Search results for ""author matt"
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Crafting BeeInspired Beauty
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp 50 Primeras Palabras en Polaco
Campus Verlag GmbH Brandtelling In zehn einfachen Schritten zu erfolgreichen Unternehmensgeschichten Storytelling das Marken und Menschen verbindet
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Separated to Serve
Edinburgh University Press Coastal Cultures of the Long Nineteenth Century
This volume examines the cultural importance of the coastline in Britain during a time of vast change.
Artwords Press Documenta II
Tuttle Publishing The First 100 Chinese Characters: Simplified Character Edition: (HSK Level 1) The Quick and Easy Way to Learn the Basic Chinese Characters
This book is a quick and easy way to learn basic Chinese Characters.All beginning Chinese language learners struggle to memorize and learn to write Chinese characters. The First 100 Chinese Characters adopts a structural approach which helps students to quickly master the basic characters that are fundamental to this language. This character book is intended for beginning Chinese students. It presents characters that have been carefully selected for rapid and effective learning. The English meanings, pronunciations in hanyu pinyin and alternate forms (if any) for each Chinese character are presented along with a stroke order guide and spaces for writing practice. Printed with gray guidelines, the stroke order guides are designed to be traced over to teach students the standard sequence of strokes used to write the character. Related compounds and phrases are given to assist in vocabulary building. Three indexes at the back allow the characters to be looked up by their English meanings, hanyu pinyin pronunciations, or radicals. Extra practice sheets are also provided. This Chinese character book contains: Step-by-step stroke order diagrams show you how to write each character. Special boxes with grid lines help you practice writing them correctly. Compounds and sample sentences provide easy vocabulary building. Hanyu pinyin romanizations identify and help you pronounce every word.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor: Schritt für Schritt mit ausführlichen Lösungen
Dieses Buch nimmt Sie an die Hand und führt Sie zielsicher zu bestandenen Prüfungen in der Mathematik-Grundausbildung Ihres Studiums. Als Autoren wurden zwei erfahrene Hochschullehrer gewonnen, denen die Berührungsängste und alle Unsicherheiten von BWL-Studierenden mit der Mathematik aus langjähriger Tätigkeit an den höchsten Schulen der Republik zutiefst vertraut sind. Einfach in der Sprache, verständlich in der Methodik, anregend mit vielen ausführlich vorgerechneten Beispielen - so präsentiert sich ein Buch, das als Begleiter im BWL-Grundstudium ausdrücklich zu empfehlen ist. Leserservice und online-Hilfe sind selbstverständlich.In die 4. Auflage wurden die Rechenmethoden zur Linearen Optimierung (Simplex-Verfahren) integriert. Außerdem wurde das Buch durch den Themenkomplex Wahrscheinlichkeit/Statistik wesentlich erweitert.Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen zum Lehrbuch liegen in einem separaten Band vor.
Stolpe Publishing Man and Technology: How Innovation Forms Our Society
JOVIS Verlag The Botanical City
Roadside 'weeds' and other routinely overlooked aspects of urban nature provide a fascinating glimpse into the complex global ecologies and new cultures of nature emerging across the world. This unique collection of essays explores the botanical dimensions of urban space, ranging from scientific efforts to understand the distinctive dynamics of urban flora to the way spontaneous vegetation has inspired artists and writers. The book comprises five thematic sections: histories and taxonomies, botanising the asphalt, the art of urban flora, experiments in non-design, and cartographic imaginations. The essays explore developments in Berlin, London, Lahore, and many other cities, as well as more philosophical reflections on the meaning of urban nature under the putative shift to the Anthropocene.
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Ugo Rondinone: Life Time: Cat. Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Der Sinn des Wahnsinns: Psychische Störungen verstehen
Was es heißt, verrückt zu seinDie Zahl psychischer Erkrankungen nimmt vor allem in den Industrieländern stetig zu. Auch in Deutschland leiden immer mehr Menschen etwa an Depressionen oder Angststörungen. Psychische Störungen können uns alle betreffen: Sie sind in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen, auch wenn ihr Wesen und ihre Ursachen nach wie vor Rätsel aufgeben. Das Buch von Neel Burton beschreibt und erläutert die wichtigsten dieser Störungen und rückt sie zugleich in ein neues Licht: Könnte der „Wahnsinn“ einen tieferen Sinn für uns Menschen haben?Der Sinn des Wahnsinns will auch eine Debatte über psychische Störungen anstoßen. Das Buch soll das Interesse an der Thematik wecken und den Leser dazu anregen, über jene geheimnisvolle Seite der Seele nachzudenken. Fragen gibt es genug: Was ist beispielsweise Schizophrenie? Warum ist sie so verbreitet? Warum tritt sie nur bei Menschen auf und nicht bei Tieren? Was kann uns dies über Körper und Seele sagen, über Sprache und Kreativität, über Musik und Religion? Welche Behandlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es bei Depression? Wie können Menschen lernen, mit Angst umzugehen? Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen psychisch „krank“ und psychisch „normal“? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen psychischen Störungen und Genialität? Und sind wir alle ein wenig „verrückt“?Einfühlsam und mit zahlreichen Bezügen zu Literatur, Kunst und Philosophie widmet sich Burton den Grundelementen der Persönlichkeit, der Schizophrenie und dem „Preis des Menschseins“, der Depression und dem „Fluch des Starken“, der manisch-depressiven Erkrankung, der Angst und ihrem Zusammenhang mit Freiheit und Tod sowie dem Suizid. Dabei geht er der Frage nach, was uns psychische Störungen über das Wesen des Menschen und über die Bedingungen des menschlichen Daseins verraten können.„Eine fesselnde Lektüre für alle, die einmal einen Blick in die Welt der psychischen Störungen werfen wollen.“ Professor Robert Howard, Vorsitzender des Royal College of Psychiatrists in London
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Aachener Bausachverständigentage 2017: Bauwerks-, Dach- und Innenabdichtung: Alles geregelt?
Die 43. Aachener Bausachverständigentage befassen sich mit den Neuerungen in den Normen für Bauwerksabdichtungen. Sind damit alle Details bei den Dach- und Innenabdichtungen sowie die der erdberührten Bauteile praxisgerecht geregelt? Die Tagung behandelt nicht nur die Neuerungen nach den Einspruchssitzungen, sondern auch die weiterhin kontrovers diskutierten Punkte. So stellt sich bei Dachabdichtungen die Frage, ob nun die neue Flachdachrichtlinie 2016 gilt oder die neue DIN18531, die sich z.T. widersprechen. Bei den erdberührten Bauteilen ist zu klären, welche Wassereinwirkung auf der Unterseite von Bodenplatten in gering durchlässigem Baugrund tatsächlich zu erwarten ist und ob Dränanlagen nach DIN 4095 noch zeitgemäß oder sogar riskant sind.Neben den Abdichtungen werden auch neue Bauweisen von WU-Betonbauteilen mit außenliegenden Frischbetonverbundbahnen und die Schwächen von Abdichtungen mit Schutzestrich in Parkhäusern und Tiefgaragen im Vergleich zu Oberflächenschutzsystemen behandelt. Im Rahmen von Pro und Kontra wird diskutiert, ob Regelwerke, die für die Planung und Ausführung verfasst werden, auch für die anschließende Bewertung geeignet sind. Dazu werden die Änderungen der neuen WU-Richtlinie sowie zwei Beiträge zur Bewertung und Instandhaltung von Betonbauteilen vorgestellt.Der juristische Beitrag befasst sich mit den Haftungsfallen bei der Verwendung von geschützten Darstellungen und Regelwerken in Gutachten. Ebenso wird über Neuerungen in Regelwerken informiert.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handbuch Studierendenseelsorge: Gemeinden - Prasenz an der Hochschule - Perspektiven
Student congregations are congregations on a temporary basis and at a different location. The manual describes the various expressions of life in Protestant university work in concise and informative articles. In the four main parts Basics - Fields of Work - Topics - Perspectives, historical, theological and legal insights are shown alongside the current opportunities and challenges of this church work area. These include Contributions to participation and leadership, to the university as a sphere of action, pastoral care, shaping spiritual life, to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, internationality and insights into practical community work. The book makes it clear that the fields of work have increasingly differentiated. Innovative concepts can often be tested and implemented more easily than elsewhere. With their renewal potential, student communities represent a creative community of young adults.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Briefkultur(en) in der deutschen Geschichtswissenschaft zwischen dem 19. und 21. Jahrhundert
Although the letter was one of the indispensable material foundations of scientific practice in German historical studies between the 19th and 21st centuries, it rarely received independent attention in specialist historical reflection. The volume examines letters from, to and about historians in terms of historiography and the history of science, but also in terms of cultural history, as a working tool and means of communication, as an expression of individual worlds of meaning and cultural imprints and, not least, asks about the limits of its significance in view of the establishment of other forms of communication. The contributions in this volume clearly demonstrate that the use of letters and their meaningful effect have both created a professional letter culture that is unique to the examined periods of time as well as long-term, possibly contradicting letter cultures.
Walter de Gruyter Ulbricht, Chruschtschow und die Mauer
Duncker & Humblot Ciceros Topica Und Sein Programm de Iure Civili in Artem Redigendo
Duncker & Humblot Polarisierung Des Politischen: Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen Und Institutionelle Konsequenzen
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Strafverfassungsrecht
Als besonders scharfe Eingriffsordnung muss das Strafrecht verfassungsrechtlich sowohl besonders gerechtfertigt wie auch besonders wirksam eingehegt werden. In der rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion wird das Verhältnis des materiellen Strafrechts zum Verfassungsrecht allerdings noch stark aus den jeweiligen Perspektiven der beteiligten Teildisziplinen abgehandelt. Die Wirkungsmacht des hergebrachten Säulendenkens erschwert es dabei, wechselseitig anschlussfähige Beiträge zu erstellen. Der Sammelband nimmt hingegen die rechtswissenschaftliche Konturierung des Strafverfassungsrechts als intradisziplinäre Herausforderung an. Die Beiträge stammen von Vertretern und Vertreterinnen beider Teildisziplinen und werden jeweils durch Kommentare aus der anderen Teildisziplin ergänzt. Inhaltlich erschließen sie die Grundlagen des Strafverfassungsrechts und vertiefen ausgewählte Einzelfragen.
Thieme Publishing Group Fundamentals of Neurology: An Illustrated Guide
The essential “neurotransmitter” for assimilating the basics of clinical neurology The second edition of this practical guide provides a thorough introduction to the essential concepts of clinical neurology. Coverage includes history-taking; the neurological examination and ancillary tests; topical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of typical syndromes; the diseases of the central nervous system, peripheral nerves, autonomic nervous system, and muscles; epilepsy; and inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Central to the book are the lucid structuring of complex contents allowing efficient learning, even without prior knowledge of the subject; and the vital link between theory and clinical practice, with essential information on history-taking, the clinical examination, and additional tests, all supported by informative graphics and appropriate computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging studies. Key Features: Complete revision of contents and an enhanced layout from the first edition Brilliant format and structure, making the assimilation of complex information easy and efficient Clear color illustrations and graphics, many new or revised for the second edition Comprehensive tables expand and organize information on many topics Vast clinical experience of two highly respected university teachers Fundamentals of Neurology: An Illustrated Guide, Second Edition, is the ideal introduction to clinical neurology for medical students, physical therapists, and other professionals involved in patient care.
Lars Muller Publishers Sauerbruch Hutton: Archive 2
"The current compendium traces the development of the office's architectural practice and thinking through a series of completed buildings, works in progress and projects that, as yet, remain unrealised. The book illuminates its strategies of sustainable design, its multiple interventions in the post-industrial cityscape and the unfolding of an architectural language full of sense and sensuality that reacts to its physical and social context, as well as to functional, technical, spatial and sculptural considerations. The book reveals Sauerbruch and Hutton's understanding of their profession as an ongoing process of research into presence and future, and is the only comprehensive documentation of their numerous works."
Rutgers University Press New Jersey Fan Club: Artists and Writers Celebrate the Garden State
Despite the many jokes and stereotypes about New Jersey and its residents, in reality the state is a wildly diverse place, home to a vast variety of landscapes, cultures, and people. There is no singular New Jersey experience, and the stories that its residents have to share about the state will surprise you. New Jersey Fan Club: Artists and Writers Celebrate the Garden State is an eclectic anthology featuring personal essays, interviews, and comics from a broad group of established and emerging writers and artists who have something to say about New Jersey. It offers a multifaceted look at the state’s history and significance, told through narrative nonfiction, photographs, and illustrations. New Jersey Fan Club is edited by Kerri Sullivan, founder of the popular Instagram account Jersey Collective (@jerseycollective), which features weekly takeovers by different New Jerseyans. This book functions the same way: it gives dozens of different contributors the chance to share what New Jersey looks like to them. The book is an exploration of how the same locale can shape people in different ways, and it will inspire readers to look at the Garden State with fresh eyes and appreciate its bounty of beautiful places and vibrant spaces.
Toronto Review Notes Essential Med Notes 2021: Clinical complement and resource for medical trainees
Snowbooks Ltd A Game of Crones
Dewi Lewis Publishing The Plain
D Giles Ltd Looking Up: The Skyviewing Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi
Isamu Noguchi's Skyviewing Sculpture was created by invitation for Western Washington University, north of Seattle, in 1969. The 14-foot high sculpture, which sits in the university's central quad, acts as an observatory, encouraging viewers to enter and turn their gaze to the sky. 'Skyviewing' was a leitmotif in Noguchi's art throughout his long career as an artist and landscape architect, from his early work alongside Constantin Brancusi in Paris in 1928 to his death in 1988. Some sculptures act as reflecting telescopes with polished stone that mirror the firmament while others trace the path of the sun with cast shadows or lead the eye up towards the sky. The work at Western invites the viewer in, and guides the eye upwards to observe the sky in all of its variety. Looking Up explores Noguchi's work on the themes of space, and our place in the universe; examines the changing artistic climate during his long career; and places Noguchi in context with a younger generation of artists, including Robert Smithson, Nancy Holt, James Turrell, and Charles Ross. The book includes essays by leading specialists, as well as a plate section and contemporary photos of the creation, transportation and installation of Skyviewing Sculpture .
Temple Lodge Publishing The Agriculture Course, Koberwitz, Whitsun 1924: Rudolf Steiner and the Beginnings of Biodynamics
Biodynamic agriculture, which has consistently increased in popularity over the years, was born from a single course of eight lectures delivered by Rudolf Steiner in Koberwitz (now in Poland) in June 1924. In The Agriculture Course Peter Selg presents an unprecedented study of the context within which the lectures took place, conveying a tangible sense of the celebratory mood and atmosphere of those Whitsun events. He highlights Steiner's intentions for the course - as well as the parallel lectures he gave in Breslau - by drawing widely on the available literature and numerous archive materials. Recognizing that chemical manipulation of agriculture was neither desirable nor sustainable, Rudolf Steiner helped launch an agricultural movement with a truly pioneering outlook. As Selg describes, Steiner saw that '...what was needed instead was new, conscious insight into life forces and laws, into the nature of organisms, into the diverse realms of nature, and the determining factors of both earth and cosmos that influence them.' The vivid picture painted here reveals the importance Rudolf Steiner placed on launching this work, and the extent to which his initiative offered an answer to the emerging forces of cultural and political destruction that would lead to the Second World War.
Rudolf Steiner Press Initiative: The karmic spiritual impulse of the followers of Michael. How Ahriman works into personal intelligence
`Be a person of initiative, and take care that the hindrances of your own body, or hindrances that otherwise confront you, do not prevent you from finding the centre of your being, where the source of your initiative lies. Likewise, you will find that all joy and sorrow, all happiness and pain, depend on finding or not finding your own individual initiative. - Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 4 August 1924 Rudolf Steiner urges those who feel the calling of the Archangel Michael to become people of initiative. The anthroposophist should be aware that, `... initiative lies in his karma, and much of what meets him in this life will depend on the extent to which he can become willingly, actively conscious of it.' In the second half of this inspiring lecture, Steiner describes how the being of Ahriman is able to work through the personal intellect of human beings today. As a consequence, we are called upon to be inwardly awake and vigilant at all times.
Rudolf Steiner Press Understanding Society: Through Spiritual-Scientific Knowledge Social Threefolding, Christ, Lucifer and Ahriman
In the uncertainty following the end of the First World War, Rudolf Steiner perceived a unique opportunity to establish a healthy social and political constitution. He began lecturing throughout post-war Germany, often to large audiences, about his social ideas. Here, speaking to a more intimate grouping at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, Steiner seeks to deepen the themes of social threefolding, showing specifically how new social thinking is integral to anthroposophy. Steiner speaks of the superficiality of the materialistic view of history, originating with the economic shift amongst the population at the time of the Reformation. Back in Egyptian-Chaldean times, initiates ruled out of spiritual impulses. Later, in the Greco-Roman period, priests had power over their congregations. Today, homo economicus – or `economic man’ – has become the dominant idea, with the capitalist and the banker taking control. But the healing of social relationships can only come about through different modes of thought; the life of spirit must be separated not only from politics but also from economics. True social understanding allows for comprehension of karma – the appreciation of each person’s individual destiny. In parallel, says Steiner, we should work towards a global consciousness, as true social ideas are founded on people feeling themselves to be citizens of the world. In an important corollary, Steiner studies the incarnations of three significant spiritual beings in human evolution: Lucifer, Christ and Ahriman. Lucifer incarnated in the third pre-Christian millennium, Christ incarnated at the dawn of a new age, whilst an incarnation of Ahriman in the West is immanent. Ahriman is preparing this incarnation by insidiously promoting various ideas, for example that economic security is sufficient for healthy public life. A new wisdom must be achieved out of free human will, says Steiner, or else we will succumb to Ahriman.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Festivals and Their Meaning
Moonlight Publishing Ltd The Egg
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? See the egg inside the chicken and the chick inside the egg. Watch as the chick develops, grows, and hatches. Observe different kinds of bird eggs. Find out about the eggs of reptiles, fish and insects. This title forms part of the My First Discoveries series, a unique collection of highly illustrated information books for children aged 4 to 7 that aims to awaken children’s interest in the wonders of the natural, physical and human world around them.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property and Emerging Technologies: The New Biology
This unique and comprehensive collection investigates the challenges posed to intellectual property by recent paradigm shifts in biology. It explores the legal ramifications of emerging technologies, such as genomics, synthetic biology, stem cell research, nanotechnology, and biodiscovery. Extensive contributions examine recent controversial court decisions in patent law - such as Bilski v. Kappos, and the litigation over Myriad's patents in respect of BRCA1 and BRCA2 - while other papers explore sui generis fields, such as access to genetic resources, plant breeders' rights, and traditional knowledge. The collection considers the potential and the risks of the new biology for global challenges - such as access to health-care, the protection of the environment and biodiversity, climate change, and food security. It also considers Big Science projects - such as biobanks, the 1000 Genomes Project, and the Doomsday Vault. The inter-disciplinary research brings together the work of scholars from Australia, Canada, Europe, the UK, and the US and involves not only legal analysis of case law and policy developments, but also historical, comparative, sociological, and ethical methodologies. Intellectual Property and Emerging Technologies will appeal to policy makers, legal practitioners, business managers, inventors, scientists, and researchers. Contributors include: A. Agovic, A. Bostanci, J. Calvert, G. Dutfield, D.M. Gitter, R. Gold, F. Hemmings, E. Hemmungs Wirten, S. Holcombe, T. Janke, P.-B. Joly, Y. Joly, A. McLennan, D. Nicol, M. Rimmer, J.D. Sarnoff
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Subaltern Medievalisms: Medievalism 'from below' in Nineteenth-Century Britain
A fresh new approach to Victorian medievalism, showing it to be far from the preserve of the elite. This book offers a challenge to the current study of nineteenth-century British medievalism, re-examining its general perception as an elite and conservative tendency, the imposition of order from above evidenced in the work of Walter Scott, in the Eglinton Tournament, and in endless Victorian depictions of armour-clad knights. Whilst some previous scholars have warned that medievalism should not be reduced to the role of an ideologically conservative discourse which always and everywhere had the role of either obscuring, ignoring, or forgetting the ugly truths of an industrialised modernity by appealing to a green and ordered Merrie England, there has been remarkably little exploration of liberal or radical medievalisms, still less of working-class medievalisms. Essays in this book question a number of orthodoxies. Can it be imagined that in the world of Ivanhoe, the Eglinton Tournament, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Alfred Tennyson, the working class remained largely oblivious to, or at best uninterested in, medievalism? What, if any, was the working-class medievalist counter-blast to conservatism? How did feminism and socialismdeploy the medieval past? The contributions here range beyond the usual canonical cultural sources to investigate the ephemera: the occasional poetry, the forgotten novels, the newspapers, short-lived cultural journals, fugitive Chartist publications. A picture is created of a richly varied and subtle understanding of the medieval past on the part of socialists, radicals, feminists and working-class thinkers of all kinds, a set of dreams of the Middle Agesto counter what many saw as the disorder of the times.
BookLife Publishing Save Energy!
BookLife Publishing Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
BookLife Publishing The Magic Button
Usborne Publishing Ltd Little Children's Cut, Stick and Tear Book
This charming book is perfect for young kids who can't wait to get crafty. Let them practice and refine their motor control skills by cutting out or tearing out pictures to stick in place. Pages are made from three kinds of paper: stiff paper to glue things onto, thin paper that's easy to cut - even with kids' safety scissors - and extra-thin paper that's designed to be torn by little fingers.16 simple scenes show a variety of friendly animals, plants and people ready to be decorated, using 8 pages of pictures and textures to cut out, and another 8 pages of pictures to tear out.This book does not come with scissors or glue, but does include clear instructions to explain how to cut, tear and stick the different kinds of paper.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Charging About: The Story of Electricity
A brand new edition of Charging About from the Science Works series, featuring lively storytelling and fun, engaging illustrations to aid children in their learning. Press a button, flick a switch, turn a knob and zap . . . something amazing happens. You have music, light, heat, hairdryers — all because of electricity. In this revised edition from Jacqui Bailey, we follow the story of how electrical energy is generated in a power station, how it travels through pylons, power cables and wires until it reaches towns and homes. We learn how electrical current is created and how it is made safe. This book also contains an experiment, more great facts to know, useful websites and an index. Book band: Brown Ideal for KS2.
BookLife Publishing The Oyster's Journey
BookLife Publishing At the Dentist
Usborne Publishing Ltd Usborne First Jigsaws And Book: Things that go
Toddlers will love snapping together these simple but beautiful puzzle pieces to build up their favourite wheeled and winged machines, and then reading more about each of them.
Kogan Page Ltd Strategic Tendering for Professional Services: Win More, Lose Less
WINNER: Business Book Awards 2018 - 'Selling The Dream' category (1st edition) In an increasingly competitive professional services sector, it is vital that firms have an effective tendering strategy. The advantages gained from winning and retaining clients can be transformative, and the cost of losing key tenders can be catastrophic. Strategic Tendering for Professional Services provides end-to-end best practice guidance, from the crucial decision of which request-for-proposals to respond to, right through to the all important face-to-face presentation and post-pitch follow-up. Now in its second edition, this practical book captures insights from both sides of the market through interviews with both proposal professionals and decision makers from the client side. Focusing on key considerations, including the need for diversity and inclusion, providing evidence of global citizenship and how public sector pitching differs from the private sector, this book is packed with features and tools to help professionals turn guidance into practice. Strategic Tendering for Professional Services is the essential guide to improving your pitches, honing your tendering skills and boosting your win rate.
Titan Books Ltd Penguins Collection
The Penguins and the North Wind have teamed up! But,the two teams argue so much that they're soon on the wrong foot. The North Wind and the Penguins discover that the Elitist-est of the Elite title will be given to the task force that survives a nearby pyramid. The Penguins get involved in a time travel escapade which takes them to prehistoric times, ancient Rome and the far future! Then they must go head-to-head with elite agency North West!
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Econometric Models
This volume of Advances in Econometrics focuses on recent developments in the use of structural econometric models in empirical economics. The papers in this volume are divided in to three broad groups. The first part looks at recent developments in the estimation of dynamic discrete choice models. This includes using new estimation methods for these models based on Euler equations, estimation using sieve approximation of high dimensional state space, the identification of Markov dynamic games with persistent unobserved state variables and developing test of monotone comparative static in models of multiple equilibria. The second part looks at recent advances in the area empirical matching models. The papers in this section look at developing estimators for matching models based on stability conditions, estimating matching surplus functions using generalized entropy functions, solving for the fixed point in the Choo-Siow matching model using a contraction mapping formulation. While the issue of incomplete, or partial identification of model parameters is touched upon in some of the foregoing chapters, two chapters focus on this issue, in the context of testing for monotone comparative statics in models with multiple equilibria, and estimation of supermodular games under the restrictions that players' strategies be rationalizable. The last group of three papers looks at empirical applications using structural econometric models. Two applications applies matching models to solve endogenous matching to the loan spread equation and to endogenize marriage in the collective model of intrahousehold allocation. Another applications looks at market power of condominium developers in the Japanese housing market in the 1990s.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Multi-level Governance: Essential Readings
The term multi-level governance (MLG) has emerged from its origins in EU studies in the early 1990s to become a commonly used description of politics and policy-making in a range of settings. This collection discusses seminal papers covering three waves of MLG scholarship; the first wave focuses largely on debates around Europe and the regions; the second on the nature and impact of MLG in wider settings (local, national and global) and the implications for accountability; and the third discusses MLG of different types and in new terrains (geographical or policy).
Titan Books Ltd Penguins of Madagascar, Volume 1
The Penguins of Madagascar is a spin-off of the Madagascar films. The series follows the adventures of four penguins: Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and Private, who perform various paramilitary-like missions to protect their home in the Central Park Zoo. The penguins often have to deal with problems caused, or made worse, by King Julien XIII (a ring-tailed lemur), Maurice (an aye-aye), and Mort (a mouse lemur).