Search results for ""undena publications,u.s.""
Undena Publications,U.S. Immortal Egypt
Essays on Egyptology by G.R. Hughes, D. Schmandt-Besserat, K. Butzer, W.K. Simpson, H.A. Liebowitz, T.A. Wertime, L. Mesnick Gallery and C. Aldred.
Undena Publications,U.S. A Computerized Listing of Biographical Data from the yatimat al-dahr by al-Tha alibi
Undena Publications,U.S. Elements pour un logiciel assyriologique
Undena Publications,U.S. Documents d'epoque medio-assyrienne: Les sceaux
An edition of twelve previously unpublished texts: eleven from the Louvre and one in a private collection, containing a letter, juridical texts of the genre of KAJ and some administrative documents. These texts are of diverse provenienceNos. 1-3 certainly come from Assur Nos. 9-11 were said to have come from Tell Amuda by the dealer; the site is identified with Urkis It must be noted that the tablets, on the other hand , mention Kulishinas in a privileged fashion. Nos. 5-8 may come, in part, from the same Tell No 12 from the site of Suri These texts, in their diversity, allow us to examine a part of the Middle Assyrian documentation, in particular the question of knowing whether or not the Middle Assyrian Code mentions the ilku the status of the villagers ( alaiuand their the clause of the reapers..., etc., or approaches the question of miksu. The edition contains copies of the texts and diverse indices ( PN, GN, and DN) as well as the list of texts with commentaries . Begun under the direction of J. Nougayrol , by M.-J. Aynard , it was completed by J.-M. Durand. Mr. P. Amiet has kindly appended to this study a sketch of the seals and a commentary about them.
Undena Publications,U.S. Assyrian Documents in the Musee d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva
Three Neo-Assyrian legal and administrative tablets and four Middle Assyrian administrative fragments, probably mostly from Assur, are discussed here. The texts are published in copy and transliteration, with transliterations and commentary where appropriate. They include part of a large administrative list of textiles, including military dress, in the houses of high state officials of the reign of Tukulti- ninurta I. Of the Neo- Assyrian documents one is an administrative note to do with copper and AN.GA another adds to the small number of known Prozessurkunden.
Undena Publications,U.S. The Arena of Tiglath-pileser III's Campaign against Sarduri II (743 BC)
In 743 B.C., Tiglath-pileser III led a victorious march against Sarduri of Urartu and his vassals. A comparison of the four extant Assyrian relations of that campaign yields a clear picture of its geographical arena. Unfortunately, Waldemar Belck, in 1904, utterly confused this picture by his identifications of two battlegrounds, Kistam and Halpi, with modern Ku?tam and Halfeti. These were uncritically followed by generations of scholars, and can still be found in serious publications . This paper, based on Assyrian and Urar?ian records, as well as on the study of the natural relief and road connections of the region in question , proposes a different reconstruction of Tiglath -pileser line of advance and of the battlegrounds along it.
Undena Publications,U.S. A Nuzi Private Archive: Morphological Considerations
The real estate records from the so-called Tehip-tilla house in Nuzi comprise a private archive. The functions of this archive are described in the present article. One function w that of the catalog, to keep track of the many real properties acquired by members of ih family. The nature of the tablets implies, however, that this function was secondary The and quantity of documentation preserved in the archive suggest that the primary function of both the individual tablet and archive was legal, to demonstrate before the judiciary and other parties outside the family circle that real estate entered that circle legally or changed hands within the family by means other than normal inheritance. This function accounts for five characteristics of the archive. 1) Records of acquisition are highly detailed and drawn up at the time of acquisition2) Tablets most usually record one transaction each. If the land described were to be subsequently realienated, the appropriate tablet could thus conveniently be transferred with the property3Real estate tablets mentioning no member of the Tehip-tilla family are found in the family's archive. In light of 2), these represent non-current land records acquired by the family members when they acquired real estate with a prior history of alienation. 4No records of alienation of real estate are found in the archive. Such records would be inconsistent with the archive's main function5) Records of real estate litigation are common and attest to family ownership of real property. Therefore, all such records commissioned describe the family's legal victories. The legal function of archival tablets is itself legal victories. The legal function of archival tablets is itself propertyTherefore, all such records commissioned describe the family's legal victories. The legal function of archival tablets is itself described in these court accounts. The primary function of the archive, to buttress the family's claims to real estate against outside challenge, failed to protect individual members against claims by their own relatives. This led to intra-family disputes.
Undena Publications,U.S. Indicator Particles in Somali
In Somali there is a number of indicators (phrasal particles) which act as signals of completeness of the sentence and affect the case system and verbal concords. The structures in which they occur have various semantic functions such as the directing of emphasis, making statements and questions , and affirmation and negation. The formulations presented in this article provide an over all view of the role of indicators and are illustrated by annotated examples, a large proportion of which are drawn from plays, newspaper articles, narratives and proverbs. Although mainly oriented towards data, the article incorporates some of the recent theoretical developments introduced into the Somali field by Robert Hetzron and A.K. Zholkovsky.
Undena Publications,U.S. Word Formation Strategies in the Hebrew Verb System
A hierarchy is suggested for the familiar syntactic and semantic factors determining realization of llebrew verbs in the particular conjugations. Other considerations apply whenever applicable no realizations are allowed which would form unpronounceable clusters; realizations preserv ing the consonant clusters of original nouns are preferredif a slot is occupied, the semantically-closest conjugation is chosen. To examine these claims, native speakers were asked to themselves innovate denomina tive verbs, or make judgements about hypothetical verhalizations. The results support the basic semantic/syntactic hierarchy; speakers even invent new devices allowing incorporation of non-syntactic and non-semantic factors without the hierarchy itself being significantly affected.
Undena Publications,U.S. Bibliographical Bulletin: Afroasiatic Linguistics 1976
Undena Publications,U.S. Phonological Channels in Chaha; The t-Converb in Western Gurage
In Chaha the impersonal and Sg. 3m. object suffixes labialize the nearest preceding plain noncoronal consonant. Furthermore a consonant will become identical to the next following consonant if it can do so by becoming labialized or palatalized. An attempt to formulate these rules in an economical way that reflects universal constraints on action at a distance leads to the proposal that the notation Xo be abolished from generative phonology and that in its stead there be used structural descriptions of the more restricted for [X [Y] [Z] ], having the meaning of [X, Y][-X]0 [X, Z] .
Undena Publications,U.S. Reference to Quantification in the City Dialect of Gaza; The Survival of Obsolete Hebrew Words in Idiomatic Expressions
This is a sociolinguistic analysis of some very common ways in the dialect to refer to concepts of time and space on one hand, and other types of quantification on the other. Those concepts of time and space do not depend so much upon any one system within the grammar, as they do upon the ways of analyzing and reporting experiences which have become fixed in the language as integrated fashions of speaking. Those fashions of speaking are shown here in relating major events of the past, to time when and duration, in reference to age, place, space, etc. Through some very interesting loosetypes of adverbial constructions we report and analyze the oblique, indirect, approximated and circumstantial manner by which reference is made to those concepts in the language.
Undena Publications,U.S. Grammatical Categories of Verb Stems in Chadic
Current theories on the nature and history of the Chadic verbal system claim that Proto-Chadic had (aa fundamental binary distinction of aspect, in which (b) the Perfective was the unmarked category, and that (c) a characteristically marked Imperfective verb stem can be reconstructed for the proto- languageThis paper presents comparative evidence from 10 languages of the Biu- Mandara branch of Chadic, on the basis of which all three claims are rejectedThe existence of dichotomous aspect systems in some modern Chadic languages is explained by and related to essentially three simplification and / (or) elaboration processes which are attributed to the linguistic history of the in dividual branches of the family: (1) loss of stem- final marking de vices with compensatory shift to preverbal marking (2) redesignation of the proto-verbal noun, and (3) redesignation of verbal plurals.
Undena Publications,U.S. Paradigm Coherence: Evidence from Modern Hebrew; Oriental Israeli Hebrew: A Study in Phonetics
Data from Modern Hebrew support the principle of paradigm coherence and the claim that inflection tends to minimize allomorphy while derivation preserves it. It is shown, however, that analogical change is a function of the degree of automaticity of the morphological and syntactic relationships concerned, and thus close inter- paradigmatic alternations may be subject to analogy as well. The direction of analogy can be determined either by reference to the unmarked base form or to opacity considerations.
Undena Publications,U.S. The IIwy Verbs and the Vowel System of Proto-West Semitic
Dissatisfaction is expressed with the theories generally offered as explanation for the development of the IIwy verbs in West Semitic. As a result, recourse is made to an internal reconstruction of the relevant groun as it occurs in Classical Arabic, in terms of its lin guistic context in that language. From this the conclusion is drawn that mid vowels (e: and o:) existed as phonemes in these verbs at an earlier stage. The comparative data from Ethiopic and Hebrew is then examined, and found to be in broad agreement with the Arabic conclusions. Reasons for the loss of the phonemes, and the circum stances of that loss, are briefly discussed.
Undena Publications,U.S. Bibliographical Bulletin: Afroasiatic Linguistics 1979
Undena Publications,U.S. Consonant Phonemes of Proto-East-Cushitic
This paper is a preliminary attempt to reconstruct the consonant system of Proto-East-Cushitic (PEC)one of the four branches of the Cushitic family. Data are taken from some twenty-odd languages including unpublished material on a variety of hitherto little known languages. After discussing a number of general problems raised by the phonological comparison of the East Cushitic languages, 23 consonants are reconstructed for the inventory of the proto- language and the evidence for the reconstructions is presented in the form of cognate sets and correspondence rules which map the proto-phonemes onto the individual reflexes. The method employed is that of comparative linguistics as traditionally employed in Indo-European linguistics.
Undena Publications,U.S. The Sequential Forms in Late Egyptian and Biblical Hebrew: A Parallel Development of Verbal Systems
This paper presents the analysis of a common feature in Late Egyptian and Biblical Hebrew verbal systems, namely the existence of sequential forms, used to coordinate two sentences sharing the same time reference. This feature is analyzed both synchron ically and diachronically, whereby it appears that sequentiality is not a distinctive element of Egyptian and Semitic throughout their linguistic development, but a charac teristic of that area of Afroasiatic in one definite period of time. The formation of a new verbal paradigm containing sequential forms is tentatively interpreted within the general perspective of the creation of conjugated forms which supersede, in Late Egyp tian (plus Demotic and Coptic) and Biblical Hebrew (plus the post - Biblical language) the old formations, where differences in vocalic patterns indicated morphological varieties (Middle Egyptian sdm.f and Proto - Semitic / Ugaritic.
Undena Publications,U.S. On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer
Undena Publications,U.S. Ancient Seals and the Bible
Undena Publications,U.S. The Court of the Palms: A Functional Interpretation of the Mari Palace
Undena Publications,U.S. Babylonian Planetary Omens Part I: The Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa
The first in an intended series of studies of the canonical corpus of celestial omens, Enuma Anu Enlil. Tablet 63, the 'Venus' tablet, forms the basis of this study. Enuma Anu Enlil is the name by which the series of celestial omens was known to the Babylonians. The canonical corpus of celestial omens was divided by the ancient Babylonian scribes into about 70 tablets. Tablet 63 is of special interest to historians concerned with the chronology of the First Babylonian Dynasty.
Undena Publications,U.S. Three-dimensional Volumetric Analysis in an Archaeological Context: The Palace of Tupkish at Urkesh and its Representation (Urkesh/Mozan Studies 6)
This volume offers a detailed architectural analysis of the Palace of King Tupkish at Tell Mozan (ancient Urkesh), built around 2250 B.C., and located in the foothills of the Taurus Mountains in Al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria. The book studies the process of construction of the palace by examining the steps in the process through the chaîne opératoire method. In order to quantify these construction steps, the volume deals extensively with methodology through a series of algorithms by which the energetic investment in a construction project can be quantified. These algorithms are applicable in general to structures in stone and mudbrick, and can be used to define and compare the cost and value of such structures in a meaningful way. By combining the understanding of the individual steps in the process of construction with the general algorithms and the volumetric measurements from a precise 3D model of the Royal Palace, this study calculates the effort needed to construct the building.
Undena Publications,U.S. Mozan 1: The Soundings of the First Two Seasons
Preliminary soundings were conducted at Tell Mozan in the north-central portion of the Khabur plains in 1984 and 1985. This volume reports on the finds made as well as on various aspects of research goals of the project. The site has proven to be a major urban settlement of the third millennium and early part of the second millennium, with the possibility that it may correspond to ancient Urkish, known to have been a major Hurrian centre in the early periods.
Undena Publications,U.S. On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983]
Undena Publications,U.S. Ethics in Islam
Essays by Fazlur Rahman, Charles E Butterworth, George Makdisi, Kemal Faruki, George F Hourani, Wilferd Madelung, Frederick M Denny.
Undena Publications,U.S. The Discourse of Machiavelli's 'II Principe'
Undena Publications,U.S. The Oriental Institute Excavations at Selenkahiye, Syria: Terra-Cotta Figurines and Model Vehicles
This volume describes the 825 figurines and model vehicles that were discovered during the 1965 and 1967 seasins of excavations at Tell Selenkahiye and Wreyde in Syria.
Undena Publications,U.S. An Early Village Site at Zawi Chemi Shanidar
Undena Publications,U.S. A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic
A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic lists (from English into Nigerian Arabic) approximately 6,000 lexemes with some illustrative sentences. The dictionary gives evidence of a dialect change in a diachronic span of nearly 50 years; this particular dialect reflects the confluence of Eastern and Western Arabic (Lake Chad to Kano). The work is geared to be of use to the specialist in comparative Arabic dialectology and to the general linguist interested in Afroasiatic data from a synchronic point of view as well as to the Africanist dealing with linguistic diffusion and borrowing.
Undena Publications,U.S. Immortal Egypt
Essays on Egyptology by G.R. Hughes, D. Schmandt-Besserat, K. Butzer, W.K. Simpson, H.A. Liebowitz, T.A. Wertime, L. Mesnick Gallery and C. Aldred.
Undena Publications,U.S. English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian
This lexical index will provide a useful aid for locating Middle Egyptian textual material.
Undena Publications,U.S. Les sattukku dans l'Esumesa durant la periode d'Isin et Larsa
Undena Publications,U.S. Tamazight of the Ayt Ndhir
Undena Publications,U.S. Assur 14446: la famiglia A
Undena Publications,U.S. Rhetoric and Poetic in Thomas More's 'Utopia'