Search results for ""Author Howard""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Minimalist Analysis
This volume presents an introduction to the basic ideas and concepts of minimalism, arguably the most important recent development in syntax.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing Complex Systems: Thinking Outside the Box
Nine innovative methods to think outside the box and solve complex system problems Managing Complex Systems provides specific tools and guidance needed to be a more creative and innovative thinker. Following the author's methodology, the reader will be better able to devise and implement nontraditional solutions to seemingly intractable complex problems. By challenging the reader to think in new and creative ways, the book offers a road map to success, whether measured in terms of competitive advantage, greater market share, improved productivity, or higher profits, all based upon better solutions to difficult problems. The first four chapters set the foundation for creative thinking by exploring the nature of large-scale systems and complexity, thinking inside and outside the box, and examples of how an inventive mind solves problems in both management and scientific domains. Subsequent chapters address nine focused methods that the author has formulated to help the reader think outside the box: * Broaden and generalize * Crossover * Question conventional wisdom * Back of the envelope * Expanding the dimensions * Obversity * Remove constraints * Thinking with pictures * Systems approach Real-life examples are provided for each method that demonstrate how the approach enhances problem solving and decision making in system development and management. Following the discussion of the nine methods, the author examines group decision making as well as additional creative thinking procedures devised by other researchers, including references that assist in exploring these methods in greater detail. The author ends with a wrap-up chapter that includes a test to help readers practice their tendencies toward creative thinking skills and action with respect to solving real-world problems. The nine methods discussed in this book have broad applicability and can be used successfully by managers with a wide range of responsibilities in business and technology. For anyone who is tired of the same old approach with the same old results, this book is essential reading.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold
This book explains in layman’s terms how CMOS transistors work. The author explains step-by-step how CMOS transistors are built, along with an explanation of the purpose of each process step. He describes for readers the key inventions and developments in science and engineering that overcame huge obstacles, enabling engineers to shrink transistor area by over 1 million fold and build billions of transistor switches that switch over a billion times a second, all on a piece of silicon smaller than a thumbnail.
Hamburger Edition Soziologische Tricks
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Stadt ohne Namen Horrorgeschichten
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Develop and Promote Successful Seminars and Workshops: The Definitive Guide to Creating and Marketing Seminars, Workshops, Classes, and Conferences
A complete guide to succeeding in today's burgeoning seminarbusiness--from developing a program and market testing, to pricing,promotion, advertising, and more! How to Develop & PromoteSuccessful Seminars & Workshops The adult educationbusiness--seminars, workshops, classes, conferences--is one of thefastest growing industries in the country and, for many, extremelyprofitable. Now, Howard Shenson shares proven-effective,research-based strategies responsible for filling more than onemillion seminar seats, to allow anyone with marketable knowledge tosucceed in the seminar business. You'll learn: * How to select a marketable subject and test market any seminarfor about $1,000 or less * How to develop a dynamic program and effective programmaterials * How to create a powerful, registration producing marketingstrategy and design winning promotional materials * How to assess promotional effectiveness and fine-tune marketingto increase sales * How to evaluate and choose where and when to conduct your seminaror workshop * How to select hotel and conference facilities * How to price your program to ensure maximumregistrations/profitability * How to develop or obtain program materials and how to add to yourprofits through back-of-the-room sales of products andservices * How to creatively select and rent mailing lists, and maximizeyour direct mail response while reducing marketing expense
The University of Chicago Press Telling About Society
One of French writer Georges Perec's most famous pieces, "I Remember", consists of 480 numbered paragraphs - each just a few short lines recalling a memory from his childhood. The work has neither a beginning nor an end, nor does it contain any analysis. But it nonetheless reveals profound truths about French society during the 1940s and '50s. Taking Perec's book as its cue, "Telling About Society" explores the unconventional ways we communicate what we know about society to others. The third in distinguished teacher Howard S. Becker's best-selling series of writing guides for social scientists, the book explores the many ways knowledge about society can be shared and interpreted through different forms of telling - fiction, films, photographs, maps, even mathematical models - many of which remain outside the boundaries of conventional social science. Eight case studies, including the photographs of Walker Evans, the plays of George Bernard Shaw, the novels of Jane Austen and Italo Calvino, and the sociology of Erving Goffman, provide convincing support for Becker's argument: that every way of telling about society is perfect - for some purpose. The trick is, as Becker notes, to discover what purpose is served by doing it this way rather than that. With Becker's trademark humor and eminently practical advice, "Telling About Society" is an ideal guide for social scientists in all fields and for anyone interested in communicating knowledge in unconventional ways.
John Wiley & Sons The Essential Howard Gardner on Mind
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Rickey: The Life and Legend of an American Original
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Last Goodnight: A World War II Story of Espionage, Adventure, and Betrayal
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Miss America
Hilarious, offensive, and with a bizarrely entertaining full-color photo insert of the famed shock-jock radio host in drag, "Miss America" is Howard Stern at his very best. With chapters about his ongoing battle with the FCC and his legendary campaign for the governorship of the State of New York, "Miss America" covers some of the biggest news stories of the last decade - from the Atlantic City penis sandwich debacle to an exclusive with Jackie O's embalming - fluid delivery boy, and, of course, Philadelphia's own fecal-obsessed Uncle Ed. Chapters include: The History of Howard's Hair; The Stern Ponderosa: Romeo Stern, Pamela Anderson, and the Yentas; The Fruit Doesn't Fall Far from the Scumbag: Covering the Biggest News Stories of the Decade; Long Live the Beast! No One Else Has the Right to Be on the Radio but Me; The Country Is Out of Order: Howard Stern for Governor; and, Extortion: How the U.S. Governments Fucks You and Me. Irreverent, obscene, and inimitable, Howard Stern is at his best in "Miss America".
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) howardbarkerplaysthree
Includes the plays Claw, Ursula, He Stumbled and The Love of a Good ManThe plays in this volume range over twenty years, beginning with Barker's first major work for the stage, Claw, a study of urban discontent and political impotence, developed over three stylistically contrasting acts. Its terrible conclusion marked the debut of a vivid dramatic imagination.In Ursula Barker's engagement with the pains of the past, and his way of reinvigorating ancient arguments reaches a high point in his treatment of the legend of St Ursula and the martyrdom of 11,000 virgins, where the virtues of celibacy and marriage are set against the catastrophic passion of a woman described as a 'perfect liar'.Barker's scrutiny of the body and its complex meanings is never more intense than in He Stumbled, the tragedy of a celebrated anatomist whose last dissection becomes his own.The body as a site of political and personal investment is also at the heart of The Love of a Good M
Scholastic Inc. The FourStar Challenge Pokemon
David R. Godine Publisher Inc Instant Lives
A literary humor classic—fractured biographical moments from the lives of great writers and composers.This is a collection of mostly imagined encounters between literary figures and their real or imagined family members, friends, and bitter enemies. In Howard Moss’s satirical voice and Edward Gorey’s twenty-five deadpan illustrations, we see Jane Austen wielding artful passive aggression and Sense and Sensibility galleys, the Alcott girls sculpting fudge, the rise of Emily Dickinson’s ruthless witch hazel business, among other delights.Perfect for those who love literature too much to hold it closely to actual facts.
Edinburgh University Press Poems of Ossian and Related Works
This is the first modern edition of all Macpherson's Ossianic poetry, including Fragments of Ancient Poetry, Fingal and Temora - as well as his accompanying prefaces and dissertations, and Hugh Blair's Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian. Based on the 1765 text of the Works of Ossian, major variants from the other editions are included, together with a comprehensive register of Ossianic names.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc A People's History of the United States CD
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Antitrust, Patents and Copyright: EU and US Perspectives
In modern markets innovation is at least as great a concern as price competition. The book discusses how antitrust policy and patent and copyright laws interact to create market dynamics that affect both competition and innovation. Antitrust and intellectual property policies for the most part are complementary, sharing common goals of promoting innovation and economic welfare. In some cases, however, their distinct approaches, one based on competition and the other on exclusion, come into conflict. As antitrust authorities focus increasingly on ensuring that firms do not interfere with innovation by rivals or impede the pace of technological progress in an industry, they necessarily must confront difficult questions about the strength and scope of intellectual property rights. When should private property rights give way to public competition objectives? When is it appropriate to remedy anticompetitive outcomes through access to protected intellectual property? How does antitrust enforcement or competition itself affect incentives to innovate? Leading economists and lawyers address these questions from both US and EU perspectives in discussing salient antitrust cases involving intellectual property rights such as Microsoft, Magill, Kodak, IMS and Intel.Offering a non-technical introduction to this major topic, this book will be of interest to those practitioners and legal and economic scholars who may only be aware of one side of the conflicting views on competition law and intellectual property law. It will also be of interest more generally to schools and universities of law in the EU and the US.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Anthropology of Art: A Reader
This anthology provides a single-volume overview of the essential theoretical debates in the anthropology of art. Drawing together significant work in the field from the second half of the twentieth century, it enables readers to appreciate the art of different cultures at different times. Advances a cross-cultural concept of art that moves beyond traditional distinctions between Western and non-Western art. Provides the basis for the appreciation of art of different cultures and times. Enhances readers’ appreciation of the aesthetics of art and of the important role it plays in human society.
Ohio University Press The Selected Poems of Howard Nemerov
Howard Nemerov—poet laureate of the United States, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award, and chancellor of the Academy of American Poets—was one of the most prolific and significant American poets of the twentieth century. By the time of his death in 1991, he had published fourteen collections of poetry. Judiciously selected and introduced by poet Daniel Anderson, The Selected Poems of Howard Nemerov represents the broad spectrum of Nemerov’s virtues as a poet—his intelligence, his wit, his compassion, and his irreverence. It stands as the retrospective collection of the best of what Nemerov left behind, which is some of the finest poetry that the twentieth century produced. “To keep his errors down to a minimum,” W. H. Auden wrote, “the internal Censor to whom a poet submits his work in progress should be a Censorate. It should include, for instance, a sensitive only child, a practical housewife, a logician, a monk, an irreverent buffoon a nd even, perhaps, hated by all others and returning their dislike, a brutal, foul-mouthed drill sergeant who considers all poetry rubbish.” Such are the readers to whom the poetry of Howard Nemerov might appeal. He distinguished himself on the landscape of American letters as a writer of great versatility. More than a decade after his death, that claim still holds true. In this, the only edition of Nemerov’s work that surveys his entire poetic output, first-time readers of these poems will find an introduction to a truly remarkable creative mind. Longtime admirers of Nemerov will be reminded once again of his significance as a craftsman and philosopher, and as a poetic steward of the many ways in which we experience the world.
Edinburgh University Press Nations and Nationalism: A Reader
Nationalism has become a key area of political theory over recent years, with a huge expansion in the amount of literature available. Yet there are very few Readers which bring together the best and most representative of these works in one volume. This Reader includes both the core texts in the area which are required for any course on nationalism, and a selection of more interesting, less mainstream pieces - for example from post-communism and feminism, and debates which have taken place over issues such as citizenship, migration and asylum - with the aim of engaging the reader with some of the contemporary debates which have reconfigured our understanding of nationalism. The overall aim of the Reader is to allow students to draw together and relate theories and debates within and across a range of disciplines, illuminating themes and issues of central importance in both historical and contemporary contexts, and showing how nationalism has evolved and has impacted upon and interacted with other political and social forms and forces. Following a substantial introduction which provides the historical background, the Reader is divided into six sections: (1) The Origins of Nationalism; (2) Approaches to Nationalism; (3) Differentiating Nationalism -- Nationalism, Racism, Ethnicity; (4) Forms of Nationalism; (5) National Self-Determination and Nationalist Mobilisation; (6) Globalisation, Citizenship and Nationalism. Key Features: * Offers a mix of traditional texts from classic writers such as Gellner, Smith, Anderson and Breuilly and more innovative readings from fields such as post-communism and feminism * Covers topical debates surrounding citizenship, self-determination, and migration * The introduction provides the necessary historical background for understanding recent debates and places the contributions in their immediate context * Clear guidance for further reading is given at the end of each section
Emerald Publishing Limited The Take-off of Israeli High-Tech Entrepreneurship During the 1990s: A Strategic Management Research Perspective
During the 1990s, the state of Israel established its global high tech sector. The number of startups rose to almost 3,000, while total venture capital available reached approximately $3bn. This book emphasizes the multilevel nature of this development from a strategic management perspective. The first level focuses at the country global processes emphasizing the entry of foreign multinational corporations and the privatization of state owned enterprises. The second level focuses on the government and its role in establishing the technological incubators and venture capital industries. The third level focuses on the sources of new start ups and the role of veterans of elite technological units of Israel Defense Forces and women entrepreneurs. The fourth level focuses on the emerging organizations and the role of the board of directors and competitive intelligence capabilities and practices. Finally, the fifth level focuses at the industry level, emphasizing the role of the large number of new firms in creating new industrial sectors. The multilevel paradigm describes the sequential effects, starting at the first global level, and the interactive effects, across all five levels.
Teachers' College Press Finnish Lessons 3.0: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?
The first two editions of Finnish Lessons described how a small Nordic nation built a school system that provided access to a world-class education for all of its young people. Now available in 30 languages, this Grawemeyer Award–winning book continues to influence education policies and school practices around the globe. In this Third Edition, Pasi Sahlberg updates the story of how Finland sustains its exemplary educational performance, including how it responds to turbulent changes at home and throughout the world. Finnish Lessons 3.0 includes important new material about: teachers and teacher education teaching children with special needs the role of play in high-quality education Finland's responses to growing inequality, slipping international test scores, and the global pandemic In the midst of national education reforms and global changes driven by public health crises and economic turbulence, Finnish Lessons 3.0 encourages teachers, students, and policymakers to think big and bold when they look for new solutions to improving their schools and entire education systems. This edition provides an even deeper dive into the present world of education in Finland in light of the most recent education statistics and international data, including PISA 2018, TIMSS 2016, and TALIS 2018.
John Wiley & Sons Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools Differences That Make a Difference
Clarus Press Ltd The German Legal System and Legal Language Volume 2: 2: German Legal System and Legal Language
Volume 2 of The German Legal System and Legal Language supplements Volume 1 and contains various Appendices of ancillary materials. It “offers for non-native speakers a rich source of information on how to translate German legal terms into English” (Dr Viola Heutger). Appendix A (the vocabulary), in particular, has been substantially expanded, revised and updated since publication of the last edition of the book in 2015. It contains definitions and explanations in English of innumerable German and Latin words and phrases referred to in Volume 1. Along with Volume 1 and the other Appendices, English-speaking readers are thereby provided with the necessary “tool box” for a better understanding of German legal concepts and rules.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Intellectual Property Law for Engineers, Scientists, and Entrepreneurs
Fully revised new edition that completely covers intellectual property law—and many related issues—for engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs This book informs engineering and science students, technology professionals, and entrepreneurs about the intellectual property laws that are important in their careers. It covers all of the major areas of intellectual property development and protection in non-legalistic terms that are understandable to technology and science professionals. New material includes a comprehensive discussion on the American Invents Act (AIA), coverage of many new high-profile topics, such as patent protection the mobile communications industry, and a new chapter on "The Future of Technology, Engineering, and Intellectual Property." Now in its second edition, Intellectual Property Law for Engineers, Scientists, and Entrepreneurs enables inventors and creators to efficiently interface with an intellectual property attorney in order to obtain the maximum protection for their invention or creation, and to take steps to ensure that that invention or creation does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. It includes patent, trade secret, mask work, and cybersquatting legal and procedural principles. The book also shows readers how to properly use new vehicles of intellectual property protection for novel software, biotech, and business method inventions. Additionally, it examines trademark protection for domain names, and other ancillary matters that fall within the genre of intellectual property protection. This informative text: Covers all of the major areas of intellectual property development and protection in clear, layman’s terms so as to be easily understood by technology and science professionals Provides detailed outlines of patent, trademark, copyright, and unfair competition laws Offers essays on famous and noteworthy inventors and their inventions—and features a copy of the first page of patents resulting from these inventors’ efforts Covers many new high-profile cases covering patent protection within the mobile communications industry Intellectual Property Law for Engineers, Scientists, and Entrepreneurs, Second Edition is an excellent text for graduate and undergraduate engineering students, as well as professionals and those starting a new technology business who need to know all the laws concerning their inventions and creations.
University of Texas Press Science in Medieval Islam: An Illustrated Introduction
During the Golden Age of Islam (seventh through seventeenth centuries A.D.), Muslim philosophers and poets, artists and scientists, princes and laborers created a unique culture that has influenced societies on every continent. This book offers a fully illustrated, highly accessible introduction to an important aspect of that culture—the scientific achievements of medieval Islam.Howard Turner opens with a historical overview of the spread of Islamic civilization from the Arabian peninsula eastward to India and westward across northern Africa into Spain. He describes how a passion for knowledge led the Muslims during their centuries of empire-building to assimilate and expand the scientific knowledge of older cultures, including those of Greece, India, and China. He explores medieval Islamic accomplishments in cosmology, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, geography, medicine, natural sciences, alchemy, and optics. He also indicates the ways in which Muslim scientific achievement influenced the advance of science in the Western world from the Renaissance to the modern era. This survey of historic Muslim scientific achievements offers students and general readers a window into one of the world's great cultures, one which is experiencing a remarkable resurgence as a religious, political, and social force in our own time.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modern Macroeconomics: Its Origins, Development and Current State
More than a decade after the publication of the critically acclaimed A Modern Guide to Macroeconomics, Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane have produced a worthy successor in the form of Modern Macroeconomics. Thoroughly extended, revised and updated, it will become the indispensable text for students and teachers of macroeconomics in the new millennium. The authors skilfully trace the origins, development and current state of modern macroeconomics from an historical perspective. They do so by thoroughly appraising the central tenets underlying the main competing schools of macroeconomic thought as well as their diverse policy implications. To reflect the important developments which have occurred in macroeconomics over the final decades of the twentieth century, they also survey the burgeoning literature on the 'new political macroeconomics' and 'economic growth'. The book includes insightful chapters on the Post Keynesian and Austrian schools by Paul Davidson and Roger Garrison, and is enlivened by interviews with leading economists such as Robert Skidelsky, James Tobin, Milton Friedman, Robert Lucas Jr, Edward Prescott, Gregory Mankiw, Alberto Alesina, Robert Solow and Paul Romer. The volume also contains an extensive bibliography of over 1,300 publications which highlights the key titles recommended for further student reading.Erudite, accessible and lucidly written, this book is both a stimulating introduction and excellent guide to the controversies and diversity of modern macroeconomic debates. It will prove invaluable for students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses who want to understand as well as simply learn about macroeconomics. It is also a book that many teachers and lecturers will want on their shelves.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modern Macroeconomics: Its Origins, Development and Current State
More than a decade after the publication of the critically acclaimed A Modern Guide to Macroeconomics, Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane have produced a worthy successor in the form of Modern Macroeconomics. Thoroughly extended, revised and updated, it will become the indispensable text for students and teachers of macroeconomics in the new millennium. The authors skilfully trace the origins, development and current state of modern macroeconomics from an historical perspective. They do so by thoroughly appraising the central tenets underlying the main competing schools of macroeconomic thought as well as their diverse policy implications. To reflect the important developments which have occurred in macroeconomics over the final decades of the twentieth century, they also survey the burgeoning literature on the 'new political macroeconomics' and 'economic growth'. The book includes insightful chapters on the Post Keynesian and Austrian schools by Paul Davidson and Roger Garrison, and is enlivened by interviews with leading economists such as Robert Skidelsky, James Tobin, Milton Friedman, Robert Lucas Jr, Edward Prescott, Gregory Mankiw, Alberto Alesina, Robert Solow and Paul Romer. The volume also contains an extensive bibliography of over 1,300 publications which highlights the key titles recommended for further student reading.Erudite, accessible and lucidly written, this book is both a stimulating introduction and excellent guide to the controversies and diversity of modern macroeconomic debates. It will prove invaluable for students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses who want to understand as well as simply learn about macroeconomics. It is also a book that many teachers and lecturers will want on their shelves.
Penguin Books Ltd Last Looks: A Novel
Festa Verlag Chronik des CthulhuMythos II
Clemson University Digital Press Alexander Pope
New York University Press American Foreign Policy Toward Latin America in the 80s and 90s: Issues and Controversies From Reagan to Bush
This thoughtful, controversial book, by one of the country's leading Latin America scholars, examines the fundamental tenets and ideologies behind America's policy towards Latin America over the course of the last three administrations. Howard Wiarda, who has served as a consultant for the State Department, the Department of the Army, the National Security Council, the Kissinger Commission, and the White House, is ideally situated to provide an insider account of policy decisions and process during the Reagan-Bush era. The combination of Wiarda's academic background and his hands-on knowledge of Washington practices and processes results in a volume that is extremely readable and will serve as a vital link between the scholarly and policymaking communities. Wiarda supplements his incisive analysis on the role of the military in Latin America, shifting U.S. strategic policy, democracy and human rights, and the problems presented by dictators in decline with illuminating case studies of Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, South America, and the Caribbean. The result is a book that will be of interest to both scholars and students of American foreign policy and Latin American studies, as well as policymakers and analysts.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Making
In this important new work, Howard T. Odum, widely acknowledged asthe father of systems ecology, lucidly explains his concept ofemergy, a measure of real wealth that provides a rational,science-based method of evaluating commodities, services, andenvironmental goods. Using specific real-world examples, Dr. Odumclearly demonstrates the revolutionary role of emergy inenvironmental management and policy making. Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Makingoffers environmental professionals--policymakers, managers,ecologists, planners, developers, and activists--a systematicapproach to environmental and economic valuation that willeliminate much of the rancor and adversarial decision making thatoften plagues environmental issues. Specifically, this book: * Describes the theoretical basis, calculation procedures, andapplications of emergy * Introduces the concept of "transformity," the ratio of emergy(work put into a product) and energy (value received from theproduct) * Provides formulas for emergy calculations, procedures for makingan emergy evaluation table, and parameters for updating evaluations * Demonstrates the use of emergy to evaluate environments,minerals, waters, primary energy sources, economic developments,and international trade * Compares the emergy approach to environmental evaluation withothers Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Makingwill help environmental decision makers and the society they servemaximize economic vitality with less trial and error, innovate withfewer failures, and adapt to change more rapidly. It provides thetools they need to arrive at the best policies in resourcemanagement, economics, and the environment. Balancing the economy and the environment-- from the father ofsystems ecology Increasing economic dependence on diminishing natural resources hassparked a highly charged debate over the use and fate of the worldenvironment. Environmental Accounting: Emergy and EnvironmentalDecision Making presents a unique method of environmentalmanagement based on maximizing real wealth, the whole economy, andthe public benefit. Renowned ecologist Howard T. Odum introduces the concept of emergyto provide a rational alternative to the tug-of-war over theworld's most vital assets. Emergy measures the energy put intomaking a product and is the cornerstone of Odum's revolutionarytext. This timely and important book offers key insights into: * Determining the real value of a product or service * Transformity, or the relationship between emergy (input) andenergy (output) * Stored wealth, available energy, and the final product * Balancing economic and environmental needs Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Makingwill help economists, ecologists, policymakers, and planners makemore responsible, informed decisions to sustain economic andenvironmental development.
WW Norton & Co American Small Sailing Craft: Their Design, Development and Construction
American Small Sailing Craft (originally published 1951) is considered the classic among small-boat builders and historians. In it Chapelle has documented many fast-vanishing working boats, making this the authoritative history of a passing maritime fleet.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Adrianople AD 378: The Goths crush Rome's legions
'Never, except in the battle of Cannae, had there been so destructive a slaughter recorded in our annals.' Thus the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus recorded the battle of Adrianople, which spelied the beginning of the end of the Roman Empire. Such a crushing Roman defeat by Gothic cavalry proved to the Empire, as well as to the Goths themselves, that the migratory barbarians were a force to be reckoned with. Simon Macdowall tells the story of the misguided Roman plans and the surprise attack of Gothic cavalry, and puts forward the most recent theories as to the true location of the battlefield.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Minimalist Syntax: The Essential Readings
This book is a collection of key readings on Minimalist Syntax, the most recent, and arguably most important, theoretical development within the Principles and Parameters approach to syntactic theory. Brings together in one volume the key readings on Minimalist Syntax Includes an introduction and overview of the Minimalist Program written by two prominent researchers Excerpts crucial pieces from the beginning of Minimalism to the most recent work and provides invaluable coverage of the most important topics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Just Enough: Tools for Creating Success in Your Work and Life
In Just Enough, top Harvard professors offer a revealing, research-based look at the true nature of professional success, helping people everywhere live more rewarding and satisfying lives. True professional and personal satisfaction seems more elusive every day, despite a proliferation of gurus and special methods that promise to make it easy. They conclude that many of the problems of success today can be traced back to unrealistic expectations and misconceptions about what success is and what constitutes it. The authors show where the happiest and most well-balanced among us are focusing their energy, and why, to help readers find more balance and satisfaction in their lives.
Indiana University Press Teaching, Learning, and the Holocaust: An Integrative Approach
Classroom study of the Holocaust evokes strong emotions in teachers and students. Teaching, Learning, and the Holocaust assesses challenges and approaches to teaching about the Holocaust through history and literature. Howard Tinberg and Ronald Weisberger apply methods and insights of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to examine issues in interdisciplinary teaching, with a focus on the community college setting. They discuss student learning and teacher effectiveness and offer guidance for teaching courses on the Holocaust, with relevance for other contexts involving trauma and atrocity.
JP Medical Ltd EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine - Shoulder Surgery, Volume 1: Instability and Trauma
EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine – Shoulder Surgery Vol.1: Instability and Trauma provides orthopaedic surgeons with a collection of step by step surgical techniques for correcting shoulder injuries commonly encountered in sports and orthopaedic trauma. Each chapter explains how to perform a single surgical procedure in its entirety, from diagnosis, preparation, surgical technique to closure and rehabilitation, while also detailing pre and post-operative complications and how best to avoid them. The practical, easy to use format makes this book an invaluable resource for all surgeons involved with treating orthopaedic and sports trauma injuries of the shoulder. Key points EFOST – easy to reference surgical techniques written in a simple stepwise format Easy to follow ‘cook book’ chapter style Easy to navigate content allows rapid review of techniques Large number of high quality colour photographs Written by highly experienced orthopaedic and sports trauma surgeons
HarperCollins The Heartmath Solution
The Intelligent HeartAccess the power of your heart's intelligence to improve your focus and creativity, elevate your emotional clarity, lower your stress and anxiety levels, strengthen your immune system, promote your body's optimal performance, and slow the aging process.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Meaning In The Arts, Volume XXVII
This Volume illuminates the notion of meaning in the arts-in literature, painting, music, and dance. Specific topics include theory in the arts; interpretations of meaning; objectivity in meaning; and the consumer as a participant in art. Brings together articles from prominent philosophers and practitioners of the arts, which illuminate the notion of meaning in the arts. Addresses meaning in literature, painting, music, and dance. Explores the relationship between authorial intentions and the viewer's interpretation of meaning; the possibility (or impossibility) of objective meaning; and the role of the consumer as a participant in the work of art.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy, Volume XXVI
In this volume leading contemporary philosophical historians of the Renaissance and Early Modern periods examine the works of important figures of the fifteenth through the eighteenth century. While Midwest Studies in Philosophy has produced other volumes devoted to historical periods in philosophy, this is the first to offer such extensive and focused original materials on specific crucial figures as this volume. Original papers by twenty contemporary philosophers writing about the works of the major philosophers of the Fifteenth through the Eighteenth centuries This historically and philosophically broad collection extends from such fifteenth century figures as Ficino, Machiavelli, and Pompanazzi to the work of Montesquieu in the eighteenth century
The University of Chicago Press The Gold Coast and the Slum: A Sociological Study of Chicago's Near North Side
"This is a book about Chicago. It is also, and for that very reason, a book about every other American city which has lived long enough and grown large enough to experience the transformation of neighborhoods and the contact of cultures and the tension between different types of individual and community behavior. . . . Here is a type of sociological investigation which is equally marked by human interest and scientific method."—Christian Century
Clarion Books All Aboard the Dinotrain
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Complete Pianoforte Sonatas, Volume III: including the unfinished works
Schubert's Complete Pianoforte Sonatas are published as part of ABRSM's 'Signature' Series - a series of authoritative performing editions of standard keyboard works, prepared from original sources by leading scholars. Includes informative introductions and performance notes.
Mandrake of Oxford Secrets of the Sex Witch
Penguin Books Ltd Maigret and the Dead Girl: Inspector Maigret #45
'His artistry is supreme' John Banville Maigret wouldn't have admitted that what intrigued him most was the victim's face. All he had seen of it so far was one profile. Was it the bruises that gave her that sullen air? She looked like a bad-tempered little girl. Her combed-back brown hair was very smooth but naturally wavy. The rain had diluted her make-up a little and, instead of making her older or uglier, it made her younger and more appealing.Maigret and his fellow inspector Lognon find themselves trying to out-manoeuver each other when they investigate the case of a mysterious young woman whose new life in Paris is tragically cut short.'One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century . . . Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories' Guardian