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Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus L'Univers de Philostrate
Ecole francaise d'Athenes La réforme orthodoxe: Église, État et société en Grèce à l'époque de la confessionnalisation post-ottomane (1833-1940)
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Offrandes monumentales à Delphes
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Retour à la liberté: Libération et sauvetage des prisonniers en Grèce ancienne. Recueil d'inscriptions honorant des sauveteurs et analyse critique.
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Les hymnes à Apollon
Ecole francaise d'Athenes La nécropole d'Amathonte, tombes 113-367, III: i. The Terracottas. ii. Statuettes, sarcophages et stèles décorées
Peeters Publishers In Hymnis et Canticis. Culture et Beaute Dans L'hymnique Chretienne Latine
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Maine de Biran: Iuvres XIII-1 Correspondance Avec Ampere
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Henri Gouhier: La Vie d'Auguste Comte
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Le Monotheisme
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Melanges Offerts a M.-D. Chenu
Les Belles Lettres Pindare: Tome I: Olympiques
Fernand Nathan Odyssee
Astra Publishing House Lingering Echoes
Twelve-year-old Bone uses her Gift, which allows her to see the stories in everyday objects, to try to figure out why her best friend, Will Kincaid, suddenly lost his voice at age five. This supernatural historical mystery is the second title in the acclaimed and emotionally resonant Ghosts of Ordinary Objects series.In a southern Virginia coal-mining town in October 1942, Bone Phillips is learning to control her Gift: Bone can see the history of a significant object when she touches it. When her best friend, Will Kincaid, asks Bone to "read" the history of his daddy's jelly jar--the jelly jar that was buried alongside his father during the mine cave-in that killed him--Bone is afraid. Even before Bone touches it, she can feel that the jar has its own strange power. With her mother dead, her father gone to war, and Aunt Mattie's assault looming over Bone, she can't bear the idea of losing Will too. As Will's obsession with the jelly jar becomes dangerous, Bone struggles to understand the truth behind the jar and save him Featuring a beautiful, compelling voice, this novel weaves a story of mystery, family, and ultimately, love.
Histria LLC Scanderbeg: A History of George Castriota and the Albanian Resistance to Islamic Expansion in Fifteenth Century Europe
The struggle of the Albanian people led by George Castriota Scanderbeg to defend Europe against the assault of the Ottoman Turks has been much celebrated. For a quarter of a century, from 1443 until his death in 1468, he used his military prowess to thwart the efforts of the most powerful Empire in the world at the time to subdue his tiny country.One of the true heroes of the Middle Ages in Europe, unfortunately, the remarkable story of Scanderbeg remains little known outside of Albania. George Castriota defended Europe for a quarter of a century and, it can rightly be said, helped to save Western civilization from being overrun by Islam and suffering the same fate as the once-mighty Byzantine Empire. This book examines the genius and remarkable achievements of Scanderbeg who helped shape the identity of the Albanian people and reveals the important contribution this small but proud nation has made to European civilization.Although the challenges have changed over the centuries, the clash of civilizations, which the history of the Albanian struggle to fend off the Islamic onslaught illustrates, continues today. As a result, it is all the more worth noting the contribution that this tiny land, led by Scanderbeg, made in the fight to preserve Western culture and civilization. Equally important is the example set by the Albanian people in ultimately harmonizing these two great civilizations.
Baker Publishing Group Return to Justice Six Movements That Reignited Our Contemporary Evangelical Conscience
Simon & Schuster Stella Stands Alone
Bartleby Press Catching the Drift: A Novel
“We don’t belong here. Wake up. Wake up before we both die.”Fate and near supernatural circumstances throw two young lovers into a harrowing situation where they must rely on each other for survival.Barely surviving a ruthless shooting in his Montana hometown, sixteen-year-old Alex Fahlstrom awakens from a coma only to find that his memory is compromised. In an attempt to build a new life that has no semblance of their roots, Alex’s family moves to Kansas City. Lost and emotionally adrift in this new town, Alex seeks comfort from a cast of eccentric high school strangers, including a rebellious, rock-loving partygoer and his intriguing twin sister. Alex falls for Danielle, and as he gets sucked into her brutal family drama, he begins to unlock the secrets to his own past.
Tan Books & Publishers Inc. Wife, Mother and Mystic
Undena Publications,U.S. Morphophonemics of the Verb in Rendille; Gender and Plurality in Rendille
The morphology and morphophonemics of the verb in Rendille are treated; of simple stems consisting of a bare , and of derived stems consisting of a root plus an extension affix. Suffix extensions-which may be reflexive-middle causative, agentive-are dealt with in some detailbrief mention is made of prefix extensions, in particular the reduplicative. Some notes are included on verbal noun forms. Morphophonemic alternations in the verb are examined. Attention is drawn to the primacy of a 2-Consonant constraint in Rendille and various rule conspiracies designed to prevent violations of this; and rule conspiracies; phonotactically constrained consonant metathesis and a peeking rule'.
Hal Leonard Corporation Essential Elements for Strings Teacher Resource Kit Cd
G. Schirmer, Inc. Teoria de la Musica Nueva Edicion Voice Technique
Baker Publishing Group Love at Last 3–in–1
Three acclaimed Christian historical fiction authors' romantic and intriguing stories will delight inspirational readers. Romance and history across the years make this collection a perfect fit for fans of timeless love stories. Hunter's "A Search for Refuge" tells of solicitor Nash Banfield, hiding from society in a market town, and Lady Margaretta Fortescue, on the run from a mysterious threat and in desperate need of refuge. Camden's "Summer of Dreams" follows the whip-smart daughter of an army general, determined never to marry a man in uniform, and a charismatic West Point cadet just as determined to change her mind. Dykes's "Up from the Sea" follows the romance between the daughter of a Southern lumber baron who finds herself out of her element in coastal Maine and the humble local lobsterman and lumberjack far below her station.
The British Library Publishing Division Beauty What it is and How to Retain it
First published in 1873, this book rejects any notion that beauty of the physical body should be treated with indifference for fear of moral corruption, and sets out to celebrate beauty and to teach women how to achieve and retain it.
Penguin Putnam Inc Escaping Home: A Novel
mineditionUS Big Bear Cant Fall Asleep
Big Bear can't get to sleep. Maybe he needs something to snuggle up with but where will he find something? One by one he asks the forest animals, and each of them describes what their own loveys look like. Before long Big Bear is on the right track. He needs something soft and cosy just like his friend Little Bunny! Now Big Bear can fall asleep.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice, Volume 2: Proceedings of the International Symposium IS-Yokohama 2000, Yokohama, Japan, 20-22 September 2000
The International Symposium on "Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice (IS-Yokohama 2000)" was held from 20 to 22 September 2000 in Yokohama, Japan and sponsored both by TC-30 of ISSMGE on "Coastal Geotechnical Engineering" and by the Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS). This symposium attracted 310 participants from many countries and IS-Yokohama 2000 is remembered as a successful event for gathering valuable information and experiences from various researchers and case studies on soft ground engineering technology in coastal areas. During the symposium participants heard invited leading experts present lectures and reports and had a chance to meet with representatives of various research fields of interest. As a fulfilment of the promis made during the symposium, a second volume was produced after the conference with contributed paper of those presentations in keynote addresses, special lectures, project reports and special discussion sessions, with the hope that this will be a valuable reference for engineers, academics, consultants and those who are interested in Coastal Geotechnical Engineering.
Instituto Monsa de Ediciones Star Wars
The mere mention of the title Star Wars can evoke all kinds of feelings and memories in a person. The trilogy that thrilled everyone in the late 70s and early 80s, the highly criticised prequels from the early 2000s, and the newer sequels are just added fuel to make the work of George Lucas shine dazzlingly in our lives. This book is an illustrated tribute to the fictional universe created by George Lucas, in which readers will find forty portraits of its most outstanding characters, such as Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Yoda, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Rey, Stormtrooper, and Wilhuff Tarkin - along with sixty unpublished alternative posters! Twenty-seven artists from around the world show us their most personal vision through one or more illustrations, additionally expressing in a sentence what Star Wars means to them. In this way, many artists achieve their desire to share their life and work, and return the favor to what has inspired them, in turn becoming part of the legend, for a long, long time.
Books on Demand Das Erwachen des dunklen Herzens: risan, Band 1
Gbi-Genios Verlag Chemiestandort Deutschland: Lichtblicke zeichnen sich ab
BoD - Books on Demand Entfessle und liebe dich Das Dekameron der Engel Gtter und Dmonen
CENTRAL BOOKS Nach Oben Schlsselmomente aus tausend Erstbegehungen
German only
tredition PridePoesie
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Wir alle Unterrichtshandbuch A1
Button Books Transport
In this title, the reverse of the jacket has been printed to be used as a wall poster. In this delightful series of books, under GMC's exciting new imprint, Button Books, Alain Gree's stunning vintage illustrations leap out from every page. With three titles, "Alphabet", "Transport" and "Nature", aimed at 2-4 years, children will love to be taught their first words with the aid of such absorbing and vibrant illustrations. Despite their simplicity there is a richness of content that children will be fascinated by, and this wealth of information will be a joy for adults to share and discuss, making the potential for learning endless. As an educational tool and a pleasure to own, this fabulous series of books is a wonderful investment for families.
GMC Publications Second World War, The
This book looks at WWII from a largely British perspective, based upon approximately 350 photographs from the archives of Mirrorpix. It takes a look at the legacies of the war, including the establishment of the United Nations and the European Union. The Second World War was the deadliest conflict in human history. The Second World War broke out in Europe in 1939 and spread rapidly around the globe, involving most of the world's nations and all of the great powers. The most widespread war in history, the Second World War involved more than 100 million people who served in military units. Moreover, the major participants adopted a state of 'total war' whereby the nation's entire economic, industrial and scientific capabilities were dedicated to the war effort, removing the distinction between military and civilian resources. It was the deadliest conflict in human history. Legacies of the war include the establishment of the United Nations and the European Union to encourage international co-operation and prevent future conflicts. This book looks at the Second World War from a largely British perspective, based on approximately 350 photographs from the archives of "Mirrorpix".
Fonthill Media Ltd Gone but Not Forgotten: Defunct British Airlines Since 1945
The British airliners we see today in our airports are the result of numerous takeovers and mergers, involving large and small companies. This book covers some of these airlines that have ceased operating since 1946: some collapsed because of financial difficulties, some were taken over by larger airlines, and some ceased operating altogether. In post-war Britain, several small airlines were founded and equipped with surplus military aircraft, the most popular being the Douglas Dakota. The book is a guide to each airline, accompanied by a brief historical account, and interesting images of the aircraft in their distinctive colour schemes. The airlines covered are a selection of large and small aircraft, who flew international and regional routes, as well as airlines involved in inclusive tours business.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Operative Procedures in Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
Operative Procedures in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the most common plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive procedures. Few resources in the field provide such a detailed description of commonly performed operations in one place. Each chapter presents a well-documented technique for a specific clinical diagnosis. It discusses preoperative markings, intraoperative details, postoperative instructions, and avoidance of complications for each surgical procedure presented. The authors use extensive clinical photographs, drawings, and detailed descriptions to guide readers through each procedure. A list of the essential equipment required for each operation is provided. In addition, the book includes a list of commonly accepted CPT codes associated with the described procedure. In all, 32 procedures are presented including skin grafting, breast reconstruction, liposuction, carpal tunnel release, breast augmentation, brow lift,
F&W Scarf Style 2
MQ - University of Nebraska Press War
Union Square & Co. Dad Jokes: Groan-Worthy Quips, Puns, and Almost-Funny Gags
The ultimate collection of awfully hilarious jokes that will have your stomach crunching from nonstop laughter. The best eye-rolling, corny punch lines and gags all in one place! This assemblage of quick-witted puns and equally cringeworthy groaners offers more than 600 quips so bad that they’re actually funny. Organized into themes for any occasion, you’ll find everything from snappy-yet-terrible one-liners to embarrassing dialogue. It will keep the whole family howling (and begging you to stop) for hours upon end.