Search results for ""author pierre""
John Libbey Eurotext Alimenation méditerranéenne et santé: Actualités et perspectives
Kahn & Averill Francis Poulenc: The Man and His Songs
In 1935 the French baritone Pierre Bernac formed a duo with the composer Francis Poulenc that became a legend throughout the world. Unprecedented in the history of music, it was the first duo in which the singer and pianist were perceived as equals. It lasted for 25 years and was a determining influence on Poulenc's vocal output: more than two-thirds of his songs were written for Bernac to sing. Bernac's general book on the French repertoire, "The Interpretation of French Song", has long been the standard and indispensable work on its subject. In "Francis Poulenc - the Man and His Songs", first published in 1977, he gives us the fruit of his long association with Poulenc, paying moving tribute to the composer both as man and musician, and providing detailed analyses of every piano-accompanied song that Poulenc wrote. Each of the 137 poems is annotated for pronunciation, with a line-for-line translation into English by Winifred Radford, who also translated the text of the book. The discussion of each song is preceded by a brief biographical note on the poet and a description of Poulenc's own attitude towards both poet and poem.Bernac aimed in this book, to pass on his personal understanding of the songs of Francis Poulenc, as well as a little of their mutual experience in interpreting and performing them. He has thereby left a unique record whose importance cannot be overestimated.
Merrell Publishers Ltd The Coloring Book of Armor
This new coloring book showcases a remarkable selection of breathtaking armor in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, giving artists of all ages the opportunity to explore a wide range of designs from a variety of different traditions and cultures around the world.
Central European University Press Violence and Peace: From the Atomic Bomb to Ethnic Cleansing
Building a bridge between political philosophy and the analysis of current affairs, as well as between the author's personal experience and the collective dramas of the twentieth century, Pierre Hassner stresses two major features of our time: the decline of interstate war as a realistic prospect, and the increase in domestic and transnational violence.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd La révolution contributive
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Territorialisation de l'éducation: Tendance ou nécessité
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Électronique fondamentale 2: Signaux et systèmes à temps continu
Black Rose Books Quebec Establishment: The Ruling Class and the State
John Libbey & Co Piezographic Prothesis
Cinebook Ltd Valerian 12 - The Wrath of Hypsis
The head of Galaxity's Spatio-TemporalService himself has joined Valerian and Laureline at Inverloch Castle. There,among various human and alien allies, he explains to them the threat that loomsover Earth: all of the recent incidents, all those important people gone madand threatening to bring about the apocalypse...All of that is due to themalicious influence of the mysterious planet Hypsis. But Hypsis is a world thatmoves from system to system - it'll need to be pinpointed first...
Titan Books Ltd Valerian: The Illustrated Treasury
Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets introduced audiences to a future populated by weird and wonderful aliens and laced with incredible futuristic technology. Now discover the universe of the original Valerian and Laureline comic books!Valerian: The Illustrated Treasury gives a comprehensive overview of the Valerian and Laureline comic-book universe, featuring information on key locations (including Central Point), transport, galactic anomalies and a timeline of the major events in the series. This richly illustrated book also introduces many of the alien races and characters - friendly and hostile - and there is a special section on the ever-popular Shingouz.Printed in English for the first time, Valerian: The Illustrated Treasury is a wonderful addition to the Valerian franchise and features full-colour artwork by Valerian and Laureline artist Jean-Claude Mezieres.
Rocky Nook Rough: Drawing 2 Strokes and 3 Moves
Do you know how to draw a square, triangle, and rectangle? Well, then, you know how to draw! Rough: Drawing in 2 Strokes and 3 Moves provides you with a way to start drawing that is based on a very simple observation: the human body, as well as everything surrounding us, can be broken down into elementary and basic geometric shapes. The technique that author and teacher Pierre Pochet shows you here has no fine art or academic ambitions. Instead, it shows you how to quickly draw from memory a facial expression or a bodily movement, to flesh out a picture, to create a perspective, or to sketch a scene. This approach to drawing is particularly useful for those who have no artistic training but who are considering a career in a creative field, whether that be advertising, design, or graphics . . . as well as for anyone who simply wants to learn how to draw!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Bronzes of the Nineteenth Century: Dictionary of Sculptors
Art flourished in France to an exciting and unprecedented degree in the 19th century. Sculpture was a part of this fantastic explosion of creative genius with such artistic giants as Rodin, Barye, d'Angers and Carpeaux. At the same time technological advances in the bronze industry transformed sculpture from an art form for public plazas and the rich to art for living rooms and vestibules of even the middle class. The result has been an abundant supply of nineteenth century French bronzes-some common reproductions, and some extremely valuable limited editions. In this important reference, you can discover a wealth of information. This extraordinary volume contains a complete encyclopedia of almost 750 French artists, with biographies, listings of works (along with size and foundry when known), museum pieces in France and elsewhere, and recent sales. It also includes an overview of 19th century bronze sculpture, the foundries that cast the bronzes, and methods used to cast works. 1000 photographs capture the beauty of the pieces and help identify these and similar works.
Quercus Publishing Inhuman Resources
Alain Delambre is a 57-year-old former HR executive, drained by four years of hopeless unemployment.All he is offered are small, demoralizing jobs. He has reached his very lowest ebb, and can see no way out.So when a major company finally invites him to an interview, Alain Delambre is ready to do anything, borrow money, shame his wife and his daughters and even participate in the ultimate recruitment test: a role-playing game that involves hostage-taking.Alain Delambre commits body and soul in this struggle to regain his dignity.But if he suddenly realised that the dice had been loaded against him from the start, his fury would be limitless.And what began as a role-play game could quickly become a bloodbath.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature
The Field of Cultural Production brings together Bourdieu's most important writings on art, literature and aesthetics. Bourdieu develops a highly original approach to the study of literary and artistic works, addressing many of the key issues that have preoccupied literary, art and cultural criticism in the late twentieth century: aesthetic value and judgement, the social contexts of cultural practice, the role of intellectuals and artists, and the structures of literary and artistic authority. Bourdieu elaborates a theory of the cultural field which situates artistic works within the social conditions of their production, circulation and consumption. He examines the individuals in institutions involved in making products: not only the writers and artists, but also the publishers, critics, dealers, galleries and academies. He analyses the structure of the cultural field itself, as well as its position within the broader social structures of power. The essays gathered together in this volume examine a variety of substantive topics, including Flaubert's point of view, Manet's aesthetic revolution, the historical creation of the pure gaze, and the relationship between art and power. The Field of Cultural Production will be of interest to students and scholars from a wide range of disciplines: sociology and social theory, literature, art and cultural studies.
Quercus Publishing Irène: The Gripping Opening to The Paris Crime Files
THE NOVELIST KILLS BY THE BOOK For Commandant Camille Verhœven life is beautiful. He is happily married and soon to become a father. HE'S ALWAYS ONE CHAPTER AHEADBut his blissful existence is punctured by a murder of unprecedented savagery. When his team discovers that the killer has form - and each murder is a homage to a classic crime novel - the Parisian press are quick to coin a nickname . . . The Novelist. HE HATES HAPPY ENDINGS With the public eye fixed on both hunter and hunted, the case develops into a personal duel, each hell-bent on outsmarting the other. There can only be one winner. The one who has the least to lose.
Quercus Publishing Camille: The Final Paris Crime Files Thriller
MEET COMMANDANT CAMILLE VERHOEVEN OF THE PARIS POLICE WITH NOTHING ELSE TO LOSEAnne Forestier finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time when she blunders into a raid on a jeweller's on the Champs-Élysées. Bludgeoned beyond recognition, she is lucky to survive. But her ordeal has only just begun.HE CAN BREAK ALL THE RULESLying helpless in her hospital bed, with her assailant still at large, Anne is in mortal danger. Only one thing gives her hope: Commandant Camille Verhœven.TO PROTECT THE WOMAN HE LOVES For Verhœven it's a case of history repeating itself. He cannot lose Anne as he lost his wife. This time he faces an adversary whose greatest strength appears to be Verhœven's matchless powers of intuition.Winner of the 2015 C.W.A. International Dagger
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sketch for a Self-Analysis
"This is not an autobiography." Pierre Bourdieu Pierre Bourdieu's commitment to a reflexive sociology led him ineluctably to take on the final challenge of a self socio-analysis in which he recounts and analyses, more fully and intimately than ever before, his understanding of the trajectory that led him from the peasant world of Béarn, through sometimes painful years as a lyce boarder, as a student in 1950s Paris and as a conscript in the Algerian War, to the pinnacle of the French intellectual and academic world. "This is not an autobiography," he said of this work but it reveals much of the hitherto implicit experience of his formative years, and gives precious insights into his relationships with Jean-Paul Sartre, Raymond Aron, Michel Foucault and many others, which deepen our understanding of his unique contribution to sociology and anthropology.
Vintage Publishing The Bridge On The River Kwai
The Bridge on the River Kwai tells the story of three POWs who endure the hell of the Japanese camps on the Burma-Siam railway - Colonel Nicholson, a man prepared to sacrifice his life but not his dignity; Major Warden, a modest hero, saboteur and deadly killer; Commander Shears, who escaped from hell but was sent back. Ordered by the Japanese to build a bridge, the Colonel refuses, as it is against regulations for officers to work with other ranks. The Japanese give way but, to prove a point of British superiority, construction of the bridge goes ahead - at great cost to the men under Nicholson's command.
Alfred Music Fantasy on a Fiddle Tune: Conductor Score & Parts
Peeters Publishers Haiim B. Rosen.: Bio-bibliographical Sketch Followed by the Late Prof. Rosen's Text "The Jerusalem School of Linguistics and the Prague School"
Haiim B. Rosen (1922-1999) received his philological and linguistic training in Europe and Israel, and taught in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and, on various occasions, in France, Germany and the United States. He has published extensively in the field of Indo-European and Semitic Linguistics (cf. the three volumes of "East and West. Selected Writings in Linguistics"), and has made a pioneering contribution to the description of contemporary Hebrew. His editions and linguistic studies of Herodotus and Homer are basic reference tools for classical scholars.A first-rate connoisseur of the history of linguistics, especially of pre-structuralist and structuralist linguistics, Prof. H.B. Rosen was one of the founders, with H.-J. Polotsky, of the Jerusalem school of structuralist-functionalist linguistics.The book contains a detailed bio-bibliographical survey of H.B. Rosen's life and work; the survey is followed by Prof. Rosen's hitherto unpublished text (edited by Hannah Rosen) "The Jerusalem Scool of Linguistics and the Prague School".
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Escritos sobre Spinoza y el spinozismo
No cabe duda de que uno de los más potentes efectos que la filosofía de Spinoza produjo durante los tres últimos decenios del siglo XVII fue el de conferir una unidad de intención crítica, a veces desmedida en su violencia, a judíos y cristianos (ya fueran católicos o reformados), místicos y teólogos racionales, cartesianos y anticartesianos, oratorianos y jansenistas. El odio teológico y metafísico suscitado por el judío de Ámsterdam fue unánime, si bien las estrategias y tácticas desplegadas para aniquilar su doctrina fueron varias.De todas ellas se hace eco Pierre Bayle, guardando y difundiendo por los siglos su memoria. Pero lo hace construyendo a la vez, paciente y laboriosamente, a lo largo de más de veinte años y en prácticamente todas sus obras, una imagen mítica y, como tal, perdurable del famoso y temido ateo de sistema. De esta manera, y dado que los escritos que aquí se ofrecen constituyen una suerte de corpus fundamental ?al que se ha visto obligado a recurrir todo aqu
Siruela El umbral de la sombra The Threshold of the Shadow
Una monumental y apasionante introducción a Giordano Bruno, donde literatura y pintura, filosofía y ciencia se entrecruzan en una perspectiva que vincula pasado y presente.. Ilya Prigogine, Premio Nobel de Química 1977Del Candelero, a los Furores, el cruce entre filosofía, literatura y pintura constituye uno de los núcleos del pensamiento de Giordano Bruno. La serie de las siete obras italianas se abre con una comedia cuyo protagonista es un pintor-filósofo y se cierra con un diálogo en donde un filósofo-pintor pinta y comenta imágenes. Filosofar (el mito de la caverna) y pintar (el mito de los orígenes de la pintura) son para el Nolano partir de la sombra en el desesperado intento de ir más allá del umbral.A la luz de este tema, documentado con un precioso elenco iconográfico, Nuccio Ordine analiza la génesis y el desarrollo de la obra italiana de Bruno, mostrando la profunda unidad que une la pieza de teatro parisina a los seis diálogos londinenses. Es una obra concebida dentr
Publicaciones y Ediciones Salamandra, S.A. Nos vemos alla arriba
Biblioteca Nueva El instinto luchador psicologaeducacin
Ediciones Akal Qué significa hablar economía de los intercambios lingüísticos
El discurso no es sólo un mensaje destinado a ser descifrado, es también un producto que ponemos a disposición de los demás y cuyo valor se define en relación con otros productos, ya sean excepcionales o comunes. El efecto del mercado lingüístico, que se materializa en la timidez o el pánico escénico al hablar en público, se manifiesta en los intercambios más nimios de la vida cotidiana: valga como ejemplo los cambios de lengua que, en situaciones de bilingüismo, sin siquiera pensarlo, los locutores operan en función de las características sociales de su interlocutor. Además de instrumento de comunicación, la lengua es también un signo externo de riqueza y un instrumento de poder. La ciencia social debe intentar justificar lo que, bien pensado, no deja de ser un acto de magia: se puede actuar con palabras, órdenes o consignas. La fuerza que despliegan las palabras procede de las propias palabras o de sus portavoces? Así pues, nos enfrentamos a lo que los escolásticos denominaban el mis
Desclée De Brouwer Poder derecho y clases sociales
Este libro constituye una ocasión importante para reconstruir algunas de las claves básicas de la sociología de Bourdieu. Es parte necesaria de toda una obra dedicada a desvelar lo que el sentido común calla u oculta , a dar razón del orden social que se esconde tras el orden simbólico, a descubrir las diferentes formas de dominación de ese orden (incluida la jurídica). Para ello, Bourdieu ha ido elaborando un trabajo científico que, para romper con las premoniciones y los prejuicios de la visión dominante, debe construir sus propios instrumentos de análisis de la realidad social.
Herder Editorial La teoría física su objeto y estructura
Como animales
La Revolución francesa creó, sobre las ruinas del Antiguo Régimen, una nueva comunidad política compuesta de ciudadanos iguales. Qué lugar deberían ocupar los animales a partir de ese momento? Poseerían también derechos? Se podría continuar domesticándolos y comiéndolos? Serían infraciudadanos susceptibles de ser protegidos o un simple recurso listo para ser explotado por la nación? Este libro pone de manifiesto la importancia política de los animales en la Revolución francesa: la cuestión de la animalidad estuvo en el centro de los debates revolucionarios. Descubriremos alegatos radicales a favor de un régimen vegetariano y proyectos utópicos de ciudadanía animal, pero también veremos la aparición de un racismo científico que instrumentalizó el descubrimiento de los grandes simios para animalizar a los esclavos negros y oponerse a su emancipación.
Kitsune Books El Arte de la Concentracion
Errata Naturae Editores S.L. Hacia la sobriedad feliz
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gibt Es Ein Leben VOR Dem Tod?: Eine Auslegung Von Psalm 49
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Marketplace, Power, Prestige: The Healthcare Professions' Struggle for Recognition (19th-20th Century)
Editions Heimdal Hitlerjugend - Normandie 44: TéMoignages
Ce nouvel album illustré de près de 200 pages nous présente dix témoignages de vétérans de la 12.SS-Panzer-Division «Hitlerjugend» ayant combattu en Normandie. Ces témoignages, communiqués à l’auteur, sont présentés chronologiquement, illustrés de près de 300 photos, inédites pour la plus grande partie, avec des documents ayant appartenu à ces combattants. Un nouveau document permettant de retrouver l’enfer de la bataille de Normandie en un vrai reportage captivant.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Maitrise Du Milieu
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Lomenie de Brienne Et l'Ordre Monastique (1766-1789) 1 Le Probleme de la Decadence Monastique Le Probleme de la Reforme Monastique La Commission Des Reguliers
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Homme Du Possible. Robert Musil Et La Question de la Vie Juste
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Qu'est-Ce Que La Pensee?
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Sur l'Ontologie de Marx: Auto-Production, Travail Aliene Et Capital
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Deleuze: La Passion de la Pensee
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Qu'est-Ce Qu'une Religion?
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Un Rheteur Meconnu: Demetrios (Pseudo-Demetrios de Phalere): Essai Sur Les Mutations de la Theorie Du Style a l'Epoque Hellenistique
Classiques Garnier Balzac, Fictions Genetiques II
Classiques Garnier Gazettes Et Information Politique Sous l'Ancien Regime
Classiques Garnier L'Etoffe Des Herauts: L'Office d'Armes Dans l'Europe Des Habsbourg a la Renaissance