Search results for ""author cálamo"
Amber Books Ltd World's Worst Military Disasters: Battlefield Calamities from the Ancient World to the Present Day
World’s Worst Military Disasters examines some of the worst battle defeats in military history from ancient times through to the present day, including some of the most famous battles in history. The accounts range from remarkable stories of how the world’s great powers met military defeat at the unlikely hands of ill-equipped native peoples, such as the events at Little Big Horn, to embarrassing technical failures and miscommunication evidenced during Operation Eagle Claw. World’s Worst Military Disasters investigates military catastrophes originating from all kinds of circumstances. Each fascinating account gives a full and detailed analysis of the events leading up to the disaster, followed by studies of the strategies used during the manoeuvres and the reasons for their failure. Learn about the blunders at Pearl Harbor, the attack at Stirling Bridge and find out the reasons for thousands of people dying at the siege and fall of Jerusalem. Each story is highly illustrated bringing every battle and military mishap to life, plus key facts outline the most important information and allows the reader the see facts at a glance. Whether the result of enemy action or pure human error, World’s Worst Military Disasters offers an educational and riveting read.
Random House USA Inc Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Luz roja, luz verde. El juego del calamar. ¿Hasta dónde llegarías por dinero? / Red Light, Green Light. The Squid Game. An Unofficial
Penguin Putnam Inc The Real Deadwood: True Life Histories of Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Outlaw Towns, and Other Characters of the Lawless West
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres L'homme face aux calamités naturelles dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen-Âge: Actes du 16e colloque de la Villa Kérylos à Beaulieu-sur-Mer les 14 & 15 octobre 2005
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library Spanish and Portuguese 16th Century Books in the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts: A Description of an Exhibition and a Bibliographical Calatogue of the Collection
This is a catalogue of the exhibition at Houghton Library in 1985 of Spanish and Portuguese sixteenth-century books in the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts, with a Preface by Anne Anninger. The catalogue describes forty exceptional items included in the exhibition, while the Bibliography offers information on 210 additional Iberian items in Houghton collections.
Calamar Edición y Diseño La huella de Drcula antologa de relatos
Calambur Editorial, S.L. Diccionario de dudas
A primera vista, el estilo descriptivo y aséptico de un diccionario parece lo más alejado de la poesía. Sin embargo, una y otro intentan lo mismo: descarnar la palabra hasta llegar a su esencia. El lenguaje científico ensaya un idioma llevado al límite. El poema debe ser el propio límite. Nuestras incertidumbres nos definen con mucha más precisión que las certezas que creemos tener. Porque son nuestros miedos los que nos empujan a inventar teorías del orden que formulen un orden teórico en el que guarecernos: el de las leyes, las normas, los códigos, los mandamientos o las enciclopedias. Listas, enumeraciones, decálogos. Inventarios que clasifican los tipos de heridas para que dé la impresión de que, así, duelen menos.José María Cumbreño (Cáceres, 1972) es licenciado en Filología hispánica y profesor de secundaria. Ha publicado los poemarios Las ciudades de la llanura (ERE, 2000), Árbol sin sombra (Algaida, 2003, Premio de poesía Ciudad de Badajoz) y Estrategias y métodos para la co
Calambur Editorial, S.L. Vsteme de largo
Si alguien resucita a mitad de camino necesita el cuarto día para comenzar de nuevo a vivir. Y empieza de nuevo el cuento: recorre los pasillos de la infancia para alcanzar la gracia de poder vestirse de largo, convertirse en la que una sueña de sí misma; recorre los pasillos del amor y del deseo por desordenar la pasión que una espera para sí. Pero ay el dolor, el absurdo inevitable, las perdices rotas o el colorín colorado en la sangre de la herida. La poesía como razón de madrugada.Vísteme de largo es la apuesta por romper los tópicos, morder el hueso, hilvanar las lágrimas, seducir y crecer, amar y crecer, fracasar y crecer la vida que transcurre. Si miras a través de las páginas, encontrarás un paisaje en femenino, una visión en la que reconocerte para asumir el propio paso, el torpe tropiezo, la ambición por beberse el ahora y apurar las ganas. Poesía al límite de un latido, justo antes de quedarse sin aliento.Cecilia Quílez (Algeciras, Cádiz) es una poeta a la que avalan l
Calambur Editorial, S.L. Mediobiografía
El niño está en la ventana contemplando un gato azul. Así comienza Mediobiografía, uno de los poemas evocativos de Blas de Otero (1916-1979), que da título a esta antología, original por la desusada perspectiva que ofrece: el poeta, a lo largo de 81 composiciones, recrea y recorre su propia vida, desde su infancia bilbaína y su adolescencia madrileña hasta la guerra civil, la angustia existencial, amores, política y estética, visiones, esperanzas y mundo: Francia, Rusia, China, Birmania, Cuba, los pueblos de España. Biografía e historia, en este tramo del siglo xx que le tocó vivir, se confunden en un solo haz, traspasado por la voz emocionada de uno de los grandes poetas de nuestra época.Se ha desechado el orden cronológico de composición de los poemas en defensa de una ordenación interna: la de la memoria, con sus mezclas, fundidos, superposiciones. El poeta habla las más de las veces desde el recuerdo, y el tiempo tiñe lo evocado con sus luces cambiantes, alegres o melancólicas.
Calamar Edición y Diseño Abecedario del horror personajes y mitos clásicos del cine de terror
Barbara Fiore Editora El profesor Astro Cat y la odisea del cuerpo humano
El último título de la exitosa serie del Profesor Astro Cat lleva a los lectores a un viaje a través de las maravillas del cuerpo humano.Después de desvelarnos los secretos del Universo y del fascinante mundo de la física, el dúo formado por el doctor Dominic Walliman y el ilustrador Ben Newman nos invita a descubrir los misterios de nuestra anatomía.Por qué tienen nuestras orejas una forma tan extraña? Para qué estornudamos? Cómo sabe el cuerpo que tiene que reaccionar ante algo que quema? Qué hace nuestro cerebro mientras dormimos? El cuerpo humano es una máquina compleja y esta odisea por su interior nos ayuda a entender su funcionamiento gracias a rigurosas explicaciones y detalladas infografías. El libro explora los diferentes tipos de células, el esqueleto, los cinco sentidos, los órganos y sus respectivos funcionamientos sin olvidar varios capítulos dedicados al crecimiento, a la reproducción y al futuro de la ciencia.Un fascinante recorrido desde el corazón hasta la pu
Little, Brown Book Group A Memory Of Light: Book 14 of the Wheel of Time (Now a major TV series)
Now a major TV series on Prime Video The final novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.'And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land and weighed down the hearts of men, and the green things failed, and hope died.' - Charal Drianaan te Calamon, The Cycle of the Dragon.In the Field of Merrilor the rulers of the nations gather to join behind Rand al'Thor, or to stop him from his plan to break the seals on the Dark One's prison - which may be a sign of his madness, or the last hope of humankind. Egwene, the Amyrlin Seat, leans toward the former.In Andor, the Trollocs seize Caemlyn.In the wolf dream, Perrin Aybara battles Slayer.Approaching Ebou Dar, Mat Cauthon plans to visit his wife Tuon, now Fortuona, Empress of the Seanchan.All humanity is in peril - and the outcome will be decided in Shayol Ghul itself. The Wheel is turning, and the Age is coming to its end. The Last Battle will determine the fate of the world . . .'Epic in every sense' Sunday Times'With the Wheel of Time, Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal' New York Times'[The] huge ambitious Wheel of Time series helped redefine the genre' George R. R. Martin'A fantasy phenomenon' SFXThe Wheel of Time series:Book 1: The Eye of the WorldBook 2: The Great HuntBook 3: The Dragon RebornBook 4: The Shadow RisingBook 5: The Fires of HeavenBook 6: Lord of ChaosBook 7: A Crown of SwordsBook 8: The Path of DaggersBook 9: Winter's HeartBook 10: Crossroads of TwilightBook 11: Knife of DreamsBook 12: The Gathering StormBook 13: Towers of MidnightBook 14: A Memory of LightPrequel: New SpringLook out for the companion book: The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
John Wiley & Sons Inc Convertible Arbitrage: Insights and Techniques for Successful Hedging
Minimize risk and maximize profits with convertible arbitrage Convertible arbitrage involves purchasing a portfolio of convertible securities-generally convertible bonds-and hedging a portion of the equity risk by selling short the underlying common stock. This increasingly popular strategy, which is especially useful during times of market volatility, allows individuals to increase their returns while decreasing their risks. Convertible Arbitrage offers a thorough explanation of this unique investment strategy. Filled with in-depth insights from an expert in the field, this comprehensive guide explores a wide range of convertible topics. Readers will be introduced to a variety of models for convertible analysis, "the Greeks," as well as the full range of hedges, including titled and leveraged hedges, as well as swaps, nontraditional hedges, and option hedging. They will also gain a firm understanding of alternative convertible structures, the use of foreign convertibles in hedging, risk management at the portfolio level, and trading and hedging risks. Convertible Arbitrage eliminates any confusion by clearly differentiating convertible arbitrage strategy from other hedging techniques such as long-short equity, merger and acquisition arbitrage, and fixed-income arbitrage. Nick Calamos (Naperville, IL) oversees research and portfolio management for Calamos Asset Management, Inc. Since 1983 his experience has centered on convertible securities investment. He received his undergraduate degree in economics from Southern Illinois University and an MS in finance from Northern Illinois University.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Five Key Lessons from Top Money Managers
An in-depth look at strategies and techniques of five of the country's best money managers In Five Key Lessons from Top Money Managers, Scott Kays taps into the investment knowledge of five of the nation's foremost money managers-Bill Nygren, Andy Stephens, Christopher Davis, Bill Fries, and John Calamos. Through extensive interviews with these investment experts, Kays found five principles that are common to all of them. This book discusses each of these five principles in detail-and gives readers specific tools to implement what they've learned by developing a step-by-step process that incorporates all five principles. Kays even teaches readers how to screen for companies that meet the criteria for quality businesses and then analyze three of the qualifying firms to determine if they sell above or below their fair market value.
The University of Chicago Press The Calamity Form – On Poetry and Social Life
Romanticism coincided with two major historical developments: the Industrial Revolution, and with it, a turning point in our relationship to the earth, its inhabitants, and its climate. Drawing on Marxism and philosophy of science, The Calamity Form shines new light on Romantic poetry, identifying a number of rhetorical tropes used by writers to underscore their very failure to make sense of our move to industrialization. Anahid Nersessian explores works by Friedrich Hölderlin, William Wordsworth, John Keats, and others to argue that as the human and ecological costs of industry became clear, Romantic poetry adopted formal strategies—among them parataxis, the setting of elements side by side in a manner suggestive of postindustrial dissonance, and apostrophe, here an address to an absent or vanishing natural environment—as it tried and failed to narrate the calamities of capitalism. These tropes reflect how Romantic authors took their bewilderment and turned it into a poetics: a theory of writing, reading, and understanding poetry as an eminently critical act. Throughout, Nersessian pushes back against recent attempts to see literature as a source of information on par with historical or scientific data, arguing instead for an irreducibility of poetic knowledge. Revealing the ways in which these Romantic works are of their time but not about it, The Calamity Form ultimately exposes the nature of poetry’s relationship to capital—and capital’s ability to hide how it works.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters: Natural - Manmade Calamities and Pandemics
International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters presents a diverse range of case studies on how disasters, both natural and manmade, are being managed globally. This illuminating study draws on theories, models, and frameworks in the field of disaster management to explore a wide range of complex issues in specific disaster contexts. Showcasing internationally sourced case studies on disaster management, the collection comprehensively explores all aspects of the disaster management cycle. Authors are drawn from a diverse range of disciplinary and practical contexts, offering a wide variety of perspectives upon management of devastating events. A diverse compendium of issues is explored through case studies examining the management of hurricanes, droughts, floods, wildfires, terrorist activity and pandemics. Also examined in depth are governmental and non-governmental disaster management organizations, the role of the private sector in disaster management, and how innovative new technologies are being used in disaster situations.
Stanford University Press Calamity and Reform in China: State, Rural Society, and Institutional Change Since the Great Leap Famine
China's Great Leap Famine of 1959-61 resulted in 30 million deaths, making it easily the worst famine in human history. Yet unlike the Cultural Revolution - that other massive catastrophe of Mao's rule - the Great Leap Forward has received scant scholarly attention. This is partly because victims of the ensuing famine were inarticulate farmers and partly because many key players in that inglorious era are members of the current elite who tightly guard the archives. Despite these impediments, the author has marshalled an impressive array of historical documents to provide the first comprehensive treatment of the political causes and consequences of the Great Leap Famine. The Famine is important because it furnished the crucial historical motives for dismantling the rural collective institutional structure in post-Mao China two decades later and motivating tens of millions of ordinary Chinese to enact the reforms.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Oregon Trail: Calamity in the Cold
In this choose-your-own-trail experience, you're traveling all the way from Florida, heading West to the Oregon Trail. See if you can make it to Oregon City! It's 1845 and your family is fleeing Florida with hopes of starting fresh out west. You'll encounter sudden snowstorms that will overwhelm your wagon train en route to the Oregon Trail. Food will become scarce - and you'll get lost. Can you survive the unseasonably cold climates? If you make the right choices, you could find the Lewis-Clark Trail, which would lead back to the Oregon Trai - though it will take longer than you'd planned. Do you have the supplies to last? Can you survive the harsh cold and sickness, pioneer? Choose right and blaze a trail to Oregon City! Includes a map and useful tips on how to survive the Trail. AGES: 7 to 10
Brave Books The Candy Calamity
MP-OKL Uni of Oklahoma Calamity Jane The Woman and the Legend
Forget Doris Day singing on the stagecoach. Forget Robin Weigert's gritty portrayal on HBO's Deadwood. The real Calamity Jane was someone the likes of whom you've never encountered. That is, until now. This is the definitive biography of Martha Canary, the woman popularly known as Calamity Jane.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity
South Dakota Historical Society Press Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane Deadwood Legends South Dakota Biography Series
Although Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane spent only a few weeks in Deadwood at the same time, their fame and fate have become intertwined and their relationship legendary. James D. McLaird examines the contemporary accounts that turned these two Wild West wanderers into dime-novel and motion-picture stars.
Academy Chicago Publishers All the Clean Ones Are Married: And Other Everyday Calamities in Moscow
In 1991, Lori Cidylo shocked her Ukrainian Polish-born parents when she told them she was leaving her reporter's job on an upstate New York newspaper to live and work in the rapidly dissolving Soviet Union. For six years she lived on a shoe-string budget in Moscow, in tiny, run-down apartments, struggling with broken toilets and indifferent landlords and coping with the daily calamities of life in Russia. Fluent in Russian, she rode on public transportation, did her own shopping and cooking, and shared the typical Muscovite's life––unlike most Westerners who were still sequestered in the heavily guarded compounds reserved for diplomats and journalists. As the country experienced its most dramatic transformation since the Bolshevik Revolution, she realized she had stepped into a fantastical and absurd adventure.Cidylo's wry, insightful account of what it is like for an American woman living in Russia is a dramatic tale full of insouciant laughter, in which the immediate sense of vivid experience shines on every page. With the sharp eye of an acute observer, she captures the momentous events no less than the everyday trivia: how do Russians address one another now that the familiar ""comrade"" is passé; or how do you find your way home in a city where the streets keep getting new names? As Russia even now continues to struggle with the Cold War's aftermath, Cidylo gives a delightful, surprising, warmly human view of post-Soviet life.