Search results for ""SPCK Publishing""
SPCK Publishing Mark for Everyone
Tom Wright has completed a tremendous task: to provide comprehensive guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable commentary with helpful background information. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study. Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the gospel and what it might mean for us are combined, passage by passage, with his own fresh and involving translation. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and excitement of Mark's gospel in a way few writers have.
SPCK Publishing Readings for Weddings
Readings for Weddings is an inspirational collection of Bible quotations, poems, hymns and prose for secular weddings, church ceremonies and services of blessing. Mark Oakley includes such 'wedding classics' as 1 Corinthians 13 and Khalil Gibran's The Prophet, the poetry of Shelley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, verse by Wendy Cope and other witty, contemporary poets.
SPCK Publishing Living the Gospel Stories Today
In this exhilarating book, John Pritchard reclaims the narrative power of the gospels by retelling well-known stories in vivid, imaginative language, and showing us how our own stories fit into the Christian story and can be transformed by it. He takes key narratives like the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, the parable of the rich fool, and the Last Supper, and helps us to be part of them. We are given the opportunity to see the people involved more clearly, not least of all Jesus himself - and so to consider whether we might live our own lives a little differently.
SPCK Publishing Christian Belief for Everyone: The Living God
The Christian Belief for Everyone series comprises five guides to the basic ideas of the Christian faith. Full of stories and helpful illustrations, these guides have been written primarily for ordinary churchgoers, though they will no doubt also appeal to interested readers outside the church. The approach Alister McGrath adopts is non-denominational, very similar to the 'mere Christianity' advocated by C. S. Lewis. Indeed, the series may be seen as a guide to 'mere Christianity', focusing clearly as it does on the life of faith. We look at why Christians believe what they do; how we can best understand these ideas, and the difference they make to the way we think about ourselves and our world.
SPCK Publishing Discovering Matthew: Content, Interpretation, Reception
Discovering Matthew is an accessible introduction to the Gospel of Matthew. This guide by Ian Boxall aims to encourage in-depth study of the first of the Gospels. Discovering Matthew is a commentary written for those that want to genuinely grapple with the theological and historical questions raised by the text by providing a map to the Gospel as a whole. This introduction reflects on the sources, origins, themes and characters, covering a wide variety of topics and helping the reader understand the scholarly debates surrounding the Gospel of Matthew. This biblical exegesis is perfect for those studying theology, bringing in historical context and current approaches to understanding scripture.
SPCK Publishing ISG 50: Asian Theology on the Way: Christianity, Culture And Context (Isg 50)
Engaging for anyone who wants to learn more about theological thought of the Asian continent. Do you want to understand the contemporary concerns within Asian theology and the attention to the development of those theologies? Will leave you with the ability to have an ongoing conversation on Asian Theology. Asian Theology on the Way' provides an introduction to theological thought on the Asian continent. It is ecumenical in scope with emphasis on the contemporary concerns within Asian theology and some attention to the development of these theologies. Regional and subject specialists will capture the ongoing conversation on Asian theology, incorporating new emphases, thrusts and trends, thus making the book a fresh and engaging introduction to Christian theology in Asia. Revd Dr Peniel Rajkumar is a lecturer in Christian Social Ethics at The United Theological College, Bangalore, India. He is the author of Challenges of Transition: Religion and Ethics in Changing Contexts (ISPCK, 2007) and Dalit Theology and Dalit Liberation: Problems, Paradigms and Possibilities Ashgate, 2010
SPCK Publishing Spirituality Workbook: A Guide For Explorers, Pilgrims And Seekers
A creative, practical approach to the vast, fascinating and ultimately very personal field of Christian spirituality. Reissued with a new cover.
SPCK Publishing How to Make Great Appointments in the Church: Calling, Competence And Chemistry
This book is designed to provide practical help to those involved in filling a vacancy, showing how to make it a good process and end with a good appointment. At the same time, it is useful to clergy seeking appointments, and senior clergy actually making the appointments.
SPCK Publishing The Later New Testament Writers and Scripture
This book meets the need for an accessible introduction to the various ways that Scripture is used in the later writings of the New Testament: Acts, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude and Revelation.
SPCK Publishing Pauline Perspectives: Essays On Paul 1978-2013
Brings together N.T. Wright's most important and influential articles on Paul over the last 35 years. Includes previously unpublished exegetical essays on Paul's letters, specially written for this book.
SPCK Publishing God Lost and Found
When you dig a bit below the surface, you are likely to discover that many of us who attend church regularly feel we have lost touch with a living experience of God. Indeed, we may find we no longer believe in God at all. The reasons why faith breaks down are multi-layered and complex, and this sympathetic volume has been written for those who aren't satisfied with pious answers to real questions and disappointments. John Pritchard draws deeply on his own experience of dark times in order to shed light on what we may be going through ourselves. He then offers starting points from which we might rediscover and re-imagine a more realistic faith in the God who, despite appearances, is ever present with us, whether apprehended or not. 'God Lost and Found' offers many unique qualities and insights that will force you to confront your honest feelings towards God. The book then progresses into a helpful discussion that will provide you with various starting points for rediscovering your faith in God. 'During those times when God is lost from my life, I want a friend who is honest, sympathetic, insightful and engaging. John Pritchard in this book is that kind of friend, encouraging me with creativity, fun and gentleness to find God.' David Wilkinson, Principal, St John's College, Durham University 'This is an unusually honest book. Its analysis is plain-spoken and compassionate, and what Bishop John has to say about finding ways to live constructively with times of emptiness is superbly well focused. You'll emerge from reading this with - probably - relief that a widespread set of challenges has been so sensitively identified and - certainly - with gratitude for sensible, durable advice on how to go on making friends with the mystery we can never digest or contain.' Rowan Williams, Master of Magdalen College, Cambridge 'What a courageous book! In his inimitable, engaging style, John Pritchard exposes the doubts, anxieties and spiritual dryness which can afflict even faithful believers. He shows us the darkest reality of being unable to find God. But he does not leave us there. His many stories and insights lift us gently to look again, experience afresh and be open to "new beginnings". The result is a deeply compassionate book - full of hope and full of God.' Elaine Storkey, author of Scars Across Humanity
SPCK Publishing The Art of Healing Prayer
In The Art of Healing Prayer, Charles Ringma and Mary Dickau invite us to enter the realm of God’s curative love to aid those seeking the wholeness of Christ. Implicit in this invitation is the understanding that we have opened up our own lives to God’s healing grace. For this is a costly ministry, in which precious time and resources will be required of us as we pray biblically, imaginatively and sensitively for someone who may be on a very difficult journey to restoration. Although often carried out behind the scenes of much of the Church’s activity, the healing ministry is one of joy and transformation. A person released from long-standing inner woundedness – from the prison of reaction, bitterness, self-pity, self-protection and fear – is one who can grow to inhabit new wide spaces of love and forgiveness. In turn, they may become a source of goodness and healing, as the ‘magic’ of God’s grace results in eddies of life-giving love for others.
SPCK Publishing Intercessions for Years A, B, and C
A collection of intercessions to accompany the Church of England Common Worship Lectionary, years A, B and C, all in one volume. Each petition includes a focusing bidding with some dots to indicate where intercessors may address specific concerns, a gathering sentence and a responsory. The intercessions are compatible with the traditional areas of church, political governance/world concerns, neighbourhood, sick and deceased. As the author has drawn primarily on the gospel for inspiration, the prayers will be relevant however many readings are used in a given service. The Revd Ian Black is Vicar of Whitkirk. His first book, Praying with the Calendar of Saints and Holy Days, was published by SPCK in 2005.
SPCK Publishing Application For Enrolment Sg1 2006–
SPCK Publishing Just as I am: Personal Prayers For Every Day
This book enables us to view the powerhouse that lies within the person [of Ruth Etchells] . . . She has aimed to provide a resource to help others in their prayers. My prayer is that that will be the case, and that this collection of prayers will become the "personal prayers" of many' George Carey in his Foreword Just as I Am presents a pattern of daily prayer, providing simple but profound material for anyone who wants to revitalize their prayer life. Although daily personal prayer is not something which most of us find easy, dialogue with God is, as the author says, 'the very oxygen of our spiritual bloodstream' So this book is meant to help us 'be where He is likely to appear' It represents the 'fruits of many years' daily conversation with God, often wrestling, sometimes resting, occasionally glorying, almost always - eventually - thanking' There is material for the morning and evening of each day for a month, as well as for the seasons of the Christian year and for special times of joy and sorrow. While drawing on a wide range of Christian writers, almost all of the prayers were specially written for this book.
SPCK Publishing Tensions in Christian Ethics: An Introduction
The book's purpose is to introduce the reader to questions in Christian ethics through a careful examination of the fundamental meta-ethical questions posed by the 'state we're in', whether understood as a new phase of modernity or as postmodernity.
SPCK Publishing Living in Two Kingdoms
Helps us recognize that the visible world of matter and the invisible world of spirit are not two worlds but one. This book contains chapters that end with mediations, readings and prayers.
SPCK Publishing A Companion to Common Worship
The new materials for Common Worship are now completed and come into use in the coming year. This second and final volume of commentary covers Daily Prayer, the Weekday Lectionary, Times and seasons, new Patterns for Worship, the Additional Collects, Rites on the Way, Wholeness and Healing, Reconciliation and Restoration, Marriage, Funerals, the Ordinal, Public Worship with Communion by Extension.
SPCK Publishing The Road of Life
Reflections on searching and longing on the journey through life In his 13 years as Vicar, David Adam welcomed over 1 million people to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. These pilgrims reflected every mood and attitude to life. Some radiated a presence, others were too busy to stop. Many were collectors of holy places as some would collect stamps! Some were awestruck at what was around them, others closeted themselves in and never saw the Island. All had something to teach. As David Adam tells their stories, he reveals the inner searching and longing common to us all, and helps us reflect on how we personally are dealing with our journey through life.
SPCK Publishing Twelve Months of Sundays Year B: Reflections On Bible Readings
N T Wright offers reflections on the Sunday readings in the Revised Common Lectionary for Year B. This book brings together his widely read columns in the Church Times, and also contains new pieces, to cover all the Sundays and major festivals. Scholarship, history and insights into the world and language of the Bible are woven together to give a deeper understanding of the Word of the Lord. This book will be invaluable to anyone who wants to gather their thoughts in preparation for Sunday worship, or for regular Bible study throughout the year.
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 Soft-tone Yellow
The Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is the perfect church diary for anyone looking for a compact sized diary that follows the Common Worship calendar and includes lectionary readings. This 14 month diary has a clear, spacious week to view layout, beginning with Sunday, that offers plenty of room for keeping track of appointments while still being a convenient pocket size that’s easy to carry around. It also features two ribbon markers to keep your place throughout the year. Beginning in December 2021 and running to January 2023, it covers the entirety of the approaching Advent season. It also has all of the titles for the Sundays throughout the church calendar and the dates of festivals to correspond with the Common Worship calendar and lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer, making it an essential purchase for clergy and churchgoers wanting a Christian diary. Your important contact details and to-do lists will be at your fingertips as well with this little pocket diary – it includes pages at the back for personal memos, addresses and telephone numbers alongside the complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary readings for Advent 2021 - Advent 2022 and includes the BCP scheme. With information on every UK Anglican Diocese and those in the Republic of Ireland plus the names and addresses of all major Christian societies, charities and organisations covering all mainstream denominations, the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is ideal for ministers and congregations needing to stay organised on to go. This edition of the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 features a beautiful soft-tone cover in yellow, inlaid with silver foil, and matching yellow and silver ribbon markers.
SPCK Publishing Who Were the Church Fathers?: From Clement Of Rome To Gregory The Great
Who were the Church Fathers? What did they achieve? And why are their lives and writings considered so important? D’Ambrosio dusts off the dry theology and brings you the exciting stories about great thinkers such as Ambrose, Augustine, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, and Jerome. This page-turner will inspire and challenge you with surprising insights into the brilliant, embattled, and sometimes eccentric men who defined the biblical canon, hammered out the Creed, and gave us our understanding of sacraments and salvation.
SPCK Publishing Eucharistic Epicleses, Ancient and Modern: Speaking Of The Spirit In Eucharistic Prayers
This book explores the theological and textual connections among ancient and modern epicleses, primarily through analysis of a selection of epicletic texts in contemporary Western eucharistic prayers and the theological principles that shaped them. Liturgical scholarship on the Spirit's role in early liturgical prayers and texts conducted during the twentieth century contributed to the language and pneumatology of contemporary eucharistic prayers in the Western Christian tradition. More recent considerations of these ancient sources suggest ways to articulate and incorporate a more expansive understanding of the connections between the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist into the euchological repertoire of various ecclesial traditions.
SPCK Publishing God Has No Favourites
God Has No Favourites is the latest in the highly popular series of open-minded York Courses for discussion groups and individual reflection, crammed with questions to stimulate thought and lively debate
SPCK Publishing Sins of the Fathers: He's out, now innocents suffer
"In David Hidalgo Les Cowan has a unique take on the crime busting religious protagonist and in Sins of the Father he has crafted a clever, twisted game of cat and mouse - where you're never quite sure who is the cat and who is the mouse." Gordon Brown, author of Darkest Thoughts A gripping read in the sensational David Hidalgo series.David Hidalgo continues to pastor his church. This work includes overseeing an English chat group for young people leaving Spain and looking for work in Edinburgh. At the chat group, David meets Andrea who can't shake her past and a particular priest, Father Ramón, who abused her. Father Ramón is recently released from prison and set on taking out his revenge on Andrea. Can David stop Father Ramón and save Andrea or will there be further casualties?
SPCK Publishing The Jazz Files
Introducing Poppy Denby, a young journalist in London during the Roaring Twenties, investigating crime in the highest social circles It is 1920. Twenty-two year old Poppy Denby moves from Northumberland to live with her paraplegic aunt in London. Aunt Dot, a suffragette who was injured in battles with the police in 1910, is a feisty and well-connected lady. Poppy has always dreamed of being a journalist, and quickly lands a position as an editorial assistant at the Daily Globe. Then one of the paper's hacks, Bert Isaacs, dies suddenly and messily. Poppy and photographer Daniel Rokeby (with whom Poppy has an immediate and mutual attraction) begin to wonder if Bert was pushed. His story was going to be the morning lead, but he hasn't finished writing it. Poppy finds his notes and completes the story, which is a sensation. The Globe's editor, realising her valuable suffragette contacts, invites her to dig deeper. Poppy starts sifting through the dead man's files and unearths a major mystery which takes her to France--and abruptly into danger.
SPCK Publishing My Look and Point First Christmas Stick-a-Story Book
My Look and Point First Christmas by Christina Goodings is an interactive sticker-book that gets your pre-school and primary school aged children almost literally stuck into the Christmas story. Part of the much loved and highly rated My Look and Point Bible series, this seasonal edition tells the Nativity story over five double-page spreads with lots of picture spaces for the many colourful stickers and lots more interactive and educational activities. Artwork by Annabel Hudson is both cute and captivating drawing young minds into the story with an eagerness to get involved and complete the gently retold nativity narrative. This large format book (10 inches x 8 inches) is easy for little hands to manipulate making it an ideal stocking filler for children as young as 3, and perfect for occupying the very young with an enjoyable and educational experience on long journeys, while waiting for grown ups or even at church.
SPCK Publishing Mugabe and the White African
Ben Freeth has an extraordinary story to tell. Like that of many white farmers, his family's land was 'reclaimed' by Mugabe's government for redistribution. But Ben's family fought back. Appealing to international law, they instigated a suit against Mugabe's government via the SADC (The Southern African Development Community). The case was deferred time and again while Mugabe's men pulled strings. But after Freeth and his parents-in-law were abducted and beaten within inches of death in 2008, the SADC deemed any further delay to be an obstruction of justice. The case was heard, and successful on all counts. But the story doesn't end there. In 2009 the family farm was burnt to the ground. The fight for justice in Zimbabwe is far from over - this book is for anyone who wants to see into the heart of one of today's hardest places, and how human dignity flourishes even in the most adverse circumstances.
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 Black
The Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is the perfect church diary for anyone looking for a compact sized diary that follows the Common Worship calendar and includes lectionary readings. This 14 month diary has a clear, spacious week to view layout, beginning with Sunday, that offers plenty of room for keeping track of appointments while still being a convenient pocket size that’s easy to carry around. It also features two ribbon markers to keep your place throughout the year. Beginning in December 2021 and running to January 2023, it covers the entirety of the approaching Advent season. It also has all of the titles for the Sundays throughout the church calendar and the dates of festivals to correspond with the Common Worship calendar and lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer, making it an essential purchase for clergy and churchgoers wanting a Christian diary. Your important contact details and to-do lists will be at your fingertips as well with this little pocket diary – it includes pages at the back for personal memos, addresses and telephone numbers alongside the complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary readings for Advent 2021 - Advent 2022 and includes the BCP scheme. With information on every UK Anglican Diocese and those in the Republic of Ireland plus the names and addresses of all major Christian societies, charities and organisations covering all mainstream denominations, the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is ideal for ministers and congregations needing to stay organised on to go. This edition of the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 features a durable, black hardcover embellished with beautiful bronze foil that will last you all year, and matching black and bronze ribbon markers.
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 Soft-tone Midnight Blue
The Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is the perfect church diary for anyone looking for a compact sized diary that follows the Common Worship calendar and includes lectionary readings. This 14 month diary has a clear, spacious week to view layout, beginning with Sunday, that offers plenty of room for keeping track of appointments while still being a convenient pocket size that’s easy to carry around. It also features two ribbon markers to keep your place throughout the year. Beginning in December 2021 and running to January 2023, it covers the entirety of the approaching Advent season. It also has all of the titles for the Sundays throughout the church calendar and the dates of festivals to correspond with the Common Worship calendar and lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer, making it an essential purchase for clergy and churchgoers wanting a Christian diary. Your important contact details and to-do lists will be at your fingertips as well with this little pocket diary – it includes pages at the back for personal memos, addresses and telephone numbers alongside the complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary readings for Advent 2021 - Advent 2022 and includes the BCP scheme. With information on every UK Anglican Diocese and those in the Republic of Ireland plus the names and addresses of all major Christian societies, charities and organisations covering all mainstream denominations, the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is ideal for ministers and congregations needing to stay organised on to go. This edition of the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 features a beautiful soft-tone cover in midnight blue, inlaid with bronze foil, and matching navy and bronze ribbon markers.
SPCK Publishing Common Worship Lectionary 2022 Spiral Bound
Have the Church of England lectionary calendar at your fingertips with Common Worship Lectionary 2022. Featuring readings and Bible passage for the whole of the liturgical year, this little book is an essential resource for church readers. Its clear, streamlined presentation, laid out a week to view with both the Common Worship and the Book of Common prayer calendars on facing pages, makes it incredibly easy to use. Covering Sunday and major festival as well as weekday services, the Common Worship Lectionary 2022 is a simple and thorough resource for anyone following the Anglican church calendar. It also features the Additional Weekday Lectionary, making it the most complete lectionary available. A5 sized, this edition of the lectionary is spiral bound to lie flat while you use it, and also features plenty of space for any notes you want to make. There is no better way of following the Church of England calendar than with the Common Worship Lectionary 2022.
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2021 Blue Sea
The diary pages are laid out with one week to view, beginning with Sunday (which has a double-size space) and including the whole of December and Advent. Titles of Sundays and dates of festivals correspond to the Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer. There are pages at the back for personal memoranda, addresses and telephone numbers. Also includes: Complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary for Advent 2020 to Advent 2021, with Sunday names for Common Worship and BCP schemes Information on every Anglican Diocese in the UK and the Republic of Ireland Names and addresses of major Christian societies, charities and other organizations, including all mainstream denominations
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2019: Black A5
The diary pages are laid out with one week to view, beginning with Sunday (which has a double-size space) and including the whole of December and Advent. Titles of Sundays and dates of festivals correspond to the Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer. There are pages at the back for personal memoranda, addresses and telephone numbers. Also includes: Complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary for Advent 2017 to Advent 2018, with Sunday names for Common Worship and BCP schemes Information on every Anglican Diocese in the UK and the Republic of Ireland Names and addresses of major Christian societies, charities and other organisations, including all mainstream denominations.
SPCK Publishing CAHC–Admission Communion 1=PK10
SPCK Publishing Give the Best Away: The story of one of Britain's most generous philanthropists
Rosemary was born at the end of the Second World War. She grew up in a poor family in Clitheroe, struggling for survival in the era of ration books and austerity. But Rose was destined for something astonishing and inspiring, far beyond even her wildest dreams. John Lancaster, whom she married, left school without qualifications, clearly a loser. But he had an amazing ability to fix machines and invent things. He would go on to corner the market in conservatory roofing systems; his company became a world leader, floating on the stock market for £136 million. They were multi-millionaires. The pair, both committed Christians, set about giving away their astonishing fortune, starting with their employees. They set up the Lancaster Foundation, with Rose in charge, purchased an emergency plane for Mission Aviation Fellowship, and started the first village for destitute AIDS victims in South Africa. They did not give and walk away: Rose found herself rescuing children from the rubbish tips of Kenya. They have sponsored arts initiatives and major inner city regeneration projects in Manchester. They are one of Britain's generous philanthropists.
SPCK Publishing Being Mindful, Being Christian: A guide to mindful discipleship
What is mindfulness? And should we as Christians be mindful? Mindfulness programmes are increasingly being used for issues as wide-ranging as depression, pain, employee engagement, and character development, and many Christians are wondering what to make of all this. In this book, experienced psychologists explain what is meant by "being mindful", help readers to view mindfulness more broadly than the context of Buddhism in which it is often framed, and profile the rich Christian tradition of mindful-like practice. By bringing a Christ-centred approach to mindful awareness, the authors demonstrate how to apply this practice to discipleship and spiritual growth. Readers are equipped to decide the extent to which they wish to learn and practice mindfulness, to approach it without fear, and to draw on the good within it to develop their relationship with Jesus.
SPCK Publishing Bible Detective: A Puzzle Search Book
Bible Detective is the Bible puzzle book all 'Where's Wally?' fans will love. So grab your magnifying glass and become a 'Bible Detectives'. This picture-search puzzle book will captivate young children and turn them into Bible detectives with 17 creatively illustrated scenes based on events in the Bible. Some scenes give a portrait of everyday life and others highlight key Bible stories, events, themes and personalities. Children who might struggle with words will find it easy to learn Bible history, events and people with this visually exciting and memorable book that engages and educates all at the same time. Just like 'Where's Wally?', 'Bible Detectives' is the cure for reluctant readers. Using very few words but rich with elaborate illustrations, this book is the perfect solution to the problem of how to teach your children about the Bible. With its highly detailed find-the-picture puzzles, this is Bible learning with extreme fun. Searching for something to keep your children occupied in Church? 'Bible Detective' will not only entertain, it will educate your hard to satisfy 7s to 11s and keep them quiet too! Warning: this book is highly addictive, for children and parents.
SPCK Publishing The First Easter: Pack of 10
This shrink-wrapped pack of 10 copies of The First Easter enables easy multiple-purchase of a key seasonal story. This is one of 12 key Bible stories that have been made available as part of the Bible Story Time My Little Library. Each story is retold in about 500 words with bright and cheerful pictures.
SPCK Publishing The Lion Easy-read Bible First Words
Take first steps to reading a Bible! Bible stories retold very simply, perfect for beginner readers, starting to learn to read. Uses first words, with plenty of repetition, in clear, simple sentences. Bright and delightful pictures provide clues to support the words. Toddlers can join in with names in bold and first readers can build their reading confidence with familiar Bible stories. An ideal children's bible to read along and then read alone, before progressing onto the Lion Easy-read Bible for more confident readers.
SPCK Publishing My Very First Bible: Mini Edition
Having sold well over 250,000 copies, and inspired a wide-ranging series of publications including board books, big books and sticker books, My Very First Bible has become one of Lion Children's most popular Bibles. It is now available in a new mini edition. My Very First Bible includes twenty key stories, ten from the Old Testament and ten from the New. Each story is illustrated with characteristic paper collage illustrations - a style which has secured this Bible's popularity - and occupies 6 double page spreads, making the book easy to read in episodes to a very young child. The stories are told simply yet faithfully and with great respect for the original text. My Very First Prayers is also available in a matching mini edition.
SPCK Publishing Stick with Love: Rejoicing in Every Tongue, Every Tribe, Every Nation: The Archbishop of York's Advent Book 2023: Foreword by Stephen Cottrell
'What a delight... a fascinating mix of characters whose stories bring to life the Way of Love to which Jesus calls us all.' BISHOP MICHAEL B. CURRY 'A wonderful series of short reflections... easy to read but packed with depth and insight.' PAULA GOODER Martin Luther King famously declared that 'I have decided to stick with love... Hate is too great a burden to bear'. In these luminous daily readings, Arun Arora helps us consider the biblical picture of the Church as the people of God, drawn from every tribe, every tongue and every nation. Themes of racial justice, hospitality and welcome are explored alongside the stories of saints from across the globe. Beginning with reflections from Isaiah and Revelation, the meditations lead us on to consider the missionaries, martyrs and mystics who light our Advent way. 'Beautifully embodies the new community that Jesus both offers and energises.' DAVID WILKINSON 'Like spending an afternoon with Bishop Arun at the pub... brimming with Advent hope.' JAYNE MANFREDI 'Leads us through Advent with [Bishop Arun's] characteristic wisdom and insight.' GILES FRASER 'Gathers the beautifully diverse family of faith around the table... as we prepare for the great feast that is to come.' KATE BOTTLEY
SPCK Publishing Into the Heart of Romans: A Deep Dive into Paul's Greatest Letter
Tom Wright is widely regarded as the most exciting and influential interpreter of Paul today. In this fresh look at Romans he takes a deep dive into Paul's greatest letter and invites you to explore with him the priceless treasures that lie beneath the surface. With a special focus on Romans 8, Wright leads you on an eye-opening journey, clearly explaining the many ways in which Paul throws light on so much else that God reveals in Scripture: God the Father, Christology and the Spirit; Jesus' Messiahship, cross, resurrection and ascension; salvation, redemption and adoption; suffering and glory; holiness and hope. Into the Heart of Romans will help you become familiar with the book of Romans in a deeper way that will also deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Gospel itself. If you only have time to read one book on Paul this year, you can do no better than this brilliant study. It will plunge you deeply into the heart of Paul’s thought and lift you out again - freshly illuminated, spiritually invigorated, and eternally thankful for all that God has done in Christ. Provisional contents Preface Introduction: Romans 8 in context Romans 8.1-4: What the Law Could Not Do Romans 8.5-11: Spirit and Resurrection Romans 8.12-17: People of the New Exodus Romans 8.17-21: Sonship and Suffering Romans 8.22-27: The Groaning of Creation - and of God Romans 8.28-30: Conformed to the Image of the Son Romans 8.31-34: If God is For Us Romans 8.34-39: Nothing Shall Separate us From God's Love Conclusion: Romans 8 in retrospect - and prospect
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2024 Black with Lectionary
The Church Pocket Book and Diary 2024 is the perfect church diary for anyone looking for a compact sized diary that follows the Common Worship calendar and includes lectionary readings. This 14 month diary has a clear, spacious week to view layout, beginning with Sunday, that offers plenty of room for keeping track of appointments while still being a convenient pocket size that's easy to carry around. It also features one ribbon marker to keep your place throughout the year. Beginning in December 2023 and running to January 2025, it covers the entirety of the approaching Advent season. It also has all of the titles for the Sundays throughout the church calendar and the dates of festivals to correspond with the Common Worship calendar and lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer, making it an essential purchase for clergy and churchgoers wanting a Christian diary. Your important contact details and to-do lists will be at your fingertips as well with this little pocket diary - it includes pages at the back for personal memos, addresses and telephone numbers alongside the complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary readings for Advent 2023 - Advent 2024 and includes the BCP scheme. With information on every UK Anglican Diocese and those in the Republic of Ireland plus the names and addresses of all major Christian societies, charities and organisations covering all mainstream denominations, the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2024 is ideal for ministers and congregations needing to stay organised on to go. This edition of the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2024 features a durable hardcover that will last you all year, and a matching ribbon marker.
SPCK Publishing Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did
John Mark Comer, the New York Times bestselling author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and Live No Lies, shows readers what is holding them back from authentically following Jesus - and reveals the countercultural practices to connect us with a vibrant lifelong faith. "One of the most important books I have read in a decade... If we would all follow in this way, our lives would change and the world would change." Jennie Allen, author of Get Out of Your Head and Find Your People We all have experienced unwanted parts of our spiritual journey: distance from God, gaps in our character, the fear that our lives will be trivial and empty... Jesus is calling us into more. Calling us to be shaped in his likeness. To experience his abundance of life. But how, practically, can we do that? By becoming his apprentice. By practicing the Way. Outlining the timeless process of being with Jesus, becoming like him, and living as he did, bestselling author and pastoral voice John Mark Comer delineates God's vision for the journey of our soul. In this powerful and practical work, he defines his core philosophy of spiritual formation to help us form a "rule of life." Along the way, readers benefit from his rich cultural insight, deep biblical teaching, and honest and hopeful view of the potential of each human soul. You feel like there's more to life than this? You're right. Now come discover just how much life awaits you.
SPCK Publishing The Human Odyssey: East, West and the Search for Universal Values
‘Erudite, bold and wide-ranging – a book that makes you think about knowledge, wisdom and what the future has in store.’ PETER FRANKOPAN 'A book of remarkable sweep and scope - not just learned, but deeply humane.' TOM HOLLAND The long human odyssey of self-discovery has reached a crucial stage: everything we do affects everyone and everything else - and we know it. The next hundred years will bring more change than we can easily imagine: more opportunities for more people to achieve the fulfilment of a good life, and more risks that could result in catastrophic harm to the entire planet. Viewed geopolitically, the main question is whether the world-views of the world’s most important and influential powers – China and America (the one fundamentally Confucian, the other essentially individualist) – can be made to work together constructively. At the same time, on a deeper level, the even greater question is how the irreversible fact of urbanisation may nurture healthy and mature human individuality, such that the accumulated wisdom of the world’s great cultures becomes mutually transforming and enriching. This bold and wide-ranging book explores those questions, with all the risks and opportunities they hold for generations still to come.
SPCK Publishing Evelyn Underhill's Prayer Book
'Carefully edited, this beautiful little volume is a rare gem . . . highly recommended for anyone seeking new inspiration in prayer.' The Reader Between 1924 and 1938, Evelyn Underhill compiled two personal prayer books for use when conducting spiritual retreats at Pleshey (the retreat house for the diocese of Chelmsford). The prayers were carefully selected and include quotes from a variety of theologians and writers in Christian spirituality, as well as her own very rich, metaphorical and theologically deep prayers. These collections are now available for the first time.
SPCK Publishing Jesus and the Victory of God
In this highly anticipated volume, N. T. Wright focuses directly on the historical Jesus: Who was he? What did he say? And what did he mean by it? Wright begins by showing how the questions posed by Albert Schweitzer a century ago remain central today. Then he sketches a profile of Jesus in terms of his prophetic praxis, his subversive stories, the symbols by which he reordered his world, and the answers he gave to the key questions that any world view must address. The examination of Jesus' aims and beliefs, argued on the basis of Jesus' actions and their accompanying riddles, is sure to stimulate heated response. Wright offers a provocative portrait of Jesus as Israel's Messiah who would share and bear the fate of the nation and would embody the long-promised return of Israel's God to Zion.
SPCK Publishing Creation, Power and Truth: The Gospel In A World Of Cultural Confusion
In Creation, Power and Truth, Tom Wright invites readers to consider the crucial ways in which the Christian gospel challenges and subverts the intellectual, moral and political values that pervade contemporary culture. In doing so, he asks searching questions about three defining characteristics of our time: neo-gnosticism, neo-imperialism and postmodernity. Employing a robust Trinitarian framework, Wright looks afresh at key elements of the biblical story while drawing out new and unexpected connections between ancient and modern world-views. The result is a vigorous critique of common cultural assumptions and controlling narratives, past and present, and a compelling read for all who want to hear, speak and live the gospel of Christ in a world of cultural confusion.