Search results for ""jones and bartlett publishers, inc""
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research
Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research continues to be an essential resource for teaching students how to translate research into practice in an updated sixth edition. Built upon the foundation of the five step IDP process (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation), this comprehensive resource guides students through the hierarchy of evidence while interweaving concepts such as the evolution of nursing science, quality improvement projects and how they relate to evidence-based practice, as well as search strategies and how to choose a specific research design. Both students and instructors alike praise the organization and presentation of content from authors, Schmidt and Brown. They divided chapters into ‘bites', breaking down larger core concepts into smaller, easily digestible parts of the whole, ensuring nursing students grasp a key concept before progressing to the next. Furthermore, to bring content to life, they've woven the Apply What You've Learned case study throughout every chapter to illustrate the importance of hand hygiene. Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research, Sixth Edition delivers a solid introduction to nursing research and substantive strategies that will prepare nursing students for evidence-based point-of-care in their clinical careers.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist
Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, Fourteenth Edition progresses through crucial topics in dental hygiene in a straightforward format to ensure students develop the knowledge and skills they need for successful, evidence-based practice in today's rapidly changing oral health care environment. This cornerstone text, used in almost every dental hygiene education program in the country, has been meticulously updated by previous co-authors, Linda Boyd, and Lisa Mallonee to even better meet the needs of today's students and faculty, while reflecting the current state of practice in dental hygiene. Maintaining the hallmark outline format, the Fourteenth Edition continues to offer the breadth and depth of coverage necessary not only for foundation courses bur for use throughout the entire dental hygiene curriculum. The workbook is now included in Navigate Premier Access! The engaging workbook reinforces important concepts of the main text and provides hands-on exercises that put those concepts into practice.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials of Software Engineering
Written for the undergraduate, 1-term course, Essentials of Software Engineering provides students with a systematic engineering approach to software engineering principles and methodologies. Comprehensive yet concise, the new edition covers some of the latest improvements in technology and tools, while reducing areas that are becoming less relevant. In-depth coverage of key issues, combined with a strong focus on software quality, makes Essentials of Software Engineering the perfect text for students entering the fast-growing and lucrative field of software development. The text includes thorough overviews of programming concepts, system analysis and design, principles of software engineering, development and support processes, methodologies, software testing, quality assurance, and product management, while incorporating real-world examples throughout. Key Features Presents a broad coverage of the software engineering field that lends itself well to an introductory course. Clearly differentiates and explains software engineering from the subtopics of software processes, software development, and software management. Expanded coverage of continuous integration and Agile methodologies. New coverage of contemporary design and development ideas, including SOA, microservices, virtualization, and containerization.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fundamentals Of Fire Fighter Skills
This textbook is packaged with Navigate 2 Advantage Access which unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Experience Navigate 2 today at Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills, Fourth Edition provides the complete Fire Fighter I and Fire Fighter II training solution. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) are pleased to bring you product enhancements and features that ensure student comprehension and enhanced critical thinking. The Fourth Edition features the same exceptional content, along with the latest research, standards and technology, including the latest research-based data from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Understanding that today’s fires release energy faster, reach flashover potential sooner, and may reach higher temperatures than building fires of the past is critically important for new and seasoned fire fighters. This foundational knowledge is covered extensively, in addition to recent data identifying the higher rate of physical and mental health issues in the fire service than the general population. Information relating to fire fighter health and safety has been revised and updated to include behavioral and physical health awareness topics and statistics. The new edition meets and exceeds the performance requirements in the latest edition of NFPA1001: Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. Along with a new design, the structure and organization of the Fourth Edition has been completely updated to allow you the flexibility to teach your Fire Fighter I and II courses exactly the way you wish. The Fourth Edition delivers: A split-level table of contents with distinct sections for Fire Fighter Level I and Level II chapters Full coverage of all JPRs and competencies required within the 2017 edition of NFPA Updated research and statistics, with reference information, is included to ensure evidence-based recommendations and protocols A new and improved Skill Drill design with clear, comprehensive visual summaries An updated art program featuring new photos and illustrations
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Hospital Pharmacy Practice For Technicians
Hospital Pharmacy Practice for Technicians is a comprehensive exploration of all aspects of hospital work, and provides a strong foundation for pharmacy students going out into the field. A review of roles and duties including IV preparation, central duties, and automated dispensing are explained. Specialty roles such as medication reconciliation and supervisory positions are also discussed. Common devices and equipment used are also described in detail. Hospital Pharmacy Practice for Technicians features a robust professionalism component tailored to interactions in a hospital setting, with an emphasis on decorum, appearance, punctuality, and communication. Licensing requirements, continuing education, finding employment, networking, and interviewing are also covered to assist students in their career. Boxed Features including: Tips and Tricks, Mistakes to Learn From, Successes to Learn From, In the Field, and Sidebar provide real-world application of material taught in the text and insightful information for clinical practice. Review Questions help the student synthesize the information read and promote critical thinking in regards to hospital duties and responsibilities.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Rapid Interpretation of Ventilator Waveforms
Ideal for students, as well as practicing professionals, Rapid Interpretation of Ventilator Waveforms, Third Edition guides readers from the basics in ventilator design, function, and management to advanced interpretations of ventilator waveforms. It's NEW full-color design provides clarity in the waveforms and each section is color-coded for ease of use. Intended to serve as a complement to a mechanical ventilation textbook, as well as a convenient reference, the text provides clear, easy-to-read illustration and examples of real waveforms to enhance learning. Every new print copy includes Navigate Advantage Access which unlocks an interactive eBook, additional case studies, and slides in PowerPoint format.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Behavior Theory for Public Health: Principles, Foundations, and Applications
This unique text examines health behavior theory, through the context of the “New Public Health”. Health Behavior Theory for Public Health will provide your students with a balanced professional education – one that explores the essential spectrum of theoretical tools as well as the core practices. Divided into three sections, the book takes an ecological approach to learning about health behavior theory and its application. The reader will first gain a broad understanding of health, public health, health behavior and health promotion planning. This is followed by a straightforward and expansive look at the most commonly applied theories and approaches to public health research and programs. Students will come away with a clear understanding of how theory fits into the larger scope of public health research and practice. Finally, readers will learn about the essential tasks of measurement, evaluation, and translation through an examination a diverse set of application tools. The Second Edition is a thorough update that offers two new chapters, new examples of application in the field, as well as new photos, pull quotes, and box features to engage the reader in learning. Key Features: • A new chapter on intervention mapping that examines the value of using multiple theories to better understand and thus better resolve social inequalities and prevent disease • A new chapter on social network theory that explores the basics of network theory and the profound influence of networks on the health behaviors of people at all stages of life. • New examples of the application of theory such as the highly successful structural-level of intervention of Citibike in New York City • New timely and relevant examples that illustrate difficult concepts such as evaluation and the diffusion of innovation
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc A Pocket Guide to Clinical Midwifery
A Pocket Guide to Clinical Midwifery: The Efficient Midwife, Second Edition is a must-have resource for midwives, women’s health nurse practitioners, and all levels of health care providers working in the women’s health field. Organized alphabetically for easy reference, it features important concepts, diagnostic tools, algorithms, and management options, including conventional, lifestyle, and complementary therapies, all in one place. Completely updated and revised, the new edition offers current evidence-based references, the latest medication recommendations, and midwifery practice pearls. Also provided are recent changes to practice, such as FHR monitoring, hypertensive guidelines, contraception updates, prenatal care, LGBTQIA+ support, precepting, sexual health, and evidence-based practice.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Introduction to Epidemiology
Introduction to Epidemiology is a comprehensive, reader-friendly introduction to this exciting field. Designed for students with minimal training in the biomedical sciences and statistics, this full-color text emphasizes the application of the basic principles of epidemiology according to person, place, and time factors in order to solve current, often unexpected, and serious public health problems. Students will learn how to identify and describe public health problems, formulate research hypotheses, select appropriate research designs, manage and analyze epidemiologic data, interpret and apply results in preventing and controlling disease and health-related events. With real-world examples in the form of case studies and news files in each chapter, Introduction to Epidemiology is an accessible and effective approach to learning epidemiology. Carefully revised throughout, the Ninth Edition offers:New chapters on Epidemiology Study Plan (5) and on Social Epidemiology (13)Greater em
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge
Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, Sixth Edition continues to help nursing students make sense of nursing informatics in an easy-to-follow approach. A practical guide for understanding how to efficiently use modern technology in today's healthcare system, this award-winning nursing textbook teaches students how to acquire, process and disseminate knowledge. The authors use their unique Foundation of Knowledge Model throughout as an organizational structure by which to learn and teach nursing informatics. This comprehensive framework guides students through the basic building blocks of nursing informatics (nursing science, information science, computer science, cognitive science) before diving into current technologies, tools, and trends in nursing informatics. The updated Sixth Edition provides nurse educators with the necessary tools to transfer the knowledge their students need to succeed in the information age. Rich learning features, including Case Studies, Work
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Kraus Recreation Leisure In Modern Society
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Anatomy & Physiology For The Prehospital Provider
Each new print copy of Anatomy & Physiology also includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. World-Class Medical Content To properly assess and manage a patient, a prehospital provider must have a solid foundation in human anatomy and physiology. Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider, Second Edition, uses a systemic approach to building this foundation. It begins by providing an overview of the basic systems of the human body and then explores each system in detail chapter by chapter, delivering a thorough discussion on the system's anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. With clear, accessible language and informative illustrations, the Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider, Second Edition is an effective and engaging learning experience. Strong Application to Real-World EMS Progressive patient case studies evolve throughout every chapter, offering the learner genuine context for the application of the knowledge presented. This approach shows the learner how all of the information will be used to help patients in the field. The Second Edition content includes: New section on the basics of chemistry Expanded section on joints Expanded content on muscular physiology Updated illustrations Additional pathophysiology, including cellular injury
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AMLS Spanish: Soporte vital médico avanzado: Soporte vital médico avanzado
AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support (Soporte vital médico avanzado) es el mejor curso para profesionales prehospitalarios sobre evaluación médica avanzada y el tratamiento de afecciones médicas frecuentes. AMLS, que se enseña en todo el mundo desde 1999, fue el primer programa de educación de servicios médicos de urgencia (EMS) en abordar por complete cómo manejar mejor a los pacientes en crisis médicas. Creado por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Medicina de Emergencia (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT) y con el respaldo de la Asociación Nacional de Médicos de EMS (National Association of EMS Physicians, NAEMSP), AMLS hace hincapié en el uso de la Vía de evaluación del soporte vital médico avanzado. Este instrumento de evaluación esencial les brinda a los profesionales prehospitalarios las herramientas necesarias para diagnosticar rápidamente a los pacientes médicos e iniciar una gestión eficaz en el terreno. AMLS es el único libro de texto aprobado para usarse en el curso de Soporte Vital Médico Avanzado de la NAEMT. Su contenido médico se revisa y actualiza continuamente para reflejar los conocimientos y las prácticas actuales basados en pruebas. La filosofía del AMLS se centra en el uso del pensamiento crítico para evaluar a los pacientes y formular planes de manejo. Un enfoque claro para evaluar a los pacientes médicos En el terreno, cada segundo cuenta. La Vía de evaluación de AMLS proporciona un enfoque sistemático para la evaluación de pacientes médicos que permite a los profesionales prehospitalarios diagnosticarlos con precisión urgente. Soluciones de tecnología dinámica El contenido de primera categoría une un diseño instructivo sólido con una interfaz fácil de usar para ofrecer a los instructores y a los estudiantes una experiencia de aprendizaje verdaderamente interactiva y atractiva: El libro electrónico del Manual del Curso de AMLS refuerza los conceptos clave presentados en el curso El Conjunto de herramientas para instructores en línea de AMLS contiene clases interactivas basadas en casos
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc German PHTLS & Course Manual: PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (Präklinisches Trauma-Lebenserhaltung) & PHTLS-Kurshandbuch
Auf dem Feld zählen die Sekunden. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, neunte Edition lehrt und bekräftigt die Prinzipien der raschen Beurteilung eines Traumapatienten unter Anwendung eines systematischen Vorgehens, der sofortigen Behandlung lebensbedrohlicher Probleme, sobald diese erkannt werden, und der Minimierung von Verzögerungen bei der Einleitung des Transports zu einem geeigneten Zielkrankenhaus. Entwickelt von der NAEMT (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT) spiegelt die neunte Edition von PHTS aktuelle, evidenzbasierte Erkenntnisse und Praktiken wider und fördert kritisches Denken als Grundlage für eine qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung. Dynamische Programmkomponenten Das PHTLS-Hauptlehrbuch, neunte Edition, ist die maßgebliche Ressource für die Traumabehandlung, die die medizinische Evidenz hinter den empfohlenen Prinzipien und Praktiken des PHTLS-Kurses detailliert beschreibt. Als nächster Schritt in der Entwicklung des PHTLS-Programms wird das Hauptlehrbuch von diesem neuen PHTLS-Kurshandbuch begleitet, das die Schlüsselkonzepte des Kurses bekräftigt und verdeutlicht, ein ansprechendes, interaktives Design aufweist und so geschrieben ist, dass Sie das Gefühl haben, an einem Gespräch teilzunehmen, anstatt einem Vortrag zuzuhören. Das Kurshandbuch enthält die folgenden Hauptmerkmale: Progressive Fallstudien - Überwachen Sie einen Patienten von Alarmierung über die Untersuchung bis hin zum Management und Transport und legen Sie fest, wie Sie einen ähnlichen Fall vor Ort behandeln würden. Fragen, die zum kritischen Denken einladen - Wenden Sie das im Kapitel vorgestellte Wissen an und stärken Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Patienten. Weitere Informationen - Erweitern Sie Ihr Verständnis von Vitalkonzepten und erforschen Sie die Erkenntnisse, die hinter den besten Praktiken zur Behandlung von Traumapatienten stehen. Lernfragen - Bereiten Sie sich auf den Erfolg beim Nachtest des Kurses vor, indem Sie die Hauptkonzepte des Kapitels durch praxisbezogene Fragen untermauern.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS 9e Spanish: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, Novena Edición: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, Novena Edición
Hace más de tres décadas, PHTLS: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario transformó la evaluación y manejo del trauma en el campo. A lo largo de los años y alrededor del mundo, el curso de PHTLS ha mejorado la calidad de la atención al paciente de trauma y ha salvado vidas. La novena edición de este confiable y fidedigno recurso continúa con la misión de PHTLS de promover la excelencia en el manejo de pacientes con trauma por parte de los proveedores involucrados en proporcionar la atención prehospitalaria mediante la educación global. Este legendario programa fue desarrollado por primera vez por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT), a principios de la década de los ochenta del siglo pasado con la cooperación del Comité para el Trauma del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, ACS-COT). Su contenido médico se revisa y actualiza en forma continua para reflejar lo último y más actualizado del conocimiento y la práctica con base en la evidencia. El PHTLS promueve el pensamiento crítico como fundamento para proporcionar una atención de calidad. Basándose en la creencia de que los profesionales de los servicios de emergencias médicas toman las mejores decisiones en beneficio de sus pacientes cuando se les proporciona una base sólida de conocimiento y principios clave para estimular sus habilidades de pensamiento crítico. Un enfoque claro para evaluar al paciente de trauma En el campo, los segundos cuentan. PHTLS: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, novena edición enseña y refuerza los principios para evaluar con rapidez al paciente con trauma usando un enfoque ordenado, tratando de inmediato los problemas que ponen en riesgo la vida conforme se van identificando y minimizando cualquier retraso para iniciar transporte a un destino adecuado. Soluciones de tecnología dinámica El contenido de clase mundial se une al diseño instructivo con una interfaz en línea fácil de usar para proporcionar a los instructores y estudiantes una medio de realmente interactivo con una atractiva experiencia de aprendizaje con: • E-book del Manual del curso PHTLS que refuerza los conceptos clave presentados en el curso del PHTLS.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Study Guide For Memmler's The Human Body In Health And Disease, Enhanced Edition
Help your students maximize their study time, improve their performance on exams, and succeed in the course with this updated Study Guide to accompany Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease, Fourteenth? Edition. The questions in this edition have been fully updated and revised to reflect the changes within the main text and the labeling and coloring exercises are taken from the illustrations designed for the book. Filled with empowering self-study tools and learning activities for every learning style, this practical Study Guide follows the organization of the main text chapter by chapter, helping students every step of the way toward content mastery. The variety of learning activities, with three main components, are designed to facilitate student learning of all aspects of anatomy, physiology, and the effects of disease, not merely to test knowledge. Addressing the Learning Objectives: Designed to be completed as students read through each chapter, this section includes labeling, coloring, matching, and short answer exercises. Making the Connections: Completing a concept map helps students integrate information from multiple learning objectives. Testing Your Knowledge: This section utilizes multiple choice, true/false, completion, short answer, and essay questions to identify areas requiring further study. This section also includes “Practical Applications” questions which use clinical situations to test students’ mastery of a subject. Answers to Study Guide questions are available on the instructor’s website on thePoint site for the main text.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach
Every new print copy includes Navigate Advantage Access that unlocks an interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, Intellectus statistics activities, homework review videos, SPSS tutorials (written and video), a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools. Nurses are leveraging new technologies to interpret and analyze clinical data. Understanding how to use that information and make appropriate clinical decisions are vital to their role and proper patient care. Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach, Fourth Edition presents the complicated topic of statistics in an understandable manner, so students are prepared to start their career no matter the setting. Relevant clinical examples followed by end of chapter application exercises, provide students the opportunity to practice statistics while learning. The Fourth Edition introduces Intellectus Statistics, a web-based statistical software program designed to help non-statisticians learn to conduct research and complete statistical analyses appropriately. Often, computer applications are the most stressful part of learning statistics. This program simplifies the process of learning the software while helping students produce and understand the actual statistics content. This holistic course package will prepare nursing students to efficiently read, understand, and interpret public health data to improve patient care.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fire Investigator: Principles and Practice
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) are pleased to bring you Fire Investigator: Principles and Practice, Sixth Edition, the next evolution in fire investigator training. Covering the entire spectrum of the 2020 Edition of NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation and 2021 Edition of NFPA 1033: Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator, the Sixth Edition offers a comprehensive introduction to the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective fire investigator. The textbook opens with details on how to use available investigation resources and the basics of fire science and investigation methodology, then evolves to discuss processes and special considerations for investigating specific types of fires and explosions. This progression helps readers understand complex intricate subject matter as theyand advance from basic technical knowledge to high-level analysis and be able to understand and understanding of complex fire events. Fire Investigator: Principles and Practice, Sixth Edition enhancements: Re-organized and consolidated content now delivered in only 18 chapters to better align to common course lengths Updated and expanded coverage of critical topics like fire investigator ethics, scene safety, legal issues, and scientific method analysis New cNew coverage of topics includinglike conducting research onlineonline research, controlled demolition approaches, use of canines, documentation ofing wildland fires, and more New cases, exercises, and thought-provoking questions to stimulate critical thinking Learn more in this interview with expert George Codding:
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, and Correlations
Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, and Correlations, Ninth Edition is the most student-friendly clinical chemistry text available today. The Ninth Edition keeps students at the forefront of what continues to be one of the most rapidly advancing areas of laboratory medicine with clear explanations that balance analytic principles, techniques, and correlation of results with coverage of disease states. The book not only demonstrates the how of clinical testing, but also the what, why, and when of testing correlations to help students develop the knowledge and interpretive and analytic skills they’ll need in their future careers.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs
Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs, Eighth Edition provides students with a comprehensive overview of the practical and theoretical skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion programs in a variety of settings. The Eighth Edition incorporates a straightforward, step-by-step format to make concepts clear and the full process of health promotion planning understandable. This edition features updated information throughout, including the most current Responsibilities, Competencies and Subcompetencies (NCHEC & SOPHE, 2020), the Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession (CNHEO, 2020), a Report of the Joint Committee on Health Education and Promotion Terminology, and a new set of goals and objectives for the nation -- Healthy People 2030.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Digital Forensics, Investigation, and Response
Digital Forensics, Investigation, and Response, Fourth Edition begins by examining the fundamentals of system forensics: what forensics is, an overview of computer crime, the challenges of system forensics, and forensics methods and labs. The second part of this book addresses the tools, techniques, and methods used to perform computer forensics and investigation. These include collecting evidence, investigating information hiding, recovering data, and scrutinizing email. It also discusses how to perform forensics in Windows, Linux, Macintosh operating systems, mobile devices, and networks. Finally, the third part explores incident and intrusion response, emerging technologies and future directions of this field, and additional system forensics resources. Each new print copy includes Navigate eBook Access enabling you to read your digital textbook online or offline from your computer, tablet, or mobile device.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AAOS Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care
Every new print copy of Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access which unlocks a complete, interactive eBook with nearly 250 embedded procedure videos, new Skills Checklists to accompany videos in PDF format, and Home Exercise step-by-step instructions in PDF format. Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition is a robust educational resource focused on how to evaluate and manage common musculoskeletal conditions. This text is used for immediate, point-of-care guidance in decision making and intervention and is a powerful educational product for many health professions dealing with the care of the musculoskeletal system. The easy-to-understand content and crisp presentation appeal to health care professionals and students. It is also a powerful tool to help educate patients regarding conditions and treatment. Up-to-date, step-by-step instruction and helpful illustrations to offer visual confirmation Consistent information throughout each section includes definitions, symptoms, tests, differential diagnosis, treatments, adverse outcomes, referral decisions and red flags. Physical Examination shows photographs and step-by-step descriptions of physical examination maneuvers; inspection and palpation, range of motion, muscle testing, and special tests. Home Exercise Program sections include a concise table of exercises along with step-by-step instruction and illustrations Clinical Case Studies can be found at the end of each section and allow readers to apply the knowledge they have learned in a realistic case scenario. Every new copy includes Navigate Premier with a full eBook, hundreds of procedure videos, Home Exercise instructions in PDF format, slides in PowerPoint format and more!
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy
Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy, Sixth Edition is the ultimate ‘how to’ guide for learning the practical and useful methods for reviewing scientific literature in the health sciences. This text is an outstanding resource for students who need a practical, step-by-step set of instructions for how to organize, conduct, and write a synthesis of literature on a topic of their choice. The hallmark of this text is the inclusion of the Matrix Method developed by the author which outlines one of the many ways to approach a literature review. This method is a practical, easy-to-use structure and process for reviewing research literature, particularly in the health sciences and nursing. Updates on PRISMA New content on predatory publishing “How-to” format, step-by-step instructions and practical examples Templates and interactive web resources Navigate Companion Website, including learning objectives and additional resources on the use of data visualization in health literature reviews
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Program Planning and Evaluation: A Practical Systematic Approach to Community Health
Health Program Planning and Evaluation: A Practical, Systematic Approach for Community Health, Fifth Edition carefully walks the reader through the process for developing, implementing, and evaluating successful community health promotion programs. Featuring reader-friendly, accessible language and practical tools and concepts, this invaluable resource prepares students and professionals to become not only competent health program planners, but savvy consumers of evaluation reports and prudent users of evaluation consultants. Thoughtfully constructed, the authors uniquely use program theory–a conceptual model of program planning and evaluation–throughout the text to reinforce the cyclical nature of the process. Additionally, each chapter concludes with a summary that is organized by levels of the public health pyramid, reinforcing the social-ecological and multi-level nature of health promotion and public health planning. Key Features: • Examples and references from public health, medicine, nursing, social work, and community health that provide an interdisciplinary perspective while addressing public health programming. • Systems thinking concepts, such as feedback, and its importance to those who fund health programs and desire to support programs creating systems change. • Greater focus on cultural humility • New full color design that brings tables, figures and diagrams to life • Updated research references, such as studies using geographic information systems and other advances in the use of integrated data in public health • Updated internet resources in each chapter, including sources outside the United States • Each new print copy includes Navigate eBook Access enabling you to read your digital textbook online or offline, on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients: Caring for Suffering Patients
Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients continues to explore the concept of suffering as it relates to nursing practice in an updated new edition. This text helps practicing nurses and students define and recognize various aspects of suffering across the lifespan and within various patient populations, while providing guidance in alleviating suffering. In addition, the authors discuss ways nurses that witness suffering can optimize their own coping skills and facilitate personal growth. The Second Edition aligns with the recently updated ELNEC and AACN competencies and features three new chapters discussing advance care planning, palliative care for those with serious illnesses, and strategies for having difficult conversations with patients and families. How do we identify a patient who is suffering? How do we assess whether our patient (and/or their family) is coping with the event? What can we do to alleviate patient suffering? How can we convey the extent of the suffering to the other members of the healthcare team and advocate excellent palliative care for our patients? Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients, Second Edition answers these questions and more, making it an indispensable resource for nursing students and nurses employed in a variety of health care settings.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion: Context, Controversies, And Solutions
The new second edition of this forward-thinking text goes beyond the discussion of health disparities to highlight the importance of health equity. As the new title suggests, Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Context, Controversies, and Solutions helps the reader understand key social justice issues relevant to health disparities and/or health equity, taking the reader from the classroom to the real world to implement new solutions. The new Second Edition features: - Two new chapters: one on the impact of urban education on urban health (Ch 4) and another covering the elderly and health equity (Ch 10) - Updated and enhanced coverage on men’s health, demographic data, the importance of cultural proficiency, maternal mortality and Black women, and much more. - Current trends and movements, including the role of social media in the provision of health care information for improved health literacy; mass incarceration and criminal justice reform; and new efforts toward resolving health disparities. - Case studies and problems that engage students in thinking about health disparities/equity and diversity issues and prompt them to consider possible solutions.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support
AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support is the leading course for prehospital practitioners in advanced medical assessment and treatment of commonly encountered medical conditions. Taught across the globe since 1999, AMLS was the first EMS education program that fully addressed how to best manage patients in medical crises. Created by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) and endorsed by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), AMLS emphasizes the use of the AMLS Assessment Pathway. This essential assessment tool empowers prehospital practitioners to rapidly diagnose medical patients and initiate effective management in the field. AMLS is the only textbook approved for use in NAEMT’s Advanced Medical Life Support course. Its medical content is continuously revised and updated to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. The AMLS philosophy is centered on using critical thinking to assess patients and formulate management plans. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Medical Patient In the field, seconds count. The AMLS Assessment Pathway provides a systematic approach to the assessment of a medical patient that enables prehospital practitioners to diagnose medical patients with urgent accuracy. Dynamic Technology Solutions World-class content joins instructionally sound design with a user-friendly interface to give instructors and students a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with: eBook of the AMLS Course Manual that reinforces key concepts presented in the AMLS course Engaging case-based lectures in the AMLS Online Instructor Toolkit
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Managing Risk In Information Systems
PART OF THE JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY & ASSURANCE SERIES Revised and updated with the latest data in the field, the Second Edition of Managing Risk in Information Systems provides a comprehensive overview of the SSCP® Risk, Response, and Recovery Domain in addition to providing a thorough overview of risk management and its implications on IT infrastructures and compliance. Written by industry experts, and using a wealth of examples and exercises, this book incorporates hands-on activities to walk the reader through the fundamentals of risk management, strategies and approaches for mitigating risk, and the anatomy of how to create a plan that reduces risk. Instructor's Material for Managing Risk in Information Systems include: PowerPoint Lecture Slides Instructor's Guide Course Syllabus Quiz & Exam Questions Case Scenarios/Handouts
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Network Security, Firewalls And Vpns
PART OF THE NEW JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY & ASSURANCE SERIES Fully revised and updated with the latest data from the field, Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs, third Edition provides a unique, in-depth look at the major business challenges and threats that are introduced when an organization’s network is connected to the public Internet. Written by an industry expert, this book provides a comprehensive explanation of network security basics, including how hackers access online networks and the use of Firewalls and VPNs to provide security countermeasures. Using examples and exercises, this book incorporates hands-on activities to prepare the reader to disarm threats and prepare for emerging technologies and future attacks. Key Features: -Introduces the basics of network security—exploring the details of firewall security and how VPNs operate -Illustrates how to plan proper network security to combat hackers and outside threats -Discusses firewall configuration and deployment and managing firewall security -Identifies how to secure local and internet communications with a VPN Instructor Materials for Network Security, Firewalls, VPNs include: PowerPoint Lecture Slides Exam Questions Case Scenarios/Handouts About the Series This book is part of the Information Systems Security and Assurance Series from Jones and Bartlett Learning. Designed for courses and curriculums in IT Security, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance, and Information Systems Security, this series features a comprehensive, consistent treatment of the most current thinking and trends in this critical subject area. These titles deliver fundamental information-security principles packed with real-world applications and examples. Authored by Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSPs), they deliver comprehensive information on all aspects of information security. Reviewed word for word by leading technical experts in the field, these books are not just current, but forward-thinking—putting you in the position to solve the cybersecurity challenges not just of today, but of tomorrow, as well.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Criminology: Theory, Research, And Policy
Crime is an important social issue and how policymakers deal with crime (via crime policy) can have enormous social and financial implications. The fourth edition of best-selling Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy discusses criminal behavior and explores the factors that contribute to crime as well as the social reactions to crime. By making the connection between theory, research, and policy, the authors demonstrate the relevancy of criminological theory in the public attempt to control crime while providing justice. The emphasis on these three elements with pertinent discussions and examples is what sets this text apart from other criminology titles.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Epidemiology For Public Health Practice
Epidemiology for Public Health Practice is a best-selling text offering comprehensive coverage of all the major topics in introductory epidemiology and alignment to the core competencies in epidemiology for graduate and undergraduate courses. With extensive treatment of the heart of epidemiology—from study designs to descriptive epidemiology to quantitative measures—this reader-friendly text is accessible and interesting to a wide range of beginning students in all health-related disciplines. A unique focus is given to real-world applications of epidemiology and the development of skills that students can apply in subsequent course work and in the field. Significantly updated, the new Sixth Edition offers: • New chapter on epidemiology and policy • Increased emphasis on health disparities, genetic epidemiology, and current epidemics (e.g., the opioid epidemic, cannabis misuse, and gun violence) • Coverage of data acquisition (big data), wearable technology for collecting health data, climate change, and more. • Unique chapters on psychosocial epidemiology, environmental and occupation health, molecular and genetic epidemiology, and career options • Refreshed examples, updated tables and figures throughout the text
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
The eighth edition of Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults provides readers with both an explanatory and a descriptive basis for the processes of motor development. Covering the entire lifespan, this text focuses on the phases of motor development and provides a solid introduction to the biological, affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects within each developmental stage. Readers are presented with the most up-to-date research and theory, while the Triangulated Hourglass Model is used as a consistent conceptual framework that clearly defines infant, childhood, adolescent, and adult motor development. Key Features: -- In order to reflect current research and professional viewpoints, all chapters have been extensively revised, particularly those focused on the development of fundamental movement, perceptual-motor development, and motor skill intervention. -- Age-group-specific chapters in the Eighth Edition feature an enhanced focus on intervention. -- Developmental Dilemma Boxes consider interesting and perplexing questions raised by the study of human development. -- International Perspective Boxes consider how perspectives on various aspects of human growth and development differ depending on cultural norms, ethnicity, socioeconomic conditions, and a host of other factors. -- Every new print copy includes access to Navigate 2 Advantage, a dynamic technology solution with online learning materials including an interactive eBook, student study aids and assessments, and more.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation
An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation, Fourth Edition is a comprehensive and accurate overview of the practical application of forensic science in crime scene investigation.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Botany: An Introduction To Plant Biology
Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology, Seventh Edition continues to set the standard for the fundamentals of plant science. No botany text better connects structure to function and does so with higher quality art and imagery. Combining strong scientific grounding with an approachable writing style, Botany teaches and engages. The essentials to a foundational understanding of plant science are all there, including structure, genetics and evolution, physiology and development, and ecology. Now in an updated seventh edition, the text continues to lead with the latest material on molecular biology, plant biotechnology, and the most recent coverage of taxonomy and phylogeny of plants to keep students on the forefront of cutting-edge botanical research. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology, Seventh Edition is the clear choice for students digging into this exciting science.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Anatomy And Physiology For Health Professionals
Written with health professions students in mind, the Third Edition of Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals offers an engaging, approachable, and comprehensive overview of human anatomy and physiology. The Third Edition features a total of six multifaceted ‘Units’ which build upon an understanding of basic knowledge, take readers through intermediate subjects, and finally delve into complex topics that stimulate critical thinking. Heavily revised with updated content throughout, chapters include useful features, such as Common Abbreviations, Medical Terminology, the Metric System and more! Students will want to take advantage of the many resources available to reinforce learning —including Test Your Understanding questions that regularly assess comprehension, flash cards for self-study, an interactive eBook with more than 20 animations, and interactive and printable Lab Exercises and Case Studies. FEATURES Provides a comprehensive overview of human anatomy and physiology Presents content in an accessible manner targeted to health professions students Offers access to helpful animations and interactive learning tools Includes clinical images such as X-rays, CT scans and MRIs Covers the effects of aging on various body systems Offers robust end of chapter assessments for learners
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials Of Epidemiology In Public Health
Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health, Fourth Edition combines theory and practice in presenting traditional and new epidemiologic concepts. Broad in scope, the text opens with five chapters covering the basic epidemiologic concepts and data sources. A major emphasis is placed on study design, with separate chapters devoted to each of the three main analytic designs: experimental, cohort, and case-control studies. Full chapters on bias, confounding, and random error, including the role of statistics in epidemiology, ensure that students are well-equipped with the necessary information to interpret the results of epidemiologic studies. Up-to-date examples from the epidemiologic literature on diseases of public health importance are provided throughout the book. Key Features: • New examples and the latest public health statistics throughout • Coverage of the Ebola outbreak including an in-depth investigation of what happened • New examples that illustrate epidemiological principles including a greater emphasis on social factors that influence health, such as racism • Straightforward descriptions of the latest epidemiologic methods including mediation analysis, agent-based modelling, and the use of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to assess confounding. • An expanded glossary and key terms highlighted throughout the text
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc A Concise History of Public Health
This textbook is a concise history of public health, focusing on key moments, discoveries, events, and people. Written in narrative format, 15 chronologically-sequenced chapters engage the student in understanding each important discovery or theme that became integral to defining the mission of Public Health today. Through the use of real sources of the day, such as newspapers, government documents, contemporary textbooks, papers or journal articles about public health and medicine, the author creates a story that will draw in the reader and illuminate the importance of that particular topic. Key Features: • Ample illustrations depict important visual aspects of the event or era to complement the narratives. • The importance of each aspect of public health history is foreshadowed and linked to its relevance to public health today. • Each Public Health event is set in the context of surrounding events, such as war, politics, geography, or personalities, as public health is linked to social norms of the time. • Discussion questions for each chapter stimulate the student to apply critical thinking skills Chapters topics may include: 1. Early Theories of Health and Disease (includes Global Perspective) 2. The “Great Sanitary Awakening” 3. The Germ Theory of Disease 4. War and Public Health 5. The Environment and Health: Worker health and safety (Alice Hamilton); Clean Air, Water and Safer Food 6. The Antibiotic Era – The Discovery of Penicillin 7. Counting and Cholera – The History of Epidemiology 8. Puerperal Fever – The Health of Mothers and Babies 9. Tropical Diseases and The Panama Canal 10. Immunizations: From Coxpox to Vaccines 11. Science, Scurvy, and Public Health Nutrition (includes Vitamins) 12. Medicine and Public Health - Laws and the Organization of Public Health 13. The Great Tobacco Wars 14. The History of AIDS 15. Advances in Science, Medicine, Technology and Public Health History (might include transfusions, anesthesia, other technologies having public health significance)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials Of Public Health
New bonus chapter - Public Health Preparedenss and Response and the COVID-19 Pandemic - will be added to the eBook for Fall 2020 classes. As one of the foundational texts in the Essential Public Health series, Essentials of Public Health, Fourth Edition -- formerly authored by Turnock -- is a thorough introduction to the field of public health, covering public health practice, government public health, and careers in public health. After defining public health and looking at the current U.S. public health system and practice, the book explores population health measurement, policy development, and collaboration between the public health and the health system. Final chapters examine career opportunities in public health administration, epidemiology, public health nursing, and health education as well as emerging ones such as health information technologists, emergency managers, and more. Helpful learning tools such as chapter exercises and discussion questions, making it an ideal text to prepare your students for the profession of public health. Thoroughly revised, the Fourth Edition includes: - New unifying theme -- Public Health 3.0 and its new recommendations for 21st century public health practice -- woven throughout the first six chapters. - New content related to health reform under the ACA, including its implementation under the current administration, and its potential to improve public health - Significantly more tables and figures, references and weblinks,and new "Outside the Book" exercises to enhance learning. - Updated and enhanced chapters that detail the wide range of career opportunities in public health to help guide undergraduate students in their career path.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Chief Officer: Principles And Practice
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) are pleased to present you with the third edition of Chief Officer: Principles and Practice. The Third Edition addresses both Fire Officer III and Fire Officer IV levels of the 2020 Edition of NFPA 1021: Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications and is designed to help future chief officers as they transition from company officer and become problem-solving leaders for their organization. Good leadership is an essential element in the successful operational management of any organization. Today’s chief officers must prepare themselves and the staff they lead to navigate powerful trends—including political, ethical, legal, and sociological—that are likely to shape the fire service, impacting department structures and roles in the community, and altering the demands placed not only on fire service leaders but also on the personnel they lead. The Third Edition features exceptional content to prepare today’s fire service leaders to develop the leadership skills necessary to excel in their position and motivate their department members to become an efficient, effective, and safe response force. New to the Third Edition: A section on media relations programs that addresses communication methods, policy development, and crisis management A discussion of department risk management, including the importance of creating a risk management plan, taking an inventory of potential risks faced by department employees, and implementing control measures to correct deficiencies A section on preparing to deal with an active shooter or hostile event situation A discussion of the ways generational differences may influence a department member’s workplace expectations and preferences Expanded coverage of diversity policies and practices and consideration of LGBTQ rights to reflect the current workforce Information on long-range planning, including how to create a capital improvement plan and meet training needs The Third Edition features: A clear division of Fire Officer III and IV content After-Action Review sections that include detailed chapter summaries, key terms, and Chief Officer in Action case scenarios designed to reinforce chapter content New Deputy Chief and Fire Chief Activities that encourage students to take what they have learned about the Job Performance Requirements covered in the chapters and apply it to their own departments New case study continued from Fire Officer: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition that addresses the progression of responsibility from Fire Officer I to Fire Officer IV
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Stedman's Medical Terminology
An engaging and hands-on way to learn the language of health care, Stedman’s Medical Terminology, 2e uses a proven “work text” approach that helps students master the information they need to communicate successfully in the health care world. More than 4,500 questions make this the most comprehensive medical terminology resource on the market.Each chapter begins with enough coverage of anatomy and physiology to provide the context for learning the medical terms, followed by Word Part and Terminology Tables that provide strategies for figuring out the meaning of new words and connecting them to the appropriate body system. Exercises in every chapter progress in a meaningful way from recall and review, to word building, to comprehension, and finally to application and analysis. This approach allows student to a see their vocabulary grow and to connect what they are learning to a real-life context. Study Tips in every chapter highlight common errors people make when working with medical terms, and give you tips for success. Reorganized chapters now align with the Memmler’s Anatomy and Physiology text table of contents for cross-over consistency. Chapter Objectives have been changed to Learning Outcomes and rewritten where necessary. An updated design maximizes images and better aligns figures to content. Updated terms and references provide the most current and actively used language in today’s health care settings. Flashcards were removed from back of the text, but are still available online. Revised and updated ancillary materials reflect changes made in the text.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Legal Aspects Of Corrections Management
This updated third edition of Legal Aspects of Corrections Management provides a current, informative, and reader-friendly discussion of the contemporary legal issues impacting corrections management. Through the use of case law, this text provides readers with a practical understanding of how the First, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments relate to the day-to-day issues of running a prison, jail, and other corrections programs, such as probation and parole. The authors' combined corrections experience included such positions as General Counsel, Regional Counsel, and Correctional Program Officer, as well as working within corrections facilities. Their work involved advising corrections staff and management on the legal issues associated with policies and procedures. The authors also have extensive teaching experience in corrections law, the criminal justice system, and criminology. The benefits of such experiences are reflected in the comprehensive coverage of topics in this accessible and updated Third Edition. New to the Third Edition: -Cases and statistical information have been thoroughly updated. -Contains many new photos and figures throughout -New sections include: *Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA) *Double Jeopardy *DNA Collection *Searches of Non-Inmates *Legal Challenges to the Method of Execution *Standards of Employee Conduct *Fair Labor Standards Act *Portal-to-Portal Act *Title VII and Inmate-Created Hostile Work Environment *The Americans with Disabilities Act *Death Penalty for Juvenile Offenders Key Features: -Includes engaging real-world examples of common problems and occurrences in corrections to provide students and practitioners with a good understanding of the legal aspects of corrections management. -Provides insight into the legal steps that should be anticipated in a correctional lawsuit. -Provides an accessible and easy-to-understand collection of Supreme Court and significant lower court rulings on key issues in corrections. With the focus on Supreme Court cases, the text has applicability nationwide. -Focuses on constitutional issues affecting such areas as inmate correspondence, visiting, and religion (First Amendment); search and seizure, privacy (Fourth Amendment); due process (Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments); equal protection (Fourteenth Amendment); and the death penalty, conditions of confinement (cruel and unusual punishment), and health care (Eighth Amendment). -Includes coverage of statutory and administrative law, as well as chapters on probation and parole, jails, juveniles, privatization, and the loss of rights of convicted persons. -Includes examples of relevant documents, such as a civil complaint; a sample presentence investigation report; a listing of inmate rights and responsibilities; of misconduct charges; and of mission statements for departments of corrections.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Study Guide For The Nature Of Disease
Study Guide for The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions reinforces and consolidates the complex concepts presented in the companion text and facilitates content mastery. Its comprehensive set of self-study tools follows the Learning Objective in the main text. Each chapter also includes one or more Decision Trees, which provide practical algorithms for understanding the process of diagnostics and critical thinking for given topics in the health professions.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions
The Resource Nurse Educators Can Count On.The recent pandemic has driven rapid change in educational technology use, while the post-pandemic phase has driven a desire for intentional social learning and interaction. Furthermore, technology has changed the way students learn and educators teach. The updated Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions, Ninth Edition details the trends in teaching strategies and educational technology that promote effective learning for today's students. The Ninth Edition has been updated to provide the most current information and strategies for online learning and incorporating technology across settings. Chapters on blended learning and study abroad programs help students to gain a more diverse and increased global perspective. Highlighting innovative teaching techniques and real-world illustrations of the educational strategies, this text goes beyond theory to offer practical application principles that educators can count
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Communication Sciences and Disorders From Science to Clinical Practice
Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice, Fifth Edition is the ideal introductory text for undergraduate students enrolled in their first course in communication sciences and disorders. Written by experts in the field, this text contains fundamental information about speech disorders that are related to impairments in articulation, voice, and fluency, while providing the essential information on the speech, language, and hearing sciences combined with practical information about assessment and intervention practices. This new edition provides readers with a wide-angle view of communication disorders, covering the variety of topics that speech, language, and hearing scientists study, and the variety of individuals that Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists treat.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Pathophysiology A Practical Approach
Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach, Fifth Edition provides an innovative, practice-ready, approach to foundational pathophysiology for pre-licensure nursing students. Dr. Story takes a student-focused approach to the challenging subject formatted with vibrant graphics and easy-to-read practice tools. Her text is organized by body system, and she has organized the content into topical chapters that walk students through their base knowledge of A&P, what can go wrong with the human body, how to identify the problem, and what actions they need to take. This student-friendly approach empowers readers to take a more active role in learning pathophysiology.The Fifth Edition is unique in its application to practice. Key features walk the reader through challenging topics and latest insights in pathophysiology, leveraging recent ground-breaking studies discussed in the updated and expanded Emerging Research sections, and offering new Application to Practice callouts that deepen the connecti
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc DreebenIrimias Introduction to Physical Therapy Practice with Navigate Advantage Access
Dreeben-Irimia's Introduction to Physical Therapy Practice, Fifth Edition uncovers the what, why, and how of physical therapy. The text thoroughly describes who provides physical therapy, in what setting, and how physical therapists and physical therapist assistants interact with patients, each other, and other healthcare professionals. The Fifth Edition delves into the tools and competencies physical therapists and physical therapist assistants use to care for a diverse population of people in a variety of clinical settings. The book discusses what it means to practice legally, ethically, and professionally, including practical communication skills.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Student Workbook for Phlebotomy Essentials
Designed to be used with Phlebotomy Essentials, Eighth Edition by Ruth McCall, the Student Workbook is a valuable learning resource that will help students master the principles of phlebotomy by reinforcing key concepts and procedures covered in the textbook. The Workbook offers a variety of exercises and tools to make it easy and fun for students to understand and retain essential information and enhance critical thinking skills. The Workbook provides students with chapter-by-chapter exercises to reinforce text material, assessment tools to evaluate skills, realistic scenarios to gauge their grasp of key concepts, and skills logs to chart progress. It also includes key terms matching exercises, chapter review questions, crossword puzzles, skills and knowledge drills, requisition activities, cases studies, and procedure evaluation forms.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Basics of the U.S. Health Care System
Basics of the U.S. Health Care System provides a broad introduction to the workings of the health care system in the US. Engaging and activities-oriented, the text offers an accessible overview of the major concepts of healthcare operations; the role of government and public health; inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care services; payors and financing; careers; and legal and ethical issues. Updated with new data throughout, Basics of the U.S. Health Care System, Fifth Edition also includes coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the global impact of the pandemic and global vaccination rates; the impact of socioeconomic factors on COVID outcomes; the disease’s impact on mental health; the U.S. government role in managing the pandemic, and more. Thoroughly revised, Basics of the U.S. Health Care System, Fifth Edition includes: - Updated data, including new Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at-a-Glance 2021 data. - Expanded discussion on social justice and the social determinants of health. - New chapter on U.S. Population Health discusses the differences between public health population health, and community health. - New laws and legislation passed during the Trump and Biden administrations, including the healthcare provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022, and discussion of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. - Expanded careers chapter offers eight new healthcare career opportunities. - Final chapter takes a comparative look the US health care system vs. other developed countries, and discusses trends that impact the U.S. healthcare system including digital health, systems and design thinking, pay for performance and value based purchasing, and more.