Search results for ""atlantis""
Headline Publishing Group The Spear of Atlantis (Wilde/Chase 14)
After KING SOLOMON'S CURSE comes Andy McDermott's newest Wilde and Chase novel, in which the intrepid pair find themselves in a race against time - to stop an ancient Atlantean weapon from falling into the wrong hands... before modern civilization is brought to its knees... World-famous archaeologist Nina Wilde and her husband, ex-SAS bodyguard Eddie Chase, believe their days of danger are behind them. But when Nina is framed for the theft of a priceless artefact in a daring raid on a luxury cruise ship, she has no choice but to flee. On the run, Nina discovers that a shadowy group is searching for an ancient Atlantean weapon with destructive power beyond comprehension. Eddie - helped by a multi-talented team of friends - must risk his own life to learn who is pulling the strings.In a continent-crossing race against time, hunted by enemies with deadly ambitions, only Nina and Eddie can unearth the truth before a devastating force is unleashed on the world...
Adventures Unlimited Press Lost Cities of Atlantis Ancient Europe the Mediterranean
Atlantis! The legendary lost continent comes under the close scrutiny of archaeologist David Hatcher Childress. From Ireland to Turkey, Morocco to Eastern Europe, or remote islands of the Mediterranean and Atlantic, Childress takes the reader on an astonishing quest for mankind''s past. Ancient technology, cataclysms, megalithic construction, lost civilisations, and devastating wars of the past are all explored in this amazing book. Childress challenges the sceptics and proves that great civilisations not only existed in the past but that the modern world and its problems are reflections of the ancient world of Atlantis.
Marvel Comics Fantastic Four Epic Collection Atlantis Rising
A seismic crossover that literally reshaped the face of Marvel''s Earth! The Fantastic Four reunite... and everything falls apart! As the Invisible Woman searches for her missing husband Mr. Fantastic, the scarred Thing seeks payback on Wolverine, and the wrath of a rogue Watcher leads the FF into war on a truly cosmic scale! Then, sorceress Morgan Le Fay forces the sunken continent of Atlantis back above the waves, causing a crisis for Namor and his water-breathing people! The FF race to their aid as Thor, the Inhumans and Franklin Richards'' young team the Fantastic Force all become ensnared in Morgan''s scheme. But when the sorceress'' chilling endgame comes to light, can even the heroes'' combined might save the day? Collecting: Fantastic Four (1961) 393-402, Fantastic Force (1994) 7-9, Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising (1995) 1-2, Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising Collector''s Preview (1995) 1
Editorial Edebé Athenea 02 El corazn de Atlantis
El Corazón de Atlantis Y si el reino perdido de Atlantis existiera de verdad? Y si fuera más que un mito? Una civilización que dominó los mares y conquistó todas las tierras que pisó, que puso el mundo a sus pies, que alcanzó la paz y la prosperidad usando una tecnología avanzadísima para su tiempo. Si Atlantis fuera real, quien se apoderase de sus secretos sería. la nación más poderosa del planeta. Una posibilidad que, en medio de la Gran Guerra, en 1914, representa una gran tentación. Y de nuevo Athenea von Hammerstein y su amigo Medhi se enfrentarán al peligro para salvar a su familia y tal vez al mundo entero.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd New Atlantis and The Great Instauration
This richly annotated second edition of the now-classic pairing of Bacon’s masterpieces, New Atlantis and The Great Instauration features the addition of other works by Bacon, including “The Idols of the Mind,” Of Unity in Religion” and “Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates,” as well a Summary of the each work and Questions for the reader. S Includes works new to the second edition, including “The Idols of the Mind,” “Of Unity in Religion,” and “Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates” Updates the layout of the previous edition with a more generous interior design, making this work more student-friendly and easier to navigate in the classroom Each work is introduced and subsequently discussed, revealing the importance of Bacon’s work to his contemporaries as well as to modern readers Includes a comprehensive introduction and annotations throughout the text; as well as an appendix of Principal Dates in the Life of Sir Francis Bacon; a selected bibliography; and synopses and questions to accompany each work
Panini Verlags GmbH SpiderMan Auf der Suche nach Atlantis
Schneiderbuch Die SeepferdchenBande Das Leuchten von Atlantis
Little, Brown Book Group A Brief History of Atlantis: Plato's Ideal State
The Atlantis story remains one of the most haunting and enigmatic tales from antiquity, and one that still resonates very deeply with the modern imagination. But where did Atlantis come from, what was it like, and where did it go to?Atlantis was first introduced by the Greek philosopher Plato in two dialogues the Timaios and Kritias, written in the fourth century BC. As he philosophises about the origins of life, the Universe and humanity, the great thinker puts forward a stunning description of Atlantis, an island paradise with an ideal society. But the Atlanteans degenerate and become imperialist aggressors: they fight against antediluvian Athens, which heroically repels their mighty forces, before a cataclysmic natural disaster destroys the warring states. His tale of a great empire that sank beneath the waves has sparked thousands of years of debate over whether Atlantis really existed. But did Plato mean his tale as history, or just as a parable to help illustrate his philosophy?The book is broken down into two main sections plus a coda - firstly the translations/commentaries which will have the discussions of the specifics of the actual texts; secondly a look at the reception of the myth from then to now; thirdly a brief round-off bringing it all together.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Aurora Model Kits: With Polar Lights, Moebius, Atlantis
Hollywood movie monsters are enduring pop culture standards. Kids and adults around the world recognize Frankenstein, Dracula, the Wolf Man, and the Mummy. Although monsters are Aurora’s most famous products, the company created model kits of all varieties, including historic sailing ships, sports cars, moon rockets, military and commercial aircraft, TV stars, comic book heroes, wildlife scenes, knights, and much more. Over 500 color photographs enhance this comprehensive history and guide to Aurora models, now updated to include new companies continuing the Aurora tradition. Aurora executives, sculptors, artists, and engineers who created the models tell the story in their own words. Every model Aurora made is described in detail. Today, Polar Lights, Moebius, Atlantis, and Monarch continue the Aurora tradition. Executives from these companies explain how they have added to the list of revived Aurora models, with information on reissues and current collectors’ market values.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Mystery of Doggerland: Atlantis in the North Sea
A scientific exploration of the advanced ancient civilization known as Doggerland or Fairland that disappeared 5,000 years ago. New marine archaeological evidence has revealed the remains of a large land mass to the north of Britain that hosted an advanced civilization 1,000 years before the recognized “first” civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, or India. Remembered in Celtic legends as Tu-lay, and referred to by geologists as Doggerland or Fairland, this civilization began at least as early as 4000 BC but was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels, huge tsunamis, and a terrible viral epidemic released from melting permafrost during a cataclysmic period of global warming. Exploring the latest archaeological findings and recent scientific analysis of Doggerland’s underwater remains, Graham Phillips shows that this ancient culture had sophisticated technology and advanced medical knowledge. He looks at evidence detected with remote sensing and seismic profiling of many artificial structures, complex settlements, gigantic earthworks, epic monoliths, and huge stone circles dated to more than 5,500 years ago, preserved beneath the ground and on the ocean floor. He examines evidence of Doggerland’s high-temperature technology, showing how its people were able to melt solid rock to create vitrified structures far stronger than concrete, a technique that modern science cannot replicate. He looks at the small part of the Fairland land mass that still exists: Fair Isle, a tiny island some 45 miles north of the Orkney Islands of Scotland. Phillips shows how, when Fairland sank beneath the waves around 3100 BC, its last survivors traveled by boat to settle in the British Isles, where they established the megalithic culture that built Stonehenge. Revealing the vast archaeological evidence in support of the existence of Doggerland, as well as its threads of influence in early cultures around the world, Phillips also shows how the fate of this sophisticated ancient culture is a warning from history: the cataclysmic events that happened to the first civilizations could happen again as the world heats up.
Orion Publishing Co The Lost Empire of Atlantis: History's Greatest Mystery Revealed
The bestselling author of 1421: THE YEAR THE CHINESE DISCOVERED THE WORLD uncovers the truth behind the mystery of Atlantis. After a chance conversation in Egypt in 2008, bestselling historian Gavin Menzies launched himself on a quest that would reveal the truth behind the mystery of Atlantis and her destruction.Through an examination of documentary and academic research, metallurgy, ancient shipbuilding and navigation techniques, artefacts and DNA evidence, Menzies slowly and painstakingly reveals a trading empire that spanned from the Great Lakes in North America to Kerala in India. And in doing so finally explains the incredible reality behind the legendary civilisation described by Plato and its disappearance.Reading like a real-life Indiana Jones story as ex-Royal Navy submarine captain Menzies travels round the world in pursuit of his goal, this is epic, iconoclastic popular history.
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss auf der Suche nach Atlantis
Hachette Children's Group EDGE: I HERO: Quests: Ocean Alliance: Atlantis Quest 2
YOUR quest is to defeat Triton, evil King of the Atlanteans. He is launching an attack from their lost underwater city. He wants to take over Earth! YOU and Shen must use the upgraded Barracuda super-sub to search for the Atlantean fleet and stop Triton's next attack wave...You are the hero of this book. Only you can decide your own destiny...
Headline Publishing Group The Hunt For Atlantis (Wilde/Chase 1)
Following in the tradition of Clive Cussler and Matthew Reilly, Andy McDermott takes us a roller-coaster ride in search of the legendary Atlantis.Archaeologist Nina Wilde believes she hasfound the location of the lost city of Atlantis andnow she wants the opportunityto prove her theory. Someone else though wants her dead! With the help of ex-SAS bodyguard Eddie Chase and beautiful heiress Kari Frost, Nina faces a breakneck race against time around the world, pursued at every step by agents of the mysterious and murderous Brotherhood of Selasphoros. From the jungles of Brazil to the mountains of Tibet, from the streets of Manhattan to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, the hunt for Atlantis leads to a secret hidden for 11,000 years which in the wrong hands could destroy civilization as we know it...
DC Comics DC Finest Aquaman The King of Atlantis
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Atlantis Beneath the Ice: The Fate of the Lost Continent
In this completely revised and expanded edition of When the Sky Fell, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath show that 12,000 years ago vast areas of Antarctica were free from ice and home to the kingdom of Atlantis, a proposition that also elegantly solves the mysteries of ice ages and mass extinctions, the simultaneous worldwide rise of agriculture, and the source of devastating prehistoric climate change. Expanding upon Charles Hapgood’s theory of earth crust displacement, which was championed by Albert Einstein, they examine ancient yet highly accurate world maps, including the Piri Reis map of 1513, and show how the earth’s crust shifted in 9600 BCE, dragging Atlantis into the polar zone where it now lies beneath miles of Antarctic ice. From the Cherokee, Haida, and Okanagan of North America to the earliest records of Egypt, Iran, Mexico, and Japan, they reveal that ancient myths of floods, lost island paradises, and visits from advanced godlike peoples from all corners of the globe all point to the same worldwide catastrophe that resulted in Atlantis’s demise. The authors explain how the remaining Atlanteans, amid massive earthquakes and epic floods, evacuated and spread throughout the world, resulting in the birth of the first known civilizations. Including rare material from the archives of Charles Hapgood, Albert Einstein, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Flem-Aths explain how an earth crust displacement could happen again in the future, perhaps in correspondence with high solar activity. With new scientific, genetic, and linguistic evidence in support of Antarctica as the location of long-lost Atlantis, this updated edition convincingly shows that Atlantis was not swallowed by the sea but was entombed beneath miles of polar ice.
British Library Publishing The Lure of Atlantis: Strange Tales from the Sunken Continent
'All about us on the stairs was some of the most exquisite statuary I have ever seen... save for a few pieces carved in the form of some hideous beast, the like of which I have never seen on earth...' The sunken continent of Atlantis has dwelt in the collective imagination of writers and artists for centuries; a bejewelled paradox bubbling with themes of irrecoverable loss and quixotic faith in its rediscovery. This new anthology collects stories from the vast, yet seldom recognised, vault of Atlantean fiction from the Golden Age of Weird Tales magazine, presented in four core sections, perfect for diving into: - Atlantis Rediscovered - in which the ruins of ancient Atlantis are found again. - Atlantis Revisited - tales of Deep Time, in which the descendants of Atlanteans re-live the experiences of ancestors. - Atlantis Resurrected - in which Atlantis never sunk at all but remains at large in the world. - Atlantis Reimagined - in which the continent is fertile ground for experiments in Weird Fantasy and beyond.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Lemuria and Atlantis Studying the Past to Survive the Future
Shirley Andrews, author of "Atlantis: Insights From a Lost Civilization", combines her own research with the data of scholars, scientists and respected psychics to offer a look into the little-known details about the lost continent of Lemuria and its relationship to Atlantis.
Collective Ink Atlantis and Gaia: Magic, Reincarnation, Covid and Earth Healing Today
A brilliant portrayal of how karma works over the centuries, Atlantis and Gaia: Magic, Reincarnation, Covid and Earth Healing Today explains in easygoing style reincarnation and soul healing through natural medicines such as homeopathy and herbs. Diana Mary Rose brings famous modern-day celebrities into her writing. We see George Harrison, for instance, as a monk, and John Lennon as a famous peace man - eons before their fame today - and William Shakespeare appears in a new light, too, as this psychic author delves into his past and future lives. From Julius Caesar and Fred Astaire to Angelina and Brad, there is no end to interesting tales here. Everyone alive has reincarnated multiple times over. Karma is a merry-go-round. And underpinning the entire book is Atlantis, that mystical civilisation, for the Atlantean light shines brightly over every aspect of society today. An entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable read, /Atlantis and Gaia/ will introduce you to new concepts and blow your mind.
Random House USA Inc Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis: The Vampire Chronicles
Kaminn Media Ltd Angel Heart Sigils: Mystical Symbols from the Angels of Atlantis
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Before Atlantis: 20 Million Years of Human and Pre-Human Cultures
Exploring emerging and suppressed evidence from archaeology, anthropology and biology, Frank Joseph challenges conventional theories of evolution, the age of humanity, the origins of civilisation and the purpose of megaliths around the world. Further investigating the evolutionary branches of humanity, he explores the mounting biological evidence supporting the aquatic ape theory - that our ancestors spent one or more evolutionary phases in water - and shows how these aquatic phases of humanity fall neatly into place within his revised timeline of ancient history. Tying in his extensive research into Atlantis and Lemuria, Joseph provides a 20-million-year timeline of the rise and fall of ancient civilisations, both human and pre-human, the evolutionary stages of humanity and the catastrophes and resulting climate changes that triggered them all - events that our relatively young civilisation may soon experience. He reveals 20-million-year-old quartzite tools discovered in the remains of extinct fauna in Argentina and other evidence of ancient pre-human cultures from which we are not descended. He traces the genesis of modern human civilisation to Indonesia and the Central Pacific 75,000 years ago, launched by a catastrophic volcanic eruption that abruptly reduced humanity from two million to a few thousand individuals worldwide. Examining the profound similarities of megaliths around the world, including Nabta Playa, Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge, New Hampshire's Mystery Hill and the Japanese Oyu circles, the author explains how these precisely placed monuments of quartz were built specifically to produce altered states of consciousness, revealing the spiritual and technological sophistication of their Neolithic builders - a transoceanic civilisation fractured by the cataclysmic effects of comets. · Explores biological evidence for the aquatic ape theory and 20-million-year-old evidence of pre-human cultures from which we are not descended · Traces the genesis of modern human civilisation to Indonesia and the Central Pacific 75,000 years ago after a near-extinction-level volcanic eruption · Examines the profound similarities of megaliths around the world, including Nabta Playa and Gobekli Tepe, to reveal the transoceanic civilisation that built them all
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Blake und Mortimer 7 Das Geheimnis von Atlantis
Rowman & Littlefield Digging through History Again: New Discoveries from Atlantis to the Holocaust
Digging through History Again: New Discoveries from Atlantis to the Holocaust follows archaeologist Richard Freund's journey through some of the most fascinating archaeological sites of human history—including the mysterious Atlantis, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, a medieval synagogue in northern Spain and the long-buried Holocaust camp Sobibor and long-neglected sites of the Holocaust. Each chapter takes readers through a different archaeological site, showing what we can learn about past religious life and religious faith through the artifacts found there, as well as what has given each site such strong "staying power" over time. It also highlights the technological developments in geoscience and archaeology of the last 25 years that allows us to uncover more with less time, expense. and labor while observing the sensitivities associated with Jewish traditions. Digging Through History Again further explores just how expansive the lost Atlantis Civilization really is, expands upon information known about the Dead Sea Scrolls and the newly discovered caves where more scrolls will be found, and uncovers new excavations of the death camp of Sobibor, the secrets of the Warsaw Ghetto and escapes from Sobibor, Ponar, and, Fort IX that will help set a standard for future archaeology of the Holocaust.Richard Freund and the research in Digging through History are featured in the National Geographic documentary Atlantis Rising, which premiered on National Geographic in 2017 and a documentary follows Oscar-winning executive producer James Cameron and Emmy-winning filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici as they investigate the myths and realities of Atlantis. The chapter on the “Archaeology of Jewish Resistance during the Holocaust” is also a part of the new television documentary “Resistance: They Fought Back” set to air in 2023. Digging through History is the only book that details Freund’s groundbreaking research on Atlantis and on Jewish resistance during the Holocaust that is featured in the films.
St Martin's Press Sticker Studio: Atlantis: A Sticker Gallery of the Deep Blue Sea
Enter a fantastical underwater world through 600+ stickers! Whether you're an artist, decorator, or sticker collector, Chloe Standish's Sticker Studio: Atlantis will immerse you in creativity with more than 600 gorgeous, full-color stickers. This gallery of high-quality sticker art and sea-struck quotes dives deep to share the beauty, wonder, and peace of marine life-from spectacular shells, starfish, and coral to marvelous fish, turtles, and octopi. You'll even discover deep-sea mysteries held within messages in bottles, treasure chests, and abandoned anchors. - Use in creative projects-from collages to scrapbooks - Adorn home décor and personal items with ocean-themed art - Jazz up cards, letters, and wrapping paper - Cherish as an artistic keepsake with words of wisdom reminding you to seek beauty beneath the surface - Share as a gift with those who draw inspiration from the sea With hundreds of stickers celebrating sea curiosities, Sticker Studio: Atlantis offers so much to explore and love!
Cornerstone Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis: The Vampire Chronicles 12
SOON TO BE A MAJOR TV SHOW, FROM THE NETWORK BEHIND THE WALKING DEAD'[W]hen I found Rice's work I absolutely loved how she took that genre and (...) made [it] feel so contemporary and relevant' Sarah Pinborough, bestselling author of Behind Her Eyes'[Rice wrote] in the great tradition of the gothic' Ramsey Campbell, bestselling author of The Hungry Moon"In my dreams, I saw a city fall into the sea. I heard the cries of thousands. I saw flames that outshone the lamps of heaven. And all the world was shaken..." Lestat de Lioncourt is no longer alone. A strange, otherworldly spirit has resurfaced, taking possession of his body and soul. All-seeing, all-knowing, its voice whispers in his ear, telling the hypnotic tale of Atlantis, the great sea power of ancient times...Prince Lestat is seduced by the power of this ancient spirit, but is he right to trust it? Why has Lestat, leader of the vampires, been chosen as its bodily host?And what of Atlantis, the mysterious heaven on earth? Why must the vampires reckon so many millennia later with the terrifying force of this ageless, all-powerful Atalantaya spirit?It falls to Lestat to discover the truth.'There's little doubt about the paperback that will be selling like hotcakes this month. Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles saga continues.' - SFX'Linguistically masterful, structurally solid and weaved like a gossamer web of nightwalker excellence. Anne Rice further solidifies her undisputed reputation for penning novels of dark poetry, where Lestat lives and breathes in all his benevolence. Pompous, preening, princely and beyond earthly reproach. For the uninitiated and experienced traveller alike this continuation of The Vampire Chronicles makes a mockery of any shared cinematic universe you can name.' - Flickering Myth'Anne Rice's prose has always been lyrical and poetic, the words ebbing and flowing from page to page, calmly and rhythmically. In this latest edition, she proposes some ethical and spiritual quandaries from both sides of the sets of characters.' - On: Magazine
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Forbidden Archeologist: The Atlantis Rising Magazine Columns of Michael A. Cremo
Debolsillo Corazones En La Atlantida Hearts in Atlantis Best Seller
Este libro transportará a algunos lectores a un lugar que nunca antes han visitado.Aunque algunos episodios de la década de los sesenta nos parezcan irreales, no son ficticios, ocurrieron de verdad. Stephen King, que ha sido el primer escritor de la generación de la televisión que ha logrado un enorme éxito, publicó en 1974 Carrie , su primera novela, justo un año antes de la retirada de las últimas tropas americanas de Vietnam. Las imágenes de aquella guerra y de las protestas en contra habían inundado las pequeñas pantallas de las casas americanas durante casi diez años, dejando una huella imborrable en toda una generación. En Corazones en Atlántida, King hipnotiza a sus lectores con una ficción profundamente sembrada en esos años, los sesenta, y explora, a lo largo de cuatro décadas, los estigmas y la herencia psicológica de la guerra de Vietnam en las personas. Lleno de peligro, lleno de suspense y, sobre todo, lleno de sentimientos, este libro de Stephen King transportará a
White Star The Great Book of the Fantastic Creatures of Atlantis
A young, enthusiastic student of marine life takes the readers on a quest to discover the fantasy creatures that live in the sea. The children will read her diary, filled with information, legends and details. Tips are also intended for all sea life lovers to do their part and keep the ocean clean and defend the kingdom of its creatures that today, more than ever, is threatened by dangerous, irresponsible behaviour. Two sections dedicated to the underwater creatures: those who live on the surface and those who live in the abysses. Short, fun, approachable stories that describe each creature and explain how to catch sight of it, how to tame it and what makes it angry. At the end of the story, the readers will find a short test, similar to the one the book's narrator must take, so that they'll get their Certificate of Fantastic Creatures Keeper, that children can detach from the book and fill in. Ages: 7 plus
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Four Island Utopias: Being Plato's Atlantis, Euhemeros of Messene's Panchaia, Iamboulos' Island of the Sun, and Sir Francis Bacon's New Atlantis
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG The Emperor of Atlantis or Deaths Refusal Op 49b
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Im Zeichen der Zauberkugel 10 Das Rätsel von Atlantis
GRAND CENTRAL PUBL Edgar Cayce on Atlantis By Edgar Cayce Author Paperback on Apr 2000
Drawing on his life readings, and within the context of reincarnation, Cayce offers evidence of the civilization of Atlantis - showing how its achievements and failures directly relate to the conflict of the late 20th century. Here are insights into mankind's past as seen through Atlantis.
Tin House Books The Book of Atlantis Black The Search for a Sister Gone Missing
Ravensburger Verlag Ravensburger Stay alive RätselChallenge Überlebe in Atlantis Rätselbuch für GamingFans ab 8 Jahren
Orion Publishing Co The Chickens of Atlantis and Other Foul and Filthy Fiends
Robert Rankin, the master of far-fetched fiction, presents, for the first time, a book written in 'the first monkey'. Sure to be taken up as the newest of literary fads, Darwin, the Educated Ape here tells his life story to his legions of fans.Featuring: Chickens! Martians! Doodlebugs! The Far Future! The Distant Past! Sherlock Holmes! Winston Churchill! Dynamite! More Monkeys than you can shake a stick at! Barmen! Pubs! The End of the World and more!The fourth in Robert Rankin's series of steampunk-tinged Victoriana novels featuring the master detective Cameron Bell (who has an unfortunate fondness for blowing up major landmarks) and his companion, Darwin, the Educated Ape, this is another masterpiece of comic fiction and SF.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Ghosts of Atlantis: How the Echoes of Lost Civilizations Influence Our Modern World
An intensive investigation into the evidence for a forgotten fountainhead of civilization lost at the end of the last ice age• Reveals evidence of advanced ancient technology, anomalous ancient maps, time travel, crystal science, ancient Armageddon, and Atlantis in the Bible • Explores the true age of the Sphinx, the Stone Age high-tech found at Gobekli Tepe, the truth of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), the Zep Tepi monuments of Egypt, the mysteries of the Gulf of Cambay, and what lies beneath the ice of Antarctica • Examines the advanced knowledge of the ancients and how the search for Atlantis and other lost worlds reflects the search for the lost soul of humanity We live within the ruins of an ancient civilization whose vast size has rendered it invisible. Remembered in myth as Atlantis, Lemuria, or other lost world archetypes, the remains of this advanced civilization have lain buried for millennia beneath the deserts and oceans of the world, leaving us many mysterious and inexplicable clues. Investigating the perennial myth of a forgotten fountainhead of civilization, J. Douglas Kenyon presents extensive physical and spiritual evidence of a lost great culture, the collective amnesia that wiped it from planetary memory, and the countless ways ancient catastrophes still haunt modern civilization. He explores evidence of advanced ancient technology, anomalous ancient maps, extraterrestrial influence, time travel, crystal science, and the true age of the Sphinx. He examines evidence of Atlantis in the Bible and ancient Armageddon, the Stone Age high-tech found at Gobekli Tepe, the truth of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), the Zep Tepi monuments of Egypt, the mysteries of the Gulf of Cambay, and what lies beneath the ice of Antarctica. He looks at extinction events, Earth’s connection with Mars, and how our DNA reveals that humanity has had enough time to evolve civilization and lose it more than once. Exploring the advanced esoteric and spiritual knowledge of the ancients, Kenyon shows that the search for Atlantis and other lost worlds reflects the search for the lost soul of humanity. Drawing upon Velikovsky’s notion of a species-wide amnesia caused by the trauma of losing an entire civilization, he reveals how the virtual ruins of a lost history are buried deep in our collective unconscious, constantly tugging at our awareness. As Kenyon reveals, by overcoming “the Great Forgetting,” humanity can find its way out of the haunted labyrinth in which we find ourselves lost today and rediscover the heights of spiritual and technological advancement of our ancient ancestors.
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Nyxa 2 Die Macht von Atlantis DrachenFantasy fr Fans von Pan und Elya
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Atlantis in the Caribbean: And the Comet That Changed the World
The legend of Atlantis is one of the most intriguing mysteries of all time. Disproving many well-known Atlantis theories and providing a new hypothesis, the evidence for which continues to build, Andrew Collins shows that what Plato recounts is the memory of a major cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age 13,000 years ago, when a comet devastated the island of Cuba and submerged part of the Bahaman landmass in the Caribbean. He parallels Plato’s account with corroborating ancient myths and legends from the indigenous people of North and South America, such as the Maya of Mesoamerica, the Quiché of Peru, the Yuchi of Oklahoma, the islanders of the Antilles, and the native peoples of Brazil.
Rudolf Steiner Press Atlantis: The Fate of a Lost Land and Its Secret Knowledge
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people - but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception. With his philosophical and scientific training, Steiner brought a new systematic discipline to the field of spiritual research, allowing for fully conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries. Samples of his work is to be found in this book of edited texts, which brings together excerpts from his many talks and writings on the subject of Atlantis. This volume also features an editorial introduction, commentary and notes by Dr Andrew Welburn.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Secret History of the Watchers: Atlantis and the Deep Memory of the Rebel Angels
Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, the angel Georgia details the events of Earth’s ancient history in the 8th millennium BC. After Lucifer’s angelic rebellion 203,000 years ago, Earth and 36 other planets were quarantined from the larger Multiverse. Despite aligning with the rebel angels, Georgia--an angel of Seraphic status--was permitted to remain on Earth and continue her role as a Watcher. In this book, Georgia, writing together with Timothy Wyllie, shares her personal account of Earth in the 8th millennium BCE, the first era of Atlantis. Georgia shares her experiences being present as Atlantis was recovering from the first of three natural disasters that would ultimately destroy it. She reveals how the Atlanteans had become confident mariners, beginning to turn to piracy, and how Atlantean ships had reached the west coast of North America. Interwoven with Georgia’s narrative of Earth’s ancient history are her observations of Timothy Wyllie’s current and previous lives, including his involvement with the Process Church and his profound near-death experience in 1973. Georgia shares her words, in part, to awaken the 100 million rebel angels currently living their human lives, most unaware of their angelic heritage. She reveals how a mortal incarnation for a rebel angel is an opportunity to redeem their past and help prepare the way for the imminent transformation of global consciousness as the rebel-held planets, including Earth, are welcomed back into the Multiverse.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Atlantis and the Cycles of Time: Prophecies, Traditions, and Occult Revelations
Atlantis has held a perennial place in the collective imagination of humanity from ancient Greece onward. Many of the great minds of the occult and esoteric world wrote at length on their theories of Atlantis--about its high culture, its possible location, its ultimate demise, and their predictions of a return to Atlantean enlightenment or the downfall of modern society. Beginning with a review of the rationalist writings on Atlantis--those that use geographic and geologic data to validate their theories--renowned scholar Joscelyn Godwin then analyzes and compares writings on Atlantis from many of the great occultists and esotericists of the 19th and 20th centuries, including Fabre d’Olivet, G. I. Gurdjieff, Guido von List, Julius Evola, Edgar Cayce, Dion Fortune, and René Guénon, whose writings often stem from deeper, metaphysical sources, such as sacred texts, prophecy, or paranormal communication. Seeking to unravel and explain the histories and interpretations of Atlantis and its kindred myths of Lemuria and Mu, the author shows how these different views go hand-in-hand with the concept of cyclical history, such as the Vedic system of the four Yugas, the Mayan calendar with its 2012 end-date, the theosophical system of root races, and the precession of the equinoxes. Venturing broader and deeper than any other book on Atlantis, this study also covers reincarnation, human evolution or devolution, the origins of race, and catastrophe theory.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Three Ages of Atlantis: The Great Floods That Destroyed Civilization
15,000 years ago the Earth’s axis tilted, shifting the geographic poles. Volcanoes erupted, the icecaps melted, and the seas rose dramatically. Antarctica was enveloped in ice, destroying the high civilization of prehistory: Atlantis. But before the survivors could reestablish what they had lost, catastrophe struck again--twice. Uniting scientific findings with theories on the location of Atlantis, the authors reveal that there was not one but three Atlantises--the first in Antarctica, the second in South America, and the third in the Mediterranean. Examining paleoclimatology data, they show that Antarctica was temperate 15,000 years ago and home to the original Atlantis. They explore geological evidence of three worldwide super-floods 15,000, 11,600, and 8,700 years ago and show how these dates directly parallel the freezing of Antarctica, the arrival of Cro-Magnon man in Europe, and the destruction of Atlantis according to Plato. Uncovering the influence of the Atlanteans in Proto-Indo-European languages and in massive ancient monuments aligned with the stars, they show how the civilization founders in all early myths--the Pelasgians, Danaans, Viracocha, Aryans, and others--were part of the Atlantean diaspora and how this migration split into two major movements, one to Latin America and the other to Europe and Asia. Following the Atlanteans from a warm Antarctica up to Peru, Mexico, and the Mediterranean, they reveal that Cro-Magnon men are the people of Atlantis and that we are just now returning to their advanced levels of science, technology, and spirituality.