Search results for ""Zsolnay""
Zsolnay-Verlag Das Fräulein
Zsolnay-Verlag Einsteins Hirn
Zsolnay-Verlag Ein Mann ohne Beschwerden
Zsolnay-Verlag Vier Schwestern
Zsolnay-Verlag Boum
Zsolnay-Verlag Tür an Tür
Zsolnay-Verlag Die Welt war ein Irrenhaus
Zsolnay-Verlag Wo die Hunde in drei Sprachen bellen
Zsolnay-Verlag Das Leben ist ein wilder Garten Roman
Zsolnay-Verlag Ich und die Anderen
Zsolnay-Verlag flchtig
Zsolnay-Verlag Die guten Tage Roman
Zsolnay-Verlag Scham
Zsolnay-Verlag Die Donau Eine Reise gegen den Strom
Zsolnay-Verlag Rausch der Verwandlung
Zsolnay-Verlag Der dritte Mann
Zsolnay-Verlag Der stille Amerikaner
Zsolnay-Verlag Der Honorarkonsul
Zsolnay-Verlag Die Rckkehr des Tanzlehrers
Zsolnay-Verlag Die weie Lwin
Paul Zsolnay Verlag Schmetterling und Taucherglocke
Paul Zsolnay Verlag Der Körper
Müller, Michael GmbH New York MMCity Reiseführer Michael Müller Verlag
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Seen Not Heard: Composition, Iconicity, and the Classifier Systems of Logosyllabic Scripts
Traditionally, writing—a graphic, multidimensional form of communication—has been approached as a vehicle for representing, and therefore conveying, the spoken word. Moving beyond this manner of analysis, this volume interrogates writing as a medium that is not simply a handmaiden to oral and aural exchange but a communication system that is richly layered and experienced. To exploit this aspect of visual code, scholars from the fields of Egyptology, Sinology, Hittitology, and Assyriology, together with Mesoamericanists, art historians, and a sign language specialist, are brought together in this volume. In its pages, these contributors incorporate into their analyses methods more commonly used in linguistics and semiotics, communication studies, art historical analysis, and traditional philology to new ends to form original trajectories of inquiry. Each contribution either lays bare explicit exploitation of visuality in scribal production as a means to cementing power, reveal the mystical, induce humour or expose clandestine views, or locates implicit knowledge schemes and cultural maps underlying and informing these same productions. The pioneering investigations presented in Seen Not Heard reveal that although writing may be heard, the fact that it can also be seen affects its reception and therefore the meaning of any transported phonological units.
Pennsylvania State University Press Studying Gender in the Ancient Near East
This volume explores how the interpretation of material from the ancient Near East is enriched through the application of diverse methodological and theoretical approaches to studying gender. The contributors to this collection include both established and up-and-coming scholars whose work brings gender studies theories—from Butler’s theory of gender as a performance to more recent theories that consider gender as a spectrum—to bear on varied materials and contexts. Their essays increase the visibility of women in ancient history, untangle constructions of masculinity and femininity in diverse contexts, and grapple with big-picture questions, such as the suitability of applying third-wave or postfeminist theories to the ancient Near East. Studying Gender in the Ancient Near East points to a need for—and provides a model of—a more productive agenda for gender studies in furthering our understanding of ancient Near Eastern societies. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Julia M. Asher-Greve, Stephanie Lynn Budin, Megan Cifarelli, M. Érica Couto-Ferreira, Amy Rebecca Gansell, Katrien De Graef, Amélie Kuhrt, Stephanie M. Langin-Hooper, Brigitte Lion, Natalie N. May, Beth Alpert Nakhai, Martti Nissinen, Omar N’Shea, María Rosa Oliver, Frances Pinnock, Eleonora Ravenna, Allison Karmel Thomason, Luciana Urbano, Niek Veldhuis, and Ilona Zsolnay.