Search results for ""Author NELSON""
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Ways of Worldmaking
Required reading at more than 100 colleges and universities throughout North America.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Languages of Art: An Approach to a Theory of Symbols
"Like Dewey, he has revolted against the empiricist dogma and the Kantian dualisms which have compartmentalized philosophical thought. . . . Unlike Dewey, he has provided detailed incisive argumentation, and has shown just where the dogmas and dualisms break down." --Richard Rorty, The Yale Review
Nova Science Publishers Inc Insurance Regulation: Background & Issues
Nova Science Publishers Inc Why 40%-80% of Chronic Pain Patients Are Misdiagnosed & How to Correct That
Brepols N.V. Jacob Jordaens
Berrett-Koehler The Transformational Consumer: Fuel a Lifelong Love Affair with Your Customers by Helping Them Get Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser
Berrett-Koehler Self-Governance in Communities and Families
InterVarsity Press Mission
MP-KST Kent State Uni OSS Against the Reich The World War II Diaries of Colonel David K.E. Bruce
The previously unpublished World War II diaries of Colonel David K.E. Bruce, London branch chief of America's first secret intelligence agency, as he observed the war against Hitler. The entries include eyewitness accounts of D-Day, the rocket attacks on England, and the liberation of Paris.
Duke University Press Against War: Views from the Underside of Modernity
Nelson Maldonado-Torres argues that European modernity has become inextricable from the experience of the warrior and conqueror. In Against War, he develops a powerful critique of modernity, and he offers a critical response combining ethics, political theory, and ideas rooted in Christian and Jewish thought. Maldonado-Torres focuses on the perspectives of those who inhabit the underside of western modernity, particularly Jewish, black, and Latin American theorists. He analyzes the works of the Jewish Lithuanian-French philosopher and religious thinker Emmanuel Levinas, the Martiniquean psychiatrist and political thinker Frantz Fanon, and the Catholic Argentinean-Mexican philosopher, historian, and theologian Enrique Dussel.Considering Levinas’s critique of French liberalism and Nazi racial politics, and the links between them, Maldonado-Torres identifies a “master morality” of dominion and control at the heart of western modernity. This master morality constitutes the center of a warring paradigm that inspires and legitimizes racial policies, imperial projects, and wars of invasion. Maldonado-Torres refines the description of modernity’s war paradigm and the Levinasian critique through Fanon’s phenomenology of the colonized and racial self and the politics of decolonization, which he reinterprets in light of the Levinasian conception of ethics. Drawing on Dussel’s genealogy of the modern imperial and warring self, Maldonado-Torres theorizes race as the naturalization of war’s death ethic. He offers decolonial ethics and politics as an antidote to modernity’s master morality and the paradigm of war. Against War advances the de-colonial turn, showing how theory and ethics cannot be conceived without politics, and how they all need to be oriented by the imperative of decolonization in the modern/colonial and postmodern world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Differential Equations
An accessible, practical introduction to the principles of differential equations The field of differential equations is a keystone of scientific knowledge today, with broad applications in mathematics, engineering, physics, and other scientific fields. Encompassing both basic concepts and advanced results, Principles of Differential Equations is the definitive, hands-on introduction professionals and students need in order to gain a strong knowledge base applicable to the many different subfields of differential equations and dynamical systems. Nelson Markley includes essential background from analysis and linear algebra, in a unified approach to ordinary differential equations that underscores how key theoretical ingredients interconnect. Opening with basic existence and uniqueness results, Principles of Differential Equations systematically illuminates the theory, progressing through linear systems to stable manifolds and bifurcation theory. Other vital topics covered include: Basic dynamical systems concepts Constant coefficients Stability The Poincaré return map Smooth vector fields As a comprehensive resource with complete proofs and more than 200 exercises, Principles of Differential Equations is the ideal self-study reference for professionals, and an effective introduction and tutorial for students.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Zero Pollution for Industry: Waste Minimization Through Industrial Complexes
A visionary approach to eliminating industrial waste streams . .. Here is a revolutionary solution to problems of industrial wastemanagement by creating a system of environmentally balanced"industrial complexes" in which groups of industrial plants consumeeach other's waste--not only benefiting the environment, but alsosignificantly reducing production costs. Providing a clear introduction to this novel approach, ZeroPollution for Industry goes right to the heart of whatenvironmental scientists, engineers, and administrators grapplewith these days. It takes pollution prevention to the next level,past current reduction and reuse methods, and anticipatesgovernment regulations and societal trends that would factorenvironmental damage into production costs. Also suitable as a companion volume for traditional industrialwaste management texts at the graduate level, thisthought-provoking book: * Covers hot new material under consideration by professionals andpolicymakers, including the EPA and the NSF * Discusses the basics of waste minimization and waste reuse aswell as zero-pollution industrial complexing * Presents detailed examples of how complexes in differentindustries could be structured * Describes how to change industrial plant design practices toprevent pollution * Teaches innovative production techniques for environmentalprotection to future engineers and administrators * Shows how to plan for a pollution-free environment from anadministrative point of view Concise and uncluttered, this book is an eye-opener for anyone whowould like to work toward a world free of industrial pollution inour fragile environment.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Topological Groups: An Introduction
A user-friendly introduction to metric and topological groups Topological Groups: An Introduction provides a self-contained presentation with an emphasis on important families of topological groups. The book uniquely provides a modern and balanced presentation by using metric groups to present a substantive introduction to topics such as duality, while also shedding light on more general results for topological groups. Filling the need for a broad and accessible introduction to the subject, the book begins with coverage of groups, metric spaces, and topological spaces before introducing topological groups. Since linear spaces, algebras, norms, and determinants are necessary tools for studying topological groups, their basic properties are developed in subsequent chapters. For concreteness, product topologies, quotient topologies, and compact-open topologies are first introduced as metric spaces before their open sets are characterized by topological properties. These metrics, along with invariant metrics, act as excellent stepping stones to the subsequent discussions of the following topics: Matrix groups Connectednesss of topological groups Compact groups Character groups Exercises found throughout the book are designed so both novice and advanced readers will be able to work out solutions and move forward at their desired pace. All chapters include a variety of calculations, remarks, and elementary results, which are incorporated into the various examples and exercises. Topological Groups: An Introduction is an excellent book for advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses on the topic. The book also serves as a valuable resource for professionals working in the fields of mathematics, science, engineering, and physics.
Little, Brown & Company The General's Daughter
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Classical Logic and Its Rabbit-Holes: A First Course
Many students ask, 'What is the point of learning formal logic?' This book gives them the answer. Using the methods of deductive logic, Nelson Lande introduces each new element in exquisite detail, as he takes students through example after example, proof after proof, explaining the thinking behind each concept. Shaded areas and appendices throughout the book provide explanations and justifications that go beyond the main text, challenging those students who wish to delve deeper, and giving instructors the option of confining their course to the basics, or expanding it, when they wish, to more rigorous levels. Lande encourages students to think for themselves, while at the same time providing them with the level of explanation they need to succeed. It is a rigorous approach presented in a style that is informal, engaging, and accessible. Students will come away with a solid understanding of formal logic and why it is not only important, but also interesting and sometimes even fun. It is a text that brings the human element back into the teaching of logic. --Hans Halvorson, Princeton University
Grand Central Publishing The Gold Coast
Grand Central Publishing The Gate House
Simon & Schuster The Maze
Little, Brown & Company The Talbot Odyssey
Little, Brown & Company The Lion
Grand Central Publishing The Panther
Arcadia Publishing Roanoke Valley Then Now Arcadia
Arcadia Publishing Downtown Roanoke
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc A Walk on the Wild Side
Knecht Verlag Kulinarische Chemie. Experimente zum Aufessen
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Gutes Essen
Dorling Kindersley Verlag fter vegetarisch Echter Geschmack fr TeilzeitVegetarier
Akashic Books,U.S. The Plot Against Hip Hop: A D Hunter Mystery
Grand Central Publishing The Charm School
Little, Brown & Company The Lion's Game
University of Illinois Press A Contest of Ideas: Capital, Politics and Labor
For more than thirty years Nelson Lichtenstein has deployed his scholarship--on labor, politics, and social thought--to chart the history and prospects of a progressive America. A Contest of Ideas collects and updates many of Lichtenstein's most provocative and controversial essays and reviews. These incisive writings link the fate of the labor movement to the transformations in the shape of world capitalism, to the rise of the civil rights movement, and to the activists and intellectuals who have played such important roles. Tracing broad patterns of political thought, Lichtenstein offers important perspectives on the relationship of labor and the state, the tensions that sometimes exist between a culture of rights and the idea of solidarity, and the rise of conservatism in politics, law, and intellectual life. The volume closes with portraits of five activist intellectuals whose work has been vital to the conflicts that engage the labor movement, public policy, and political culture.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Algren At Sea: Notes from A Seas Diary & Algren at Sea - The Travel Writings
Akashic Books,U.S. The Darkest Hearts: A D Hunter Mystery
University of Toronto Press 1950s Canada: Politics and Public Affairs
While the 1950s in Canada were years of social conformity, it was also a time of political, economic, and technological change. Against a background of growing prosperity, federal and provincial politics became increasingly competitive, intergovernmental relations became more contentious, and Canada’s presence in the world expanded. The life expectancy of Canadians increased as the social pathologies of poverty, crime, and racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination were in retreat. 1950s Canada illuminates the fault lines around which Canadian politics and public affairs have revolved. Chronicling the themes and events of Canadian politics and public affairs during the 1950s, Nelson Wiseman reviews social, economic, and cultural developments during each year of the decade, focusing on developments in federal politics, intergovernmental relations, provincial affairs, and Canada’s role in the world. The book examines Canada’s subordinate relationship first with Britain and then the United States, the interplay between Quebec’s distinct society and the rest of Canada, and the regional tensions between the inner Canada of Ontario and Quebec and the outer Canada of the Atlantic and western provinces. Through this record of major events in the politics of the decade, 1950s Canada sheds light on the rapid altering of the fabric of Canadian life.
Little, Brown Book Group Plum Island: Number 1 in series
'...a page turning, high octane novel that's firing on all cylinders,' - EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS'...a good old-fashioned murder mystery which keeps you enthralled till the very last page.' - YORKSHIP EVENING PRESSNYPD homicide detective John Corey has moved to Long Island, restlessly recuperating from wounds received in the line of duty when he's hired to consult on the murder of Tom and Judy Gordon, biologists who worked on Plum Island, the site of animal disease research for the Department of Agriculture. Were the Gordons murdered because they'd stolen some valuable new vaccine, or even a dreaded virus? They'd obviously outspent their income. Had they been running drugs? Corey doesn't think so, although an ice-chest missing from their home points to something forbidden. He teams up with Beth Penrose, detective, working her first homicide & their visit to Plum Island reveals only that the FBI & CIA have sanitised the place.Then Corey falls in with Emma Whitehouse, an expert on Captain Kidd's lost treasure which is thought to be buried nearby... PLUM ISLAND is a thrilling novel from an author of consummate page-turning skill.This is the title that knocked John Grisham off the top of the US bestseller lists and held the No.1 spot for five weeks.
Avalon Publishing Group Guerra Contra Todos los Puertorriqueños: Revolución y Terror en la Colonia Americana
Prepárese para ser enfurecido. Una lectura obligada y reveladora." ,Robert Domínguez, New York Daily News En 1950, después de cincuenta años de ocupación militar y gobierno colonial, el Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico montó una fallida revolución armada contra Estados Unidos. La violencia arraso con la isla: comandos nacionalistas fueron enviados a Washington a ajusticiar al presidente Harry Truman, se desataron tiroteos en ocho municipios, se incendiaron cuarteles policiacos y oficinas de correo. Para sofocar esta insurrección, el Ejército de Estados Unidos desplegó miles de tropas y ametralló dos pueblos desde el aire, marcando la primera vez en su historia que el gobierno estadounidense atacó de esta forma a sus propios ciudadanos.Por medio de narraciones orales, entrevistas personales, relatos de testigos oculares, testimonios del Congreso de Estados Unidos y archivos recientemente liberados al público por el FBI, Guerra Contra Todos los Puertorriqueños nos relata la historia de una revolución olvidada y su contexto en la historia grande de Puerto Rico, desde la invasión estadounidense de 1898 hasta la lucha actual por la plena autodeterminación de los puertorriqueños.
Temple University Press,U.S. Not from Here, Not from There/No Soy de Aquí ni de Allá: The Autobiography of Nelson Díaz
Raised in the squalor of a New York tenement until he was 10 years old, Nelson Díaz saw his life change when his family moved to a brand-new high-rise project in West Harlem in the 1950s. That experience, along with lessons learned as the only Latino law student at Temple University, would drive him throughout his life as a lawyer and activist, fighting for the expansion of rights for all Americans. “No soy de aquí ni de allá” is a mantra for Puerto Ricans who feel like foreigners wherever they are and who seek a place for themselves. In his inspiring autobiography, Not from Here, Not from There, Díaz tells the story of his struggles and triumphs as his perspective widened from the New York streets and law school classrooms to the halls of power in Philadelphia and Washington, DC. Whether as a leader in economic development, a pioneer in court reform, or a champion of fair housing, Díaz has never stopped advocating for others. Díaz was happy to be the first Latino to “do something,” but he never wanted to be the last. This story of an outsider who worked his way to the inside offers powerful lessons on finding a place in the world by creating spaces where everyone is welcome.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Creating 21st Century Medical Devices: Development Needs & Issues
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Classical Logic and Its Rabbit-Holes: A First Course
Many students ask, 'What is the point of learning formal logic?' This book gives them the answer. Using the methods of deductive logic, Nelson Lande introduces each new element in exquisite detail, as he takes students through example after example, proof after proof, explaining the thinking behind each concept. Shaded areas and appendices throughout the book provide explanations and justifications that go beyond the main text, challenging those students who wish to delve deeper, and giving instructors the option of confining their course to the basics, or expanding it, when they wish, to more rigorous levels. Lande encourages students to think for themselves, while at the same time providing them with the level of explanation they need to succeed. It is a rigorous approach presented in a style that is informal, engaging, and accessible. Students will come away with a solid understanding of formal logic and why it is not only important, but also interesting and sometimes even fun. It is a text that brings the human element back into the teaching of logic. --Hans Halvorson, Princeton University
Nova Science Publishers Inc New Developments in Birth Defects Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Beef: Production and Management Practices
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Structure de l'Apparence
Simon & Schuster The Maze
Capstone Press The Emancipation Proclamation: Asking Tough Questions
Little, Brown & Company The Talbot Odyssey