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Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Schriften Zur Begriffsgeschichtlichen Methode 1934-1940/41
Verlag Herder Superheldinnen Der Bibel: 16 Furchtlose Frauen
De Gruyter Rudolf Levy: Magier der Farbe
Der Maler Rudolf Levy (1875–1944) war eine zentrale Figur der Münchner und Pariser Avantgarde und feierte mit seinen farbkräftigen Bildnissen, Landschaften und Stillleben auch im Berlin der 1920er-Jahre große Erfolge, unter anderem in der legendären Flechtheim-Galerie. Die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten führte zu einem jähen Karriereende. Nach einer Flucht-Odyssee konnte Levy sich schließlich in Florenz niederlassen, wo sein Schaffen bis zur Deportation und Ermordung im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz einen letzten eindrucksvollen Höhepunkt erlebte. Als erstes deutsches Ausstellungshaus widmet sich das Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern in einer Retrospektive nun Werk und Leben von Rudolf Levy. Der Katalog öffnet den Blick auf einen Künstler europäischen Ranges, dessen reiche Bildwelt immer wieder neu zu entdecken ist. Beiträge namhafter Autorinnen und Autoren beleuchten Levys Schicksal als verfolgter Künstler und als verfolgter Jude, das künstlerische Kaleidoskop seiner Zeit, die Jahre im Florentiner Exil sowie die Rezeption und Re-Kanonisierung seiner Kunst in der jungen Bundesrepublik. Wiederentdeckung eines großen Klassikers der Moderne anlässlich einer ersten Retrospektive in Deutschland – Internationales Kooperationsprojekt mit den Uffizien in Florenz Standardwerk zu Rudolf Levy in deutscher Sprache Mit einem zeitgenössischen Kunst- und Wortbeitrag von Edmund de Waal Ausstellung, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, 28. Oktober 2023 bis 11. Februar 2024 (Schirmherrschaft Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier) Blick ins Buch
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Entdeckung der inneren Welt: Religion und Psychologie in theologischer Perspektive
Die religions- und geistesgeschichtlichen Grundlinien der Entdeckung der "inneren Welt" des Menschen reichen von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Der vorliegende Band sammelt zahlreiche Artikel von Wissenschaftlern und Wissenschaftlerinnen, die die Aktualität des besonders in der Moderne immer spannungsvolleren Verhältnisses zwischen Theologie und Psychologie anhand historischer und gegenwärtiger Problemfelder nachzeichnen und dabei vor allem die Potenziale ihrer interdisziplinären Wiederannäherung vor Augen haben. Im Rückgriff auf den Gefühlsdiskurs der jüngeren Vergangenheit loten die Beiträger neue Verbindungslinien der zumeist hochspezialisierten theologischen, psychologischen und anthropologischen Forschungsperspektiven auf die "innere Welt" der Religion aus.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Translocal Development and Global Mobilities
This timely Handbook demonstrates that global linkages, flows and circulations merit a more central place in theorization about development. Calling for a mobilities turn, it challenges the sedentarist assumptions which still underlie much policy making and planning for the future. Expert contributors analyze development from a mobilities perspective, exploring how globalization connects distant people and places, so that what happens in one place has direct bearing on another. Chapters provide an overview of the global trends related to the flows of people and capital over the past decade, and offer insights into the consequences of developmental practices and policies that unfold on the ground. Drawing on specific case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America, this Handbook considers how, in many localities, livelihood opportunities are ever more shaped by positionality, and the ways in which people are attached to and participate in translocal and transnational networks. Providing a bottom-up analysis of the implications of globalization for translocal development, this Handbook will be a valuable resource for scholars and students of development studies, human geography, and sustainability and environmental science. Its use of global case studies will also be useful for practitioners and policy makers who desire a better understanding of the developmental impact of policies and investments.
Sidestone Press Past Landscapes: The Dynamics of Interaction between Society, Landscape, and Culture
Past Landscapes presents theoretical and practical attempts of scholars and scientists, who were and are active within the Kiel Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” (GSHDL), in order to disentangle a wide scope of research efforts on past landscapes. Landscapes are understood as products of human-environmental interaction. At the same time, they are arenas, in which societal and cultural activities as well as receptions of environments and human developments take place. Thus, environmental processes are interwoven into human constraints and advances.This book presents theories, concepts, approaches and case studies dealing with human development in landscapes. On the one hand, it becomes evident that only an interdisciplinary approach can cover the manifold aspects of the topic. On the other hand, this also implies that the very different approaches cannot be reduced to a simplistic uniform definition of landscape. This shortcoming proves nevertheless to be an important strength. The umbrella term ‘landscape’ proves to be highly stimulating for a large variety of different approaches.The first part of our book deals with a number of theories and concepts, the second part is concerned with approaches to landscapes, whereas the third part introduces case studies for human development in landscapes. As intended by the GSHDL, the reader might follow our approach to delve into the multi-faceted theories, concepts and practices on past landscapes: from events, processes and structures in environmental and produced spaces to theories, concepts and practices concerning past societies.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Level 5: Decode and Develop a Pet Called Cucumber
Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories: Decode and Develop are exciting new titles in the Oxford Reading Tree series. The stories continue to provide storylines full of humour and drama, with familiar settings and characters. They also support children's transition from fully decodable readers, such as Floppy's Phonics, to a richer, wider reading experience with high-interest vocabulary. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development is also available at
Spector Books Arwed Messmer: Berlin, Fruchtstraße on March 27, 1952
Cengage Learning, Inc South-Western Federal Taxation 2024: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts
Master today's current tax concepts and tax law with Raabe/Nellen/Young/Cripe/Lassar/Persellin/Cuccia���s SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2024: CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, ESTATES & TRUSTS, 47th EDITION, and accompanying professional tax software. Updates emphasize the most recent tax changes impacting corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts, and financial statements. You will examine updates and reforms to 2023 tax laws as well as emerging developments. Recent examples, summaries and tax scenarios clarify concepts and sharpen critical-thinking, writing and research skills. Sample exam questions from Becker C.P.A. Review also help you study. Each new book includes access to Intuit�� ProConnect tax software, Checkpoint�� Edge (Student Edition) from Thomson Reuters and the online learning platform CNOWv2. Use this introduction to prepare for the C.P.A. exam or the Enrolled Agent exam, or to further your career in tax accounting, financial reporting or auditing.
Amazon Publishing Bear and Fred: A World War II Story
The true story of a Jewish boy in hiding during World War II, as told by his teddy bear. I felt Fred’s small hand grab me. He patted me and whispered, “Bear, I won’t leave you here all by yourself. You are my best friend.” Based on true events and beautifully illustrated, this is the story of a friendship that will last forever—told by Fred’s best friend, his beloved teddy bear. During World War II, Fred must leave his home and live in hiding, apart from the rest of his family, but he always keeps Bear by his side. Bear knows it’s his job to take care of Fred and make sure he doesn’t feel alone. After the war, Fred and his family are reunited and leave Holland for the United States. And still Bear is with him. When Fred grows up, he and Bear part for the first time when Bear is sent to Yad Vashem—the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Israel, where this book was first published—to show the power of hope, friendship, and love.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Level 5: Decode and Develop Bushfire!
Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories: Decode and Develop are exciting new titles in the Oxford Reading Tree series. The stories continue to provide storylines full of humour and drama, with familiar settings and characters. They also support children's transition from fully decodable readers, such as Floppy's Phonics, to a richer, wider reading experience with high-interest vocabulary. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development is also available at
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Decode and Develop: Pack of 6
Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories: Decode and Develop are exciting new titles in the Oxford Reading Tree series. The stories continue to provide storylines full of humour and drama, with familiar settings and characters. They also support children's transition from fully decodable readers, such as Floppy's Phonics, to a richer, wider reading experience with high-interest vocabulary. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with children's reading development is also available at
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Decode and Develop: Out!
Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories: Decode and Develop are exciting new titles in the Oxford Reading Tree series. The stories continue to provide storylines full of humour and drama, with familiar settings and characters. They also support children's transition from fully decodable readers, such as Floppy's Phonics, to a richer, wider reading experience with high-interest vocabulary. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with children's reading development is also available at
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Decode and Develop: The Odd Egg
Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories: Decode and Develop are exciting new titles in the Oxford Reading Tree series. The stories continue to provide storylines full of humour and drama, with familiar settings and characters. They also support children's transition from fully decodable readers, such as Floppy's Phonics, to a richer, wider reading experience with high-interest vocabulary. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with children's reading development is also available at
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Decode and Develop: The Gull's Picnic
Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories: Decode and Develop are exciting new titles in the Oxford Reading Tree series. The stories continue to provide storylines full of humour and drama, with familiar settings and characters. They also support children's transition from fully decodable readers, such as Floppy's Phonics, to a richer, wider reading experience with high-interest vocabulary. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development is also available at
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1: Decode and Develop: Fly Away
Level 1 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories: Decode and Develop are six exciting new wordless stories in the Oxford Reading Tree series. They continue to provide storylines full of humour and drama, with familiar settings and characters. The wordless stories introduce the characters and children learn that the pictures tell a story, where a story begins and how to turn the pages. They will also begin to identify sounds for objects they see in the pictures. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with children's reading development is also available at
Oxford University Press Read with Oxford: Stages 2-3: Biff, Chip and Kipper: My Phonics Flashcards
The Read With Oxford: Biff, Chip and Kipper: My Phonics Flashcards have been specially developed to help your child succeed at reading. Created by reading experts and based on current teaching practice, they complement how your child is starting to read at school and keep children engaged in reading at home. Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy the dog are the well-loved characters from Oxford Reading Tree, used in 80% of primary schools. These My Phonics Flashcards are a fun way for children to practise their letters and sounds at home - just as they do in school. Four different phonics games will help children to learn that one sound can be represented in several ways, blend sounds together to read words and develop memory and concentration skills. Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
Oxford University Press Read with Oxford: Stages 2-4: Biff, Chip and Kipper: Fun With Words Flashcards
The Read With Oxford: Biff, Chip and Kipper: Fun with Words flashcards have been specially developed to help your child succeed at reading. Created by reading experts and based on current teaching practice, they complement how your child is starting to read at school and keep children engaged in reading at home. Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy the dog are the well-loved characters from Oxford Reading Tree, used in 80% of primary schools. These Fun with Words Flashcards are a fun way for children to practise essential high-frequency words at home - just as they do in school. Four different word games help children to recognise common but tricky words by sight, develop memory and concentration skills, spell simple words and make sentences using words and picture cards. Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
Magic Cat Publishing It's Our Business to Make a Better World: Be Inspired by 12 Real-Life Children Building a More Sustainable Future
Meet kids just like you whose acts of social enterprise are raising awareness around our responsibility to people and the planet. Learn about the work they do and discover how the future of our world starts here… with you. This non-fiction picture book includes a how-to-help section, with simple steps to inspire young readers to take action at home and at school. With a foreword from crochet prodigy Jonah Larson.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Suburban Hell
This range of two-part audio dramas stars Tom Baker reprising his most popular role as the Fourth Doctor (from 1974 - 1981) with a number of his original TV companions. This fourth series reunites the Doctor with savage warrior Leela (Louise Jameson) for adventures across Time and Space! The fourth series in a Big Finish range which is hugely popular with fans of the classic TV series Doctor Who. Annette Badland is familiar to fans of the 2005 series of Doctor Who as Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen. As well as Doctor Who, Louise Jameson has been seen in Bergerac, Eastenders, and many other UK shows. Katy Wix is well known from BBC's Not Going Out hit comedy series, as well as Torchwood series Children of Earth. CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), Katy Wix (Belinda), Raymond Coulthard (Ralph), Annette Badland (Thelma).
John Wiley & Sons Drugs Society
Hogrefe Publishing Chronic Illness in Children and Adolescents
Management of chronic illness in children and adolescents often is a multifaceted challenge that requires the attention and expertise of individuals from a variety of disciplines that include psychology, psychiatry, social work, and medicine. The aim of this book is to provide readers with a practical overview of the definitions, characteristics, theories and models, diagnostic and treatment indications, and relevant aspects and methods of evidence-based psychosocial treatments for chronic illness in children and adolescents. Although treatments and research for chronic conditions are reviewed in general, particular attention is directed at asthma, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus, and sickle cell disease due to the high incidence of these chronic diseases among children and adolescents. Case vignettes and suggestions for further reading are provided for the interested reader."The Advances in Psychotherapy" series has been developed and is edited with the support of the Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12). In conjunction with the Society, a system of home study continuing education courses has been developed for each book that an individual can complete on the web.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Miniature Painting in the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia from the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Century
Schnell & Steiner Das Bild Vom Kind Im Spiegel Seiner Kleidung: Von Prahistorischer Zeit Bis Zur Gegenwart
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die Apostelkanne Und Das Tafelsilber Im Hortfund Von 1628 - Trierer Silberschatze Des 5. Jahrhunderts
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Padagogik Fur Die Soziale Arbeit
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Johannes Bugenhagen: Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16-1524)
Theologischer Verlag Versohnt Durch Den Opfertod Christi?: Die Christliche Suhnopfertheologie Auf Der Anklagebank
Minnesota Historical Society Press The Forever Sky
Pegasus Books Charleston: Race, Water, and the Coming Storm
Simon & Schuster Night World: The Ultimate Fan Guide
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lexikon Musik und Gender
Gender, das kulturell konstruierte Geschlecht mittlerweile eine relevante Kategorie in der Betrachtung der Musikgeschichte und -kultur. Das Lexikon vereint zum ersten Mal genderrelevante Themenfelder der Musik und ihrer Geschichte in einem kompakten Lese- und Nachschlagewerk. Ein historischer Teil bietet überraschende Einblicke in die Musikgeschichte vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Der lexikalische Teil beinhaltet Sachartikel zu den Schlagworten der musikwissenschaftlichen Genderforschung sowie Personenartikel zu ausgewählten Frauen aus zentralen Bereichen der Musikgeschichte.
Hansebooks The Emperor Akbar: a Contribution Towards the History of India in the 16th Century - Vol. 1
Magic Cat Publishing The Little Book of Joy
Discover a different way to find happiness every day of the year with this pocket-size book that celebrates the little things that bring great joy. Be inspired by famous people on their birthdays; learn how to spot and find flowers throughout each season; create your own gratitude jar; learn how to make pastries; make a gift for someone you love; discover the pleasure of letter writing; and find joy in a rainy day. Packed with art activities, famous birthdays, inventions, international holidays, facts, and trivia about the world around us, each page offers a mindful prompt to encourage gratitude for things we have, every day.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Not Straight from Germany
Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Science was founded in Berlin in 1919 as a place of research, political advocacy, counselling, and public education. It was destroyed in 1933 as the first target of the Nazi book burnings. Not Straight from Germany examines its legacy, combining essays and a lavish array of visual materials.
JOVIS Verlag Fagus: Industriekultur zwischen Werkbund und Bauhaus
Fagus is the story of a Gesamtkunstwerk and an early example of corporate identity: the Fagus factory in Alfeld an der Leine, built by Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer from 1911, is regarded as the founding structure of modernism. The architects succeeded in giving a medium-sized company a completely unusual face that was anything but traditional. This was possible because the client and architect formed an extraordinarily favorable constellation. The factory owner combined an affinity toward the life reform movement with American corporate philosophy. With its representative objectivity and extensive use of glass, the factory is also an expression of a new entrepreneurial self-confidence and a modern advertising strategy. The avant-garde further influenced the design of the company’s machines and its printed matter. The list of collaborators reads like a Who’s Who of international modernism: some of Fagus’s advertising, for instance, was designed by Johannes Molzahn, Theo von Doesburg, and Herbert Bayer. And with his series of photographs from 1928, the photographer Albert Renger-Patzsch created what can today be called a classic image of the Fagus factory and its products.
V&R unipress GmbH Veröffentlichungen des Instituts fÃ"r Islamische Theologie der Universität OsnabrÃ"ck.: Gemeindepädagogische Perspektiven
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Growing Together, Growing Apart: Turkey and the European Union Today
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Architekturdenkmaler Der Spatantiken Und Fruhbyzantinischen Zeit Im Hauran, 1: Saqqa (Sakkaia - Maximianupolis)
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Flucht VOR Der Heimat - Ewige Trauer Oder Aufbruch Zu Neuen Ufern?: Leidfaden 2016 Heft 03
de Gruyter Gimmel - Zajin
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology
Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology Understand the basics of a thriving interdisciplinary research field Microbial electrochemistry is a subfield of bioelectrochemistry which concerns interactions between microbial organisms and electrically active surfaces such as electrodes. Its growth as a subject of research has been rapid in recent years, and its technological applications are many, particularly as the race to find sustainable organic energy sources accelerates. Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology offers an accessible overview of this interdisciplinary subject and its potential applications. Moving smoothly from the general to the specific, it offers both fundamental principles and some of the most relevant specific examples, such as biofilm electrodes, microbial fuel cells or microbial electrosynthesis cells, making it the ideal choice for building a working knowledge of this exciting new field. Its solid foundation of microbial electrochemical technologies also serves as a starting point for a wide range of applied research areas. Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology readers will also find: Carefully designed artistic illustrations Hands-on exercises throughout to facilitate entry into laboratory work Numerous illustrative examples and calculations designed to demonstrate and reinforce key principles Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology is the perfect point of entry into this growing field for both students and researchers.
Max Hueber Verlag Deutsch uben: Wortschatz & Grammatik A1
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Lingvis: Visual Analytics for Linguistics
This volume collects landmark research in a burgeoning field of visual analytics for linguistics, called LingVis. Combining linguistic data and linguistically oriented research questions with techniques and methodologies developed in the computer science fields of visual analytics and information visualization, LingVis is motivated by the growing need within linguistic research for dealing with large amounts of complex, multidimensional data sets. An innovative exploration into the future of LingVis in the digital age, this foundational book both provides a representation of the current state of the field and communicates its new possibilities for addressing complex linguistic questions across the larger linguistic community.
AVEdition Design Education in Germany 2023: Contribution to Public Value
Today, it seems more urgent than ever to focus more attention in design on the common good. This is because we are faced with the consequences of a design methodology that is geared towards the good of individuals wherever we look. The concept of public value seems ideal as a way of focusing design education more strongly on the common good: Public value is what the public values. It provides an alternative to one-sided orientations such as the shareholder value paradigm. The iF Design Foundation 2022 has carried out the present study in order to determine the public value of design study programs at German universities. This study provides a basis for encouraging and realising a form of design education in Germany geared towards the common good. This publication also contains a list of all design courses of study at German universities.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Neonatology Practice Made Easy
Neonatology Practice Made Easy is a quick reference guide to neonatology for paediatricians and neonatologists. Beginning with infection control and the importance of hygiene, the book covers the diagnosis and management of numerous common and less common conditions, including nutrition and weight disorders, respiratory distress, seizures, hypoglycaemia, apnoea, and infections such as HIV, Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis. Presented in an easy to follow format, this manual provides useful annexures including checklists for resuscitation and emergency drugs, conversions, fluids protocols, a patient discharge form, and extensive references. Key points Practical guide to neonatology for paediatricians and neonatologists Discusses importance of infection control and hygiene Covers diagnosis and treatment of most common and less common diseases and disorders Includes useful annexures for easy reference