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Elsevier Health Sciences Transforming Public Health Surveillance: Proactive Measures for Prevention, Detection, and Response
Public Health Surveillance (PHS) is of primary importance in this era of emerging health threats like ebola, MERS-CoV, influenza, natural and man-made disasters, and non-communicable diseases. Transforming Public Health Surveillance is a forward-looking, topical, and up-to-date overview of the issues and solutions facing PHS. It describes the realities of the gaps and impediments to efficient and effective PHS, while presenting a vision for its possibilities and promises in the 21st century. The book gives a roadmap to the goal of public health information being available, when it is needed and where it is needed. Led by Professor Scott McNabb, an international team of the top-notch public health experts from academia, government, and non-governmental organizations provides the most complete and current update on this core area of public health practice in a decade in 31 chapters. This includes the key roles PHS plays in achieving the global health security agenda and health equity. The authors provide a global perspective for students and professionals in public health. Five case studies aid the understanding of the context for the lessons of the book, and a comprehensive glossary, questions, bullet points, and learning objectives make this book an excellent tool for the classroom. Describes lessons learned in international health crises, the context and development of existing governance documents guiding public health surveillance in the light of global health security concerns, and provides advice on how to construct a modern framework to provide efficient, effective, and equitable global response Describes enriched collaborations between military, clinical practice, societies, communities, and governmental and non-governmental organizations and discusses challenges and opportunities Describes informatics approaches to enable and support data sharing, analytics, and visualization though interoperability that will adapt to meet the challenges of the changing field of public health surveillance Discusses challenges of modern public health surveillance, and discusses potential solutions, and actions and ideas for the way forward Describes how transformed surveillance systems can contribute to better monitoring and guiding of the post 2015 development goals and can further progress the universal goal of health equity Includes five case studies exploring the lessons of the book under different contexts including Antimicrobial Resistance, MERS-CoV, Pandemic Influenza, Refugee Surveillance, and Measles Table of Contents: 1. Past Contributions to Public Health Surveillance 2. CDC Perspectives and Strategy on Emerging Public Health Surveillance Issues and Opportunities 3. Models of Public Health Surveillance 4. Integrated Versus Vertical Public Health Surveillance 5. Reactive Versus Proactive Public Health Surveillance 6. New Public Health Surveillance Evaluation Model 7. New Matrix for Evaluation of Public Health Surveillance 8. Economics of Public Health Surveillance 9. Supply and Demand of the Public Health Workforce 10. Policies, Standards, and Best Practices for Public Health Surveillance 11. Keeping Our World Safe by Integrating Public Health and Global Security 12. Smart Governance of Public Health Surveillance 13. Achieving the Right Balance in Governance of Public Health Surveillance 14. One Health in the 21st Century 15. Collaboration for Biosurveillance 16. Contributions of Military Public Health Surveillance to Global Public Health Security 17. Nonprofit Associations and Cultivating Collaboration to Advance Public Health Surveillance 18. Linking Clinical Medicine Data with Public Health Surveillance for Mutual Benefit 19. Engaging Communities to Transform Public Health Surveillance 20. Art and Science of Interoperability to Create Connections 21. Data Storms are Growing, Everywhere, and Have to Work Together 22. Surveillance Informatics Builds and Ecosystem for Transformation 23. The Human Interaction Required for Visualizing and Manipulating Information 24. Necessary Challenge of Verifying and Validating Public Health Data 25. Public Health Modeling and Data Mining 26. Using Genetic Sequence Data for Public Health Surveillance 27. New Approaches to Analyzing Public Health Data 28. Applied Interdisciplinary Translational Research in Public Health Surveillance 29. Transforming Public Health Surveillance to Measure Progress Towards Health and Equity Through the Millennium Development Goals 30. Research and Innovations Guiding Public Health Surveillance in the 21st Century 31. Improving Health Equity and Sustainability by Transforming Public Health Surveillance
Peeters Publishers Dais. the Aegean Feast: Proceedings of the 12th International Aegean Conference / 12e Rencontre Egeenne Internationale, University of Melbourne, Centre for Classics and Archaeology, 25-29 March 2008
Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgments Abbreviations KEYNOTE ADDRESS - Yannis HAMILAKIS, Time, Performance, and the Production of a Mnemonic Record: From Feasting to an Archaeology of Eating and Drinking I. FEASTS FOR THE GODS: FEASTING PRACTICES AND RELIGIOUS ASPECTS - Jennifer WILSON, What Were the Women Doing While the Men Were Eating and Drinking? The Evidence of the Frescoes - Anna SIMANDIRAKI, The Minoan Body as a Feast - Bernice JONES, Anthropomorphic Vessels at the Feast: Evidence for Dress or Ornament? - Brent DAVIS, Libation and the Minoan Feast - David COLLARD, Possible Alternatives to Alcohol: The Contextual Analysis of Poppy-shaped Jugs from Cyprus and the Aegean - Dora CONSTANTINIDIS, From Fields to Feasts: Interpreting Aegean Architecture and Iconography in Relation to Feast Preparations - Janice L. CROWLEY, In Honour of the Gods ' But Which Gods? Identifying Deities in Aegean Glyptic - Helene WHITTAKER, The Role of Drinking in Religious Ritual in the Mycenaean Period - Elizabeth SHANK, Decorated Dining Halls - Gullog NORDQUIST, Feasting: Participation and Performance II. FEASTS FOR THE HUMANS: COOKING, FOOD AND WINE - Sarah P. MORRIS, Wine and Water in the Bronze Age: Fermenting, Mixing and Serving Vessels - Thomas M. BROGAN and Andrew J. KOH, Feasting at Mochlos? New Evidence for Wine Production, Storage and Consumption from a Bronze Age Harbor Town on Crete? - Rachel FOX, Tastes, Smells and Spaces: Sensory Perceptions and Mycenaean Palatial Feasting - Bartlomiej LIS, Cooked Food in the Mycenaean Feast ' Evidence from the Cooking Pots - Julie HRUBY, You Are How You Eat: Mycenaean Class and Cuisine IIIa. FEASTS IN THE AEGEAN LANDSCAPE: THE EVIDENCE FROM CRETE - Philip P. BETANCOURT, David S. REESE, Louise L. VERSTEGEN, and Susan C. FERRENCE, Feasts for the Dead: Evidence from the Ossuary at Hagios Charalambos - Luca GIRELLA, Feasts in 'transition'? An overview of feasting practices during MM III in Crete - Loeta TYREE, Athanasia KANTA and Harriet Lewis ROBINSON, Evidence for Ritual Eating and Drinking: A View from Skoteino Cave - Judith REID, Dinnertime at Kato Zakro - Jan DRIESSEN, Alexandre FARNOUX and Charlotte LANGOHR, Favissae. Feasting Pits in LM III - Quentin LETESSON and Jan DRIESSEN, From 'Party' to 'Ritual' to 'Ruin' in Minoan Crete: The Spatial Context of Feasting IIIb. FEASTS IN THE AEGEAN LANDSCAPE: THE EVIDENCE FROM THE MAINLAND - Jennifer O'NEILL, Utility and Metaphor: The Design of The House of Tiles at Lerna - Kim S. SHELTON, Drinking, Toasting, Consumption and Libation: Late Helladic IIIA Pottery and a Cup for Every Occasion - Salvatore VITALE, Ritual Drinking and Eating at LH IIIA2 Early Mitrou, East Lokris. Evidence for Mycenaean Feasting Activities? - Gisela WALBERG and David S. REESE, Feasting at Midea IV. IMAGES OF THE FEAST: ICONOGRAPHY - Ingo PINI, Are there any Representations of Feasting in the Aegean Bronze Age? - Fritz BLAKOLMER, Processions in Aegean Iconography II: Who are the Participants? - Susan C. FERRENCE, Is There Iconography of the Minoan Feast? - Marcia NUGENT, Picturing the Feast ' Recipes as Art. Botanic Motifs of the Late Bronze Age Cycladic Islands V. FEASTS ABROAD: COMPARATIVE EVIDENCE FROM THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN - Jennifer M. WEBB and David FRANKEL, Fine Ware Ceramics, Consumption and Commensality: Mechanisms of Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Early Bronze Age Cyprus - Kathryn O. ERIKSSON, Feasting as Part of the Multiculturalism of Late Bronze Age Cyprus - Alison SOUTH, Feasting in Cyprus: a View from Kalavasos - Louise A. HITCHCOCK, Architectures of Feasting - Karen Polinger FOSTER, A Taste for the Exotic - Ann E. KILLEBREW and Justin LEV-TOV, Early Iron Age Feasting and Cuisine: an Indicator of Philistine-Aegean Connectivity? - Aren M. MAEIR, Aegean Feasting and other Indo-European Elements in the Philistine Household -Assaf YASUR-LANDAU, Hard to Handle: Aspects of Organization in Aegean and Near Eastern Feasts VI. FEASTS IN THE TEXTS: THE WRITTEN RECORD - John G. YOUNGER, Food Rations and Portions in Cretan Hieroglyphic Documents - Ioannis FAPPAS, The Use of Perfumed Oils during Feasting Activities: A Comparison of Mycenaean and Near Eastern Written Sources - Stavroula NIKOLOUDIS, Bulls and Belonging: Another Look at PY Cn 3 - Thomas G. PALAIMA, The Significance of Mycenaean Words Relating to Meals, Meal Rituals, and Food - Vassilis P. PETRAKIS, E-ke-ra2-wo A wa-na-ka: The Implications of a Probable Non-Identification for Pylian Feasting and Politics - Cynthia W. SHELMERDINE, Host and Guest at a Mycenaean Feast - Jorg WEILHARTNER, Some Observations on the Commodities in the Linear B Tablets Referring to Sacrificial Banquets AFTERTHOUGHT - Thomas G. PALAIMA, A New Linear B Inscription from the Land Down Under: AUS HO(ME) Bo 2008