Search results for ""author karen"
Duke University Press W Stands for Women: How the George W. Bush Presidency Shaped a New Politics of Gender
Taking seriously the “W Stands for Women” rhetoric of the 2004 Bush–Cheney campaign, the contributors to this collection investigate how “W” stands for women. They argue that George W. Bush has hijacked feminist language toward decidedly antifeminist ends; his use of feminist rhetoric is deeply and problematically connected to a conservative gender ideology. While it is not surprising that conservative views about gender motivate Bush’s stance on so-called “women’s issues” such as abortion, what is surprising—and what this collection demonstrates—is that a conservative gender ideology also underlies a range of policies that do not appear explicitly related to gender, most notably foreign and domestic policies associated with the post-9/11 security state. Any assessment of the lasting consequences of the Bush presidency requires an understanding of the gender conservatism at its core.In W Stands for Women ten feminist scholars analyze various aspects of Bush’s persona, language, and policy to show how his administration has shaped a new politics of gender. One contributor points out the shortcomings of “compassionate conservatism,” a political philosophy that requires a weaker class to be the subject of compassion. Another examines Lynndie England’s participation in the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in relation to the interrogation practices elaborated in the Army Field Manual, practices that often entail “feminizing” detainees by stripping them of their masculine gender identities. Whether investigating the ways that Bush himself performs masculinity or the problems with discourse that positions non-Western women as supplicants in need of saving, these essays highlight the far-reaching consequences of the Bush administration’s conflation of feminist rhetoric, conservative gender ideology, and neoconservative national security policy.Contributors. Andrew Feffer, Michaele L. Ferguson, David S. Gutterman, Mary Hawkesworth, Timothy Kaufman-Osborn, Lori Jo Marso, Danielle Regan, R. Claire Snyder, Iris Marion Young, Karen ZiviMichaela Ferguson and Karen Zivi appeared on KPFA’s Against the Grain on September 11, 2007. Listen to the audio.Michaela Ferguson and Lori Jo Marso appeared on WUNC’s The State of Things on August 30, 2007. Listen to the audio.
Rowman & Littlefield The Millennial Mindset: Unraveling Fact from Fiction
We’ve all heard that Millennials are smarter than everyone else, unique in every way possible, that they have probably been millionaires since age seven, and that they are poised to take over the world. We’ve also heard that they are lazy, unmotivated, entitled, and condescending know-it-alls. How can this generation have such opposing characteristics? What is the truth about this generation? The Millennial Mindset offers parents, educators, managers, and co-workers insights and suggestions on how to engage, prepare, and foster the Millennial generation in all aspects of life. Through interviews with millennials and those who work with or otherwise engage them, Regina Luttrell and Karen McGrath offer ways for Millennials to better understand older generations and their peers so they can coexist without animosity in today’s fast-paced globalized world. They also offer insight into Millennial characteristics, passions, and goals for those who work with, live with, or otherwise co-exist with Millennials. Readers will gain a better sense of what this generation has in store for the world, and how the world can best respond.
Johns Hopkins University Press Creation and the Environment: An Anabaptist Perspective on a Sustainable World
Recent years have seen a shift in the belief that a religious world-view, specifically a Christian one, precludes a commitment to environmentalism. Whether as "stewards of God's creation" or champions of "environmental justice," church members have increasingly found that a strong pro-ecology stand on environmental issues is an integral component of their faith. But not all Christian denominations are latecomers to the issue of environmentalism. In Creation and the EnvironmentCalvin W. Redekop and his co-authors explain the unique environmental position of the Anabaptists, in particular the Mennonites. After a brief survey of the major forces contributing to the word's present ecological crisis, Creation and the Environment explores the uniquely Anabaptist view of our relationship to what they see as the created order. In rural Amish and Mennonite communities, they explain, the environment-especially the "land"-is considered part of the Kingdom God plans to establish on earth. In this view, the creation is part of the divine order, with the redemption of humankind inextricably linked to the redemption and restoration of the material world. The well-being a purpose of creation and human history are thus seen as completely interdependent. Contributors: Heather Ackley Bean, Claremont Graduate School * Kenton Brubaker, Eastern Mennonite University * Thomas Finger, Claremont Graduate School * Karen Klassen Harder, Bethel College, Kansas * James Harder, Bethel College, Kansas * Lawrence Hart, Cheyenne Cultural Center, Clinton, Oklahoma * Theodore Hiebert, McCormick Theological Seminary * Karl Keener, Pennsylvania State University * Walter Klaassen, Conrad Grebel College * David Kline, Holmes County, Ohio * Calvin W. Redekop, Conrad Grebel College * Mel Schmidt * Dorothy Jean Weaver, Eastern Mennonite University * Michael Yoder, Northwestern College, Iowa.
Workman Publishing Dust Bowl Girls: The Inspiring Story of the Team That Barnstormed Its Way to Basketball Glory
“A thrilling, cinematic story. I loved every minute I spent with these bold, daring women whose remarkable journey is the stuff of American legend.” —Karen Abbott, New York Times bestselling author of Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy The Boys in the Boat meets A League of Their Own in this true story of a Depression-era championship women’s team. In the early 1930s, during the worst drought and financial depression in American history, Sam Babb began to dream. Like so many others, this charismatic Midwestern basketball coach wanted a reason to have hope. Traveling from farm to farm near the tiny Oklahoma college where he coached, Babb recruited talented, hardworking young women and offered them a chance at a better life: a free college education in exchange for playing on his basketball team, the Cardinals. Despite their fears of leaving home and the sacrifices that their families would face, the women joined the team. And as Babb coached the Cardinals, something extraordinary happened. These remarkable athletes found a passion for the game and a heartfelt loyalty to one another and their coach--and they began to win. Combining exhilarating sports writing and exceptional storytelling, Dust Bowl Girls takes readers on the Cardinals’ intense, improbable journey all the way to an epic showdown with the prevailing national champions, helmed by the legendary Babe Didrikson. Lydia Reeder captures a moment in history when female athletes faced intense scrutiny from influential figures in politics, education, and medicine who denounced women’s sports as unhealthy and unladylike. At a time when a struggling nation was hungry for inspiration, this unlikely group of trailblazers achieved much more than a championship season.
Rebel Girls Inc Rebel Girls Powerful Pairs: 25 Tales of Mothers and Daughters
What do Beyoncé and Blue Ivy or Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst have in common? What about Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton or Karen E. Laine and Mina Starsiak Hawk? They're all incredible mother-daughter duos who have used their creativity, cleverness, and unique talents to do something remarkable-and they are all featured in Rebel Girls Powerful Pairs: 25 Tales of Mothers and Daughters.Celebrate the strength of family bonds through the inspiring fairytale-like stories of authors, activists, skiers, dancers, pilots, hikers, humanitarians, entrepreneurs, and more.Readers will join Beyoncé and Blue Ivy as they produce a Grammy-winning song. They'll travel to the front lines of World War I to help wounded soldiers alongside Marie Curie and Irène Joliot-Curie. And they'll climb aboard a tiny plane for a 1,200-mile-long journey with Laurie and Arianna Strand to save a pelican in need! Rebel Girls Powerful Pairs showcases many of the wonderful ways mothers and daughters work together to make the world a better, healthier, and more vibrant place.This collection of 25 stories follows in the footsteps of the best-selling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. It is illustrated by female and nonbinary artists from around the world.Unlock bonus audio stories of some of the extraordinary women and girls featured in this book on the Rebel Girls app. Whenever you come across a bookmark icon on the page, scan the QR code, and you'll be whisked away on an audio adventure! You'll also discover 100+ creative activities and stories of even more trailblazing women on the app.
Rowman & Littlefield How Georgia Became O'Keeffe: Lessons On The Art Of Living
Most people associate Georgia O'Keeffe with New Mexico, painted cow skulls, and her flower paintings. She was revered for so long—born in 1887, died at age ninety-eight in 1986—that we forget how young, restless, passionate, searching, striking, even fearful she once was—a dazzling, mysterious female force in bohemian New York City during its heyday. In this distinctive book, Karen Karbo cracks open the O'Keeffe icon in her characteristic style, making one of the greatest women painters in American history vital and relevant for yet another generation. She chronicles O'Keeffe's early life, her desire to be an artist, and the key moment when art became her form of self-expression. She also explores O'Keeffe's passionate love affair with master photographer Alfred Stieglitz, who took a series of 500 black-and-white photographs of O'Keeffe during the early years of their marriage. This is not a traditional biography, but rather a compelling, contemporary reassessment of the life of O'Keeffe with an eye toward understanding what we can learn from her way of being in the world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Childhood in a Global Perspective
This popular book provides a compelling introduction to thinking about childhood in rigorous and critical ways. Karen Wells offers a unique global perspective on children’s lives, showing how the notion of childhood varies widely and is continuously being radically re-shaped. Taking children seriously as active participants in society, the book explores key social issues such as how children are constituted as raced, classed and gendered subjects; how school and work operate as sites for the governing of childhood; and how children both shape and are shaped by politics, culture and the economy. Taking an engaging historical and comparative approach, the book discusses wide-ranging topics including children’s rights, the family, play, labour, migration and trafficking. In addition to updated literature throughout, this revised third edition includes extensive new material on children’s activism, politics and war, and a whole new chapter on juvenile justice. The book will continue to be of great value to students and scholars in the fields of sociology, geography, social policy and development studies. It will also be a valuable companion to practitioners whose work involves or impacts children, as well as to anyone interested in childhood in the contemporary world.
University of Toronto Press Female Enterprise in the New Economy
The rise of women's self-employment and small business ownership has received a great deal of attention in North America and industrialized countries around the world. In Female Enterprise in the New Economy, Karen D. Hughes examines whether an increasingly entrepreneurial economy offers women better opportunities for economic success, or instead increases their risk of poverty and economic insecurity. Drawing on original data from interviews, statistical research, and other sources, Hughes explores the reasons why women are starting businesses in record numbers. She looks at the type of work that entrepreneurial women are pursuing, the satisfaction they derive from their work, and the economic risks and rewards they face. Placing this study in the context of broader debates on economic restructuring, the emergence of a 'risk society,' and growing economic polarization, Hughes illustrates the diversity within women's self-employment and small business ownership, and the need for policies to better address the particular needs of this sector of the workforce. Tackling a range of issues and theoretical assumptions, Female Enterprise in the New Economy will be of interest to a wide audience in sociology, organizational studies, entrepreneurship studies, public policy, political economy, and women's studies.
Pennsylvania State University Press Women and Guerrilla Movements: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas, Cuba
The revolutionary movements that emerged frequently in Latin America over the past century promoted goals that included overturning dictatorships, confronting economic inequalities, and creating what Cuban revolutionary hero Che Guevara called the "new man." But, in fact, many of the "new men" who participated in these movements were not men. Thousands of them were women. This book aims to show why a full understanding of revolutions needs to take account of gender. Karen Kampwirth writes here about the women who joined the revolutionary movements in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and the Mexican state of Chiapas, about how they became guerrillas, and how that experience changed their lives. In the last chapter she compares what happened in these countries with Cuba in the 1950s, where few women participated in the guerrilla struggle. Drawing on more than two hundred interviews, Kampwirth examines the political, structural, ideological, and personal factors that allowed many women to escape from the constraints of their traditional roles and led some to participate in guerrilla activities. Her emphasis on the experiences of revolutionaries adds a new dimension to the study of revolution, which has focused mainly on explaining how states are overthrown.
Cornell University Press Our Earliest Colonial Settlements: Their Diversities of Origin and Later Characteristics
First published in 1933, Our Earliest Colonial Settlements describes in clear and engaging prose the origins, development, and transatlantic nature of the seventeenth-century English colonies in Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Maryland. Far ahead of his time in arguing that America's colonial experience could only be understood within the broader history of European colonization, Charles M. Andrews anticipated much of the current scholarship on American colonial history and its place in the Atlantic World. For this edition, Karen Ordahl Kupperman provides a new foreword that places this pioneering work in the context of past and current scholarship, finding that historians today have returned to Andrews' comprehensive approach. New materials and new emphases have come to light since this pioneering work was first published but, Kupperman writes, "his priorities and interpretations are still thought-provoking."More than seven decades on, this concise and elegant comparative study of America's first English colonies offers a fascinating and still-relevant perspective on the founding of the United States.
University of Illinois Press Rethinking American Music
In Rethinking American Music, Tara Browner and Thomas L. Riis curate essays that offer an eclectic survey of current music scholarship. Ranging from Tin Pan Alley to Thelonious Monk to hip hop, the contributors go beyond repertory and biography to explore four critical yet overlooked areas: the impact of performance; patronage's role in creating music and finding a place to play it; personal identity; and the ways cultural and ethnographic circumstances determine the music that emerges from the creative process. Many of the articles also look at how a piece of music becomes initially popular and then exerts a lasting influence in the larger global culture. The result is an insightful state-of-the-field examination that doubles as an engaging short course on our complex, multifaceted musical heritage. Contributors: Karen Ahlquist, Amy C. Beal, Mark Clagu,. Esther R. Crookshank, Todd Decker, Jennifer DeLapp-Birkett, Joshua S. Duchan, Mark Katz, Jeffrey Magee, Sterling E. Murray, Guthrie P. Ramsey Jr., David Warren Steel, Jeffrey Taylor, and Mark Tucker
John Wiley & Sons Inc Keeping Clients for Life
A successful financial planner is someone who does more than just crunch numbers and present an annual investment plan to clients. There is a psychological component to effective client care as well as to issues involving clients' overall financial well-being. People skills, as well as financial planning skills, are necessary to build a successful financial planning business. This comprehensive guide teaches both new and veteran financial professionals how to relate to their clients in meaningful ways, thus growing their business by increasing the long-term retention of those clients. Offered here are insights into such issues as how to determine which clients to accept, how to propose a plan clients can use, how to tread carefully in family situations, how to develop sensitivity and communications skills, and how to work with the media and recognize the importance of building your business one lasting relationship at a time. Karen Caplan Altfest, PhD, CFP (New York, NY), is Vice President of L. J. Altfest & Co., a financial planning and investment management firm. She is also the Director of the Financial Planning and Investments Program at the New School.
Goose Lane Editions Zaatari: Culinary Traditions of the World's Largest Syrian Refugee Camp
“The recipes in Zaatari are glorious. Passed down the generations from mother to daughter, cooking keeps the people of Zaatari camp connected to the towns and villages of the Syria they fled.” — Claudia RodenOn the Jordanian-Syrian border lies Zaatari Camp, the largest Syrian refugee camp in the world. Opened in 2012 to provide new arrivals with emergency relief, the camp quickly became a locus of Syrian culture and tradition. In this thriving community of over 80,000 people, the residents of Zaatari combine ingenuity and imagination to ensure that the glorious culinary traditions at the heart of Syrian culture continue to be observed and celebrated. In this immersive culinary tour, Karen E. Fisher guides us through life at Zaatari, sharing its stories, its art, and its food. Authentically styled and stunningly photographed dishes accompany a vast array of recipes prepared by the camp’s residents for family dinners and community celebrations — and now for others to enjoy at home. Both an introduction to Zaatari Camp and a robust cookbook, Zaatari: Culinary Traditions of the World’s Largest Syrian Refugee Camp offers an intimate encounter with Syrian food practices and traditions as they have been handed down through generations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Social Capital
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business, and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This Advanced Introduction to Social Capital provides an overview of cutting-edge research on social capital. Karen Cook highlights the networks, norms, and trust involved in social capital that facilitate cooperation, strengthen civil society, and contribute to social order, indicating how each contributes to the collective good and provides resources of value to individuals, organizations, and institutions. Key Features: Cross-cultural comparisons of the role of social networks in a number of domains of activity A critical focus on the importance of tolerance and the reaffirmation of democratic principles and practices An understanding of current social and political challenges related to polarization, such as inequality and trust limitations This timely Advanced Introduction is crucial reading for students and researchers in sociology and political science who are looking for an overview of social capital. It will also be an inspiring read for scholars of public policy, particularly those concerned with public management and its impact on social capital.
Simon & Schuster Being Baxters
In the fifth book in Karen Kingsbury and Tyler Russell’s beloved series about the Baxter children, when things don’t turn out according to plan, the siblings must stick together and remember who they are.Things are changing in Bloomington for the Baxters. When Ashley’s teacher, Mr. Garrett, takes a month off work for the birth of his baby, the intimidating Ms. Stritch takes his place. Ashley tries but can’t seem to crack the new teacher’s tough exterior. Meanwhile, Brooke struggles when a popular girl excludes her at lunch, Erin adjusts to getting glasses, and when Kari is given a dance solo for the upcoming recital, she takes her success a little too seriously. When Principal Bond announces a new Character Awards initiative, competition breaks out between siblings and friends, until the students forget the point of the awards. Through it all, the town prepares for a major blizzard that Luke worries will cancel his class’s field trip to see the Harlem Globetrotters. With so many obstacles in their lives, the Baxter Children have the opportunity to remember what being Baxters really means.
Headline Publishing Group One Summer in Cornwall: the perfect feel-good summer romance
Escape to Cornwall this summer . . .A gorgeous feel-good read, perfect for fans of CATHY BRAMLEY and PHILLIPA ASHLEY.When Hattie is made redundant and evicted from her flat in one horrible week, she needs time to rethink. Her Uncle Albert left her and her father each half of Fisherman's Rest, his home in the Cornish town of Port Medden, so this seems the perfect place to escape to until she can figure things out.As Hattie stays in the cottage, clearing it out, tidying it up and getting it ready to sell, she starts to find her feet in Port Medden and making a new home here begins to feel right. If only her dad didn't need a quick sale and things weren't complicated by her unwelcoming neighbour Marcus . . .Readers love Karen King's feel-good fiction:'A great romance story by a superb author, I loved the main character from the start' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Such a lovely summer book that I just couldn't put down! Absolutely loved the character of Ellie and I was desperate to see how everything would work out' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'It's a great holiday read and even you if aren't on holiday it gives you a feel of that freedom and relaxation. You can't help falling in love with the main characters and following their every move with suspense. I loved this book and read it in a couple of days because once I started reading, I couldn't put it down! Highly recommended!' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Most enjoyable read. Always interesting. Very believable characters. I can thoroughly recommend it. What could be a better summer read than one set in beautiful Cornwall' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'This was a truly delightful book to read. Just light-hearted feel good.' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Edinburgh University Press Matter and Motion: A Brief History of Kinetic Materialism
Tells a new history of materialism from prehistory to the present that resists stasis, heirarchy and domination Traces a lineage of thinkers who have philosophically integrated ideas of matter, motion, indeterminacy, relationality and process Discusses thinkers drawn from the ancient to the modern from the Bronze Age to quantum physics who each offer their own kind of evidence for a world without metaphysics or hierarchy Shows that the established hierarchies that govern Western thought and society are in fact contingent and performative there is no ontologically legitimate justification for social, aesthetic or scientific domination Thomas Nail traces an alternative history of ancient and modern thinkers who share a radically different understanding of the nature of matter and motion compared to the rest of the Euro-Western tradition. From Archaic Greek poetry and Bronze Age Minoan religion to the Roman poet Lucretius, and from German philosopher Karl Marx and English writer Virginia Woolf to contemporary physicists Carlo Rovelli and Karen Barad, Nail identifies a minor tradition of what he calls kinetic materialism and its three central ideas: indeterminacy, relationality and process. For the most part, Western thinkers have considered matter and motion to be inferior to more formal and static principles. Philosophers placed metaphysical categories such as eternity, God, the soul, forms and essences at the 'top' of a hierarchy that secured and ordered the movement at the bottom. This has real consequences in our world. By placing stasis above motion, this hierarchy places form above matter, life above death, God above humans, humans above nature, men above women, white skin above brown skin, the first world over the third world, citizens above migrants, straight above queer The result? Patriarchy, capitalism, racism, homophobia, ecocide. Nail seeks to undermine this inherited hierarchy and the notion that matter and motion are inferior. There are no fixed authorities. This new history of matter and motion leaves the good life up to us, whoever we may become.
Edinburgh University Press Matter and Motion
Tells a new history of materialism from prehistory to the present that resists stasis, heirarchy and domination Traces a lineage of thinkers who have philosophically integrated ideas of matter, motion, indeterminacy, relationality and process Discusses thinkers drawn from the ancient to the modern from the Bronze Age to quantum physics who each offer their own kind of evidence for a world without metaphysics or hierarchy Shows that the established hierarchies that govern Western thought and society are in fact contingent and performative there is no ontologically legitimate justification for social, aesthetic or scientific domination Thomas Nail traces an alternative history of ancient and modern thinkers who share a radically different understanding of the nature of matter and motion compared to the rest of the Euro-Western tradition. From Archaic Greek poetry and Bronze Age Minoan religion to the Roman poet Lucretius, and from German philosopher Karl Marx and English writer Virginia Woolf to contemporary physicists Carlo Rovelli and Karen Barad, Nail identifies a minor tradition of what he calls kinetic materialism and its three central ideas: indeterminacy, relationality and process. For the most part, Western thinkers have considered matter and motion to be inferior to more formal and static principles. Philosophers placed metaphysical categories such as eternity, God, the soul, forms and essences at the 'top' of a hierarchy that secured and ordered the movement at the bottom. This has real consequences in our world. By placing stasis above motion, this hierarchy places form above matter, life above death, God above humans, humans above nature, men above women, white skin above brown skin, the first world over the third world, citizens above migrants, straight above queer The result? Patriarchy, capitalism, racism, homophobia, ecocide. Nail seeks to undermine this inherited hierarchy and the notion that matter and motion are inferior. There are no fixed authorities. This new history of matter and motion leaves the good life up to us, whoever we may become.
Editorial Crítica Aprender a leer
Por qué muchos niños no aprenden a leer en la escuela pese a desarrollar normalmente los demás aspectos de su escolarización? La incapacidad de aprender en la escuela que presentan muchos niños desazona a los padres preocupados por las graves consecuencias psicológicas de ese fracaso: ansiedad, baja estima de sí mismo, hiperactividad u otros síntomas diversos. En este libro que se ha convertido en un clásico de la pedagogía moderna el gran psicólogo infantil Bruno Bettelheim y su colaboradora Karen Zelan nos ofrecen sugerentes orientaciones pedagógicas para superar totalmente esa incapacidad e introducir al niño o a la niña en el fascinante mundo de la palabra escrita, que habrá de estimular sus ansias intelectuales y emotivas.
University Press of Mississippi Toxic Masculinity
Contributions by Daniel J. Connell, Esther De Dauw, Craig Haslop, Drew Murphy, Richard Reynolds, Janne Salminen, Karen Sugrue, and James C. TaylorThe superhero permeates popular culture from comic books to film and television to internet memes, merchandise, and street art. Toxic Masculinity: Mapping the Monstrous in Our Heroes asks what kind of men these heroes are and if they are worthy of the unbalanced amount of attention. Contributors to the volume investigate how the (super)hero in popular culture conveys messages about heroism and masculinity, considering the social implications of this narrative within a cultural (re)production of dominant, hegemonic values and the possibility of subaltern ideas, norms, and values to be imagined within that (re)production.Divided into three sections, the volume takes an interdisciplinary approach, positioning the impact of hypermasculinity on toxic masculinity and the vilification of 'other' identities through such mediums as fi
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press Self Help Graphics & Art: Art in the Heart of East Los Angeles
This second edition of Self Help Graphics & Art brings the original edition up to date, adding breadth and depth to the history of the historic East L. A. arts center. Self Help Graphics has been a national model for community-based art making and art-based community making since its founding in the early 1970s. Known for its groundbreaking printmaking and art education programs, Self Help Graphics has empowered local artists and taught the world about the vibrancy of Chicano/Latino art. A comprehensive guide to the Self Help Graphics & Art archives at the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives (CEMA), University of California, Santa Barbara, and an expanded bibliography complete the volume. Contributors include Michael Amescua, Yreina Cervantes, Karen Mary Davalos, Armando Durón, Evonne Gallardo, Colin Gunckel, Kristen Guzmán, Leo Limón, Chon A. Noriega, Peter Toval, Linda Vallejo, and Mari Cárdenas Yáñez.
CamCat Publishing, LLC Girl on Trial
Does doing one bad thing make you a bad person? Sixteen-year-old Emily Keller, known by the media as Keller the Killer, is accused of causing the deaths of four family members, including young children. Emily is one of the youngest females to be accused of a crime so heinous, making this the nation's biggest trial of the year. But what really happened that fateful night—and who's responsible—is anything but straightforward.Living in a trailer park in Baltimore with her twin brother and alcoholic mother, Emily's life hasn't been easy. She's had to grow up fast, and like any teen, has made questionable decisions in a desperate attempt to fit in with her peers. Will her mistakes amount to a guilty verdict and a life in prison? It's up to the jury to decide.For readers who enjoy Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll, 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, and One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus.
Zaffre All The Wrong Places
You always know who you're meeting online . . . don't you?Turning to online dating each with their own reasons, four women download an app, hoping to swipe their way to love and happiness.But not everyone is who they seem online. Hidden behind a perfect smile and charming humour, he appears to be the perfect date. But the night he has planned is unlike any other.The clock is ticking, and for one woman, this date might just be her last . . .PRAISE FOR JOY FIELDING'Gripped me from the first to the very last page' Tess Gerritsen 'A spiralling tale of paranoia and suspense' Jenny Milchman'An edge-of-your-seat read . . . she is on top form here' Karen Robards'A gripping, fast-paced psychological thriller reminiscent of Rear Window' Booklist'The characters pulsate with life . . . blows everyone else off the page' Publishers Weekly'A page-turning ride' Kirkus Reviews
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Sooner Or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea
WINNER OF THE PHILIP K. DICK AWARD The baker's dozen stories gathered here turn readers into travellers to the past and the future, and explorers of the weirder points of the present. The journey is the thing as Pinsker weaves music, memory, technology, history, mystery, love, loss, and even multiple selves on generation ships and cruise ships, on highways and high seas, in murder houses and treehouses. They feature runaways, fiddle-playing astronauts and retired time travellers. Weird, wired, hopeful, haunting, and often beautiful, Sarah Pinsker's stories cast a searching light on human nature. But what the heart wants is not always right, or easy. Praise for Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea: 'Simply wonderful... Each story is generous and original' KAREN JOY FOWLER 'An auspicious start to what promises to be one wild ride of a literary career' KIRKUS 'Stories that are as delightful and surprising to pore through as they are introspective and elegiac' PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
Avalon Travel Publishing Moon Amsterdam, Brussels & Bruges
Inside Moon Amsterdam, Brussels & Bruges you'll find:- Flexible itineraries for 1 to 5 days in Amsterdam, Brussels, and Bruges that can be combined into a longer trip- Strategic advice for foodies, art lovers, history buffs, and more- Top experiences and unique highlights:Cycle along serene canals and narrow brick roads past baroque architecture, or stroll through Bruges's grand Markt Square. Marvel at the works of famed Dutch and Flemish painters, walk through history at the Anne Frank House, or remember the fallen in the cemeteries and memorials of Ypres- The best local flavors: Sip on Amsterdam's specialty liquor at a jenever tasting room, or enjoy a glass of authentic Trappist beer produced in monasteries. Snack on Belgian frites, sample stroopwafel, and savor scrumptious local chocolates- Ideas for side trips from each city, including Lisse, The Hague, Rotterdam, and more- Expert insight from Karen Turner, an expat who's called the Netherlands home for years- Full-color photos and detailed maps throughout- Helpful resources on COVID-19 and traveling to Amsterdam, Brussels, and Bruges- Background information on the landscape, history, and cultural customs of each city- Handy tools such as visa information, Dutch, Flemish, and French phrasebooks, and tips for seniors, LGBTQ+ travelers, visitors with children, and moreExperience the best of these three cities at your own pace with Moon Amsterdam, Brussels & Bruges.Exploring more of Europe's best cities? Check out Moon Rome, Florence & Venice or Moon Prague, Vienna & Budapest.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell-and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you.For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.
Headline Publishing Group The Cornish Hotel by the Sea: The perfect uplifting summer read
Escape to Cornwall with this delightful summer read... Ellie Truman's mum has been struggling to keep the family hotel in Cornwall afloat since Ellie's dad passed away. Ellie is determined to help her mum, even if that means moving back to the sleepy Cornish village of Port Medden she fled from broken-hearted a few years ago.Running the hotel isn't easy and Ellie is grateful for the help from charming guest, Reece Mitchell. Ellie feels herself falling for Reece but should she trust him and risk getting her heart broken again? And will their hard work be enough to save the hotel?A gorgeous feel-good read, perfect for fans of CATHY BRAMLEY and PHILLIPA ASHLEY.Readers love Karen King's feel-good fiction: 'A great romance story by a superb author, I loved the main character from the start' 5* Amazon review'Such a lovely summer book that I just couldn't put down! Absolutely loved the character of Ellie and I was desperate to see how everything would work out' 5* Amazon review'The story takes you to wonderful scenes of pebbled beaches, rock pools, narrow streets and all the glory of summer. It's a great holiday read and even you if aren't on holiday it gives you a feel of that freedom and relaxation. You can't help falling in love with the main characters and following their every move with suspense. I loved this book and read it in a couple of days because once I started reading, I couldn't put it down! Highly recommended!' 5* Amazon review'Most enjoyable read. Always interesting. Very believable characters. I can thoroughly recommend it. What could be a better summer read than one set in beautiful Cornwall' 5* Amazon review'This was a truly delightful book to read. Just light-hearted feel good.' 5* Amazon review
Radius Books Colleen Plumb: Animals Are Outside Today
The photographs of Colleen Plumb (born 1970) examine the scope of intersections and relationships between humankind and other creatures, seeking to draw out the contradictions that have shaped our relationships with animals throughout history. The animals she portrays range from beloved house pets to circus animals and even road kill. Weaving imagery of life and death, Plumb plays with the whole gamut of attachments and emotions we hold toward animals. Karen Irvine of the Museum of Contemporary Photography writes of this work: “[Plumb] uses color, framing and focus to draw our attention to details that are alternately humorous, delightful and disturbing, making the viewing of her pictures an ever-changing and engaging experience.” Animals Are Outside Today is the photographer's first monograph; it collects 74 color photographs that expose both our kinship and our disjuncture from other creatures of this earth.
University of California Press Performance Artists Talking in the Eighties
Performance artist Linda Montano, curious about the influence childhood experience has on adult work, invited other performance artists to consider how early events associated with sex, food, money/fame, or death/ritual resurfaced in their later work. The result is an original and compelling talking performance that documents the production of art in an important and often misunderstood community. Among the more than 100 artists Montano interviewed from 1979 to 1989 were John Cage, Suzanne Lacy, Faith Ringgold, Dick Higgins, Annie Sprinkle, Allan Kaprow, Meredith Monk, Eric Bogosian, Adrian Piper, Karen Finley, and Kim Jones. Her discussions with them focused on the relationship between art and life, history and memory, the individual and society, and the potential for individual and social change. The interviews highlight complex issues in performance art, including the role of identity in performer-audience relationships and art as an exploration of everyday conventions rather than a demonstration of virtuosity.
Mango Media Your Next Level Life: 7 Rules of Power, Confidence, and Opportunity for Black Women in America (Gift for black women)
Black Business Woman, Claim Your Power!“Learn from one of the most powerful women in the USA, who has been blazing trails and creating sustainable million-dollar wealth from Washington DC to the sands of Abu Dhabi.” ―Natascha Faye Saunders, associate director at Harvard UniversityWinner NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Instructional Literary WorkIf you’re a Black business woman and feeling stuck or trapped by other people’s expectations of what you can achieve, it’s time to stop playing small and start redefining what success means for you. It’s time to get that upgrade.Channel your black girl magic. Karen Arrington―author of Your Next Level Life, founder of the Miss Black USA Pageant, creator of the Next Level Women’s Summit, and mentor to thousands of confident, successful young black women―is your guide to getting to your next level life.Build a legacy of black excellence. How big do you want to live? With the seven simple rules in Your Next Level Life, you’ll learn how to bring your career, income, and lifestyle to that next level. Don’t settle for a life of invisibility and mediocrity. Set ambitious goals, reach for bigger opportunities, and know that you are brave enough to get what you deserve.Give the gift of confidence. Looking for inspirational black gifts for aspiring black women in business? Your Next Level Life is unlike other self-help books for women. It’s a guide to opportunity that recognizes and celebrates the true magic of ambitious black women.Adopt the 7 rules of power, confidence, and opportunity and you can find success: Create all the money you need Position yourself like a star Connect with other powerful women Give a gift of confidence. If you have read books such as Pussy Prayers, Be Unapologetically You, Lead from the Outside, or The Little Black Book of Success, you’ll love Your Next Level Life.
Hodder & Stoughton The Reset: Ideas to Change How We Work and Live
"The Reset is a provocative guide to how we fit into an ecosystem' - The Financial Times ________________ Being busy isn't an Identity Perks aren't office Culture Profit isn't all we want from Business Loneliness shouldn't happen in a Community Inequality isn't inevitable in a City We can all shape Society From the award-winning author and Financial Times columnist Elizabeth Uviebinené, a fundamental rethink of how we work and live. Because if we're going to really benefit from the radical shift of 2020, we have to rethink how we fit into an ecosystem. Elizabeth started with a simple desire to explore our relationship with work, and how it was impacting our lives. It became clear if we want to reset how we work as individuals, we're going to need to reset the work culture we exist in, the businesses we work for, the communities we're a part of, the cities we live in and the society we can shape. We can't just rethink one strand of society; we need to rethink everything together. It's time for a Reset. The Reset is a short, digestible book for people who want to work better, and live better. Elizabeth addresses our urge to work differently, to work in a way that suits more parts of our lives. It's optimistic, positive and provocative, offering fresh perspectives on the way we live now, and a punchy idea for how we might live in the future. So what's possible now that would have seemed impossible before?Some people seek purpose in work. Others see work as a tool to live with purpose outside of work. Where do you sit on this scale?'An exciting, refreshing, curious read which addresses not just the future of work but how to fundamentally rethink the way we live' -EMMA GANNON, author of The Sunday Times bestseller The Multi-Hyphen Method "At a time when many of us are reconsidering our work/life balance in the long-term, it's an illuminating read." - Cosmopolitan"Uviebinené's passion about resetting how we live and work is infectious and eye-opening." - Marie Claire "This book made me stop and rethink my relationship with work. Elizabeth challenges us all to create a new social contract with trust, purpose and community at its heart. Where we work by design and not by default and in doing so, create a world of work that is more balanced, inclusive and better for everyone." - Helen Tupper, CEO of Amazing If and co-author of The Squiggly Careers The Reset features interviews from: Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London Alex Mahon, CEO of Channel 4 Ete Davies, CEO of Engine Group Rachel Botsman, Oxford University's first Trust fellow Sereena Abassi, Worldwide Head of Culture and Inclusion, M&C Saatchi Anna Whitehouse (Mother Pukka), flexible working campaigner Cassandra Stavrou, Founder of Proper Indy Johar, Founder of think tank Dark Matter Labs Nadia Whittome, Labour MP for Nottingham Pip Jameson, Founder of the Dots Karen Rosenkranz, trend forecaster and consultant Joanna Lyall, UK CEO of Brainlabs
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Gender, Race & Canadian Law: A Custom Textbook from Fernwood Publishing
Gender, Race & Canadian Law explores feminist and critical race approaches to Canadian law. The collection, which is suitable for undergraduate courses, begins with a basic overview of Canadian law and an introduction to critical concepts including "the official version of law," race and racialization, privilege and heteronormativity. Substantive themes include the Montreal massacre, hegemonic and other masculinities, equality rights, sexual assault and other gendered violence, trans, colonialism, immigration and multiculturalism.Contributors:Constance BackhouseGillian BalfourMélissa BlaisKaren BusbyWendy ChanSandra Ka Hon ChuElizabeth ComackRaewyn ConnellPamela DowneDeborah H. DrakeRod EarleEve HaqueJoanna HarrisMargot A. HurlbertLisa Marie JakubowskiPeter KnegtRuth M. MannPeggy McIntoshMarilou McPhedronMartin Rochlin
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Witch Glitch
_______________ 'The Witch Wars stories crackle with energy' - LoveReading4Kids 'Fizzling with fun' - Daily Mail _______________ The fourth book in the hilarious Witch Wars series for kids aged 7+, perfect for fans of The Worst Witch. The Witch Wars witches are ready for their next adventure – complete with fashionable spells and unnecessary glitter! It’s a new era for the Witch Wars witches. Felicity Bat is no longer evil, Tiga has at last found her mum and there’s the whole of Silver City to explore. But it’s not long before the witches find themselves at the centre of another adventure. When a magical book called The Karens offers to grant Fran the Fabulous Fairy’s dearest wish, it seems too good to be true... And it is. Before you can say 'frogknuckles', Tiga and the gang are in a race against time – can they save Fran before she explodes in a large ball of glittery dust?
WW Norton & Co Kenya: A Country in the Making, 1880-1940
This stunning collection of 720 photographs, many of them drawn from family archives and scrapbooks and all carefully restored, is one of the most important visual records of Africa in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ever to have been published.The early photographers captured the beauty and dangerous allure of life on this spectacular frontier: the ceremonies and traditional attire of the native people, the fantastic machinery used in construction of the Uganda Railway, the gradual development of trade on the coast and in the country's interior, the hardships of the East African Campaign during World War I, and the pioneering spirit of early European settlers and farmers. Many of the most famous names and places connected with Africa appear in these pages, including Karen Blixen's farm and Ernest Hemingway and Theodore Roosevelt on safari. This is a book to delight anyone who has ever traveled to East Africa or been intrigued by its history.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Oral Cancer
A state-of-the-art guide on oral cancer management from distinguished experts!Oral Cancer: Evaluation, Therapy, and Rehabilitation edited by prominent Johns Hopkins clinicians and educators Carole Fakhry, Karen Pitman, Ana Kiess, and David Eisele provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review on the diagnosis and management of oral cancer. This unique resource fills a void in the literature by exploring surgical and reconstructive issues specific to each subsite of the oral cavity. Important pre- and post-treatment evaluations by dental, speech language pathology, and the oncologic care team are reviewed. The comprehensive book is divided into 10 sections, each focused on different facets of the patients' trajectory. The text starts with epidemiology of oral cavity cancer and discussion of patient populations at increased risk of oral cavity cancer. The book details pre-cancers, multidisciplinary diagnostic evaluations, treatment, post-treatment, recurrent and metastatic oral canc
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Sacred Massage: The Magic and Ritual of Soothing Touch
Through thoughtful touch, your hands can provide relaxation and relief to family and friends with a variety of ailments from headaches to PTSD. Debra DeAngelo introduces you to massage through the lens of spirituality, magic, and ritual. In addition to physical techniques, she teaches you how to infuse a session with divine love and channel your healing energy into another person. Sacred Massage guides you through preparing your ritual space, creating an altar, grounding, centering, setting intentions, inviting the elements, and more. Discover how to utilize meditation, herbs, crystals, essentials oils, candles, and deities for a deeply spiritual session. Filled with instructional graphics and culminating in a full-body massage sequence, this easy-to-understand book provides everything you need to create a magical massage experience for yourself and your loved ones. Includes a foreword by Dr. Karen Mo, MD.
Scholastic Inc. Little Miss Stoneybrook...and Dawn The BabySitters Club 15
America''s favorite series returns with a new look and a Netflix tv show.Dawn''s a little jealous when there''s a formal ceremony to welcome Jessi and Mallory into the Baby-sitters Club. Don''t people know that Dawn''s a special baby-sitter too?Then it''s Dawn''s turn to shine. Mrs. Pike wants Dawn to help prepare Margo and Claire for the Little Miss Stoneybrook contest. So what if Margo''s only talent is peeling a banana with her feet? Dawn''s going to help her charges win that contest any way she can.The only trouble is...Kristy, Mary Anne, and Claudia arehelping Karen, Myriah, and Charlotte enter the contest, too. And nobody''s sure where the competition is fiercer: at the pageant -- or at the Baby-sitters Club!The best friends you''ll ever have!
Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press Kareem and Hanan Learning: Pronouns
Text in Arabic. Join twin siblings, Karim and Hanan, as they explore their world in simplified Arabic. In each book, they learn new phrases and enrich their vocabulary in an entertaining and enlightening way. The series teaches Arabic grammar in five useful books.
Cornerstone Tell Me an Ending
''Pure pleasure'' THE TIMES''Incredibly nicely written . . . [Jo Harkin] writes really well about human beings. I really enjoyed it'' MARIAN KEYES''Sharply, beautifully written'' THE NEW YORK TIMES''As page-turning as a thriller, and as thought-provoking as an inquiry into the human mind should be'' i PAPER''Intriguing, frightening, witty and humane'' WALL STREET JOURNAL''Riveting and thought-provoking'' KAREN THOMPSON WALKER''Whip-smart and thoughtful with a dark vein of humour. Compulsively readable. I loved it - CHRISTINA SWEENEY-BAIRD''I literally couldn''t put it down'' CARYS BRAY----------What if you could erase your most painful memory? Would you still, be you? Across the world, thousands of people are shocked to receive an email telling them that they once chose to have a traumatic memory removed. Now they are being given the chance to get that memory back. For Mei, William, Oscar
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc ESG's Come Away with ESG
ESG were one of the first bands to sign to British indie label Factory Records, working with famed producer Martin Hannett on their early EPs. The band's signature guitar sound from iconic single ‘UFO’ has been sampled in hundreds of hip hop records, and everyone from Karen O to Kathleen Hanna lists the South Bronx group as a direct influence. So why do the Scroggins sisters appear as nothing more than a footnote in the 1980s music scene? Through interviews with founding member Renee Scroggins, alongside cult-figures from 1980s New York and North England, this book follows the story of a group of sisters who made it out of the New York projects and into the heart of the dancefloor. Come Away With ESG repositions ESG in their rightful place as punk pioneers and explains how their primal beats have paved the way for modern dance music today.
Taschen GmbH Peter Lindbergh. Dior. 40th Ed.
Peter Lindbergh photographed Dior's most exceptional muses, Marion Cotillard and Charlize Theron among them, and signed campaigns for Lady Dior and J''Adore with his inimitable style. Throughout his career, the photographer was one of the house's closest collaborators. This final book was an original cocreation that was close to the artist's heartand to ours.Seventy years of Dior history projected against the effervescence of Times Square, New York: this was the concept behind Lindbergh's project, extraordinary both in scope and dimension, for which Dior, in an unusual move, allowed an unprecedented number of priceless garments to be taken from its vaults in Paris and shipped across the Atlantic.The result is electric. Amid the frenzy of Times Square, Alek Wek glows in the immaculate 1947 Bar suit, the storied ensemble that launched the House of Dior. In snatches of street scenes, models Saskia de Brauw, Karen Elson, and Amber Valletta flit through crowds and
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Practical Guide to Fashion Law and Compliance
“This book provides a fresh approach to building a fashion business. I believe that both academics and startup businesses would find this book useful.” Karen Edwards, University of South Carolina, USA “I think that this text will be very useful to anyone working in fashion. I would certainly recommend it as reference reading to MBA students and to undergraduates who are taking entrepreneurship courses.” Thomai Serdari, New York University, USA Learn how to protect your business through prevention with a fashion compliance program. The book takes a merchandise-centric “how-to” approach. It explains the laws related to fashion compliance including, labeling, marketing, testing, importing and exporting, record keeping, and more. Written by a fashion-law expert, the book includes interviews with professionals and discusses the European Union apparel label law, as well as relevant United States’ laws, to help you run your fashion business.
Indiana University Press Les Industries lithiques taillées de Franchthi (Argolide, Grèce), Volume 3: Du Néolithique ancien au Néolithique final, Fascicle 13
This fascicle is the thirteenth in the series of Level One publications of the excavations at Franchthi Cave and is the third and final installment of the report on the site's chipped stone industries. The objective of Catherine Perlès's study is to make sense of the chronology of the site in its economic, technological, and typological dimensions. All phases of the Neolithic are represented at Franchthi Cave. Rich with more than 3,000 reconstructed pieces, this study offers a representative and technical typology that is unequaled today. The first part of the analysis offers diagnostic elements to facilitate comparisons between the lithic sequence and surface dating and is more descriptive than interpretive. The second part is dedicated to a step-by-step analysis of the Franchthi material in a well-defined chrono-stratigraphical framework. The third and most interpretive portion of the study addresses itself more specifically to those who are interested in the socio-economic organizational problems of Neolithic societies.Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece—Thomas W. Jacobsen, editor, with Karen D. Vitelli
Luath Press Ltd Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: Raising the Curtain
‘It’s a wonderful institution and the training is amazing.’ SAM HEUGHAN ‘I can honestly say, no word of a lie, that the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland changed my life.’ JACKIE KAY For 175 years, a Glasgow institution has been teaching the performing arts to students who have become some of the world’s most distinguished artists. This celebratory history raises the curtain on the inner life of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Peek into the bustling backstage world of Scotland’s national conservatoire, feast your eyes on never-before-seen archival material and bask in dazzling production photography that captures the creative effervescence of its students. Ncuti Gatwa, Richard Madden, Karen Cargill, Alan Cumming, Maggie Kinloch and many other alumni take to the spotlight to share what the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland has meant to them. Raising the Curtain reveals the past, illuminates the present and invites you to look to the future of this world-class performing arts institution.
Murdoch Books Iconic
'Karen McCartney's Iconic Australian Houses books are re-imagined so cleverly in this freshly redesigned, encyclopaedic book, which brings together in one volume the best of 50 years of Australian residential architecture.' Lucy Feagins - The Design Files Iconic: Modern Australian Houses 1950--2000 showcases, in a fresh, new and collectible edition, the best residential projects from the previously published works 50/60/70 and 70/80/90 and which formed successful exhibitions shown at the Museum of Sydney. Completely redesigned in a new format, with revised introduction, this classic will find audiences both new to and familiar with the gems of Australian modernist architecture. Featuring houses from: Harry Seidler, Peter Muller, Roy Grounds, Peter McIntyre, Russell Jack, Robin Boyd, McGlashan Everist, Enrico Taglietti, Neville Gruzman, Bruce Rickard, Hugh Buhrich, Ian McKay, Iwan Iwanoff, Ian Collins, Richard Leplastrier, Glenn Murcott, Barrie Marshall, Ken Woolley, Lovell Chen, Wood Marsh, Andresen O'Gorman, Durbach Block, Sean Godsell, Stutchbury and Harper, Donovan Hill, John Wardle.
Headline Publishing Group Into the Dark (The Cincinnati Series Book 5): the absolutely gripping Sunday Times Top Ten bestseller
Run. Don't look back. Just run.When Michael Rowland saves his younger brother Joshua from the clutches of his stepfather, he runs for his life with his brother in his arms. From his hiding place he sees the man who has made their lives a misery taken away in the trunk of a stranger's car, never to be seen again.Doctor Dani Novak has been keeping soccer coach Diesel Kennedy at arm's length to protect him from her dark secrets. When they are brought together by the two young brothers who desperately need their help, it seems they might be able to leave their damaged pasts behind them.But as the only witness to the man who murdered his stepfather, Michael is in danger. As Diesel and Dani do all that they can to protect him, their own investigation into the murder uncovers the trail of a killer who is out for vengeance. And will wipe out anything that gets in his way...Praise for Karen Rose:'Intense, complex and unforgettable' James Patterson'High-wire suspense that keeps you riveted' Lisa Gardner'Fast and furious' Sun
Headline Publishing Group Cheater
When does a liar, become a killer?*The brand new novel in The San Diego Case Files series from Sunday Times bestseller Karen Rose*Homicide Detective Kit McKittrick finds herself standing over a dead body in the Shady Oaks retirement centre. Frank Flynn has been stabbed and his room ransacked.Though he kept his background quiet at the centre, Kit recognises Frank from the San Diego Police Department. Had the former detective been following a trail that led to his murder? When the head of security is also found dead, it points to a conspiracy right at the heart of Shady Oaks.The one person who might be able to help uncover the truth is just who Kit has been avoiding: Dr Sam Reeves. As a volunteer at the centre and a friend of the victim, the forensic psychologist could be just what her case needs.But without access to CCTV of the day of the murder, how will Kit catch her killer? And can she do so before anyone else
Skinner House Books Trusting Change: Finding Our Way Through Personal and Global Transformation
In TRUSTING CHANGE, minister and award-winning writer of Writing to Wake the Soul, Karen Hering offers pastoral support and spiritual skills building for individuals on the cusp of personal change within the collective context of a world that is reshaping itself at a faster pace than ever. The book's ten thresholding skills give readers practical tools for living on the threshold and through change, but this is not a typical "how-to" guide and its beautifully written and evocative language will connect readers with their own deeper consciousness. From the book's first page, the reader is greeted by a warm storyteller ready to journey with them through uncertainty and change. Hering does not pretend that change is easy but notes its inevitability and some of the ways readers can participate in it, allowing them to trust it more in the future. Sharing wisdom found in nature and in metaphors, the reflections include evocative questions and creative, often embodied exercises that invite the reader into a larger story of change. This book is a conversation with the reader meant to also stir conversations between readers as we learn to live into and through our transformative times together.
Duke University Press Crash: Cinema and the Politics of Speed and Stasis
Artists, writers, and filmmakers from Andy Warhol and J. G. Ballard to Alejandro González Iñárritu and Ousmane Sembène have repeatedly used representations of immobilized and crashed cars to wrestle with the conundrums of modernity. In Crash, Karen Beckman argues that representations of the crash parallel the encounter of film with other media, and that these collisions between media offer useful ways to think about alterity, politics, and desire. Examining the significance of automobile collisions in film genres including the “cinema of attractions,” slapstick comedies, and industrial-safety movies, Beckman reveals how the car crash gives visual form to fantasies and anxieties regarding speed and stasis, risk and safety, immunity and contamination, and impermeability and penetration. Her reflections on the crash as the traumatic, uncertain moment of inertia that comes in the wake of speed and confidence challenge the tendency in cinema studies to privilege movement above film’s other qualities. Ultimately, Beckman suggests that film studies is a hybrid field that cannot apprehend its object of study without acknowledging the ways that cinema’s technology binds it to capitalism’s industrial systems and other media, technologies, and disciplines.