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?Enquanto mirava aqueles corpos pálidos, franzinos e seminus, sentia no ar uma desagradável atmosfera de Dachau e Auschwitz; estavam todos condenados. Tentava perceber como é que tantos pais, por temor e respeito a um ?Deus omnipotente?, chamado Pátria, entregavam, quase sem ripostar, os seus próprios filhos a um destino que se adivinhava sórdido e cruel.No palco da guerra, a morte não se comprazia com carne doente e estafada. Exigia, sobretudo, corpos tenros e saudáveis para as suas orgias de sangue, e o homem apressava-se a fornecerlha, como se de um tributo se tratasse. Era um processo que Daniel assimilava com muito custo. ? É uma verdadeira perda de tempo. ? Insistia o Rebelo pessimista. ? Vamos todos ser chamados? ? ? e lixados com ?F? grande! ? Rematou Daniel.?Na guerra do ultramar, Portugal sofreu 3455 baixas (militares) em Angola, 3136 em Moçambique e 2240 na Guiné, num total de 8831 vidas; tantas como toda a população do atual município de Aljustrel, por exemplo.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Cartas de republicanos galegos condenados a morte 19361948
Xesús Alonso Montero recolle neste libro cento vinte cartas de republicanos galegos escritas despois de que recibiran oficialmente a noticia de que foran condenados á pena de morte. É o momento en que algúns deciden despedirse, por escrito, dos seus: dos pais, dos irmáns, da muller, da noiva, dos amigos... Nalgúns casos, especialmente entre comunistas, do Partido. Ningún xénero literario expresa con máis emoción o drama da Guerra Civil (e das súas consecuencias) que este tipo de cartas escritas polos republicanos nun momento en que toda esperanza estaba perdida. Hai, ademais, despedidas que son especialmente conmovedoras, e outras, dun certo nivel literario, e todas, e cada unha, un documento histórico que nos fai deplorar as que xa se perderon para sempre e as que, por torpeza ou incuria nosa, aínda non foron exhumadas. Un libro clave no proceso de construción da memoria republicana de Galicia que, ademais, constitúe o primeiro corpus epistolar deste xénero, territorio e período que s
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Historia Da Costa Galega E OS Seus Naufraxios History of the Galician Coast and Its Shipwrecks Seculo XX Edicion Literaria
?Historia da costa galega e os seus naufraxios (século XX)?, de Fernando Patricio Cortizo, é o resultado dunha longa investigación en torno ás páxinas máis dramáticas, escuras e lendarias que o mar galego escribiu sobre as embarcacións que o surcaban e ás que fixo naufragar nas nosas costas. A partir dunha valiosa información recuperada de arquivos e da memoria das xentes, Fernando Patricio reconstrúe minuciosamente, ano tras ano, esa crónica dramática, épica e lendaria, que, non o esquezamos, en moitos casos foi sinónimo de traxedia e de morte. Cunha importante documentación gráfica e unha pormenorizada información, ?Historia da costa galega e os seus naufraxios (século XX)? recupera para a nosa memoria a traxedia de todos e cada un dos buques que naufragaron na costa galega, desde o Serpent ao Prestige, pasando pola negra estirpe do Polycommander, Urquiola, Andros Patria, Casón, Aegean Sea, etc., sen esquecer determinados contextos históricos fundamentais como o desenvolvemento da in
Ediciones Trea, S.L. A cortes dos primeiros reis de Portugal Afonso Henriques Sancho I Afonso II
A obra que se apresenta pretende ser um contributo relativamente ao tempo dos três primeiros reis de Portugal. Procurou-se que resultasse a vários níveis, tendo em atenção quer o carácter e o âmbito do tema, quer, ainda, o da própria colecção em que se insere. Assim, condensaram-se os aspectos militares e políticos, quer pela cronologia a considerar ?cerca de um século de história, o primeiro da história de Portugal?, quer porque, por regra, são eles os mais focados em qualquer análise e narrativa historiográficas. Por isso, fizemos incidir a nossa atenção sobre os aspectos tidos por fundamentais na eclosão e na afirmação do rei e do reino, bem como apenas nos detivemos sobre os principais ou mais significativos momentos da expansão territorial, alcançada na luta contra os muçulmanos.E, sendo assim, a obra ganhou em espaço e cuidado relativamente a aspectos menos comuns na historiografia, sobretudo se se tiver em atenção conjunta o rei e a sua corte. Desdobrámos o nosso interesse p
Alice acabara de completar cinquenta anos, quando se deu conta de que não se tinha apercebido da passagem do tempo. Tinha uma família, amigos, um trabalho extenuante, filhos, um marido e resquícios de amores perdidos. Perdida nas dimensões absurdas do seu trabalho no tribunal, procura um sentido à sua vida e ao que faz. Um acontecimento trágico vem agudizar as suas inquietações sobre a ética das relações humanas nos meandros de um sistema judicial kafkiano.Esse espaço judiciário também é percorrido por Ana Francisca, uma prestigiada advogada, para quem o tribunal e o mundo da justiça é uma arena da qual mais vale sair vencedor do que vencido; por Salvador, um psicólogo atormentado pelo amor excessivo da mãe que o privou da presença do pai, que reencontra na compulsão pela corrida; por Julieta, avó do jovem Dário, que se sente ameaçada pela burocracia, por procedimentos e intervenções institucionais que só reavivam as perdas sofridas; e por Baltazar, um juiz sem ambições, que exerce
Quaterni Mundo flotante el libro del ukiyoe para colorear
El ukiyo-e, o ?imágenes del mundo ?otante?, es un género de grabados en relieve realizados mediante xilografía o técnica de grabado en madera. Esta manifestación artística surgió en Japón a mediados del siglo XVII y se trata de la corriente pictórica más extendida y conocida fuera de sus fronteras, patrimonio cultural del país del Sol Naciente.Este libro contiene algunos de los más famosos grabados japoneses de todos los tiempos. Veintidós láminas que permitirán al lector:Admirar las obras maestras del ukiyo-e.Conocer la historia de cada cuadro, ya que cada pintura contiene una breve pero fascinante introducción a la obra original.Y emular a los grandes maestros del grabado japonés.Geishas, actores de kabuki, ?ores de cerezo, el majestuoso monte Fuji? Las más bellas estampas del Japón de Edo listas para colorear en este relajante e inspirador libro. Además, todas las láminas están perforadas, por lo que podrá recortar fácilmente sus obras y enmarcarlas.Andrew Vigar
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Luns
Nerea ten a vida organizada. Pode considerarse unha muller con éxito dentro do estándar que marca a sociedade: é funcionaria, ten unha filla e un fillo, casada e con casa propia. No entanto, un luns recibe un diagnóstico de cancro de mama que o cambia todo. Vai morrer e ten apenas dous meses por diante e mil cousas pendentes por facer, que non poden ficar sen resolver. Moi pouco tempo e á vez suficiente para se decatar de que a súa realidade non lle permite encontrar un modo de se enfrontar á situación. Coa certeza da morte pairando en cada recuncho toma consciencia dunha realidade que non sempre é o que parece. Unha realidade oculta a plena luz do día." Luns " , gañadora do Premio Torrente Ballester de novela en 2016, está escrita cunha técnica arriscada, valente e innovadora, que prescinde de adobíos e consegue conmover, logrando facer partícipe a quen a le das circunstancias que acontecen no día a día de Nerea.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Narcos Drug Dealer Edicion Literaria
O empresario vigués Mario Cendán, un pai ferido pola morte da súa filla por sobredose, encarga a Nivardo Castro ?un detective madrigalego, serio, un aventureiro internacional con experiencia abonda? que fure a fondo no mundo dos narcotraficantes, un xeito de facerlles perder o sosego e a tranquilidade na que desenvolven a súa actividade. Enleado na resolución dun caso tan pouco frecuente, Nivardo coñecerá que un gran alixo de drogas vai cruzar o Atlántico para ser desembarcado na costa galega. Un xuíz teimudo está sobre aviso e disponse a interceptalo para dar un golpe de morte ó narcotráfico galego e colombiano. A trama complícase coa inesperada aparición doutro alixo en marcha e cun axuste de contas entre dous reis da fariña, herdeiros do vello amo do fume Don Orlando, que segue desde o cárcere atento ós movementos do seu negocio de contrabando de tabaco e haxis, manexado, agora, polo seu avogado Lito Ferro. Nivardo Castro e o xornalista Carlos Conde (os xa familiares personaxes de C
Uma janela de madeira velho azul e vidros gastos pelo tempo, um, talvez dois séculos; um cadeirão confortável que ocupa, ao acaso e em silêncio, o espaço vazio contíguo; o som hipnótico de um relógio de parede testemunha de gerações; a segurança e o aconchego de uma casa de xisto habitada por sombras.No horizonte as memórias. A escola, com arquitetura Estado Novo, onde se aprendeu a ler num rigor de compasso, a primeira namorada, o tal beijo, as coisas do coração que desperta, os trabalhos de verão, o mealheiro improvisado e aqueles ténis da loja de desporto que teimavam em ser calçados; a universidade, o amor, os projetos profissionais e tantos outros acontecimentos marcantes na história da alma de cada um. De repente, um violento acidente, marcas e sons de uma travagem brusca, peças que perdem formas e se espalham por metros de estrada num abraço de sangue que escorre direção contrária ao sentido da vida.Com a viatura carregada com as últimas roupas, com alguns livros que ins
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Phonic Books Talisman 1
Zak is given a strange gift with special powers by his grandfather, but someone else wants it and will stop at nothing to get it. Phonic Books Talisman 1 introduces alternative vowel spellings. Talisman 1 comprises ten books and follows the same phonic progression as Phonic Books Dragon Eggs, Phonic Books Rescue and Phonic Books Island Adventure and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills. Book 1: The Talisman (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey)Book 2: Stampede! (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei)Book 3: Shadow in the River (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o)Book 4: Deep Sea Danger (er, ir, ur, or, ear)Book 5: Hounded in the Snow (ow, ou & oi, oy)Book 6: Death at Noon (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u)Book 7: A Cry in the Dark (igh, ie, i-e, i, y)Book 8: Attack at Nightfall (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough)Book 9: Mountain Scare (air, are, ear, ere, eir)Book 10: The Dark Master (ar) Accompanying photocopiable activities for word
Columbia University Press Life's Intrinsic Value: Science, Ethics, and Nature
Are bacteriophage T4 and the long-nosed elephant fish valuable in their own right? Nicholas Agar defends an affirmative answer to this question by arguing that anything living is intrinsically valuable. This claim challenges received ethical wisdom according to which only human beings are valuable in themselves. The resulting biocentric or life-centered morality forms the platform for an ethic of the environment. Agar builds a bridge between the biological sciences and what he calls "folk" morality to arrive at a workable environmental ethic and a new spectrum-a new hierarchy-of living organisms. The book overturns common-sense moral belief as well as centuries of philosophical speculation on the exclusive moral significance of humans. Spanning several fields, including philosophy of psychology, philosophy of science, and other areas of contemporary analytic philosophy, Agar analyzes and speaks to a wide array of historic and contemporary views, from Aristotle and Kant, to E. O. Wilson, Holmes Rolston II, and Baird Callicot. The result is a challenge to prevailing definitions of value and a call for a scientifically-informed appreciation of nature.
The University of Chicago Press The Essential Naturalist: Timeless Readings in Natural History
Like nearly every area of scholarly inquiry today, the biological sciences are broken into increasingly narrow fields and subfields, their practitioners divided into ecologists, evolutionary biologists, taxonomists, paleontologists, and much more. But all these splintered pieces have their origins in the larger field of natural history - and in this era when climate change and relentless population growth are irrevocably altering the world around us, perhaps it's time to step back and take a new, fresh look at the larger picture. "The Essential Naturalist" offers exactly that: a wide-ranging, eclectic collection of writings from more than eight centuries of observations of the natural world, from Leeuwenhoek to E. O. Wilson, from von Humboldt to Rachel Carson. Featuring commentaries by practicing scientists that offer personal accounts of the importance of the long tradition of natural history writing to their current research, the volume serves simultaneously as an overview of the field's long history and as an inspirational starting point for new explorations, for trained scientists and amateur enthusiasts alike.
Com o olhar atento ao mistério de reprodução da vida no âmago da natureza, os seus ciclos repetidos, No Tempo Lento reúne memórias de acontecimentos díspares de três tempos distintos: a infância de rituais rurais e a vida calma na aldeia circundada de pinhais, pássaros e ninhos ? descritos com minúcia e enlevo -, e as recordações das lendas contadas pela avó; a adolescência com as ilusões e desilusões do império e reminiscências das estórias da avó à lareira, como a do ?Reino Encantado do Congo?, que o autor revisita e contextualiza face à sua formação em História; a fase adulta e o fim das ilusões, com o autor a cumprir comissão militar no norte de Angola, outrora, parte integrante desse mesmo Reino do Congo, recordam-se acontecimentos trágicos ou pícaros ocorridos no dia a dia da Companhia e da sanzala. O acompanhamento do passar do tempo com histórias, poesias e costumes de outros tempos, lentos, de sonhos e deslumbramentos, leva-nos a refletir sobre as guerras, sobre o ser humano,
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Segredos no solpor
En Bico durante os meses de vacacións todas as noites son de festa, mais o día que Lucía Xesta aparece tirada na estrada en fronte do Hotel O Solpor o verán semella quedar en paréntese. Algún coche que saíu da rotonda a máis velocidade da debida levouna por diante, e o condutor, ao parecer, deuse á fuga. A Mara que atropelasen a súa compañeira Lucía ás seis e media da mañá fronte ao paso de peóns situado diante do hotel dos seus pais, xusto aquel día, pareceulle unha broma pesada. Outro máis dos enigmas incrustados nas paredes do antigo edificio, baixo as vellas fotografías de Bico que decoran os cuartos e os corredores. A chegada de Antón e os seus pais, xunto coa aparición dunha nota entre os libros do tío Paco, axudaranlle a comprender os segredos que garda o hotel e a desvelar as razóns de tan estraño atropelo. Unha engaiolante novela de intriga sobre a forza dos sentimentos, a melancolía dos erros pasados e as violencias visibles, e tamén invisibles, que sofren as mulleres.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. A nena do abrigo de astracán
A vila de Ribadaínsua é narradora e protagonista dos acontecementos dramáticos dos últimos meses de 1947, que algúns quixeron agochar, para amosar aos seus habitantes como aniñara o mal entre eles e como os abranguera dunha forma asfixiante.Don Amancio, o crego que todo o controla; Agustina, a muller que pretende trazar o destino dos que a rodean; Isidoro, o alfaiate mártir; Engracia, Xaquina ou Paulina, mulleres afoutas que se queren donas da súa propia vida. son algúns dos personaxes centrais desta novela de vidas esquecidas. Mais no medio de todos eles, emerxe Susana, a nena que observa e sofre a realidade que lle irá abrindo os ollos nunha perda dramática da inocencia infantil. As sesións no cinema de Ribadaínsua serán camiño de coñecemento do mundo real que se lle oculta. Ten o cinema pola cousa máis fermosa e importante da súa vida, o que lle di como é o mundo de verdade, o que está alén de Ribadaínsua.Novela de longo alento, traballada ao longo de máis de quince anos, A
Editorial Galaxia, S.A. Obra dramïtica completa
A mediados da dïcada de 1990, a piques de finalizar o sïculo XX, abrollan na escena inglesa unha manchea de textos que provocaron reacciïns ben similares ïs que se produciran a finais da dïcada de 1950 coa irrupciïn dos mozos irados. Desta volta son as mulleres, entre elas Sarah Kane, que chegarï a ser unha das autoras mïis interesantes do panorama teatral en Europa. A ediciïn da Obra dramïtica completa de Sarah Kane que agora presentamos inclïe cinco textos dramïticos (Derruba, Amor de Fedra, Lïmpidos, Degoiro, 4.48 Psicose) e un guiïn (Pel). Trïtase de pezas herdeiras, en moitos aspectos, do teatro da crueldade do escritor e actor francïs Antonin Artaud, pezas nas que o corpo adquire protagonismo e o texto ï un reflexo ou un medio no que a materia carnal se expresa. O ser humano non sï como linguaxe e pensamento, tamïn como corpo que excede os lïmites da representaciïn. Malia a trïxica desapariciïn da autora en 1999, a sïa obra segue e a ter unha fonda vixencia e actualidade por mor
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Island Adventure Series (UK Edition)
Finn and his sister, Snub, are visting Gran and Grandpa on a remote Scottish island. An accident brings them closer together, but a subsequent calamity is the beginning of an exciting quest. Phonic Books Island Adventure introduces alternative vowel spellings. Island Adventure comprises 10 books and follows the same phonic progression as Phonic Books Dragon Eggs, Phonic Books Talisman 1 and Phonic Books Rescue and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills. Book 1: Saving the Day (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey) Book 2: Sea Change (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei)Book 3: Coast to Coast (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o)Book 4: A World Away (er, ir, ur, or, ear)Book 5: Sounds and Shadows (ow, ou & oi, oy)Book 6: A Shrewd Route (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u)Book 7: An Amazing Find (igh, ie, i-e, i, y)Book 8: Awesome Morning (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough)Book 9: Don't Be Scared (air, are, ear, ere, eir)Book 10: Arty Party (ar) Accompanying photocopiable activities for word building, reading, spelling and comprehension can be found in Phonic Books Island Adventure Activities.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Island Adventure Series (USA Edition)
Finn and his sister, Snub, are visting Gran and Grandpa on a remote Scottish island. An accident brings them closer together, but a subsequent calamity is the beginning of an exciting quest. Phonic Books Island Adventure introduces alternative vowel spellings. Island Adventure comprises ten books and follows the same phonic progression as Phonic Books Dragon Eggs, Phonic Books Talisman 1 and Phonic Books Rescue and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills. Book 1: Saving the Day (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey) Book 2: Sea Change (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei) Book 3: Coast to Coast (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o) Book 4: A World Away (er, ir, ur, or, ear) Book 5: Sounds and Shadows (ow, ou & oi, oy) Book 6: A Shrewd Route (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u) Book 7: An Amazing Find (igh, ie, i-e, i, y) Book 8: Awesome Morning (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough) Book 9: Don't Be Scared (air, are, ear, ere, eir) Book 10: Arty Party (ar) Accompanying photocopiable activities for word building, reading, spelling and comprehension can be found in Island Adventure Activities.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Phonic Books Talisman 1: Decodable Books for Older Readers (Alternative Vowel Spellings)
Zak is given a strange gift with special powers by his grandfather, but someone else wants it and will stop at nothing to get it. Phonic Books Talisman 1 introduces alternative vowel spellings. Talisman 1 comprises ten books and follows the same phonic progression as Phonic Books Dragon Eggs, Phonic Books Rescue and Phonic Books Island Adventure and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills. Book 1: The Talisman (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey) Book 2: Stampede! (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei) Book 3: Shadow in the River (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o) Book 4: Deep Sea Danger (er, ir, ur, or, ear) Book 5: Hounded in the Snow (ow, ou & oi, oy) Book 6: Death at Noon (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u) Book 7: A Cry in the Dark (igh, ie, i-e, i, y) Book 8: Attack at Nightfall (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough) Book 9: Mountain Scare (air, are, ear, ere, eir) Book 10: The Dark Master (ar) Accompanying photocopiable activities for word building, reading, spelling and comprehension can be found in Talisman 1 Activities.
Urantia Foundation O Livro de Urântia: Revelando os Misterios de Deus, do Universo, de Jesus e Sobre Nos Mesmos
O Livro de Urantia, que teve sua primeira edicao publicada pela Fundacao Urantia em 1955, afirma ter sido apresentado por seres celestiais como uma revelacao para o nosso planeta, Urantia. Muitos que o leram tem aceitado essa assercao. Os textos no Livro de Urantia instruem-nos sobre a genese, historia e destino da humanidade e sobre nosso relacionamento com Deus o Pai. Apresentam um retrato unico e incentivador sobre a vida e os ensinamentos de Jesus. Abrem novas perspectivas de tempo e eternidade para o espirito humano, e oferecem novos detalhes de nossa aventura ascendente em um universo amistoso e cuidadosamente administrado. O Livro de Urantia oferece uma integracao clara e concisa da ciencia, filosofia e religiao. Aqueles que o leem e o estudam acreditam que O Livro de Urantia tem a capacidade de dar uma significativa contribuicao aos pensamentos religiosos e filosoficos dos povos de todo o mundo. O Livro de Urantia nao e uma "religiao" por si. Ele se edifica nas tradicoes religiosas do passado e do presente, fomentando uma fe religiosa viva e pessoal. Leitores ao redor do mundo nos disseram que a leitura do Livro de Urantia os afectou profundamente e em muitos
Urantia Foundation O Livro de Urântia: Revelando os Misterios de Deus, do Universo, de Jesus e Sobre Nos Mesmos
O Livro de Urantia, que teve sua primeira edicao publicada pela Fundacao Urantia em 1955, afirma ter sido apresentado por seres celestiais como uma revelacao para o nosso planeta, Urantia. Muitos que o leram tem aceitado essa assercao. Os textos no Livro de Urantia instruem-nos sobre a genese, historia e destino da humanidade e sobre nosso relacionamento com Deus o Pai. Apresentam um retrato unico e incentivador sobre a vida e os ensinamentos de Jesus. Abrem novas perspectivas de tempo e eternidade para o espirito humano, e oferecem novos detalhes de nossa aventura ascendente em um universo amistoso e cuidadosamente administrado. O Livro de Urantia oferece uma integracao clara e concisa da ciencia, filosofia e religiao. Aqueles que o leem e o estudam acreditam que O Livro de Urantia tem a capacidade de dar uma significativa contribuicao aos pensamentos religiosos e filosoficos dos povos de todo o mundo. O Livro de Urantia nao e uma "religiao" por si. Ele se edifica nas tradicoes religiosas do passado e do presente, fomentando uma fe religiosa viva e pessoal. Leitores ao redor do mundo nos disseram que a leitura do Livro de Urantia os afectou profundamente e em muitos
Yale University Press Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality
Why efforts to create a scientific basis of morality are neither scientific nor moral In this illuminating book, James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky trace the origins and development of the centuries-long, passionate, but ultimately failed quest to discover a scientific foundation for morality. The “new moral science” led by such figures as E. O. Wilson, Patricia Churchland, Sam Harris, Jonathan Haidt, and Joshua Greene is only the newest manifestation of that quest. Though claims for its accomplishments are often wildly exaggerated, this new iteration has been no more successful than its predecessors. But rather than giving up in the face of this failure, the new moral science has taken a surprising turn. Whereas earlier efforts sought to demonstrate what is right and wrong, the new moral scientists have concluded, ironically, that right and wrong don’t actually exist. Their (perhaps unwitting) moral nihilism turns the science of morality into a social engineering project. If there is nothing moral for science to discover, the science of morality becomes, at best, a feeble program to achieve arbitrary societal goals. Concise and rigorously argued, Science and the Good is a definitive critique of a would-be science that has gained extraordinary influence in public discourse today and an exposé of that project’s darker turn.
HarperCollins Publishers Sam and the Nut: Band 01B/Pink B (Collins Big Cat Phonics)
Sam the squirrel has seen a juicy looking nut at the top of a tree, but when he tries to knock it down, it falls to the ground and into the paws of a cat and a dog. Will he ever get his nut back? Beautiful illustrations by Giuditta Gaviraghi accompany this story. This is a Pink/1B book in the Collins Big Cat reading programme. It’s a simple story of fiction, with a familiar setting for early readers. A story map on pages 14-15 helps children recap important events of the narrative and provides a wealth of speaking and listening opportunities. The focus phonemes in this story are s, a, t, i, p, n, m, c, g, k, ck, d, e, o, u. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader. Sam and the Nut is one of the top 10 books found to be ‘easiest’ to read – most accessible and appropriate for the reading level – in the 2019 What Kids are Reading report from Renaissance Learning. Other top 10 ‘easiest’ books to read from the report include Bad Bat (9780007412891), No, Sid, No! (9780007421923), The Magic Egg (9780007329182), Best Bird (9780007412853), Cat and Dog in a Mess (9780007235827), Get Fit (9780007421961) and Got It! (9780007421930).
Penguin Books Ltd Deceit and Self-Deception: Fooling Yourself the Better to Fool Others
In Deceit and Self Deception Robert Trivers, whose work has been acclaimed by figures such as Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker, looks at how and why we so often deceive ourselves. We lie to ourselves every day: about how well we drive, how much we're enjoying ourselves - even how good looking we are. In this ground-breaking book, Robert Trivers examines not only how we self-deceive, but also why, taking fascinating examples from aviation disasters, con artists, sexual betrayals and conflicts within families. Revealing, provocative and witty, Deceit and Self-Deception is one of the most vital books written this century, and will make you rethink everything that you think you know. Robert Trivers is one of the leading figures pioneering the field of sociobiology. He received his bachelors and PhD from Harvard University. He has been on the faculty at Harvard, the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Rutgers University.'A remarkable book, by a uniquely brilliant scientist' Richard Dawkins 'One of the great thinkers in the history of Western thought' Steven Pinker'Trivers ranks as one of the most important evolutionary theorists of his generation' E. O. Wilson'A powerful book ... essential for anyone who wants to try to counter their own unconscious biases' Independent
Harvard University Press The Other Insect Societies
Asked to name an insect society, most of us--whether casual or professional students of nature--quickly point to one of the so-called eusocial marvels: the ant colony, the beehive, the termite mound, the wasp nest. Each is awe-inspiring in its division of labor--collective defense, foraging, and nestbuilding. Yet E. O. Wilson cautioned back in 1971 that sociality should be defined more broadly, "in order to prevent the arbitrary exclusion of many interesting phenomena." Thirty-five years later, James T. Costa gives those interesting phenomena their due. He argues that, in trying to solve the puzzle of how highly eusocial behaviors evolved in a few insect orders, evolutionary biologists have neglected the more diverse social arrangements in the remaining twenty-eight orders--insect societies that don't fit the eusocial schema. Costa synthesizes here for the first time the scattered literature about social phenomena across the arthropod phylum: beetles and bugs, caterpillars and cockroaches, mantids and membracids, sawflies and spiders. This wide-ranging tour takes a rich narrative approach that interweaves theory and data analysis with the behavior and ecology of these remarkable groups. This comprehensive treatment is likely to inspire a new generation of naturalists to take a closer look.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Conservation Handbook: Research, Management and Policy
Textbooks on the principles of conservation biology abound. Yet, how does one put this theoretical knowledge into practice? The aim of The Conservation Handbook is to provide clear guidance on the implementation of conservation techniques. The wide range of methods described include those for ecological research, monitoring, planning, education, habitat management and combining conservation with development. Nineteen case studies illustrate how the methods have been applied. The book will be of interest to conservation biology students and practicing conservationists worldwide. For each copy of the book sold, another copy will be sent free to a practicing conservationist outside Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Foreword by E. O. Wilson. Concise, practical guide packed full of ideas, methods and advice. Provides solutions for the main conservation problems most commonly encountered. 18 global case studies illustrate the application of techniques. The Conservation Handbook Donations Project this book is being sent free to those practising conservationists outside Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan who are otherwise unlikely to obtain a copy. These copies are provided at cost price by Blackwell Science, the publisher, and paid for with the author''s royalties. Each book sold means another one will be donated.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Let's Pretend!: Band 05/Green
Dev and Jack are swimming in the pool when Jack has an idea – they can pretend they are swimming in the sea! Find out all the creatures they see on their swimming adventure in this imaginative story by Kate Scott. Dev and Jack are swimming in the pool when Jack has an idea – they can pretend they are swimming in the sea! Find out all the creatures they see on their swimming adventure in this imaginative story by Kate Scott. Green/Band 5 offers early readers longer sentences with a varied and larger number of characters involved and events sustained over several pages. Non-fiction uses less familiar, more specialized vocabulary. The focus sounds in this book are: /oa/ oe, o /ai/ a-e, ay, ei, ey/e/ ea /ee/ ea /u/ o /igh/ i-e, i /i/ y /oo/ oul /oo/ u-e /oi/ oy /ar/ a /ow/ ou /ear/ eer /air/ are, ere /or/ al /u/ o-e /o/ a Pages 22 and 23 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Island Press Handbook of Biophilic City Planning & Design
What if, even in the heart of a densely developed city, people could have meaningful encounters with nature? While parks, street trees, and green roofs are increasingly appreciated for their technical services like storm water reduction, from a biophilic viewpoint, they also facilitate experiences that contribute to better physical and mental health: natural elements in play areas can lessen children's symptoms of ADHD and adults who exercise in natural spaces can experience greater reductions in anxiety and blood pressure. The Handbook of Biophilic City Planning & Design offers practical advice and inspiration for ensuring nature in the city is more than infrastructure, that it also creates an emotional connection to the earth and promotes well-being among urban residents. Divided into six parts, the Handbook begins by introducing key ideas, literature, and theory about biophilic urbanism; followed by chapters that highlight urban biophilic innovations in more than a dozen global cities; the final part concludes with lessons on how to advance an agenda for urban biophilia and an extensive list of resources.As the most comprehensive reference on the emerging field of biophilic urbanism, the Handbook is essential reading for students and practitioners looking to place nature at the core of their planning and design ideas and encourage what pre-eminent biologist E. O. Wilson described as "the innate emotional connection of humans to all living things."
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Common Grasslands in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Mongolian Grasslands
This comprehensive book unravels the complexities of the grassland systems of Mongolia and northern China to identify the ways in which policies and incentives can be strengthened to improve grassland condition and herder livelihoods. Through an interdisciplinary lens, combining environmental economics and grassland science, contributors unpack the preferences, attitudes and behavioural responses of Asian grassland actors to new and alternative policies. Offering a comparative analysis of policies and incentives in China and Mongolia, chapters focus on understanding ex ante behavioural responses, arguing convincingly for a mix of incentives and associated policy measures that can both improve grassland conditions and align with the preferences of herders and officials. Featuring a unique interdisciplinary focus and comparative approach, this book is crucial reading for grassland and rangeland scientists in China, Mongolia and beyond as well as grassland officials seeking new policies and a better understanding of their impact. Academics and researchers of the environment and ecology in China, Mongolia and Asia more broadly will also find this book a fascinating insight into environmental livelihoods and contemporary grassland experiences. Contributors include: J. Addison, K. Behrendt, J. Bennett, C. Brown, D. Bukhbat, L. Dorjburegdaa, U. Gombosuren, Q. Guanghua, H. Guodong, X. Hou, G. Jargalsaihan, D. Kemp, P. Li, E.-O. Lkhagvadorj, S. Waldron, B. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Zhao Mengli, W. Zhongwu
Alpine Club The Alpine Journal 2018: Volume 122
The bright future of British Mountaineering is under the spotlight in this edition of the Alpine Journal with contributions from the latest generation of leading alpinists - Ben Silvestre, Uisdean Hawthorn, Tom Livingstone and Ben Tibbetts - and their compelling ascents in the Himalaya, Alaska and the Alps. Ian Parnell explains how mentoring schemes around the world have stimulated debate in Britain and led to a revamp of the Alpine Climbing Group. In this centenary year of the Armistice, we also commemorate the sacrifice of another era's young members who died in the First World War and recall how fighting reached the highest parts of Europe as troops from opposing armies faced off in the Alps and Dolomites. Jonathan Westaway examines the inspiring life of E O Shebbeare, an early Everest climber whose forestry career prefigure todays environmentalism. The clinical psychologist and Himalayan mountaineer Malcolm Bass applies his professional skill to his passion for alpinism, Mike Searle looks back on the Nepali earthquake - and forward to the next one. Victor Saunders take a wry look at societies attitude to risk. Terry Gifford considers mountain literature as a form of 'dark pastoralism' and Donald Orr takes a fresh look at the mountain art of Ferdinand Hodler. With its comprehensive look at mountain literature and coverage of first ascents around the world, the alpine journal is an indispensable resource for alpinists around the world.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Kitchen Pantry Scientist Ecology for Kids: Science Experiments and Activities Inspired by Awesome Ecologists, Past and Present; with 25 illustrated biographies of amazing scientists from around the world: Volume 5
Aspiring young ecologists will discover an amazing group of role models and memorable experiments in Ecology for Kids, the fifth book in The Kitchen Pantry Scientist series. This engaging guide offers a series of snapshots of 25 scientists famous for their work with ecology. Each lab tells the story of a scientist along with some background about the importance of their work, and a description of where it is still being used or reflected in today’s world. A step-by-step illustrated experiment paired with each story offers kids a hands-on opportunity for exploring concepts the scientists pursued, or are working on today. Experiments range from very simple projects using materials you probably already have on hand, to more complicated ones that may require a few inexpensive items you can purchase online. Just a few of the incredible people and scientific concepts you’ll explore:Eunice Newton Foote (b. 1819)See how carbon dioxides trap heatGeorge Washington Carver (b. 1864)Grow beans and study soil conditionsRachel Carson (b. 1907)Test the water clarity from local ponds, lakes, or steamsE. O. Wilson (b. 1929)Observe insects in their natural habitats With this fascinating, hands-on exploration of the history of ecology, inspire the next generation of great scientists. Dig into even more incredible science history from The Kitchen Pantry Scientist series with: Chemistry for Kids, Biology for Kids, Physics for Kids, and Math for Kids.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Dragon Eggs Series
Bella the dragon loses her eggs in a terrible storm. Mina discovers Bella and offers to help her. Will she be able to save the baby dragon eggs and bring them safely home to Bella?Phonic Books Dragon eggs comprises ten books, each focusing on a different vowel sound. A great resource for children who are not yet fluent readers and need to revisit those tricky vowel digraphs. Contains a higher ratio of text to develop reading fluency and build confidence.Dragon Eggs follows the same phonic progression as Phonic Books Talisman 1, Phonic Books Island Adventure and Phonic Books Rescue and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills.Book 1: Lost in the Waves (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey)Book 2: Tree Beast (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei)Book 3: Frozen Solid (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o)Book 4: The Sky Worm (er, ir, ur, or, ear)Book 5: Lost and Found (ow, ou & oi, oy)Book 6: Confusing Routes (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u)Book 7: Finding the Light (igh, ie, i-e, i, y)Book 8: Falling Waters (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough)Book 9: A Daring Raid (air, are, ear, ere, eir)Book 10: Breaking the Charm (ar)Accompanying photocopiable activities for word building, reading, spelling and comprehension can be found in Phonic Books Dragon Eggs Activities.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Dragon Eggs Series USA edition
Bella, the dragon loses her eggs in a terrible storm. Mina discovers Bella and offers to help her. Will she be able to save the baby dragon eggs and bring them safely home to Bella? Phonic Books Dragon Eggs comprises ten books, each focusing on a different vowel sound. A great resource for children who are not yet fluent readers and need to revisit those tricky vowel digraphs. Contains a higher ratio of text to develop reading fluency and build confidence. Dragon Eggs follows the same phonic progression as Phonic Books Talisman 1, Phonic Books Island Adventure and Phonic Books Rescue and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills. Book 1: Lost in the waves (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey) Book 2: Tree Beast (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei) Book 3: Frozen Solid (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o) Book 4: The Sky Worm (er, ir, ur, or, ear) Book 5: Lost and Found (ow, ou & oi, oy) Book 6: Confusing Routes (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u) Book 7: Finding the Light (igh, ie, i-e, i, y) Book 8: Falling Waters (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough) Book 9: A Daring Raid (air, are, ear, ere, eir) Book 10: Breaking the Charm (ar) Accompanying photocopiable activities for word building, reading, spelling and comprehension can be found in Dragon Eggs Activities.
Princeton University Press Knowledge, Information, and Expectations in Modern Macroeconomics: In Honor of Edmund S. Phelps
Macroeconomics would not be what it is today without Edmund Phelps. This book assembles the field's leading figures to highlight the continuing influence of his ideas from the past four decades. Addressing the most important current debates in macroeconomic theory, it focuses on the rates at which new technologies arise and information about markets is dispersed, information imperfections, and the heterogeneity of beliefs as determinants of an economy's performance. The contributions, which represent a breadth of contemporary theoretical approaches, cover topics including the real effects of monetary disturbances, difficulties in expectations formation, structural factors in unemployment, and sources of technical progress. Based on an October 2001 conference honoring Phelps, this incomparable volume provides the most comprehensive and authoritative account in years of the present state of macroeconomics while also pointing to its future. The fifteen chapters are by the editors and by Daron Acemoglu, Jess Benhabib, Guillermo A. Calvo, Oya Celasun, Michael D. Goldberg, Bruce Greenwald, James J. Heckman, Bart Hobijn, Peter Howitt, Hehui Jin, Charles I. Jones, Michael Kumhof, Mordecai Kurz, David Laibson, Lars Ljungqvist, N. Gregory Mankiw, Dale T. Mortensen, Maurizio Motolese, Stephen Nickell, Luca Nunziata, Wolfgang Ochel, Christopher A. Pissarides, Glenda Quintini, Ricardo Reis, Andrea Repetto, Thomas J. Sargent, Jeremy Tobacman, and Gianluca Violante. Commenting are Olivier J. Blanchard, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Mark Gertler, Robert E. Hall, Robert E. Lucas, Jr., David H. Papell, Robert A. Pollak, Robert M. Solow, Nancy L. Stokey, and Lars E. O. Svensson. Also included are reflections by Phelps, a preface by Paul A. Samuelson, and the editors' introduction.
The University of Chicago Press Dr. Eleanor's Book of Common Ants of Chicago
Did you know that for every human on earth, there are about one million ants? They are among the longest-lived insects with some ant queens passing the thirty-year mark as well as some of the strongest. Fans of both the city and countryside alike, ants decompose dead wood, turn over soil (in some places more than earthworms), and even help plant forests by distributing seeds. But while fewer than thirty of the nearly one thousand ant species living in North America are true pests, we cringe when we see them marching across our kitchen floors. No longer! In this witty, accessible, and beautifully illustrated guide, Eleanor Spicer Rice, Alex Wild, and Rob Dunn metamorphose creepy-crawly revulsion into myrmecological wonder. Emerging from Dunn's ambitious citizen science project Your Wild Life (an initiative based at North Carolina State University), Dr. Eleanor's Book of Common Ants of Chicago provides an eye-opening entomological overview of the natural history of Chicago's species most noted by project participants and even offers tips on keeping ant farms in your home. Exploring species from the hobbit ant to the tiny trapjaw ant, and featuring contributions from E. O. Wilson and Field Museum ant scientist Corrie Moreau as well as Wild's stunning photography, this guide will be a tremendous resource for teachers, students, and scientists alike. But more than this, it will transform the way Chicagoans perceive the environment around them by deepening their understanding of its littlest inhabitants, inspiring everyone to find their inner naturalist, get outside, and crawl across the dirt magnifying glass in hand.
Harvard University Press Field Notes on Science and Nature
Once in a great while, as the New York Times noted recently, a naturalist writes a book that changes the way people look at the living world. John James Audubon’s Birds of America, published in 1838, was one. Roger Tory Peterson’s 1934 Field Guide to the Birds was another. How does such insight into nature develop?Pioneering a new niche in the study of plants and animals in their native habitat, Field Notes on Science and Nature allows readers to peer over the shoulders and into the notebooks of a dozen eminent field workers, to study firsthand their observational methods, materials, and fleeting impressions.What did George Schaller note when studying the lions of the Serengeti? What lists did Kenn Kaufman keep during his 1973 “big year”? How does Piotr Naskrecki use relational databases and electronic field notes? In what way is Bernd Heinrich’s approach “truly Thoreauvian,” in E. O. Wilson’s view? Recording observations in the field is an indispensable scientific skill, but researchers are not generally willing to share their personal records with others. Here, for the first time, are reproductions of actual pages from notebooks. And in essays abounding with fascinating anecdotes, the authors reflect on the contexts in which the notes were taken.Covering disciplines as diverse as ornithology, entomology, ecology, paleontology, anthropology, botany, and animal behavior, Field Notes offers specific examples that professional naturalists can emulate to fine-tune their own field methods, along with practical advice that amateur naturalists and students can use to document their adventures.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Dandelion Readers VCe Spellings Workbook
Learn how to read with Dandelion Readers decodable books for beginner readers.Dandelion Readers VCe Spellings Activities are first reader books by Phonic Books which introduce children to a few letters and sounds at a time. This activity book accompanies Dandelion Readers VCe Spellings and is perfect for older children who are in their early stages of reading, focusing on silent or ‘magic’ -e spellings through a series of activities. Two books for every stage provide phonics practice while offering different stories and encouraging independent reading from the start of their journey. Each stage introduces new letters and sounds while supporting any previously taught phonic letters or sounds and high-frequency words or sight words. For example:Book 1: The Shape Game (a-e)Book 2: These Things (e-e)Book 3: Bike Ride (i-e)This beginner reader series features: - Spellings and activities in each book for VCe spellings (Vowel, Consonant, silent -e at the end of a syllable or word).- Reading material aimed at children aged 5-7.- Activities which reinforce previously taught spellings a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e. This 138-page phonics activity book features: - Introduction to the activity book- A variety of activities to practice phonics materials taught in the accompanying book Dandelion Readers VCe SpellingsWhat is phonics?Phonics is a way of teaching children to read by understanding the sounds that individual letters make and blending them to make a word. Children can learn to read using this skill to decode new words. Phonic Books specializes in decodable, systematic books supporting this structured literacy instruction.
Johns Hopkins University Press Essential Readings in Wildlife Management and Conservation
Prepared by two of the leading figures in wildlife biology, this book gathers in one volume the most influential articles published in the field. Paul R. Krausman and Bruce D. Leopold have collected the forty-two papers that every wildlife student should read. Each piece is introduced with a commentary that explains why it is important and a brief listing of papers that inspired or were inspired by the classic. Practical and conceptual topics consider every aspect of the wildlife profession, including ethics. Ideal for use as a textbook, Essential Readings in Wildlife Management and Conservation is divided into four sections: the philosophical roots of wildlife management, biology, habitat, and human dimensions. Contains the classic publications of K. T. Adair, R. A. Baer, L. C. Birch, W. H. Burt, L. H. Carpenter, G. Caughley, T. C. Chamberlin, E. L. Charnov, L. C. Chase, F. E. Clements, L. C. Cole, J. H. Connell, R. N. Conner, Z. J. Cornett, P. D. Dalke, D. J. Decker, L. R. Dice, J. G. Dickson, D. F. Doak, P. R. Ehrlich, R. Y. Edwards, C. S. Elton, P. L. Errington, D. Esler, C. D. Fowle, T. A. Gavin, V. Geist, M. Gilpin, H. A. Gleason, J. Grinnell, J. P. Hailman, G. Hardin, N. T. Hobbs, C. S. Holling, S. S. Hutchings, D. H. Johnson, S. R. Kellert, R. H. Klopfer, B. A. Knuth, C. C. Kreuger, A. Leopold, R. L. Lindeman, C. A. Loker, R. H. MacArthur, J. Macnab, S. P. Mahoney, G. F. Mattfield, D. R. McCullough, S. L. Mills, A. J. Nicholson, J. F. Organ, R. T. Paine, G. Parsons, M. E. Richmond, S. J. Riley, S. J. Schwager, V. E. Shelford, W. F. Siemer, D. S. Simberloff, M. E. Soule, G. Stewart, J. W. Thomas, B. Van Horne, S. C. Wecker, and E. O. Wilson.
Harvard University Press Killer Instinct: The Popular Science of Human Nature in Twentieth-Century America
A historian of science examines key public debates about the fundamental nature of humans to ask why a polarized discourse about nature versus nurture became so entrenched in the popular sciences of animal and human behavior.Are humans innately aggressive or innately cooperative? In the 1960s, bestselling books enthralled American readers with the startling claim that humans possessed an instinct for violence inherited from primate ancestors. Critics responded that humans were inherently loving and altruistic. The resulting debate—fiercely contested and highly public—left a lasting impression on the popular science discourse surrounding what it means to be human.Killer Instinct traces how Konrad Lorenz, Robert Ardrey, and their followers drew on the sciences of animal behavior and paleoanthropology to argue that the aggression instinct drove human evolutionary progress. Their message, spread throughout popular media, brought pointed ripostes. Led by the anthropologist Ashley Montagu, opponents presented a rival vision of human nature, equally based in biological evidence, that humans possessed inborn drives toward love and cooperation. Over the course of the debate, however, each side accused the other of holding an extremist position: that behavior was either determined entirely by genes or shaped solely by environment. Nadine Weidman shows that what started as a dispute over the innate tendencies of animals and humans transformed into an opposition between nature and nurture.This polarized formulation proved powerful. When E. O. Wilson introduced his sociobiology in 1975, he tried to rise above the oppositional terms of the aggression debate. But the controversy over Wilson’s work—led by critics like the feminist biologist Ruth Hubbard—was ultimately absorbed back into the nature-versus-nurture formulation. Killer Instinct explores what happens and what gets lost when polemics dominate discussions of the science of human nature.
Columbia University Press More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places (Updated and Expanded)
Since its first publication, Michael J. Mauboussin's popular guide to wise investing has been translated into eight languages and has been named best business book by BusinessWeek and best economics book by Strategy+Business. Now updated to reflect current research and expanded to include new chapters on investment philosophy, psychology, and strategy and science as they pertain to money management, this volume is more than ever the best chance to know more than the average investor. Offering invaluable tools to better understand the concepts of choice and risk, More Than You Know is a unique blend of practical advice and sound theory, sampling from a wide variety of sources and disciplines. Mauboussin builds on the ideas of visionaries, including Warren Buffett and E. O. Wilson, but also finds wisdom in a broad and deep range of fields, such as casino gambling, horse racing, psychology, and evolutionary biology. He analyzes the strategies of poker experts David Sklansky and Puggy Pearson and pinpoints parallels between mate selection in guppies and stock market booms. For this edition, Mauboussin includes fresh thoughts on human cognition, management assessment, game theory, the role of intuition, and the mechanisms driving the market's mood swings, and explains what these topics tell us about smart investing. More Than You Know is written with the professional investor in mind but extends far beyond the world of economics and finance. Mauboussin groups his essays into four parts-Investment Philosophy, Psychology of Investing, Innovation and Competitive Strategy, and Science and Complexity Theory-and he includes substantial references for further reading. A true eye-opener, More Than You Know shows how a multidisciplinary approach that pays close attention to process and the psychology of decision making offers the best chance for long-term financial results.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Dandelion Readers VCe Spellings
Learn how to read with Dandelion Readers decodable books for beginner readers.Dandelion Readers VCe Spellings are first reader books by Phonic Books which introduce children to a few letters and sounds at a time. The pack of 6 books is perfect for older children who are in their early stages of reading, focusing on silent or ‘magic’ -e spellings through a series of stories. Two books for every stage provide phonics practice while offering different stories and encouraging independent reading from the start of their journey. Each stage introduces new letters and sounds while supporting any previously taught phonic letters or sounds and high-frequency words or sight words. For example:Book 1: Late (a-e)Book 2: Pete (e-e)Book 3: A Fine Life (i-e)This beginner reader series features: - An introduction to VCe spellings (Vowel, Consonant, silent -e at the end of a syllable or word).- Reading material aimed at children aged 5-7.- Vowel spellings which introduces spellings a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e and one for all spellings. This pack of 6 decodable books containing 12 pages features: - ‘How to Use This Book’ guidance page with ‘This book introduces’ text box, including information about the new sound being introduced, sounds learned from previous books, high-frequency words and important notes on the sound.- ‘Before reading this book, the reader needs to know’, ‘This book introduces’, ‘High-frequency words’, ‘Vocabulary’ and ‘Talk about the story’ information.- Reading and spelling practice.- Story pages (numbers 1-6). - Photocopyable game page to reinforce the sounds and letters learned throughout the book.What is phonics?Phonics is a way of teaching children to read by understanding the sounds that individual letters make and blending them to make a word. Children can learn to read using this skill to decode new words. Phonic Books specializes in decodable, systematic books supporting this structured literacy instruction.
Columbia University Press Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory: A Debate
No question in theoretical biology has been more perennially controversial or perplexing than "What is a species?" Recent advances in phylogenetic theory have called into question traditional views of species and spawned many concepts that are currently competing for general acceptance. Once the subject of esoteric intellectual exercises, the "species problem" has emerged as a critically important aspect of global environmental concerns. Completion of an inventory of biodiversity, success in conservation, predictive knowledge about life on earth, management of material resources, formulation of scientifically credible public policy and law, and more depend upon our adoption of the "right" species concept. Quentin D. Wheeler and Rudolf Meier present a debate among top systematic biology theorists to consider the strengths and weaknesses of five competing concepts. Debaters include (1) Ernst Mayr (Biological Species Concept), (2) Rudolf Meier and Rainer Willmann (Hennigian species concept), (3) Brent Mishler and Edward Theriot (one version of the Phylogenetic Species Concept), (4) Quentin Wheeler and Norman Platnick (a competing version of the Phylogenetic Species Concept), and (5) E. O. Wiley and Richard Mayden (the Evolutionary Species Concept). Each author or pair of authors contributes three essays to the debate: first, a position paper with an opening argument for their respective concept of species; second, a counterpoint view of the weakness of competing concepts; and, finally, a rebuttal of the attacks made by other authors. This unique and lively debate format makes the comparative advantages and disadvantages of competing species concepts clear and accessible in a single book for the first time, bringing to light numerous controversies in phylogenetic theory, taxonomy, and philosophy of science that are important to a wide audience. Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory will meet a need among scientists, conservationists, policy-makers, and students of biology for an explicit, critical evaluation of a large and complex literature on species. An important reference for professionals, the book will prove especially useful in classrooms and discussion groups where students may find a concise, lucid entree to one of the most complex questions facing science and society.
The University of Chicago Press A Year with Nature: An Almanac
A Year with Nature is an almanac like none you've ever seen: combining science and aesthetics, it is a daily affirmation of the extraordinary richness of biodiversity and our enduring beguilement by its beauty. With a text by herpetologist and natural history writer Marty Crump and a cornucopia of original illustrations by Bronwyn McIvor, this quirky quotidian reverie gazes across the globe, media, and time as it celebrates date-appropriate natural topics ranging from the founding of the National Park Service to annual strawberry, garlic, shrimp, hummingbird, and black bear festivals. With Crump, we mark the publication of classics like Carson's Silent Spring and White's Charlotte's Web, and even the musical premiere of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. We note the discovery of the structure of DNA and the mountain gorilla, the rise of citizen science projects, and the work of people who've shaped how we view and protect nature-from Aristotle to E. O. Wilson. Some days feature US celebrations, like National Poinsettia Day and National Cat Day; others highlight country-specific celebrations, like Australia's Wombat Day and Thailand's Monkey Buffet Festival, during which thousands of macaques feast on an ornately arranged spread of fruits and vegetables. Crump also highlights celebrations that span borders, from World Wildlife Conservation Day to International Mountain Day and global festivities for snakes, sea turtles, and chocolate. Interweaving fascinating facts on everything from jellyfish bodies to monthly birth flowers with folkloric entries featuring the Loch Ness Monster, unicorns, and ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology, the almanac is as exhaustive as it is enchanting. A Year with Nature celebrates the wonder and beauty of our natural world as we have expressed it in visual arts, music, literature, science, natural history, and everyday experience. But more than this, the almanac's vignettes encourage us to contemplate how we can help ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the landscapes and rich biodiversity we so deeply cherish.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Chemistry, Vol 5 (1971-1980)
These volumes are collections of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies, portraits and the presentation speeches for the period 1971 - 1990. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work that won the laureate his prize. New biographical data of the laureates, since they were awarded the Nobel Prize, are also included. These volumes of inspiring lectures by outstanding chemists and biochemists should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of chemistry as well as those in related fields.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 1971 - 1980 with a description of the works which won them their prizes:(1971) G HERZBERG — for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals; (1972) C B ANFINSEN — for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active confirmation; S MOORE & W H STEIN — for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule; (1973) E O FISCHER & G WILKINSON — for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds; (1974) P J FLORY — for his fundamental achievements, both theoretical and experimental, in the physical chemistry of macromolecules; (1975) J W CORNFORTH — for his work on the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions; V PRELOG — for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions; (1976) W N LIPSCOMB — for his studies on the structure of boranes, illuminating problems of chemical bonding; (1977) I PRIGOGINE — for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures; (1978) P MITCHELL — for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory; (1979) H C BROWN & G WITTIG — for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively into important reagents in organic synthesis; (1980) P BERG — for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA; W GILBERT and F SANGER — for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids.
John Benjamins Publishing Co Dizionario Combinatorio Compatto Italiano
Le parole di una lingua non sono mai isolate ma si usano in combinazione e non con qualunque parola ma solo con alcune. Per parlare bene bisogna usare le combinazioni appropriate. In italiano si dice un tozzo di pane per indicare un pezzo di pane, ma si dice anche un tozzo di carne? E una discussione si solleva? O si solleva un’obiezione? Una discussione si affronta, ma un’obiezione? In italiano non si dice fare un appuntamento con qualcuno ma fissare o prendere un appuntamento. Ogni lingua preferisce combinazioni diverse e quindi è facile sbagliare quando si parla una lingua straniera. A volte però anche il parlante nativo sbaglia o non è sicuro. Questo dizionario ricostruisce l’ambiente linguistico di circa 3.000 entrate per aiutare ogni parlante a comunicare in italiano. È destinato al parlante straniero che ha una conoscenza avanzata della lingua italiana ma anche al parlante nativo che è in cerca della parola giusta. Un dizionario che si distingue dai normali dizionari monolingui e bilingui perché indica sistematicamente le combinazioni lessicali (circa 90.000), molto spesso spiegandole e/o accompagnandole con esempi per chiarirne l’uso.—Words are never used in isolation but in combination and not with any word but only with certain specific words. To use a language properly the appropriate combinations must be used. In Italian a piece of bread is a tozzo di pane, but is that the case for meat? Is a tozzo di carne an appropriate combination? If you want to make an appointment with somebody you should not say (as in English) fare un appuntamento but fissare un appuntamento. An Italian affronta una discussione (enters or tackles a discussion), but is it possible for him to say affrontare un’obiezione (to enter or tackle an objection)? Yes it is, as this dictionary shows. So every language has its own preferences in word combinations, misleading a non-native learner into making mistakes influenced by his own language.This dictionary reconstructs the frame to which 3,000 Italian entries belong and aims to help non-Italian speakers with an advanced linguistic competence to find the appropriate word combinations for communicating in Italian. Moreover, this dictionary can also be useful for native speakers who want to improve their lexical choices in writing and speaking Italian. The dictionary, contrary to ordinary monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, systematically lists word combinations (almost 90,000), explaining and/or exemplifying them.Also available: Dizionario Combinatorio Italiano, a more extensive, 2-volume hardcover edition with 6,500 entries listing over 200,000 word combinations.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Suporte De Vida Em Trauma Pré-Hospitalar, Nona Edição
No local, os segundos contam. PHTLS: Suporte de Vida em Trauma Pré-hospitalar ensina e reforça os princípios em avaliar rapidamente um paciente de trauma usando uma abordagem ordenada, tratando imediatamente os problemas com risco de vida, à medida que eles sejam identificados, e minimizando quaisquer atrasos em iniciar o transporte à uma destinação apropriada. Desenvolvido pela Associação Nacional de Técnicos de Emergência Médica (NAEMT) em colaboração com o Colégio Americano do Comitê dos Cirurgiões de Traumas (ASC-COT), o PHTLS, Nona Edição reflete os conhecimentos e práticas atuais com base em evidências, e promove o pensamento crítico como a base para fornecer cuidados de qualidade. Avaliar rapidamente um paciente de trauma para identificar os cuidados de salvamento constitui o centro da nona edição do PHTLS. Leva 2 minutos ou menos para um paciente exsanguinante. Nenhuma outra intervenção pré-hospitalar que os prestadores de cuidado realizam é mais importante do que parar esse nível de sangramento em pacientes de trauma. A fim de refletir isso, o PHTLS, Nona Edição utiliza a mnemônica XABCDE de avaliação do paciente para colocar a hemorragia exsanguinante à frente de cada encontro com o paciente. A importância de XABCDE (hemorragia grave exsanguinante, vias aéreas, respiração, circulação, incapacidade neurológica e exposição ao ambiente) é reforçada em cada capítulo clínico. Características do PHTLS, Nona Edição: Informações atuais sobre ressuscitação com fluidos e imobilização espinhal a partir de pesquisas com base em evidências e experientes provedores de cuidados pré-hospitalares que aplicam os princípios e as práticas do PHTLS no local Técnicas atualizadas de tratamento do paciente, incluindo colocação de torniquete, locais de descompressão com agulha, o uso de ligantes pélvicos, ressuscitação pediátrica com fluidos e manejo pediátrico das vias aéreas Ênfase em lesões evitáveis, desde dirigir distraído até quedas em adultos idosos, e violência entre parceiros íntimos Foco em ameaças e respostas tácticas civis, desde veículos como armas de destruição em massa até um novo fluxograma de metodologia de avaliação remota Componentes Dinâmicos do Programa O manual do PHTLS, Nona Edição é o recurso definitivo em cuidados de trauma que detalha as evidências médicas por trás dos princípios e práticas recomendados do curso do PHTLS. Como próximo passo na evolução do programa do PHTLS, o manual principal será acompanhado pelo novo manual do curso do PHTLS, que reforça e esclarece os conceitos-chave do curso; apresenta um design envolvente e interativo; e está escrito de modo que você sente estar participando de um bate-papo, versus ouvindo a uma aula expositiva.