Search results for ""Birkhauser""
Birkhauser Die Schwerkraft von Ideen, 1: Eine Designgeschichte
Vom Druckknopf bis zur Weltraumsonde: So weit erstreckt sich der Horizont von Produktdesign. Weil Design viel mehr ist als „Linienführung", geht diese Designgeschichte der Frage nach, wie sich die Ansprüche an die Gestaltung von Gebrauchsobjekten im Lauf der Zeit fortentwickelt haben. Die Frage des Wozu (Gebrauchsfunktion) verbindet sich mit der des Woraus und Womit (Materialien und Produktionsmethode) und der nach dem Wie (der konstitutiven Beschaffenheit des Gegenstandes). Darunter zeigen sich die Schichten geschichtlich bedingter kultureller Mentalitäten, und darüber erhebt sich die Frage nach den Wirkungen von Design in Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Die Schwerkraft von Ideen entfaltet diese vieldimensionale Matrix in zwei Bänden und schafft so Orientierung im Kosmos der Ideen und ihrer gestalterischen Umsetzung.
Birkhauser Grading: BIM. landscapingSMART. 3D-Machine Control Systems. Stormwater Management
Familiarity with ground modeling is an indispensable prerequisite for landscape architects; they have to use contour lines in their designs, quickly develop alternatives, and check alternative options regarding design, ecology, economy, and technical feasibility. The third edition contains essential updated information on BIM construction in landscape architecture, 3D machine control, and BIM in practice. Furthermore, the book provides in-depth information on forms of terrain, scales, interpolation, geodetic points, contour lines, how to calculate the volume of land mass, and includes subjects such as slope stabilization systems and ground modeling on the building site. Included is also the ground modeling of roads and parking lots, and a revised section on stormwater management. Numerous practical examples are included in the task section to help apply the theory.
Birkhauser Die Schwerkraft von Ideen, 2: Eine Designgeschichte
Vom Druckknopf bis zur Weltraumsonde: So weit erstreckt sich der Horizont von Produktdesign. Weil Design viel mehr ist als „Linienführung", geht diese Designgeschichte der Frage nach, wie sich die Ansprüche an die Gestaltung von Gebrauchsobjekten im Lauf der Zeit fortentwickelt haben. Die Frage des Wozu (Gebrauchsfunktion) verbindet sich mit der des Woraus und Womit (Materialien und Produktionsmethode) und der nach dem Wie (der konstitutiven Beschaffenheit des Gegenstandes). Darunter zeigen sich die Schichten geschichtlich bedingter kultureller Mentalitäten, und darüber erhebt sich die Frage nach den Wirkungen von Design in Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Die Schwerkraft von Ideen entfaltet diese vieldimensionale Matrix in zwei Bänden und schafft so Orientierung im Kosmos der Ideen und ihrer gestalterischen Umsetzung.
Birkhauser Basics Brandschutz
Fire safety is an important part of building design. It consists of measures to prevent fires from starting, to facilitate the rescue of individuals in a burning building, and to help firefighters contain a blaze. Both statutory provisions and building codes lay down strict fire safety regulations for commercial and residential construction. The main task for architects when it comes to fire safety is to apply the principles and methods of fire prevention at the outset of the design process.The book explains the general concepts and fundamental issues of fire safety in building design beyond the particulars of local building regulations.
Birkhauser Architekturtheorie für Architekten: Die theoretischen Grundlagen des Faches Architektur
Das Wort „Architektur” wird heute in unterschiedlichsten Bedeutungen und Kontexten gebraucht und hat so jede begriffliche Schärfe verloren. Unter diesen Umständen müssen Diskussionen über Architektur und Baukultur von vornherein ins Leere laufen. Konsequenterweise wird in der derzeitigen Architekturtheorie gar nicht mehr danach gefragt, was das heute sei: Architektur. Das vorliegende Buch holt genau diese Frage in den Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung zurück – erweitert um die parallel sich stellende Frage: „Was ist, was macht ein Architekt?“ Damit betritt es Neuland, inhaltlich wie methodisch: Weil ein direkter definitorischer Zugriff nur neue Pauschalbegriffe erzeugen würde, hat der Autor die Doppelstrategie von historischer und vergleichender Betrachtung gewählt, in deren Fadenkreuz sich tragfähige Begriffsbestimmungen herauskristallisieren. Im dritten Kapitel des Buches steht das architektonische Handeln im Mittelpunkt. Ergänzt wird es um einen Exkurs, der eine Kernkompetenz näher beleuchtet, die Architekten erst zu Architekten macht: das Entwerfen. „The good news is that most of what we would like to know about design, exists already, hidden deep inside the brains of designers“, sagt Kees Dorst. „The bad news is that they are not usually able to explain to others, what they do, why they do it, and how.“ Mit seinem Buch Architekturtheorie für Architekten sucht Günther Fischer Antworten auf genau diese Fragen.
Birkhauser Challenging The City Scale: Journeys in People-Centred Design
Since 2014, the Human Cities network has been working on Challenging the City Scale: a pan-European project led by Cité du design Saint-Étienne and supported by the Creative Europe programme to question the urban scale and investigate co-creation in cities. The Human Cities partners have carried out urban experimentations in 11 European cities empowering citizens to rethink the spaces in which they live, work and spend their leisure time. Through conversations with people involved, the book examines how bottom-up processes and their design, tools and instruments generate new ideas to reinvent the city. It offers inspiration and insights to everyone, from practitioners and politicians to designers and active citizens, eager to try out new ways to produce more human cities together.
Birkhauser Modern Construction Case Studies: Emerging Innovation in Building Techniques
Modern Construction Case Studies focuses on the interface between the design of facades, structures and environments of 12 building projects, all developed by Newtecnic. The Author compares facade technologies, particularly in the way they interface with structure and MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing services) in complex projects, to provide insights into the design process for building envelopes. Each envelope technology is described with an emphasis on one of three aspects: geometry, construction and performance. The analysis links the 12 case studies by comparing their structural and environmental performance. The aim is achieved by analyzing typical bays which are representative of each project and which illustrate the implications of using different building envelope technologies.
Birkhauser Modern Construction Envelopes: Systems for architectural design and prototyping
Modern Construction Envelopes deals with the facade and roof as an integral part of the building, allowing a holistic approach to the design of the building envelope and providing greater design freedom. The book is aimed at readers who want to extend their knowledge of wall and roof construction beyond the information given in the Modern Construction Handbook, using state-of-the-art construction principles of modern facade and roof systems. The third edition of this classic has been fully brought up to date; it contains new examples in all chapters and presents the projects in revised, new 3D drawings and in 27 AR applications that can be accessed free of charge via smartphone and tablet.
Birkhauser The City after Chinese New Towns: Spaces and Imaginaries from Contemporary Urban China
By 2020, some 400 Chinese New Towns will have been built, representing an unprecedented urban growth. While some of these massive developments are still empty today, others have been rather successful. The substantial effort on the part of the Chinese government is to absorb up to 250 million people, chiefly migrants from the rural parts of the country. Unlike in Europe and North America, where new towns grew in accordance to the local industries, these new Chinese cities are mostly built to the point of near completion before introducing people. The interdisciplinary publication, written by architects, planners and geographers, explores the new urbanistic phenomenon of the "Chinese New Town". Especially commissioned photographs and maps illustrate many examples of these new settlements.
Birkhauser Modern Construction Handbook
Owing to regular revision, the Modern Construction Handbook has become a classic in advanced building construction literature, not least because of its clear structure covering the chapters "Material", "Wall", "Roof", "Structure", "Environment", and "Applications". For the fifth edition, a large part of the 3D presentations has been redrawn, all six chapters have been revised and updated. New standards have been established for this handbook, which is a basic resource for many architectural study courses, by adding more component details, new examples with a focus on sustainability and energy consumption, and a major update on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Birkhauser Spaces in Architecture: Areas, Distances, Dimensions
The design of a building is a complex process in which the architect develops spaces which are defined by a number of different parameters. The most important of these are space requirements, distances, furniture and fittings, and movement zones. From the dimensions of the human body it is possible to derive guide values for these reference sizes that make spaces comfortable to be in and to use. Spaces in Architecture is a useful reference work for students and designers for quickly looking up detailed information on space scenarios that occur in many different types of buildings. For example, the book lists all important dimensions for entrance areas, doors, staircases, ramps, and elevators. On the basis of this fundamental information it is possible to design buildings in terms of function and type.
Birkhauser Urbanizing the Alps: Densification Strategies for High-Altitude Villages
For plenty years, many popular mountain resorts have seen largely uncontrolled development consisting of the multiplication of archetypal chalet-style houses. This is usually accompanied by roadbuilding for private cars. In order to protect these tourist destinations and their natural environs from further uncontrolled development, the author investigates different settlement structures such as Andermatt, Avoriaz, Verbier, Zermatt,and Whistler-Blackcomb. On the basis of detailed graphical analyses, she develops groundbreaking strategies for urban densification and suitable mobility management, which can also be transferred to other tourist areas.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1989-1991
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the worldwide leading architectural practice Herzog & de Meuron, we are publishing the second volume of the Complete Works as an accessible paperback edition. The reprint, in original format, comprehensively present all buildings and designs from 1989 up to the year 1991. The development of the practice over the first years can be tracked in fascinating documents of the time.
Birkhauser Rethinking Wood: Future Dimensions of Timber Assembly
Advances in the materials and the digitalization of architecture bring about new methods in design and construction. Whereas traditional timber construction consists of pre-cut and pre-assembled timber sections, modern timber buildings today consist of elaborate wood-based materials. Owing to their flexibility and good properties in terms of building physics and ecology, these wood-based materials are ideal for computer-aided building component production. Fifteen case examples from research, teaching, and practical applications provide inspiring insights into the potential of formable wood-based materials and digital design: Woven Wood, Wood Foam, Living Wood and Organic Joints, Timber Joints for Robotic Building Processes, Efficiencies of Wood, Designing with Tree Form.
Birkhauser NERD – New Experimental Research in Design
Design has long expressed and established itself as an independent research competence – a fact that also companies, institutions and politicians have come to acknowledge. What is still needed, however, is a stronger public platform for design to confidently reflect upon this process and to establish and communicate the specific innovative and experimental dimension of design research. For this reason, BIRD, the Board of International Research in Design, has developed the New Experimental Research in Design / NERD format. The edited conference contributions of twelve young researchers from all over the world provide an impressive and diverse and insightful range of intelligent and inspiring approaches in design research, giving rise to further debate and action in the rapidly evolving field.
Birkhauser Basics Raumkonditionierung, 2.A.
The comfort of interior rooms depends on temperature, humidity, and an adequate supply of fresh air. Depending on use and climatic conditions, technical systems of varying complexity are required to achieve it.Basics Room Conditioning provides a basic understanding of these relationships and uses diagrams to explain the different possible levels of space conditioning – from simple principles of housing construction to totally air-conditioned systems that are fully independent of outside air.
Birkhauser Smart Building Design: Conception, Planning, Realization, and Operation
How can smart technology open up new design opportunities – for the design, the execution, and the operation of buildings and for the digitalization of construction? A hitherto unusual conception of the building as a cybernetic architectural system forms the basis of this integrated design approach. The authors – architects and engineers with extensive design experience – contribute an overview of current technical components of automation and communication systems, as well as a summary of relevant laws, standards, and guidelines. Six example projects demonstrate completed applications at different scales, from a single-family residence to office buildings, and through to the Elbphilharmonie concert hall – amply illustrated in text, drawings, and photos.
Birkhauser Basics Terminplanung
In a world of tight time frames and highly interdependent processes, scheduling is an indispensable prerequisite for successful project implementation. It is the duty of the architect to manage all the project participants in a goal-oriented manner and to call for their results when the time is right. For this reason, a systematic schedule of target dates, adapted to a project’s sequences and workflows, is a necessary tool for the day-to-day management and monitoring of complex construction projects.Topics: Organizing the planning and construction process The basics of scheduling Goal-oriented presentation formats and levels of detail Developing a schedule Using schedules in the real world
Birkhauser Traditionelle Bauweisen: Ein Atlas zum Wohnen auf fünf Kontinenten
A comprehensive reference work on vernacular architecture Traditional building methods – such as those used in pueblos, timbered houses, or the Japanese minka – exist in fascinating diversity and create the face of a region. However, as a result of globalization they have been marginalized in many places. In the fastest developing countries in particular, a wealth of experience that goes back hundreds of years is being irretrievably lost, even though valuable insights can be gained for modern building. Using the examples of selected domestic buildings from all continents, 30 international experts demonstrate why we can still learn from vernacular architecture; they analyze the cultural context and the adaptation to topographic/climactic conditions, and focus on the local materials used as well as on the construction, the building process, and the necessary maintenance. A comprehensive reference work covering traditional building methods Numerous examples of vernacular domestic architecture from all five continents More than 1000 impressive color photographs and detailed drawings Also available in German
Birkhauser Designing Processes: A Strategy for the Future of Construction
How do we make building sustainable and fit for the future? The book presents a strategy for tackling the construction industry’s future challenges from the perspective of the organizing architect, and with a view to the interdisciplinary knowledge, capable of integration, of related disciplines. With a profound insight into the operative processes, the author analyses the complex mechanisms of the system that affect the whole of society and often follow very traditional process structures. He investigates the interaction between the stakeholders’ actions in the construction process and the framework conditions and, on that basis, develops a strategy which—itself a process—computes the elements of the intended target state.
Birkhauser Stadt entwerfen: Grundlagen, Prinzipien, Projekte
Das Anordnen von Strukturen, Systemen, Bausteinen und Räumen im Städtebau Städtebauliches Entwerfen basiert auf Ordnungs- und Gestaltungsprinzipien, die funktionale Ansprüche erfüllen und zugleich die Entwurfselemente zu einem unverwechselbaren Ganzen fügen müssen. Auch wenn Entwürfe fast immer vom Zeitgeist geprägt sind, so sind die kompositorischen Grundprinzipien weitgehend zeitlos.Stadt entwerfen erläutert die wichtigsten Entwurfs- und Darstellungsprinzipien im Städtebau anhand von ausgewählten historischen Beispielen und internationalen zeitgenössischen Wettbewerbsbeiträgen, entworfen von Büros wie Foster+Partners, KCAP Architects & Planners, MVRDV, OMA und anderen.Im Zentrum der Publikation steht die Frage, wie die Projekte entworfen wurden und welche Methoden und Instrumente dem Entwerfer zur Verfügung stehen: Neben dem klassischen Entwurf, der im Kopf des Entwerfers entsteht, erweitert sich gegenwärtig das Repertoire durch neue, computergestützte Methoden, wie z.B. dem parametrischen Entwerfen, bei dem veränderbare Parameter den Entwurf automatisiert beeinflussen und eine Vielfalt von Lösungsmöglichkeiten anbieten. Drei Best-Practice-Beispiele, die Hafencity Hamburg, Belval-Ouest in Luxemburg und die Südstadt in Tübingen, zeigen im Schlusskapitel, wie prämierte städtebauliche Konzepte und Entwürfe erfolgreich realisiert werden.
Birkhauser Spaces of Uncertainty - Berlin revisited
How has Berlin’s urban landscape changed in its remarkable transformation from divided city to creative capital? Despite the monumental heritage and grand development projects, Berlin still conjures up images of urban fragmentation and vacant inner-city land. The book reveals the changing nature and complex politics of this open space. A rephotographing of sites between 2001 and 2016 shows how no man’s land has made way for new apartments and underground hangouts have changed into commercial hubs, but it also transports us to remaining pockets of urban wilderness and unexpected freedom right next to the city’s most iconic squares. The accompanying essays by noted urban thinkers explore this little-known but vital reserve—forcing us to reflect on our unrelenting efforts to chart the future of the city at large.
Birkhauser LOBMEYR Contemporary: Entwürfe seit 2000 / Design since 2000
At the time the Viennese company Glasverlag J. & L. Lobmeyr was founded in 1823, glass was becoming the favorite material of designers. Later on cooperations with architects like Josef Hoffmann, Oswald Haerdtl and Adolf Loos resulted in design classics, many of which are still produced unchanged to this day. Lobmeyr, since 2000 under its sixth generation management, has been reconnecting with the heyday of Viennese glass design of the past century. In cooperation with designers from Vienna and the international scene, Lobmeyr is developing impressive design strategies characterized by a sense of quality and willingness to experiment. This book is a bibliophilic statement demonstrating this exceptional product portfolio, illustrating Lobmeyr’s recent design developments.
Birkhauser Hiatus: Architekturen für die gebrauchte Stadt
Die Innenverdichtung in unseren Städten erfordert neue, zukunftsfähige architektonische Strategien. Das Buch stellt in Essays, Reportagen und Interviews gebaute, entworfene oder gedachte Architekturen vor, die erfolgreiche Modelle einer multifunktionalen Verdichtung liefern können – durch die Umwidmung von klassischen Raumcharakteren aber auch durch die Hybridisierung von Gebäudetypen oder von ganzen Stadtsystemen. Der Begriff des Hiatus, gebräuchlich in den Naturwissenschaften und in der Kunst, wird in seiner Erkenntnis stiftenden und Gestalt stimulierenden Bedeutung eingesetzt. Er bezeichnet das produktiv Offene im Stadtgewebe, er verweist auf Geschichten von Regeln und von Regelbrüchen. Nachverdichtungen können diese Ressource nutzen und zum Teil ihrer architektonischen Matrix machen. Hiatus stellt die Frage: Wie entstehen alternative Interaktions for men zwischen dem Haus, der Stadt und ihren Nutzern als Grundlage von synergetischen Partnerschaft en städtischer Architekturen in der ‚gebrauch ten Stadt‘?
Birkhauser Materials in Progress: Innovationen für Designer und Architekten
Neue Werkstoffe und Technologien nehmen in der Architektur und im Design eine bedeutende Rolle ein. Umweltverträgliche Materialien und Produktionsverfahren sind ebenso gefragt wie eine gut funktionierende Kreislaufwirtschaft. Daneben haben Trends wie die Digitalisierung, der 3 D-Druck sowie intelligente Systeme und Materialien einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf Materialinnovationen. Das Buch schlägt in acht Kapiteln die Brücke von Wissenschaft und industrieller Forschung hin zu Anwendungen in Architektur und Design. Es bietet in einem handlichen Format einen fundierten Überblick über die aktuellen Werkstoffinnovationen wie etwa essbare Verpackungen, flüssiges Licht oder smarte Naturmaterialien. Zugleich wird die gesellschaftliche Dimension solcher Entwicklungen in den Blick genommen.
Birkhauser Architectures of Sound: Acoustic Concepts and Parameters for Architectural Design
Architects are used to designing visually. In order to expand their basic design tools, this book explores the interactions between sound, space, hearing, and architecture. To this end, the author uses contemporary and historic buildings and projects, but also fictional, philosophical, and theoretical approaches – the idea is not only to define sound as a source, but also as an instrument of architectural space. By introducing a metatheory of "critical hearing", designers are able to acoustically test their projects and contribute to their design with auditive input, already at the design stage.
Birkhauser Relationen: Texte und Bauten
Der Titel des Buches setzt die beiden Tätigkeitsfelder, das Bauen und das Schreiben, des Architekten, Architekturhistorikers und Theoretikers August Sarnitz in eine wechselseitige Beziehung: im Schreiben entsteht der Kontext zum Gebauten – so wie das Bauen im Kontext des Geschriebenen steht. Eben diesem Wechselspiel folgt auch der Aufbau des Buches: einem Essay über Architekturgeschichte und Big Data folgen drei Aufsätze zu den Themen Städtebau, sozialem Wohnbau und der Fiktion des Raums. Auch einige prägende Wiener Architekten treten auf: Frank, Kiesler, Hollein und Prix. Die Themen Wohnen, Design und Möbel werden mit eigenen Projekten von Sarnitz illustriert; am Ende widmet sich das Buch der Architekturfotografie, die für Sarnitz als Publizisten große Bedeutung hat.
Birkhauser The Chameleon Effect: Architecture's Role in Film
Architecture and film have many things in common. Film narratives are embedded in scenes that visually support the story. Sometimes architecture even performs the role of an actor. Conversely, film with its multifaceted changing atmospheres reveals new layers of architecture which, outside the cinema, would remain concealed. In conclusion, film as a mass medium influences the way architecture is perceived, and its image in society. Since the beginning of cinema, architecture has formed a symbiosis with film. With its systematic analysis, this book offers a scientifically researched history of mutual influence, starting with filmography as a typology of well-known film sets through to the description of the chameleon effect between film and architecture.
Birkhauser Building Physics of the Envelope: Principles of Construction
The facade is the building’s interface with its environment. It is here that building physics parameters such as heat, humidity, sound and light interact with the building. All these influences need to be controlled by the building envelope in order to ensure the comfort of the user and the functional performance of the architecture. This introduction explains the most important phenomena and then relates them to design and building practice – which materials react in which way to these factors? How do facade systems deal with heat, humidity, sound and light? This practice-oriented book, which is the result of cooperation between an architect and a structural engineer, describes the most important facade materials and constructions under the aspect of their building physics performance.
Birkhauser Urban Loopholes: Creative Alliances of Spatial Production in Shanghai’s City Center
Urban reuse, creative production, consumerism, and heritage protection have formed an alliance for the transformation of inner-city districts of Shanghai. This in-depth study, based on the author’s intimate familiarity of the local scene and supplemented by her critical outsider’s insights, describes the strategies, players, and processes of a uniquely Chinese model of urban transformation. Concepts like "Urban Loopholes", "Preservation via inhabitation", and "Gentrification with Chinese characteristics" characterize the specific mechanisms for urban development in Shanghai. Urban Loopholes invites the reader to rethink the necessity of urban resilience in the face of globalization’s impact for change.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2004
The long-awaited fifth volume on The Complete Works of Herzog & de Meuron presents the sixty projects completed between 2002 and 2004 with characteristic attention to detail. These include buildings that have already become contemporary architectural icons, such as the National Stadium in Beijing and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, but also projects which, though never realized, have influenced the architectural discourse. These include the residential tower for the Schatzalp Hotel, which overlooks Davos and inspired a new generation of Alpine architecture. In the period covered by this volume, urban planing was a major focus of Herzog & de Meuron's work. International acclaim fueled by booming construction led to numerous commissions in China (the Jindong New Development Area), and in Europe: master plans for Jerez de la Frontera and the Olympic Games in London opened up entire urban regions to future development.
Birkhauser GAM 12: Structural Affairs: Potenziale und Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit in Planung, Entwurf und Konstruktion / Opportunities and Perspectives for Cooperation in Planning, Design and Construction
Increasingly, innovative construction design relies on interdisciplinary cooperation between architects, engineers and the construction industry. GAM.12 - Structural Affairs takes a look at the mechanics of cooperation in the dynamic work processes of contemporary architecture. New digital methods, materials and production methods require the participation of more and more specialised stakeholders in the design and construction process – they influence and determine the respective architectural design process from the outline idea through to detailed design and construction. GAM.12 investigates the potential and synergies of this development for the architectural process, and presents current projects and theoretical positions for discussion.
Birkhauser Basics Building Technology
As building construction is becoming increasingly complex, the field of building technology is becoming more and more important. As an intermediary between all parties involved in a construction project, the architect must be able to understand what is involved and to advise his clients. This volume covers the fields of water supply and disposal, electric installations and the energy-related subjects, i.e. heating, ventilation and lighting. The compendium combines the successful individual volumes Room Conditioning and Water Cycles and supplements these with the two hitherto unpublished volumes Electric Installation and Lighting design. The student and architect are introduced to the basic principles, terms and systems of building technology installations and equipment.
Birkhauser Embodied Light: The Bahá'í Temple of South America
Situated at the foothills of the Andes, overlooking the city of Santiago, Chile, the Bahá’í Temple of South America will be opened in fall 2016. The Bahá’í House of Worship is the most recent of the continental temples. It welcomes people from all directions and all creeds. Designed by Siamak Hariri and his team at Hariri Pontarini Architects in Toronto, Canada, the sacred building combines advanced engineering solutions, cutting-edge material innovation, and computerized fabrication methods to create a light-filled space for prayer and meditation – at once monumental and intimate. Esthetics and technology in perfect synthesis. With numerous drawings, models, renderings, and photographs, the book shows the design and construction process, and the beauty, of this unique building.
Birkhauser From Basel - Herzog & de Meuron
The global success story of the Basel architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron has local roots. This book traces these origins while identifying the essential ideas, professional ethics, and development of their architectural practice, established in 1978. The biographies of both architects and the activities of their practice are intimately bound up with the town of Basel. With this embeddedness in Basel as a point of departure, the authors elucidate central themes of their architectural oeuvre: from habitat to monument. With reference to exemplary buildings, they analyze the motifs, constructive principles, and spatial design of the architectonic works of Herzog & de Meuron. In addition, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron lead us on tours through Basel and its surroundings: statements by the architects, along with photographs taken especially for this volume by George Dupin, present the locales and buildings that have played key roles for the work of these architects. The book is rounded out by an intensive exchange of ideas between the architects and Jean-François Chevrier.
Birkhauser Schinkel: A Meander through his Life and Work
The 19th-century German architect and artist, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, was among the great personalities in the world of architecture. Classicism and Romanticism moved towards Modern Architecture in his buildings; his Collection of Architectural Designs led the way to our contemporary understanding of the work of the architect; and as a state master building he shaped the architectural culture of his time. A universal scholar and versatile artist, Schinkel led an intensive, if not boundless exchange with the society and the developments of the 19th century. The (equally) ingenious portrayal by one of the most renowned art and architectural historians of our time displays in richly illustrated thematic chapters the dialogue between Schinkel as a person, his oeuvre and his cultural world.
Birkhauser Atlas of Fantastic Infrastructures: An Intimate Look at Media Architecture
The Atlas of Fantastic infrastructures deals with the characterization of architecture, media and digital infrastructure. In concrete terms, it deals with the materiality of buildings and the intangibility of data. While technical or functional studies often tend to "flatten" the multiplex phenomena, the author speculatively propose four abstract prisms: 1) AFFAIR WITH PHANTOMS – who do we want to meet in a digitally mediated space, and what kind of conversation/activity will we have?; 2) PARA-DESIRE – where do our surreal desires live, and what are their strategies?; 3) MEDIATED SPACE CATALOGUE – what kinds of data, information, things, spaces and places are available in the world, and how our activities blend them?; 4) GIFTS OF THE GARDENS – how can an idea enter physical reality, and what are the pathways of such becomings? The author examines buildings and projects by Toyo Ito, Philippe Rahm, Olafur Eliasson, Greg Lynn, MVRDV, Electroland, Troika, NOX, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and others.
Birkhauser Styria Media Center Graz: ArchitekturConsult
The spectacular Styria Media Center office tower, designed by architects Hermann Eisenköck and Herfried Peyker (Architekturconsult) will be opened in June 2015. The disc-shaped, sculptural media building will have the space for 1,200 employees. The heart of the building is an integrated newsroom with more than 240 workspaces. Other users include Antenne Steiermark and the editors of Kleine Zeitung and Kleine Zeitung Digital on an area of about 3,200 m2. The building is a strikingly proportioned, recumbent figure almost 60 meters in height that rises upward from a semi-basement. There is a skylobby on the top floor with a conference room and bar, and a rooftop deck offers a magnificent view over the city of Graz. With numerous drawings and construction photos, the book documents the design and construction process of this exceptional building.
Birkhauser Mehr als Wohnen: Genossenschaftlich planen - Ein Modellfall aus Zürich
Die Arealentwicklung ‚mehr als wohnen' im Zürcher Norden ist ein Leuchtturmprojekt für nachhaltiges genossenschaftliches Wohnen. Die dreizehn Neubauten bieten Wohn- und Arbeitsraum für mehr als 1100 Menschen, sie weisen den Weg für künftiges urbanes Zusammenleben: Neben neuen Typologien für Familien-, Alters-, und Cluster-Wohnungen bietet dieser Stadtbaustein umfangreiche Serviceangebote wie ein Gästehaus, ein Restaurant und eine Mobilitätsstation. Darüber hinaus experimentieren die Planer mit neuen Baumaterialien und innovativen energetischen Konzepten.Eine Initiative von 30 Zürcher Wohnbaugenossenschaften hat seit 2007 das Projekt als Innovationsplattform entwickelt. Im Zentrum des Planungsprozesses steht der Dialog zwischen den Beteiligten. Zudem stellt sich das Projekt den drängenden Aufgaben, jenseits der bekannten Energielabel energie- und ressourcenschonend zu bauen und zu wohnen.Das Buch verbindet die Elemente eines Architekturbuchs mit sozialwissenschaftlichen Analysen: Eine Plansammlung vom Masterplan über Wohnungsgrundrisse bis hin zu ausgewählten Details dokumentiert die realisierten Bauten. Des Weiteren erläutern die beteiligten Architekten, Fachplaner, Genossenschaftler und Fachleute ihre Erfahrungen und geben Einblick in die genossenschaftlichen und planerischen Hintergründe. Sie zeigen, wie sich diese vorbildliche Arealentwicklung in den Diskurs und die Realität des aktuellen Städtebaus einordnet. Über dies diskutieren sie, wie durch städtebauliche Planung eine zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung möglich ist.
Birkhauser Constructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
Constructing Landscape is a systematic introduction to technical and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant topics, from the most common materials and surfaces to the construction of open space elements and the use of plants. For landscape architects and architects it is an indispensable guide to correct and professional execution planning as well as to preparing solid and well-thought-out requests for proposal. Constructing Landscape is divided into two sections, Materials and Surfaces and Building Construction and Building Elements. The first section provides an overview of the various building materials of landscape architecture and their specific characteristics. It also explains the qualities of surfaces and the different approaches to treating them. The second section begins with an introductory chapter explaining the principles of statics, the connections of load-bearing elements, and the various approaches to anchoring building compo-nents and supporting structures. The subsequent chapters use drawings and text to present the constructional principles and techniques associated with the various building elements. Each chapter concludes with a collection of sample projects, illustrated with photographs and technical drawings.
Birkhauser Raumdramaturgie: Typologie und Inszenierung von Innenräumen
Architektonische Räume und Raumfolgen werden wesentlich von ihrer wirkungsvollen Inszenierung mitbestimmt. Das Repertoire solcher Inszenierungen fassen, formulieren, analysieren und für die Anwendung beim Entwerfen aufbereiten ist der Gegenstand der Raumdramaturgie. Raumdramaturgie wird in diesem Buch in vier großen Teilen dargestellt: Die archetypischen Grundzüge von Rauminszenierungen lassen sich anschaulich anhand dreier Versammlungshäuser der frühen Neuzeit in Venedig entwickeln. Aus dem Horizont von Theater, Film, Musik und Theorie wird architekturrelevantes dramaturgisches Wissen zur Verfügung gestellt. Einen neuen Blick auf beispielhafte Bauten der Gegenwartsarchitektur – von Scharouns Berliner Philharmonie über das IIT-Studentencenter in Chicago von Rem Koolhaas und ein Schwimmbad von Jean Nouvel bis hin zu einem Kindergarten bei Zürich von L3P Architekten – eröffnen detaillierte Analysen ihrer inszenatorischen Mittel und Lösungen. Den vierten Teil bildet eine systematischen Darstellung der Parameter und Dimensionen von Raumdramaturgie als Werkzeug des Entwerfens.
Birkhauser Basics Concrete Construction
Concrete is the "modern" construction material that has helped shape the fundamental static principles of structural load bearing. Similar to masonry, concrete effectively transmits pressure downward, but its weak point is tractive forces. Concrete has also enabled freer use of architectonic forms. This title imparts the basic knowledge every architect needs to master for planning reinforced and non-reinforced concrete construction.
Birkhauser Ahmet Oran: Malerei und Arbeiten auf Papier / Paintings and Works on Paper
"Ahmet Oran follows in the tradition of monochrome painting influenced by the Art Informel style. ... The essence of his painting is characterized by a quiet assertiveness, positioning him somewhere between Mark Rothko, Gotthard Graubner and Hubert Scheibner" (Peter Baum). Oran first studied painting in Istanbul and came to Vienna in 1980, where he graduated with a diploma under Adolf Frohner. His big breakthrough came in 1995 when he was awarded 2nd prize in a competition. Oran's work comes alive through the material texture of the finished surface. The reproductions, which demand exacting skills in lithography and printing, as well as sensitive graphic processing, have been carried out by Bohatsch and Partners, the well-known graphics studio. The book is not a comprehensive compilation of Ahmet Oran's œuvre to date, but an initial presentation of works bundled into fragmented groups, beginning with the current work cycles. The book concludes with a chronological illustrated listing of the pieces reproduced in it.
Birkhauser Das Holz und seine Verbindungen: Traditionelle Bautechniken in Europa, Japan und China
Building with wood as an ecologically viable material is a tradition with a long history. In the most typical method, elements are connected by using wood joints which do not require the assistance of adhesives or metal connectors. By looking at several hundred examples from Japan, China and 18 European countries, this book describes in great detail the history of timber architecture in terms of its technical, aesthetic and ecological dimensions. This thorough study is a mine of information to specialists in this field; it opens up to the craftsman of today what has become an almost forgotten world and provides a fascinating account for the general reader. The new introduction to the third edition reviews developments since the first publication of this book in 1997.
Birkhauser Friedrich Achleitners Blick auf Österreichs Architektur nach 1945
Durch seine Lehrtätigkeit sowie durch seine Publikationen über die Architektur Österreichs, insbesondere durch seinen mehrbändigen Architekturführer, erlangte Friedrich Achleitner einen einzigartigen Ruf als Autorität. Vor einigen Jahren erklärte er sich dazu bereit, seine legendäre Vorlesung an der Kunstuniversität in Linz zu wiederholen. Sie wird nun in kompakter Form als Buch vorgelegt. Die rund 1.000 Fotografien, das visuelle Herzstück der Vorlesung, stammen vom Autor selbst, getreu seinem Grundsatz, alle beschriebenen Bauten selbst zu besichtigen. Diese Fotos sind wertvolle Dokumente: sie zeigen nicht nur das Objekt, sie machen auch anschaulich, wie sich der Kritiker seinem Objekt annähert. Sämtliche für die Vorlesungen verwendeten Materialien finden Eingang in das Buch, begleitet von kurzen, erläuternden Texten, die zugleich auch als Bildunterschriften verstanden werden können. Im Einklang mit der unaufdringlichen Gestaltung kommt so das Wesentliche des Buches zur Geltung: eine erhellend präzise Dokumentation der Nachkriegsarchitektur Österreichs.
Birkhauser Innenräume entwerfen: Konzept, Typologie, Material, Konstruktion
Designing interior spaces is a task that is equally relevant as architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design for those working professionally in the built environment. In this comprehensive work, an international and interdisciplinary team of authors presents the essential aspects of the various fields of contemporary interior architecture and design. The project examples are illustrated with brilliant photographs and plans. They have been selected according to consistent criteria for all chapters of the book and represent the essential building types, including exhibition stand design, as well as a broad range of today’s design approaches.The authors place the collaboration between the various design disciplines at the center of focus. The appendix contains information for further research. All in all, Designing Interior Architecture is a fundamental reference work for all those professionally engaged with the design.
Birkhauser Libraries: A Design Manual
Libraries as a building type have been subjected to substantial changes in particular in the past ten years. Milestones such as Rem Koolhaas’ Seattle Central Library from 2004 reinvented the typology completely and reflected a development from elitist temple of learning to a public living room. Hybrids between library and department store or theater were conceived. Today, the ubiquity of electronic devices and media needs to be taken into account by the designer: every new library has areas without any books now. This work of reference explains systematically all technological and planning requirements of library design. Special features such as RFID, signage, acoustics or specific structural load issues are explained in texts by experts from the fields of architecture and library science. Finally, approximately 40 best-practice case studies of contemporary library design are documented extensively. They are organized in four categories – national libraries, large public libraries, small public libraries, university libraries – and comprise high-profile examples such as Jo Coenen’s Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, Alvaro Siza’s Public Library Viana do Castelo in Portugal or Mecanoo’s Library of Birmingham from 2013.