Search results for ""Author JANA""
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Kolleg Politik u. Wirt. NI Qualiphase 13 neu
Goldmann Verlag Aus dem Bauch heraus
Knaur Taschenbuch In Liebe für immer
Arena Verlag GmbH The Ruby Circle 2. All unsere Lügen
Arena Verlag GmbH Pony Jamie Einfach heldenhaft 2. Agent Null Null Möhre ermittelt
Bod Third Party Titles Emotional Design im eLearning. Zur lernförderlichen Gestaltung von multimedialen Lernumgebungen
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 4 Schuljahr Sd Arbeitsheft
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde Sd 4 Schuljahr Schlerbuch mit Kartonbeilagen
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 4 Schuljahr Nord Schlerbuch mit Kartonbeilagen
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 3 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft Nord
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 4 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit Lernstandsseiten Nord Berlin Brandenburg MecklenburgVorpommern SachsenAnhalt
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Umweltfreunde 3 Schuljahr Sachsen Arbeitsheft Mit Wegweiser Arbeitstechniken
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools
This edited collection occupies a unique position as the first book to explore teacher leadership within the context of professional development schools (PDSs) and other school-university partnerships in the United States. In today's educational climate of data, differentiation, and accountability, teacher leadership is essential. Professional development schools and other school-university partnerships support teacher leader development by prioritizing teacher learning, modeling best practices, encouraging instructional innovations, and pursuing educational research and other scholarly work. Because PDSs and other school-university partnerships offer distinctive occasions for teachers to engage in leadership roles and responsibilities, a closer look at teacher leadership within these contexts provides a valuable opportunity for the instruction and inspiration of all educators. Written for aspiring teacher leaders as well as for those who teach, research, serve, supervise, and lead in PDSs and other school-university partnerships, Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools will immerse readers in deep exploration of teacher leadership across three broad areas: Teacher Leadership and Student Learning; Definitions, Structures, and Cultures that Promote Teacher Leadership; and Teacher Leader Preparation and Development. Following a thought-provoking foreword and two introductory chapters, each of the book's three sections features three to four research-based chapters, written by higher education faculty and practicing P-12 teachers and administrators; a scholarly synthesis chapter, written by a known expert in the field; and three to four teacher leader reflections, written by aspiring, developing, and veteran teacher leaders from across the United States.
Familius LLC Happiful: 100 Uplifting Illustrations for Your Journey to Joy
Take a journey with Jana Rushforth, illustrator behind the Instagram phenomenon @wordfindersclub. Hike through the lakes and mountains of the mind to discover your inner strength and your capacity for growth. This chunky mini book is the perfect gift for anyone on a quest for joy.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Animal Rescue Friends
Bell, Maddie, and the whole ARF crew are back with a brand-new collection of stories for animal lovers in Book 4 of this popular series!When ARF is flooded with requests for pet-care advice, the kids come up with a great idea to reach lots of people at once: They’ll start an animal-care podcast! But when the hard work of creating a podcast leads to lots of new and exciting opportunities outside the rescue, the gang finds itself pulled in different directions. The kids tackle big changes—to their friendships, to themselves, and even to ARF itself—in these stories about friendship, responsibility, and cooperation.
Sidestone Press Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in Monjukli Depe: Eine Analyse des sozialen Zusammenlebens in einer neolithisch-äneolithischen Siedlung in Turkmenistan
Wie gestaltete sich das soziale Zusammenleben zwischen Menschen und nichtmenschlichen Arten als eine eng verwobene Gemeinschaft in prähistorischer Zeit? In verschiedensten Disziplinen der Geistes-, Sozial- und Lebenswissenschaften werden verstärkt gesellschaftliche Grundannahmen über nichtmenschliche Arten hinterfragt. Die aus dieser Wende entstandenen neuen Fragestellungen verbreiten sich auch in der Archäologie. Archäolog*innen haben begonnen, traditionelle Ansätze zu überdenken, um Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und (anderen) Tieren in all ihrer Diversität zu erforschen. Im Zuge dieses Perspektivwechsels in der Erforschung von Mensch-Tier-Verhältnissen intensiviert sich auch die Auseinandersetzung mit sozialen, politischen und ideologischen Dimensionen verschiedener Lebensweisen in frühen Gesellschaften. Wir erkennen zunehmend, welche zentrale Rolle Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen bei der Gestaltung und Konstruktion auch prähistorischer Gesellschaften eingenommen haben.In diesem Band wird das gängige archäologische Narrativ von Tieren als passiver, ausbeutbarer Nahrungsressource in Frage gestellt. Damit zeichnet das Buch ein komplexes Bild prähistorischer Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse. Es legt eine multiperspektivische Studie zu soziokulturellen Praktiken und Vorstellungen damaliger Menschen anhand der spätneolithischen (ca. 6200-5600 v.u.Z) und frühäneolithischen (ca. 4800-4350 v.u.Z.) Siedlung Monjukli Depe im heutigen Turkmenistan vor, die sich von gegenwärtigen westlichen Kategorisierungsformen der Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und Tieren deutlich unterscheiden. Auf Basis einer umfangreichen Sammlung von rund 53.000 Tierknochen aus den Ausgrabungen in Monjukli Depe verfolge ich als analytischen Untersuchungsrahmen einen integrativen Ansatz, der 1.) die archäozoologische Untersuchung der faunalen Überreste, 2.) die Analyse der zoomorphen Repräsentationen als miniaturisierte Tonobjekte sowie 3.) Multi-Isotopenanalysen am ausgewählten Skelettmaterial kombiniert.Das Werk zeigt Wege auf, natur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Sichtweisen in einem analytischen Spektrum an Methoden so zu integrieren, dass Interspezies-Relationen in vergangenen Gemeinschaften holistischer und damit realistischer als bislang rekonstruiert werden können. Die Neubetrachtung der Gemeinschaft als Interspezies-Gebilde stellt den innovativen Ansatz schließlich in einen gesellschaftspolitischen Rahmen. Der Band bietet damit auch einen Referenzrahmen für multiperspektivisch ausgerichtete Untersuchungen von Interspezies-Relationen.English AbstractHow did the social coexistence of humans and non-human species contribute to the formation of interwoven communities in prehistoric times? In various disciplines in the humanities, social and life sciences, assumptions regarding non-human species in societal contexts are coming increasingly under scrutiny. The new questions arising therefrom are spreading into archaeology, where scholars have started to rethink traditional approaches and explore practices, interactions, and relationships between humans and (other) animals. As part of this shift in perspective, more attention is being paid to social, political, and ideological dimensions of lifeways in early societies. With it comes a growing recognition that human-animal relationships occupied a central place in shaping and constructing societies throughout human history.This book presents a multi-perspectival study of socio-cultural practices and conceptions of the people who lived in the prehistoric settlement of Monjukli Depe (Turkmenistan). These differ significantly from contemporary Western categorizations of human-animal relations. Based on a collection of over 50,000 animal remains from the excavations at Monjukli Depe, I pursue an integrative approach that includes 1) zooarchaeological studies of faunal remains, 2) analyses of zoomorphic representations in the form of miniaturized clay objects, and 3) multi-isotopic analyses of selected skeletal material.I suggest ways to integrate scientific and socio-cultural perspectives into an analytical spectrum of methods, enabling interspecies relations in past communities to be reconstructed more holistically and thereby more realistically than has previously been the case. The volume provides a work for future investigations of interspecies relations in other geographic and temporal contexts.
Colour throughout
Thinkers Publishing Improve Your Life By Playing A Game: Learn how to turn your life activities into lifelong skills
This book is partly designed as an autobiographical experience focusing on the processes that arise in the life of a chess player that have be translated into everyday life. In part, the book incorporates psychological theories that generally explain these processes, but overall it can be seen as a guide on how to use any activity to learn skills that will enrich your life. There are several activities in life which can be seen in the same way if we know where and how to exploit the opportunities. The truth is that all aspirations are interconnected when we keep an eye on the thematic links. I believe that this book will give you a new insight into how any ability can be transferred from a particular activity to the universal wisdom of life. It will awaken your networking skills and teach you how to turn life activities into lifelong skills that will improve your well-being. The course of the book follows the typical process of playing chess, starting with training, followed by the tournament situation, the course of the game, the time after the game and the tournament. Since I am not a poet, I have often borrowed some quotations from famous, imaginative and clever people from all over the world. I believe that these valuable thoughts have enriched the book. One thing I ask you to do while reading this book is to open your mind and enjoy the inner journey. So let us go and try to become aware of the processes behind our life activities. Let us find out what and why we do what we do in our daily lives.
University of California Press Decoding Albanian Organized Crime: Culture, Politics, and Globalization
The expansion of organized crime across national borders has become a key security concern for the international community. In this theoretically and empirically vibrant portrait of a global phenomenon, Jana Arsovska examines some of the most widespread myths about the so-called Albanian Mafia. Based on more than a decade of research, including interviews with victims, offenders, and law enforcement across ten countries, as well as court files and confidential intelligence reports, Decoding Albanian Organized Crime presents a comprehensive overview of the causes, codes of conduct, activities, migration, and structure of Albanian organized crime groups in the Balkans, Western Europe, and the United States. Paying particular attention to the dynamic relationships among culture, politics, and organized crime, the book develops a framework for understanding the global growth of the criminal underworld and provides a model for future comparative research.
Brill U Schoningh Kreativitat Fur Die Wissenschaft: Wie Sie Kreative Methoden in Forschung Und Lehre Einsetzen
Hachette Children's Group What would you do Fairness
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Thankful for...
Interlink Books The Ninety-Ninth Floor
MWV Medizinisch Wiss. Ver Toolbook ÄrztinArzt
University of California Press In Camps: Vietnamese Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Repatriates
Robert Ferrell Book Prize Honorable Mention 2021, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Book Award for Outstanding Achievement in History Honorable Mention 2022, Association for Asian American StudiesAfter the US war in Vietnam, close to 800,000 Vietnamese left the country by boat, survived, and sought refuge throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific. This is the story of what happened in the camps. In Camps raises key questions that remain all too relevant today: Who is a refugee? Who determines this status? And how does it change over time? From Guam to Malaysia and the Philippines to Hong Kong, In Camps is the first major work on Vietnamese refugee policy to pay close attention to host territories and to explore Vietnamese activism in the camps and the diaspora. This book explains how Vietnamese were transformed from de facto refugees to individual asylum seekers to repatriates. Ambitiously covering people on the ground—local governments, teachers, and corrections officers—as well as powerful players such as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the US government, Jana Lipman shows that the local politics of first asylum sites often drove international refugee policy. Unsettling most accounts of Southeast Asian migration to the US, In Camps instead emphasizes the contingencies inherent in refugee policy and experiences.
Adams Media Corporation How to Kill an Earworm: And 500+ Other Psychology Facts You Need to Know
Discover why you were always afraid of a monster under your childhood bed, why people truly believe in their “lucky” lotto numbers, and more with hundreds of quick facts, research-based explanations, and challenging quiz questions on everything from the psychology of our ancient ancestors to the dark side of the world of psychology.Did you know: -The fear of losing your cell phone is real…and there’s even a name for it. -The way you kiss might actually be based in science? -That gaslighting actually has a psychological “cousin” known as “moonwalking”? Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, which means there’s a lot of ground to cover. But this isn’t your average “intro to psychology” book. Instead, How to Kill an Earworm is here to help you learn those little-known trivia facts you really want to know. This must-have guide features hundreds of fun facts and challenging quiz questions about psychology, covering everything from influential historical figures who impacted the study of psychology as we know it today to learning psychological principles you might not realize are at work right now in your everyday life. Did you know about the dark side of daylight savings time? What about the way kids’ cereal boxes are intentionally designed to manipulate the child’s emotions? From “zombie behaviors” to the “doorway effect”, it’s time to dive into over 500 psychological facts you definitely didn’t know before picking up this book!
Myers Education Press California Foundations of Education: Educational Development within a Diverse Social History
Torrey House Press The Ordinary Truth
Allen & Unwin Plot Twist
A candid field guide to growing through grief and navigating change when life takes an unexpected turn, from an expert therapist and the host of The Curious Life podcast
Pelican Publishing Co Lucky O'Leprechaun in School
Random House USA Inc The After Party: Poems
Red Wheel/Weiser The Tarot Book: Basic Instruction for Reading Cards
Kohl Verlag Escape Room Feeling im Klassenzimmer
Kohl Verlag PICOPiccolino Klasse 2
Second Chances Verlag Weg vom Schuss
Murmann Publishers Digital. Kriminell. Menschlich.
Militzke Verlag GmbH Religionen unserer Welt Arbeitsheft Ihre Bedeutung in Geschichte Kultur und Alltag
OTB Oetinger Taschenbuch Unvergleichlich Du Wie du deine beste Freundin bleibst
OTB Oetinger Taschenbuch Unvergleichlich Du Wie du deine beste Freundin wirst
Mairdumont MARCO POLO InsiderTrips Harz
Juventa Verlag GmbH Leitung Führung und Management in der Sozialen Arbeit
Frech Verlag GmbH Kunterbunte Wollowbies
G&G Verlagsges. Was tummelt sich am Teich
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont Wanderzeit im Harz