Search results for ""Pentagon Press""
Pentagon Press Security Deficit: Comprehensive Internal Security Strategy for India
Security Deficit: Comprehensive Internal Security Strategy For India by N. Manoharan
Pentagon Press Gloclimatopaedia, 4 Volume Set: A Encyclopaedia on Global Climate Policy
Global warming and consequential climate change pose the greatest threat and challenge for the survival of the humanity and other life forms in this planet. There is an universal recognition and unanimity now by the global community at large that the earth's climate is changing rather more rapidly in recent years than in the past with disastrous and irreparable consequences. This, among other things is largely due to phenomenal anthropogenic interferences, resultant of accelerated growth of hydro-carbon propelled and energy-intensive industrialization in a hyper-competitive business world. Consequentially, the level of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions is fast becoming alarming, particularly for the developed as well as the fast developing economy; such as the BRIC and BASIC countries.
Pentagon Press Manual of Islam: Islamic Shariat on Faith
Islamic Shariat, as a code of conduct commands its followers, in all walks of life. This book discussed the basic faith in Islam and covers all tenets. It also provides enlightening material on the faith in a philosophical and logical manner. This book will be highly useful for scholars, researchers, students and all those who are interested to know about Islam. In the long run it will help its readers to see Islam in a new light with well referenced reliable information. Islamic Shariat, as a code of conduct commands its followers, in all walks of life. This book discussed the basic faith in Islam and covers all tenets. It also provides enlightening material on the faith in a philosophical and logical manner. This book will be highly useful for scholars, researchers, students and all those who are interested to know about Islam. In the long run it will help its readers to see Islam in a new light with well referenced reliable information.
Pentagon Press Energy 4 Life: High Energy Conscious Living
This book offers a health and conscious programme that activates your core energy. It works with the chakras and human energy system. This powerful energetic approach offers the skills needed to live a healthy and happy life.
Pentagon Press South Asia and Global Financial Crisis: Issues and Challenges
Global financial crisis, the consequence of an unsustainable growth pattern that has been emerging since a decade, impacts the economies in all the regions, irrespective of their degree of globalization and deft economic management. Both developed and developing countries have different threats from the crisis, and devised appropriate measures to contain it.South Asia weathered the crisis much better than most of the regions in the world. The region is least-affected by the global meltdown, due partly to the relatively closed nature of some of its members in respect of trade and capital flows; and partly to the strong fundamentals and prudent policies of the rest. Resilience is mostly seen in South Asia not only in knowledge-intensive services and exports of garments and textiles, but also in workers remittances and foreign direct investment. India, being driven by internal demand; sound domestic policies; and well-regulated banking system, has escaped the worst effects of the crisis to show assured signs of strong recovery.
Pentagon Press Dragon Unravelled: A New Perspective of China
equent unhappy relations between the two neighbouring countries. China's 'bamboo curtain', its background of exclusiveness and insularity had compounded the problem. Interest in China has grown exponentially because of its unparalleled economic growth challenging classical economics and its emergence as the second largest economy on the strength of FDI generated exports. Its current status as the virtual manufacturing capital of the world and as the main fund provider to the richest country has intensified the interest. China's superb performances in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the recent 2010 Asian Games have unequivocally announced its emergence as a sports power. The cultural extravaganza put for their opening and closing ceremonies provided glimpses of its glorious past and cultural power. It has been investing heavily in Africa and some countries in South East Asia and Europe. Recent surveys in US show that its image ahs been improving even in countries traditionally unfriendly. The increasing emphasis on its traditional culture, involvement in UN and its peace keeping operations and improved image in many western countries show a rise in its soft power. The ongoing rapid modernization of its military and strong economy demonstrate its hard power. Most CEOs of multinational businesses expect China to continue as the leading edge of the recovery from recession. But, there are many issues concerning human rights on which the democratic world is critical. As India, now about 10-15 years behind China in terms of economic development, is estimated, in a few years' time, to overtake China in respect of growth of GDP and as there are may lessons Indian can learn in an emerging scene of 'cooperation and competition' between the two, it is interesting to study the emerging Chinese scenario. Basically, the author has given the facts, figures, studies and analyses, both positive and negative, leaving the reader to make his own value judgments, as Prof. (Dr.) M.G.S. Narayanan points out in his Foreword.
Pentagon Press Mongolia in the 21st Century
Examines the historical, cultural, economic, and geopolitical perspectives on Mongolia and its relations with direct and third neighbours. Eminent academics and Mongolists from India, Mongolia, Russia, USA, Kazakhstan, China, Japan and Turkey have contributed to this volume. The areas outside Mongolia in Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of China, Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva Republics of Russian Federation are dealt with separately and in detail.This book will be of interest for students, academics, think tanks, NGOs and all those interested in South, Central Asian, East Asian and Eurasian politics, international relations and security studies.
Pentagon Press Gandhian Philosophy and Terrorism
Intense and persuasive dialogue with evil generators-persuading them to give up the unrighteous and unsustainable path of terror; Applying swift and crushing blows with requisite multiple thrusts on those not responding positively to crush such terror perpetrators and the terror infrastructure; and # Employing a suitable package of the elements of 'Gandhian Philosophy' on the hearts and minds of evil doers in order to stop regeneration and re-sprouting of roots, shoots, seeds, and braches of so crushed terror and terrorists for a permanent and satisfying change. The 'Current Fortified Strategy' of handling terrorism can be assembled to take care of the first three requirements-but it remains devoid of any component efforts to effectively handle the root causes of terrorism which emerge from misguided human hearts and minds. 'Gandhian Philosophy' is rich in such 'Brahmastras', which on sustained application, can decisively and completely root out all thought formations of terror and terrorism. The reader is bound to appreciate this truth on going through the uncommon approach of this work.
Pentagon Press Comparative Security Dynamics in North East Asia and South Asia
Their threat perceptions are different, being informed by their unique historical experience. These geo-strategic particularities have molded their security postures. Both these regions are distinguished by the presence of adersarial dyads-North Korea-South Korea and Pakistan-India. These countries have single-mindedly pursued their quest for nuclear weapons, except for South Korea, that was dissuaded in its own nuclear endeavor by the United States. Consequently, the focus in this volume has been narrowed to the nuclear dimensions of the competition within these two adversarial dyads. Furthermore, attention has also been focused on the peace initiatives pursued by the two Koreas and between India and Pakistan, albeit with very limited success. Naturally, it is not possible to ignore the interactions of these adversarial dyads with the other countries in the two regions. China and Japan in Northeast Asia, and Afghanistan in South Asia are the important regional actors, apart from the United States, that inscribes a significant presence in both regions. This comparative study of the underlying security dynamics and peace processes in Northeast and South Asia has yielded useful lessons to guide them, but is also valuable for similarly placed adversarial dyads in the international system, at present, and in future.
Pentagon Press Airforce Maintenance and Planning
A task which requires careful advance planning and investment. In this book, an attempt has been made to pen down the genesis of assessing spares requirement for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th line servicing of airframes and aero-engines with particular emphasis on forecasting optimum number of repair/ overhaul arisings of air frames / aero-engines and rotables and the optimum number of repair / overhauls that should actually be undertaken so as not to inflate the inventory of serviceable assets beyond authorized limits. The theories related to assessment of optimum quanta of spares for undertaking the repair / overhaul tasks as well as first and second line servicing as also the associated terminologies have been explained lucidly. It is hoped that the book will be immensely helpful for all officers and airmen of the technical and logistics branches of the air forces of all the developing as well as underdeveloped countries for optimizing the inventory and utilizing the savings thus accrued for further modernization.
Pentagon Press Global Climate Change Beyond Copenhagen
In the present time of uncertainties over the future of our environment and the ineptness shown by our leaders in taking tough decisions, the Copenhagen Summit in 2009 was seen as a ray of hope. However, there was very little that resulted from it. In the light of such a turn of events, this is a book which evaluates all the options for saving our planet, our present environmental policies and also tries to carve out the road ahead, not just for the different nations, but for the entire humanity...
Pentagon Press Global Climate Change & Sustainable Energy Development
The age-old accumulated knowledge on the science of global climate change, visible evidences and advances in research findings on adverse impacts of these changes on ecology, human & animal life, energy and economy necessitates a proper documentation of these events to guide our future options, alternate strategies and long- term policies to be evolved on abatement of the declining trend of climate and its stabilization in order to save the planet from further devastation. Global review of the scientific literature on the subject, their careful scrutiny and analysis also calls for creation of deeper awareness, appreciation and understanding of the interrelationship between the desirability of reversing the processes of climate change as well as building simultaneously the concept of Sustainable energy development to bear upon its impact on the former processes. The book on Global Climate change and Sustainable Energy Development seeks to harmonize the two apparently conflicting approaches. The book, inter alia covers a glossary of useful and appropriate technical terminologies in the wide-ranging areas of Global climate, Emission Trading, Energy Security, Sustainable Energy Development and allied areas with appropriate referencing. The book also provides valuable and a plethora of updated information on the scientific basis of global climate change, the parameters to measure their impacts, various policy and programe measures to abate climate change and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, the proactive roles of International funding and cooperation agencies to supplement the regional and domestic efforts, exploring the nexus between climate and energy security to help evolve strategy for sustainable energy development as a major global initiative in future.
Pentagon Press Emerging Afghanistan in the Third Millennium
This book essentially draws on a collection of articles presented at the two day International Conference on 'Reconstruction Process in Afghanistan', held in New Delhi, on April 23-24, 2008. The conference was sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and was attended by scholars, activists, NGOs practitioners, government officials, Diplomats, Ambassadors and the Ministry of External Affairs. Covering a wide range of issues ranging from economy and society to strategic and security concerns, the book gives a deep insight into the ground realities of Afghanistan. India has been one of the fore runners in the reconstruction process of Afghanistan and is among the top five countries who are actively participating in the reconstruction process. India's pledge towards Afghanistan's reconstruction process has now reached to the tune of 1.2 billion US$. Nevertheless human security continues to be a haunting problem in Afghanistan even today. The tremendous loss of lives, the continued food insecurity, the displacement of approximately six million people and the disabling of three million, in addition to the severe reduction in social services, continue unabated. It is exactly seven years since the Bonn Agreement was signed. What are the ground realities today? How far have the objectives been met with? How secure is Afghanistan today? What are the major security concerns and how to address these? These were some of the issues which were deliberated at the international conference and have been captured through articles meticulously presented by international and national scholars of repute. This book will be of immense use to the researchers, academicians and the policy makers.
Pentagon Press Ownership and Partnership in Islam
Commercial partnership can be further divided into mufawada, which can be translated as unlimited authority partnership, and inan, which can be equated with limited partnership. Similarity of religion among partners is mandatory under mufawada, but under inan the partners can belong to different religions. Apart from this, prohibition concerning interest levy and dealing in prohibited goods is also part of the partnership contract. Besides mufawada, mudaraba is an arrangement in which an investor or group of investors pays the agent-manager a principally agreed upon share of the profit. For such a partnership also there is no condition of religious similarity. Islam is based on the benevolence of all mankind, at all times and under all conditions. Prohibition of interest is a part of the principle. Also, certain items are prohibited for sale by Islam; for example wine, pork, meat of dead animals etc. Various scholars have researched this subject, yet many of them lack comment on its specific characteristics. The present modest work hopes to fill this lack. Every precaution has been taken to ensure veracity and to exclude errors. It is hoped this work will be appreciated and welcomed in concerned fields.
Pentagon Press Strategic Investment Decisions in Petrochemical Sector
The GCC petrochemicals industry is going through a period of unprecedented expansion. The global petrochemical producers and technology providers alike are investing billions of dollars in GCC petrochemicals projects. The strategies for GCC petrochemical investment suggested in this book take into account the entire value chain and discuss the appropriate actions at each point in a integrated manner. It is important for investment planners to understand these issues, in order to develop or modify their strategies that ensure expeditious development for robust petrochemical projects in this region.
Pentagon Press Rise of China
China's rise in the international arena is today an accepted fact. Once known as the Middle Kingdom, China is today set to alter the global power balance, forever. Although China's 'calculative strategy' is premised on its 'peaceful rise', such changes in the international power equilibrium have seldom been without conflict and turbulence. This Volume, based on a selection of papers presented at an international conference organised by Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, is an attempt to study the rapid changes taking place in the global arena triggered by a rising China. More important, the well-known experts and commentators, who have contributed to this volume, analyse the political, economic and military dimensions of China's rise and propose pragmatic policies that need to be taken at the bilateral and international level.
Pentagon Press Readings in Advertising, Society, and Consumer Culture
This collection of classic and contemporary articles provides context for the study of advertising by exploring the historical, economic, and ideological factors that spawned the development of a consumer culture. It begins with articles that take an institutional and historical perspective to provide background for approaching the social and ethical concerns that evolve around advertising. Subsequent sections then address the legal and economic consequences of life in a material culture; the regulation of advertising in a culture that weighs free speech against the needs of society; and the ethics of promoting materialism to consumers. The concluding section includes links to a variety of resources such as trade association codes of ethics, standards and guidelines for particular types of advertising, and information about self-regulatory organizations.
Pentagon Press Handbook of ASEAN and Regional Cooperation
This general analysis gives readers a chance to evaluate the value of ASEAN and their interaction pattern globally. Special mention had been made about ASEAN Japan, ASEAN Korea, ASEAN China, and ASEAN Russia relationship.
Pentagon Press Health Services Management: Reading Cases and Commentary
Pentagon Press Law of Governance in Islam
Covers the laws of governance in Islamic law. Each law has its own history, background and evolution and can be traced to the nomads that Islamic people come from originally.
Pentagon Press Law of Marriage and Divorce in Islam
Marriage is an important social institution at work in all religious, ethnic and social groups of the society. This book covers the Islamic regulations related to marital matters.
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedic Dictionaries: Science
Attempts to provide the readers with a repertoire of terms in the subjects that are taught at university level.
Pentagon Press Success Skills for Managers
A practical blend of tips, techniques, checklists, mind maps and success stories designed to help managers work better and learn faster. It mixes psychology and strategic thinking, organized around the author's "described" model for personal excellence in business: Determination; Esteem; Strategic thinking; Communication; Rapport; Ideals for ethics; Beliefs; Enthusiasm; and Discipline.
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedic Dictionary: Computer Science
Attempts to provide the readers with a repertoire of terms in almost all subjects that are taught at the university level.
Pentagon Press Great Military Classics: Surprise
Pentagon Press Political Islam: Parallel Currents in West Asia and South Asia
This book deals with the history of Muslim political thought from the time of the Prophet to early 21" century in 'West Asia' (an Indian alternative to the 'colonial' term Middle East) and South Asia. Although Islam does not present nor recommend any political philosophy or state-like system per se, Muslim scholars and theologians have over the centuries recommended ways for establishing an ideal Islamic polity based on Quranic inferences, precedents of the Prophet and some early Caliphs.
Pentagon Press Management of India`s Military Prowess: Issues and Aspects
Conceptualising the foundations of national defence and organising a conformingly robust military structure is a humungous task of extremely complexities. Even nations who possess pristine strategic vision and deep rooted military culture find it practically impossible to home on to the right equation between their political goals, military power and optimal resource allocation.The reason lies in the fact that no matter what mock drills one puts up, outcome of military campaigns often remain uncertain and unpredictable, and independent of the forces fielded to secure victory. There can be no right formulae, no right examples and no practice round to hone one`s concepts and practices before the final, bloody and destructive showdown. Irreversibility of war further makes it a nightmare for military planners to guarantee success. At the best they can apply their professional insight to anticipate adverse situations, notionally replicate these and then harness tactical acumen to find possibly the most effective courses of actions to deal with the circumstances.It is here that the salience of various issues discussed in this book come into contention. The book does not offer formulae for the achievement of military success. Rather it offers an insight into the ingredients and processes that enable military planners to conceive the best possible force composition to win wars.
Pentagon Press To the Edge and Back: 1962 India-China War
The saga of 1962 is one of failure at multiple levels. Starting from the failure of the Prime Minister and the government to formulate a coherent national security policy, to the failure of the diplomats to effectively engage and gauge the Chinese. It was a failure on the part of the senior military leadership to provide sound military advice to the political leadership. In fact, they are guilty of ignoring basic military precepts in order to meet political requirements.This book traces the historical background of the boundary dispute and the slow build-up of mistrust, suspicion and acrimony between India and China that started sometime after the `Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai` phase of relationships and resulted in the outbreak of war in October 1962. It documents the course of the battle, where the robust junior leadership and steadfastness of the Indian Jawan are the two factors that stand out as saving grace amidst the overall disaster. Everywhere small bodies of men fought isolated battles under desperate conditions and extreme shortages. In every instance, the junior leaders on the spot led from the forefront, often to their last breath. And the jawans followed their leaders unquestioningly, unhesitatingly and uncomplainingly. Never once were the `Naam, NamakaurNishaan` let down. This was a testimony to the strong espirit de corps forged by the regimental system of the army, which continues to stand the test of time even to date.1,383 soldiers had lost their lives, 1,696 were missing and 3,968 had been captured, of which 36 died in captivity.Written with the lay reader in mind, this book avoids military jargon and can be easily followed by readers without any prior knowledge of military matters . It is suitable for students, youth and others who are interested in learning more about the dispute and the war.
Pentagon Press English Couplets in more than a million words (Vol. VII): Collector’s Edition
A Collector`s Edition. Every book numbered & Signed by Author
Pentagon Press VIMARSH: New Frontiers in Public Debate
There is always a purpose, an objective and a target audience behind the exercise of writing and publishing any book. Measured against these classical parameters, the book on `Vimarsh` might appear a bit different from the normal. This is a book that seeks to present a glimpse of the evolving thinking by experts in different fields on different critical aspects of India`s growth story. That story is conveyed through a carefully compiled narrative emerging out of a series of public lectures delivered by eminent personalities on a variety of issues and subjects over a span of ten years commencing in 2010 - which marked the founding of Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF). These lectures have been carefully converted into articles with minimal editing, ensuring that the essence of the speakers are retained in the narrative presented before the readers.The journey begins with exploration of India`s civilisational past through fascinating discourses on the Saraswati River and the contemporary relevance of Swami Vivekananda. The narrative then moves on to incisive examination of a variety of complex challenges of governance, national security and international diplomacy that an aspirational India confronts. What is truly remarkable is that the key messages emanating from these articles are relevant even today as the country continues its march for establishing a modern state.
Pentagon Press When Sparrow Flew Like Eagles: 1971 Indo-Pak War of Liberation of Bangladesh - Memoirs of a Signal Officer
When Sparrows flew like Eagles’ is unique in many ways. Firstly, this is perhaps the first time anyone has attempted to write about the role of soldier-signallers in the final outcome of a war as they did in IV Corps Operations in 1971 that led to the liberation of Bangladesh. He brings out why signal communication is a force multiplier to win battles and ultimately the War; when timely, how it can avert an unwanted tactical battle and save human lives and war resources. Apart from being a historical narrative, the book has immense value as a military training document. It emphasises human behaviour under stress including psychological dimensions of leadership qualities required at the middle and top management levels during war or warlike situations.The book makes interesting reading, especially for signal officers. The story of the 1971 Bangladesh operations has been written by several officers who took part in them, but this is perhaps the first account by a signal officer. Though the story covers a relatively narrow spectrum of engineering communications at Corps level – operating aspects such as signal centre, exchanges, and ciphers are not covered – it gives an insight into the problems faced by a middle level officer during war and the ingenuity displayed in solving them. Communications during war have a peculiar characteristic. If things go wrong, they are highlighted by everyone and are often blamed for failures. If things go well, they are rarely mentioned. In the Sino Indian conflict in 1962, Signals were blamed for debacles at various stages. On the other hand, the Goa operations in 1961 and Bangladesh operations in 1971 were virtually a walk-over for the Indian Army. As a result, communication problems were hardly spoken about. The account written by Brigadier Narayanan dispels this myth. His experiences bring out valuable lessons, which he has highlighted at the end of the book.
Pentagon Press 1971 India-Pakistan War: 50 Years Later
Five decades may not be a long time in a nation's history. It is however, long enough to take a dispassionate and objective look at events that change the path of history. The 1971 India-Pakistan War, along with the incidents that preceded it and followed its culmination, is perhaps one of the most important ones for the future of the Indian subcontinent.There have been a number of books, memoirs and articles over the years that have documented first-person and academic accounts of events that marked this period of history. Not surprisingly, most were written during the period succeeding the war and after the birth of Bangladesh. In contrast, this book is an attempt to evaluate events with the benefit of a five-decade time lapse. In doing so, the focus remains firmly on the military aspects of the war, accompanied by a brief account of political events, diplomacy, influence of major powers, public perception and the role of Mukti Bahini.The publication of this book coincides with the culmination of a year-long period during which a number of events were held to mark the momentous occasion.
Pentagon Press Kashmir: A Young Thinkers' Perspective
Young Thinker's Meet (YTM) is an India Foundation initiative that began its journey in 2012. YTM is an annual get-together organized by the Foundation for individuals who are driven to impact and serve India.YTM today has an alumni base of over three hundred individuals coming from different parts of India and having unique life experiences and skill sets. Many alumni of the YTM are today Members of Parliament, individuals holding senior positions in national political parties, leading entrepreneurs, senior public policy professionals, corporate leaders, columnists in leading newspapers, media panellists etc. and have authored several books.Tenth YTM was held in Pahalgam and Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir in 2021. This book is a collection of essays of some delegates who participated in the meet and have reflected upon their experience of witnessing Kashmir first hand.
Pentagon Press India's China Dilemma: The Lost Equilibrium and Widening Asymmetries
The equilibrium and understanding between India and China that was built on the premise that both were at the same level of development, and hence need to give full play to their complementarities and potentialities, has seemingly shifted, owing to the balance of power favouring China. Finding new equilibrium and understanding will not be easy given India`s asymmetrical relationship with China. The nature of India-China coexistence, cooperation and competition will be determined by factors such as how quickly the narrative of India's rise regains traction, India and China`' relations with major and middle powers, strategic and economic partnerships with major regional blocks, India's role in global supply chains, and the Quad and Indo-Pacific Strategy. This book arranges author B. R. Deepak's articles from the Sunday Guardian into eight sections, exploring the multi-faceted relationship.
Pentagon Press COVID-19 Global Pandemic And Aspects of Human Security in South Asia: Implications and Way Forward
The COVID-19 global pandemic has triggered health insecurity, food insecurity, and economic insecurity among many others in South Asia. It has profound impact on every sector of human activities ranging from the economic to environment. There is a need for a critical study of the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for human security in order to fathom the emerging theoretical and policy issues in the region. Hence, the book provides an understanding of the consequences of the COVID-19 global pandemic for human security in South Asia. This intellectually stimulating book provides a critical analysis and insights on this contemporary challenge to policy makers, health professionals, academics, students, researchers, NGO workers working with health, human security and anyone interested in health and human security in South Asia. The book covers major human security areas, i.e. health security, food security, economic security, and environment issue. The role of regional cooperation and global health governance is also covered in the domain of COVID-19. This book fills the existing knowledge gap on the human security in South Asia in general and linking with COVID-19 in particular. From the perspective of policy, the insights of the study would guide the policy makers in South Asia in reframing their security policies emphasising human security issues and challenges. Finally, this book contributes to the evolving debate and discourse on the impact of the COVID-19 on the South Asian region from a human security perspective.
Pentagon Press Greatest Air Aces of All Time
A flying Ace, fighter Ace or Air Ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat. The concept of the "Ace" emerged in 1915 during World War I, at the same time as aerial dogfighting, and was a term often also used to create heroes for domestic audiences, in what were otherwise wars of attrition. The individual combat actions of Aces were widely reported and disseminated as a chivalrous knight reminiscent to ancient era.For a brief early period, the exceptionally skilled pilot could shape the battle in the skies, and approximately five percent of combat pilots account for the majority of air-to-air victories. French newspapers were the first to describe Adolphe Pégoud as an Ace in World War I, and later Manfred von Richthofen, known as the "Red Baron. There were a large number of Air Aces in World War II, and later in the Korean, Vietnam, Iraq-Iran, and Arab-Israeli wars. This book covers 25 of the greatest Air Aces across wars, nationalities and countries.
Pentagon Press India's Foreign Policy Towards Resurgence
The primary role of a nation’s foreign policy is the maintenance and preservation of National Interest. How a nation conceives its national interest and seeks to protect and promote it through its foreign policy must hence be a matter of public importance and discourse.This book expounds upon the various facets of India’s foreign policy, tracing its roots from the times of Chanakya, millennia ago, and then expanding upon the post-independence phase of India’s foreign policy. Chanakya is credited with crafting perhaps the very first treatise on statecraft, sometime in the fourth century BCE. India thus has a rich legacy in dealing with foreign powers towards the furtherance of national interest.Post independence, India’s foreign policy was crafted by its first prime minister and since then has evolved over the last seven decades, maintaining at one level a distinct continuum even as it transferred from one Government to the other. A new zest has however been given to India’s foreign policy over the last four years, and a transformation is visible in multiple ways, though the core remains the same. The transformation is visible in the uncompromising firmness shown on issues related to the nation`s integrity and honour and in that sense, it has become a bold, proactive, innovative and ambitious foreign policy with ‘Samman, Samvad, Samriddhi, Suraksha, Sanskriti evam Sabyatha’ being the driving forces behind India’s global engagement. There is today a greater expectation of India’s role in the world, as reflected by India emerging as a natural participant in several regional and global discourses. Another important transformation has been the rekindling and strengthening of India’s linkages with its diaspora, cooperation in the field of counter terrorism, emphasis on the neighbourhood with significant progress taking place in terms of physical and cultural connectivity and on a renewed economic vigour.This book brings out the dynamics in play in India’s foreign policy and offers a holistic understanding of the factors which have shaped its growth. Covering a vast swathe, it delves on India’s strategic culture and security concerns, economic growth, soft power, and relations with the neighbourhood and the world.
Pentagon Press Mission Victory India: A Key to Quality Combat Leadership
Over the last 70 years, ever since independence, the Indian Armed Forces have been repeatedly tested by multifarious threats and challenges from our adversaries across the border. The conflicts/wars of 1947/48, 1962, 1965, 1971 & 1999 have been acid tests for the Indian military might, economic strength, united will, resilience and resolve. Have the armed forces and nation learnt any valuable lessons from these wars?Sadly, India has failed to honestly review, identify and overcome many of their military weaknesses and shortcomings which are now deep rooted problems and unresolved issues. Equipping and arming the armed forces is an imperative need that must be met. However, there is a critical and neglected dimension, that of `quality military manpower` and `military combat leadership`, that needs paramount attention. The 21st century brings threats in the form of designer, hybrid, cyber, aerospace and nuclear wars. These are in addition to the conventional wars that are still a reality today. All these, in totality, constitute a multiplicity of threats confronting their collective military might. Enhanced quality `combat military leadership` at all levels would surely help in effectively confronting these challenges.Mission Victory India is Volume 5 of the Victory India Campaign(2010-2018) books. While retaining its leadership enhancement perspective, the campaign is no more restricted to issues of selection and training of military officers but goes way beyond to cover numerous complex issues of military and national importance; with focus solely on strengthening the armed forces and nation.
Pentagon Press Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
This book is a result of research undertaken on the subject by the scholars associated with the IDSA project on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) - also known as Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) - which includes both the so-called “Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK)” and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). This was legally a part of the erstwhile princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, which acceded to India in October 1947.The authors of this book seek to provide a critical analysis of the politics of the above mentioned two regions within PoK; throw light on the genesis and evolution of various political parties and interest groups, and acquaint the readers with different personalities playing important role in politics therein. The main aim of the publication is to help the scholars, analysts, and policy-makers to understand the dynamics of the political systems in PoK, the complex interaction of these systems with the government in Islamabad and the responses of the local leadership to Pakistan’s strategy of keeping them under strict control in the name of representative governance over the last 70 years.
Pentagon Press Arab Spring and Sectarian Faultlines in West Asia:: Bahrain, Yemen and Syria
Since the outbreak of the Arab unrest, sectarian politics has become more pronounced throughout the West Asian region which is reflected in the growing polarisation of society and politics on narrow sectarian lines. Rulers have adopted sectarian approaches as a measure to secure their regimes. Opposition forces have also united themselves on the basis of their sectarian affiliations. This book focuses on three countries – Bahrain, Yemen and Syria, where protests have taken place during the Arab uprisings and who have witnessed widespread violence and political instability. The role of two major regional powers such as Iran and Saudi Arabia has been extremely critical in all these three countries. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have used sectarianism as a foreign policy tool to pursue their interests in the region. They have been found to be involved in a 'proxy war' in these countries by the way of supporting either the regime or the opposition forces. Similarly the involvement of the two extra-regional powers, the US and Russia, especially in Syria has proven to be crucial for the security and geopolitics of the region. Sectarian faultlines has been widening since the outbreak of the unrest and has affected the political and security situation in West Asia.
Pentagon Press Gwadar: A Chinese Gibraltar
Pentagon Press Reimaging India and Australia: Culture and Indentity
Re-Imagining Australia and India: Culture and Identity brings together key themes from the fourth international conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Australia (IASA). Chief among them is the proposition that the maturing relationship between India and Australia now encompasses far more than bilateral economic exchanges, and can therefore be usefully explored in order better to understand the evolving cultural identities of both nations from the nineteenth century to the present day. India and Australia were both fundamentally shaped by British colonialism during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and were reshaped by globalisation during the late-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Both belong to the 'global South'. However, Australia has a complicated and ambivalent association with the legacies of both processes, and with their outcomes in the Asian region of which it is a part. Indian perspectives upon these transformations, and their effects upon Australian culture and identity, are fresh and insightful. This book's chapters range from analysis of contemporary strategic relationships, trade, and immigration, and discussion of cross-national social and cultural issues, to historical perspectives upon overlooked aspects of Indo-Australian convergence such as cricket, and the role of cameleers in Outback Australia.
Pentagon Press Central Asia and South Asia: Energy Cooperation and Transport Linkages
With Central Asia and the Caspian region having emerged as vital source of energy supply, there has been a new quest for alternative and shortest transportation routes to export oil/gas from this region to other countries, especially the South Asian countries. The Middle East being in a flux, particularly after the Iraqconflict, the ongoing Iran imbroglio and now the war in Libya, energy-importing countries have been diversifying their sources of supply. Whereas Europe is looking towards Russian supplies, Japan and Chinaare keen to tap the Russian Far East, Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Caspian region for their growing energy needs. China needs to boost its energy consumption by about 150 per cent to maintain its economic growth rate. For India, with its huge demand for energy, Central Asia in its extended neighbourhood presents a potential source of energy. Being the sixth largest energy consumer in the world, India's crude imports are expected to double in a decade. India is facing logistic hazards due to lack of common border with Central Asian countries. The North-South Transport Corridor which seeks to restore the historic trade of conventional commodities between South Asia and Central Asia by facilitating faster and cheaper movement of goods from South Asia to Europe, and establishing a strategic transport link between Asia and Europe via Central Asia, Iran and Russia, is also beset with certain problems on the ground.
Pentagon Press India's Neighbourhood: Challenges in the Next Two Decades
They underline the challenges that confront Indian policymakers, the opportunities that are likely to emerge, and the manner in which they should frame foreign and security policies for India, to maximise the gains and minimise the losses. The key findings that emerge from this volume are: the geopolitical situation in the neighbourhood is likely to change significantly due to uncertainties in the global economy, chronic instability in the Af-Pak region, increasing salience of external factors in regional politics, continuing anti-India sentiments in some of the countries, demographic pressures, growth in illegal migration, and adverse consequences of climate change. However, there are also signs of greater desire for economic integration, strengthening of democratic institutions in some countries, and emphasis on regional cooperation. While India may face increasing security challenges due to instability in certain countries, there will be an opportunity for it to better integrate its economy with the region. The contributors to the volume argue that in order to deal with the uncertainties in an effective manner, India has to fine-tune its diplomatic apparatus to proactively deal with emerging realities in the neighbourhood; systematically pursue policies for inclusive and equitable economic growth at home; build networks of interdependence with all neighbouring countries; significantly improve the quality of the country's governance; take measures to deal with internal security situation effectively; build domestic consensus on key issues affecting India's neighbourhood policy; sustain economic growth; adopt cooperative security approaches to deal with regional issues; and at the same time develop appropriate and robust defence capabilities to meet complex security challenges it is going to face in future.
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedia of Nuclear Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 5 Volume Set
Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation is a complex subject of immense and abiding global concern. the encyclopedia provides its readers a very comprehensive, one stop, turn key and integrated service by covering the entire gamut of nuclear arms, their proliferation and non-proliferation, nuclear accidents and their management, a holistic view on disarmament, nuclear weapon free zones, ballistic missiles, strategic arms limitation including strategic offensive reductions of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons as also the enormously important and path breaking U.S-India Nuclear Deal which is now being processed. Included too are a bouquet of deliberations on nuclear disarmament and connected issues involving international and regional organizations, NGO's, Associations, Networks and Foundations.
Pentagon Press Hybrid Warfare: The Changing Character of Conflict
Wars and conflicts have become a near constant presence today, brought to us on a real-time basis on myriad communication devices. A cursory scan of recent conflicts reveals the blurring lines between war and peace, state versus non-state, regular and irregular, and conventional vis-à-vis unconventional. Over the past decade or so, the prevailing security environment in many regions has changed radically. Simultaneously the probability of conventional conflict between states or groups of states has steadily declined while sub-conventional conflict has gained prominence.These small, niggling wars have been termed as hybrid, non-linear, grey zone, or unrestricted, among others. It thus becomes necessary to enquire ontologically and epistemologically into these terms to understand if they allude to the same phenomenon through different frames. Furthermore, are these an aberration or, increasingly, the convention? This book tries to address this crucial research gap related to the changing character of conflicts in the strategic discourse in India.
In the era of globalisation, the state changes its nature according to global forces. The focus of the state is more on the regulatory and controlling functions. So, the nature of the state has to continuously undergo change. The welfare state, as an institution, guarantees social welfare and social justice to the deprived groups, but globalisation has not only threatened it but also made it weak. In the contemporary context, the social welfare agenda has been taken over by non-state organisations that need to be carefully critiqued. The older theories of state, which are either inadequate or inapplicable, today cannot cover the new developments that have taken place in the era of globalisation and therefore they have to be reviewed, specifically in the contemporary context. Globalisation has not only affected the state but also influenced the public policy to a great extent. It has challenged the nature of public policy by summoning a series of non-negotiable, external and largely economic imperatives that must be appeased in a technically proficient manner if good economic performance is to be maintained at the cost of democratic accountability. Globalisation necessitates a certain privatisation and technicisation of public policy, rendering it publicly less accountable. The public character of public policy is potentially seen as a casualty of globalisation. The neo-liberal economy has further compounded unevenness and inequality in society. In the light of these changes, we need to rethink these aspects of public policy.The book deals with the contemporary debate on state and public policy and the changing dimensions of public policy. It brings out the contemporary perspectives on public policy and the challenges of the state in the new global era. The book is divided in four parts: State and Public Policy in the New Global Era; Governmental Policies and Experiences; Public Policy, Decentralisation and Development and Gender and Policy Intervention.
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedia of Information Technology
IT is the subject of today. The industry continues to grow at record speed, this encyclopaedia has bee designed in the following five volumes keeping the new curriculum released by the national council of education research and training