opacity – Minority – Improvisation – An Exploration of the Closet Through Queer Slangs and Postcolonial Theory
The expression "to come out of the closet" calls for an analysis of how language and notional as well as social spaces interact and intersect to constitute "queer". This performative book, a product of artistic research, is an exploration of the proverbial closet through linguistics, queer, and postcolonial theory. It is a project in which opacity, minority, and improvisation happen on the levels of content, analysis, and typography. Eleven queer slangs from around the world become part of an exploration of queerness and knowledge from the Periphery through autoethnography, Édouard Glissant's concept of opacity, José Muñoz's disidentifications, and Gloria Anzaldúa's performative writing. Theory, personal accounts, and art are interwoven to offer an interdisciplinary reading of the slangs as queer methods of survival and resistance.
Transcript Verlag Bally – A History of Footwear in the Interwar Period
Carl Franz Bally founded a shoe factory in Switzerland in 1851. Within decades, the Bally name had achieved worldwide recognition for its high-quality footwear. The history of modern footwear can be traced through the lens of Bally's corporate evolution. This book brings together the results of research on such topics as the economic importance of fashion, Bally's fortunes in the US, the career of shoe design, the sourcing and use of materials, and the rise of strategic product display. The research focuses on the 1930s and 1940s: years of economic crisis and war, characterized by a wide diversity of designs and increasing variety in product range. Shortages also led to experiments with materials and technical innovations. Featuring numerous points of contact with adjacent fields of historical study, this publication marks a contribution to the history of fashion as the history of industrially manufactured products.