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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bioceramics in Endodontics
MOTILAL UK BOOKS OF INDIA Gendergirlswomen Education
SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd Global Marketing Research
Global Marketing Research is a comprehensive text that tracks the dynamic world of global marketing and undertakes a systematic approach in discussing the steps involved in the process of conducting marketing research. This text has been developed by the author from over two decades of experience in conducting marketing research and observing the behavior of customers in more than 30 countries. It discusses recent developments in the scope and extent of the subject and examines advances in quantitative and qualitative research techniques from a global perspective. Key Features • Overview of marketing research processes including introduction of key concepts, exploring relevant issues, and highlighting major challenges to understand and coordinate the entire process • Focus on the important phases of marketing research such as understanding its nature and scope, data collection, questionnaire designing, sampling, and analysis and presentation of results • Numerous country-specific examples and cases from the global perspective giving detailed insight into the developments around the world • Dedicated and up-to-date inclusion of a section on the aspects of marketing research in major geographical areas • Chapter-end review exercises and case-based questions for critical and in-depth understanding
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers ENT, Head and Neck Diseases Made Easy
ENT, Head and Neck Diseases Made Easy guides surgeons through various conditions and their treatment, with the help of preoperative, intra-operative and postoperative case records and findings. Presented in a step by step manner, an interactive DVD-ROM providing numerous radiological pictures assists understanding and learning.
Regal Publications Environmental Laws: Issues and Concerns
ANE Books Textbook of Botany
Unicorn Books Pvt Ltd Spirulina
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Lands: Current Issues & Perspectives
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fracture of Solids with Microdefects
OUP India Schooling for All: Can We Neglect the Demand?
Does substantial expansion of educational facilities by itself create the required demand for education? Since demand for education depends on many socio-economic, political, and religious factors, is the supply of free schooling alone adequate? Schooling for All demonstrates that there is still a substantial need to create demand for schooling among all levels of society, especially in those socio-economic groups which are yet to see the importance of education. The volume critically analyses the primary drawbacks of the Indian education system-non-enrolment, dropouts, irregular attendance, and inadequate learning. It establishes the need to strongly encourage parents to recognize the importance of education for their children's future. Arguing that supply-side strategies-free education, midday meals, opening more schools-have not proved effective since the problem of inadequate demand is much larger, the authors delineate the measures that are required to boost the demand for education in India.
OUP India Economic Policy Modelling for India
This volume applies modern quantitative techniques to the meaningful analysis of economic policy, economic forecasting, and scientific quantification of economic relationships. The essays deal with issues in policy modelling for the Indian economy with respect to: price behaviour, growth scenarios, monetary policy, business cycles, debt management, exchange rate and trade flows, and consumption behaviour. In highlighting effective macroeconomic modelling techniques from a policy perspective, the volume enables convergence between professional economists and policy-formulators. This ensures meaningful application of econometric methodology to a spectrum of policy themes resulting in more reliable effective, and sustainable solutions. The principal economy-wide modelling techniques the volume focuses on include: structural modelling, spectral analysis, optimal control, coincident indicators, and the latest extension of almost ideal demand systems (AIDS). Presenting an overview of t he developments in the field of structural macroeconometric modelling in India in the last two decades, the contributors encapsulate the diverse methodologies used as well as the empirical results generated. This book is of contemporary relevance to the new policy regime geared for globalization. It firmly sends out the message that in an era of increasingly dynamic market structures, it is necessary to quantify behavioural patterns and adjustment processes rather than relying on rules of thumb and casual empiricism. Contributors include Nobel Laureate Lawrence Klein, Jan Tinbergen, D M Nachane, and winner of the Mahalanobis Memorial National Award M J Manohar Rao, among others.
Sassi Opposites
GMC Publications Crocheted Animal Hats
A follow-up to the bestselling Animal Hats, this title features 15 fun patterns to crochet, suitable for all abilities to make. It includes an illustrated techniques section explaining all the crochet know-how. It features colour photographs and step-by-step instructions to guide the reader along. Spread a little animal magic with these adorable animal hats. Adults and children alike will love this collection of eye-catching hats. Even on the coldest of days, your animal antics will raise smiles and spread some warmth and cheer. Why not knit up a whole menagerie of characters to suit every occasion and mood? At the back of the book the basic crochet techniques are clearly explained, including how to add a lining for extra coziness. Sizes are included for children and adults so all the family can have their own hat. It includes 15 clearly presented crochet patterns plus charts. Patterns include: leopard, owl, parrot, zebra, deer, duck, raccoon and sheep.
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres La céramique de style West Slope
Peeters Publishers Histoire Des Collections Completes Des Discours De Gregoire De Nazianze
Suivant l'opinion recue, basee sur les recherches de Th. Sinko, les manuscrits contenant les collections completes des Discours de Gregoire de Nazianze se repartissent en deux familles de temoins, caracterisees par le nombre de pieces et l'ordre dans lequel elles se suivent; d'autre part, chaque famille attesterait un texte presentant des variantes propres. A partir de ces conclusions, une equipe de collaborateurs des Sources Chretiennes a entrepris une nouvelle edition des Discours. Or, les travaux de Th. Sinko etaient restes incomplets : il fallait encore recenser la totalite des temoins des collections completes et etudier les autres types de temoins (collections partielles, homeliaires, menologes, etc.). Le present ouvrage est consacre a la premiere partie de ce programme : les temoins des collections completes y sont decrits systematiquement. L'analyse de criteres externes (acolouthie, signes marginaux, titres) indique que la distinction en deux familles ne rend pas compte de la tradition manuscrite. De plus, la collation de quatre Discours dans tous ces temoins et dans les versions orientales montre que les manuscrits ne se repartissent pas non plus en deux textes distincts. Cet ouvrage jette les bases d'une etude systematique de la tradition manuscrite des Discours du Nazianzene.
Peeters Publishers Paradoxes De L'Inculturation. Les Nouveaux Habits Des Yanomani
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. CX - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 7: Clement of Alexandria
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers PieterJozef Verhaghen 17281811 In Het Spoor Van Rubens
Peeters Publishers Palimpsestes Et Editions De Textes: Les Textes Litteraires: Actes Du Colloque Tenu a Louvain-la-Neuve (septembre 2003)
Les contributions reunies dans cette publication ont ete presentees au colloque organise les 5 et 6 septembre 2003 a l'Universite catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, dans le cadre de la participation de l'Institut orientaliste (et plus particulierement du Centre d'etudes sur Gregoire de Nazianze) au projet international Rinascimento Virtuale. Digitale Palimpsestforschung. Rediscovering written records of a hidden European cultural heritage. Ce projet, mis en place sous la direction du Prof. D. Harlfinger (Universite de Hambourg), reunit depuis 2001 des specialistes de l'Europe entiere dans le but de faire progresser l'etude de textes mal connus, parce que souvent difficiles ou impossibles a lire a l'oeil nu, sur lesquels on a juge bon d'en copier d'autres. Essentiellement compose d'hellenistes de diverses specialites (philologues classiques, byzantinistes, paleographes, codicologues, etc.), Rinascimento Virtuale s'est construit autour des manuscrits palimpsestes grecs. Son premier objectif est d'ailleurs d'arriver au recensement exhaustif de ce type de temoins conserves dans les differentes bibliotheques europeennes. De ce point de vue, le Centre d'etudes sur Gregoire de Nazianze est bien place, puisque cet auteur, dont la tradition directe est une des plus impressionnantes qui soit, eu egard au nombre de temoins conserves, est present dans une cinquantaine de palimpsestes. Cette position privilegiee, conjugee a la raison d'etre de ce centre de recherches - a savoir, l'editio critica maior des Discours de ce Pere de l'Eglise - a impose le theme de ce colloque: "Palimpsestes et edition de textes: les textes litteraires".
Peeters Publishers Entre Le Global Et Le Local: Inculturation Et Changement Social
Le modele de la contextualisation conjure la pastorale missionnaire de s'adresser a la situation culturelle integrale des societes, qui comprend des vetera mais egalement des nova, de prendre en consideration la marche des peuples vers l'avenir autant que la culture traditionnelle encore tres vivante, de tenir compte des determinants de la vie des populations encore tres immergees dans les traditions d'antan et de s'y adapter, mais de s'y adapter avec une flexibilite et une ouverture conscientes des aspirations modernes au developpement et de l'evolution ulterieure des societes. Ce louable souci d'equilibre ne suffit point pour satisfaire ni les exigences d'une intelligence a la recherche de comprehension et de coherence, ni les attentes d'une pastorale avide de programmes pratiques et de solutions concretes. Le noble projet restera un pieux desir aussi longtemps qu'on n'aura pas montre par quelles voies concretes l'integration de la tradition et de la modernite est appelee a prendre forme. La question recurrente des hommes et des femmes qui combattent dans les lignes de feu est: Comment faire concretement lorsque, simultanement, sont a l"uvre dans les societes non-occidentales des forces travaillant dans des directions radicalement opposees, les unes tendant au maintien, et meme a l'accentuation des particularismes, les autres agissant dans le sens de la convergence et de l'affinite? C'est aux divers aspects de cette question complexe et rarement abordee qu'est consacree la reflexion developpee dans ce livre. Grace a la double competence de l'auteur, celui-ci est a la fois un ouvrage de theologie pastorale et un essai d'anthropologie appliquee.
Peeters Publishers De Transitu Mariae Apocrypha Aethiopice, I: T.
Peeters Publishers Patericon Aethiopice: T.
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Michel Psellos. Portraits de famille
Bien que Michel Psellos (1018 - ca. 1078) soit l'un des plus importants auteurs byzantins, et l'un des plus prolifiques, seule une infime partie de sa production littéraire, d'accès souvent difficile, est actuellement disponible en traduction. On trouvera dans le présent volume la première version française de l'une de ses oeuvres majeures, l'éloge dédié à la mémoire de sa mère, morte en odeur de sainteté, ainsi que la traduction de son Éloge funèbre en l'honneur de sa fille Styliané, emportée par la maladie à un âge enfantin, et celle de quelques opuscules (discours et lettres) évoquant son petit-fils encore aux langes. Ce dossier de textes offre un intéressant aperçu sur l'histoire de la vie privée à l'époque médio-byzantine, dans sa double dimension matérielle (histoire de la famille et de l'éducation) et psychologique (histoire des sentiments, histoire de la foi). Par leur variété de ton, ces différents oeuvres apportent aussi un éclairage précieux sur la personnalité complexe et les multiples talents d'un auteur puissamment original.
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Pèlerinages et lieux saints dans l'Antiquité et le Moyen Âge: Mélanges offerts à Pierre Maraval
Ces Mélanges sont offerts à Pierre Maraval, professeur émérite de l'Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, spécialiste de l'histoire du christianisme antique. On trouvera dans ce volume une bibliographie de ses travaux. Ces Mélanges regroupent les contributions de plusieurs de ses amis et collègues sur les pèlerinages, sur les lieux saints, en particulier Jérusalem ainsi que sur la sainteté chrétienne, sur les prières et les calendriers liturgiques. La période envisagée par les auteurs de ce livre part de l'époque du Nouveau Testament et s'étend jusqu'à la fin du Moyen ge et concerne aussi bien l'Occident que l'Orient.
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres La Grèce dans les profondeurs de l'Asie: Actes du 26e colloque de la Villa Kérylos à Beaulieu-sur-Mer les 9 et 10 octobre 2015
Peeters Actes du Pantocrator
Soho Publishing Bright Baby Blankies
Squares, blocks and single pieces - no matter what your preference in baby blankets is, we have you covered! Lace, florals, chevron and colourwork are all techniques found in this booklet. All are stitched in Vanna's Choice by Lion Brand Yarns.
GMC Publications Crocheted Accessories
This title features 20 gorgeous projects all clearly presented with easy-to-follow patterns. The projects include small fun designs, quick to make and a fabulous way to use up spare pieces of yarn. The techniques section explains basic skills, with a detailed reference glossary. This sumptuous step-by-step guide unites traditional crochet skills with contemporary fashion styles and icons. "Crocheted Accessories" introduces crochet makers of all abilities to a new vista of exciting possibilities. The book aims to give beginners the confidence to tackle exciting projects, as well as inspire intermediate crochet makers to develop new skills and dexterity. Vanessa Mooncie takes the reader on a making journey, explaining the techniques needed to produce a wide range of vibrant and exhilarating pieces; from intricate bumble bee brooch pins and vintage-inspired tattoo emblem brooches to delicate flower posy corsages and charming heart-shaped rings. Each chapter includes a project that all levels of makers can accomplish, as well as history boxes explaining the development of crochet through the ages. Projects include: fantail dove brooch, daffodil headband, mod target cufflinks, love heart tattoo brooch, trinket charm bracelet and oak leaf necklace.
Titan Books Ltd Aliens: Vasquez
"Look, man. I only need to know one thing: where they are." PFC Jenette Vasquez on LV-426 Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an immigrant family with a long military tradition she looked up to the stars, but life pulled her back down to Earth-first into a street gang, then prison. The Colonial Marines proved to be Vasquez's way out-a way that forced her to give up her twin children. Raised by Jenette's sister Roseanna, those children-Leticia and Ramon-have been forced to discover their own ways to survive. Leticia by following her mother's path into the military, Ramon by embracing the corporate hierarchy of Weyland-Yutani. Their paths converge on an unnamed world, which some see as a potential utopia, while others would use it for highly secretive research. Regardless of what humans might have planned for it, however, Xenomorphs will turn the planet into a living hell. Sarcastic, sexy, and action-packed, Vasquez brings generational heritage into the Alien universe in an explosive way.
Flame Tree Publishing Mestiza Blood
From the lauded author of The Queen of the Cicadas (which picked up starred reviews from PW, Kirkus and Booklist who called her "a dynamic and innovative voice") comes a short story collection of nightmares, dreams, desire and visions focused on the Chicana experience. V.Castro weaves urban legend, folklore, life experience and heartache in this personal journey beginning in south Texas: a bar where a devil dances the night away; a street fight in a neighborhood that may not have been a fight after all; a vengeful chola at the beginning of the apocalypse; mind swapping in the not so far future; satan who falls and finds herself in a brothel in Amsterdam; the keys to Mictlan given to a woman after she dies during a pandemic. The collection finishes with two longer tales: The Final Porn Star is a twist on the final girl trope and slasher, with a creature from Mexican folklore; and Truck Stop is an erotic horror romance with two hearts: a video store and a truck stop. FLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing Independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction & fantasy, and crime / mystery / thriller categories. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.
Potter Craft Chic Metal
HarperCollins India Duryodhana
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of 3D Echocardiography
3D echocardiography is an ultrasound technique allowing cardiographers to see three-dimensional images of the heart in real time, rather than the traditional two-dimensional images. This allows more accurate assessment and management of valvular and congenital heart disease. This manual is a concise guide to 3D echocardiography. Beginning with an introduction to the technique, the following chapters discuss its use in the evaluation of different heart conditions. With more than 160 colour images and illustrations, including 3D echo clippings presented in atlas format, this manual also includes a free DVD introducing 3D echocardiography and illustrating its techniques. Key points Concise guide to 3D echocardiography and its techniques Discusses its use in evaluating different types of heart disease Includes free DVD illustrating techniques More than 160 colour images and illustrations Features 3D echo clippings in atlas format
Sassi The Garden
Concept Publishing Co Five Decades of Economic Development and Social Change in Village India
Concept Publishing Co Ergonomics of Carrying Loads by Women in Hills
Universities Press Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Combinatorics
Scientific Publishers Journals Dept Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants of India and Nepal
Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd Fiction as Window: Critiquing the Indian Cultural Ethos Since the 1980's
PHI Learning Fundamentals of Computers
V & A Publishing V&A Pattern: 100 Postcards
These beautiful postcards have been selected from the bestselling V&A Pattern titles. Drawing on designs intended for textiles, wallpaper, fashion and furnishing, this richly varied collection is a resource for artists, designers and students, as well as a charming addition to the design fan's stationery collection. Presented in a colourful presentation box, these beautifully printed patterns range from the intricate floral motifs of William Morris and C.F.A. Voysey to the wit and vibrancy of Pop era design; from the cool restraint of Fifties textile design to the iconic designs of Liberty & Co. A desirable gift and a surprising trove of design inspiration, this postcard collection is the perfect introduction to the V&A's design collections.
Peeters Publishers Histoire de Claude Simon: Ecriture et Vision du Monde
Peeters Publishers Les Actes des Patriarches IV: Les Regestes de 1208 a 1309
Peeters Publishers Geronticon: V.
Peeters Publishers Geronticon: T.
Peeters Publishers Asceticon: T.