Search results for ""the pragmatic programmers""
The Pragmatic Programmers Driving Technical Change
Finding cool languages, tools, or development techniques is easy-new ones are popping up every day. Convincing co-workers to adopt them is the hard part. The problem is political, and in political fights, logic doesn't win for logic's sake. Hard evidence of a superior solution is not enough. But that reality can be tough for programmers to overcome. In Driving Technical Change: Why People On Your Team Don't Act on Good Ideas, and How to Convince Them They Should, Adobe software evangelist Terrence Ryan breaks down the patterns and types of resistance technologists face in many organizations. You'll get a rich understanding of what blocks users from accepting your solutions. From that, you'll get techniques for dismantling their objections-without becoming some kind of technocratic Machiavelli. In Part I, Ryan clearly defines the problem. Then in Part II, he presents "resistance patterns"-there's a pattern for each type of person resisting your technology, from The Uninformed to The Herd, The Cynic, The Burned, The Time Crunched, The Boss, and The Irrational. In Part III, Ryan shares his battle-tested techniques for overcoming users' objections. These build on expertise, communication, compromise, trust, publicity, and similar factors. In Part IV, Ryan reveals strategies that put it all together-the patterns of resistance and the techniques for winning buy-in. This is the art of organizational politics. In the end, change is a two-way street: In order to get your co-workers to stretch their technical skills, you'll have to stretch your soft skills. This book will help you make that stretch without compromising your resistance to playing politics. You can overcome resistance-however illogical-in a logical way.
The Pragmatic Programmers Agile Coaching
To lead change, you need to expand your toolkit, and this book gives you the tools you need to make the transition from agile practitioner to agile coach. "Agile Coaching" is all about working with people to create great agile teams. You'll learn how to build a team that produces great software and has fun doing it. In the process, you'll grow a team that's self-sufficient and skillful. This book provides you with deeper knowledge of how agile practices work and how to inspire your team to improve. Discover how to coach your team through the agile life cycle, from planning to writing software. Learn the secrets of running effective agile meetings and how to get your team following a consistent approach to creating software. You'll find chapters dedicated to introducing Test-Driven Development, designing Retrospectives, and making progress visible. Find out what works and what to avoid when introducing agile practices to your team. Throughout the book the authors share their personal coaching stories from experience with real teams, giving you insights into what works and what to avoid. Each chapter also covers hurdles that you and your team may face and what to do to clear them.
The Pragmatic Programmers Pragmatic Version Control Using Git
Whether you're making the switch from a traditional centralized version control system or are a new programmer just getting started, this book prepares you to start using Git in your everyday programming. "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git" starts with an overview of version control systems, and shows how being distributed enables you to work more efficiently in our increasingly mobile society. It then progresses through the basics necessary to get started using Git. You'll get a thorough overview of how to take advantage of Git. By the time you finish this book you'll have a firm grounding in how to use Git, both by yourself and as part of a team. Learn how to use how to use Git to protect all the pieces of your project. Work collaboratively in a distributed environment. Learn how to use Git's cheap branches to streamline your development. Install and administer a Git server to share your repository.
The Pragmatic Programmers Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves
Want to get better at coding Elixir? Write a hardware project with Nerves. As you build this binary clock, you'll build in resiliency using OTP, the same libraries powering many commercial phone switches. You'll attack complexity the way the experts do, using a layered approach. You'll sharpen your debugging skills by taking small, easily verified steps toward your goal. When you're done, you'll have a working binary clock and a good appreciation of the work that goes into a hardware system. You'll also be able to apply that understanding to every new line of Elixir you write. Combining software with hardware can be frustrating, but you can become proficient in no time by taking a simple, logical approach. Blinking a single LED is the traditional hello-world of embedded systems. Building your own binary clock is the logical next step. It blinks groupings of LEDs based on the system time. This guide walks you through a working project using the techniques used by experts who build software for hardware every day. This common sense project moves forward in tiny, logical steps. As you progress, you can verify each step before moving on to the next. You don't have to be a Nerves novice to benefit from this project. Become a better Elixir programmer as you build your own desktop showpiece. With a layered approach to software design, you'll learn to control the complexity of your programs the way the experts do by focusing on one small slice of your system at a time. When you're done, you'll have your own binary clock, and also more of the tools you need to design and build your own Nerves and Elixir projects. You'll also be a better programmer with a deeper appreciation of layering techniques for controlling complexity. What You Need: This project is for Elixir developers who want to get started with Nerves, or improve their skills. The project is designed for Elixir 1.11 and Nerves 1.7, but later versions will probably work as well with slight modifications. The project uses a Raspberry Pi zero with a set of components. With slight modifications, you can make this book work with other components as well.
The Pragmatic Programmers Programming WebRTC: Build Real-Time Streaming Applications for the Web
Build your own video chat application - but that's just the beginning. With WebRTC, you'll create real-time applications to stream any kind of user media and data directly from one browser to another, all built on familiar HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Power real-time activities like text-based chats, secure peer-to-peer file transfers, collaborative brainstorming sessions - even multiplayer gaming. And you're not limited to two connected users: an entire chapter of the book is devoted to engineering multipeer WebRTC apps that let groups of people communicate in real time. You'll create your own video conferencing app. It's all here. WebRTC is an API exposed in all modern web browsers. After almost a decade of development, the WebRTC specification was finalized, and this book provides faithful coverage of that finalized specification. You'll start by building a basic but complete WebRTC application for video chatting. Chapter by chapter, you'll refine that app and its core logic to spin up new and exciting WebRTC-powered apps that will have your users sharing all manner of data with one another, all in real time. No third-party libraries or heavy downloads are required for you or your users: you'll be writing and strengthening your knowledge of vanilla JavaScript and native browser APIs. You'll learn how to directly connect multiple browsers over the open internet using a signaling channel. You will gain familiarity with a whole set of Web APIs whose features bring WebRTC to life: requesting access to users' cameras and microphones; accessing and manipulating arbitrary user files, right in the browser; and web storage for persisting shared data over the life of a WebRTC call. Like any Web API, WebRTC doesn't enjoy a perfect implementation in any browser. But this book will guide you in writing elegant code to the specification, with backward-compatible fallback code for use in almost all modern browsers. Use WebRTC to build the next generation of web applications that stream media and data in real time, directly from one user to another - all by working in the browser. What You Need: Readers need a text editor, an up-to-date copy of Chrome or Firefox, and a POSIX-style command-line shell. They'll also need to install a little bit of open-source software, especially Node.js. All necessary setup is covered in full in the book's introductory chapter.
The Pragmatic Programmers Exploring Graphs with Elixir: Connect Data with Native Graph Libraries and Graph Databases
Data is everywhere - it's just not very well connected, which makes it super hard to relate dataset to dataset. Using graphs as the underlying glue, you can readily join data together and create navigation paths across diverse sets of data. Add Elixir, with its awesome power of concurrency, and you'll soon be mastering data networks. Learn how different graph models can be accessed and used from within Elixir and how you can build a robust semantics overlay on top of graph data structures. We'll start from the basics and examine the main graph paradigms. Get ready to embrace the world of connected data! Graphs provide an intuitive and highly flexible means for organizing and querying huge amounts of loosely coupled data items. These data networks, or graphs in math speak, are typically stored and queried using graph databases. Elixir, with its noted support for fault tolerance and concurrency, stands out as a language eminently suited to processing sparsely connected and distributed datasets. Using Elixir and graph-aware packages in the Elixir ecosystem, you'll easily be able to fit your data to graphs and networks, and gain new information insights. Build a testbed app for comparing native graph data with external graph databases. Develop a set of applications under a single umbrella app to drill down into graph structures. Build graph models in Elixir, and query graph databases of various stripes - using Cypher and Gremlin with property graphs and SPARQL with RDF graphs. Transform data from one graph modeling regime to another. Understand why property graphs are especially good at graph traversal problems, while RDF graphs shine at integrating different semantic models and can scale up to web proportions. Harness the outstanding power of concurrent processing in Elixir to work with distributed graph datasets and manage data at scale. What You Need: To follow along with the book, you should have Elixir 1.10+ installed. The book will guide you through setting up an umbrella application for a graph testbed using a variety of graph databases for which Java SDK 8+ is generally required. Instructions for installing the graph databases are given in an appendix.
The Pragmatic Programmers Design and Build Great Web APIs: Robust, Reliable, and Resilient
APIs are transforming the business world at an increasing pace. Gain the essential skills needed to quickly design, build, and deploy quality web APIs that are robust, reliable, and resilient. Go from initial design through prototyping and implementation to deployment of mission-critical APIs for your organization. Test, secure, and deploy your API with confidence and avoid the "release into production" panic. Tackle just about any API challenge with more than a dozen open-source utilities and common programming patterns you can apply right away. Good API design means starting with the API-First principle - understanding who is using the API and what they want to do with it - and applying basic design skills to match customers' needs while solving business-critical problems. Use the Sketch-Design-Build method to create reliable and scalable web APIs quickly and easily without a lot of risk to the day-to-day business operations. Create clear sequence diagrams, accurate specifications, and machine-readable API descriptions all reviewed, tested, and ready to turn into fully-functional NodeJS code. Create reliable test collections with Postman and implement proper identity and access control security with AuthO-without added cost or risk to the company. Deploy all of this to Heroku using a continuous delivery approach that pushes secure, well-tested code to your public servers ready for use by both internal and external developers. From design to code to test to deployment, unlock hidden business value and release stable and scalable web APIs that meet customer needs and solve important business problems in a consistent and reliable manner.
The Pragmatic Programmers Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Eliixir
Property-based testing helps you create better, more solid tests with little code. By using the PropEr framework in both Erlang and Elixir, this book teaches you how to automatically generate test cases, test stateful programs, and change how you design your software for more principled and reliable approaches. You will be able to better explore the problem space, validate the assumptions you make when coming up with program behavior, and expose unexpected weaknesses in your design. PropEr will even show you how to reproduce the bugs it found. With this book, you will be writing efficient property-based tests in no time. Most tests only demonstrate that the code behaves how the developer expected it to behave, and therefore carry the same blind spots as their authors when special conditions or edge cases show up. Learn how to see things differently with property tests written in PropEr. Start with the basics of property tests, such as writing stateless properties, and using the default generators to generate test cases automatically. More importantly, learn how to think in properties. Improve your properties, write custom data generators, and discover what your code can or cannot do. Learn when to use property tests and when to stick with example tests with real-world sample projects. Explore various testing approaches to find the one that's best for your code. Shrink failing test cases to their simpler expression to highlight exactly what breaks in your code, and generate highly relevant data through targeted properties. Uncover the trickiest bugs you can think of with nearly no code at all with two special types of properties based on state transitions and finite state machines. Write Erlang and Elixir properties that generate the most effective tests you'll see, whether they are unit tests or complex integration and system tests. What You Need Basic knowledge of Erlang, optionally Elixir For Erlang tests: Erlang/OTP >= 20.0, with Rebar >= 3.4.0 For Elixir tests: Erlang/OTP >= 20.0, Elixir >= 1.5.0
The Pragmatic Programmers Xcode Treasures
Learn the critical tips and techniques to make using Xcode for the iPhone, iPad, or Mac easier, and even fun. Explore the features and functionality of Xcode you may not have heard of. Go under the hood to discover how projects really work, so when they stop working, you'll know how to fix them. Explore the common problems developers face when using Xcode, and find out how to get the most out of your IDE. Dig into Xcode, and you'll discover it's richer and more powerful than you might have thought. Get a huge productivity boost by working with Xcode instead of against it. Instead of hacky code fixes and manual processes, once you know the the why and how of Xcode's process, you'll discover that doing things Xcode's way makes your app development more elegant and less aggravating. Explore the major features of Xcode: project management, building UIs with storyboards, code editing, compiling apps, fixing bugs and performance problems, unit- and UI testing, and source code management. Go beyond the basics and explore tasks that professionals deal with when they're working on big projects. Create storyboards that many developers can work on at once, even as projects grow to hundreds or thousands of files. Find the tools that make the code editor pleasant to work with, even in long coding sessions. Discover the right way to find and fix bugs when you have lots of code that's not always playing nicely together.Dig into specific and little-discussed features that help developers on Apple's other platforms: macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. When you're ready to distribute your app, learn how Apple's code-signing system really works. Find out when to let Xcode handle it automatically, and how to do it manually when needed. Discover how much easier and more fun iOS development is when you know the secrets of the tools. What You Need: This book requires Xcode 9 and a Mac running macOS High Sierra (10.13.2) or later. Additionally, an iOS device is recommended for on-device testing but not required.
The Pragmatic Programmers Build Reactive Web Sites with RxJS: Master Observables and Wrangle Events
Upgrade your skillset, succeed at work, and above all, avoid the many headaches that come with modern front-end development. Simplify your codebase with hands-on examples pulled from real-life applications. Master the mysteries of asynchronous state management, detangle puzzling race conditions, and send spaceships soaring through the cosmos. When you finish this book, you'll be able to tame the wild codebeasts before they ever get a chance to wreck your day. The front-end world can be fraught with complexity. The RxJS library offers a solution: Observables. Observables merge other JavaScript asynch mechanisms such as callbacks and promises into a new way of looking at data. Instead of dealing with objects and keeping track of their state, Observables view asynchronous events as a stream. RxJS provides you the tools to manage, manipulate, and process Observables to simplify and speed up your front-end applications. Never fear, you're in exactly the right place. Don't worry about getting stuck in a mire of theory. Start off with the basics, building small applications that illustrate deeper points. Take those building blocks and apply them to much more complex problems like handling asynchronous state and dodging race conditions before they happen. Once you've got a handle on complex problems, take a leap into architecture, discovering how to structure an Observable-based application both without a framework and in the land of Angular 2. After mastering Observables, switch gears to building a canvas-based game, demonstrating your deep understanding of the flexibility of Observables. Master the Observable with RxJS, and make your asynchronous JavaScript code that much cleaner and simpler. What You Need: Any major browser and text editor, as well as the current versions of git, NodeJS, and npm.
The Pragmatic Programmers The Ray Tracer Challenge
Brace yourself for a fun challenge: build a photorealistic 3D renderer from scratch! It's easier than you think. In just a couple of weeks, build a ray-tracer that renders beautiful scenes with shadows, reflections, brilliant refraction effects, and subjects composed of various graphics primitives: spheres, cubes, cylinders, triangles, and more. With each chapter, implement another piece of the puzzle and move the renderer that much further forward. Do all of this in whichever language and environment you prefer, and do it entirely test-first, so you know it's correct. Recharge yourself with this project's immense potential for personal exploration, experimentation, and discovery. The renderer is a ray tracer, which means it simulates the physics of light by tracing the path of light rays around your scene. Each exciting chapter presents a bite-sized piece of the puzzle, building on earlier chapters and setting the stage for later ones. Requirements are given in plain English, which you translate into tests and code. When the project is complete, look back and realize you've built an entire system test-first! There's no research necessary -- all the necessary formulas and algorithms are presented and illustrated right here. Dive into intriguing topics from fundamental concepts such as vectors and matrices; to the algorithms that simulate the intersection of light rays with spheres, planes, cubes, cylinders, and triangles; to geometric patterns such as checkers and rings. Lighting and shading effects, such as shadows and reflections, make your scenes come to life, and constructive solid geometry (CSG) enables you to combine your graphics primitives in simple ways to produce complex shapes. Play and experiment as you discover the fun of writing a ray tracer. Accept the challenge today! What You Need: Aside from a computer, operating system, and programming environment, you'll need a way to display PPM image files. On Windows, programs like Photoshop will work, or free programs like IrfanView. On Mac, no special software is needed, as Preview can open PPM files.
The Pragmatic Programmers Docker for Rails Developers
Docker does for DevOps what Rails did for web development--it gives you a new set of superpowers. Gone are works on my machine woes and lengthy setup tasks, replaced instead by a simple, consistent, Docker-based development environment that will have your team up and running in seconds. Gain hands-on, real-world experience with a tool that's rapidly becoming fundamental to software development. Go from zero all the way to production as Docker transforms the massive leap of deploying your app in the cloud into a baby step. Docker makes life as a Ruby and Rails developer easier. It helps build, ship, and run your applications, solving major problems you face every day. It allows you to run applications at scale, adding new resources as needed. Docker provides a reliable, consistent environment that's guaranteed to work the same everywhere. Docker lets you do all things DevOps without needing a PhD in infrastructure and operations. Want to spin up a cluster to run your app? No problem. Scale it up or down at will? You bet. Start by running a Ruby script without having Ruby installed on the local machine. Then Dockerize a Rails application and run it using containers, including creating your own custom Docker images tailored for running Rails apps. Describe your app declaratively using Docker Compose, specifying the software dependencies along with everything needed to run the application. Then set up continuous integration, as well as your deployment pipeline and infrastructure. Along the way, find out the best practices for using Docker in development and production environments. This book gives you a solid foundation on using Docker and fitting it into your development workflow and deployment process. What You Need: All you need is a Windows, Mac OS X or Linux machine to do development on. This book guides you through the process of installing Docker. Some basic familiarity with Linux/Unix is recommended even if you're using a Windows machine.
The Pragmatic Programmers Functional Programming - A PragPub Anthology
Explore functional programming and discover new ways of thinking about code. You know you need to master functional programming, but learning one functional language is only the start. In this book, through articles drawn from PragPub magazine and articles written specifically for this book, you'll explore functional thinking and functional style and idioms across languages. Led by expert guides, you'll discover the distinct strengths and approaches of Clojure, Elixir, Haskell, Scala, and Swift and learn which best suits your needs. Contributing authors: Rich Hickey, Stuart Halloway, Aaron Bedra, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn, Venkat Subramaniam, Paul Callaghan, Jose Valim, Dave Thomas, Natasha Murashev, Tony Hillerson, Josh Chisholm, and Bruce Tate. Functional programming is on the rise because it lets you write simpler, cleaner code, and its emphasis on immutability makes it ideal for maximizing the benefits of multiple cores and distributed solutions. So far nobody's invented the perfect functional language - each has its unique strengths. In Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology, you'll investigate the philosophies, tools, and idioms of five different functional programming languages.See how Swift, the development language for iOS, encourages you to build highly scalable apps using functional techniques like map and reduce. Discover how Scala allows you to transition gently but deeply into functional programming without losing the benefits of the JVM, while with Lisp-based Clojure, you can plunge fully into the functional style. Learn about advanced functional concepts in Haskell, a pure functional language making powerful use of the type system with type inference and type classes. And see how functional programming is becoming more elegant and friendly with Elixir, a new functional language built on the powerful Erlang base.The industry has been embracing functional programming more and more, driven by the need for concurrency and parallelism. This collection of articles will lead you to mastering the functional approach to problem solving. So put on your explorer's hat and prepare to be surprised. The goal of exploration is always discovery.What You Need: Familiarity with one or more programming languages.
The Pragmatic Programmers Pragmatic Guide to Sass 3
Design websites faster than ever using Sass--the most mature and popular CSS meta-language. On any platform, integrate Sass into your project, create a reusable style guide, and use maps to drastically reduce duplication in your stylesheets. You'll see how to code the right way in Sass with short, clear examples on two-page spreads that show the explanation on one side and code examples on the other. This ultimate guide to using Sass, written by its creator, is updated and expanded with all the new features found in Sass 3.4, making you an expert in no time. Sass lets you write CSS faster and more easily by enabling you to use features that regular CSS doesn't have yet. Bring the power of Sass to your projects, whether you use Node.js, Ruby, or any other programming language. This updated Pragmatic Guide gives you brief, targeted hands-on examples in an easy-to-follow modular format. Use variables to easily change color values, measurements, or fonts across a whole project. Pare down large style sheets into comprehensible code with maps and placeholder selectors. Organize your Sass with media queries to make maintainable, responsive designs.Create your own layout systems and build shared tooling across projects that make designs more consistent. Learn the differences between extends and mixins. Build data structures to make creating site-wide color schemes a breeze, and use placeholder selectors to keep style sheets cleaner. Pass content through mixins, prevent accidental deep nesting of selectors, and use cutting-edge modular add-ons in the new Sass ecosystem, such as Eyeglass, Susy, and Bourbon Neat. This revised guide covers all the new features in Sass 3.4, including selector parsing and manipulation. Make full use of all Sass's features by updating to the most mature and powerful CSS toolchain out there. What You Need: A solid understanding of CSS, and either comfort using the command line or installing GUI software on your computer. Sass 3.4 installed on any Mac, Linux, or Windows machine.
The Pragmatic Programmers Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks: When Threads Unravel
Your software needs to leverage multiple cores, handle thousands of users and terabytes of data, and continue working in the face of both hardware and software failure. Concurrency and parallelism are the keys, and Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks equips you for this new world. See how emerging technologies such as actors and functional programming address issues with traditional threads and locks development. Learn how to exploit the parallelism in your computer's GPU and leverage clusters of machines with MapReduce and Stream Processing. And do it all with the confidence that comes from using tools that help you write crystal clear, high-quality code. This book will show you how to exploit different parallel architectures to improve your code's performance, scalability, and resilience. Learn about the perils of traditional threads and locks programming and how to overcome them through careful design and by working with the standard library. See how actors enable software running on geographically distributed computers to collaborate, handle failure, and create systems that stay up 24/7/365. Understand why shared mutable state is the enemy of robust concurrent code, and see how functional programming together with technologies such as Software Transactional Memory (STM) and automatic parallelism help you tame it. You'll learn about the untapped potential within every GPU and how GPGPU software can unleash it. You'll see how to use MapReduce to harness massive clusters to solve previously intractible problems, and how, in concert with Stream Processing, big data can be tamed. With an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the different models and hardware architectures, you'll be empowered to tackle any problem with confidence. What You Need: The example code can be compiled and executed on *nix, OS X, or Windows. Instructions on how to download the supporting build systems are given in each chapter.
The Pragmatic Programmers Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference
Programmers run into parsing problems all the time. Whether it's a data format like JSON, a network protocol like SMTP, a server configuration file for Apache, a PostScript/PDF file, or a simple spreadsheet macro language--ANTLR v4 and this book will demystify the process. ANTLR v4 has been rewritten from scratch to make it easier than ever to build parsers and the language applications built on top. This completely rewritten new edition of the bestselling Definitive ANTLR Reference shows you how to take advantage of these new features. Build your own languages with ANTLR v4, using ANTLR's new advanced parsing technology. In this book, you'll learn how ANTLR automatically builds a data structure representing the input (parse tree) and generates code that can walk the tree (visitor). You can use that combination to implement data readers, language interpreters, and translators. You'll start by learning how to identify grammar patterns in language reference manuals and then slowly start building increasingly complex grammars. Next, you'll build applications based upon those grammars by walking the automatically generated parse trees. Then you'll tackle some nasty language problems by parsing files containing more than one language (such as XML, Java, and Javadoc). You'll also see how to take absolute control over parsing by embedding Java actions into the grammar. You'll learn directly from well-known parsing expert Terence Parr, the ANTLR creator and project lead. You'll master ANTLR grammar construction and learn how to build language tools using the built-in parse tree visitor mechanism. The book teaches using real-world examples and shows you how to use ANTLR to build such things as a data file reader, a JSON to XML translator, an R parser, and a Java class->interface extractor. This book is your ticket to becoming a parsing guru! What You Need: ANTLR 4.0 and above. Java development tools. Ant build system optional (needed for building ANTLR from source)
The Pragmatic Programmers Pragmatic Thinking and Learning
In this title: together we'll journey together through bits of cognitive and neuroscience, learning and behavioral theory; you'll discover some surprising aspects of how our brains work; and, see how you can beat the system to improve your own learning and thinking skills. In this book you'll learn how to: use the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition to become more expert; leverage the architecture of the brain to strengthen different thinking modes; avoid common 'known bugs' in your mind; learn more deliberately and more effectively; and, manage knowledge more efficiently. Software development happens in your head. Not in an editor, IDE, or design tool. It's time to take a pragmatic approach to thinking and learning, and start to refactor - and redesign - your brain.
The Pragmatic Programmers Rust Brain Teasers
The Rust programming language is consistent and does its best to avoid surprising the programmer. Like all languages, though, Rust still has its quirks. But these quirks present a teaching opportunity. In this book, you'll work through a series of brain teasers that will challenge your understanding of Rust. By understanding the gaps in your knowledge, you can become better at what you do and avoid mistakes. Many of the teasers in this book come from the author's own experience creating software. Others derive from commonly asked questions in the Rust community. Regardless of their origin, these brain teasers are fun, and let's face it: who doesn't love a good puzzle, right? What better way to exercise your brain and increase your Rust programming knowledge than with a collection of dynamic brain teasers? As you read through each of these puzzles and try to work out the answers, you'll not only learn about Rust's unique quirks and peculiarities, you'll also have loads of fun along the way. Dive right in and get started with example code and sample problems that cover numbers and text, shadowing and memory, and everything in between. Try to figure out why a particular program won't compile, why it produces unexpected output, or why it panics and terminates with an error message. Once you've run the code and read the answer, it's time to get to the heart of the matter with a detailed explanation. Learn why a program produced the result it did, and discover how similar issues might affect the code you write in your own programs, even in production. Sourced from engaging discussions within the Rust community, real-world problems, and even reader feedback, these challenges will certainly surprise, enlighten, and entertain you. Are you ready to experience Rust like never before? Then sharpen your brain and get ready for a challenge! What You Need: This book assumes you have some knowledge of the Rust programming language. To work through the brain teasers in this book, you'll need a working Rust environment on any platform. You can install Rust by visiting https: // You'll also need a text editor or Rust-friendly IDE.
The Pragmatic Programmers Build Websites with Hugo: Fast Web Development with Markdown
Rediscover how fun web development can be with Hugo, the static site generator and web framework that lets you build content sites quickly using the skills you already have. Design layouts with HTML and share common components across pages. Create Markdown templates that let you create new content quickly. Consume and generate JSON, enhance layouts with logic, and generate a site that works on any platform with no runtime dependencies or database. Hugo gives you everything you need to build your next content site and have fun doing it. Database-driven sites bring complexity you might not need, but building a site by hand is too much work. Hugo is a static site generator and web development framework that creates content sites quickly without the overhead or dependencies of a dyanmic web framework. With Hugo, you use HTML templates and Markdown to build static sites you can host anywhere, letting you use the skills you already have. Develop your own theme using standard HTML and CSS, using Hugo's powerful templating features to organize your site's components. Create your site's content with HTML or Markdown and use Hugo's content templating features to build new content quickly. Build a fully-featured blog with archive pages, tagging, and pagination, and integrate an external commenting system to provide interactivity. Use data from front-matter, site-wide configuration, and external JSON sources to add content, and generate JSON others can use. Integrate JavaScript with your site to create a search engine. Get Hugo working with Webpack so you can leverage the wider web development ecosystem, and explore ways to publish your site to various services. Finally, learn how you can move your existing content site to Hugo. Dive in and build your next site with Hugo!
The Pragmatic Programmers Designing Elixir Systems With OTP
You know how to code in Elixir; now learn to think in it. Learn to design libraries with intelligent layers that shape the right data structures, flow from one function into the next, and present the right APIs. Embrace the same OTP that's kept our telephone systems reliable and fast for over 30 years. Move beyond understanding the OTP functions to knowing what's happening under the hood, and why that matters. Using that knowledge, instinctively know how to design systems that deliver fast and resilient services to your users, all with an Elixir focus. Elixir is gaining mindshare as the programming language you can use to keep you software running forever, even in the face of unexpected errors and an ever growing need to use more processors. This power comes from an effective programming language, an excellent foundation for concurrency and its inheritance of a battle-tested framework called the OTP. If you're using frameworks like Phoenix or Nerves, you're already experiencing the features that make Elixir an excellent language for today's demands. This book shows you how to go beyond simple programming to designing, and that means building the right layers. Embrace those data structures that work best in functional programs and use them to build functions that perform and compose well, layer by layer, across processes. Test your code at the right place using the right techniques. Layer your code into pieces that are easy to understand and heal themselves when errors strike. Of all Elixir's boons, the most important one is that it guides us to design our programs in a way to most benefit from the architecture that they run on. The experts do it and now you can learn to design programs that do the same.What You Need: Elixir Version 1.7 or greater.
The Pragmatic Programmers Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning for Programmers
Self-driving cars, natural language recognition, and online recommendation engines are all possible thanks to Machine Learning. Now you can create your own genetic algorithms, nature-inspired swarms, Monte Carlo simulations, cellular automata, and clusters. Learn how to test your ML code and dive into even more advanced topics. If you are a beginner-to-intermediate programmer keen to understand machine learning, this book is for you. Discover machine learning algorithms using a handful of self-contained recipes. Build a repertoire of algorithms, discovering terms and approaches that apply generally. Bake intelligence into your algorithms, guiding them to discover good solutions to problems. In this book, you will: Use heuristics and design fitness functions. Build genetic algorithms. Make nature-inspired swarms with ants, bees and particles. Create Monte Carlo simulations. Investigate cellular automata. Find minima and maxima, using hill climbing and simulated annealing. Try selection methods, including tournament and roulette wheels. Learn about heuristics, fitness functions, metrics, and clusters. Test your code and get inspired to try new problems. Work through scenarios to code your way out of a paper bag; an important skill for any competent programmer. See how the algorithms explore and learn by creating visualizations of each problem. Get inspired to design your own machine learning projects and become familiar with the jargon. What You Need: Code in C++ (>= C++11), Python (2.x or 3.x) and JavaScript (using the HTML5 canvas). Also uses matplotlib and some open source libraries, including SFML, Catch and Cosmic-Ray. These plotting and testing libraries are not required but their use will give you a fuller experience. Armed with just a text editor and compiler/interpreter for your language of choice you can still code along from the general algorithm descriptions.
The Pragmatic Programmers Programming Elixir 1.6: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun
This book is the introduction to Elixir for experienced programmers, completely updated for Elixir 1.6 and beyond. Explore functional programming without the academic overtones (tell me about monads just one more time). Create concurrent applications, but get them right without all the locking and consistency headaches. Meet Elixir, a modern, functional, concurrent language built on the rock-solid Erlang VM. Elixir's pragmatic syntax and built-in support for metaprogramming will make you productive and keep you interested for the long haul. Maybe the time is right for the Next Big Thing. Maybe it's Elixir. Functional programming techniques help you manage the complexities of today's real-world, concurrent systems; maximize uptime; and manage security. Enter Elixir, with its modern, Ruby-like, extendable syntax, compile and runtime evaluation, hygienic macro system, and more. But, just as importantly, Elixir brings a sense of enjoyment to parallel, functional programming. Your applications become fun to work with, and the language encourages you to experiment. Part 1 covers the basics of writing sequential Elixir programs. We'll look at the language, the tools, and the conventions. Part 2 uses these skills to start writing concurrent code-applications that use all the cores on your machine, or all the machines on your network! And we do it both with and without OTP. Part 3 looks at the more advanced features of the language, from DSLs and code generation to extending the syntax. This edition is fully updated with all the new features of Elixir 1.6, with a new chapter on structuring OTP applications, and new sections on the debugger, code formatter, Distillery, and protocols. What You Need: You'll need a computer, a little experience with another high-level language, and a sense of adventure. No functional programming experience is needed.
The Pragmatic Programmers Node.js 8 the Right Way
Node.js is the platform of choice for creating modern web services. This fast-paced book gets you up to speed on server-side programming with Node.js 8, as you develop real programs that are small, fast, low-profile, and useful. Take JavaScript beyond the browser, explore dynamic language features, and embrace evented programming.Harness the power of the event loop and non-blocking I/O to create highly parallel microservices and applications. This expanded and updated second edition showcases the latest ECMAScript features, current best practices, and modern development techniques. JavaScript is the backbone of the modern web, powering nearly every web app's user interface. Node.js is JavaScript for the server. This greatly expanded second edition introduces new language features while dramatically increasing coverage of core topics. Each hands-on chapter offers progressively more challenging topics and techniques, broadening your skill set and enabling you to think in Node. Write asynchronous, non-blocking code using Node's style and patterns. Cluster and load balance services with Node core features and third-party tools. Harness the power of databases like Elasticsearch and Redis. Work with many protocols, create RESTful web services, TCP socket clients and servers, and more. Test your code's functionality with Mocha, and manage its life cycle with NPM. Discover how Node pairs a server-side event loop with a JavaScript runtime to produce screaming fast, non-blocking concurrency. Through a series of practical programming domains, use the latest available ECMAScript features and harness key Node classes and popular modules. Create rich command-line tools and a web-based UI using modern web development techniques. Join the smart and diverse community that's rapidly advancing the state of the art in JavaScript development. What You Need: Node.js 8.xOperating system with bash-like shellOMQ (pronounced "Zero-M-Q") library, version 3.2 or higherElasticsearch version 5.0 or higherjq version 1.5 or higherRedis version 3.2 or higher
Pearson Education (US) Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change
“In this second edition of Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck organizes and presents five years’ worth of experiences, growth, and change revolving around XP. If you are seriously interested in understanding how you and your team can start down the path of improvement with XP, you must read this book.” — Francesco Cirillo, Chief Executive Officer, XPLabs S.R.L. “The first edition of this book told us what XP was—it changed the way many of us think about software development. This second edition takes it farther and gives us a lot more of the ‘why’ of XP, the motivations and the principles behind the practices. This is great stuff. Armed with the ‘what’ and the ‘why,’ we can now all set out to confidently work on the ‘how’: how to run our projects better, and how to get agile techniques adopted in our organizations.” — Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers LLC “This book is dynamite! It was revolutionary when it first appeared a few years ago, and this new edition is equally profound. For those who insist on cookbook checklists, there’s an excellent chapter on ‘primary practices,’ but I urge you to begin by truly contemplating the meaning of the opening sentence in the first chapter of Kent Beck’s book: ‘XP is about social change.’ You should do whatever it takes to ensure that every IT professional and every IT manager—all the way up to the CIO—has a copy of Extreme Programming Explained on his or her desk.” — Ed Yourdon, author and consultant “XP is a powerful set of concepts for simplifying the process of software design, development, and testing. It is about minimalism and incrementalism, which are especially useful principles when tackling complex problems that require a balance of creativity and discipline.” — Michael A. Cusumano, Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management, and author of The Business of Software “ Extreme Programming Explained is the work of a talented and passionate craftsman. Kent Beck has brought together a compelling collection of ideas about programming and management that deserves your full attention. My only beef is that our profession has gotten to a point where such common-sense ideas are labeled ‘extreme.’...” — Lou Mazzucchelli, Fellow, Cutter Business Technology Council “If your organization is ready for a change in the way it develops software, there’s the slow incremental approach, fixing things one by one, or the fast track, jumping feet first into Extreme Programming. Do not be frightened by the name, it is not that extreme at all. It is mostly good old recipes and common sense, nicely integrated together, getting rid of all the fat that has accumulated over the years.” — Philippe Kruchten, UBC, Vancouver, British Columbia “Sometimes revolutionaries get left behind as the movement they started takes on a life of its own. In this book, Kent Beck shows that he remains ahead of the curve, leading XP to its next level. Incorporating five years of feedback, this book takes a fresh look at what it takes to develop better software in less time and for less money. There are no silver bullets here, just a set of practical principles that, when used wisely, can lead to dramatic improvements in software development productivity.” — Mary Poppendieck, author of Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit “Kent Beck has revised his classic book based on five more years of applying and teaching XP. He shows how the path to XP is both