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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd North American Economic Integration: Theory and Practice
This highly accessible book explains the theoretical, historical and political background of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), its impact and the debates surrounding its existence. In addition the authors provide a brief introduction to the theory of economic integration as well as a succinct overview of the evolution of the global economy, and the institutions that manage it, in the post World War II period.Key issues examined include: how and why NAFTA emerged in the early 1990s and its performance since implementation the economic development and commercial policy of each member country in the context of the rapidly changing global economy NAFTA's technical strengths and limitations the debates which still rage between its proponents and critics The team of US, Canadian and Mexican authors argue that while NAFTA has introduced novel social and environmental innovations in trade agreements, given Mexico's macroeconomic volatility, it provides a less than perfect approach for managing North America's rapidly expanding economic integration.North American Economic Integration can be used by a wide audience from students to professionals and academics from any discipline with an understanding of the basic principles of economics. Specifically, the book will be welcomed by students of international economics, political economy and international relations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd North American Economic Integration: Theory and Practice
This highly accessible book explains the theoretical, historical and political background of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), its impact and the debates surrounding its existence. In addition the authors provide a brief introduction to the theory of economic integration as well as a succinct overview of the evolution of the global economy, and the institutions that manage it, in the post World War II period.Key issues examined include: how and why NAFTA emerged in the early 1990s and its performance since implementation the economic development and commercial policy of each member country in the context of the rapidly changing global economy NAFTA's technical strengths and limitations the debates which still rage between its proponents and critics The team of US, Canadian and Mexican authors argue that while NAFTA has introduced novel social and environmental innovations in trade agreements, given Mexico's macroeconomic volatility, it provides a less than perfect approach for managing North America's rapidly expanding economic integration.North American Economic Integration can be used by a wide audience from students to professionals and academics from any discipline with an understanding of the basic principles of economics. Specifically, the book will be welcomed by students of international economics, political economy and international relations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd High-growth Women’s Entrepreneurship: Programs, Policies and Practices
Women's entrepreneurship is vital for economic and social development, yet female entrepreneurs worldwide are consistently found to have weaker sales and employment growth, fewer jobs, and lower profitability. This book was written to address this reality and focuses on the high-growth potential of women entrepreneurs. The scholars in this book conducted qualitative as well as quantitative research in contexts around the world, including Eswatini (Swaziland), Australia, China, Slovenia, Peru, and one global study of 43 countries. Chapters are organized according to three key themes: the practice of building networks, programs and the support environment, and policies and regulations. Topics addressed within these themes include the interconnected and mutually reinforcing features of a fruitful entrepreneurial culture, including financial and human capital advancement and readiness, new opportunities for expansion and an assortment of institutional and infrastructural provisions for innovation and business growth. High-growth Women's Entrepreneurship will appeal to public and private sector managers, policy makers and politicians who want to promote a culture and ecosystem that supports women's growth-oriented business potential. Educators and program designers who want to help women grow their businesses, and scholars who want to explore further research will find the information invaluable. Contributors include: N. Birdthistle, C.J. Boudreaux, Z. Brixiová, C.G. Brush, A. Bullough, D. Cetindamar, M. Córdova, L.F. Edelman, R. Eversole, B. Freser, V. Godinho, D. Hechavarría, F. Huamán, E. James, T. Kangoye, T. Lammers, Y. Li, S. Muhammad, B. Nikolaev, A. Pearce, K. Sirec, E. Sullivan, P. Tominc, M. Walo, J. Wu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Restructuring Work and Employment in Europe: Managing Change in an Era of Globalisation
This detailed, comprehensive study on downsizing in Europe is underpinned by cross-national, interdisciplinary empirical research on restructuring management in five European countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. It contains systematic national comparative overviews, and transversal analyses of more than 30 in-depth case studies, taking into account a broad range of perspectives across professional human resources managers, unions' representatives, local and national civil servants, social workers and physicians. The authors examine strategic choices and practices in national and local contexts, showing that the practice of restructuring is not as heterogeneous as many previous studies have indicated or predicted. Systematic policy proposals for better economic and social management of restructuring are also prescribed.This team of well-known economists and social scientists have prepared a book that will appeal to consultants and human resource managers and employees, especially in transnational firms, as well as to students in industrial relations, in labour economics, and in sociology. It will also be of special interest to members of the European Commission and policymakers involved in employment and social affairs.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Endogenous Regional Development: Perspectives, Measurement and Empirical Investigation
`The region-specific nature of economic success matters in urban and rural regions alike, as this volume illustrates with a wide-ranging set of theoretical perspectives and empirical studies. The authors in this collection provide fresh ideas and new insights into a concept "endogenous development" that remains central to understading regional development.'---Ed Malecki, The Ohio State University, USAIncreasingly, endogenous factors and processes are being emphasized as drivers in regional economic development and growth. This 15 chapter book is unique in that it commences by presenting five disciplinary takes on endogenous development from the perspectives of economics, geography, sociology, planning and organizational management.Several chapters demonstrate how researchers have developed operational models to investigate the roles played by endogenous factors in regional ecocnomic development, including the role of entrepreneurial rents. Further chapters provide empirical investigations of endogenous factors in regional development at various levesl of spatial scale - from the supra-region to the nation, city and small town - and in a variety of situational settings, including the European Union, Asia and Australia.The book is an invaluable up-to-date resources for researchers and students in regional science, and regional economic development and planning.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Policy, Sustainability and Welfare: An Economic Analysis
This comprehensive and accessible textbook addresses important relationships between economics and environmental policy, especially highlighting the role of taxation. It also connects environmental policy to social accounting by describing how measures of welfare and sustainable development depend on whether policies successfully internalize market failures.The authors discuss how the modern literature on environmental taxation and tradable permits has evolved. Environmental taxation is examined from a purely corrective perspective, and as part of a broader system of optimal taxation that reflects distributional objectives. Cost benefit rules of environmental policy reforms are also examined in various contexts. Key features include: ? Examination of optimal tax policy in static and dynamic general equilibrium models with environmental externalities? Examination of cost benefit rules for environmental policy reforms? Essential historical background to the modern literature on environmental policy? Discussion of measures of welfare and sustainable development? Environmental policy from a fiscal federalism perspective. This textbook will be essential reading for those studying environmental economics and environmental policy, working effectively as both an in-depth supplementary text in general courses on environmental economics and a strong main source for environmental policy courses.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Policy, Sustainability and Welfare: An Economic Analysis
This comprehensive and accessible textbook addresses important relationships between economics and environmental policy, especially highlighting the role of taxation. It also connects environmental policy to social accounting by describing how measures of welfare and sustainable development depend on whether policies successfully internalize market failures.The authors discuss how the modern literature on environmental taxation and tradable permits has evolved. Environmental taxation is examined from a purely corrective perspective, and as part of a broader system of optimal taxation that reflects distributional objectives. Cost benefit rules of environmental policy reforms are also examined in various contexts. Key features include: ? Examination of optimal tax policy in static and dynamic general equilibrium models with environmental externalities? Examination of cost benefit rules for environmental policy reforms? Essential historical background to the modern literature on environmental policy? Discussion of measures of welfare and sustainable development? Environmental policy from a fiscal federalism perspective. This textbook will be essential reading for those studying environmental economics and environmental policy, working effectively as both an in-depth supplementary text in general courses on environmental economics and a strong main source for environmental policy courses.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Problems in the Shortage Economy: The Legacy of Soviet Environmental Policy
Environmental Problems in the Shortage Economy is one of the first books to analyse environmental disruption under the Soviet economic system. Using original Soviet data the author shows that considerable damage has been done to the environment and that measures which were intended to protect it have been largely ineffective.A detailed account of environmental problems in the Soviet economy is followed by discussion of two specific problems: the ineffectiveness of measures to protect the environment and the general mismanagement of natural resource extraction. In order to explain these problems, a framework is adopted which views the former Soviet Union as a shortage economy with environmental problems as part of its general functioning. Further insight into the impact of the shortage economy on the management of natural resources is provided by a case study on the use of forestry resources. The book also includes an account of Soviet academic work in the field of environmental economics.This rigorous and authoritative assessment of the implications of Soviet environmental policy will be welcomed by environmental economists and political scientists concerned with the wider legacy of the Soviet Union and its economic policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Perspectives in Econometric Theory: The Selected Works of Halbert White, Volume Two
New Perspectives in Econometric Theory comprises specially selected papers by Halbert White which reflect his research in a variety of related areas in econometrics: heteroskedasticity of unknown form; nonlinear and nonparametric regression; instrumental variables and generalized method of moments estimation; and measurability and limit theory. In many instances, results from one paper provide the foundation for, or suggest new directions for, research taken up by others in the collection. The intent of collecting these papers together in the present volume, with new commentaries by the author, is to provide access both to a modern unified perspective for econometric theory and to a set of concepts and tools that will be useful to practitioners in the field.As a companion to the first volume entitled Advances in Econometric Theory, this latest selection of Halbert White's work will appeal to academics and researchers in econometrics and economic theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Climate Change Law: Environmental Regulation in Cities and Other Localities
'This book is a useful addition to our literature on climate change law, with its focus on climate change at the local level. It examines how local governments, municipalities and city authorities address climate change through law and policy, and the problems/constraints faced in mitigation and adaptation at the local level. The 15 contributors have thoughtfully and critically analysed the issues from intellectual as well as practical perspectives, drawing on the experiences of North America as well as the EU, China, Australia and South Africa. The reader is left with deeper insights and suggestions for the way forward.'- Irene Lin Heng Lye, National University of Singapore 'This volume offers a thorough exploration of the challenges and opportunities for local governments in many parts of the world to mitigate and adapt to climate change.'- Laura Watchmann, LEED AP-ND, Executive Director, NALGEP 'As the international climate consensus is fading, the focus has shifted from the global to the local. This book is timely and ground-breaking as it frames a new subject of legal study and proves the dramatic surge of local climate action. A must-read.'- Klaus Bosselmann, University of Auckland, New Zealand Local Climate Change Law examines the role of local government, especially within cities, in addressing climate change through legal, policy, planning and other tools. This timely study offers a multi-jurisdictional perspective, featuring international contributors who examine both theoretical and practical dimensions of how localities are addressing climate mitigation and adaptation in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, South Africa and the United States, as well as considering the place of localities in global climate law agreements and transnational networks. Written from a multi-disciplinary perspective, this book will appeal to academics, post graduate and undergraduate students in law and political science, local and national government policy makers and politicians, as well as practising local government lawyers. Anyone with a general interest in environmental issues will also find much to interest them in this insightful study. Contributors: M. Doelle, A. du Plessis, L. Godden, J. Lin, J. Moore, K.B. Munroe, H.M. Osofsky, S. Pasternack, M. Peeters, M. Powers, B.J. Richardson, E. Schwartz, S. Theriault, K. Thompson, S. Wood
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Arab Spring: An Essay on Revolution and Constitutionalism
Approaching the concept of Islamic constitutionalism from a comparative perspective, this thought-provoking study by Antoni Abat i Ninet and Mark Tushnet uses traditional Western political theory as a lens to develop a framework for analyzing the events known as the 'Arab Spring'.Writing with clarity and insight, the authors place Western and Arabic traditions into a constructive dialogue. They focus on whether we can develop a 'theory of revolutions' that helps us understand events occurring at divergent times at geographically separate locations. This question is meticulously analyzed through the detailed examination of specific developments relevant to the ideas of revolution and constitutionalism in several nations affected by the Arab Spring. Case studies focus on Morocco and Libya as examples of unsuccessful revolutions, as well as Tunisia and Egypt. These lead the authors to consider the nature of constitutionalism itself and the concept of illiberal but non-authoritarian constitutions: a particularly pressing concern given the prominent contemporary discussions of the role of shari'a in post-Arab Spring constitutions.The Arab Spring will offer new insights to scholars, researchers and students of law and the political sciences, in particular those focusing on theories of revolution, democracy, constitutional law, Islamic constitutionalism and legal theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Dynamics of the Eco-Efficient Economy: Environmental Regulation and Competitive Advantage
Entrepreneurs and managers are increasingly aware that the environment can be both a threat and an opportunity to their current economic activities. This timely book discusses the question of environmental performance versus corporate practices and finds that environmental considerations can have a positive effect on business.The perception of the environment as a means to achieve competitive advantage for companies is a relatively recent phenomenon. The contributors address how to create institutional environments that stimulate businesses to integrate the environment in strategic decision making and thereby promote eco-efficiency. Together they build a convincing argument that the economy-environment trade-off is a false stalemate: societal and market forces may impact on the environment and on business in positive, neutral or negative ways. The authors use evidence from the United States and Europe to demonstrate that environmental considerations can have a positive effect on the competitive advantage of firms.This book draws together three fields - environmental economics, environmental regulation and strategic management - and will be of great interest to scholars and practitioners working in these areas.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Challenges to the Welfare State: Internal and External Dynamics for Change
Challenges to the Welfare State examines and assesses cultural, economic and political problems facing welfare states in Europe and North America and provides policy suggestions to alleviate these problems. An important group of authors identifies the relative merits of welfare state systems in the United States and Europe. They consider the transition of the welfare state in former Communist countries to more market oriented systems and the status of the European welfare state in the context of deepening European integration. More specifically, these experts address the question of whether further integration in Europe will result in an environment where all citizens are guaranteed only certain basic social rights and are encouraged to take private financial responsibility for health care, pension provision and insurance. The nature of social insurance institutions, the problems of ageing populations and the backlash against increasing taxation are also considered. The authors conclude that the reduction of existing government debt in the context of the move towards European Monetary Union will require either considerable increases in taxation or a significant reduction in entitlements.This book will be required reading for scholars and students of economics, social and public politics, politics and public administration.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Asian Economies in Transition: Reforming Centrally Planned Economies
Asian Economies in Transition analyses and evaluates the experience of the eleven Asian economies undertaking the transition from central planning to a more market-oriented approach.China, Indochina, Mongolia, Azerbaijan and the Central Asian Republics are the focus of Richard Pomfret's book which begins with a detailed discussion of the Chinese model of transition highlighting its failures as well as its successes. Vietnam's experience, while offering the closest parallel to China's reform strategy, is shown by the author to contain more explicit macroeconomic policy reforms and greater practical attention to the problem of inefficient state enterprises. Dr Pomfret also discusses the less happy experience of the Asian republics of the former Soviet Union, the break-up of the rouble zone, and the interesting counterpoint provided by the Mongolian economy. The Tumen River project is also examined as an example of cooperation between reformed and non-reformed Socialist economies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Policy in the European Union: Current Perspectives
Economic Policy in the European Union analyses the key issues confronting Europe as we enter the 21st century. It focuses mainly on the transition problems linked with the creation of European Monetary Union as well as more specific issues such as social, labour, environmental and science and technology policy.It addresses major questions, including: is it true that the disappearance of exchange risks will benefit trade and growth? can the EMU function if integration is not speeded up in other areas? will the EMU enhance internal cohesion? is the creation of a single currency a popularly accepted idea in the member states? The authors also examine some more specific issues including European Work Councils, the possibility of coordinated environmental policy within the European Union, employment rights and technological collaboration.This topical book will be welcomed by those scholars, students and policymakers interested in some of the most important issues currently faced by Europe.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Reckless Deluxe Collectors Edition Hardback
THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING SERIES! OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD, NOW IN GORGEOUS HARDBACK WITH UNIQUE FOILED JACKET, REVERSE FAN ART JACKET, EXCLUSIVE MAP ENDPAPERS AND STUNNING RED FOILED BOARD.Praise for Powerless:‘Nothing short of epic’ Rosie Talbot, bestselling author of Sixteen Souls'A thrilling fantasy with the most delicious slow-burn romance' M.A. Kuzniar, bestselling author of Midnight in Everwood‘A masterpiece’ Goodreads Reader Review ‘Everyone needs to read it’ TikTok Review ‘The BEST book I’ve read’ NetGalley Reader Review ‘A sizzling slice of fantasy romance’ Booksellers Review‘Incredible and impressive’ Goodreads Reader Reader‘A rivet
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Principles of Transport Economics
Transport continues to present considerable challenges for both policymakers and economists throughout the world. This book provides a rigorous analytical approach to transport economics and transport policy, showing how economic principles can be applied to problems and practical solutions derived. As well as providing detailed coverage on the conventional topics of demand, costs, market structure, externalities, investment appraisal and regulation, the book also examines the wider role of transport in the economy as a whole. In addition, the authors address the important link between transport and issues of location, urban and regional development, and economic growth. Throughout the book there are frequent references to policy issues at both the national and EU level, complemented by a comprehensive discussion on the different ways in which policy has evolved in various European countries. The concluding chapter draws together some of the problems encountered in moving from the theories and models developed in the book to the actual implementation of specific policy measures. The authors believe that only policies based on a thorough understanding of the economics of transport can help solve some of the pressing problems facing governments across Europe.This unique book addresses a wide range of issues and makes use of cutting-edge data to provide a set of universal tools to analyse and inform policy at all levels. It assumes only a basic knowledge of economics and will be essential reading for students at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate level following courses on transport economics, regional science, urban studies and geography. It will also prove a valuable source of reference for policymakers involved in the provision and regulation of transport and researchers interested in transport planning and policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Second Edition
This thoroughly revised Handbook provides an assessment of the scope and content of environmental sociology, and sets out the intellectual and practical challenges posed by the urgent need for policy and action to address accelerating environmental change. More than a decade has passed since the first edition of the Handbook was published to considerable acclaim, and environmental sociology has since become firmly established as a critical social science discipline. This second edition is a major interdisciplinary reference work comprising more than 25 original essays authored by leading scholars, many of whom are intimately involved in national, regional or global environmental policy processes. It marks some of the changes and continuities in the field of environmental sociology, and highlights today?s substantive concerns and theoretical debates. The Handbook is divided into three parts covering concepts and theories, critical issues and international perspectives, each with an introduction outlining the content of the constituent chapters and cross-referencing some of the more significant themes that link them together.Authoritative and comprehensive, this Handbook will prove to be essential reading for academics, researchers and students across the social sciences who are interested in the environment. It will also be enthusiastically received by sustainable development policy-makers and practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Human Rights and the Environment
Professors Grear and Kotzé have masterfully fashioned a landmark work on human rights and the natural environment. This Research Handbook is more than just a library of current ideas about this important topic; it is an intellectual tour de force that stimulates new thinking on the place of social justice and moral responsibility in the Anthropocene.'- Benjamin J. Richardson, University of Tasmania, Australia'As the connections between human rights and the environment become deeper and broader, this Handbook offers an indispensable point of reference. A seriously impressive group of scholars addresses a seriously interesting range of themes that inform and challenge the totality of our understanding.'- Philippe Sands, University College London, UKBringing together leading international scholars in the field, this authoritative Handbook combines critical and doctrinal scholarship to illuminate some of the challenging tensions in the legal relationships between humans and the environment, and human rights and environment law.The accomplished contributors provide researchers and students with a rich source of reflection and engagement with the topic. Split into five parts, the book covers epistemologies, core values and closures, constitutionalisms, universalisms and regionalisms, with a final concluding section exploring major challenges and alternative futures.An essential resource for students and scholars of human rights law, the volume will also be of significant interest to those in the fields of environmental and constitutional law.Contributors: S. Adelman, U. Beyerlin, K. Bosselmann, D.R Boyd, P.D. Burdon, L. Code, L. Collins, S. Coyle, C.G Gonzalez, E. Grant, A. Grear, E. Hey, C.J. Iorns Magallanes, B. Jessup, A. Jones, A. A. Khavari, L.J. Kotzé, R. Lyster, K. Morrow, A. Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, W. Scholtz, P. Simons, S. Thériault, F. Venter
Batsford Ltd Experimental Coasts in Mixed Media
Acclaimed mixed-media artist Mike Bernard has been at the forefront of collage painting for decades and his work has a sought-after vitality. He brings his latest guidance, ideas and techniques on a subject about which he is passionate: coastal painting. From his home near the Devon coast, he and co author (art writer) Susie Hodge, cover all aspects of mixed media painting. From considering composition and looking for contrasts to reducing elements for greater impact (and even moving towards abstraction). From working with limited palettes to including imaginary colours to a painting. From collaging with torn magazines, tin foil, plastic, newsprint to combining inks, oil pastels, PVA, acrylic and watercolours. From playing with proportion to create mood to using thick and thin oils for effect. And, of course, how to capture the mood and atmosphere of coastal life, from quiet stretches to busy harbours around the world. The authors include several step-by-step projects to demonstrate techniques plus a series of experimental exercises helps the reader try something new. A masterclass from a popular artist with stunning artwork of coasts from around the globe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Challenges to Trade Unions in Europe: Innovation or Adaptation
Should trade unions passively respond to turbulent changes in industrial relations or can they innovate and set their own agenda? In the face of technological, economic, political and cultural change, trade unions across Europe face a genuine threat to their past achievements and their future capacity to act and shape industrial relations.In The Challenges to Trade Unions in Europe , a group of prominent authors examines the unions' strategic policies in seven European member states and at the European Union level, as well as their responses to the globalization of economic competition. Using theoretical and historical analysis as well as up-to-date empirical research, they examine the successes of trade unions and their capacity to innovate in order to remain strategic actors in the industrial relations arena. In particular, the authors examine trade union policies responding to topical issues such as training, sustainable growth, flexibility, decentralization, deregulation and neo-liberal state policies.The Challenges to Trade Unions in Europe explores responses to the main economic, managerial, political and socio-cultural features of the transformation process facing trade unions in Europe. It will be welcomed by researchers and students interested in industrial relations, personnel management, and the social and economic implications of European integration.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary Union, Employment and Growth: The Impact of the Euro as a Global Currency
There exists a twofold relationship between the factors affecting adoption of a single currency in Europe, employment, and growth. On one hand, the operation of the euro will be hindered if rigidities in labour and product markets persist - hence low employment and slow growth may be a cause of poor performance of the single currency. On the other hand, the functioning of the euro will affect future patterns of European employment.Pier Carlo Padoan and his distinguished group of contributing authors go beyond the common European-based debates to consider the impact of the euro as a global currency on the evolution of European labour, product, and regional markets.This insightful work will be of great interest to professional economists and post-graduate students in economics, international relations, and European studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe: Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis
The recent economic crisis has had severe and negative impacts on the EU over the last decade. This book focuses on a neglected dimension by examining European political entrepreneurship in times of economic crisis with particular emphasis on EU member-states, institutions and policies. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe examines the role that the political entrepreneur can play in promoting entrepreneurship and growth. The book includes an actor and a structure perspective by focussing on politicians and institutions within the public sector that use innovative approaches to encourage businesses with a goal of growth and employment. This exemplary book is a useful tool for entrepreneurship and political science scholars wishing to gain a better understanding of the ways in which political bodies can impact economic development. EU politicians and public servants would also benefit from reading this timely book as it offers key information on how they can help to promote growth. Contributors include: M. Alebaki, C. Berggren, M.-L. von Bergmann-Winberg, S. Gretzinger, C. Karlsson, B. Leick, A. Olausson, A. Parkhouse, E. Petridou, B. Pircher, C. Silander, D. Silander, P. Strömblad, S. Tavassoli, E. Wihlborg
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolving Global Trade Architecture
This comprehensive and accessible book examines the evolution of the multilateral trade regime in the ever-changing global economic environment, particularly during the WTO era and the ongoing Doha Round. Professor Das explores how the creation of the multilateral trade regime, or the GATT/WTO system, has been fraught with difficulties. He describes the ways, by means of various rounds of negotiations, the multilateral trade regime has constantly adjusted itself to the new realities of the global economy. One glance at the recent history indicates that the evolution of the multilateral trade regime was far from even-handed and steady. The GATT/WTO system was repeatedly pushed to the brink of utter and ignominious disaster. Yet, as the author illustrates, the participating economies persevered. Consequently, the fabric of multilateral trade regime is stronger, its foundation deeper and its framework wider now than it was a generation ago. Unlike the GATT era, membership of the present trade regime is close to universal. The author concludes that of the two phases, the latter has turned out to be the more arduous, intricate and complex phase of evolution. Students and scholars of economics, international trade, international political economy and international relations will find this study of great interest. The definitions and explanations of terminology and advanced concepts make the book accessible to those without an extensive economic background.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Economics for Sustainable Growth: A Handbook for Practitioners
Environmental Economics for Sustainable Growth is a specially designed handbook for trainers, practitioners and government advisors involved in environmental policy making. It will enable professionals to initiate and implement environmental economic studies and identify policies and investments which will ensure sustainable development in their respective countries.The book focuses on economic tools but also encompasses ecological and sociological perspectives, all of which are essential to any successful environmental policy. The authors highlight the major issues in environmental policy making and the analysis of projects with environmental impacts. Features include: sustainable development in a global context macroeconomic policies and the environment environmental policies and priorities legal and institutional dimensions integration of environmental assessment into project analysis valuation techniques and case studies. This handbook will be of immense use in the training of policymakers, practitioners, and students of environmental policy as well as development managers and scholars working in the areas of environment and development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Economics for Sustainable Growth: A Handbook for Practitioners
Environmental Economics for Sustainable Growth is a specially designed handbook for trainers, practitioners and government advisors involved in environmental policy making. It will enable professionals to initiate and implement environmental economic studies and identify policies and investments which will ensure sustainable development in their respective countries.The book focuses on economic tools but also encompasses ecological and sociological perspectives, all of which are essential to any successful environmental policy. The authors highlight the major issues in environmental policy making and the analysis of projects with environmental impacts. Features include: sustainable development in a global context macroeconomic policies and the environment environmental policies and priorities legal and institutional dimensions integration of environmental assessment into project analysis valuation techniques and case studies. This handbook will be of immense use in the training of policymakers, practitioners, and students of environmental policy as well as development managers and scholars working in the areas of environment and development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Socialist Economies in Transition: Appraisals of the Market Mechanism
Socialist Economies in Transition provides a coherent critique of economic reform in Eastern Europe which, it is argued, will create not prosperity but high levels of unemployment and severe economic dislocation. The authors show how the application of neoclassical economic theory will, in reality, prove unsuccessful and explain why, despite the revolutionary upheavals of 1989 and the immense effort to discard the restraints of planning, the intuitive mechanisms and practices of the free market have been so slow to appear.This volume offers an alternative route to economic reform, based on post Keynesian and Kaleckian traditions that combine individual diversity with control over the key sectors of the economy to maintain an acceptable level of stability and growth.This exciting and provocative book will be essential reading for all those concerned with the political economy of Eastern Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Markets for Carbon and Power Pricing in Europe: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Analyses
Why do power prices seem to be correlated with the carbon price in some markets and not in others? This crucial question is at the centre of Francesco Gulli's enlightening book, through which the contributing authors investigate a number of related issues. In particular, they explore why power firms are not consistent in passing-through into power prices the opportunity cost of carbon. They also examine the relationship between the pass-through mechanism and the structure of the power market.This informative study brings together and interprets original contributions by leading experts from every EU country. Beginning with an overview of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) along with an in-depth analysis of the early results and the theoretical issues involved, the book then goes on to explore the main European power markets via a number of empirical case studies. Overall, this volume offers a genuinely comprehensive analysis on the relationship between carbon and power markets and, as such, will prove a valuable contribution to the debate on the EU ETS and to the literature on the interaction between environmental policy and the structure of environmentally regulated markets.Markets for Carbon and Power Pricing in Europe will be of great interest to researchers and academics within general economics, environmental and energy economics. It will also be warmly welcomed by policymakers, regulators and power sector operators.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Creating Ecological Value: An Evolutionary Approach to Business Strategies and the Natural Environment
Firms adopt a wide variety of ecological strategies, ranging from the development of innovative products with reduced environmental impact to lobbying against governmental attempts to set standards for the way in which firms deal with the natural environment. This book explores this variety and is the first to provide a coherent evolutionary approach to the ecological strategies of firms. Drawing on insights from organization and management sciences and innovation studies, the author outlines an evolutionary framework enabling a deeper understanding of how firms shape ecological strategies and interact to create inertia or change at the level of systems of production and consumption. This framework is applied to the coffee and automobile production and consumption systems, yielding insight into the complex dynamics through which such systems evolve in dealing with ecological impact. The book advances theoretical insight into business strategies and the natural environment and illuminates the dynamics of production and consumption systems.Scholars, students and practitioners from organization and management sciences, innovation studies and industrial ecology interested in the relationship between business and the natural environment will find this book invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Urban Economics and Urban Policy: Challenging Conventional Policy Wisdom
In this bold, exciting and readable volume, Paul Cheshire, Max Nathan and Henry Overman illustrate the insights that recent economic research brings to our understanding of cities, and the lessons for urban policy-making. The authors present new evidence on the fundamental importance of cities to economic wellbeing and to the enrichment of our lives. They also argue that many policies have been trying to push water uphill and have done little to achieve their stated aims; or, worse, have had unintended and counterproductive consequences.It is remarkable that our cities have been so successful despite the many shortcomings of urban policies and governance. These shortcomings appear in both rich and poor countries. Many powerful policies intended to influence urban development and spatial differences have been developed since the late 1940s, but they have been subject to little rigorous economic evaluation. The authors help us to understand why economic growth has emerged so unevenly across space and why this pattern persists. The failure to understand the forces leading to uneven development underlies the ineffectiveness of many current urban policies. The authors conclude that future urban policies need to take better account of the forces that drive unevenness and that their success should be judged by their impact on people, not on places - or buildings.This groundbreaking book will prove to be an invaluable resource and a rewarding read for academics, practitioners and policymakers interested in the economics of urban policy, urban planning and development, as well as international studies and innovation.Contents: Foreword by Ed Glaeser 1. Introduction 2. Urban Economic Performance 3. Residential Segregation and People Sorting Within Cities 4. Planning for a Housing Crisis: Or the Alchemy by Which We Turn Houses into Gold 5. Planning and Economic Performance 6. Planning: Reforms that Might Work and Ones that Wont 7. Devolution, City Governance and Economic Performance 8. Urban Policies 9. Conclusions Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology
This book offers a novel insight into the economic dynamics of modern biotechnology, using examples from Europe to reflect global trends. The authors apply theoretical insight to a fundamental enigma of the modern learning society, namely, how and why the development of knowledge and ideas interact with market processes and the formation of industries and firms. This book offers new empirical evidence to address such questions by studying the diversity of biotechnology in Europe. By analysing the way in which the development of new knowledge and information is linked with economic transformation, the authors are able to provide a rich theoretical understanding of the economic dynamics of knowledge within the biotechnology sector. They clearly show how innovation opportunities are affected not just by the market, but by scientific developments, networks, institutions and government policy. They also raise important theoretical questions about how and why new industries, networks and organizations are shaped, and highlight the development and impacts of biotechnology on many existing sectors, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture and insurance. The final chapter summarizes the theoretical challenges which have been overcome and identifies future areas for research.The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology will become essential reading for students, scholars and researchers of the management and economics of innovation, business strategy, industrial organization, the theory of the firm, the economics of technological change, and regional studies. It will also appeal to a wider political and business audience such as government policymakers and managers of biotechnology firms.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Evolutionary Economics and Human Nature
For much of the twentieth century, mainstream economists have treated human agents in their models as if they were rational beings of unbounded computational capacity - the notorious 'Homo Economicus' of much economic theory. However, the patent inadequacies of this understanding of human nature have become increasingly apparent, and economists have begun looking for more realistic models, incorporating the insights of evolutionary theory. The authors address the question of human nature in economics, examining not only some of the recent writing on this subject in evolutionary psychology and related disciplines, but also the ideas of important thinkers in the Western intellectual tradition. Beginning with the ancient Greeks and progressing to the modern day, the contributors explore the works of such thinkers as Augustine, Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, Alfred Marshall and Kenneth Boulding.Many of these works are placed in a Darwinian, evolutionary perspective, with the imperative that the study of human nature must be consistent with our understanding of human evolution, and should consider how human beings are moulded by cultural and institutional influences. Naturally, Darwin's own view of human nature is also explored, undermining the mistaken notion that Darwinism promotes human nature as greedy, uncooperative and self-seeking.This enlightening, original and highly readable work will be of great interest to professional economists and students, researchers and teachers of evolutionary economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Value Creation
This Research Handbook highlights the importance of women as agents of change, acknowledging women entrepreneurs’ efforts and supporting their value-creation activities. With important implications for policymaking, contributing authors direct attention to and provide evidence for the positive contribution of women entrepreneurs to the economy, regardless of their businesses’ size and formal status.Challenging the underperformance hypothesis associated with women entrepreneurs, chapters present evidence that women do not underperform in their businesses, but that they add value even in constrained environments. This intends to shift the focus of research from questions like ‘what do entrepreneurs do?’ to ‘how do they do it?’, focusing on the unique ways in which each woman entrepreneur creates value, and ‘for whom do they do it?’, looking at the multiple value outcomes women entrepreneurs create and the beneficiaries of that value.With a global perspective on women’s entrepreneurship and their value creation, this Research Handbook will be vital reading for researchers of entrepreneurship, as well as government agencies and policymakers interested in promoting entrepreneurial activity.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of Law Reform in China: An Uncertain Path
This timely research review presents articles written by Chinese and Western authors on law reform in the People's Republic of China from its beginning in 1978 until the present day. The first part presents differing perspectives on the history of law reform. Separate sections are devoted to core institutions: the Constitution, the legislature, administrative law, courts, criminal process, the legal profession, extra-judicial dispute resolution and citizen petitions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modern Law and Otherness: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Comparative Legal Thought
Over the last two decades or so, the field of comparative law has been increasingly interested in issues of globalisation and Eurocentrism. This book inscribes itself within the debates that have arisen on these issues and aims to provide a greater understanding of the ways in which the ''non-West'' is constructed in Euro-American comparative law. Approaching knowledge production from an interdisciplinary and critical perspective, the book puts emphasis on the governance implications of the field. It is argued that for more than a century an important part of comparative law has been animated in different ways by tensions between inclusion and exclusion. This dynamic is shown to operate through antinomies between the particular and the universal, between critiques and apologies of Western domination. The author approaches this as an opportunity to reflect further on the possibility of mobilizing the field's own promises in more productive ways. Modern Law and Otherness provides important insights for researchers interested in comparative law, critical theories and international law. Critical theorists interested in postcolonialism will also benefit from the author's analysis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Short History of Ethics and Economics: The Greeks
Arising from a disenchantment with mainstream economics - a dissatisfaction that is widespread today - A Short History of Economics and Ethics sketches the emergence and decline of the ethical tradition of economics and the crisis of modern economics. In doing so, James Alvey focuses on four of the leading ancient Greek thinkers: Socrates, Xenophon, Plato and Aristotle. The author uses insights from Amartya Sen's Capabilities approach as well as other sources to retrieve the ethical tradition of economics. Five aspects of this tradition which seem to lie outside of mainstream economics are identified: an ethical methodology; some notion of a just price; an understanding that ethical motivations are relevant to human action; a rich understanding of human well-being; and some notion of distributive justice related to human well-being. Creating a forum for further debate and research opportunity, this book will appeal to students, scholars and historians of economic thought, as well as to all those interested in the intersection of ethics with economics. Contents: 1. Introduction 2. An Introduction to Ancient Greek Political Economy 3. An Introduction to the Socratics: Socrates and Xenophon 4. Plato Part I: The Early and Middle Dialogues 5. Plato Part II: The Late Dialogues 6. Aristotle Part I: Ethics 7. Aristotle Part II: Politics (High and Low) 8. Aristotle Part III: Economics 9. Conclusion References Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The European Union and India: Rhetoric or Meaningful Partnership?
This multi-disciplinary book provides a comprehensive analysis of the EU-India relationship from 1950 to the present day, as a way of assessing whether a meaningful and sustainable relationship is emerging and whether it will play a role in the future of international diplomacy and business.The question comes at a time of significant changes in the re-configuration of global power. Using both historical insights and contemporary policy analysis, the authors investigate whether the social, economic and political interests of the EU and India are genuinely compatible. Leaders in both regions have been promoting the relationship for many decades, but the authors scrutinize their words to discover whether they are merely rhetorical gestures or reflect genuine complementarities. They also investigate the motivation behind the relationship, and provide an in-depth analysis of the areas of mutual interest and conflict. The book examines these issues in the context of the history of the EU-India relationship, alongside contemporary policy concerns.This comparative book will appeal to academics, students and policy-makers with an interest in international politics and public policy, economic development and business, Asian studies and European studies.Contents: Introduction: The Problem of EU and India Relations 1. Fearing European Unity and Yearning for Asian Cooperation: The Early Years 2. Indian Lobbying and European Economic Community Dissensions in the 1960s 3. British Entry: Anxiety Embedded 4. The Arrival of Indian Pragmatism 5. The Rise of Asia and India from the 1990s to the 21st Century 6. EU-India Current Perceptions and Implementation Challenges 7. Why European Cows are the Envy of Poor Indian Farmers 8. It Takes Two to Tango: Industry and Foreign Direct Investment 9. EU-INDIA Security Issues: Fundamental Incompatibilities 10. Development Cooperation: Have the Tables turned? Conclusion: The EU-India Relationship in an Era of Dramatic Transformations Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Health Economics, Second Edition
The Elgar Companion to Health Economics is a comprehensive and accessible look at the field, as seen by its leading figures.'- Joseph Newhouse, Harvard Medical School, USThis comprehensive collection brings together more than 50 contributions from some of the most influential researchers in health economics. It authoritatively covers theoretical and empirical issues in health economics, with a balanced range of material on equity and efficiency in health care systems, health technology assessment and issues of concern for developing countries. This thoroughly revised second edition is expanded to include four new chapters, while all existing chapters have been extensively updated.The Elgar Companion to Health Economics, Second Edition intends to take an audience of advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers to the current frontier of research by providing concise and readable introductions to key topics.Contributors: T. Adam, H. Al-Janabi, M.C. Auld, P.P. Barros, A. Basu, S. Birch, D. Bishai, H. Bleichrodt, W.D. Bradford, J. Brazier, F. Breyer, A. Briggs, J.F. Burgess Jr, L. Burgess, M. Chalkley, D. Chisholm, K. Claxton, J. Coast, P. Contoyannis, R. Cookson, G. Currie, D. Dawson, P. Deb, C. Donaldson, B. Dowd, M. Drummond, T.T.-T. Ensor, S.L. Ettner, D.B. Evans, D. Feeny, R. Feldman, E. Fenwick, A. Gafni, P.-Y. Geoffard, K. Gerard, J. Glazer, D.C. Grabowski, H. Gravelle, P. Grootendorst, P.J. Huckfeldt, T. Iversen, A.M. Jones, D. Kenkel, A.N. Kleit, D.N. Lakdawalla, M. Lindeboom, P. Lorgelly, J. Louviere, H. Lurås, W. Manning, X. Martinez-Giralt, H. Mason, A. McGuire, T.G. McGuire, D. Meltzer, A. Mills, C. Mitton, S. Morris, J. Mullahy, D. Nair, E.C. Norton, J.A. Nyman, O. O'Donnell, T. Olmstead, N. Palmer, S.J. Peacock, T.J. Philipson, J.L. Pinto, D. Polsky, C. Propper, M. Raikou, R. Rannan-Eliya, N. Rice, T. Rice, J. Roberts, D. Rowen, C.J. Ruhm, M. Ryan, M. Schoenbaum, M.J. Sculpher, P. Shackley, L. Siciliani, J.L. Sindelar, P.C. Smith, R. Smith, A. Somanathan, A. Street, D.J. Street, M. Sutton, R. Thompson, P.K. Trivedi, A. Tsuchiya, E. van Doorslaer, C.H. Van Houtven, D.J. Vanness, S. Venkatapuram, R. Viney, A. Wagstaff, M.C. Weinstein, J.A. Williams, D. Wilson, P. Zweifel
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Greening the Budget: Budgetary Policies for Environmental Improvement
Greening the Budget regards the fundamental cause of environmental degradation as government and market failure and proposes the use of budgets as an instrument of environmental policy to rectify this problem. The book focuses on the elements of the public budget which currently affect the environment and explores the scope for greening both revenue and expenditure through specific measures. The authors begin by considering the effects of removing environmentally damaging subsidies and the potential for correcting market failure by way of appropriate pricing. They go on to examine the introduction of new taxes following the 'polluter pays' principle and, in contrast, the allocation of incentives for those who take the environmentally preferred course of action. They also explore the environmental and budgetary implications of European Union financial transfers by looking at a case study of the agricultural sector. The book concludes by addressing public purchasing and administration. This book will be of particular interest and value to scholars of environmental economics, researchers involved in environmental policy, and environmental consultants, practitioners and policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Introduction to Designing Organizations
Presenting the emergence of new organizational designs in a novel way, this insightful book blends theory and practice to examine major trends and directions, the key ideas that underpin organizational design and how these ideas might be applied. The authors explore how, in a world characterized by relentless change and volatility, traditional bureaucracies of the past are increasingly regarded as being too slow and centralized. Instead, emerging ideas, such as platforms, ecosystems, holacracies, agility and improvisation are gaining purchase. Focusing on key trends and forms of design, the book offers an approach to organizing that accommodates paradoxes and offers a fresh view on managing organizational design. Rich in anecdotes and examples, the Elgar Introduction to Designing Organizations will be a useful guide for business and management scholars and advanced students with a focus on organizational studies and innovation. It will be beneficial for business managers thinking about how to design their organization so that it is fit for contemporary purposes.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Competitive Electricity Markets and Sustainability
This book responds to the opening up of electricity markets to competition, which has completely changed the nature of power generation. The building of new generation and transmission capacity and the setting of the energy mix between nuclear, gas and renewable resources are mainly left to private initiative and investors.The authors and the editor of this book explore whether or not market forces offer a sustainable future for electricity generation. They employ economic theory and method to answer questions such as: Will the market be able to ensure adequacy of generation capacity and security of supply? Can price signals from future electricity markets lead to an acceptable level of investment for society? How can market and public intervention combine to deliver the right signal to invest in expanding and reinforcing the grid? How can two complementary investments such as the building of power plants and the expansion of the network be coordinated successfully?With a focus on the EU and US liberalised electricity markets, these questions, and others, are answered by leading thinkers in the field, and offer a much-needed assessment of the long-term consequences of liberalisation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd An Introduction to the Economic Theory of Market Behavior: Microeconomics from a Walrasian Perspective
In this carefully articulated investigation of the Walrasian general equilibrium model, the author sets forth one perception or explanation of how the microeconomy might operate. The focus is primarily on the behavior of individual consumers, firms and markets under perfectly competitive conditions and on the simultaneous interactions that occur among them. Central to his argument is that all of these elements fit together to form a unified whole for a complete, consistent, and cohesive picture of the perfectly competitive microeconomy.The book provides substantial discussion of the model's methodological background; returns to scale; the transformation surface and the fixed-factor-supply economy; existence, uniqueness, and stability of equilibria; the dynamics of market adjustments; methodological individualism and the theory of price determination; imperfectly competitive markets; welfare economics; and the role of money capital in the operation of the firm. The author suggests that the abandonment of general equilibrium theory by microeconomists is a mistake, and that it is too soon to give up on the possibility of constructing an adequate analysis of uniqueness, global stability, and price determination.Students and scholars of economics will find much of interest in this thorough exploration of the operation of the microeconomy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Human Dignity and the Adjudication of Environmental Rights
Focusing on contemporary debates in philosophy and legal theory, this ground-breaking book provides a compelling enquiry into the nature of human dignity. The author not only illustrates that dignity is a concept that can extend our understanding of our environmental impacts and duties, but also highlights how our reliance on and relatedness to the environment further extends and enhances our understanding of dignity itself. Against the background of current global threats to the realisation of rights, including severe environmental degradation and depleted reserves of essential natural resources, this innovative book considers whether dignity has any role to play in addressing these new problems, as well as in securing environmental rights and greater environmental care. The author provides an astute examination of important developments in human and environmental rights across a range of jurisdictions and levels, and considers whether human dignity should play a more central role in judicial considerations regarding environmental rights and environmental threats to human rights. Eminently engaging, this forward-thinking book will prove a critical read for legal academics and scholars with an interest in human dignity and environmental rights, as well as judicial reasoning and legal philosophy more widely. Its practical presentation of recent developments will also be of great importance to practitioners and policy-makers working in human rights and environmental law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The State, the Market and the Euro: Chartalism versus Metallism in the Theory of Money
Is the theory of money that underlies most modern macroeconomics well-grounded? What determines the value of a currency, and how is the state's power over its currency related to its ability to stabilize prices and employment? Charles Goodhart's classic paper 'The Two Concepts of Money: Implications for the Analysis of Optimal Currency Areas' which first raised these questions is reprinted here, and the distinguished authors expand its line of argument and comment on its central themes. The issues discussed are of fundamental importance in contemporary monetary theory and policy.The State, the Market and the Euro presents two sharply contrasting theories of money - Chartalist and Metallist - and the resulting equally sharply contrasting approaches to macroeconomic policy.Academic monetary, financial and political economists will find this book of great interest as will policymakers, financial analysts and journalists.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment
This comprehensive two volume collection is designed to introduce the reader to the systems of innovation literature. This is the first time that one major reference collection brings together some of the best known and most provocative literature from a variety of different perspectives, such as national, sectoral and regional systems of innovation. Classics such as the seminal papers by Schumpeter and List as well as modern authors are included, and the collection focuses on issues of economic growth, competitiveness and employment. Systems of Innovation will be essential reading for researchers and practitioners and will be an invaluable source of reference for use in innovation courses at university level.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Evolution of Family Business: Continuity and Change in Latin America and Spain
This book engages in the debate on evolution and change of family capitalism. Based on historical analysis and a conjoint effort by management scholars and social scientists, it is a treasure trove of thoroughly researched and prominently recounted stories on the basic components, origins and dynamics of family capitalism. It offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the multifaceted and complex sector of private enterprises in Latin America and Spain.'- Alfredo De Massis, Lancaster University, UK'An impressively original book which provides a wealth of new empirical evidence on the evolution of business and management in Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world. It challenges past generalizations by demonstrating the heterogeneity in the family businesses and business groups of different Spanish-speaking countries.'- Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School, USFamily businesses are everywhere, but there is little information regarding their growth and development. This book is one of the few to analyse the identity and evolution of the largest family businesses in Latin America and Spain.With contributions from 20 scholars from 12 different countries, the book compares the relationship of families in business within their national economies, foreign capital, migration, and politics. The authors deny the existence of a 'Latin type' of family capitalism in their countries, and highlight diversity, and national and regional differences.This interdisciplinary book will be useful for students and scholars of economics, management, history, sociology, and anthropology. Politicians, family business consultants, family businesses, and international institutions will also benefit from insights within this book.Contributors: M.I. Barbero, L. Casanova, M. Cerutti, A.D. Costa, Carlos Dávila, P. Díaz Morlán, A. Discua Cruz, C.E. Drumond, P. Fernández Pérez, L. Fortín, E. Guillén Miranda, J.M. Las Heras, J.C. Leiva, A. Lluch, J. Martínez Echezárraga, M. Monsalve Zanatti, N. Puig, C.Ramos Rodas, C. Raudales, J. Vidal Olivares
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Dragon Eggs Series USA edition
Bella, the dragon loses her eggs in a terrible storm. Mina discovers Bella and offers to help her. Will she be able to save the baby dragon eggs and bring them safely home to Bella? Phonic Books Dragon Eggs comprises ten books, each focusing on a different vowel sound. A great resource for children who are not yet fluent readers and need to revisit those tricky vowel digraphs. Contains a higher ratio of text to develop reading fluency and build confidence. Dragon Eggs follows the same phonic progression as Phonic Books Talisman 1, Phonic Books Island Adventure and Phonic Books Rescue and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills. Book 1: Lost in the waves (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey) Book 2: Tree Beast (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei) Book 3: Frozen Solid (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o) Book 4: The Sky Worm (er, ir, ur, or, ear) Book 5: Lost and Found (ow, ou & oi, oy) Book 6: Confusing Routes (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u) Book 7: Finding the Light (igh, ie, i-e, i, y) Book 8: Falling Waters (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough) Book 9: A Daring Raid (air, are, ear, ere, eir) Book 10: Breaking the Charm (ar) Accompanying photocopiable activities for word building, reading, spelling and comprehension can be found in Dragon Eggs Activities.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Theory of Organizing: Second edition
The author asks: what is the use of the research results that consist of descriptions of practices rather than the foundation of principles? And the answers that she provides are so unconventional and surprising that they make the reading of the book pure pleasure.'- Professor Silvia Gherardi, University of Trento, Italy'In this Theory of Organizing, Barbara Czarniawska treats us to a fascinating journey. Bringing together many of her previous theoretical contributions into a coherent sum, she constructs an enticing and highly original conceptual toolbox to read a world of expansive organizing. Professor Czarniawska outlines a constructivist perspective of organizing that is both highly sophisticated and a pleasure to read. This refreshing theoretical exercise, by a major organization scholar is a must read!'- Marie Laure Djelic, ESSEC Business School, FranceThis new edition of A Theory of Organizing continues to promote a processual view of organizing, and presents a theory developed by combining multiple field studies with recent theoretical insights. The author defends the constructionist perspective from idealist interpretations, demonstrating how people and machines collaborate in constructing action nets, which eventually produce both the global economy and its local translations. Helped by information technologies, global ideas travel across the world - in physical space and in cyberspace, over national, sectorial and organizational borders, within and outside organizations - and are then translated into local practices.Provocative in its questioning of established truths in the field of organizational studies, this book will continue to challenge and stimulate organizational theoreticians and organizational practitioners. It will also prove lively reading for academics from a range of backgrounds, including management studies, business administration, sociology, ethnology, and political sciences.Contents: 1. Perspective: A Constructionist View of Organizing 2. Starting Point: The Construction and Reconstruction of Action Nets 3. On Organizing: Narrating the Organizing and Organizing the Narratives 4. On Stability: How Institutions Become Inscribed in Technical Objects 5. On Codification: Ways of Managing Overflows 6. On Management: Leadership as Service 7. On Change: Is it Possible to Lift Oneself by The Hair? 8. On Imitation and Fashion: How Ideas Travel Around the World 9. On Gender: How Global is Discrimination? 10. On Speed and Slowness: Remembering and Forgetting 11. Epilogue: Organizing Without Organizations? References Index