Search results for ""Springer-Verlag New York Inc.""
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Advanced Calculus: A Geometric View
With a fresh geometric approach that incorporates more than 250 illustrations, this textbook sets itself apart from all others in advanced calculus. Besides the classical capstones--the change of variables formula, implicit and inverse function theorems, the integral theorems of Gauss and Stokes--the text treats other important topics in differential analysis, such as Morse's lemma and the Poincaré lemma. The ideas behind most topics can be understood with just two or three variables. The book incorporates modern computational tools to give visualization real power. Using 2D and 3D graphics, the book offers new insights into fundamental elements of the calculus of differentiable maps. The geometric theme continues with an analysis of the physical meaning of the divergence and the curl at a level of detail not found in other advanced calculus books. This is a textbook for undergraduates and graduate students in mathematics, the physical sciences, and economics. Prerequisites are an introduction to linear algebra and multivariable calculus. There is enough material for a year-long course on advanced calculus and for a variety of semester courses--including topics in geometry. The measured pace of the book, with its extensive examples and illustrations, make it especially suitable for independent study.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Multi-Modal User Interactions in Controlled Environments
Multi-Modal User Interactions in Controlled Environments investigates the capture and analysis of user’s multimodal behavior (mainly eye gaze, eye fixation, eye blink and body movements) within a real controlled environment (controlled-supermarket, personal environment) in order to adapt the response of the computer/environment to the user. Such data is captured using non-intrusive sensors (for example, cameras in the stands of a supermarket) installed in the environment. This multi-modal video based behavioral data will be analyzed to infer user intentions while assisting users in their day-to-day tasks by adapting the system’s response to their requirements seamlessly. This book also focuses on the presentation of information to the user. Multi-Modal User Interactions in Controlled Environments is designed for professionals in industry, including professionals in the domains of security and interactive web television. This book is also suitable for graduate-level students in computer science and electrical engineering.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Database Marketing: Analyzing and Managing Customers
Database marketing is at the crossroads of technology, business strategy, and customer relationship management. Enabled by sophisticated information and communication systems, today’s organizations have the capacity to analyze customer data to inform and enhance every facet of the enterprise—from branding and promotion campaigns to supply chain management to employee training to new product development. Based on decades of collective research, teaching, and application in the field, the authors present the most comprehensive treatment to date of database marketing, integrating theory and practice. Presenting rigorous models, methodologies, and techniques (including data collection, field testing, and predictive modeling), and illustrating them through dozens of examples, the authors cover the full spectrum of principles and topics related to database marketing. "This is an excellent in-depth overview of both well-known and very recent topics in customer management models. It is an absolute must for marketers who want to enrich their knowledge on customer analytics." (Peter C. Verhoef, Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen) "A marvelous combination of relevance and sophisticated yet understandable analytical material. It should be a standard reference in the area for many years." (Don Lehmann, George E. Warren Professor of Business, Columbia Business School) "The title tells a lot about the book's approach—though the cover reads, "database," the content is mostly about customers and that's where the real-world action is. Most enjoyable is the comprehensive story – in case after case – which clearly explains what the analysis and concepts really mean. This is an essential read for those interested in database marketing, customer relationship management and customer optimization." (Richard Hochhauser, President and CEO, Harte-Hanks, Inc.) "In this tour de force of careful scholarship, the authors canvass the ever expanding literature on database marketing. This book will become an invaluable reference or text for anyone practicing, researching, teaching or studying the subject." (Edward C. Malthouse, Theodore R. and Annie Laurie Sills Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications, Northwestern University)
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Bayesian Item Response Modeling: Theory and Applications
The modeling of item response data is governed by item response theory, also referred to as modern test theory. The eld of inquiry of item response theory has become very large and shows the enormous progress that has been made. The mainstream literature is focused on frequentist statistical methods for - timating model parameters and evaluating model t. However, the Bayesian methodology has shown great potential, particularly for making further - provements in the statistical modeling process. The Bayesian approach has two important features that make it attractive for modeling item response data. First, it enables the possibility of incorpor- ing nondata information beyond the observed responses into the analysis. The Bayesian methodology is also very clear about how additional information can be used. Second, the Bayesian approach comes with powerful simulation-based estimation methods. These methods make it possible to handle all kinds of priors and data-generating models. One of my motives for writing this book is to give an introduction to the Bayesian methodology for modeling and analyzing item response data. A Bayesian counterpart is presented to the many popular item response theory books (e.g., Baker and Kim 2004; De Boeck and Wilson, 2004; Hambleton and Swaminathan, 1985; van der Linden and Hambleton, 1997) that are mainly or completely focused on frequentist methods. The usefulness of the Bayesian methodology is illustrated by discussing and applying a range of Bayesian item response models.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Rock Mechanics: For underground mining
This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the notable innovations in mining engineering and the remarkable developments in the science of rock mechanics and the practice of rock angineering taht have taken place over the last two decades. Although "Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining" addresses many of the rock mechanics issues that arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. Based on extensive professional research and teaching experience, this book will provide an authoratative and comprehensive text for final year undergraduates and commencing postgraduate stydents. For profesional practitioners, not only will it be of interests to mining and geological engineers, but also to civil engineers, structural mining geologists and geophysicists as a standard work for professional reference purposes.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Genetics and Ethics in Global Perspective
Dorothy Wertz and John Fletcher pioneered the first international study of ethical and social issues in genetics in 18 nations. This book reports and discusses their second and more representative study in 36 nations. The survey focused on actual situations that occur in the practice of medical genetics, presented as case vignettes that can also be used in teaching and policy discussion. Among the issues discussed are privacy, prenatal diagnosis, patient autonomy, directiveness in counseling, sex selection, forensic DNA banking, "genetic discrimination," and "eugenics". This is Dorothy Wertz's final book, as she died in April, 2003. It is a one of a kind cross-cultural study of complex ethical issues in the uses of genetic information. No one else has attempted to look at the international aspects of medical genetics on such a broad scale. The results provide a resource for discussion both within and among nations. Much bioethical and policy discussion now occurs in an information vacuum. The survey showed that what people would do, and their reasons for doing it, differed considerably from what ethicists think they "should" do. Many will be surprised at the results, especially in nations where bioethical discussion is just beginning. Genetics and Ethics in Global Perspective is of interest to medical geneticists, genetic counselors, social scientists and anthropologists who study cross-cultural issues, bioethicists and bioethics centers and health policy makers.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Soft Shore Protection: An Environmental Innovation in Coastal Engineering
Global warming, melting polar caps, rising sea levels and intensifying wave-current action, factors responsible for the alarming phenomena of coastal erosion on the one hand and adverse environmental impacts and the high cost of 'hard' protection schemes, on the other, have created interest in the detailed examination of the potential and range of applicability of the emerging and promising category of 'soft' shore protection methods. 'Soft' methods such as beach nourishment, submerged breakwaters, artificial reefs, gravity drain systems, floating breakwaters, plantations of hydrophylous shrubs or even dry branches, applied mostly during the past 20 years, are recognised as possessing technical, environmental and financial advantageous properties deserving more attention and further developmental experimentation than has occured hitherto. On the other hand, 'hard' shore protection methods such as seawalls, groins and detached breakwaters, artefacts borrowed from port design and construction technology, no matter how well designed and well implemented they may be, can hardly avoid intensification of the consequential erosive, often devastating, effects on the down-drift shores. Moreover, they often do not constitute environmentally and financially attractive solutions for long stretches of eroding shoreline. Engineers and scientists practising design and implementation of shore defence schemes have been aware for many years of the public demand for improved shore protection technologies. They are encouraging efforts that promise enrichment of those environmentally sound and financially attractive methods that can be safely applied.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The Physics of Multiply and Highly Charged Ions: Volume 1: Sources, Applications and Fundamental Processes
It is arguable that most of chemistry and a large portion of atomic physics is concemed with the behaviour of the 92 naturally occurring elements in each of 3 charge states (+1, 0, -1); 276 distinct species. The world of multiply and highly charged ions provides a further 4186 species for us to study. Over 15 times as many! It is the nature of human beings to explore the unknown. This nature is par ticularly strong in physicists although this may not be readily apparent because theses explorations are undertaken in somewhat abstract 'spaces'. It is, then, no surprise that we have begun to explore the realm of multiply and highly charged ions. Over the past few decades, a consistent1y high quality body of work has emerged as the fruits of this exploration. This intemationally based subject, pursued in universities and research laboratories worldwide, has ex panded beyond its roots in atomic physics. We now see it embracing elements of surface science, nuclear physics and plasma physics as well as drawing on a wide range of technologies. This speciality offers new tests of some of our most fundamental ideas in physics and simultaneously new medical cures, new ways of fabricating electronic gadgets, a major hope for clean sustainable energy and explanations for astrophysical phenomena. It is both a deeply fundamental and a widely applicable area of investigation.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Sounds of Our Times: Two Hundred Years of Acoustics
A history of acoustics from the 19th century to the present, written by one of the pre-eminent members of the acoustical community. The book is both a review of the major scientific advances in acoustics as well as an account of famous acousticians and their discoveries, taking in the development of the Acoustical Society of America. Acoustics is distinguished by its interdisciplinary nature and the book duly explores the fields development in its relationship to other sciences. In addition to covering the history of acoustics, the book concludes with the future of acoustics. Beautifully illustrated.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Diffraction Optics of Complex-Structured Periodic Media
Probing matter with beams of photons, neutrons and electrons provides the main source of information about both the microscopic and macroscopic structure of materials. This is particularly true of media, such as crystals and liquid crystals, that have a periodic structure. This book discusses the interaction of waves (which may represent x-rays, gamma rays, electrons, or neutrons) with various kinds of ordered media. After two chapters dealing with exact and approximate solutions to the scattering problem in periodic media in general, the author discusses: the diffraction of Mößbauer radiation in magnetically ordered crystals; the optics of chiral liquid crystals; the radiation of fast particles in regular media (Cherenkov radiation); nonlinear optics of periodic media; neutron scattering in magnetically ordered media; polarization phenomena in x-ray optics; magnetic x-ray scattering; and Mößbauer filtration of synchrotron radiation.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
This book constructs the mathematical apparatus of classical mechanics from the beginning, examining basic problems in dynamics like the theory of oscillations and the Hamiltonian formalism. The author emphasizes geometrical considerations and includes phase spaces and flows, vector fields, and Lie groups. Discussion includes qualitative methods of the theory of dynamical systems and of asymptotic methods like averaging and adiabatic invariance.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Complex Analysis
An introduction to complex analysis for students with some knowledge of complex numbers from high school. It contains sixteen chapters, the first eleven of which are aimed at an upper division undergraduate audience. The remaining five chapters are designed to complete the coverage of all background necessary for passing PhD qualifying exams in complex analysis. Topics studied include Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set, Dirichlet series and the prime number theorem, and the uniformization theorem for Riemann surfaces, with emphasis placed on the three geometries: spherical, euclidean, and hyperbolic. Throughout, exercises range from the very simple to the challenging. The book is based on lectures given by the author at several universities, including UCLA, Brown University, La Plata, Buenos Aires, and the Universidad Autonomo de Valencia, Spain.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Classical Descriptive Set Theory
Descriptive set theory has been one of the main areas of research in set theory for almost a century. This text presents a largely balanced approach to the subject, which combines many elements of the different traditions. It includes a wide variety of examples, more than 400 exercises, and applications, in order to illustrate the general concepts and results of the theory.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Granular Matter: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Powders have been studied extensively because they arise in a wide variety of fields, ranging from soil mechanics to manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Only recently, however, with the deepening understanding of fractals, chaos, 1/f noise, and self-organization, has it been useful to study the mechanical properties of powders from a fundamental physical perspective. This book collects articles by some of the foremost researchers in the field, including chapters on: the role of entropy in the specification of a powder, by S.F. Edwards (Cambridge); discrete mechanics, by P.K. Haff (Duke); computer simulations of granular materials, by G.C. Barker (Norwich); pattern formation and complexity in granular flow, by R.P. Behringer and G.W. Baxter (Duke); avalanches in real sand piles, by A. Mehta (Birmingham); micromechanical models of failure, by M.J. Adams (Unilever) and B.J. Briscoe (Imperial College); mixing and segregation in particle flows, by J. Bridgwater (Birmingham); and hard-sphere colloidal suspensions, by P. Bartlett (Bristol) and W. van Megen (Melbourne).
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Real and Functional Analysis
This book is meant as a text for a first-year graduate course in analysis. In a sense, it covers the same topics as elementary calculus but treats them in a manner suitable for people who will be using it in further mathematical investigations. The organization avoids long chains of logical interdependence, so that chapters are mostly independent. This allows a course to omit material from some chapters without compromising the exposition of material from later chapters.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Basic Coastal Engineering
The second edition (1997) of this text was a completely rewritten version of the original text Basic Coastal Engineering published in 1978. This third edition makes several corrections, improvements and additions to the second edition. Basic Coastal Engineering is an introductory text on wave mechanics and coastal processes along with fundamentals that underline the practice of coastal engineering. This book was written for a senior or first postgraduate course in coastal engineering. It is also suitable for self study by anyone having a basic engineering or physical science background. The level of coverage does not require a math or fluid mechanics background beyond that presented in a typical undergraduate civil or mechanical engineering curriculum. The material p- sented in this text is based on the author’s lecture notes from a one-semester course at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Texas A&M University, and George Washington University, and a senior elective course at Lehigh University. The text contains examples to demonstrate the various analysis techniques that are presented and each chapter (except the first and last) has a collection of problems for the reader to solve that further demonstrate and expand upon the text material. Chapter 1 briefly describes the coastal environment and introduces the re- tively new field of coastal engineering. Chapter 2 describes the two-dimensional characteristics of surface waves and presents the small-amplitude wave theory to support this description.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology: Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Handbook on Data Centers
This handbook offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art research achievements in the field of data centers. Contributions from international, leading researchers and scholars offer topics in cloud computing, virtualization in data centers, energy efficient data centers, and next generation data center architecture. It also comprises current research trends in emerging areas, such as data security, data protection management, and network resource management in data centers. Specific attention is devoted to industry needs associated with the challenges faced by data centers, such as various power, cooling, floor space, and associated environmental health and safety issues, while still working to support growth without disrupting quality of service. The contributions cut across various IT data technology domains as a single source to discuss the interdependencies that need to be supported to enable a virtualized, next-generation, energy efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly data center. This book appeals to a broad spectrum of readers, including server, storage, networking, database, and applications analysts, administrators, and architects. It is intended for those seeking to gain a stronger grasp on data center networks: the fundamental protocol used by the applications and the network, the typical network technologies, and their design aspects. The Handbook of Data Centers is a leading reference on design and implementation for planning, implementing, and operating data center networks.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Denying AIDS: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, and Human Tragedy
Paralleling the discovery of HIV and the rise of the AIDS pandemic, a flock of naysayers has dedicated itself to replacing genuine knowledge with destructive misinformation—and spreading from the fringe to the mainstream media and the think tank. Now from the editor of the journal AIDS and Behavior comes a bold exposé of the scientific and sociopolitical forces involved in this toxic evasion. Denying AIDS traces the origins of AIDS dissidents disclaimers during the earliest days of the epidemic and delves into the psychology and politics of the current denial movement in its various incarnations. Seth Kalichman focuses not on the “difficult” or doubting patient, but on organized, widespread forms of denial (including the idea that HIV itself is a myth and HIV treatments are poison) and the junk science, faulty logic, conspiracy theories, and larger forces of homophobia and racism that fuel them. The malignant results of AIDS denial can be seen in those individuals who refuse to be tested, ignore their diagnoses, or reject the treatments that could save their lives. Instead of ignoring these currents, asserts Kalichman, science has a duty to counter them. Among the topics covered: Why AIDS denialism endures, and why science must understand it. Pioneer virus HIV researcher Peter Duesberg’s role in AIDS denialism. Flawed immunological, virological, and pharmacological pseudoscience studies that are central to texts of denialism. The social conservative agenda and the politics of AIDS denial, from the courts to the White House. The impact of HIV misinformation on public health in South Africa. Fighting fiction with reality: anti-denialism and the scientific community. For anyone affected by, interested in, or working with researchers in HIV/AIDS, and public health professionals in general, the insight and vision of Denying AIDS will inspire outrage, discussion, and ultimately action. See for more information.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
This comprehensive, one-volume encyclopedia covers the sedimentological aspects of sediments and sedimentary rocks. It features more than 250 entries by some 180 eminent contributors from all over the world, excellent indices, cross references, and extensive bibliographies.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Chaos: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Developed and class-tested by a distinguished team of authors at two universities, this text is intended for courses in nonlinear dynamics in either mathematics or physics. The only prerequisites are calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. Along with discussions of the major topics, including discrete dynamical systems, chaos, fractals, nonlinear differential equations and bifurcations, the text also includes Lab Visits -- short reports that illustrate relevant concepts from the physical, chemical and biological sciences. There are Computer Experiments throughout the text that present opportunities to explore dynamics through computer simulations, designed for use with any software package. And each chapter ends with a Challenge, guiding students through an advanced topic in the form of an extended exercise.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Probability via Expectation
This book has exerted a continuing appeal since its original publication in 1970. It develops the theory of probability from axioms on the expectation functional rather than on probability measure, demonstrates that the standard theory unrolls more naturally and economically this way, and that applications of real interest can be addressed almost immediately. A secondary aim of the original text was to introduce fresh examples and convincing applications, and that aim is continued in this edition, a general revision plus the addition of chapters giving an economical introduction to dynamic programming, that is then applied to the allocation problems represented by portfolio selection and the multi-armed bandit. The investment theme is continued with a critical investigation of the concept of risk-free'trading and the associated Black-Sholes formula, while another new chapter develops the basic ideas of large deviations. The book may be seen as an introduction to probability for students with a basic mathematical facility, covering the standard material, but different in that it is unified by its theme and covers an unusual range of modern applications.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods
This is the third and yet further updated edition of a highly regarded mathematical text. Brenner develops the basic mathematical theory of the finite element method, the most widely used technique for engineering design and analysis. Her volume formalizes basic tools that are commonly used by researchers in the field but not previously published. The book is ideal for mathematicians as well as engineers and physical scientists. It can be used for a course that provides an introduction to basic functional analysis, approximation theory, and numerical analysis, while building upon and applying basic techniques of real variable theory. This new edition is substantially updated with additional exercises throughout and new chapters on Additive Schwarz Preconditioners and Adaptive Meshes.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: IFIP TC11 Working Group 11.5 Second Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Bridging Business Requirements and Research Results Warrenton, Virginia,
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems is a state-of-the-art book that establishes the basis for an ongoing dialogue between the IT security specialists and the internal control specialists so that both may work more effectively together to assist in creating effective business systems in the future. Building on the issues presented in the preceding volume of this series, this book seeks further answers to the following questions: What precisely do business managers need in order to have confidence in the integrity of their information systems and their data? What is the status quo of research and development in this area? Where are the gaps between business needs on the one hand and research/development on the other; what needs to be done to bridge these gaps? Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems contains the selected proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems, sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and held in Warrenton, Virginia, USA, in November 1998. It will be essential reading for academics and practitioners in computer science, information technology, business informatics, accountancy and edp-auditing.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Applied Statistics for Business and Management using Microsoft Excel
Applied Business Statistics for Business and Management using Microsoft Excel is the first book to illustrate the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach applied statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical statistical problems in industry. If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in statistics courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Applied Business Statistics for Business and Management capitalizes on these improvements by teaching students and practitioners how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and workplace. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand business problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Physics of the Plasma Universe
Today many scientists recognize plasma as the key element to understanding new observations in near-Earth, interplanetary, interstellar, and intergalactic space; in stars, galaxies, and clusters of galaxies, and throughout the observable universe. Physics of the Plasma Universe, 2nd Edition is an update of observations made across the entire cosmic electromagnetic spectrum over the two decades since the publication of the first edition. It addresses paradigm changing discoveries made by telescopes, planetary probes, satellites, and radio and space telescopes. The contents are the result of the author's 37 years research at Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories, and the U.S. Department of Energy.This book covers topics such as the large-scale structure and the filamentary universe; the formation of magnetic fields and galaxies, active galactic nuclei and quasars, the origin and abundance of light elements, star formation and the evolution of solar systems, and cosmic rays. Chapters 8 and 9 are based on the research of Professor Gerrit Verschuur, and reinvestigation of the manifestation of interstellar neutral hydrogen filaments from radio astronomical observations are given. Using data from the Green Bank 100-m telescope (GBT) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), detailed information is presented for a non-cosmological origin for the cosmic microwave background quadruple moment.This volume is aimed at graduate students and researchers active in the areas of cosmic plasmas and space science.The supercomputer and experimental work was carried out within university, National laboratory, Department of Energy, and supporting NASA facilities.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The Hatfield Lunar Atlas: Digitally Re-Mastered Edition
"The Hatfield Lunar Atlas" has become an amateur lunar observer's bible since it was first published in 1968. A major update of the atlas was made in 1998, using the same wonderful photographs that Commander Henry Hatfield made with his purpose-built 12-inch (300 mm) telescope, but bringing the lunar nomenclature up to date and changing the units from Imperial to S.I. metric This edition is important since the fact is that modern telescope optics, digital imaging equipment and computer enhancement can easily surpass what was achieved with Henry Hatfield's 12-inch telescope and a film camera. This limits the usefulness of the original atlas to visual observing or imaging rather small amateur telescopes. The new, digitally re-mastered edition vastly improves the clarity and definition of the original photographs - significantly beyond the resolution limits of the photographic grains present in earlier atlas versions - while preserving the layout and style of the original publications. This has been achieved by merging computer-visualized Earth-based views of the lunar surface, derived from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data, with scanned copies of Commander Hatfield's photographic plates, using the author's own software. The results is a "The Hatfield Lunar Atlas" for 21st century amateur telescopes up to and beyond 12-inch aperture.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Charismatic Leadership in Singapore: Three Extraordinary People
This volume explores the nature of charisma as it accounts for the success of leaders. Charisma is deconstructed and illustrated through the "case studies" of three influential leaders in Singapore. Cultural issues are discussed and leadership qualities in general are explored.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Food Science: Fifth Edition
Now in its fifth edition, Food Science remains the most popular and reliable text for introductory courses in food science and technology. This new edition retains the basic format and pedagogical features of previous editions and provides an up-to-date foundation upon which more advanced and specialized knowledge can be built. This essential volume introduces and surveys the broad and complex interrelationships among food ingredients, processing, packaging, distribution and storage, and explores how these factors influence food quality and safety. Reflecting recent advances and emerging technologies in the area, this new edition includes updated commodity and ingredient chapters to emphasize the growing importance of analogs, macro-substitutions, fat fiber and sugar substitutes and replacement products, especially as they affect new product development and increasing concerns for a healthier diet. Revised processing chapters include changing attitudes toward food irradiation, greater use of microwave cooking and microwaveable products, controlled and modified atmosphere packaging and expanding technologies such a extrusion cooking, ohmic heating and supercritical fluid extraction, new information that addresses concerns about the responsible management of food technology, considering environmental, social and economic consequences, as well as the increasing globalization of the food industry. Discussions of food safety an consumer protection including newer phychrotropic pathogens; HAACP techniques for product safety and quality; new information on food additives; pesticides and hormones; and the latest information on nutrition labeling and food regulation. An outstanding text for students with little or no previous instruction in food science and technology, Food Science is also a valuable reference for professionals in food processing, as well as for those working in fields that service, regulate or otherwise interface with the food industry.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R
The majority of data sets collected by researchers in all disciplines are multivariate, meaning that several measurements, observations, or recordings are taken on each of the units in the data set. These units might be human subjects, archaeological artifacts, countries, or a vast variety of other things. In a few cases, it may be sensible to isolate each variable and study it separately, but in most instances all the variables need to be examined simultaneously in order to fully grasp the structure and key features of the data. For this purpose, one or another method of multivariate analysis might be helpful, and it is with such methods that this book is largely concerned. Multivariate analysis includes methods both for describing and exploring such data and for making formal inferences about them. The aim of all the techniques is, in general sense, to display or extract the signal in the data in the presence of noise and to find out what the data show us in the midst of their apparent chaos.An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R explores the correct application of these methods so as to extract as much information as possible from the data at hand, particularly as some type of graphical representation, via the R software. Throughout the book, the authors give many examples of R code used to apply the multivariate techniques to multivariate data.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Evolutionary Psychology and Information Systems Research: A New Approach to Studying the Effects of Modern Technologies on Human Behavior
This book is a compilation of chapters written by leading researchers from all over the world. Those researchers’ common characteristic is that they have investigated issues at the intersection of the elds of information systems (IS) and evoluti- ary psychology (EP). The main goal of this book is to serve as a reference for IS research building on EP concepts and theories (in short, IS-EP research). The book is organized in three main parts: Part I focuses on EP concepts and theories that can be used as a basis for IS-EP research; Part II provides several exemplars of IS-EP research in practice; and Part III summarizes emerging issues and debate that can inform IS-EP research, including debate regarding philosophical foundations and credibility of related ndings. IS-EP research is generally concerned with the use of concepts and theories from EP in the study of IS, particularly regarding the impact of modern information and communication technologies on the behavior of individuals, groups, and organi- tions. From a practitioners’ perspective, the most immediate consumers of IS-EP research are those who develop and use IS, of which a large contingent are in bu- nesses that employ IS to support marketing, order-taking, production, and delivery of goods and services. In this context, IS-EP ndings may be particularly useful due to the present need to design web-based interfaces that will be used by in- viduals from different cultures, and often different countries, and whose common denominator is their human nature.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Design Research in Information Systems: Theory and Practice
It is 5 years since the publication of the seminal paper on “Design Science in Information Systems Research” by Hevner, March, Park, and Ram in MIS Quarterly and the initiation of the Information Technology and Systems department of the Communications of AIS. These events in 2004 are markers in the move of design science to the forefront of information systems research. A suf cient interval has elapsed since then to allow assessment of from where the eld has come and where it should go. Design science research and behavioral science research started as dual tracks when IS was a young eld. By the 1990s, the in ux of behavioral scientists started to dominate the number of design scientists and the eld moved in that direction. By the early 2000s, design people were having dif culty publishing in mainline IS journals and in being tenured in many universities. Yes, an annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS) was established in 1991 in conju- tion with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and grew each year. But that was the extent of design science recognition. Fortunately, a revival is underway. By 2009, when this foreword was written, the fourth DESRIST c- ference has been held and plans are afoot for the 2010 meeting. Design scientists regained respect and recognition in many venues where they previously had little.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Complex Intelligent Systems and Their Applications
"Complex Intelligent Systems and Applications" presents the most up-to-date advances in complex, software intensive and intelligent systems. Each self-contained chapter is the contribution of distinguished experts in areas of research relevant to the study of complex, intelligent, and software intensive systems. These contributions focus on the resolution of complex problems from areas of networking, optimization and artificial intelligence. The book is divided into three parts focusing on complex intelligent network systems, efficient resource management in complex systems, and artificial data mining systems. Through the presentation of these diverse areas of application, the volume provides insights into the multidisciplinary nature of complex problems. Throughout the entire book, special emphasis is placed on optimization and efficiency in resource management, network interaction, and intelligent system design. This book presents the most recent interdisciplinary results in this area of research and can serve as a valuable tool for researchers interested in defining and resolving the types of complex problems that arise in networking, optimization, and artificial intelligence.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Derivative Securities and Difference Methods
This book studies pricing financial derivatives with a partial differential equation approach. The treatment is mathematically rigorous and covers a variety of topics in finance including forward and futures contracts, the Black-Scholes model, European and American type options, free boundary problems, lookback options, interest rate models, interest rate derivatives, swaps, caps, floors, and collars. Each chapter concludes with exercises.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Dermatology: Illustrated Study Guide and Comprehensive Board Review
A fully-illustrated, note-packed volume of information, Dermatology: Illustrated Study Guide and Comprehensive Board Review fulfills a real need for a single study guide for the Dermatology Board Exam. Written by a previous Chief Resident of Dermatology at the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center, the text focuses on presenting comprehensive information in an easy-to-understand, easy-to-remember format. Tips, tricks, short lists, and tables fill every inch of this book—a must-have for any dermatology resident. Features: Acts as a concise go-to review book for the Dermatology Board Exam Hundreds of author notes pinpointing important information presented in an easy-to-read format Scores of mnemonics and memory tricks to mentally organize information Over 500 high-quality images placed parallel to the represented skin disorder Life after Boards—essential tips on coding and documentation
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Rainfed Farming Systems
While a good grasp of the many separate aspects of agriculture is important, it is equally essential for all those involved in agriculture to understand the functioning of the farming system as a whole and how it can be best managed. It is necessary to re-assess and understand rain-fed farming systems around the world and to find ways to improve the selection, design and operation of such systems for long term productivity, profitability and sustainability. The components of the system must operate together efficiently; yet many of the relationships and interactions are not clearly understood. Appreciation of these matters and how they are affected by external influences or inputs are important for decision making and for achieving desirable outcomes for the farm as a whole. This book analyses common rain-fed farming systems and defines the principles and practices important to their effective functioning and management.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Next-Generation FTTH Passive Optical Networks: Research Towards Unlimited Bandwidth Access
Fibre-to-the-Home networks constitute a fundamental telecom segment with the required potential to match the huge capacity of transport networks with the new user communication demands. Huge investments in access network infrastructure are expected for the next decade, with many initiatives already launched around the globe recently, driven by the new broadband service demands and the necessity by operators to deploy a future-proof infrastructure in the field. Dense FTTH Passive Optical Networks (PONs) is a cost-efficient way to build fibre access, and international standards (G/E-PON) have been already launched, leading to new set of telecom products for mass deployment. However, these systems only make use of less than 1% of the optical bandwidth; thus, relevant research is taking place to maximize the capacity of these systems, with the latest opto-electronic technologies, demonstrating that the huge bandwidth available through the fibre access can be exploited in a cost-efficient and reliable manner. Next-Generation FTTH Passive Optical Networks gathers and analyzes the most relevant techniques developed recently on technologies for the next generation FTTH networks, trying to answer the question: what’s after G/E-PONs?
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Bioelectromagnetics Current Concepts: The Mechanisms of the Biological Effect of Extremely High Power Pulses
This volume includes the lectures and selected posters on different aspects of biological effects of EMF, presented at the NATO ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP “The mechanisms of biological effect Extremely High Power Pulses (EHPP)” (3-5 March 2005) and the UNESCO/WHO/IUPAB Seminar “Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Biological Effects of EMF” (1-2 March 2005) that took place in Yerevan, Armenia. The gracious support of several international organizations made possible to bring together 47 scientists, engineers, physicians and policy makers from 21 countries from Europe, North and South America, Asia. The Capital of Armenia, Yerevan, provided an excellent opportunity for discussions of the experimental data and theoretical models of EMF effect on various levels, starting from cell aqua bathing medium to the whole organism, including the human, applying multidisciplinary approaches. The continuous increase of the number of man made EMF sources leads to dramatic changes in the spectrum of EMF in the biosphere. During the last two decades the public concern about potential hazard of EMF generated by power and distribution lines, as well as mobile communications and base stations have initiated serious public concern and has triggered the attention of the WHO, which reflected in the EMF project of harmonization of standards. At the same time, contemporary medicine largely uses EMF diagnostic methods. The beneficial effects of EMF are complemented with a large scale of EMF therapeutic modalities used in a number of countries, helping millions of people.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Genome Editing in Animals: Methods and Protocols
This second edition provides new and updated protocols that can be used for generation of knockout animals. Chapters guide the reader through basic protocols for three genome editing technologies, target design tools, and specific protocols for each animal. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Genome Editing in Animals: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition aims to be a useful practical guide to researches to help further their study in this field.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. In Situ Bioavailability and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in Aquatic Systems
This detailed volume examines the complex study of the assessment of in situ bioavailability and toxicity of organic chemicals in aquatic systems with a toolbox of reliable techniques. Beginning with a section on approaches for chemical analytical and bioanalytical techniques in bioavailability research, the book continues with methods to monitor effects in situ and conduct bioassays to assess the effects of complex environmental samples. It concludes with descriptions of various computational models. Written for the Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology series, chapters feature the kind of expert implementation advice that leads to greater success in the field. Authoritative and versatile, In Situ Bioavailability and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in Aquatic Systems serves as an ideal guide to aid in tackling the challenge of analyzing and understanding chemical pollution in aquatic systems.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Automation and Basic Techniques in Medical Microbiology
This book discusses principles, methodology, and applications of microbiological laboratory techniques . It lays special emphasis on the use of various automated machines that are essential for medical microbiology and diagnostic labs. The book contains eleven major chapters. The first chapter describes the good lab practices which should be followed by the students in all biological, chemistry or microbiology laboratories. The next chapter describes manual and automated characterization of antibiotic resistant microbes, followed by a chapter on genomics based tools and techniques that are integral to research. Further chapters deal with other important techniques like immunology based techniques, spectrophotometry and its various types, MALDI-TOFF and microarrays, each with illustrations and detailed description of the protocols and applications. The book also gives certain important guidelines to the students about the planning the experiment and interpreting results.The book is highly informative and provides latest techniques. It is a handy compendium for graduate and post graduate students, as well as more advanced researchers.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Biomedical Engineering Technologies: Volume 2
This volume provides detailed technical protocols on current biomedical technologies and examples of their applications and capabilities. Chapters focus on molecular and cellular analytical methods, experimental new drug delivery approaches, guided surgery, implants and tissue engineering. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and practical, Biomedical Engineering Technologies, Volume 2 provides technical details in descriptions of major technologies by experts in the field.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Public Health Behind Bars: From Prisons to Communities
Public Health Behind Bars From Prisons to Communities examines the burden of illness in the growing prison population, and analyzes the impact on public health as prisoners are released. This book makes a timely case for correctional health care that is humane for those incarcerated and beneficial to the communities they reenter.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Pericytes: Methods and Protocols
This volume explores the techniques used to study human and animal pericytes. Chapters in this volume cover a range of topics such as pericyte dissociation from tissues, and analysis by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry; avian chimaeras to investigate the embryonic development of cell lineage; pericyte purification by fluorescence activated cell sorting and ensuing culture; tissue turnover and regeneration; and the dynamic study of pericyte involvement in cancer dissemination, in situ, and in culture. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Authoritative and practical, Pericytes: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource that helps researchers define the biologic identity, functions, and potentials of a cell lineage of increasing interest and therapeutic significance.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Computational Design of Membrane Proteins
This volume provides an overview of the current successes as well as pitfalls and caveats that are hindering the design of membrane proteins. Divided into six parts, chapters detail membrane transporter, FoldX force field, protein stability, G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCR) structures, transmembrane helices, membrane molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, pH-dependent protonation states, membrane permeability, and passive transport. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Computational Design of Membrane Proteins aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.Chapter 4 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook: From the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual
Used by physicians and health care professionals worldwide to facilitate the uniform description of neoplastic diseases, the fully revised and updated Seventh Edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook brings together all currently available information on staging of cancer at various anatomic sites and incorporates newly acquired knowledge on the etiology and pathology of cancer.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Applied Econometrics with R
R is a language and environment for data analysis and graphics. It may be considered an implementation of S, an award-winning language initially - veloped at Bell Laboratories since the late 1970s. The R project was initiated by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in the early 1990s, and has been developed by an international team since mid-1997. Historically, econometricians have favored other computing environments, some of which have fallen by the wayside, and also a variety of packages with canned routines. We believe that R has great potential in econometrics, both for research and for teaching. There are at least three reasons for this: (1) R is mostly platform independent and runs on Microsoft Windows, the Mac family of operating systems, and various ?avors of Unix/Linux, and also on some more exotic platforms. (2) R is free software that can be downloaded and installed at no cost from a family of mirror sites around the globe, the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN); hence students can easily install it on their own machines. (3) R is open-source software, so that the full source code is available and can be inspected to understand what it really does, learn from it, and modify and extend it. We also like to think that platform independence and the open-source philosophy make R an ideal environment for reproducible econometric research.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Mental Health, Social Mirror
Sociologists often view research on mental health as peripheral to the real work of the discipline. This volume contains essays that reassert the importance of mental health research in sociology. Experts in the field articulate the contributions that mental health research has made, and can make, in resolving key theoretical and empirical debates. The contributions provide answers to critical questions regarding the social origins of--and social responses to--mental illness.