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John Catt Educational Ltd The Three Minute Leader
The Three Minute Leader presents 101 snippets of advice, provocation and reflection to encourage school leaders as they go about their daily routines. 'Less is more' is its guiding principle. Enjoying the role is the key ingredient, together with the three essentials of leadership: humanity, clarity, courage.Education leadership is a people business. This short compendium is for people who are school leaders, wherever on the globe they find themselves.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Lost Girls: Why a feminist revolution in education benefits everyone
Life for girls is a battle of contrasting expectations, being told you should be 'empowered' but also be a 'good girl', putting others first but still striving for perfection yourself. This conflict, internalizing expectations of an impossible standard, has lead to an explosion in mental-health and anxiety-related disorders in young women. The traditional narrative of education feeds the perception that girls are good. They achieve, work hard, are co-operative. They achieve better grades. But where do these high achievers disappear to? They aren't becoming CEOs, politicians or social leaders. Women are still disproportionately the family carers and domestic managers. This book explores: * research around biological difference, and how our schools encode gendered expectations. * how our curricula can provide role-models as well as modes of thinking, valuing traditionally feminine traits as equal to masculine * using psychological approaches to develop girls' independence. * how school systems and leadership can model approaches to encourage all students to create a gender-balanced environment. With practical questions and suggestions at the end of each chapter, this book is a guide to the research and a tool to help teachers and leaders shape a genuinely empowering school experience for young women.
John Catt Educational Ltd Putting Staff First: A blueprint for a revitalised profession
If we do not ensure, first and foremost, that our teachers are feeling physically and mentally well, they cannot be their best for their students. Consequently, a school which does not prioritise staff wellbeing is disadvantaging its own students. 'Students first' is a misplaced sentiment: the best thing for students is a happy, healthy, motivated, well-trained, expert staff. By putting staff first you are providing for students the one thing which will help them make good progress in their learning: truly great teaching. Whilst it is easy to say that schools would not exist if it were not for the students, the glib converse is that without truly great school staff, the students would not be taught. What we need – as recruiting subject specialist teachers, school leaders and specialist support staff becomes increasingly difficult – is a revolution in how we treat our school staff. We have to put our staff before our students because it is the only hope we have of securing what our students need most: a world class education. The longer our schools are populated with hypoxic adults, we imperial all our futures. What follows is a blueprint for the school system which puts our school staff before students.
John Catt Educational Ltd The CRAFT Of Assessment: A whole school approach to assessment of learning
The CRAFT approach of assessment for learning is a strategy that can be applied at a subject level and at a whole school level to assess student learning from across the Key Stages. This accessible and innovative book provides a practical guide for teachers and schools on how the CRAFT approach can be applied by looking at each of the different elements of condensing, reflecting, assessing, feed-forward and target-driven improvement.
John Catt Educational Ltd Cognitive Science for Educators: Practical suggestions for an evidence-based classroom
The purpose of this book is to catalyze a conversation between Cognitive Scientists and Educators. Toward that end, we need a shared vocabulary. This book will introduce you to 48 commonly used terms from Cognitive Science.
John Catt Educational Ltd Perspectives on the IB Diploma Core
The Diploma Programme was the first programme to be devised and implemented by the International Baccalaureate over fifty years ago. Since its creation, the curriculum upon which the programme is based has been continuously developed to take into account the rapidly changing needs of students, schools, higher education and employment contexts. For much of that time, the programme has included three essential components that must be undertaken by students who wish to graduate with the Diploma: Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS). Taken together, over time these have come to be regarded as a "core" of the Diploma Programme, although they were not described as such at the outset. This edited collection is intended to provide input into the current review of the IB Diploma Programme. It comprises contributions from experienced authors - researchers and practitioners - who were invited to reflect upon the nature of the core as it exists at present, to raise issues in relation to the future development of the core, and to share experience in the learning and teaching of the core components across a wide range of schools, in both national and international systems of education. Questions concerning the concept of the core as a whole, developing students as internationally-minded thinkers, and the challenges of bringing coherence to the core in establishing a holistic approach to the curriculum, underpin the individual chapters throughout. Contributors: Edward Allanson, Tom Brodie, John Cannings, Christian Chiarenza, Mary Donnellan, Jenny Gillett, Robin Julian, Julian Kitching, Justin Laleh, Ann Lautrette, James MacDonald, Shona McIntosh, Heather Michael, Paul Regan, John Royce, John Sprague, George Walker.
John Catt Educational Ltd In Search of My Alumni
In his eye-opening and illuminating debut, Phil Crompton, the former headteacher and CEO of a multi-academy trust, is challenged by two old school friends to question the impression the school system has left on a generation of people. Armed with purpose, Phil embarks on a unique journey that takes him across the country to get himself closer to `the truth’ and talk to the general public in cafes in Norwich, offices in Newark, banks in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, shops in Nuneaton and community centres in Neasden where he discovers their experiences and reflects on what we can do to move forward and truly improve. Some were glowing in praise, others less so.
John Catt Educational Ltd Rekenrek 101: Pushing Mathematical Understanding
Designed and developed by a mathematic curriculum researcher at the Freudenthal Institute at Utrecht University, the rekenrek is an exciting and innovative classroom tool that enhances and supports the natural development of number sense in children. It encourages learning across a range of mathematical skills and concepts, from simple addition and subitization to commutativity, distributive property and fractions. However, despite the potential and versatility of this manipulative, there has been surprisingly little written about either its application or its benefits - until now.When the stacks of rekenreks first arrived at Amy How's school, she was tasked with discovering and explaining their function to the rest of the staff - despite the scarcity of current research or other information. Over the six years since, she has developed her own set of tasks and strategies, which she regularly presents to teachers around the world. These techniques - effective, straightforward and very popular - are the basis of this book.Rekenrek 101 is written in a format that makes for a useful teacher resource: not too long; clear, concise and inspiring enough for readers to try the new ideas the next day in class. It is easy to follow and easy to navigate while demonstrating a simple change in practice that stays up with current trends. This is not a book on theory, but it is based on what the latest research is telling us.
John Catt Educational Ltd The researchED Guide to Leadership: An evidence-informed guide for teachers
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.In this edition, Stuart Lock looks at the evidence surrounding effective school leadership, editing contributions from a wide range of writers.
John Catt Educational Ltd Pursuing Greatness
Pursuing Greatness is the latest in a collection of case studies emanating from the Going for Great programme, run by The London Leadership Strategy. Going for Great supports outstanding schools to learn from each other and in turn support the schools around them. Over nine years, Going for Great has supported 130 schools. Each year a new cohort contributes a book of case studies documenting innovative, inspiring initiatives in their schools.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Nine Pillars of Great Schools
What makes a school great? Studies into good schools are numerous, but there has been much less written about great schools. The former are more common, but with success comes complacency; good is the enemy of great. In 2009 the London Leadership Strategy established the Going for Great programme, creating a forum for leaders of schools rated `outstanding' by Ofsted. This collaboration sought to identify and share best practice; based on their case studies, school-to-school visits, the research literature and through seminar, debates and discussions, a model of great schooling has emerged.This publication seeks to explore in depth the Nine Pillars of Greatness written by the course leaders of the Going for Great programme. It considers the range of characteristics that define great schooling, from a school's values and ethos, leadership and teaching to its curriculum, approach to professional development, learning community and ongoing self-evaluation.Supported by a wealth of academic pedagogical texts and written by three authors who have spent their lives in education, The Nine Pillars of Great Schools examines the commonalities between the most successful institutions and demonstrates how to transform a good school into a great school.
John Catt Educational Ltd Sustaining Resilience in Leadership: Stories from Education
As a facilitator of a national leadership programme for experienced headteachers, Julia Steward noticed how frequently competent and apparently confident headteachers admitted to their fear of being `found out’. Along with the fear of being found out, it seemed, was a twin fear of anyone finding out that they worried about being found out. The fear was compounded by a sense of isolation: each one imagined everyone else was feeling supremely confident. Julia’s excellent book reassures leaders at all levels in schools that they are not alone, and offers practical advice and support to help readers sustain the physical and mental resilience needed to allow themselves and others to thrive. The book is based on Julia’s experience of working with hundreds of leaders, most of who have been working in schools, along with insights from her academic research, reading, and own experiences of life and leadership. Exercises, designed to support the reader to reflect on ways in which they can develop more helpful habits to sustain their own resilience, are given throughout.
John Catt Educational Ltd The International Baccalaureate: 50 Years of Education for a Better World
To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the IB proudly invites you to read about the first half-century of its ongoing story. Written by a series of significant figureheads and stakeholders, this book describes – and celebrates – the ways in which the IB has seized the opportunity not only to address the need for an internationally recognized certification of educational achievement, but also to frame a global vision for values-based learning that improves the prospects for a better and more peaceful world. Contributors: Carolyn Adams; Sir John Daniel; Judith Fabian; Howard Gardner; Laura Gardner; Jenny Gillett; Matt Glanville; Judith Guy; Robert Harrison; Gareth Hegarty; Ian Hill; Carol Inugai-Dixon; Siva Kumari; Andrew Macdonald; Andrew Maclehose; Pilar Quezzaire; Angela Rivière; Dominic Robeau; George Rupp; HRH Princess Sarvath El Hassan of Jordan; Anthony Tait; Nicholas Tate; George Walker.
John Catt Educational Ltd Wholesome Leadership: Being authentic in self, school and system
Spanning the comprehensive perspective of self, school and system, this tour-de-force is both well-informed and uplifting whilst at the same time being full of practical advice and guidance, rooted in the author’s front-line role leading a school. Tom Rees’s depth of thinking and knowledge of leadership, and his ability to translate that into both a structure and tone that will be relevant to leaders in schools today, will resonate with leaders at levels. The book is brilliantly supplemented with the thoughts and views of colleagues spanning the whole educational spectrum, including: Sir David Carter, Clare Sealy, Daisy Christodoulou, MAT CEOs, Julia Kedwards, Stephen Tierney and Andrew Morrish, plus his very own actual dad!
John Catt Educational Ltd The Great Exception
Teaching is emerging from a period when attempts were made to confine and control it using industrial methods. It has become evident that this has failed either to deliver improved educational outcomes or to capture the essential nature of a teacher's work. This book by an experienced practising teacher offers an alternative interpretation of what it means to teach and proposes a perspective on the profession that represents the actual work of teachers in a fairer and more accurate way. Ian Stock's gripping new book makes an unapologetically personal examination of the problems that the approaches and policies of recent years have created for the classroom teacher. It is not afraid to tackle big issues, such as the burden of unnecessarily heavy management. It also casts doubt on the application of `big data' and purely theoretical approaches, saying that they cannot but fail to have relevance to the intimate scale at which real education functions. Instead, the book proposes a small-scale approach whereby the individual practitioner is both empowered and responsible for the development of their own best practice using a set of general principles discussed herein.
John Catt Educational Ltd Mining For Gold: Stories of Effective Teachers
An entertaining story of the many teachers Fergal Roche, chief executive of The Key, has come across in his long career; each one effective in their own special way, despite their hugely different approaches, ordinary people who have produced an extraordinary impact. If you are currently a teacher, were once a teacher, or are thinking about becoming a teacher, this book will be like coming to a party. Or if you hate parties, doing something you really love. The message, in a beautifully light and accessible tone, is that teaching is the most exciting and significant job in the world, hugely complex and exhausting, yes, but a role that needs to be mastered over decades of practice.
John Catt Educational Ltd Hour-Long Shakespeare Volume II (Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Julius Caesar): Abridged edition
Abridged specifically for all those interested in Shakespeare's plays, especially teachers and students of English and drama, these one-hour performance scripts maintain the arcs of Shakespeare's plots without compromising the integrity of his original language. What remains are manageable performance texts and the essential elements needed for an introduction to three of Shakespeare's most popular plays.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teaching for Character: Super-charged learning through 'The Invisible Curriculum'
The Invisible Curriculum series helps teachers discover the secret ingredients that really unlock a child's learning potential. Teaching for Character offers practical advice to help encourage grit and determination in children - important foundations in any future success in or out of school. Is it possible to teach for character and raise academic standards? This book argues the case for character education.
John Catt Educational Ltd Prepare your daughter for boarding: Ensuring Your Daughter is Ready to Get the Most out of Boarding School
Modern boarding schools are relaxed and pleasant places for children to learn and develop. However, this new freedom does mean that boarders have to make more of their own decisions and puts a new burden of responsibility on their shoulders. This excellent book offers advice from a mother on how to prepare girls for their first experience of boarding school. It is ideal for parents who have decided that boarding is the best option for their girls and is a guide to preparing your daughter so that she is confident from the start and can get the most out of the opportunity she's been given. The book is based on extensive research and a sizeable archive of advice and anecdotes from a huge number of staff, girls and parents. The advice ranges from the very obvious to the rather more surprising, with anecdotes and verbatim comments from those who have been there. It will leave you and your daughter feeling better armed for what is ahead.
John Catt Educational Ltd A Life of Erlund Hudson
Erlund Hudson's etchings, sketches and watercolours are nearly always concerned with women at work or at rest, in wartime, domestic or ballet scenes. After a mere 20 years as a professional artist Hudson abandoned painting and became involved in the world of ballet, working as artistic director at the Brooking School of Ballet with Nesta Brooking, her companion of almost 50 years. Although Hudson's output as an artist was relatively small, its significance is shown in that her work can now be found in important collections in Great Britain and North America, including the Imperial War Museum. In this first biography of Eleanor Erlund Hudson (1912-2011) Simon Fenwick creates a moving and informative portrait of the woman and the artist during her long life. The fully illustrated monograph also includes a list of her pictures shown by exhibiting societies during her lifetime.
John Catt Educational Ltd Presenting Children to Maths: Stronger Character for Better Learning
Mathematics is not a universally popular subject, neither within nor outside of school. There are those who love it but many do not, and it is not uncommon for people to take a perverse pride in being bad at it.This book argues that, while much-needed improvements to mathematics teaching are necessary to address such issues, they are insufficient without also imbuing children with the character required to learn it effectively. Teachers of mathematics are responsible not only for applying skilful pedagogy but also for developing a productive learning culture within the mathematics classroom. We need to consider the emotional and social impact on children of teachers' own attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and how children should be taught it.Sometimes provocative and irreverent but always stimulating and lucid, Presenting Children to Maths is an original and profound discussion about how students' ability and success in mathematics depends largely on how their disposition and will are shaped towards learning it.
John Catt Educational Ltd My School & Multi Academy Trust Growth Guide
With nearly two decades of school governance experience across Infant, Primary, Secondary, All Through and Alternative Provision schools and academies, distilled into an easy-to-read format, Al Kingsley's My School & Multi Academy Trust Growth Guide aims to support the discussions and key considerations for any Trust or school looking at their next steps for growth.This consolidated guide will take you step by step through the key considerations as part of your growth journey, the opportunities and pathways available, balancing risk vs. reward, capacity considerations, due diligence and more. It is aimed as a catalyst to support discussions with board members and senior leadership and provide key checklists to support your decision-making process. With an ever-changing educational landscape and a clear trajectory for growth and scale within our MATs, this guide is an ideal companion and "litmus test" for Leaders, Trustees and Governors involved in their school or Trusts strategic planning.
John Catt Educational Ltd Rethinking school inspection: Is there a better way?
This timely book examines what a meaningful school accountability system could look like in England. The book starts with a deep dive into our current inspection model, discussing some of the current pressures within the system, and comparing our inspection approach to that of other countries and sectors. It moves on to show how Ofsted and school inspections are perceived and portrayed - using first-hand accounts, academic papers, government publications, and media reports - and pulls together some of the current thinking on how the model could be improved. The author ends with her own proposals for a more meaningful and humane school accountability system. She suggests we rethink what we do, and how we do it, with a call for wide-ranging consultation leading to evidence-informed reform of the school inspection process.
John Catt Educational Ltd As We Begin: Dispositions of Mind, Learning, and the Brain in Early Childhood
Beginnings hold power and promise for what is to come.As We Begin offers a scholarly yet energizing perspective on the beautiful complexity of teaching and learning during a child's foundational years. Henteleff brings together insights from big thinkers in education alongside research from Mind, Brain, and Education, and her own experiences in the classroom to explore the important role of early childhood educators and education in a way that is at once, serious, conversational, and inspiring. Explaining and applying important concepts from the science of teaching and learning in practical classroom terms, she examines the role of play, literacy, numeracy, creativity, and imagination as integrated and essential components of developing a child's intellectual curiosity. As We Begin offers ideas, rather than prescriptions, for a balanced early childhood educational program.
John Catt Educational Ltd Make School Better: Have a Bigger Say in Your Child's School Day
Professor Sonia Blandford, founder and CEO of the award winning charity Achievement for All and listed as one of Debrett's 500 most influential for 2015, has written four books due out this Autumn. They each share the lessons that can be learned from the thousands of schools who have signed up to Achievement for All's high impact approach to education and who have bought into the charity's commitment to close the achievement gap in Britain's schools.MAKE SCHOOL BETTER looks at the pivotal role all parents and carers can have in their child's experience of education, and the practical things they can do right now to make sure school is a better place to be, no matter what individual challenges children face, and ensures that all children make progress above national expectations.
John Catt Educational Ltd Primary Huh 2: Primary curriculum leadership conversations
Huh is the Egyptian god of endlessness, creativity, fertility and regeneration. He is the deity Mary Myatt and John Tomsett have adopted as their god of the school curriculum. Their first book in the Huh series focused upon how school practitioners design the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Its popularity prompted calls from many quarters for a similar book on the primary curriculum. Supported by their primary colleagues, Rachel Higginson, Lekha Sharma & Emma Turner, Mary and John interviewed over 30 primary practitioners about how they design the primary curriculum. Considering the diverse nature of primary schools in this country, it’s not surprising that they were soon confronted with numerous context-dependent curriculum complexities. Designing the curriculum for small primary schools, for instance, means solving the conundrum of teaching the same subject at the same time to three different year groups in one class. The conversations confirmed that shaping a primary school curriculum is a tricky business! The wisdom gleaned from the genuine experts Mary and John interviewed was limitless. The material was so important it meant that they had too much for a single volume. Twenty-one of those thirty-plus conversations comprise the book Primary Huh, which focused upon the curriculum of each individual subject from EYFS to Year 6. In this companion book, Primary Huh 2, Mary and John give a platform to practitioners who lead on the broader issues of primary curriculum design, including, amongst other things: shaping the curriculum for mixed-age classes; designing and implementing a cross-MAT curriculum; building the “cradle to career” curriculum; timetabling; assessment; transition, and diversity. Primary Huh 2 is riven through with authentic voices grappling with the endless challenge of providing our children with a rich, challenging, ambitious, beautiful curriculum.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Lone SENDCO: Questions and answers for the busy SENDCO
The SENDCO role can feel quite isolating. SENDCOs know more than anyone in their setting about SEND, so who do they go to when they need support? Especially when new to the role, who do you turn to when tackling a problem or looking for inspiration? The Lone SENDCO answers over 300 questions that SENDCOs grapple with, whether experienced or new: How should outcomes be worded? Do I get longer to respond if I receive a consultation in the holidays? How shall I structure my inclusion department? How do I assess SEND for a child with EAL? How should I be working with my school’s Careers Officer? How do I motivate disengaged learners? What do Ofsted look for in an inspection?Split helpfully into easily-workable sections, this reference book can be picked up and dipped into, whatever the priority. Whether it’s organising an annual review for the first time, taking your partnership with parents to the next level or linking your work in SEND to cognitive science, The Lone SENDCO tackles the questions you have and the answers you need.Sections include: EHCPs and annual reviews, working with parents/carers, statutory compliance and legislation, strategic thinking as a SENDCO, identification and assessment of SEND, supporting transition for pupils, working with pupils, Ofsted developing my knowledge as a SENDCO, funding for SEND, teaching and learning, exam access arrangements, understanding data, tracking progress, managing a SEND register, understanding the SENDCO role, challenging decisions around placement and provision, CPD as a SENDCO, SEND as a whole-school issue, working with TAs, working with external partners, provision mapping, interventions, troubleshooting and a guide to types of need.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Revision Revolution: How to build a culture of effective study in your school
Have you ever wondered why your students don’t revise? Or why they revise ineffectively? Often, they simply don’t know how. This is where The Revision Revolution comes in. What if, instead of just telling students to revise, we taught them explicit study skills from Year 7? What if we made revision enjoyable, even irresistible? The aim is not just to help students pass exams, but to embed their learning and help them grow into knowledgeable and informed young adults. In this book, Helen Howell and Ross Morrison McGill guide you step by step through how to start and sustain a revision revolution in your school, building a culture of effective study that flows through all aspects of school life.
John Catt Educational Ltd Rosenshine's Principles in Action
Barack Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction are widely recognised for their clarity and simplicity and their potential to support teachers seeking to engage with cognitive science and the wider world of education research. In this concise new guide, Rosenshine fan Tom Sherrington amplifies and augments the principles and further demonstrates how they can be put into practice in everyday classrooms.The second half of the book contain Rosenshine's original paper Principles of Instruction, as published in 2010 by the International Academy of Education (IAE) - a paper with a superb worldwide reputation for relating research findings to classroom practice.
John Catt Educational Ltd Thinking Reading: What every secondary teacher needs to know about reading
Despite the efforts of teachers and educators, every year secondary schools across the English-speaking world turn out millions of functionally illiterate leavers. The costs in human misery and in wasted productivity are catastrophic. What can schools do to prevent this situation? In this highly accessible book James and Dianne Murphy combine more than 50 years of experience to provide teachers with a thorough, easy to use introduction to the extensive research on reading and its effects on student achievement. Drawing on the work of experts from around the world, the authors explore how we learn to read, how the many myths and misconceptions around reading developed, and why they continue to persist.Building on these foundations chapters go on to examine how the general secondary school classroom can support all levels of reading more effectively, regardless of subject; how school leaders can ensure that their systems, practices and school culture deliver the very best literacy provision for all students; and what it takes to ensure that a racing intervention aimed at adolescent struggling readers is truly effective. The overall message of this books is one of great optimism: the authors demonstrate that the right of every child to learn to read is entirely achievable if schools employ the best research-driven practice.
John Catt Educational Ltd Fear Is The Mind Killer: Why Learning to Learn deserves lesson time - and how to make it work for your pupils
For the last eight years, James and Kate have been working together to design, implement and evaluate a whole-school, evidence-informed approach to teaching and learning known as Learning Skills. An eight-year study with the University of Cambridge revealed that Learning Skills led to significant gains in subject learning, with rapid gains among students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In this practical guide for teachers and school leaders, James and Kate reveal a recipe for success rooted in three key concepts: metacognition (reflecting on learning); self-regulation (taking ownership over the learning process); and oracy (developing high-quality speaking and listening skills). This is a book about what happened when a small team of teachers seized an opportunity to provide their students with the knowledge, the skills and the confidence to take control of their own learning. This journey began with a question: how and what would we teach, if there was no one watching? On the other side of fear is the teacher you want to be, and the children you'd like to teach...
John Catt Educational Ltd Maximizing the Impact of Coaching Cycles
Coaching cycles are the most impactful contact a coach can have with teachers, but they are also the activity that requires the highest level of skill. Collaboratively planning and observing lessons, and giving supportive feedback on those lessons, is the best way to improve the effectiveness of teaching and therefore student outcomes. Yet this core activity is often undermined by the myriad other demands on a coach's time.This book addresses the issues, roadblocks, and fears faced by coaches and administrators in effectively launching and facilitating a program of coaching and takes you through the coaching cycle itself in practical, applied, and no-nonsense steps that will help you maximize its impact. If you are a coach, a coach of coaches, or an administrator, following the suggestions in this book will help you achieve a much larger return on your coaching investment. There will be more teachers coached, increased instructional effectiveness, and ultimately increased student achievement.
John Catt Educational Ltd Enseñanza Poderosa Guía Para Padres
“No sé cómo ayudar a mis hijos con sus tareas escolares”. “Veo a mis hijos estudiar para las pruebas y que no les vaya bien”. “¿Cuánta ayuda es demasiada ayuda o cuánta ayuda es insuficiente?”Como padres, ¿tienen este tipo de preocupaciones o se hacen este tipo de preguntas?Para los estudiantes leyendo este libro, ¿alguna vez pensaron lo siguiente?: “Estudié toda la noche y no me fue bien en la prueba”. ¿Se preguntan por qué el dedicarles más tiempo a las tareas escolares a menudo no se ve reflejado en más aprendizaje o en calificaciones más altas?Todos pensamos que sabemos cómo estudiar. Muchos de nosotros hemos pasado años en centros educativos. ¿Pero sabemos cómo ocurre el aprendizaje por el mero hecho de haber aprendido? A menudo la respuesta es no. Menos del 10% de los estudiantes tienen padres que son educadores certificados. ¿A dónde puede ir a buscar las respuestas el otro 90% de los padres? Si eres estudiante, ¿dónde puedes encontrar cómo maximizar el aprendizaje minimizando el tiempo de estudio? Esta guía es la respuesta.Este libro no se trata de modas pasajeras o de los últimos dispositivos electrónicos. Por el contrario, esta guía, basada en investigaciones rigurosas, nos muestra las maneras en las que todos aprendemos mejor. Está llena de historias que dan cuenta de la importancia del aprendizaje y de estrategias para usar en casa.
John Catt Educational Ltd Curriculum Revolutions: A practical guide to enhancing what you teach
Curriculum Revolutions is a tool to assist schools in creating, building and maintaining a joined-up curriculum that is cohesive and coherent. Martin Robinson's unique curriculum wheel leads you through a continuous cycle of planning, designing, delivering, reflecting upon and reviewing your curriculum. The process will involve your managers, teachers and pupils, ensuring all understand the importance of a well-functioning curriculum as the cornerstone of the school and the quality of education it delivers. Good curriculum design is a collaborative affair, so each revolution of the wheel focuses on how to get staff working together productively. Most importantly, from a design point of view, Curriculum Revolutions explores the potential pitfalls in the curriculum shape that a school adopts, either consciously or unconsciously. Robinson argues that a sophisticated understanding of the underlying structure, or 'thought architecture', can make all the difference to the quality of the continuing, unfolding project of good curriculum design.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teaching WalkThrus 2: Five-step guides to instructional coaching
In the groundbreaking and best-selling Teaching WalkThrus Volume 1, Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli produced a brilliantly concise and accessible repository to 50 essential teaching techniques. In this follow-up second volume, Tom and Oliver team up with 10 experienced educators to present 50 brand new WalkThrus, covering all the key areas of teaching: behaviour and relationships; curriculum planning; explaining and modelling; questioning and feedback; practice and retrieval; and Mode B teaching.Alex Quigley, Martin Robinson, Claire Stoneman, Bennie Kara, Zoe Enser, Mark Enser, John Tomsett, Simon Breakspear, Bronwyn Ryie Jones and Oliver Lovell bring a huge wealth of expertise as they help to further expand and elaborate this essential teaching manual.As always, each technique is concisely explained and beautifully illustrated in five short steps, to make sense of complex ideas and support student learning.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Teaching Online Handbook
Classroom teachers are increasingly expected to teach online – creating content area courses from scratch with little support or training. But high-quality, researched-based online teaching has its own particular set of skills and expectations, and most resources are directed at college-level instructors. This no-nonsense handbook is for that busy classroom teacher, with clear techniques for planning, instruction, and assessment, as well as sections on teaching students with diverse needs and exceptionalities. Based on the author's real-life experiences as an online teacher, there are multiple examples including sample assignments across content areas, rubrics for grading, and sample scripts for parent contact as well as tips to reduce instructor workload and conduct successful live instruction.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teaching Walkthrus: Visual step-by-step guides to essential teaching techniques
Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli team up to present 50 essential teaching techniques, each with five clear and concise illustrations and explanations. It forms a truly unique repository of key teaching methods, valuable to any classroom practitioner in any setting.The book covers important practical techniques in behaviour and relationships; curriculum planning; explaining and modelling; questioning and feedback; practice and retrieval; and Mode B teaching. Each technique is simply explained and beautifully illustrated in five short steps, to make sense of complex ideas and support student learning.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching: Seven factors for success (UK edition)
The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching offers a clear philosophy, framework, and method for coaches to establish and deliver programs that make a powerfully positive impact on student learning and well-being. Drawing on more than 20 years at the forefront of Instructional Coaching, Jim Knight guides us through the current state of the field, giving us a detailed but accessible summary and synthesis brought to life with real-world anecdotes and examples. Building on this foundation - and the work of his team at the Instructional Coaching Group (ICG) - his research-based and field-tested approach identifies seven success factors: Partnership, Communication, Leadership, The Impact Cycle (structuring coaching conversations), Data (setting realistic goals), The Instructional Playbook (choosing strategies), and System Support. Taken together these are nothing less than a comprehensive framework for Instructional Coaching. Whether you are at the beginning of your coaching journey or an experienced coach yourself this is an essential guide to a rich and rewarding field.'Jim truly has delivered a definitive guide'. Tom Sherrington, Teaching WalkThrus
John Catt Educational Ltd Pretended: Schools and Section 28: Historical, Cultural and Personal Perspectives
Pretended is a vivid historical, political and cultural account of schools and teaching under Section 28, a law that banned schools in the UK from promoting homosexuality as a 'pretended family relationship'.Catherine Lee was a teacher in schools for each of the 15 years that Section 28 was law (between 1988 and 2003). In Pretended, she considers the landscape for lesbian and gay teachers leading up to, during and after Section 28. Drawing on her diary entries from the Section 28 era, Lee poignantly recalls the challenges and incidents affecting her and thousands of other teachers during this period of state-sanctioned homophobia. She reveals how these diaries led to her involvement in the 2022 feature film Blue Jean, and describes how this unexpected opportunity helped her to make peace with Section 28.Pretended will resonate with every lesbian and gay teacher who experienced Section 28 and will shock those who previously knew nothing about this law. Crucially, Pretended will explain to those who were lesbian and gay students during Section 28 why they never saw people like them in the curriculum, never had a role model and never had an adult in school to talk to about their identity.
John Catt Educational Ltd What Is Wrong With Our Schools? The ideology impoverishing education in America and how we can do better for our students
"What is wrong with our schools?" is the question everyone seems to be asking, or more like screaming nowadays. Standard answers point to everything from school funding to unions to bureaucracies and more. In this book, Daniel Buck provides a different answer: flawed ideas - ideas about instruction, curriculum, even human nature itself - are the root cause of American schooling's dysfunction.Touching on philosophy, contemporary educational studies, cognitive science, and his own experience in the classroom, Buck argues that so long as we build our system on incorrect first principles, all other reforms are for naught. In place of the progressive education that pervades our schools, Buck argues for a traditionalist approach - classic literature, direct instruction, sequenced curricula, clear rules and consequences - as the education we need for the future.
John Catt Educational Ltd How to Learn Computer Science: Stories, skills and superpowers
How To Learn Computer Science is for all ambitious students of computer science. Reading this book will illuminate the subject, explaining where each topic comes from, looking at its history and exploring links to wider culture. The book tackles some key stumbling blocks in each topic such as common misconceptions: mistaken ideas about the topic that slow you down and cause frustration. Plenty of 'fertile questions' prompt you to think hard about the topic, and each chapter encourages you to 'Stretch It' by trying some ambitious activities, 'Link It' to other topics and 'Build It' in the form of a practical project. You will also find links to helpful resources and further reading for greater depth, and some super study skills that will help you achieve a top grade. Read this book for a top grade in Computer Science!
John Catt Educational Ltd Essays for Excellence: A collection of GCSE essays to support students and teachers in achieving success
Have you ever marked a set of student essays and been left with little time to develop a resource which pushes your students further? This collection will offer you a time-saving resource to alleviate that workload, alongside developing your subject knowledge and raising the academic aspirations of your students. As teachers of English, Laura Webb and Becky Jones, continually found themselves having to spend precious hours answering essay questions ourselves so that they could guarantee the quality of models our students are exposed to. This collection offers you the opportunity to reclaim your work/life balance whilst safe in the knowledge that your pupils are excelling. You will find essays on a range of the most popular texts ('Macbeth', 'A Christmas Carol' and 'An Inspector Calls' and various poems) that will push students of every ability and help them unlock their potential. These essays are written with all of the major exam board expectations in mind, and ranked based on the exam board criteria for each level. All essays are accompanied by examiner commentary with student-friendly phrasing. Improve your subject knowledge, share responses and plans with your students, or use in your department as a standardisation resource; this collection offers a wide range of opportunities.
John Catt Educational Ltd How to get a 9 in Shakespeare
Are you confident with poetry, an expert in Dickens, at ease with modern drama, but a bit more unsure when it comes to Shakespeare? Then this is the guide for you.Lots of students find Shakespearean language and content the hardest element of the GCSE English Literature course; this book gives you practical strategies you can use to make sure you can access those very top grades. Are you giving the examiner your own personal opinion on the extract? Have you picked out the most important quotes, and broken them down? Does it link to the play as a whole? This guide gives you a range of ways to make sure you’re doing all this and more, and that you achieve as close to full marks as possible, every time.Broken down into the two most frequently studied Shakespearean plays at GCSE (Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet), you can find the text that you need and become an expert in all things Shakespeare. No more woolly points, no more skirting away from analyzing pentametre, no more generic ‘Shakesperean audiences hated…’ It’s time to focus on the 9s.
John Catt Educational Ltd Dunlosky's Strengthening the Student Toolbox in Action
Imagine having to draw dots each time we wanted to do a sum like 3+4. Or having to sound out every word we read, no matter how many times we've seen it before. Having well-consolidated memories for how to do these things can help us avoid these difficulties, which is why consolidation should be a key goal of effective teaching. Helping students consolidate knowledge is a crucial stepping stone in allowing them to navigate problems and develop their knowledge.Building on the hugely influential paper by John Dunlosky, Amarbeer Singh Gill looks at ways teachers can use recommendations from 'Strengthening the Student Toolbox' to consolidate knowledge and enhance the learning that takes place in their classrooms. Each strategy is looked at in detail, delving into the conditions needed to help the strategies work, how they might look in classrooms, things to be mindful of when translating research into practice, and case studies from current teachers who describe how they've used these strategies.By harnessing the power of these strategies we can make it more likely that our students will succeed not just whilst they're in our classrooms, but also well beyond by giving them the tools they need for lifelong learning.
John Catt Educational Ltd Which London School? & the South-East 2022/23: Everything you need to know about independent schools and colleges in the London and the South-East.
The 33rd edition of Which London School? & the South-East provides up-to-date details of 1,500 independent schools. It includes everything a parent might need to know about independent schooling in the region: day, boarding and nursery schools in London; day and boarding schools in Greater London and the surrounding area, including Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Berkshire; international schools; colleges of further education; helpful editorials; contact details for educational associations.
John Catt Educational Ltd Simplicitus: The Interconnected Primary Curriculum & Effective Subject Leadership
Primary curriculum design has been in sharp focus in recent years. After leading on curriculum design and effective subject leadership for 24 years across multiple schools, Emma has written the handbook for both the complex thinking which underpins primary curriculum design and provided the practical models to make it work.There is much advice out there for primary schools but much is often dominated by voices not trained or experienced in primary practice.Emma outlines the unique considerations needed for designing and implementing a rich, high-quality curriculum which serves our youngest learners – a blend of academic thinking, educational research, the wisdom of decades of primary experience and a true love of the unique nature of primary.Primary curriculum design is a unique knowledge domain of its own and Emma explains and explores how this knowledge and the thinking around it needs to be championed and implemented through both academic and child development lenses.Rooted in experience, underpinned by successful approaches implemented in hundreds of schools – curriculum design in primary is complex and nuanced but it can also be 'Simplicitus'.
John Catt Educational Ltd Generation Lockdown Writes: A collection of winning entries from the 'Generation Lockdown Writes' competition
April 2020: the country is deep in the first lockdown as a result of coronavirus. Young people are left rootless, without school or friends and isolated at home. In this enforced alienation a creative writing competition, ‘Generation Lockdown Writes’, was launched for young people from the ages of seven to 17. The only rule was that submissions to the competition had to provide an insight into what life was like for them in lockdown – to open up windows of homes and experiences across the UK. Some of Britain’s finest authors for young people stepped in to judge the ten individual categories, and the entries flooded in. ‘Generation Lockdown Writes’ is the stunning final collection of the winning entries, chosen from over six thousand entries. The beautiful and varied pieces provide a unique insight into what life was really like for young people during this historical moment across Britain. We enter many different worlds, and are given a remarkable insight into the range of emotions that young people felt. From moments of fear to joy, this is a collection of writing that will linger in the memory for a long time.Profits from the sale of this book will be donated to BookTrust.
John Catt Educational Ltd Tools for Teachers: How to teach, lead, and learn like the world's best educators
If the sky was the limit, what would you do to become the best educator that you can be? In 2016, Ollie Lovell asked himself this same question, and concluded that asking the world’s foremost leaders in education what they do would be a great place to start.And so he did just that. Over the past five years, Ollie has spoken to sixty of the world’s most prominent teachers, leaders, and education researchers. With guests including John Hattie, Tom Sherrington, Anita Archer, Dylan Wiliam, Jim Knight, Judith Hochman, Jay McTighe, Tom Bennett, Daisy Christodoulou, Bill Rogers, Daniel Willingham, and many more, Ollie digs deep to work out what works in education, and what doesn’t. This book aims to share those insights with you. It summarises the most useful techniques, tactics and mental models from these sixty conversations, and presents them in a clear, practical, and actionable form for you to start improving your teaching and learning from the first page. Tools for Teachers will help you to teach, lead, and learn like the world’s best educators.