Search results for ""author thomas""
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Spinal Disorders & Treatment: The NYU-HJD Comprehensive Textbook
Spinal Disorders & Treatment: The NYU-HJD Comprehensive Textbook is a collection of concise and detailed reviews of spine disorders and management. There are separate comprehensive sections on basic science and clinical evaluation, non-surgical management, spinal injections and surgical treatment. The book is divided into three parts; the first part covers basic sciences, biomechanics, neurological diagnosis, examination and evaluation of various disorders. The second part covers non-invasive therapeutic intervention including pharmacological management, psychosocial management, and alternative medicine for treatment of spinal disorders. The final part is an introduction to spinal injections, including detailed description of various injecting techniques for trigger Point, sacroiliac, peripheral joint, and intra-articular facet. Current evidence-based practices have been included in each chapter to keep surgeons and neurologists up-to-date and practically sound. Key Points Authored by experts in the field of orthopaedic and neurosurgery at the New York University of Medicine Comprehensive and authoritative text enhanced by over 560 full colour images Evidence-based, up-to-date information
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Treatise on Happiness: The Treatise on Human Acts
The fifth volume of The Hackett Aquinas, a series of central philosophical treatises of Aquinas in new, state-of-the-art translations accompanied by a thorough commentary on the text.Acclaim for previous volumes in the series:The Treatise on Human Nature Translated, with Commentary, by Robert Pasnau "This very readable and accurate translation of the so-called Treatise on Human Nature strikes the right balance between literal rendition of Aquinas' Latin and naturalness of English expression, and thus will be of use both to new students of Aquinas and to those familiar with the original Latin. The commentary on the text should make the translation especially suitable for use in courses on Aquinas' philosophy of human nature and theory of knowledge." —Deborah Black, University of TorontoThe Treatise on the Divine Nature Translated, with Commentary, by Brian J. Shanley, O.P. "That Shanley's translation-cum-commentary can open students to such a rich appropriation of Aquinas explains why I call it 'superb.'" —David Burrell, The ThomistDisputed Questions on Virtue Translated by Jeffrey Hause and Claudia Eisen Murphy; Commentary by Jeffrey Hause "Hause and Murphy are to be congratulated. [Their volume's] strong points are numerous and important. The translation is clear and faithful. . . . Hause offers an extended commentary which is solid and helpful for beginning readers. . . . A gem." —R. E. Houser, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Johns Hopkins University Press Making Government Manageable: Executive Organization and Management in the Twenty-First Century
What are the basic concepts of executive organization and management? How does executive organization affect management? How can executive organization and management be improved? In Making Government Manageable, Thomas H. Stanton and Benjamin Ginsberg bring together a distinguished group of authorities from both the academic and political worlds to explore problems relating to the organization and management of government. The authors begin with a brief overview of the development of executive organization and management to the present day. They then offer examples of problems in federal department organization and management. They also raise the question of the effectiveness of third-party government-cases in which the private sector under contract with the government performs services for which the government is responsible and, in the process, makes policy for which the government becomes responsible. The authors conclude with a discussion of cases in which agencies have enjoyed some measure of success through reforming and reorganizing their internal structures and processes. Contributors: Murray Comarow, National Academy of Public Administration; Matthew A. Crenson, the Johns Hopkins University; Alan L. Dean, National Academy of Public Administration; Dan Guttman, The Johns Hopkins University and the National Academy of Public Administration; Dwight Ink, Institute of Public Administration; Ronald C. Moe, the Johns Hopkins University and National Academy of Public Administration; Sallyanne Payton, University of Michigan Law School; Beryl A. Radin, University of Baltimore and National Academy of Public Administration; Harold Seidman, formerly U.S. Bureau of the Budget; Barbara S. Wamsley, National Academy of Public Administration and the Johns Hopkins University.
Buch & Netz Kapitalmarkt - Recht und Transaktionen XV
Andrews McMeel Publishing Disney Dreams Collection Thomas Kinkade Studios Coloring Book
Theologischer Verlag Asthetik Und Ethik: Die Offentliche Bedeutung Der Praktischen Theologie
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Bologna und das Rechtsstudium: Fortschritte und Rückschritte der europäischen Juristenausbildung
Ist der Bologna-Prozess der richtige Weg für die Juristenausbildung in Deutschland? Der Sammelband geht dieser Frage aus historischer und vor allem rechtsvergleichender Perspektive auf den Grund. Er bringt detaillierte Berichte über die juristische Ausbildung in europäischen und außereuropäischen Ländern auf dem neuesten Stand. Aus Rezensionen zum Vorläuferband: "Der Band besticht durch seine Vielfalt an Beiträgen und Hintergrundinformationen, die er zur Juristenausbildung bietet." Ulrike Guckes Anwaltsblatt 2008, Heft 10"Der Sammelband gibt einen ausgezeichneten Überblick über die europäischen Traditionen und Reformen in Sachen Juristenausbildung. Es war gewiss ein Kunststück, so durchweg kompetent und umsichtig urteilende Autorinnen und Autoren zusammenzuführen. […] Die Diskussion um das Bologna-Modell von 1999 und die Juristenausbildung hat wieder einmal eine Fülle von Erwägungen, Politiken und Polemiken angestoßen […] Der Band bietet dazu eine der besten, nämlich umfassenden und umsichtigen Bilanzen. Insbesondere die vergleichenden Berichte sind von hohem Wert für die Diskussion." Joachim Rückert Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter 2010, 451-452
De Gruyter Oswald Wieners Theorie des Denkens: Gespräche und Essays zu Grundfragen der Kognitionswissenschaft
Aus der Kunst kommend und notgedrungen zum Forscher geworden, hob der vielseitig schaffende Oswald Wiener (1935—2021) in seiner Denkpsychologie hervor: „Eine Synthese von Selbstbeobachtung und Automatentheorie strebe ich nicht an. Es geht vielmehr um eine Gegenüberstellung: Was an den in der Selbstbeobachtung aufgefaßten Zusammenhängen läßt sich auf einigermaßen befriedigende Weise als eine Realisierung von Zusammenhängen innerhalb eines formalen Systems, z. B. des formalen Systems Automatentheorie auffassen. Oder umgekehrt: Wie gut erfaßt das Modell Automatentheorie (Computer-Metapher, ,Physical Symbol System', künstliche Intelligenz auf dem heutigen Stand ...) wesentliche Züge des menschlichen Denkens? Was würde hier als eine ,einigermaßen befriedigende Weise' gelten? Wie sehr und was abstrahiert das formale System?“ Drei Gespräche mit Wiener über die historische Theorieentwicklung und vier Essays in diesem Buch sollen diesen neuen und bislang zu wenig im akademischen Diskurs beachteten Ansatz der Denktheorie ein- und fortführen. Angelpunkt der Überlegungen ist Wieners letzter großer Aufsatz „Kybernetik und Gespenster“. Künstlerische Forschung im Werk Oswald Wieners (1935–2021) Der denkpsychologische Ansatz von Wiener Über die Verknüpfung von Informatik und Selbstbeobachtung Auch in englischer Sprache erhältlich Oswald Wiener's Theory of Thought 978-3-11-065961-0 “The collected essays in this book orbit around the mind of Oswald Wiener, becoming visible in his poignant text Cybernetics and Ghosts. The subtitle, in the no-man's-land between science and art adds an unnecessary caveat to Oswald Wiener's thoughts, because his thinking operates in a well-developed domain, just one that sadly resides in a parallel universe, one in which computer scientists are philosophers of mind, cybernetics did not die, and psychology did not end after Piaget. Wiener's perspective becomes very timely when it comes to the current, dismal discourse about Artificial Intelligence, which is largely taking place between philosophically illiterate engineers and scientifically illiterate humanities scholars. Where the engineers present their discoveries of practically useful algorithms and the scholars their practically useful political opinions, Wiener remains a true intellectual, sifting through the phenomenology of AI systems in an attempt to understand its significance for the unanswered questions of mind, meaning and the construction of reality.” Joscha Bach, Cognitive Scientist / AI Strategist at Liquid AI / Research Fellow at Thistledown Foundation, San Francisco Bay Area
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Roaring Girl
This Jacobean city comedy is a curiosity in that it presents a real-life character, the notorious cross-dresser Moll Frith, who probably was among the first audiences of 'her' play before she was taken up for public misconduct. Middleton and Dekker's 'roaring girl' may outrage her society with her pipe, bluster and swagger, but she turns out to be the moral centre of the play. Her code of honour leads her to call the bluff on rogues and conspicuous consumers, to thrash a hypocritical gallant in a duel, and to act as go-between for the young lovers thwarted by parental tyranny. This wry dramatisation of female deviancy exposing male ineffectuality is as much to the point today as it was in King James's England. An appendix helps the modern reader to appreciate the canting terms used by the low-life characters.
Broadview Press Ltd The Roaring Girl
The titular “Roaring Girl” of Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker’s comedy is Moll Cutpurse, a fictionalized version of Mary Frith, who attained legendary status in London by flouting gendered dress conventions, illegally performing onstage, and engaging in all manner of transgressive behavior from smoking and swearing to stealing. In the course of The Roaring Girl’s lively and complex plot of seduction and clever ruses, Moll shares her views on gender and sexuality, defends her honor in a duel, and demonstrates her knowledge of London’s criminal underworld. This edition of the play offers an informative introduction, thorough annotation, and a substantial selection of contextual materials from the period.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Imperial German Edged Weaponry, Vol. III: Automobile and Aero Corps, Government and Civilian, Hunting, Colonial, Kinder
This three volume set on Imperial German swords, daggers, and bayonets is a follow-up to the author's successful and highly acclaimed four-volume series on World War II German (2005), and his equally heralded three-volume series on World War II German swords (2006) - both sets from Schiffer Publishing. These new Imperial volumes are the result of many years of arduous research on both sides of the Atlantic with several dozen advanced Imperial blade collectors making contributions. Additionally, the author's long-term relationship with key personnel in the Solingen edged weapon industry opened numerous doors in the preparation of this invaluable reference series. No one can doubt the fact that the quality of the Imperial sidearms far surpasses their subsequent mass-produced Third Reich counterparts. The author was afforded complete access to two of the most advanced Imperial edged weapon collections in the United States and one in Germany. Whether you own a single Imperial German edged weapon or have a massive collection of these beautiful artifacts, this series of references will greatly expand your knowledge and appreciation of these unique sidearms and will prove to be a must for all German edged weapon aficionados.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Accounting and Auditing Research and Databases: Practitioner's Desk Reference
The easy-to-use, do-it-yourself desk accounting and auditing research database FASB's online GAAP Codification system. The convergence of U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards. EDGAR filing and research system. RIA Checkpoint and CCH. Accounting professionals and practitioners need to understand these research databases to reach solutions and achieve maximum results for the organization. Highlighting each pertinent database, Accounting and Auditing Research Databases shows you how to conduct research using a host of databases including RIA, CCH, AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, GARS, and eIFRS. Highlights each specific database Step-by-step guidance to research resources Explains how to conduct research using databases including AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, and eIFRS Enables you to understand accounting and auditing research to reach solutions Accounting and Auditing Research & Databases: A Practitioner's Desk Reference focuses on the practical aspects of professional accounting and auditing research with step-by-step guidance to research resources to provide you with the skills you need to improve within your organization.
University of Nebraska Press Memoirs of a White Crow Indian
Thomas H. Leforge was "born an Ohio American" and chose to "die a Crow Indian American." His association with his adopted tribe spanned some of the most eventful years of its history--from the Indian Wars to the reservation period—and as interpreter, agency employee, chief of Crow scouts for the 1876 campaign (he was with Terry at the Little Big Horn), bona fide Crow "wolf," and husband of a Crow woman, he was usually in the midst of the action. His story, first published in 1928, remains a remarkably accurate source of historical and ethnological information on this relatively little known tribe.
The American University in Cairo Press Growing Old in Egypt: The Supply and Demand of Care for Older Persons
A new study of Egypt's resources for elder care, and an exploration of the cultural and social attitudes that impact this ever-increasing need in modern society The Egyptian society is aging. Families have to find solutions for care-dependent older persons, while at the same time, social changes threaten the traditional system of family care. The society has to adapt to this previously unknown situation and to develop new strategies for meeting the needs of its older members. Based on eight years of research, this book investigates the cultural shifts necessitated by these developments. It introduces the reader to the nursing homes and home care services that are currently available in Egypt's bigger cities. It describes how younger persons face the challenges of the new profession of care-giving and how recipients adapt in different ways to the situation of receiving care by non-family members. Besides examining culturally rooted attitudes, care needs and their related factors are analyzed in order to ident
Peeters Publishers The Future of Deuteronomistic History
The present debate on the so-called "Deuteronomistic History" has become quite confusing and in recent years more and more scholars are inclined to deny the existence of a Deuteronomistic History as elaborated by Martin Noth or at least to modify this thesis radically. The contributions in this volume reflect the present state of discussion about the Deuteronomistic History. With one exception they have all been presented and discussed in three special sessions dedicated to "Deuteronomism" during the SBL International Meeting in Lausanne (July 1997). Three topics were treated: "The Future of the Deuteronomistic History", "Identity and Literary Strategies of the Deuteronomists", "Deuteronomism and the Hebrew Bible". The contributors are: R. Albertz, A.G. Auld, M. Bauks, W. Dietrich, D. Edelman, F. Garcia Lopez, E.A. Knauf, G. Knoppers, S.K. McKenzie, C. Nihan, T.C. Romer, N.H. Rosel, J. Van Seters and J. Vermeylen. Each contribution offers a valuable entry into one of the most important discussions of Old Testament scholarship at the end of the twentieth century.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Wahlen Und Wahlkampf Im Fruhen Prinzipat
Aarhus University Press When Culture Becomes Politics: European Identity in Perspective
Maclein y Parker Noches en Limehouse
Loguez Un Ano Con Las Lechuzas
Alianza Editorial Dos en una torre
Lady Constantine se aburre en su finca del suroeste de Inglaterra por la ausencia de su marido, hasta que un día, en una torre de la heredad, conoce a Swithin St Cleeve, diez años más joven que ella, de posición social inferior, muy atractivo y estudiante de astronomía. Esa torre se convertirá en el centro de su romance secreto, pero enseguida el mundo exterior empezará a interponerse entre ellos. " Dos en una torre " es una arrebatadora novela de Thomas Hardy en la que las constantes de su obra (la estrechez moral de la sociedad, la desigualdad entre los sexos, la rebeldía femenina y su derecho a elegir) vuelven a estar presentes y la inmensidad del universo que Swithin recorre con su telescopio contrasta con la pequeñez y mezquindad de la vida en la tierra.
Editorial Kairos El alma del Samurái: Una traducción contemporánea de tres clásicos del Zen y el Bushido
Editorial Flâneur S.L. El nebot de Wittgenstein una amistat
Diarios de entreguerras 19181939 Contempornea Spanish Edition
Los diarios escritos por Thomas Mann en el periodo de entreguerras acerca de su cotidianidad, su proceso creador y el tiempo convulso que le tocó vivir.Los Diarios de Thomas Mann permiten entrever mundos hoy desaparecidos: el buen hacer de un artista metódico con rutinas y placeres plenamente burgueses; la agitada escena intelectual de principios del siglo XX en Europa, en la que Mann ocupaba un lugar central y en la que reconocía el protagonismo de sus contemporáneos Gide, Kafka, Joyce o Proust; o el laboratorio de un novelista incansable, que trabajaba por acumulación hasta producir obras sólidas como monumentos. Por todo ello, estos Diarios son un libro imprescindible para entender cómo fue este escritor moderno. Pero en lo personal se trasluce también lo político, y aquí aparece un duro testimonio del exilio al que Mann partió con su familia a los sesenta años, en 1933, poco después de la ascensión de Hitler al poder. Ante la caída de su patria en la barbari
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La muerte en Venecia / Death in Venice
El silencio la dicha Seleccin de escritos de Thomas Merton Caminos Spanish Edition
En estos días de distracción mecánica y absurda, necesitamos imperiosamente encontrar razones convincentes que nos muevan a apagar nuestros teléfonos y reconectar con nuestro verdadero yo espiritual. Editado con motivo del 50 aniversario de la muerte de Thomas Merton, El silencio, la dicha es una invitación a aminorar el paso y aflojar el ritmo, respirar hondo, reservar un espacio para el silencio y abrirnos de par en par a la dicha.Poeta, monje, consejero espiritual y crítico social, Merton es una figura única e irrepetible del siglo XX -querido de una forma igualmente única y excepcional- y este pequeño rosario de devociones reúne sus poemas y prosa más queridos. Extraídas de clásicos como Nuevas semillas de contemplación (1962) y El camino de Chuang Tzu (1965) además de otros escritos menos famosos, las páginas que figuran en El silencio, la dicha ofrecen al lector una quietud profunda y sosegada, raptos de alabanza extática, palabras intemporales de sabiduría y una jovialidad amabl
Editorial Tecnos Del ciudadano Leviatán antología de textos políticos
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Clásicos del PensamientoEn un momento como el actual en el que los cimientos de la cultura política moderna se evidencian cuestionados y sometidos al juicio de unos hechos que parecen negarlos con fuerza, resulta más necesario que nunca poner en claro las raíces de la modernidad política. Éste es el motivo que ha llevado a quienes hacen Clásicos del Pensamiento de Tecnos, a publicar una edición completamente nueva de la vieja antología preparada por el profesor Tierno Galvan a invitación de Don Antonio Truyol. Junto con una nueva traducción de De Cive desde el original latino, más fiel a la letra y el espíritu original, se incluye aquí un esclarecedor estudio preliminar debido a Richard Tuck, el más brillante exponente de la segunda generación de la Escuela de Cambridge (de la que forman parte John Dunn y Quentin Skinner). Tuck demuestra en este estudio -en el que se incluye una soberbia descripción de la evolución del pensamiento político europ
Editorial Acribia, S.A. Manual de charcutería artesanal
Prólogo - Agradecimientos - Origen de los embutidos - Clasificación de los embutidos - Embutidos frescos - Pastas finas y jamones cocidos - Crudo curados y salazones - Ahumado de la carne - Aditivos - Etiquetado y envasado (presentación) - Modelo guía de planta industrial pequeña - Maquinaria y accesorios - Transporte de productos elaborados - Costos y ventas - Índice alfabético.
El hilo del corazón
Una novela sobre la magia de lasmarionetasFinalista del Premio Alemán del Libro 2020El Teatro de Marionetas de Augsburgo (Augsburger Puppenkiste) forma parte del ADN de Alemania desde que Jim Botón apareció por primera vez en los televisores del país en 1961. Thomas Hettche narra aquí su historia de un modo tan poético como ajustado a la realidad. El hilo del corazón es una gran novela sobre la fascinación que ejercen las marionetas y la voluntad inquebrantable de una niña que quiere dejar atrás la destrucción de la guerra.Tras una función del Teatro de Marionetas, unaniña de doce años cruza una puerta oculta y llega a un desván donde la esperan laprincesa Li Si, la parca, el gato Mikesch y una cigüeña parlante. Pero sobre todo conoce a la mujer que talló todos estos títeres, y que ahora le cuenta su historia: la de un antiguo teatro y de la familia que lo fundó y lo llevó a la fama. Comienza en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando Walter O
Planeta Publishing Diez Drogas
Editorial Oceano de Mexico Alma Sin Edad: La Búsqueda Interminable del Sentido de la Vida Y La Alegría
Euro Schach International GmbH & Co. KG Chess Coaching for Kids: The U10 - Project
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Gerard Hemsworth Hidden Agenda
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Thomas Bayrle Pattern Designer
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur The Empire Without a Center
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Markus Schinwald La Biennale Di Venezia Esposizione Internazionale Darte
Stark Verlag GmbH STARK AbiturWissen Biologie Bnde 14
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Okologische Jagdgesetz Nrw Und Dessen Vereinbarkeit Mit Dem Grundgesetz
V&R unipress GmbH Professoren und Vereine: Außeruniversitare Tatigkeitsfelder Bonner Hochschulangehoriger 18481914
V&R unipress GmbH Rilkes Musikalität
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Distributed Memetic Algorithms for Graph-Theoretical Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH A System Concept for Ultra Wideband (UWB) Body Area Networks
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Sprachbildung im Sachunterricht der Grundschule Mit dem ScaffoldingKonzept unterwegs zur Bildungssprache
Universitatsverlag Winter Kriegskinder Und Wohlstandskinder: Die Gegenwartsliteratur ALS Antwort Auf Die Literatur Der 68er
Universitatsverlag Winter Aesthetics & Ethics: Otherness and Moral Imagination from Aristotle to Levinas and from 'uncle Tom's Cabin' to 'house Made of Dawn
Universitatsverlag Winter Die Personengruppen Um Die Mainzer Erzbischofe Siegfried II. (1200-1230) Und Siegfried III. (1230-1249)