Search results for ""ascension""
Crossway Books Man of Sorrows, King of Glory: What the Humiliation and Exaltation of Jesus Mean for Us
In Man of Sorrows, King of Glory, Jonty Rhodes uses the traditional categories of Jesus as prophet, priest, and king to enhance the Christian understanding of his life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press The Romantic Architecture of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick
This study explores the intersection of vertical and horizontal elements_the vertical ascension of AhabOs drama and IshmaelOs horizontal integration of feeling, thought, and experience. This study builds upon traditional approaches as well as allowing science, geography, and aesthetic theory to broaden the understanding of MelvilleOs art.
Floris Books The Easter Story Book
This collection of stories, legends and folk tales reflects the season around Easter and early summer.The stories are arranged in four parts, following the cycle of seasonal festivals, including Ascension and Whitsun. There are stories by the Grimm brothers, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Lagerlöf.The compilation contains over thirty stories, with clear age indicators for each of them.
Everest 1922. Los pioneros
Un relato dramático y cautivador del primer intento de ascensión del Everest, cuya publicación coincide con el centenario de aquella épica expedición de 1922. Aunque sigue siendo, sin lugar a dudas, la montaña más famosa del mundo, a lo largo de los últimos años la reputación del Everest ha cambiado de forma radical. Actualmente, la masificación de su ascensión, con largas colas de escaladores en la Pared del Lhotse, las escabrosas historias de cadáveres congelados o los montones de basura que se acumulan a gran altitud en la montaña, no hablan a su favor. Pero las cosas no han sido siempre así. Hubo un tiempo en que el Everest era un lugar remoto, inaccesible y misterioso, que sólo los hombres más audaces y heroicos se atrevieron a pisar. La primera tentativa de escalada del Everest, protagonizada en 1922 por George Leigh Mallory y un equipo expedicionario inglés, constituye una historia extraordinaria, rebosante de controversias, drama e incidentes, a cargo de un plantel de personaje
Editorial CCS Las mates con cuentos me molan
Las mates con cuentos me molan es un libro que pretende motivar a los alumnos de siete a doce años en el aprendizaje de las Matemáticas. El modo didáctico y ameno con el que se narran las historias, favorece la comprensión lectora y por tanto, la asimilación de los conceptos matemáticos. Los profesores de Primaria encontrarán en estos cuentos un recurso útil para innovar, para ser creativos y enriquecer la dinámica de las clases. El texto, además de contribuir a que los niños mejoren su relación con las Matemáticas, potencia la educación en valores, la educación emocional y favorece el desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples.
SPCK Publishing Imagining God: Stories From Creation To Heaven
A collection of meditative short stories, inspired by the Bible and the cycle of the Christian year. There are stories on themes such as Creation and the Fall, the search for God in the wilderness, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Ascension.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers: Raise Your Vibration with the Archangels
Raise Your Vibration with the Archangels. A new energy that the angels call ascension energy is sweeping the planet. The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers shows how angels use special numbers to connect with you and teach specific ascension energy lessons. You will read in-depth descriptions of thirteen archangels, such as Metatron, Uriel, and Ariel and thirteen numbers, each of which indicates a special lesson that the angels are lovingly sending to you. With special numbers like 000, 555, 1010, and 1111, the angels are trying to help us move into a state of awakening. They want us to step into out divine selves and start living from a new, expanded perspective. Their lessons are focused on important spiritual and emotional milestones like letting go, becoming more comfortable with change, connecting with twin-flame energy, moving beyond the ego, and many more. For each number, you will receive a short affirmation-style message from the angel, a deeper message, a description of the angel, a visualization or meditation, an angel connection prayer and automatic writing prompt, and an exercise for putting the number's energy into the suggested crystal. The ascension lessons in this book will be just what you need to hear. The ascension lessons are meant to increase your joy, happiness, health, and well-being. With the help of this book, you can learn to gently open the door and start receiving more guidance and support from the angels, without having to make a deep commitment to any one angel in particular. Author Leeza Robertson provides advice for easy ways to work with this book and start receiving the loving energy and blessings of the angels each and every day.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd RAF Tanker Navigator
This book gives a rare insight into the life inside the tanker squadrons of the Royal Air Force, viewed through the eyes of Tony Golds, one of the RAF tanker fleets longest serving Navigator/Plotters. During his service career which spanned four decades, he flew in dozens of aeroplanes, for literally thousands of hours and covered something in excess of two million miles. Initially the prime role of the first tankers (Valiants) was to service the legendary English Electric Lightning interceptor fighters patrolling the North Sea. During his career, Tony served in every continent of the world, including a healthy series of tours at Ascension just after the Falklands War. He was in one of the tanker crews chosen to assist in devising the procedures needed to get both the Vulcans in the Black Buck operation down to the Falklands, and subsequently the Hercules C130 freighters to form the Ascension / Falklands air bridge, so vital for the support of the Falkland Islands, once the shooting war was over.
La montaña desnuda
La ascensión al Nanga Parbat en 1970 marcó el inicio de la carrera himalayística de Reinhold Messner. Pero fue a la vez una expedición controvertida, rodeada de un halo de misterio: el hermano menor de Reinhold, Günther, muere en la "Montaña del Destino Alemán". Reinhold sobrevive, aunque sufre graves congelaciones tras haber realizado la primera ascensión por la vertiente de Rupal ?con sus de 4.500 metros de altura conocida como el mayor precipicio de la Tierra? y la primera travesía del codiciado ochomil de sur a noroeste. Posteriormente Kart Herrligkoffer, el jefe de la expedición, descalificará duramente la actuación de Reinhold, culpándole de la muerte de su hermano y restando mérito a su indudable proeza. En -La montaña desnuda- Messner desvela por primera vez los acontecimientos de aquellos días que dieron un vuelco a su vida. Estamos ante un relato dolorosamente valiente y personal de la muerte y la supervivencia, en el cual la inmediatez del momento resurgida de los diarios y
SPCK Publishing Easter Activity Fun
A fun bumper activity book packed with puzzles, pictures, dot-to-dots, hidden objects and your favourite bible stories that will keep even the most inquisitive young minds busy! Features events from Palm Sunday through to the Ascension. Fun for all the family as they discover and play.
Hay House UK Ltd Dragons: Your Celestial Guardians
Dragons are returning to Earth now to prepare us for the Golden Age - and to help you ascend to the Light! Dragons are celestial beings from the angel realms who have been sent here by Source to assist and protect us. They have been serving our planet since its inception and work with the angels in service for the highest good. In this book, world-renowned ascension and Atlantis expert Diana Cooper shares incredibly detailed and practical knowledge about the dragons and how they can support us. You'll discover: · the history of dragons on Earth, how they came to be here and their mission for humanity · the air, earth, fire and water dragons, and how they act as personal companions · the higher frequency and galactic dragons and the wisdom they bring · how to meet your personal dragon guide and how it can help you on your ascension path Through the visualizations and exercises in this book, you'll learn how to attune to dragon frequencies and expand your consciousness. All you have to do is ask - and watch how the dragons co-operate with the angels to fulfil your soul's deepest desires!
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch El derecho a la intimidad
El derecho a la intimidad es uno de los derechos más vulnerables y esa vulnerabilidad se ha visto incrementada debido al uso de las nuevas tecnologías, las cuales no solo multiplican los riesgos, sino que amplían y multiplican sus efectos. A su vez, las garantías del derecho se ven afectadas por una insuficiente regulación normativa, lo que propicia que sean los jueces los llamados a interpretar una legislación pensada para los medios de comunicación social clásicos o para comunicaciones mediante instrumentos tradicionales. A ello hay que añadir que en determinados supuestos la intimidad se verá afectada por actuaciones de los propios poderes públicos. Este casi inagotable asunto, objeto de este libro, fue abordado en las IX Jornadas internacionales de Derecho Constitucional (España-Italia-Brasil) bajo tres rúbricas: "Derecho a la intimidad versus poder público", "El derecho a la intimidad y el derecho a la información" y "El derecho a la intimidad y las nuevas tecnologías". Las ponenc
Vida de Jesucristo
Este libro se publicó por primera vez en Salamanca, en 1575, y es un clásico de la literatura espiritual, leído por muchas generaciones de cristianos. Recorre las etapas del andar terreno de Jesús, desde la embajada del Arcángel a la Santísima Virgen hasta la Ascensión de Jesús a los cielos. Su autor dedicó sus estudios y meditaciones al conocimiento y amor de Cristo crucificado, y reúne en este breve libro sus reflexiones más maduras en doctrina y en piedad.
Ediciones Desnivel, S. L Del Tirol al Nanga Parbat
-Del Tirol al Nanga Parbat- es un libro autobiográfico único que Desnivel reedita conmemorando el 60 aniversario de su muerte, acontecida durante su intento al Chogolisa en 1957, y pocas semanas después de haber conseguido, junto a Kurt Diemberger, la primera ascensión al Broad Peak. Hermann Buhl, iconoclasta y provocador, alpinista de prodigioso talento, es considerado hoy como el precursor más destacado del himalayísmo moderno. Su ascensión en solitario al Nanga Parbat (8.125 m) en 1953, tan sólo unos días después de que la cordada Hillary-Tenzing coronara la cima del Everest, confirma a un escalador fuera de serie. Esta montaña devoradora de hombres, que se ha cebado en la flor y nata de los alpinistas europeos desde Mummery hasta Welzenbach, sucumbió ante la determinación de Buhl que coronó su cima por primera vez en la historia. El tirolés conquista la cima tras una escalada nocturna en solitario y durante el descenso realiza un vivac a ocho mil metros, sin tienda ni saco de dormi
Bradt Travel Guides St Helena
This fully revised fourth edition of Bradt's St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha remains the only guide to these three British Overseas Territories, tiny volcanic islands that are virtual specks in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and which thanks to the opening of a new airport in 2017 are more accessible than ever before. Rugged, volcanic and very remote, as Napoleon's place of exile following the Battle of Waterloo, St Helena has gained a notoriety that assures its place in the travel lexicon. This fully revised edition includes all the most recent information, from the latest details of how to get there to expanded practical information on the airport, more detail on several of the Post Box walks and the mountain bike trail, and more in-depth information about what to do and where to go in Ascension. Also covered are details of the 2021 Napoleon Bicentenary, plus dedicated sections on what to do in the islands' two gateway cities: 48 hours in Johannesburg and 48 hours in Cape Town. Wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers, hikers, and travellers interested in history and heritage are all catered for. The endemic flora and fauna is one of the islands' chief attractions, with 1,000 species of birds observed on St Helena alone. Also covered are the inspiring Millennium Forest project, where visitors give something back by planting an endemic tree, and sea safaris for spotting the area's abundant marine life, including whale sharks, dolphins and humpback whales, as well as fish and seabirds. Boat trips, which can include snorkelling and diving, are increasingly popular. How to visit Jonathan the Tortoise is included, too: hatched circa 1832, he is the oldest living land animal on the planet. Despite increased accessibility, these three islands are likely to preserve their reputation amongst the most unspoiled destinations in the world. With Bradt's St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, be one of the intrepid few to visit.
Image Comics Black Magick Volume 2: Awakening II
The trap around Rowan Black continues to close, with the Hammer closing in on one side and the Ascension now in motion on the other. But the ultimate wound may not be wielded by magick, but instead delivered via the heart.Collecting issues 6 through 11 of the critically-acclaimed series by New York Times bestselling creators GREG RUCKA and NICOLA SCOTT.
University of Illinois Press Bach Perspectives, Volume 8: J.S. Bach and the Oratorio Tradition
As the official publication of the American Bach Society, Bach Perspectives has pioneered new areas of research in the life, times, and music of Bach since its first appearance in 1995. Volume 8 of Bach Perspectives emphasizes the place of Bach's oratorios in their repertorial context. These essays consider Bach's oratorios from a variety of perspectives: in relation to models, antecedents, and contemporary trends; from the point of view of musical and textual types; and from analytical vantage points including links with instrumental music and theology. Christoph Wolff suggests the possibility that Bach's three festive works for Christmas, Easter, and Ascension Day form a coherent group linked by liturgy, chronology, and genre. Daniel R. Melamed considers the many ways in which Bach's passion music was influenced by the famous poetic passion of Barthold Heinrich Brockes. Markus Rathey examines the construction and role of oratorio movements that combine chorales and poetic texts (chorale tropes). Kerala Snyder shows the connections between Bach's Christmas Oratorio and one of its models, Buxtehude's Abendmusiken spread over many evenings. Laurence Dreyfus argues that Bach thought instrumentally in the composition of his passions at the expense of certain aspects of the text. And Eric Chafe demonstrates the contemporary theological background of Bach's Ascension Oratorio and its musical realization
Oxford University Press Inc The Homeric Centos: Homer and the Bible Interwoven
The Homeric Centos, a poem that is Homeric in style and biblical in theme, is a dramatic illustration of the creative cultural and religious dialogue between Classical Antiquity and Christianity taking place in the Roman Empire during the fifth century CE. The text is attributed to Eudocia, empress and poet, who died in exile in the Holy Land ca. 460. With lines drawn verbatim from Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, the poem begins with the Creation and Fall and ends with Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension. In this blend of Homeric style and Christian themes, there are also echoes of Classical and classicising literature, stretching from Homer and drama to imperial literature. Equally prominent are echoes of earlier Christian canonical and apocryphal works, verse models, and theological works. In The Homeric Centos: Homer and the Bible Interwoven, Anna Lefteratou analyzes the double inspiration of the poem by both classical and Christian traditions. This book explores the works relationship with the cultural milieu of the fifth century CE and offers in-depth analysis of the scenes of Creation and Fall, and Jesus' Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension. This book exposes the work's debt to centuries of Homeric reception and interpretation as well as Christian literature and exegesis, and places it at the crossroads of Christian and pagan literary traditions.
Hay House UK Ltd Dragon Oracle Cards
Connect with the dragons as they support you to clear negative energies, find inspiration for your visions and goals, and progress on your ascension path. Dragons are beautiful, wise, open-hearted etheric beings of the angelic realms who are sent here by Source to help and assist us. They operate on a different vibrational frequency to us, which is why most people can't see them, but they are very willing to connect with us if we are ready to tune in to their wavelength. Their guidance can help us to block lower energies, flow around challenging situations and inspire us in our life visions. The 44 cards in this beautiful and unique deck will offer you advice about your daily life, your soul mission and how you can serve the planet. Also included is a guidebook which shows you how to conduct readings with the deck, reveals the in-depth meaning of each of the cards and explains the unique roles and energies of earth, air, fire and water Dragons. As you work with these cards you will discover many ways in which the Dragons can support your life, assist your spiritual growth and illuminate your ascension path. Allow them to inspire and guide you!
Baen Books War Maid's Choice
In Wind Rider’s Oath, Bahzell became a wind rider — the first hradani wind rider in history. And, even if Bahzell is the War God’s champion, because the wind riders are the elite of the elite among the Sothoii, Bahzell’s ascension is as likely to stir resentment as respect. What’s more, Baron Tellian’s daughter, the heir to the realm, seems to be thinking that he is the only man — or hradani — for her. Now, War Maid’s Choice continues the story — and things really get complicated!
Orion Publishing Co The Hero of Ages: Mistborn Book Three
Brandon Sanderson - the international phenomenon who finished the Wheel of Time sequence - concludes his smash-hit Mistborn fantasy trilogy.Tricked into releasing the evil spirit Ruin while attempting to close the Well of Ascension, new emperor Elend Venture and his wife, the assassin Vin, are now hard-pressed to save the world.This adventure brings the Mistborn epic fantasy trilogy to a dramatic and surprising climax as Sanderson's saga offers complex characters and a compelling plot, asking hard questions about loyalty, faith and responsibility.
Floris Books The Christian Year
This is a classic book from the unique insight and spiritual wisdom of Evelyn Capel.She covers the main festivals and events in the Christian Year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Whitsun, St John's tide, and Michaelmas, always linking them back to the Gospels and Christ.She considers the cycles of our world: the changing seasons; life, death and resurrection; waking and sleeping; breathing in and breathing out. Throughout, Capel never loses sight of the over-arching cosmic themes which influence the spiritual rhythms of the Earth and human beings.
Herder Editorial Flavio Josefo el judío de Roma
Encuadernación: CartonéQuién fue Flavio Josefo? Fue un hombre conspicuo y sabio? O un traidor? Cómo consiguió estar junto a Vespasiano o Tito en su ascensión al trono? Flavio Josefo es el mejor testimonio del tiempo que vio nacer al cristianismo, un gran historiador sin el cual algunas de las páginas más dramáticas de la historia - como el incendio del Templo de Jerusalén o la destrucción de Masada- serían hoy desconocidas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism
The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism provides a systematic introduction to philosophical naturalism and its relation to other schools of thought. Features contributions from an international array of established and emerging scholars from across the humanities Explores the historical development of naturalism and its ascension to the dominant orthodoxy in the Western academy Juxtaposes theoretical criticisms with impassioned defenses, encapsulating contemporary debates on naturalism Includes discussions of metaphysics, realism, feminism, science, knowledge, truth, mathematics, free will, and ethics viewed through a naturalist lens
Faithlife Corporation Between the Cross and the Throne
Revelation is often considered one of the most confusing books of the Bible, and consequently it's regularly overlooked or ignored. But no longer. In Between the Cross and the Throne, Matthew Emerson walks us through the book of Revelation, unpacking its complex imagery and pointing out major themes. In conversational tone, he reminds us that Christ died, but he has risen. The Lord reigns, but evil persists. We live between Christ's ascension and his final conquest--and that should give us hope.
Independent Institute,U.S. Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government
Discussing how government has continually grown in size and scope during the past century, this account demonstrates that the main reason lies in government’s responses to national “crises” (real or imagined), including economic upheavals and, especially, war. The result, this book argues, is the ever-increasing government power, which endures long after each crisis has passed, impinging on both civil and economic liberties and fostering extensive corporate welfare. Offering ideological explanations for the ascension of the role of government out of a capitalist, free-market economy, it will appeal to those with interests in political economy, American history, and libertarian politics.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka
The Pleiadian Workbookis a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say it's time nowfor spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our ""Ka Channels,"" which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.
Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated A Light in the Flame: A Flesh and Fire Novel
The only one who can save Sera now is the one she spent her life planning to kill. The truth about Sera’s plan is out, shattering the fragile trust forged between her and Nyktos. Surrounded by those distrustful of her, all Sera has is her duty. She will do anything to end Kolis, the false King of Gods, and his tyrannical rule of Iliseeum, thus stopping the threat he poses to the mortal realm. Nyktos has a plan, though, and as they work together, the last thing they need is the undeniable, scorching passion that continues to ignite between them. Sera cannot afford to fall for the tortured Primal, not when a life no longer bound to a destiny she never wanted is more attainable than ever. But memories of their shared pleasure and unrivaled desire are a siren’s call impossible to resist. And as Sera begins to realize that she wants to be more than a Consort in name only, the danger surrounding them intensifies. The attacks on the Shadowlands are increasing, and when Kolis summons them to Court, a whole new risk becomes apparent. The Primal power of Life is growing inside her, pushing her closer to the end of her Culling. And without Nyktos’s love—an emotion he’s incapable of feeling—she won’t survive her Ascension. That is if she even makes it to her Ascension and Kolis doesn’t get to her first. Because time is running out. For both her and the realms.
Jesus de Nazaret Jesus of Nazareth Desde La Entrada En Jerusalen Hasta La Resurreccion Since the Entry into Jerusalem to the Resurrection
En el gesto de las manos que bendicen se expresa la relación duradera de Jesús con sus discípulos, con el mundo. En su ascensión Él viene para elevarnos por encima de nosotros mismos y abrir el mundo a Dios. Por eso, los discípulos pudieron alegrarse cuando volvieron de Betania a casa. Por la fe sabemos que Jesús, al bendecir, tiene sus manos extendidas sobre nosotros. Esta es la razón permanente de la alegría cristiana. Joseph Ratzinger / Benedicto XVI
The History Press Ltd MV Norland, Secret Weapon of the Falklands War: From North Sea Ferry to Task Force Assault Ship
In 1982, North Sea ferry MV Norland transported passengers and vehicles between Hull and Rotterdam. Requisitioned as a troop ship to take the 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment to the Falklands, the ‘volunteer’ merchant navy crew were told they would only go as far as the Ascension Island and that they should think of it as an extended North Sea booze-cruise run. However, without notice Norland’s role was changed and it became the first vessel to enter San Carlos Water, ending up a sitting duck in ‘Bomb Alley’ air raids while disembarking troops and carrying out resupply runs.Narrowly escaping sinking, the ship was used as a shelter for survivors and for collecting the Gurkhas from the QE2 in South Georgia, ready for disembarking in San Carlos Bay, before repatriating Argentine POWs. Long after the surrender, MV Norland provided a ferry service between the Falklands and Ascension Island. While many in the war served an average of 100 days, for the crew of the Norland it was ten months; indeed, they were considered the first in and the last out. This is a gripping account of non-combatant volunteers railroaded into serving in a war they hadn’t signed up for.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd A Luftwaffe Bomber Pilot Remembers: World War II from the Cockpit
A Luftwaffe Bomber Pilot Remembers is a bomber pilot's story from his early life prior to the ascension of the Nazi Party to power in Germany, his education and rise through the ranks of the Luftwaffe as a decorated bomber pilot, and even through his demotion at the hands of Göring late in the war. Also covered are Haeberlen's tribulations in a prisoner of war camp run by the Allies, and his success in post war Germany as a businessman. This book offers a unique first person perspective on the development of the war and its effect on those that were not in the highest realms of power.
SPCK Publishing The Easter Story
A delightful re-telling of the Easter story ideal for sharing with toddlers, with bright charming illustrations by Marie Allen. This is engagingly written as a continuous journey, from 'A noisy entry' where Jesus is walking to Jerusalem, 'A meal to remember' where Jesus ate with twelve special friends, through to Jesus appearing to his special friends and his ascension. The story is expanded to give a little more detail and to enable it to be read as a continuous story over a number of days leading up to Easter. This is an Easter story with a difference for young children, perfect for bedtimes or church groups.
SPCK Publishing The Flying Pizza and Other Primary School Assemblies
This new single-author collection features 45 assemblies from the ever-popular and well-known Revd Alan M. Barker. His assemblies are downloaded thousands of times a year and he is the most searched for author on This new volume is now in an updated, easy-to-use format. Inside the content is clearly laid out with icons indicating each assembly's aim, preparation and materials needed, step-by-step instructions for presenting the assembly, reflections, and a song or suggested piece of music. The content covers all major Christian festivals including assemblies for more difficult festivals to present to children such as Ascension Day.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Apostles' Code: Unlocking the Power of God’s Spirit in Your Life
Do you have moments when you feel defeated, scared, or hopeless? Are you looking for a way to understand the work of the Holy Spirit and create a deeper relationship with Christ? Discover the power of the Holy Spirit in your life as bestselling author O. S. Hawkins leads readers on a 40-day journey from Easter to Pentecost in The Apostles’ Code.In this affordable paperback resource, readers will: embark on a 40-day journey, guided by O. S. Hawkins, to discover the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives engage with a daily reflection accompanied by a Code word for the day, an encouraging Scripture, and a prayer The booklet is perfect for: church distribution to members during Ascension, Bible study groups, and worship groups in-person and virtual discussions of the Holy Spirit and Ascension readers to carry in their purse, tote bag, or place on their nightstand The apostles must have felt defeated when Jesus was crucified, because they abandoned Jesus and fled. Yet just a few weeks later they couldn't help but boldly speak of the things they had seen and heard. What empowered them to be willing to lay down their lives for Jesus? It was the Holy Spirit who came to live in each of them at Pentecost. And He is the same Holy Spirit who lives in each of us who trust Him for our salvation.Feel the power of the Holy Spirit in your life today, and be filled with the promise that He will never leave you or forsake you.
Orion Publishing Co The Hero of Ages: Mistborn Book Three
Brandon Sanderson - the international phenomenon who finished the Wheel of Time sequence - concludes his smash-hit Mistborn fantasy trilogy.Tricked into releasing the evil spirit Ruin while attempting to close the Well of Ascension, new emperor Elend Venture and his wife, the assassin Vin, are now hard-pressed to save the world.This adventure brings the Mistborn epic fantasy trilogy to a dramatic and surprising climax as Sanderson's saga offers complex characters and a compelling plot, asking hard questions about loyalty, faith and responsibility.
Baen Books War Maid's Choice Limited Signed Edition
In Wind Rider's Oath, Bahzell became a wind rider - the first hradani wind rider in history. And, even if Bahzell is the War God's champion, because the wind riders are the elite of the elite among the Sothoii, Bahzell's ascension is as likely to stir resentment as respect. What's more, Baron Tellian's daughter, the heir to the realm, seems to be thinking that he is the only man - or hradani - for her. Now, War Maid's Choice continues the story - and things really get complicated! This special limited edition comes signed by author David Weber, creator of the hugely popular Honor Harrington series!
Running Press,U.S. The Story of Easter
God's love for his followers culminates in the Easter story, beginning with Jesus's last supper with his disciples and ending with his ascension into Heaven. Jesus's love and faith in God is unshaken in this story of his death and resurrection, and his promise of everlasting life is finally fulfilled.Share the classic, powerful Easter story with young ones in the fourth book of this delightful series. With stunning art by Helen Dardik and simplified text for little readers, The Story of Easter is sure to become a perennial favorite for families.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Archangel Fire Oracle
A full-color oracle deck and guidebook to engage directly with the Archangels and initiate a powerful alchemical process of ascension• Includes 40 full-color, high-vibration cards each featuring an Archangel and the specific healing color ray/sacred flame that that angel embodies • Provides a detailed interpretation of each card, explaining the Archangel’s powers and benefits, corresponding star constellation, sacred symbols and colors, chakra energies, and crystal and essential oil associations • Shares exercises and visualizations to help you connect with your chosen Archangel, embody their energy and healing vibrations, and initiate the process to reunite with your Divine higher self Angels are the keepers of our ascension pathway. They assist humanity toward personal and collective enlightenment, bringing us love, guidance, power, healing, and deep transformation. This oracle deck and guidebook allow you to engage directly with the Archangels--the highest rank of angels--and the potent energy of Divine Fire to initiate a powerful alchemical process within you, a transformation that can help accelerate your ascension and align you with your inner Divinity. Each of the 40 full-color, high-vibration cards features an Archangel and the healing color ray or sacred flame that that angel embodies. The deck includes a balance of masculine, feminine, androgynous, and multicultural angels in celebration of humanity’s diversity. In the accompanying book, gifted angel communicator Alexandra Wenman explores how the Archangels interact with us and how they work with and within us. She provides a detailed interpretation of each card, explaining the Archangel’s powers and benefits, sacred symbols, colors, star constellation, and chakra energies. She also reveals the crystals and essential oils you can use to resonate with each Archangel’s energies and offers a beautiful message to connect directly with each Divine Guide. The author shares exercises and visualizations to help you channel your chosen Archangel, embody their energy and healing vibrations, purify your lower self and remove energetic blockages, and initiate the alchemical process to reunite with your Divine higher self. With the Archangel Fire Oracle, you have a hands-on tool to connect with the angels, access their guidance and support, open your heart to love and healing, and reach the rainbow light of your own Divinity.
Orion Publishing Co The Stormlight Archive Boxed Set
A boxed set containing the first two novels and one short novel in the phenomenal epic fantasy series the Stormlight Archive, from fantasy sensation Brandon Sanderson.Containing The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance and Edgedancer, embark upon your journey to the Shattered Plains of Roshar, a breathtaking world like no other, and immerse yourself in one of the most epic fantasy series of modern times.Books by Brandon Sanderson:The CosmereThe Stormlight ArchiveThe Way of KingsWords of RadianceEdgedancer (Novella)OathbringerRhythm of WarThe Mistborn SagaMistbornThe Well of AscensionThe Hero of AgesThe Alloy of LawShadows of SelfThe Bands of MourningThe Lost Metal
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Light Messages from the Pleiades: A New Matrix of Galactic Order
We are in the midst of a light-filled revolution. As healer and Pleiadian channel Pavlina Klemm explains, humanity is awakening from its sleep, and the Pleiadians are sending wisdom to support the ascension process on Earth. In this high-vibration book, Pavlina shares the light messages she has received from the higher beings known as the Pleiadians on the Great Awakening that is taking place worldwide. The messages highlight the earthly path of liberation from dark forces and stress the importance of incarnation and reincarnation during these challenging years. They describe the oversoul of one’s family, to which every person can connect, as well as how to support individuals, families, and children in the regeneration of DNA through Pleiadian healing techniques. Through their messages, the Pleiadians connect us to the frequencies of cosmic freedom. They show how anyone can effortlessly tap into the Cosmic Pharmacy through meditations and exercises to support their own healing. They explain how to heal your chakras, including the light chakras, which go beyond the well-known 8-chakra system. The Pleiadians also provide us with cosmic healing sounds for remembering our pure essence and high-vibration healing numbers that are connected to specific morphogenetic fields and help to heal, purify, and regenerate. Each message, exercise, and meditation in the book has been charged by the Pleiadians with high-vibration frequencies to help the soul of the reader not only heal and find health on multiple levels but also rediscover and quickly develop natural healing and intuitive abilities. Supporting you in the ascension process, this guide will help you fullfill your soul’s mission in the cosmic revolution.
El secreto de Gino Bartali
Tour de Francia de 1952. Durante una ascensión al Galibier, la montaña más durade los Alpes, una fotografía inmortaliza en el momento exacto una botella de aguasujeta al mismo tiempo por dos ciclistas excepcionales, Fausto Coppi y Gino Bartali.Pero esa foto, probablemente una de las mejores instantáneas que se han realizadojamás, tanto por su belleza como por la historia que se esconde tras ella, encierraun secreto.Los protagonistas están ahí, son palpables, pero la única persona viva sobre la faz de la Tierra que conoce el secreto que encierra padece Alzheimer.Qué misterio se esconde tras esa imagen? Cuál es el secreto de Gino Bartali?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Luke as Narrative Theologian: Texts and Topics
This collection of essays by Joel B. Green draws together studies on Luke's theology over a thirty-year period - from the early days when many scholars questioned whether one might refer to Luke as a "theologian," to contemporary studies pursuing a variety of approaches to discerning Luke's message. These essays contribute to our understanding of the theological and narrative unity of Luke-Acts by pursuing a variety of topics (e.g., salvation, wealth and poverty, baptism, resurrection, and conversion) and more focused examinations of selected Lukan texts, such as the birth narrative, Jesus's crucifixion, Jesus's ascension, the Pentecost episode, and the stories of Cornelius and Lydia.
En el camino de las plantas
Recorreremos los caminos que llevan al bosque, o al claro río, al valle, o en ascensión a la meseta, y descubriremos la belleza de las plantas silvestres, de las criaturas que lascuidan y multiplican. La autora nos cuenta, como al oído, las virtudes y las curiosidades de las plantas que por cercanas muchas veces ignoramos, cuando son esencialesen nuestra alimentación, cuidados, economía y placeres, además de abrir sorprendentes posibilidades. Textos breves, plenos de sentido y saber, acompañados por lasensibilidad pictórica de Leticia Ruifernández que en total sintonía aporta 38 acuarelas tan ricas en color como en emoción.
SPCK Publishing Easter Stories: A Storyteller Book
Following the tried and tested formula of his earlier Lion Storyteller titles, Bob Hartman retells a selection of Easter stories in his own inimitable style. This collection of 23 stories includes the key Bible accounts of the events of the first Easter from Palm Sunday through to Jesus' resurrection, encounters with his friends and followers, and the ascension. Bob Hartman's retellings of familiar and sometimes serious tales are fresh and engaging, making these Bible stories accessible to the young and not-so-young. Line illustrations complement the text. As a bonus, this book includes some of Bob Hartman's favourite storytelling tips.
Baen Books Ascendant: Star Spangled Squadron
When firefighter Bill Goddard raced into a blazing building to rescue trapped children, he expected to die. Instead, he became something more than human—the nation's first ascendant. Now known as American Eagle, Bill must assemble a team of other ascended heroes to defend the country from villainous forces intent on wreaking chaos and destruction. But the process of ascension is fraught with peril, and not everyone emerges with their mind and morality unscathed. In America's hour of need, who will answer the call? And can they do what it takes to protect the nation without sacrificing the values they've sworn to uphold?
Ediciones Desnivel, S. L GPS aplicaciones prácticas
Colección: Manuales OrientaciónEdiciones Desnivel propone una nueva edición (tercera) del manual dedicado al Sistema Global de Posición. Actualizada y revisada por el autor, Carlos Puch, esta obra nos descubre, con ejemplos prácticos de aplicación, en situaciones reales y en lugares concretos, todos los secretos del GPS; sus capacidades, cómo mejorar su rendimiento, para qué utilizar cada recurso, y además usos novedosos, muy utilizados en las carreras de orientación y en el senderismo. ? Aproximación al sistema GPS (una breve introducción a sus principios de funcionamiento).? Conoce tu GPS.? Aplicaciones convencionales.? Ejemplos prácticos: viaje en coche, viaje en globo, excursión en bici de montaña, marcha a pie por el monte, ascensión en alta montaña, viaje lejano.? Nuevas aplicaciones de un GPS: geo-fotografía, geocaching, confluencias, trabajos topográficos asequibles.
Editorial Ciudad Nueva Obras completas
A mediados del siglo V, desde un rincón de Grecia, el obispo de Fótice se revela como un gran maestro de espiritualidad cuya influencia ha perdurado, a través de los siglos, en los grandes autores espirituales bizantinos y rusos -como en los famosos Relatos del peregrino ruso-, y en santos occidentales como Ignacio de Loyola y Teresa de Jesús.Su obra principal, Cien capítulos sobre la perfección espiritual , es un auténtico manual de vida espiritual que sigue teniendo un gran valor para la historia de la espiritualidad cristiana.Este volumen contiene las obras:- Cien capítulos sobre la perfección espiritual- Sermón sobre la Ascensión- Visión de san Diadoco- CatequesisLa presente tradución de las Obras completas de Diadoco es la primera que se publica en lengua castellana.
Tommy Nelson Jesus and Me Bible Storybook
Open Your Child’s Heart to the Amazing Love of Jesus Getting to know Jesus means more than just telling Hisstories. It means building a lifelong relationship with the Lord. The Jesus and Me Bible Storybook begins thatrelationship by revealing the amazing—and personal—love of the Savior for eachof His children. Bestselling author Stephen Elkins retells these stories ofJesus, beginning with the earliest prophecies of His birth and continuing allthe way through to His resurrection and ascension. Special “Jesus and Me”devotionals help children apply the Savior’s truths to their own lives, whilesweet, simple prayers encourage them to always look to the Lord. With the Jesus and Me Bible Storybook, your childwill discover . . . the adventure of alife of faith!Meets national education standards.