Search results for ""Author Ina""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Industrial Psychology Research Trends
Little, Brown & Company The Abandoned Empress, Vol. 5 (comic)
Dame Monique has a nice ring to it! Aristia carries out her knightly duties with pride and purpose. She's ready to finally move on from the past, but new battles await in the present. Malicious rumors and political intrigue threaten to drag her through the mud, but thankfully, she's not alone this time!
Little, Brown & Company The Abandoned Empress, Vol. 4 (comic)
Out in the peaceful countryside, far away from the painful memories of the Imperial Capital, Aristia hopes to recuperate and focus on her sword training. However, she soon finds out the hard way that it’s not so easy to escape fate. As Ruveliss’s unexpected visit rekindles the deep-seated trauma in her heart, can Tia find the strength cut a new path for herself?
Wienand Verlag & Medien James Ensor
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Importing the American Way of War?: Network-Centric Warfare in the UK and Germany
Abrams Body Type
Body Type is an eye-opening look into the amazingly creative ways that tattoo artists are utilizing typography. Whereas the majority of tattoo art uses images to convey messages, here the message actually is the image. Twenty-six alphabetical characters might not seem like much to work with, but a look through these photographs reveals the contrary. Here are truly unique social commentaries, expressions of love, hilarious examples of biting satire, plus some mottos, intricate logotypes, deeply personal song lyrics, and, of course, those tattoos that exist for one reason only: to shock the hell out of you. The crisp photographs are accompanied by an insightful commentary from renowned graphic designer and typographer Ina Saltz, plus consistently surprising and heartfelt explanations from the tattooed.
NOVA MD Locvantos
NOVA MD Allgrizia
Emons Verlag Farina Der Duft von Kln
Buchfink Verlag HANNES Die wahrhaftig unwahre Geschichte des Schinderhannes
Fidibus Verlag Geburtsgeschichten
£17.95 Teamarbeit im Griff
Kwasi Verlag Wie heiraten eigentlich Trockennasenaffen
Redline Was erwartet der Gast von morgen
mareverlag GmbH Das Geheimnis der Schatzinsel Robert Louis Stevenson und die Kokosinsel einem Mythos auf der Spur
Stark Verlag GmbH STARK Arbeitsheft Deutsch Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald
Christophorus Verlag Resteliebe Papier Alles verwenden nichts verschwenden Die besten Ideen aus Papier
Deutscher Apotheker Vlg Medikationsanalyse
Edition Michael Fischer Bastelblock Falten Schneiden fertig Rund ums Jahr
Edition Michael Fischer Mein AdventskalenderBuch DIY Christmas
Emons Verlag Liestaler Gold
Frech Verlag GmbH KreativSet Näh mit Die Kindernähschule
Frech Verlag GmbH Meine Puppenkleidung Kollektion
Frech Verlag GmbH Nähen für die PuppenPrinzessin kreativ.kompakt.
Bod Third Party Titles Wenn Mdchen Mtter werden Hindernisse und Untersttzung fr Teenagermtter
SCHATTAUER Psychologie der Leichtigkeit In fnf Schritten Wahrnehmungsperspektive und Bewusstsein erweitern
Diederichs Eugen Der Riss in der Wand
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Frittenfrettchenfete Die große Sprachspielparty
De Gruyter Das Stundenbuch der Herzogin Philippa von Geldern: Jean Coene IV. und die Buchmalerei in Paris um 1500
A richly illustrated book of hours was produced in the surroundings of the Parisian court at the beginning of the sixteenth century, presumably commissioned by Philippa von Geldern (1467– 1546), Princess of Lower Saxony and later Duchess of Lorraine. Jean Coene IV, one of the few illuminators of the time who is known by name, furnished the unusual work with a completely illustrated calendar and twenty-four — of formerly twenty-seven — large miniatures. The book of hours, which is privately owned, is now being presented to the public in its entirety for the first time — accompanied by an examination of the role of the client and of the classification of Jean Coene IV as an illuminator Roll within the context of Parisian book art around 1500.
Arena Verlag GmbH Eulenzauber. Mein magisches Freundebuch
Arena Verlag GmbH Eulenzauber Weihnachtsband Flora und das Weihnachtswunder
Arena Verlag GmbH Eulenzauber 01 Ein goldenes Geheimnis
Random House USA Inc Modern Comfort
Liferich Oh Well, Maybe Next Time
New Age Books Karmic Facts and Fallacies
Peter Lang AG Die Epiphanie Des Augenblicks: Wahrnehmung Und Projektion Bei Rainer Maria Rilke Und Jens Peter Jacobsen
New Falcon Publications,U.S. Karmic Facts & Fallacies
University of Pennsylvania Museum Textiles from Beneath the Temple of Pachacamac, Peru: A Part of the Uhle Collection
A careful examination of the collection of textiles from this famous Peruvian site. The author examines categories of textiles by their possible use and technique of manufacture, as well as reexamines the field notes of Uhle's expedition. Extensive attention to weaving and sewing techniques. University Museum Monograph, 30
Random House USA Inc Barefoot Contessa at Home: Everyday Recipes You'll Make Over and Over Again: A Cookbook
WW Norton & Co Paris to the Past: Traveling through French History by Train
In one of the most inventive travel books in years, Ina Caro invites readers on twenty-five one-day train trips that depart from Paris and transport us back through seven hundred years of French history. Whether taking us to Orléans to evoke the visions of Joan of Arc or to the Place de la Concorde to witness the beheading of Marie Antoinette, Caro animates history with her lush descriptions of architectural splendors and tales of court intrigue. “[An] enchanting travelogue” (Publishers Weekly), Paris to the Past has become one of the classic guidebooks of our time.
Random House USA Inc Cooking for Jeffrey: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook
Las nietas de Baba
La anciana Baba vive sola en una casita del bosque en lo alto de la montaña. Un día, sin querer, despierta de su profunda siesta al lobo hambriento, el cual la amenaza con comérsela. Para salvarse, Baba le propone un trato: alegando que su vieja carne está dura, lo invita a ir a su casa al anochecer. Allí encontrará a sus tres nietas y podrá elegir a una de ellas.Este cuento popular, protagonizado por la antiquísima figura de Babayaga ?una viejita, una bruja, quizás incluso la madre naturaleza?, viene de Bulgaria. En él, la astucia se enfrenta a la fuerza bruta y el desenlace cobra vida a partir de un delicioso juego lingüístico y metafórico. La ilustradora Ina Hristova ha escrito e ilustrado su particular versión de esta historia, recordando todas las veces que su abuelo se la contó cuando ella era una niña.
transcript Verlag Critical Datafication Literacy
Emons Verlag Verschwunden im Aargau
Arena Verlag GmbH Eulenzauber 08. Ein neuer Freund für Goldwing