Search results for ""author craig""
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Little and Falace's Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient
Little and Falace's Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient, 10th Edition, is thoroughly revised to provide the information needed to assess common problems and make safe dental management decisions. This new edition contains revised content on Cancer and Women's Health and includes an enhanced ebook plus patient-based practice questions with print purchase. Also, each chapter features informative illustrations and well-organized tables to provide you with in-depth details and overall summaries required for understanding and applying medical concepts in dentistry. NEW! Thoroughly revised content provides the most current, evidence-based information you need to make dental management decisions. UPDATED! Information correlating to the revised INBDE exam prepares you for the boards. NEW! An ebook version is included with print purchase. The ebook allows you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Plus, patient-based questions are included. UPDATED! Revised coverage of Women's Health addresses issues specific to women that can impact dental management. NEW! Completely revised chapter on Cancer discusses essential considerations for the oral care of these patients. NEW! Key Points at the beginning of each chapter highlight important content to guide study efforts.
Autonomedia Utopie: Texts and Projects, 1967–1978
MIT Press Ltd Great Principles of Computing
Baker Publishing Group Encountering Theology of Mission – Biblical Foundations, Historical Developments, and Contemporary Issues
This fresh, comprehensive text fills a need for an up-to-date theology of mission. It offers creative approaches to answering some of the most pressing questions in theology of mission and missionary practice today. The authors, who are leading mission experts, discuss biblical theology of mission, provide historical overviews of the development of various viewpoints, and address theologically current issues in global mission from an evangelical perspective. This readable yet thorough text integrates current views of the kingdom of God and holistic mission with traditional views of evangelism and church planting. It also brings theology of mission into conversation with ecclesiology and eschatology. Topics covered include contextualization, the missionary vocation, church and mission, and theology of religions. Sidebars and case studies enable readers to see how theology of mission touches real-life mission practice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry 13th Edition continues Solomons, Fryle, and Snyder's tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in both the classroom and beyond. Central to the authors is their approach in emphasizing organic chemistry’s relationship between structure and reactivity. To accomplish this, the content is organized in a way that combines the most useful features of a functional group approach with one largely based on reaction mechanisms. The authors' philosophy is to emphasize mechanisms and their common aspects as often as possible, and at the same time, use the unifying features of functional groups as the basis for most chapters. The structural aspects of the authors' approach show students what organic chemistry is. Mechanistic aspects of their approach show students how it works. And wherever an opportunity arises, the authors show students what it does in living systems and the physical world around us.
Zondervan Introduction to Biblical Interpretation: Third Edition
Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, now in its third edition, is a bestselling hermeneutics textbook that sets forth concise, logical, and practical guidelines for discovering the truth in God’s Word.With updates and revisions throughout that keep pace with current scholarship, this book offers students the best and most up-to-date information needed to interpret Scripture.Introduction to Biblical Interpretation: Defines and describes hermeneutics, the science of biblical interpretation Suggests effective methods to understand the meaning of the biblical text Surveys the literary, cultural, social, and historical issues that impact any text Evaluates both traditional and modern approaches to Bible interpretation Examines the reader’s role as an interpreter of the text and helps identify what the reader brings to the text that could distort its message Tackles the problem of how to apply the Bible in valid and significant ways today Provides an extensive and revised annotated list of books that readers will find helpful in the practice of biblical interpretation Used in college and seminary classrooms around the world, this textbook is a trusted and valuable tool for students and other readers who desire to understand and apply the Bible.
Gentle Path Press (imprint of New Freedom Publications) Shadows of the Cross: A Christian Companion to Facing the Shadow
Zondervan James
Concentrate on the biblical author’s message as it unfolds.Designed to assist the pastor and Bible teacher in conveying the significance of God’s Word, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series treats the literary context and structure of every passage of the New Testament book in the original Greek.With a unique layout designed to help you comprehend the form and flow of each passage, the ZECNT unpacks: The key message. The author’s original translation. An exegetical outline. Verse-by-verse commentary. Theology in application. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Greek, all who strive to understand and teach the New Testament will benefit from the depth, format, and scholarship of these volumes.
Elsevier Health Sciences Muller and Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology
Covering the diagnosis and treatment of hundreds of dermatologic conditions, Muller and Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology, 7th Edition is today's leading reference on dermatology for dogs, cats, and pocket pets. Topics include clinical signs, etiology, and pathogenesis of dermatologic conditions including fungal, parasitic, metabolic, nutritional, environmental, and psychogenic. This edition includes full updates of all 21 chapters, and more than 1,300 full-color clinical, microscopic, and histopathologic images. Written by veterinary experts William Miller, Craig Griffin, and Karen Campbell, this resource helps students and clinicians distinguish clinical characteristics and variations of normal and abnormal facilitating accurate diagnosis and effective therapy. Over 1,300 high-quality color images clearly depict the clinical features of hundreds of dermatologic disorders, helping to ensure accurate diagnoses and facilitating effective treatment. Comprehensive coverage includes environmental, nutritional, behavioral, hereditary, and immune-mediated diseases and disorders. Well-organized, thoroughly referenced format makes it easy to access information on skin diseases in dogs, cats, and exotic pets. UPDATES of all 21 chapters include the most current dermatologic information. NEW editors and contributors add new insight and a fresh perspective to this edition.
Inter-Varsity Press From Pentecost to Patmos: Acts To Revelation: An Introduction And Survey
Fully revised and updated edition. This companion volume to Craig Blomberg's widely-appreciated Jesus and the Gospels covers the rest of the New Testament, from the Acts of the Apostles to the book of Revelation. It surveys the most crucial matters of introduction in sufficient detail to provide the necessary background for correct interpretation of these New Testament texts. Mindful of the needs and interests of twenty-first-century students, the authors also deal with the structure and contents of each book, and the distinctive exegetical issues, and give pointers to contemporary application. The clear, accessible and up-to-date text includes numerous figures, maps and bibliographies. From Pentecost to Patmos enables readers to come to a better understanding of first-century Christianity and its literature that came to be treated as uniquely authoritative. This will lead to a greater appreciation of the Lord Jesus Christ, worshipped by the early church, often in hostile circumstances and in the face of difficulties remarkably similar to those the church experiences today throughout the world.
Oxford University Press Conservation Physiology: Applications for Wildlife Conservation and Management
Conservation physiology is a rapidly expanding, multidisciplinary field that utilizes physiological knowledge and tools to understand and solve conservation challenges. This novel text provides the first consolidated overview of its scope, purpose, and applications, with a focus on wildlife. It outlines the major avenues and advances by which conservation physiology is contributing to the monitoring, management, and restoration of wild animal populations. This book also defines opportunities for further growth in the field and identifies critical areas for future investigation. By using a series of global case studies, contributors illustrate how approaches from the conservation physiology toolbox can tackle a diverse range of conservation issues including the monitoring of environmental stress, predicting the impact of climate change, understanding disease dynamics, improving captive breeding, and reducing human-wildlife conflict. Moreover, by acting as practical road maps across a diversity of sub-disciplines, these case studies serve to increase the accessibility of this discipline to new researchers. The diversity of taxa, biological scales, and ecosystems highlighted illustrate the far-reaching nature of the discipline and allow readers to gain an appreciation for the purpose, value, applicability, and status of the field of conservation physiology. Conservation Physiology is an accessible supplementary textbook suitable for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of conservation science, eco-physiology, evolutionary and comparative physiology, natural resources management, ecosystem health, veterinary medicine, animal physiology, and ecology.
Edinburgh University Press Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics
Looks at all aspects of the pivotal intellectual relationship between two key figures of the EnlightenmentThis collection brings together an international and interdisciplinary group of Adam Smith and Jean-Jacques Rousseau scholars to explore the key shared concerns of these two great thinkers in politics, philosophy, economics, history and literature.Rousseau (1712 78) and Smith (1723 90) are two of the foremost thinkers of the European Enlightenment. They both made seminal contributions to moral and political philosophy and shaped some of the key concepts of modern political economy. Among Smith's first published works was a letter to the 'Edinburgh Review' where he discusses Rousseau's 'Discourse on the Origin of Inequality'. Smith continued to engage with Rousseau's work and to explore many shared themes such as sympathy, political economy, sentiment and inequality. Though we have no solid evidence that they met in person, we do know that they shared many friends and interlocutors. In particular, David Hume was Smith's closest intellectual associate and was also the one who arranged for Rousseau's stay in England in 1766.ContributorsTabitha Baker, University of Warwick, UK.Christel Fricke, University of Oslo, Norway.Charles L. Griswold, Boston University, USA.Ryan Patrick Hanley, Marquette University, USA.Mark Hill, London School of Economics, UK.Mark Hulliung, Brandeis University, USA.Jimena Hurtado, Universidad de los Andes, Columbia.John McHugh, Denison University, USA.Jason Neidleman, University of La Verne, USA.Maria Pia Paganelli, Trinity University, USA.Dennis C. Rasmussen, Tufts University, USA. Neil Saccamano, Cornell University, USA. Michael Schleeter, Pacific Lutheran University, USA. . Adam Schoene, Cornell University, USA. Craig Smith, University of Glasgow, UK.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Variations in the Expression of Inka Power
Zondervan Divine Action in Hebrews: And the Ongoing Priesthood of Jesus
Recent years have seen renewed interest in divine action, but much of the literature tends to focus on the science-theology discussion. Resulting from multi-year work of the Scripture and Doctrine Seminar, part of KLC's Scripture Collective, this book attends to the portrayal of divine action in one major biblical text, namely Hebrews. In the New Testament, Hebrews is on par with Romans in terms of importance but has too often been overlooked. Contributors to this volume explore the many different ways in which divine action is foregrounded and portrayed in Hebrews. As its name indicates, Hebrews overflows with Old Testament intertextuality, which also makes it a fertile ground for analysis of divine action stretching back into the Old Testament and opening out into different parts of the NT. The essays in this volume: rigorously work the interface of theology and exegesis, all related to Hebrews; offer an overview of the current state of discussion of divine action and the importance of exploring divine action in specific biblical texts, with special reference to William Abraham's recent 4 volume work with OUP; provide an overview of the reception history of Hebrews in theologies of divine action; explore how this has this played out in historical theology and what a retrieval of Hebrews for a theology of divine action might mean today; explore the relationship between the doctrine of God and divine action in Hebrews, including an engagement with classical theism; provocatively explore divine action in the OT, creation, and eschatology in Hebrews; explore the major theme in Hebrews of divine action through the ongoing priesthood of Jesus as portrayed in Hebrews; relate this all to preaching Hebrews today and to spiritual formation. The book's conclusion reflects on the primary action of God speaking in Hebrews.
Zondervan Early New Testament Apocrypha
Broaden the scope of your New Testament studies with this introduction to early Christian apocryphal literature.To understand the New Testament well, it is important to study the larger world surrounding it, and one of the primary avenues for this exploration is through reading related ancient texts. But this task is daunting for scholars and novices alike given the sheer size of the ancient literary corpora. The Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies series aims to bridge this gap by introducing the key ancient texts that form the cultural, historical, and literary context for the study of the New Testament.Early New Testament Apocrypha offers an entry point into the corpus of early Christian apocryphal literature through twenty-eight texts or groups of texts. While the majority of the texts fall within the first four centuries CE, and therefore are useful for uncovering the earliest interpretations assigned to the New Testament, select later texts serve as reminders of how the meanings of New Testament texts continued to develop in subsequent centuries. Each essay covers introductory matters, a summary of content, interpretive issues, key passages for New Testament studies and their significance, and a select bibliography.Whether you are a scholar looking to familiarize yourself with a new corpus of texts or a novice seeking to undertake a serious contextualized study of the New Testament, this is an ideal reference work for you.Essays and contributors include:Part 1: Apocryphal Gospels Agrapha, Andrew Gregory Fragments of Gospels on Papyrus, Tobias Nicklas Gospel of Barnabas, Philip Jenkins Gospel of Peter, Paul Foster Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Reidar Aasgaard Jewish-Christian Gospels, Petri Luomanen Legend of Aphroditian, Katharina Heyden Pilate Cycle, J. K. Elliott Protevangelium of James, Eric M. Vanden Eykel Toledot Yeshu, Sarit Kattan Gribetz Revelation of the Magi, Catherine Playoust Part 2: Apocryphal Acts Acts of Andrew, Nathan C. Johnson Acts of John, Harold W. Attridge Acts of Paul, Harold W. Attridge Acts of Peter, Robert F. Stoops, Jr. Acts of Philip, Christopher R. Matthews Acts of Thomas, Harold W. Attridge Departure of My Lady Mary from This World (Six Books Dormition Apocryphon), J. Christopher Edwards Pseudo-Clementines, F. Stanley Jones Part 3: Apocryphal Epistles Jesus's Letter to Abgar, William Adler Correspondence of Paul and Seneca, Andrew Gregory Epistle to the Laodiceans, Philip L. Tite Epistula Apostolorum, Florence Gantenbein The Sunday Letter, Jon C. Laansma Part 4: Apocryphal Apocalypses Apocalypse of Paul, Jan N. Bremmer Apocalypse of Peter (Greek), Dan Batovici Apocalypse of Thomas, Mary Julia Jett 1 Apocryphal Apocalypse of John, Robyn J. Whitaker New Testament Apocrypha: Introduction and Critique of a Modern Category, Dale B. Martin SERIES DESCRIPTION:Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies is a 10-volume series that introduces key ancient texts that form the cultural, historical, and literary context for the study of the New Testament.Each volume features introductory essays to the corpus, followed by articles on the relevant texts. Each article will address introductory matters, provenance, summary of content, interpretive issues, key passages for New Testament studies and their significance, and a select bibliography.Neither too technical to be used by students nor too thin on interpretive information to be useful for serious study of the New Testament, this series provides a much-needed resource for understanding the New Testament in its Jewish, Greco-Roman, and early Christian contexts. Produced by an international team of leading experts in each corpus, Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies stands to become the standard resource for both scholars and students.
Zondervan The Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar, 25th Anniversary: Retrospect and Prospect
A celebration of 25 years of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar that features contributions from a diverse lineup of today's most respected scholars.For twenty-five years, the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar has produced a steady stream of influential, global, diverse, ecumenical and world-class research and publications that have impacted a generation of scholars now in mid-career, teaching or ministering at various universities, seminaries, divinity schools, or churches around the globe. The volumes of the seminar have resourced countless classrooms and have been cited thousands of times in scholarly research and in the pulpits and Bible studies worldwide.In celebration of the 25th year of the seminar (1997-2022), this compendium reflects on its work and impact. It offers new essays that chart the value of the seminar for biblical interpretation and the needs of biblical interpretation in the future, and includes stories from the formative SAHS community. This volume distills the work of the seminar for a new generation of students, opening to them a gateway to the community and to the resources developed over the past two decades.Tightly organized, carefully arranged and cross-referenced, this volume: Highlights the work of a significant movement in biblical interpretation in the academy Charts a path of biblical interpretation from the past to the future Helps readers understand the philosophical and theological commitments that undergird biblical interpretation Helps readers construct a theological hermeneutics that yields a deeper, richer reading of Scripture Introduces readers to stories of the seminar from scholars and ministers impacted by it This celebratory volume not only gives a unique perspective on the architecture of biblical interpretation in the first quarter of the twenty-first century, but it is offered in hope of preparing fertile soil for the next generation of women and men to cultivate biblical interpretation for years to come.The volume features essays by Craig Bartholomew, David Beldman, Amber L. Bowen, Susan Bubbers, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Havilah Dharamraj, Bo Lim, Murray Rae, J. Aaron Simmons, Anthony Thiselton, and John Wyatt.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Iberian Fathers Volume 3
The Constantinian revolution of the early fourth century produced changes that would affect profoundly and permanently the fabric of traditional Greco-Roman society and early Christian spiritual life. This volume brings together writings from Pacian of Barcelona and Orosius of Braga, two notable Iberian authors and orthodox partisans of the turbulent late fourth and early fifth centuries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd State and Local Financial Instruments: Policy Changes and Management
The ability of a nation to finance its basic infrastructure is essential to its economic well-being in the 21st century. This second edition of State and Local Financial Instruments covers the municipal securities market in the United States from the perspective of its primary capital financing role in a fiscal federalist system, where subnational governments are responsible for financing the nation’s essential physical infrastructure.Using the latest financial research, the authors use data-driven analysis to inform current public policy debates regarding the future of subnational government debt finance. The theories, research and practical examples in the book illustrate the policies and practices that helped governments navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, the Financial Crisis and Great Recession, and that contributed to government shipwrecks. The book is designed to help officials make good, sound fiscal choices in a fast changing, complex financial world entwined in a network of intermediaries, and within the constraints imposed by fiscal rules and institutions.This updated edition will be of interest to academics, students and researchers interested in economics, finance, international studies and public administration and policy. It is also an excellent reference tool for government officials, public policymakers and professionals working in finance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd State and Local Financial Instruments: Policy Changes and Management
The ability of a nation to finance its basic infrastructure is essential to its economic well-being in the 21st century. This book covers the municipal securities market in the United States from the perspective of its primary capital financing role in a fiscal federalist system, where subnational governments are responsible for financing the nation s essential physical infrastructure.Using the latest financial research and theory, Johnson, Luby and Moldogaziev use data-driven analysis to inform current public policy debates regarding the future of subnational government debt finance, including the regulation of professional financial service providers. The theories, research and practical examples in the book illustrate the policies and practices that helped governments navigate through the recent financial crisis and great recession, and those policies and practices that contributed to government shipwrecks. The book is designed to help officials make good, sound fiscal choices in a fast changing, complex financial world, and within the constraints imposed by fiscal rules and institutions.State and Local Financial Instruments will be of interest to academics, students and researchers interested in economics, finance, international studies and public policy. It is also an excellent reference tool for government officials, public policymakers and professionals working in finance.Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Tax-Exemption of Municipal Debt 3. States as Fiscal 'Sovereigns' - Implications for Ability and Willingness to Pay in Full and on Time 4. The Federalist Framework: Fiscal Sovereignty, Federal Regulation and Disclosure 5. Subnational Government Debt Financial Management I - Financing Principles and Policies v6. Subnational Government Debt Financial Management II - Bringing an Issue to Market: Networks and Practices 7. The Serial Debt Issue Structure 8. Secondary Market Disclosure 9. Financial Engineering 10. Reducing Debt Service by Refunding Debt 11. Lessons Learned From the Birth, Growth and Collapse of the Municipal Auction Rate Securities (MARS) Market 12. Enhancing Municipal Credit 13. 'Non-Traditional' Capital Financing Mechanisms 14. Conclusion Index
American Psychological Association Universal Screening in Educational Settings: Evidence-Based Decision Making for Schools
Researchers have found that 74% of students with reading difficulties in third grade continue to have trouble reading in high school. Likewise, children with behavioral difficulties at an early age have an increased risk for school maladjustment and antisocial activity. Universal screening identifies students for help before difficulties become too pervasive. This book provides evidence-based guidance for selecting, developing, implementing, and interpreting universal screening instruments in educational settings. Educational psychology experts thoroughly explore psychometric issues, fit with models of education like response-to-invervention and multi-gating, and implementation issues like teacher training, parental consent, technology, budgets, and school characteristic. Designed to be a cost-effective and brief assessment of all students, universal screening not only identifies those in need of prevention and early intervention services but also helps determine whether core educational programs are meeting student's needs. This book provides examples and describes contexts in which screening is used not to label a problem but instead to create an opportunity for change.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Molecular Modeling Handbook to accompany Organic Chemistry, 8e
This brief paperback handbook is meant to give introductory students tips and tricks on how to use molecular modeling kits. There are step-by-step illustrated instructions that explain what each peice in a model kit represents and how to make common structures. This handbook is textbook independent and can be packaged with our molecular modeling kit at no additional cost. Please see your local Wiley representative for packaging options with Wiley textbooks, also.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Irwin & Rippe's Manual of Intensive Care Medicine
Irwin & Rippe’s Manual of Intensive Care Medicine has established itself as an invaluable reference for students, interns, residents, fellows, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, nurses, and respiratory care practitioners working in the critical care medicine environment.Known for its reader-friendly outline format and compact portable size, this handy manual builds upon its tradition of excellence in its Sixth Edition. Available both in print and electronic formats, the Sixth Edition parallels the text, Irwin & Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine, Seventh Edition , and features fully updated and revised content with a focus on patient safety. Key Features:" Fully revised content addresses recent developments, including the larger role for ultrasound, in critical care medicine. Annotated references are provided at the close of each chapter to guide the interested reader through key articles in the relevant literature. Video clips have been added where appropriate to reinforce key points and findings. Logical organization begins with an extensive section on Procedures and Techniques, followed by 15 sections covering organ system problems as well as palliative care, legal and ethical issues, and transplantation. Thorough coverage of pharmacology, poisonings, and overdoses presented in a tabular format. New section editors share a wealth of experience and expertise targeted to broaden readers’ skills.
Wolters Kluwer Health Briggs Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Essential for ob/gyn physicians, primary care physicians, and any health care provider working with pregnant or postpartum women, Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk, 12th Edition, puts must-know information at your fingertips in seconds. An easy A-to-Z format lists more than 1,400 of the most commonly prescribed drugs taken during pregnancy and lactation, with detailed monographs designed to provide the most essential information on possible effects on the mother, embryo, fetus, and nursing infant. Each templated monograph includes: Generic US name (trade names in index) Risk factors Pharmacologic class Pregnancy and breastfeeding recommendations Pregnancy, fetal risk, and breastfeeding summaries Updated references NEW in the 12th Edition: 100 new drugs, with thorough updates of all existing drugs Subheadings with each review for faster reference List of cross-referenced combination drugs List of drugs contraindicated in breastfeeding women List of drugs contraindicated in pregnancy List of drugs that affect human development Quarterly updates, available online, to keep you at the forefront of the field Greatly improved eBook searchability Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Review
With new and updated questions based on Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology 12th Edition content, this comprehensive review covers all the core material you need to know for board exam preparation and MOC exams. From basic science underpinnings to the most recent developments in medical and surgical care, more than 3,000 questions with detailed answers help you master the most important elements in urology. The high-yield, bulleted format and identical chapter structure as the parent text are designed for efficient, effective, targeted review-providing exactly the information you need for exam success. Keeps you up to date with key topics covered in Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology 12th Edition, such as minimally invasive and robotic surgery; advancements in urologic oncology, including innovative therapeutics for personalized medicine; new approaches to male infertility; technological advances for the treatment of stones; advances in imaging modalities., and much more. Covers new material on urinary tract imaging, complications of urologic surgery, urologic considerations in pregnancy, urologic considerations in transgender individuals, and more. Provides more than 3,000 multiple-choice questions and detailed answers, including highlighted "must-know" points in the answer explanations. Includes additional study points at the end of each chapter, as well as new pathology and imaging sections (with review questions) in relevant chapters. Features interactive questions, self-assessment tools, an extensive image bank, and more on Expert Consult. Helps you prepare for the written boards and MOC exams with confidence! This reliable, efficient review tool is written by the same team that has made Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology the preeminent text in the field. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Chemistry, International Adaptation
Organic Chemistry, 13th edition provides a comprehensive, yet accessible, treatment of all the essential organic chemistry concepts, with emphasis on relationship between structure and reactivity in the subject. The textbook includes all the concepts covered in a typical organic chemistry textbook but is unique in its skill-development approach to the subject. Numerous hands-on activities and real-world examples are integrated throughout the text to help students understand both the "why" and the "how" behind organic chemistry. This International Adaptation offers new and updated content with improved presentation of all course material. It offers new material on several topics, including the relevance of intermolecular forces in the immune response and vaccines like those for Covid-19, the chemistry of breathing (carbonic anhydrase), how conjugation and complexation affect the color of lobsters, and how biodegradable polymers are used to stabilize vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Content is revised to reflect the current understanding of chemical processes, and improved depictions of longstanding mechanisms. This edition builds on the ongoing pedagogical strength of the book with the inclusion of additional worked and end-of-chapter problems and an engaging set of new problems entitled "Chemical Consultant Needed". These draw from the primary chemical literature and give students experience of working with more complex, polyfunctional structures, and areas where key transformations take place.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Chemistry, Student Study Guide & Solutions Manual
Organic Chemistry, Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual, 13th Edition offers the full solutions for select exercises from the text.
Zondervan Introduction to Biblical Interpretation Workbook: Study Questions, Practical Exercises, and Lab Reports
This workbook accompanies the third edition of Introduction to Biblical Interpretation by William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard Jr. Following the textbook’s structure, it offers readings, activities, and exercises designed to teach students how to understand and apply the Bible.This workbook gives students a chance to get hands-on experience in interpreting biblical texts as they are guided along by insightful questions and pointers from the authors. Ultimately the workbook is designed to get students interacting with the content of the textbook and with the biblical text in a way that helps reinforce classroom learning, while at the same time giving both student and instructor a way to gauge how well the student is learning the material from the textbook.The third edition of a classic hermeneutics textbook sets forth concise, logical, and practical guidelines for discovering the truth in God’s Word. A valuable tool for readers who desire to understand and apply the Bible, this text: Defines and describes hermeneutics, the science of biblical interpretation Suggests effective methods to understand the meaning of the biblical text Surveys the literary, cultural, social, and historical issues that impact any text Evaluates both traditional and modern approaches to Bible interpretation Examines the reader’s role as an interpreter of the text and helps identify what the reader brings to the text that could distort its message Tackles the problem of how to apply the Bible in valid and significant ways today Provides an extensive and revised annotated list of books that readers will find helpful in the practice of biblical interpretation
University of Hawai'i Press The Value of Hawai'i 3: Hulihia, the Turning
Hulihia" refers to massive upheavals that change the landscape, overturn the normal, reverse the flow, and sweep away the prevailing or assumed. We live in such days. Pandemics. Threats to Ê»Äina. Political dysfunction, cultural appropriation, and disrespect. But also powerful surges toward sustainability, autonomy, and sovereignty.The first two volumes of The Value of Hawai'i (Knowing the Past, Facing the Future and Ancestral Roots, Oceanic Visions) ignited public conversations, testimony, advocacy, and art for political and social change. These books argued for the value of connecting across our different expertise and experiences, to talk about who we are and where we are going.In a world in crisis, what does Hawai'i's experience tell us about how to build a society that sees opportunities in the turning and changing times? As islanders, we continue to grapple with experiences of racism, colonialism, environmental damage, and the costs of modernization, and bring to this our own striking creativity and histories for how to live peacefully and productively together. Steered by the four scholars who edited the previous volumes, The Value of Hawai'i 3: Hulihia, the Turning offers multigenerational visions of a HawaiÊ»i not defined by the United States. Community leaders, cultural practitioners, artists, educators, and activists share exciting paths forward for the future of Hawai'i, on topics such as education, tourism and other economies, elder care, agriculture and food, energy and urban development, the environment, sports, arts and culture, technology, and community life.These visions ask us to recognize what we truly value about our home, and offer a wealth of starting points for critical and productive conversations together in this time of profound and permanent change.
Zaffre The Leopard Hunts in Darkness: The Ballantyne Series 4
BOOK 4 IN THE BALLANTYNE SERIES, BY INTERNATIONAL SENSATION WILBUR SMITH'Best historical novelist' - Stephen King 'A master storyteller' - Sunday Times 'Wilbur Smith is one of those benchmarks against whom others are compared' - The Times 'No one does adventure quite like Smith' - Daily MirrorA FAMILY'S PAST. A COUNTRY'S FUTURE. Bestselling author Craig Mellow is tired of fame and wants only to return to his family's old home in Zimbabwe. When the World Bank recruits Craig to investigate ivory poaching and corruption it is the opportunity he so desperately craves to return. Under the guise of writing a new book on Africa, Mellow returns to his family's old ranch, Rholands, accompanied by beautiful young photographer Sally-Anne Jay. Although it's now derelict, Craig wants to rebuild and turn Rholands into a tourist safari, but he finds his way unexpectedly blocked by his old friend, now government minister, Tungata Zebiwe. With the corrupt government blocking his plans and new conflict on the horizon, Craig and Sally must fight not only for their lives, but for the very future of a country. The fourth book in the epic Ballantyne Series and the final instalment in the first sequence.Join a new generation of Ballantynes in Book 5 of the Ballantyne series, The Triumph of the Sun, available now.
Baker Publishing Group Exploring the Origins of the Bible – Canon Formation in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective
How did the Bible we have come to be? What do biblical scholars mean when they talk about canon, the Septuagint, the Apocrypha, or the Masoretic Text? All this biblical study is interesting, but does it really matter? Leading international scholars explain that it does. This thought-provoking and cutting-edge collection will help you go deeper in your understanding of the biblical writings, how those writings became canonical Scripture, and why canon matters. Beginning with an explanation of the different versions of the Hebrew Bible, scholars in different areas of expertise explore the complexities and issues related to the Old and New Testament canons, why different Jewish and Christian communities have different collections, and the importance of canon to theology.
Hanover Square Press Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle to Save the Florida Panther
Scribe Publications American Kompromat: how the KGB cultivated Donald Trump and related tales of sex, greed, power, and treachery
THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. American Kompromat unravels the Russian-influenced operations that amassed the dirty little secrets of the richest and most powerful men on earth. American Kompromat is based on extended and exclusive interviews with high-level sources in the KGB, CIA, and FBI, as well as lawyers at white-shoe Washington firms, associates of Jeffrey Epstein, and thousands of pages of FBI reports, police investigations, and news articles in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. A narrative offering jaw-dropping context, and set in Upper East Side mansions and private Caribbean islands, gigantic yachts, and private jets, American Kompromat shows that, from Donald Trump to Jeffrey Epstein, Russian operations transformed the darkest secrets of the most powerful people in the world into potent weapons that served its interests. Among its many revelations, American Kompromat addresses what may be the single most important unanswered question of the entire Trump era — and one that Unger argues is even more important now that Trump is out of office: Was Donald Trump a Russian asset? Just how compromised was he? And how could such an audacious feat have been accomplished? To answer these questions and more, Craig Unger reports, is to understand kompromat — operations that amassed compromising information on the richest and most powerful men on earth, and that leveraged power by appealing to what is, for some, the most prized possession of all: their vanity. This is a story that transcends the end of the Trump administration, illuminating a major underreported aspect of Trump’s corruption that has profoundly damaged American democracy.
Collective Ink Quaker Quicks - The Guided Life: Finding purpose in troubled times
Quakers have made the cultivation of the guided life the focus of their spirituality for over three centuries. Generations of Quakers have developed practices for nurturing their connection to an inward source of guidance, meaning and purpose. This Inward Guide is present in all people, cultures and traditions. It goes by many names and is understood in many ways, but it is equally available to everyone who is willing to listen and respond. The Guided Life shares some of the spiritual practices that the Quaker tradition has developed to discover purpose and direction in daily life. These practices may be of use to anyone who is wrestling with the complex challenges and dilemmas of the modern world.
Crabtree Publishing Co,Canada Street Bike Mania
Crabtree Publishing Co,Canada Dragster Mania
John Wiley and Sons Ltd CBT for Schizophrenia: Evidence-Based Interventions and Future Directions
Informed by the latest clinical research, this is the first book to assemble a range of evidence-based protocols for treating the varied presentations associated with schizophrenia through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Deals with a wide range of discrete presentations associated with schizophrenia, such as command hallucinations, violent behaviour or co-morbid post-traumatic stress disorder Covers work by the world's leading clinical researchers in this field Includes illustrative case material in each chapter
The University of Chicago Press The Roots of Radicalism: Tradition, the Public Sphere, and Early Nineteenth-Century Social Movements
The story of the rise of radicalism in the early nineteenth century has often been simplified into a fable about progressive social change. The diverse social movements of the era - religious, political, regional, national, antislavery, and protemperance - are presented as mere strands in a unified tapestry of labor and democratic mobilization. Taking aim at this flawed view of radicalism as simply the extreme end of a single dimension of progress, Craig Calhoun emphasizes the coexistence of different kinds of radicalism, their tensions, and their implications. "The Roots of Radicalism" reveals the importance of radicalism's links to pre-industrial culture and attachments to place and local communities, as well as the ways in which journalists who had been pushed out of "respectable" politics connected to artisans and other workers. Calhoun shows how much public recognition mattered to radical movements and how religious, cultural, and directly political - as well as economic - concerns motivated people to join up. Reflecting two decades of research into social movement theory and the history of protest, "The Roots of Radicalism" offers compelling insights into the past that can tell us much about the present, from American right-wing populism to democratic upheavals in North Africa.
Pearson Education India Applying UML Patterns
Canelo Winter Hawk
A trapped double-agent, an impending world war and a race to space… Winter Hawk is Craig Thomas at the height of his powers. With the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty set to be ratified by the US and the USSR in Geneva, it seems that international relations have finally stabilised. But when a double agent reveals that the Soviets are preparing to launch a series of laser weapons into space, the West is suddenly defenceless and vulnerable. A panic-stricken US President puts pilot Mitchell Gant at the head of a mission, code-named “Winter Hawk”. The operation is clear: a covert dash in and out of the Soviet Union to retrieve the double agent before the weapons can be launched. But with the clock ticking and the Russian “Hinds” on his tail, Gant’s voyage across the snowy Russian border is far from simple…Set against a background of Cold War tension and nuclear threat, Winter Hawk is another icy Craig Thomas thriller, perfect for fans of Desmond Bagley and Frederick Forsyth.
Heyne Taschenbuch Die Hexen von New York
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Forensic Evidence in Court: Evaluation and Scientific Opinion
The interpretation and evaluation of scientific evidence and its presentation in a court of law is central both to the role of the forensic scientist as an expert witness and to the interests of justice. This book aims to provide a thorough and detailed discussion of the principles and practice of evidence interpretation and evaluation by using real cases by way of illustration. The presentation is appropriate for students of forensic science or related disciplines at advanced undergraduate and master's level or for practitioners engaged in continuing professional development activity. The book is structured in three sections. The first sets the scene by describing and debating the issues around the admissibility and reliability of scientific evidence presented to the court. In the second section, the principles underpinning interpretation and evaluation are explained, including discussion of those formal statistical methods founded on Bayesian inference. The following chapters present perspectives on the evaluation and presentation of evidence in the context of a single type or class of scientific evidence, from DNA to the analysis of documents. For each, the science underpinning the analysis and interpretation of the forensic materials is explained, followed by the presentation of cases which illustrate the variety of approaches that have been taken in providing expert scientific opinion.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Optics and Optical Imaging
"With a focus on providing a working knowledge of optical systems and their principles of operation, this book employs today's most important methods for optical analysis: geometrical ray optics, raction integral techniques, and the Abbe plane wave spectrum technique. This thoughtfully organized text uses fundamental electromagnetics as its underlying framework, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of both classical and modern optics theory. Understanding the theories presented in this book is an essential step for readers who want to produce effective design using current software. The author has carefully incorporated practical mathematics throughoutfor readers who want to further their analytical understanding of the material. INTRODUCTION TO OPTICS AND OPTICAL IMAGING will be an indispensable guide for advanced undergraduate engineering students, practicing engineers, and optical scientists seeking a comprehensive background in physical optics."
John Wiley and Sons Ltd England in the 1690s: Revolution, Religion and War
This book presents a fresh interpretation of the period, reconstructing the reign of William III through the eyes and in the words of those who lived through it.
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Innovator's Tale: New Perspectives for Accelerating Creative Breakthroughs
A compelling novel of business intrigue, suspense, and transformation from a critically acclaimed author In an exciting departure from his writing on leadership, corporate culture, and strategic change, Craig Hickman, the author of such titles as Creating Excellence and Mind of a Manager, Soul of a Leader, gives us a compelling tale of corporate intrigue and innovation. A suspenseful business novel that engages the reader on every dramatic level while teaching important lessons on how to be a more effective innovator and creative problem-solver, An Innovator's Tale focuses on the trials and tribulations of a newly promoted vice president who has been thrust into a world of corporate turnaround, duplicity, and espionage. Readers learn by her example as she discovers and applies four different levels and five critical stages of innovation, while struggling to contain containing the damage done by stolen business secrets, computer hacking, and high-level company officers who are not quite what they seem to be.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How Can My Kid Succeed in School? What Parents and Teachers Can Do to Conquer Learning Problems
What to look for when a child is struggling in school and what can be done at home and at school to help them succeed This practical resource for parents and teachers explains how to understand a child's complete learning profile-an inventory of his or her unique strengths and weaknesses-and provides helpful strategies that can be used at school and at home to get the child on a path to success. The book walks readers through the process of gathering clues about the child's learning style and provides guidelines for selecting the most appropriate learning strategies that will help spell success in school and life. Pohlman shows how parents and teachers can collaborate to help kids become successful learners, and also guides readers through the process of getting an educational assessment, for those students with particularly challenging issues. Helps readers understand what's going on when a child is struggling in school Explains what to look for at home and at school to gather "clues" to understanding a child's learning profile Shows how parents and teachers can collaborate to help a child or adolescent succeed at school Includes guidelines on obtaining educational assessments Pohlman, from the acclaimed All Kinds of Minds Institute, has conducted or supervised thousands of assessments of struggling learners
Hendrickson Publishers Inc Inspirational Preaching
University Press of America The Nature of Humanity and the State of America: A Unified Theory of the Social World
The Nature of Humanity and the State of America offers a new and single unified theory of the nature of humanity that provides a general understanding and description of social life, the social world, and the state of America. The author presents an extensive and comprehensive explanation of the whole spectrum of social life, its identification, and the description of the major universal laws or principles that govern and operate in the social world. He identifies the key principles for influencing the well-being and destiny of individuals, societies, and humanity. In addition, he provides a more precise description of the state of American society, and offers an initial plan of action for restoring the well-being of America, and other errant societies. This book goes further than any other to identify the cultural crisis in America, and to understand and explain the causes of this crisis, as well as suggesting solutions for ending the crisis and with it the decline of America.