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Peces soltes el joc infinit de crear
Segurament molts de vosaltres teniu encara records vívidsde quan un pal podia ser qualsevol cosa, de quan vaudescobrir que una caixa de cartró era la millor joguina delmón, dels escenaris que fèieu per al fort de Playmobil ode fer pastetes i experiments culinaris amb fang i altresmilers d?ingredients.Les peces soltes són, per dir-ho de manera senzilla, aixòmateix: materials de joc no estructurat. Materials, coses,objectes, estris, eines, ingredients? i ja veureu que moltmés. Tenen en comú una cosa: sense ser RES poden ser-hoTOT. L?únic límit és la imaginació de qui les fa servir.Peces soltes. El joc infi nit de crearés un llibre de fi nal obert,un inici, unreset, una porta, una eina... I, sobretot,unaincitacióal joc, a l?experimentació i a la creativitat.Benvinguts a l?univers de les peces soltes!Gaudiu-lo mol
Combel Ediciones Editorial Esin, S.A. Cenicienta
Documenta Universitaria Música experimental de John Cage en endavant
Michael Nyman (1944) wrote Música Experimental. De John Cage en edavant in 1974. His brilliant and argued defense of experimental music and of its main authors (John Cage, Philip Glass, Morton Feldman, etc.) soon became a banner for this movement, which was fighting to establish itself next to the vanguard orthodoxy, led by Pierre Boulez and Karlheinz Stockhausen.
Editorial Alrevés S.L Camí a lescola
Viuen al mig del desert, a les profunditats de la tundra, en un poble perdut a la sabana o al vessant remot d?una muntanya. Els seus pares no tenen diners i els necessiten per treballar en les feines de casa. Per si això fos poc, el camí que duu a l?escola és llarg i perillós.I, tanmateix, hi ha milers de nens de tot el món que cada dia recorren desenes de quilòmetres per poder assistir a classe, i ho fan malgrat les adversitats, les inclemències del temps o una geografia descoratjadora, però amb un únic objectiu al cap: el futur.Vull ser metge i ajudar a caminar els nens com jo, diu en Samuel des de l?Índia. Quan sigui gran vull viure on vaig néixer, assegura en Carlitos a l?Argentina. És necessari que totes les nenes com jo puguin anar a l?escola, diu la Zahira al Marroc.Per la seva determinació, pel seu coratge i la seva voluntat de construir-se una nova vida, aquests petits herois d?entre set i tretze anys són més que extraordinaris.Són una lliçó de vida i esperança.
Editorial Fineo ¡Estela, Grita Muy Fuerte!
Editorial Fineo ¡Estela, Grita Muy Fuerte!
Ediciones Ekaré Anem a caçar un ós
En aquesta versió de la cançó popular anglesa, el poeta Michael Rosen i la illustradora Hellen Oxenbury segueixen la pista de quatre nens que surten amb el seu pare a caçar un ós. Junts travessaran un camp ple d?herba, un riu profund, una tempesta, un bosc molt fosc... fins arribar a una cova estreta i tenebrosa... ?Qui té por de l?ós?? Aquesta edició en cartró, amb cantons arrodonits i menors dimensions és ideal per a l?ús dels més petits.
Caitlin Press Whale in the Door
Random House USA Inc Up the Down Staircase
Frankfurter Verlags-Anst. Die Abwärtstreppe rauf
Quercus Publishing Make It Make Sense
Shit You Should Care About was launched as a WordPress blog by three best friends in the back of a political science lecture. Today it''s a global ecosystem of content - two podcasts, 3.5 million Instagram followers and a daily newsy. They are your culture vultures, news agents and (reluctant) agony aunts all rolled into one. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE is a collage of cultural analysis, anecdotes, personal essays, poems, and lists, interplayed like a conversation between friends. So sharp they''ll make you wince, so honest that you might feel uncomfortable with what''s reflecting back at you, so funny you''ll want to take a photo and send it to your best friend.It''s the bedside table essential for women who''ve felt their way through life and want that experience reflected back at them. When everything feels like it''s whooshing away in an endless scroll, MAKE IT MAKE SENSE holds the answers (or questions) to what to do with all these big feelings.
Anness Publishing Yoga for Kids
The stretching and strengthening techniques used in yoga are an ideal way for children to grow flexible and strong. As well as building supple muscles and flexible joints, yoga is also about positive thinking, self-confidence and inner calm: hyperactive, non-athletic or shy children will all benefit from the expression of feeling and imagination through movement that yoga brings. This volume is a practical workbook aimed at children of all physical abilities from the age of three upwards. Through a mixture of exercises, animal poses, meditation and gameplaying, it shows children what yoga can do for them, and will help to give them the best possible start in life.
Watkins Media Limited Clarity Tarot: A deck for creative visualization
RADICAL SIMPLICITY FOR INTUITIVE CONNECTION This gorgeous Tarot deck is designed for the truly modern reader. Clarity reveals the heart of the traditional imagery, stripped of monarchical hierarchy, binarism and ageism, to allow any reader, beginner or expert, to access new visions, reflections and power. The borderless design allows you to create visual landscapes and to deeply understand the elements of Tarot, and the correspondences within them. The guidebook includes an introduction to the system of the Tarot, focusing on the rules of visual language such as symmetry, direction, repetition and connections. Learn how to read the cards for yourself and others, including four suggested spreads, as well as how to activate the deck and open space.
Kalandraka Editora Amb la Tango són tres
Aquesta història va succeir al zoo de Central Park de Nova York. Tango va ser la primera pingüino amb dos pares. Una família diferent que neda, salta, juga a l'estany i és feliç.
Fanbooks Tina Frankens
La Tina es desperta confosa, amb el cos adolorit i ple de cicatrius. No recorda res del seu passat, pero? la seva tieta, que te? cura d?ella, li explica que ha tingut un accident greu.A mesura que passa el temps, la noia se sent me?s forta, i fins i tot comenc?a a sortir de casa... sobretot a les nits. Pero? els dubtes sobre el seu cos ple de cicatrius i la necessitat de recordar el passat no la deixen descansar.
Editorial Empúries El sol i les seves flors
Un llibre de poemes emocionant i fascinador, profundament femení i feminista. El llibre estàestructurat en cinc parts (pansir-se, caure, arrelar, créixer i florir), jugant amb la idea de renaixementdesprés de la caiguda. Comença explorant el trauma, la violació, el desamor, lasolitud i segueix amb el procés de superació i d?aprenentatge que et porten a florir amb totala plenitud. Amb senzillesa i una gran sensibilitat, l?autora parla d?autoestima contraposadaa l?autoodi, de la cerca impossible de la bellesa física quan una està acomplexada, del creixementque implica adonar-se que casa teva ets tu mateix, un cant a l?autoacceptació davant elscànons de bellesa imposats i autoimposats. També reflexiona sobre els orígens i la maternitat.Ella és canadenca filla d?immigrants indis, i fa una preciosa reflexió i una profunda valoraciósobre el que implica ser mare immigrada, el pes de la cultura ancestral i l?amor incondicionalmatern. Una reivindicació fe
Lectio Ediciones Feminismo de bolsillo kit de supervivencia
Es fascinante que un cuerpo sin pelo, fruto de un artefacto social como la depilación, se considere una muestra de feminidad innata. Sería lógico que el vello corporal, que separa la niña de la mujer, se considerase intrínsecamente femenino, incluso sexi. En cambio, hemos llegado al punto en que es todo lo contrario. La mayoría de las mujeres de nuestra sociedad afirman que se depilan porque quieren, porque se sienten más atractivas o por motivos de higiene. En cambio, no depilarte o mostrar públicamente que no te depilas suele ser una decisión política. Este libro desmonta las ideas preconcebidas sobre las supuestas bondades de la depilación y analiza la penalización social que conlleva mostrar el pelo corporal tal y como nos nace. Con los datos en la mano, veremos que la elección no es libre y que mostrar o no mostrar el pelo corporal no es una simple opción inofensiva. Qué vello estamos obligadas a erradicar si queremos ser vistas como mujeres de verdad? Qué impacto tiene sobre nues
Duncker & Humblot Eigentumserwerb Nach Schuldrecht?: Ein Pladoyer Fur Eine Teleologische Extension Von 937 Bgb
Combel Ediciones Editorial Esin, S.A. Garbancito
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis
Der religionsgeschichtliche Hintergrund von Genesis 2-3 lässt sich an zwei Stellen genauer bestimmen, als dies bisher geschehen ist: Einmal ist unter der Oberfläche des kanonischen Textes eine ältere Vorstufe verborgen, die sich mit einiger Sicherheit rekonstruieren lässt. Der Schlëssel dazu sind die Worte der Schlange "Ihr werdet nicht sterben". Damit meint sie nicht eine eventuell zu befërchtende Todesstrafe, sondern: "Ihr werdet nicht sterben, sondern euch verjëngen - genauso wie die Frëchte mir die Jugend wiederbringen. Wenn ihr sie esst, werdet ihr erfahren, dass sie dafër gut sind." Von diesem Ansatz her fällt neues Licht sowohl auf die rätselhafte "Klugheit" der Schlange wie auch auf die "Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse". Beachtet wurde bisher auch noch nicht, welchen Hintergrund die Verleihung des Titels "Mutter aller Lebendigen" an Eva hat. Dahinter steht die archaische Vorstellung von einer mëtterlichen Erde, die die Lebewesen durch Geburt hervorbringt. Dieser Mythos wird ersetzt durch den des Schöpfergottes, der den Menschen aus dem Staub der Erde formt. Darum ist nicht "Mutter Erde", sondern die von Gott geschaffene Eva "Mutter aller Lebendigen".Diese beiden Deutungen lassen viele Probleme des Textes in neuem Licht erscheinen. Die Arbeit beginnt mit einem eingehenden Überblick ëber die bisherige Forschung, erschließt dann die ältere Vorstufe des Textes und versucht schließlich zu beschreiben, durch welche Redaktionen er seine kanonische Gestalt erhalten hat.
Cornerstone In Case of Emergency
''It is a joy to read a debut that has such heart, humour, and pathos'' Taylor Jenkins Reid''The book of the summer'' Stylist''A witty, thought-provoking read'' Woman and Home_______________________________________________Bel Kumar wakes up in hospital surprised and confused.Surprised to be told she had a near-fatal accident outside work. And confused as to why her ex-boyfriend is by her bedside.Bel''s HR record still lists her ex as her next of kin, but she can''t think of a less appropriate person to nurse her back to health.But who can she turn to in a crisis? Over-invested parents? A sister whose life has turned out perfectly? Friends she exchanges dating woes with over cocktails?If this experience has taught Bel anything, it''s that she should reconnect with the most important people from her past. But that''s going to be easier said than done because Bel has never been good at asking for hel
Peeters Publishers De La Rose: Texte, Image, Fortune
Le "Roman de la Rose" est sans doute, avec la Divine Comedie, le texte vernaculaire le plus connu du moyen age. Redecouverte par la critique au XIXe siecle, l'oeuvre attribuee a Guillaume de Lorris et a Jean de Meun a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux. Le present volume vise a illustrer certaines orientations de la recherche actuelle; la bibliographie finale en dresse un inventaire detaille. Les contributions sont signees Douglas Kelly, Brigitte Callay, Sylvia Huot, Alexandre Leupin, Jacek Kowalski, Martine Meuwese, Gregor Weyer, Heidrun Ost, Dulce M. Gonzalez Doreste, Lori Walters, Luciano Rossi, Andrea Valentini, Peter De Wilde, Virginie Minet-Mahy, Fabienne Pomel, Jean Devaux, Jacqueline Thibault Schaefer, Heather Arden, Leslie Brook et Yvan Lepage.
Combel Ediciones Editorial Esin, S.A. Lo Encontró La Encontradora
Editorial Siníndice El sueo del jardinero
Frederick Fell African-american Heroes & Heroines: 150 True Stories of African-American Heroism
America's African-Americans will identify their role models with this collection of inspiring and amazing stories that showcases 150 black heroes and heroines. These action-packed biographies and powerful illustrations document and highlight the major and historical accomplishments of important African-Americans. As part of Fell's "American Heroes and Heroines" series, here's a tribute to the African-American experience. Includes Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Oprah, Justice Thurgood Marshall, and Jackie Robinson. War Heroes, doctors, scientists, educators, artists, athletes, businessmen and leaders of many professions are included.
Little Tiger Press Group The Snow Cat
From best-selling author Holly Webb comes a heart-warming winter tale just in time for Christmas.Bel feels apprehensive about spending the lead-up to Christmas with her grandma at Lamont House, a sheltered housing complex converted from a grand Victorian home. The mansion is beautiful, but eerie, too with its moving shadows and odd noises. One night, Bel is sure she sees a cat wandering across the grounds, even though there are no pets allowed. She follows its footprints through the snow and is transported into the past. Here, she discovers Charlotte, a Victorian girl her own age. Charlotte’s little sister, Sara, is very ill. Charlotte has been searching for Sara’s cat, Snow. She hopes the reunion with her pet might make Sara better. Bel is desperate to help find Snow, but the cat is nowhere to be found, and time is running out…
Peeters Publishers "Contez Me Tout": Melanges De Langue Et De Litterature Medievales Offerts a Herman Braet
A l'occasion de l'emeritat de Herman Braet, professeur de litterature medievale francaise et occitane aux universites d'Anvers et de Louvain, de nombreux collegues belges et etrangers ont souhaite contribuer au volume d'hommages "Contez me tout".Ce recueil propose un itineraire passionnant a travers les investigations les plus recentes, principalement en langue, en litterature et en iconographie du Moyen Age, tant dans le domaine francais qu'occitan.Par son titre comme par les contributions qui le composent, il rend hommage a l'infatigable chercheur qu'est Herman Braet qui, depuis pres de quarante ans, parcourt la litterature et le monde en quete de savoir et d'images. Son portrait scientifique ainsi que sa bibliographie actualisee completent ces hommages.
Anness Publishing Complete Yoga: A step-by-step guide to yoga and meditation, from getting started to advanced techniques
This is an ideal introduction to yoga for everyone, written and presented by experts The philosophy and benefits of Iyengar yoga are clearly explained and there is advice on how to begin and what equipment is needed. The asanas, or postures, are grouped into type for ease of reference, and are tailored for the beginner and those at intermediate level, and includes a special section on asanas for specific ailments such as asthma, migraines, insomnia and anxiety. A chapter on making yoga enjoyable and stimulating for children is also included, with fun animal poses. A comprehensive guide to meditation practice and techniques is also featured. This practical yoga course is a concise instructional guide to helping yoga and meditation become part of your life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Phloem: Molecular Cell Biology, Systemic Communication, Biotic Interactions
Phloem: Molecular Cell Biology, Systemic Communication, Biotic Interactions is a timely collection of research on the cellular and molecular biology of this plant vascular tissue. Recent advances in phloem research have revealed the centrality of this plant tissue to whole plant development and physiology. Building on advances made through developments of new analytical technologies, this book will provide readers with a current and comprehensive reference on the role of phloem in plant growth and development. Collecting the work of a global team of leading researchers, Phloem will provide the reader with a valuable synthesis of the latest research in a single volume.
HarperCollins Publishers The Reappearance of Rachel Price
''The queen of YA crime Holly Jackson returns with a blisteringly good standalone thriller'' Observer''An instantly gripping, corkscrew-twisty thriller' The Guardian''Holly Jackson has smashed it again.' The Nerd DailyA stunning new thriller from the bestselling author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom's mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can't wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again Holly Jackson was ''BookTok Author of the Year'' at the 2023 TikTok Book Awards.The Reappearance of Rachel Price was No 1 in the Sunday Times Children's bestseller listings on Sunday 14/4/2024 and in the New York Times Young Adult Hardcover listings on Wednesday 1
HarperCollins Publishers The Reappearance of Rachel Price
''The queen of YA crime Holly Jackson returns with a blisteringly good standalone thriller'' Observer''An instantly gripping, corkscrew-twisty thriller' The Guardian''Holly Jackson has smashed it again.' The Nerd DailyA stunning new thriller from the bestselling author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom's mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can't wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again Holly Jackson was ''BookTok Author of the Year'' at the 2023 TikTok Book Awards.The Reappearance of Rachel Price was No 1 in the Sunday Times Children's bestseller listings on Sunday 14/4/2024 and in the New York Times Young Adult Hardcover listings on Wednesday 1
Andersen Press Ltd Little Liar
Shortlisted for CrimeFest Best Crime Novel for Young Adults 2019. Nora has lied about many things. But has she told her most dangerous lie of all? There’s a new art assistant at Nora’s school, and he’s crossed a line. Nora decides to teach him a lesson he won’t forget. But not everything goes quite to plan, and Nora needs an escape. She befriends the rich and talented Bel, who longs for a part in a remake of a famous film. Bel is unpredictable, jealous and crazy, but she opens up a new world for Nora, and that makes her irresistible. As events start to spin wildly out of control, Nora must decide where her loyalties lie – and what deceits she can get away with.
Pan Macmillan My Mechanical Romance: An Opposites-attract YA Romance from the Bestselling Author of The Atlas Six
An adorable opposites-attract YA romance, from the TikTok sensation and globally bestselling author of The Atlas Six (under the penname Olivie Blake). Alexene Farol Follmuth's My Mechanical Romance explores the vulnerability of first love . . . while building robots!'It’s romcom perfection' – Adiba Jaigirdar, author of The Henna Wars Nerds are so hot. Especially battle–robot–building nerds.When Bel accidentally reveals a talent for engineering at school, she’s forced into joining the robotics club. Enter Mateo Luna, perfect on paper – captain of the football team and the robotics club – who recognizes Bel as a potential asset, even if they couldn’t be more different. And as the nights of after–school work grow longer, Bel and Teo realize they've made more than just a combat–ready robot for the championship: they’ve made a connection themselves.But with graduation approaching, their differences and what they want for their futures, threatens what they’ve built together. Can they survive Nationals without breaking their robots – or their hearts?'Academic rivals to lovers is one of my favourite tropes and this book delivered it perfectly' - Lottie, NetGalley review'An adorable, nerdy, feel-good read that will leave you blissfully satisfied' - NetGalley Review'I sped through this book and loved every minute' - Poppy, NetGalley Review
HarperCollins Publishers Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency – Phantom Castle: Fluency 3
Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It consists of a range of chapter books with increasing word counts across 10 fluency levels aimed at children in Year 2 and 3. Each book builds reading confidence, stamina and speed and nurtures a love for reading. Fluency 3 books have a word count of 3840 words with an expected reading rate of 80 words per minute. A family holiday seems uneventful until Bel and her family decide to visit Phantom Castle! A mishap involving a trapdoor leaves Bel needing to brave the spooky corridors alone to find the key. But then help comes from a very unexpected source ….
Yale University Press The Time We Share: Reflecting on and through Performing Arts—One Introduction, Three Acts, and Two Intermezzos
Marking the 20th anniversary of Belgium’s Kunstenfestivaldesarts—a major international arts festival—this ambitious book examines a wide range of critical perspectives on two decades of performing arts. The authors look closely at performing arts pieces from around the world to see what critiques and insights they reveal about society. Among the topics that these works address are the dialogue between history and memory, the development of a sense of community, the interplay between fiction and reality, and the fine line between a spectator and a witness. In addition to featuring images of the performances, the book includes texts by the artists themselves, sketches, photos, and writings by prominent figures in the fields of philosophy and sociology. The Time We Share attempts to build a global overview of the relationship between performing arts and society and determine how different performances helped shape international thought surrounding specific issues and ideas. Distributed for Mercatorfonds
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Rose Wylie
Rose Wylie RA (b.1934) trained as an artist in the 1950s, but it was her re-engagement with painting in the early 1980s, after a period spent raising a family, that marked the beginning of a remarkable career that continues to evolve and impress. This monograph, the first of its kind, follows Wylie's fascinating artistic journey celebrating her achievements while also examining her current practice. Rose Wylie's large-scale paintings are inspired by a wide range of visual culture. Her subject matter ranges from contemporary Egyptian Hajj wall paintings and Persian miniatures to films, news stories, celebrity gossip and her observation of daily life. Often working from memory, she distills her subjects into succinct observations, using text to give additional emphasis to her recollections. In weaving together imagery from different sources with personal elements, Wylie's paintings offer a direct and wry commentary on contemporary culture. Her pictures refuse judgment but reveal a concern with the everyday that makes visible its enigmatic core. Drawing on a series of extended interviews with the artist, Clarrie Wallis unpicks the complexities of Wylie's visual language so providing an important contribution to our understanding, and appreciation of, a significant, and increasingly celebrated, figure in contemporary British art.
Channel View Publications Ltd A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
The view that a bilingual speaker, or a speaker acquiring more than one language, is the sum of two —or more— monolinguals is proving to be a myth rather than a reality. Accordingly, this book provides a new profile of children and young people becoming bilingual or multilingual in today’s multicultural Spain. The chapters present studies on the acquisition of the four official languages plus the languages of several new communities. They include descriptive, functional, pragmatic and formal perspectives, covering phonetics, lexis, morphology and syntax, as well as code mixing and input, bilingual twins, SLI bilingualism, narratives, literacy, age and stay abroad effects. The book should be of interest to graduate students and researchers working in the field of second and foreign language acquisition and multilingualism, language planners, language teachers and families alike.
Otter-Barry Books Ltd Is it a Mermaid?
“I AM A BEAUTIFUL MERMAID!” declares the Dugong, and she shows Benji and Bel her mermaid tail (rather big) and her mermaid singing (very bad). Is she really just a “sea-cow” – or could the Dugong be a mermaid after all?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Evangelische Theologie an Staatlichen Universitäten: Konzepte und Konstellationen Evangelischer Theologie und Religionsforschung
Die theologischen Fakultäten an staatlichen Universitäten in Deutschland existieren im Rahmen staatskirchenrechtlicher Regelungen und ihnen zugeordneten Staatskirchenverträgen. Die Vernachlässigung der Ausbildung professioneller Theologen und Theologinnen an staatlichen Universitäten zöge die Gefahr mit sich, einen Kernbereich gesellschaftlicher Realität dem aufgeklärten Wissensdiskurs zu entziehen und damit wissenschaftsfeindlichen Fanatikern und Fundamentalisten zu Ã"berlassen. In zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen und Konstellationen trägt Evangelische Theologie unverzichtbar ihren spezifischen Beitrag zur Interpretation der Wirklichkeit bei. Die Beiträge liefern fÃ"r diese Diskussion aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen und Perspektiven notwendige Klärungen und Einsichten.
Little, Brown Book Group Inheritance: The new novel from the author of Richard & Judy bestseller Moving
'SO immersive, atmospheric and compelling' Marian Keyes 'Kept me glued to the page' Alex Marwood 'Achingly poignant . . . An absolutely brilliant read' Sunday Mirror _____________Beginnings, middles and ends; Peggy, Serena, Natasha and Bel. This is the room that binds them, this is how consequences work . . .In deepest Cornwall, the mansion Kittiwake has seen many pass through its doors since it was bought by American heiress Peggy Carmichael seventy years ago.Over the decades, the keys have been handed down through the family, and now it belongs to Bel's adoptive brother, Lance. It's where he'll be celebrating his fiftieth birthday, and Bel is invited.But Bel barely feels like she's holding it together as it is, and in going back to Kittiwake, she will be returning to the place where it all began - where, following the death of a child, a sequence of events was set in motion, the consequences of which are still rippling down through the generations . . .From Sunday Times bestselling author Jenny Eclair comes an utterly compelling new novel of family secrets that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page.______________PRAISE FOR JENNY ECLAIR:'Wonderfully written, insightful and riveting' Daily Mail'Compelling, compassionate and keenly observed' Independent'Edwina's story is both heart-rending and compelling' Clare Mackintosh'I loved it SO MUCH' Marian Keyes'Witty, moving, dark and absorbing' Jo Brand'An elegant, gripping and mesmeric read' Helen Lederer'An absolute page-turner of a story' Judy Finnigan
Headline Publishing Group Same Time Next Year
''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ This one blew me away''''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Heidi''s books never fail to pick me up''''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Same Time Next Year will have you reaching for the tissues and laughing out loud in equal amounts! I flew through it, unable to put it down''''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Absolutely brilliant from start to finish'' TWO SISTERS. ONE CRUMBLING HOUSE. WHERE WILL THEY BE SAME TIME NEXT YEAR?Sisters Bel and Marie are poles apart. Whilst Marie is a free spirit who spurns alcohol, casual sex and material possessions, Bel needs all of those things just to make it through to lunchtime.When their mother dies suddenly, leaving them a rundown house on the Norfolk coast, they are unexpectedly thrown together. Because there''s a condition: before they can inherit it, they have
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Veröffentlichungen des Instituts fÃ"r Europäische Geschichte Mainz: Geschichtsschreibung und Geschichtsbewusstsein zwischen religiösem Anspruch und historischer Erfahrung
Das neuzeitliche Europa war durch eine vielfältige religiös-konfessionelle Differenzierung bestimmt. Infolgedessen sahen sich die Konfessionen und Religionen beständig herausgefordert, ihre eigene Identität jeweils in Abgrenzung von konkurrierenden EntwÃ"rfen religiöser Weltdeutung und Sinnstiftung zu definieren und sich politisch gegen die Vertreter solcher EntwÃ"rfe zu behaupten. Mit der Verbreitung des Ideals der religiösen Toleranz erfuhren die Mechanismen der Exklusion, auf denen die Konstruktion religiös-konfessioneller Identitäten herkömmlich beruhte, signifikante Veränderungen.
Skyhorse Publishing Some Fishes I Have Known: A Reef Rescue Odyssey
Snorkel Bob (aka Robert Wintner) remembers the day in 1955 when his father took him to a Walgreen’s in Miami for a two-dollar mask and snorkel—then down to the beach and into the shallow water. A three-inch sand crab waved in greeting from bel
La Fabrica Nophoto PHotoBolsillo
The Barcelona-based NOPHOTO collective was founded by Jonás Bel, Matías Costa, Iñaki Domingo, Paco Gómez, Jorquera, Carlos Luján, Juan Millás, Eduardo Nave, Tanit Plana, Eva Sala, Juan Santos, Carlos Sanva, Marta Soul and Juan Valbuena in 2005. This publication reflects the group's experimental and multidisciplinary photography.
Penguin Books Ltd The Escape: An emotional and uplifting story about new beginnings set on the Cornish coast
DISCOVER THE EMOTIONALLY CHARGED AND UNPUTDOWNABLE NEW NOVEL FROM HILARY BOYDBel Carnegie's life is not perfect. Still recovering from her ex-husband's betrayal she lives with her narcissistic father in the family flat in Earl's Court.Then one summer she decides to swap the sweltering city for beautiful Cornwall. While renting a little cottage she finds that the sea, sunshine and new friends help heal her damaged heart.But Bel soon learns that you can't run from the past and it isn't long before it comes knocking once more . . .Praise for Hilary Boyd'Hilary Boyd nails family dynamics and misplaced loyalties with pin-sharp precision in an impressively well-written tale' Daily Express'I was ripping through this book . . . addictive' Evening Standard'Boyd is as canny as Joanna Trollope at observing family life' Daily Mail
BOOM! Box Welcome to Wanderland
Bellamy Muñoz is a Wanderland SUPER fan, and she knows everything there is to know about the iconic theme park... except about the very real, very magical world that it’s based on.Bellamy Muñoz is a Wanderland SUPERFAN, and she knows everything there is to know about the most “wander-ful” place on Earth, from the secret lore behind each ride, to all the spots to find the best snacks (with the shortest lines). So when she winds up in the very real and very magical world the park is based on, where there are actual princesses and quests and destiny, Bel is pretty sure she’s uniquely prepared for this situation...until it starts to become clear that Wander isn’t actually much like the theme park at all, and the characters Bel loves aren’t at all like she’d imagined... Created and written by CYBIL award-nominated writer Jackie Ball (Goldie Vance), and illustrated by Eisner-winning cartoonist Maddi Gonzalez (Elemen
Little, Brown Book Group Inheritance: The new novel from the author of Richard & Judy bestseller Moving
'So immersive, atmospheric and compelling' Marian Keyes'Kept me glued to the page' Alex Marwood'Achingly poignant . . . An absolutely brilliant read' Sunday Mirror_____________Beginnings, middles and ends; Peggy, Serena, Natasha and Bel. This is the room that binds them, this is how consequences work . . .In deepest Cornwall, the mansion Kittiwake has seen many pass through its doors since it was bought by American heiress Peggy Carmichael seventy years ago.Over the decades, the keys have been handed down through the family, and now it belongs to Bel's adoptive brother, Lance. It's where he'll be celebrating his fiftieth birthday, and Bel is invited.But Bel barely feels like she's holding it together as it is, and in going back to Kittiwake, she will be returning to the place where it all began - where, following the death of a child, a sequence of events was set in motion, the consequences of which are still rippling down through the generations . . .From Sunday Times bestselling author Jenny Eclair comes an utterly compelling new novel of family secrets that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page.______________PRAISE FOR JENNY ECLAIR:'Wonderfully written, insightful and riveting' Daily Mail'Compelling, compassionate and keenly observed' Independent'Both heart-rending and compelling' Clare Mackintosh'I loved it SO MUCH' Marian Keyes'Witty, moving, dark and absorbing' Jo Brand'An elegant, gripping and mesmeric read' Helen Lederer'An absolute page-turner of a story' Judy Finnigan