Search results for ""Author Osho""
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Jenseits der Grenzen des Verstandes Das Mrchen von der Psychologie
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Tantra Spiritualitt und Sex
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Freiheit Der Mut Du selbst zu sein
Jaico Publishing House The Supreme Doctrine: Talks on the Kenopanishad
Full Circle Publishing Ltd Meditation the Only Way
Watkins Media When the Shoe Fits
The powerful combination of the perennial wisdom of Tao and Osho''s insightful and inspirational interpretation makes this a true gem of a book - which will appeal not only to Osho''s numerous followers, but also to the increasing number of people who are interested in the wisdom of Tao. Although previously little known, this is one of Osho''s classics. He brings his unique perception to the world of Tao, and offers his penetrating and illuminating comments on these original sutras. As always, his inspirational anecdotes and stories illustrate the points he makes - about the spiritual search, love, acceptance and true peace and happiness. With wonderfully irreverent humour, Osho sets out to pierce our disguises, shatter our illusions, cure our addictions and demonstrate the self-limiting and often tragic folly of taking ourselves too seriously.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El hombre que amaba las gaviotas / The Man Who Loved Seagulls : Essential Life Lessons from the World's Greatest Wisdom Traditions
Osho International Life Is a Soap Bubble: 100 Ways to Look at Life
Mystics don't usually write books; they speak and work directly with people in a transformational way. Life Is a Soap Bubble is among the few written statements available from enlightened masters or mystics. Lao Tzu's statements of the Tao Te Ching came into being only at the end of his life. In the same way, Osho's books are transcriptions of his daily talks. This book is a precious collection of 100 letters written by Osho and mailed to a Yoga Sohan at her meditation camp. Osho promised her that he would send her a letter every day and that she should keep them so they could be published one day. This collection of thoughts provides an essential road map to those who feel that there must be something more to life and are ready to explore other dimensions of being. These short passages are full of diverse, pertinent gems that will touch the heart.
St Martin's Press Meditation: The First and Last Freedom
For decades Meditation: The First and Last Freedom has been the essential guide to meditation and Osho meditation techniques. Developed specifically for a contemporary audience, this foundational guide shows that meditation need not be a specific "spiritual discipline" that is set apart from the real world. Rather, in essence, it is simply the art of becoming aware of what is going on inside and around us and developing the capacity to respond creatively to whatever comes our way. As we acquire the knack, meditation can be our companion wherever we are - at work, at play, at rest. This newly revised edition includes: - New meditations for daily practice, including many that can be seamlessly integrated into the activities of everyday life. - Updated presentations of the classic Osho Active Meditations, gathered together in one volume for the first time in print. - Detailed instructions for each method, many with links to online tutorials and specific music composed to support each technique. - Vital active physical meditations such as the Osho Dynamic Meditation and Osho Kundalini Meditation. - Meditation techniques suitable for children. Whether you are an experienced meditator, a beginner, or just curious about meditation's benefits, an introvert or extrovert, an intellectual or emotional type, this comprehensive guide offers a method uniquely suited to you, and the support you need to experiment with it. When mind knows, we call it knowledge. When heart knows, we call it love. And when being knows, we call it meditation. - Osho
St Martin's Press Happiness: The Only True Prosperity
The popular Insights for a New Way of Living challenges readers to examine and break free of the conditioned belief systems and the prejudices that limit their capacity to live life in all its richness. The books shine light on beliefs and attitudes that prevent individuals from being their true selves. The text is an artful mix of compassion and humour, and readers are encouraged to confront what they would most like to avoid, which in turn provides the key to true insight and power.
St Martin's Press Forgiveness: The Strength Lies in Anger
The popular Insights for a New Way of Living challenges readers to examine and break free of the conditioned belief systems and the prejudices that limit their capacity to live life in all its richness. The books shine light on beliefs and attitudes that prevent individuals from being their true selves. The text is an artful mix of compassion and humour, and readers are encouraged to confront what they would most like to avoid, which in turn provides the key to true insight and power.
Osho International The Path of Love: Understanding that Nothing is Perfect in Life
Kabir is a 15th-century Indian mystic. Born a lower-caste weaver, Kabir opposed superstition, empty ritualism and bigotry. His teachings include scathing attacks against Brahmanical pride, caste prejudice and the very concept of untouchability, as well as exposing the dogmatism and bigotry he perceived around him. Unusually, even for his time, he was embraced by disciples who had been raised in both Hindu and Muslim traditions, who saw in him the embodiment of a life-affirmative approach that transcended the narrow dogmas that divide people and set them against one another. Here, Osho introduces readers to this extraordinary mystic and his songs, bringing both to light in such a way as to show how they are both timeless and utterly relevant to our time. The path of love as described by Osho, and though the songs of Kabir, is a journey that seeks out and celebrates the divine that is hidden in the ordinary, the love that becomes not just a feeling one has, but ultimately a state of being that one is.
St Martin's Press Maturity
In a culture infatuated with youth and determined to avoid old age at all costs, this book dares to raise a question that has been all but forgotten in the age of Viagra and cosmetic surgery. What benefits might lie in accepting the aging process as natural, rather than trying to hold on to youth and its pleasures all the way to the grave?Osho takes us back to the roots of what it means to grow up rather than just to grow old. Both in our relationships with others, and in the fulfillment of our own individual destinies, he reminds us of the pleasures that only true maturity can bring. He outlines the ten major growth cycles in human life, from the self-centered universe of the preschooler to the flowering of wisdom and compassion in old age.Osho's sly sense of humor runs like a red thread through the book, along with a profound compassion and understanding of how easy it is to be distracted from the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives-which is, ultimately, to flower into our own individual uniqueness and maturity with an attitude of celebration and joy.
Random House USA Inc Emotional Wellness: Transforming Fear, Anger, and Jealousy into Creative Energy
Watkins Media Limited Enlightenment is Your Nature: The Fundamental Difference Between Psychology, Therapy and Meditation
“Enlightenment” in Western cultures has long been associated with the 18th-century movement that brought about a new “age of reason”. As Zen, Buddhism and other Eastern wisdom traditions have captured the imagination of the West, “enlightenment” has come to be known as a specific state of consciousness attained by an individual on a spiritual or meditative path. However, the Judeo-Christian context, with its belief in a divine power “out there” and separate from the individual, hinders most Westerners’ ability to comprehend “enlightenment” in the Eastern sense. Our theistic conditioning leads to such common misunderstandings as perceiving enlightenment as the attainment of supernatural powers, or as something achievable only by those who are somehow “special”. In this work, Osho deconstructs these misunderstandings and offers a radically different view of enlightenment, freed from all spiritual and religious beliefs – including the distortions of asceticism and renunciation that have arisen in Eastern and Western cultures both. Taking the reader step by step through the history of how both East and West have approached the mysteries of the human mind and spirituality, Osho offers a simple science of consciousness that he calls “the psychology of the buddhas”. It is a science that in very clear terms shows how one can, through awareness and taking full responsibility for one’s life, go beyond all limited belief systems, habits, and superstitions of the mind. That process, he says, brings us back to our nature – and that is enlightenment.
Editorial Kairos El Sendero del Zen
Editorial Kairos Silencio: El Mensaje de Tu Ser
Editorial Kairos Meditación Para Gente Ocupada: Consejos Para Acabar Con El Estrés
Editorial Kairós SA El libro del yoga II ms all del espacio el tiempo y el deseo
El yoga es una práctica espiritual concebida para lograr que la mente salga de su ensueño. Es la ciencia que nos enseña a estar en el ?aquí y ahora?. Cuando dejamos de proyectarnos hacia el futuro o de retroceder al pasado, esto es, cuando nos fundamentamos en el eternomomento presente, somos capaces de avanzar hacia nuestro interior y podemos afrontar la realidad tal cual es. Los sutras de Patanjali, transmitidos hace más de dos mil años, describen la esencia del yoga y muestran el potencial transformador y el poder liberador deesta práctica, que nos ayuda a afrontar la realidad tal como es. En El libro del Yoga,Osho nos guía ?con su habitual humor y claridad? a través de los aforismos de Patanjali, que interpreta a la luz de su propia experiencia y su profunda visión de la vida. El conjunto es una obra maestra, en dos volúmenes, indispensable para aquellos embarcados en un camino espiritual de vida.
Gaia Ediciones Meditacin el arte del xtasis sobre la meditacin y las tcnicas de meditacin
En este libro Osho, el conocido místico contemporáneo, profundiza en el tema de la meditación y sugiere diversas técnicas especialmente diseñas y adecuadas para el buscador moderno occidental.A lo largo de la primera parte, Osho nos describe en detalle los fundamentos de la meditación y expone las bases de sus técnicas.En la segunda, el autor responde las preguntas de los asistentes a sus charlas y ahonda en cuestiones como la relación del LSD y las drogas con la meditación, qué es el alma, en qué consiste el ser testigo, la iniciación del Maestro, las manifestaciones del prana en los siete cuerpos y la relación de la kundalini con la energía sexual, entre otras.Por último, la obra describe paso a paso algunas técnicas tradicionales reinventadas por Osho y las instrucciones completas de las cuatro Meditaciones Activas OSHO más populares.
Gaia Ediciones Zen Su historia y ensenanzas Its History and Teachings
El Zen no es una religión, no es un dogma, no es un credo. El Zen ni siquiera es una búsqueda, una indagación; es no-filosófico.El fundamento del planteamiento Zen estriba en que todo es tal como debe ser, no falta nada. En este mismo momento todo es perfecto. El Zen es como un telegrama. Cree en lo más esencial. No permite tonterías a su alrededor, ni rituales, ni cantos, ni mantras, ni escrituras...; tan sólo pequeñas anécdotas. Si tienes la conciencia adecuada, te impactarán directamente en el corazón. Es una enseñanza muy condensada y cristalizada; pero no hace falta que la persona esté preparada para ella. Y la única preparación posible es la conciencia meditativa.Los libros de Zen son muy fragmentarios.Son telegramas: urgentes, inmediatos, no dan ninguna explicación; simpelemente te dan la pura esencia, el perfume de miles de flores. Tienes que estar suficientemente alerta y meditativo para absorberlos. Yo estoy tratando de darle un contexto, el trasfondo adecuado, po
Editorial Kairós SA El libro del yoga I el nacimiento del individuo
El yoga es una práctica espiritual concebida para lograr que la mente salga de su ensueño. Es la ciencia que nos enseña a estar en el ?aquí y ahora?. Cuando dejamos de proyectarnos hacia el futuro o de retroceder al pasado, esto es, cuando nos fundamentamos en el eternomomento presente, somos capaces de avanzar hacia nuestro interior y podemos afrontar la realidad tal cual es. Los sutras de Patanjali, transmitidos hace más de dos mil años, describen la esencia del yoga y muestran el potencial transformador y el poder liberador deesta práctica, que nos ayuda a afrontar la realidad tal como es. En El libro del Yoga,Osho nos guía ?con su habitual humor y claridad? a través de los aforismos de Patanjali, que interpreta a la luz de su propia experiencia y su profunda visión de la vida. El conjunto es una obra maestra, en dos volúmenes, indispensable para aquellos embarcados en un camino espiritual de vida.
Griffin Publishing Fear
In "Fear: Understanding and Accepting the Insecurities of Life", Osho takes the reader step by step over the range of what makes human beings afraid - from the reflexive "fight or flight" response to physical danger to the rational and irrational fears of the mind and its psychology. Only by bringing the light of understanding into fear's dark corners, he says, airing out closets and opening windows, and looking under the bed to see if a monster is really living there, can we begin to venture outside the boundaries of our comfort zone and learn to live with, and even enjoy, the fundamental insecurity of being alive. "Fear" ends with a series of meditation experiments designed to help readers experience a new relationship with fear and to begin to see fears not as stumbling blocks, but as stepping stones to greater self-awareness and trust.
Griffin Publishing Meditation: A First and Last Freedom
In this essential meditation handbook for the 21st century, Osho turns the traditional notion of meditation practice on its head. Meditation: The First and Last Freedom shows that meditation is not a spiritual discipline separate from everyday life in the real world. In essence, it is simply the art of being aware of what is going on inside and around us. As we acquire the knack, meditation can be our companion wherever we are - at work, at play, or at rest. Meditation contains practical, step-by-step guides to a wide variety of meditation techniques selected by and/or created by Osho, including unique "active meditations" which deal with the special tensions of contemporary life. The book also explores what meditation is and what it isn't - along with preparation tips, and what kinds of obstacles to expect along the way. Readers will also find suggestions for choosing the techniques that are most appropriate for their own lifestyles. Newly revised and resized into a handy portable format, Meditation is the perfect text to begin or continue exploring the joys of meditation.
St Martin's Press Sex Matters
A respected Indian authority on sex presents his theory that pure sex is equivalent to the human life force and deconstructs societal layers of sexual repression and guilt to explain how people can restore sexual functioning to a state of healthy sensuality and self-discovery. Reprint. 10,000 first
Griffin Publishing Intimacy
INTIMACY: "Hit-and-run" relationships are common in a society that has grown more rootless, less tied to traditional family structures, and more accepting of casual sex. But at the same time, there arises an undercurrent of feeling that something is missing - a quality of intimacy. In this gentle and compassionate guide Osho takes the reader step-by-step through what makes people afraid of intimacy, how to encounter those fears and go beyond them, and what they can do to nourish themselves and their relationships to support more openess and trust.
Griffin Publishing Intuition
INTUITION: All people have a natural capacity for intuition, but many times social conditioning and formal education works against it. People are taught to ignore their instincts rather than to understand and use them as a foundation for individual growth and development - and in the process they undermine the very roots of the innate wisdom that is meant to flower into intuition. This book provides many specific exercises and meditations designed to nourish and support each individual's natural intuitive gifts.
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH So weit so gut
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Vertrauen Osho Insights Inspirationen fr dein Leben
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Aus purer Lust am Leben Die Suche nach dem Wahren Guten Schnen
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Empathie
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Auf der Suche ber die Zehn Stiere des Zen
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Vom Stress zur Entspannung
Innenwelt Verlag GmbH Das Hara Buch Zurck zur Quelle der Lebenskraft
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Kinder Sei einfach Du selbst
New Falcon Publications,U.S. Rebellion, Revolution & Religiousness: Meditation Brings Utopia to Earth: 2nd Revised Edition
Random House USA Inc A Course in Meditation: A 21-Day Workout for Your Consciousness
Osho International Dang Dang Doko Dang: The Sound of the Empty Drum
Osho sees Zen not as a historical spiritual tradition, but as the future of a humanity that has matured to the point that people no longer need religions controlled by "priesthoods" and based on fearful superstitions that cripple people's innate intelligence and divide them from one another. This book offers a deeper understanding of the underlying differences between Eastern and Western approaches to religion and the nature of consciousness. It's a beautiful introduction to a world where each individual has the capacity for an instant and profound understanding of existence, and a rebirth of the trust in life that each of us are born with. Dang Dang Doko Dang represents the sound of the drum beaten by a Zen master in an existential lesson for a disciple. As well as symbolizing the poetic quality of Zen, the title represents the special flavor of this collection of Osho's commentaries on well-known Zen stories. This volume is part of the OSHO Classics series and also includes Osho's responses to questions about the meditation technique of Zazen.
Osho International Ah This!: Zen Is Not a Teaching, Zen Is an Alarm to Wake You Up!
The feeling that it is five minutes to midnight is known to many by now, and is often referred to as the "Doomsday Clock." As the many crises faced by humanity and planet Earth gather and tumble toward an emergency, some have even reduced the time left to two and a half minutes. It is no wonder that we feel increasingly helpless and at a loss what to do.Osho calls Zen not a teaching but an alarm to wake us up, because as individuals we are all deeply asleep, and this sleep has to be shattered. “For centuries, you have been asleep. Sleep has become your nature. You have forgotten what awareness is, what to be awake means.” He wants us to wake up…before it is too late.Zen, more than any other religious or spiritual tradition, is relevant to such times as these, when none of our old approaches to solving problems will do. Immediate, urgent, and direct, Zen is not interested in answers or in questions, not interested in teaching at all, because it is not a philosophy. As Osho begins here, by quoting the great Zen master, Diae: “All the teachings of the sages, of the saints, of the masters, have expounded no more than this: they are commentaries on your sudden cry, ‘Ah, This!’”In this series of talks, Osho unfolds a selection of classic Zen stories and responds to questions. Along the way, we learn how the tools of Zen can be used to embrace uncertainty, to be at ease with not-knowing, to act decisively and with clarity and awareness. To "get woke," in other words, so that we can use each moment between now and midnight for transformation.
Osho International On Basic Human Rights: A New Narrative
Osho thrusts his sword into the heart of the matter of what we collectively call "Human Rights." One of the struggles we face as human beings is how to cope with, how to bring light to, how to dissolve the roots of the perverse and incomprehensible horrors -- physical, psychological, spiritual -- that we seem capable of inflicting on one another. What are the roots of wars, of torture, of murder and hatred and our all-too-easy dehumanization of the "other"? He quotes the language of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to expose the hollowness of the words. Why is our human reality on this planet so far off from these beautifully worded declarations? Osho exposes the hypocrisy and the vested interests that underlie the core of that document and so many others like it. But he doesn't stop there. He challenges us to create a new language, a new narrative, a transformative and liberating vision of what it means to treat one another with awareness, with love, and with respect. In our individual lives, as in the lives and generations of our society, there is a revolution, a transformation that happens alongside each change that happens in consciousness -- individual and collective -- as our technology continues to bring us (potentially) all together into a "global village." And alongside it, the change in consciousness that is now required of us, as a common humanity living on a smallish and rather beautiful, sacred planet. To see ourselves as God's creation, if you will. Or Gaia, or whatever term of oneness most appeals to you. This small volume is an opening to the revolution in consciousness that is so urgently needed for our times.
Osho International And the Flowers Showered: The Freudian Couch and Zen
Using eleven Zen stories as a starting point and diving deep into their mysterious world, he then weaves his magical clarity on many diverse contemporary topics. From the true meaning of happiness to an understanding of the process of death, it's all here. To begin reading this book is to commence a journey into the world of wonder. Buddha's disciple Subhuti is showered with blossoms upon experiencing sublime emptiness. But isn't emptiness usually an absence of something? Through his commentary on this seemingly strange tale, Osho illuminates the vast difference between a negative and a sublime emptiness.
Osho International Tao: The State and the Art
In Tao, Osho takes readers on an exciting journey into the world of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Ko Hsuan, and the world of Taoism, one of the four major traditions of China. According to Osho, "Tao is no-method, simple spontaneity — living life according to nature with no fight." The 3000-year-old Taoist message of self-realization comes alive through the stories of these Chinese mystics. Osho describes Tao as "the pathless path" because, he says, it has a different quality, the quality of freedom, anarchy, and chaos.
Osho International Danger: Truth at Work: The Courage to Accept the Unknowable
Danger: Truth at Work goes to the heart of our most fundamental human issues. Why can't we just live happily and be content? While we seem to have all the knowledge we need to solve our problems, we haven't. In this timely book, Osho explains that religious conditioning has held us back. Each chapter covers a different aspect of this conditioning, and, in gentle but persuasive language, shows readers how to transcend it. Individual chapters cover such subjects as The Nuclear Family: The Imminent Meltdown; Pseudo-Religion: The Stick-on Soul; They Say Believe, I Say Explore; and Ecstasy Is Now: Why Wait? and others. The enclosed DVD gives a firsthand experience of the process of spiritual renewal, which Osho calls a "dry cleaning of the mind." While Osho passed away in 1990, he left a rich legacy of video recordings that form the basis of this important book and video.
Osho International The Colors of Your Life: A Meditative and Transformative Coloring Book
This coloring book features 77 mystical images originally created by Deva Padma for the OSHO Zen Tarot-The Transcendental Game of Zen, which became a bestseller in the tarot world and made these images famous in the world of meditation. We are not only coloring these images but encouraged to reflect on the colors we give to our lives -- to all aspects, not only the 'easy' and 'positive' aspects represented here by images such as 'Playfulness', 'Courage', 'Celebration', 'Creativity and others. We also learn how to literally and metaphorically find colors for aspects we might not value so much, such as the images representing 'Aloneness', 'Guilt', 'The Burden', 'Stress', 'Exhaustion', 'Sorrow' and more. Adding our own colors to all of these aspects thus becomes an invaluable enrichment to our understanding of ourselves and who we are. Those aspects we like or value as 'positive' become more individualized, and the aspects that we label negative, we learn to integrate and to recognize as experiences and expressions of ourselves that have their own place, their own lessons to teach us.
Editorial Kairos El Sendero del Yoga