Search results for ""author pierre""
Classiques Garnier Le Bilboquet
Classiques Garnier Esthetique de la Guerre - Ethique de la Paix: Un Siecle de Litterature Sur La Grande Guerre
Classiques Garnier Theatre Complet
Les Belles Lettres Marc Antoine de Muret: Jules Cesar
Les Belles Lettres Les Emblemes / Emblemata: Fac-Simile de l'Edition Mace-Bonhomme de 1551
Les Belles Lettres Correspondance
Les Belles Lettres Dion Cassius, Histoire Romaine: Livres 41 Et 42 (Annees 49-47)
Baraka Books Dying to Live: A Rwandan Family's Five-Year Flight Across the Congo
Pierre-Claver Ndacyayisenga was teaching history in Kigali, Rwanda, when he was forced to flee to the neighbouring Congo with his wife and three children. Thus began a harrowing five-year voyage of survival during which they travelled thousands of miles on foot from one refugee camp to another. Lacking food and water, they were often robbed, sometimes raped, and constantly pursued and bombed by shadowy armed soldiers with sophisticated weapons and aerial surveillance information. This brilliant and touching book is the story of one family among the more than 300,000 refugees—many of whom did not survive. For those wishing to understand the war in the Congo, this must-read will restore the humanity and the right to mourn for hundreds of thousands of Rwandans dispersed throughout the world.
Archaeopress Une archéologie des provinces septentrionales du royaume Kongo
Of all the great kingdoms that flourished in Africa, the Kongo is one of the most famous. It remains an important historical and cultural reference for Africans and their diaspora. The KongoKing inter-university project (2012-2016), funded by the European Research Council, aimed, through an interdisciplinary approach, to understand the origin of the kingdom and to shed light on the phenomena of political centralization, economic integration and linguistic evolution that took place there. This book presents in detail the results of archaeological research carried out by the KongoKing project in the former northern provinces of the Kongo Kingdom, currently located in the Democratic Republic of Congo. | De tous les grands royaumes qui fleurirent en Afrique, le royaume Kongo est l’un des plus célèbres. Il reste une référence historique et culturelle importante pour les Africains et leur diaspora. Entraînés très tôt dans le commerce de traite, les esclaves originaires de la région font que du Brésil à New York, en passant par les Caraïbes, la culture Kongo a laissé de nombreuses traces. Le projet interuniversitaire KongoKing (2012-2016), financé par le Conseil Européen de la Recherche a été coordonné par Koen Bostoen, tandis que Bernard Clist et Pierre de Maret en ont dirigé le volet archéologique. Ce projet visait par une approche interdisciplinaire à comprendre l’origine du royaume et à éclairer les phénomènes de la centralisation politique, d’intégration économique et d’évolution linguistique qui s’y sont déroulés . Cet ouvrage présente de façon détaillée les résultats des recherches archéologiques menées par le projet KongoKing dans les anciennes provinces septentrionales du royaume Kongo, situées actuellement en République Démocratique du Congo. Dans une première partie on présente le contexte général, l’évolution du milieu, l’histoire du groupe linguistique kikongo et ce que l'on sait des périodes qui précèdent le royaume, ainsi que des informations récoltées dans diverses sources historiques sur ces provinces. Les prospections et fouilles des différents sites étudiés sont ensuite présentées. Puis vient le bilan des recherches archéologiques avec une synthèse des datations, une esquisse de la séquence chrono-culturelle de la poterie kongo et les études systématiques des différents types de vestiges récoltés. Pour conclure, on présente la synthèse de l'ensemble de ces découvertes et la façon dont celles-ci viennent compléter les données issues des autres disciplines pour éclairer d'un jour nouveau l'histoire du royaume Kongo.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam machinarum pertinentes 3rd part
Springer International Publishing AG New Metropolitan Perspectives: Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development
This open access book conveys attention to the theme of transition towards resilience and sustainability and its evolutionary perspective that emphasizes the complexity and uncertainty that governments and society are called to address in response to the ongoing challenges. "New Metropolitan Perspective Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages’ Perspectives”, 25–27 May 2022, Reggio Calabria, Italy. The papers included in the book are grouped around the following main topics: the envisaged transition towards resilience and sustainability; the relevance of the planning dimension for defining sustainable development pathways and managing complexity; and the green and digital transition by glimpsing at approaches, experiences, and cases that outline innovative solutions in cities and inner areas. The book primarily targets the academic and policymaker communities involved in managing the complexity of the transition for regions and cities.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Francesco Ignazio Lazzari’s Discrizione della villa pliniana: Visions of Antiquity in the Landscape of Umbria
CABI Publishing Seed Fate: Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment
This book presents current knowledge of seed fate in both natural and human-disturbed landscapes, from various regions of the world. Habitats considered range from mountain and arid deserts in the temperate zone, to savanna and lowland rainforests in tropical regions of the world. Particular attention is paid to plant diversity conservation when seed removal is affected by factors such as hunting, habitat fragmentation or intensive logging. Contributors include leading scientists involved in research on seed ecology and on animal-plant relationships from the perspective of both primary and secondary seed dispersal, and predation.
Princeton University Press The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games: (AMS-201)
This book describes the latest advances in the theory of mean field games, which are optimal control problems with a continuum of players, each of them interacting with the whole statistical distribution of a population. While it originated in economics, this theory now has applications in areas as diverse as mathematical finance, crowd phenomena, epidemiology, and cybersecurity.Because mean field games concern the interactions of infinitely many players in an optimal control framework, one expects them to appear as the limit for Nash equilibria of differential games with finitely many players as the number of players tends to infinity. This book rigorously establishes this convergence, which has been an open problem until now. The limit of the system associated with differential games with finitely many players is described by the so-called master equation, a nonlocal transport equation in the space of measures. After defining a suitable notion of differentiability in the space of measures, the authors provide a complete self-contained analysis of the master equation. Their analysis includes the case of common noise problems in which all the players are affected by a common Brownian motion. They then go on to explain how to use the master equation to prove the mean field limit.This groundbreaking book presents two important new results in mean field games that contribute to a unified theoretical framework for this exciting and fast-developing area of mathematics.
Yale University Press French in Action: A Beginning Course in Language and Culture: The Capretz Method, Workbook Part 1
French in Action is a model for video-based language instruction, and the new edition updates the text and workbook for today's students. Since it was first published, French in Action: A Beginning Course in Language and Culture—The Capretz Method has been widely recognized in the field as a model for video-based foreign-language instructional materials. The third edition has been revised by Pierre Capretz and Barry Lydgate and includes new, contemporary illustrations throughout and more-relevant information for today's students in the Documents sections of each lesson. A completely new feature is a journal by the popular character Marie-Laure, who observes and humorously comments on the political, cultural, and technological changes in the world between 1985 and today. The new edition also incorporates more content about the entire Francophone world. In use by hundreds of colleges, universities, and high schools, French in Action remains a powerful educational resource, and the third edition updates the course for a new generation of learners.
The University of Chicago Press Don't Forget to Live: Goethe and the Tradition of Spiritual Exercises
The esteemed French philosopher Pierre Hadot’s final work, now available in English. With a foreword by Arnold I. Davidson and Daniele Lorenzini. In his final book, renowned philosopher Pierre Hadot explores Goethe’s relationship with ancient spiritual exercises—transformative acts of intellect, imagination, or will. Goethe sought both an intense experience of the present moment as well as a kind of cosmic consciousness, both of which are rooted in ancient philosophical practices. These practices shaped Goethe’s audacious contrast to the traditional maxim memento mori (Don’t forget that you will die) with the aim of transforming our ordinary consciousness. Ultimately, Hadot reveals how Goethe cultivated a deep love for life that brings to the forefront a new maxim: Don’t forget to live.
John Libbey Eurotext Transfusion Medicine: Looking to the Future
Island Press Livestock in a Changing Landscape, Volume 2: Experiences and Regional Perspectives
The rapidly changing nature of animal production systems, especially increasing intensification and globalization, is playing out in complex ways around the world. "Livestock in a Changing Landscape" offers a comprehensive examination of these important and far-reaching trends. The books are an outgrowth of a collaborative effort involving international nongovernmental organizations including the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Swiss College of Agriculture (SHL) at Bern University of Applied Sciences, the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), and the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). The volumes present new, sustainable approaches to the challenges created by fundamental shifts in livestock management and production, and represent an essential resource for policymakers, industry managers, and academics involved with this issue.
University of Exeter Press Les Tromperies
Pierre de Lavirey was born in the east of France in 1541 and died in 1619 in Troyes. Little is known about him or his life, but, in addition to his translations of various Italian books, he has left behind him adaptations into French of nine Italian plays which make him one of the most prolific writers of comedy in the sixteenth century. These adaptations are a valuable source for the study of the language of the theatre and of the techniques of creative translation in the period. Les Tromperies formed part of the second collection of adaptations written by Lavirey. It was first published in Troyes in 1611 by Pierre Chevillot. Its source is Nicolò Secco’s Gl’Inganni, first performed in Milan in 1548. This title is Volume 100 in the series Exeter French Texts/Textes littéraires. It includes an introduction, select bibliography and essential notes, all in French.
Harvard University Press The Moralized Ovid
An influential medieval allegorical interpretation of the Metamorphoses that uncovers the hidden moral truths of Ovid’s stories, translated into English for the first time.Written in about 1340 in Avignon by the Benedictine preacher Pierre Bersuire, The Moralized Ovid—commonly referred to by its Latin title, Ovidius moralizatus, to distinguish it from the anonymous French vernacular Ovide moralisé—was arguably the most influential interpretation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in the High Middle Ages. It circulated widely in manuscript form and was frequently printed during the Renaissance. Originally intended as a sourcebook of exempla for preachers’ sermons, The Moralized Ovid provides not only a window into the reception of classical literature in the fourteenth century but also amazingly vivid details of daily life in the Middle Ages across all strata of society.The work begins with a detailed description of the Greco-Roman gods, inspired in part by Bersuire’s friend and fellow proponent of classical poetry, Francesco Petrarch. It then retells selected major myths from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, each followed by numerous allegorical interpretations that draw from biblical stories, contemporary events, and the natural world.This edition presents the first full English translation alongside an authoritative Latin text.
University Press of the Pacific The Laws of Gravitation: Memoirs by Newton, Bouguer and Cavendish
Penguin Books Ltd The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology
This concise, abridged edition of Pierre Grimal's celebrated DICTIONARY OF CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY brilliantly distils and captures the essence of Greek and Roman mythology. It is the ideal reference tool for anyone with an interest in the Classics or those seeking to explore the many allusions to its mythology that abound in later literature.
Aarhus University Press Mythology and Nation Building: N.F.S. Grundtvig and His European Contemporaries
Stories of gods, heroes and monsters permeated discourses of national selfhood in the nineteenth century. During this tumultuous time, Europe’s modern nations arose from the misty waters of long-forgotten national pasts – or so was the perception at the time. Each embedded in their particular national and political contexts, towering cultural figures – N.F.S. Grundtvig, Jacob Grimm, Jonás Halgrímsson, William Morris, Adam Oehlenschläger and many more – were catalysts for the formation of national discourses of belonging, built upon the mythological story-worlds of Europe’s non-classical vernacular pasts.This interdisciplinary book offers new perspectives on the uses of pre-Christian mythologies in the formation of national communities in nineteenth-century Northern and Western Europe. Through theoretical articles and case studies, it puts forth new understandings of how cultural thinkers across Europe utilized pre-Christian mythologies as symbolic resources in the forging of national communities. Perceptions of national identity were thus shaped, many of which are still at play today.
Klincksieck La Taille d'Une Agate Et Autres Essais
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Anges Et Le Lieu
Librairie J Vrin Lecons Sur l'Histoire de la Philosophie I: La Philosophie Grecque. de Thales a Anaxagore
Les Belles Lettres L'Heure Qu'il Est: Les Horloges, La Mesure Du Temps Et La Formation Du Monde Moderne
Moonlight Publishing Ltd Fish Underwater
Dive under water and watch the fish swim around in the pages of this book, from sea creatures near the seashore to the strangest fish that live in the depths of the ocean.
Taylor & Francis Inc Curves and Surfaces
This volume documents the results and presentations, related to aspects of geometric design, of the Second International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, held in Chamonix in 1993. The papers represent directions for future research and development in many areas of application. From the table of contents: - Object Oriented Spline Software - An Introduction to Pade Approximations - Zonoidal Surfaces - Projective Blossoms and Derivatives - Piecewise Polynomial Approximation of Spheres - A Geometrical Approach to Interpolation on Quadric Surfaces
Zone Books Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece
University of Nebraska Press The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1876–1878: Volume 2
Recipient of the “Approved Edition” seal from the Modern Language Association’s Committee on Scholarly Editions This critical and scholarly edition presents the complete letters of Henry James, one of the great novelists and letter writers of the English language. Comprising more than ten thousand letters and addressing a remarkably wide range of topics, this edition is an indispensable resource for students and scholars of James, of the European novel and modern literature, and of American and English literature, culture, and criticism.This volume contains letters written from December 21, 1877, to September 29, 1878, when, having settled comfortably into London life, James finished preparing the foundation for the career that would define his reputation as a critic and fiction writer. During this time James published Daisy Miller and The Europeans as well as other fiction, reviews, and cultural criticism.
University of Nebraska Press The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1876–1878: Volume 1
This critical and scholarly edition presents the complete letters of Henry James, one of the great novelists and letter writers of the English language. Comprising more than ten thousand letters and addressing a remarkably wide range of topics, this edition is an indispensable resource for students and scholars of James, of the European novel and modern literature, and of American and English literature, culture, and criticism. Written between December 1876 and December 1877, the letters in this volume trace James’s departure from Paris and his arrival and domestication in London, where he would live at least part of each year for most of the rest of his life. In London, James quickly becomes immersed in the social and literary life of the city and of the nation. He is invited as an honorary guest to the Athenaeum Club; dines with Lord Houghton, William Gladstone, Alfred Tennyson, Heinrich Schliemann, and “half a dozen other men of ‘high culture’”; and continues his friendship with Turgenev, who lives in Paris. In addition to his regular production of critical and travel essays, he completes The American, contracts with Macmillan to publish French Poets and Novelists, revises Watch and Ward for book publication, and travels to France and Italy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stability Domains
Stability Domains is an up-to-date account of stability theory with particular emphasis on stability domains. Beyond the fundamental basis of the theory of dynamical systems, it includes recent developments in the classical Lyapunov stability concept, practical stabiliy properties, and a new Lyapunov methodology for nonlinear systems. It also introduces classical Lyapunov and practical stability theory for time-invariant nonlinear systems in general and for complex (interconnected, large scale) nonlinear dynamical systems in particular. This is a complete treatment of the theory of stability domains useful for postgraduates and researchers working in this area of applied mathematics and engineering.
Columbia University Press Green Capital: A New Perspective on Growth
Many believe economic growth is incompatible with ecological preservation. Green Capital challenges this argument by shifting our focus away from the scarcity of raw materials and toward the deterioration of the great natural regulatory functions (such as the climate system, the water cycle, and biodiversity). Although we can find substitutes for scarce natural resources, we cannot replace a natural regulatory system, which is incredibly complex. It is therefore critical that we introduce a new price into the economy that measures the costs of damage to these regulatory functions. This change in perspective justifies such innovations as the carbon tax, which addresses not the scarcity of carbon but the inability of the atmosphere to absorb large amounts of carbon without upsetting the climate system. Brokering a sustainable peace between ecology and the economy, Green Capital describes a range of valuation schemes and their contribution to the goals of green capitalism, proposing a new approach to natural resources that benefits both businesses and the environment.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Beautiful Nature Colouring Book
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Roller-Coaster Grandma: The Amazing Story of Dr. Ruth
“The art is wonderful, and the language is entertaining and captivating.” – Association of Jewish LibrariesThis graphic novel for ages 8-12 depicts the ups and downs of Dr. Ruth's life from her escape from the Nazis at age 10 aboard a Kindertransport, to her training as a sniper with the Hagganah in Israel, through her immigration to the US where she started as a maid, became a college professor, and eventually a television star. Using a trip to an amusement park with her grandchildren as its framework, the story subtly demonstrates lessons of grit, resilience, and strength that readers can apply to their own lives.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Le Cid
Abrams Louis Vuitton: The Birth of Modern Luxury Updated Edition
When Louis Vuitton: The Birth of Modern Luxury was published in 2004, the book was the first to describe the dramatic rise of the world’s finest luxury company. Written with full access to the company’s archives, it demonstrates Louis Vuitton’s passion for fine design with a stunning array of archival art, product designs, and cutting-edge advertising. The company is examined through the lives of its first three leaders—founder Louis (who invented the modern trunk), his son Georges, and his grandson Gaston.Now with fresh information on subjects such as designs for ready-to-wear clothing, shoes, jewelry, and even automobiles, this new edition includes 20 additional pages and updated material throughout the book, covering the brand’s recent history, with new texts and photographs.
Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Assessment of the integration of fisheries and aquaculture in policy development: framework and application in Africa
This paper assists African countries and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in improving the integration of the fisheries and aquaculture sector into policy documents dealing with poverty eradication, foreign currency generation, food security, the ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture, and gender mainstreaming. For this purpose, the paper assesses whether the sector is adequately embedded in policy documents in Africa at both the country and regional level. The analysis addressed 54 African countries and 8 RECs. As a policy assessment tool, the multi-criteria analysis has been applied to compare two options – "relevance" and "inclusion" – across several performance dimensions. Based on the assessments performed, the extent of "integration" and "discrepancy" of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in policy documents has been calculated.The findings showed countries where the relevance of fisheries and aquaculture is not recognized, and where advocacy should be oriented towards raising awareness of the contribution of this sector. On the other hand, there are countries with a modest fisheries and aquaculture sector that have nevertheless implemented policies and reached high levels of inclusion. Recommendations both at country and REC level include improving the availability of information on the sector's value chain to enhance visibility and awareness of its importance.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG When Children Draw Gods: A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children's Representations of Supernatural Agents
This open access book explores how children draw god. It looks at children’s drawings collected in a large variety of cultural and religious traditions. Coverage demonstrates the richness of drawing as a method for studying representations of the divine. In the process, it also contributes to our understanding of this concept, its origins, and its development. This intercultural work brings together scholars from different disciplines and countries, including Switzerland, Japan, Russia, Iran, Brazil, and the Netherlands. It does more than share the results of their research and analysis. The volume also critically examines the contributions and limitations of this methodology. In addition, it also reflects on the new empirical and theoretical perspectives within the broader framework of the study of this concept. The concept of god is one of the most difficult to grasp. This volume offers new insights by focusing on the many different ways children depict god throughout the world. Readers will discover the importance of spatial imagery and color choices in drawings of god. They will also learn about how the divine's emotional expression correlates to age, gender, and religiosity as well as strategies used by children who are prohibited from representing their god.
Oxford University Press Les Liaisons dangereuses
The complex moral ambiguities of seduction and revenge make Les Liaisons dangereuses (1782) one of the most scandalous and controversial novels in European literature. The subject of major film and stage adaptations, the novel's prime movers, the Vicomte de Valmont and the Marquise de Merteuil, form an unholy alliance and turn seduction into a game - a game which they must win. This new translation gives Laclos a modern voice, and readers will be able a judge whether the novel is as `diabolical' and `infamous' as its critics have claimed, or whether it has much to tell us about the kind of world we ourselves live in. David Coward's introduction explodes myths about Laclos's own life and puts the book in its literary and cultural context. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Erbfeinde Im Empire?: Franzosen Und Deutsche Im Zeitalter Napoleons
Brepols N.V. Prefaces of the Latin Bible
Classiques Garnier Theatre
Fordham University Press Pathological Realities: Essays on Disease, Experiments, and History
Mirko D. Grmek (1924-2000) is one of the most significant figures in the history of medicine, and has long been considered a pioneer of the field. The singular trajectory that took Grmek from Yugoslavia to the academic culture of post-war France placed him at the crossroads of different intellectual trends and made him an influential figure during the second half of the twentieth century. Yet, scholars have rarely attempted to articulate his distinctive vision of the history of science and medicine with all its tensions, contradictions, and ambiguities. This volume brings together and publishes for the first time in English a range of Grmek’s writings, providing a portrait of his entire career as a historian of science and an engaged intellectual figure. Pathological Realities pieces together Grmek’s scholarship that reveals the interconnections of diseases, societies, and medical theories. Straddling the sciences and the humanities, Grmek crafted significant new concepts and methods to engage with contemporary social problems such as wars, genocides and pandemics. Uniting some major strands of his published work that are still dispersed or simply unknown, this volume covers the deep epistemological changes in historical conceptions of disease as well as major advances within the life sciences and their historiography. Opening with a classic essay – “Preliminaries for a Historical Study of Diseases,” this volume introduces Grmek’s notions of “pathocenosis” and “emerging infections,” illustrating them with historical and contemporary cases. Pathological Realities also showcases Grmek’s pioneering approach to the history of science and medicine using laboratory notebooks as well as his original work on biological thought and the role of ideologies and myths in the history of science. The essays assembled here reveal Grmek’s significant influence and continued relevance for current research in the history of medicine and biology, medical humanities, science studies, and the philosophy of science.