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MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebraic Geometry 1 Volume 1
By studying algebraic varieties over a field, this book demonstrates how the notion of schemes is necessary in algebraic geometry. It gives a definition of schemes and describes some of their elementary properties.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras Volume II
Presents an introduction to functional analysis and the initial fundamentals of $C^*$- and von Neumann algebra theory in a form suitable for both intermediate graduate courses and self-study. The authors provide an account of the introductory portions of this important and technically difficult subject.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Value Distribution Theory and Complex Dynamics
Contains papers written by participants of the special session on value distribution theory and complex dynamics held in Hong Kong at the First Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Hong Kong Mathematical Society in December 2000. This book discusses non-Archimedean analogs of Picard's theorems.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Meditationes Algebraicae an English Translation of the Work of Edward Waring
A translation from the Latin of the third and last edition of ""Waring's Meditationes Algebraicae"".
MP-AMM American Mathematical Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics
Presents a detailed study of a class of solvable models in quantum mechanics that describe the motion of a particle in a potential having support at the positions of a discrete (finite or infinite) set of point sources. This title is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in quantum mechanics and Schrodinger operators.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Spectral Theory of NonSelfAdjoint TwoPoint Differential Operators
A monograph that develops the spectral theory of an $n$th order non-self-adjoint two-point differential operator $L$ in the Hilbert space $L^2[0,1]$. It lays the mathematical foundation in the first part, where the spectral theory is developed for closed linear operators and Fredholm operators.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications
The theory of partitions, founded by Euler, has led in a natural way to the idea of basic hypergeometric series, also known as Eulerian series. These series were first studied systematically by Heine, but many early results are attributed to Euler, Gauss, and Jacobi. This book provides a simple approach to basic hypergeometric series.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebra an Elementary TextBook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges Part 2
In addition to the standard topics, this volume includes topics not often found in an algebra book, such as inequalities, and the elements of substitution theory. Especially extensive is Chrystal's treatment of the infinite series, infinite products, and (finite and infinite) continued fractions.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Algebraic and Geometric Theory of Quadratic Forms
Presents a comprehensive study of the algebraic theory of quadratic forms, from classical theory to the developments, including results and proofs. Written from the viewpoint of algebraic geometry, this book includes the theory of quadratic forms over fields of characteristic two, with proofs that are characteristic independent whenever possible.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Thermodynamic Formalism and Holomorphic Dynamical Systems
The laws of thermodynamics happen to be an extremely powerful tool for understanding the objects of holomorphic dynamical systems. This book develops a 'thermodynamic formalism', bringing together notions that are a priori unrelated. It describes this formalism both from the physical and mathematical point of view.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Kvant Selecta
Contains articles published from 1970 to 1990 in the Russian journal, ""Kvant"". This collection represents the Russian tradition of expository mathematical writing. It is designed to be used by students and teachers who love mathematics and want to study its various aspects, thus deepening and expanding the school curriculum.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Generating Functions
Introduces readers to the language of generating functions, which is the main language of enumerative combinatorics. This book starts with definitions, simple properties, and many examples of generating functions. It discusses topics such as formal grammars, generating functions in several variables, and the exclusion-inclusion principle.
MP-AMM American Mathematical HarishChandra Homomorphisms for Padic Groups
Introduces a systematic approach to the construction and analysis of semi simple $p$-adic groups. This book presents an overview of the representation theory of GL$_n$ over finite groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical An Invitation to Operator Theory
Presents a comprehensive exposition of the theory of linear operators on Banach spaces and Banach lattices. This book offers a presentation that includes various developments in operator theory and draws together results that are spread over the vast literature. It contains over 600 exercises to help students master the material developed.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Optimal Control of Distributed Systems
Presents the analysis of optimal control problems for systems described by partial differential equations. This book covers cases where the controlled system corresponds to well-posed or ill-posed boundary value problems, which can be linear or nonlinear.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Best Approximation by Linear Superpositions Approximate Nomography
Deals with problems of approximation of continuous or bounded functions of several variables by linear superposition of functions that are from the same class and have fewer variables.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Special Functions and Linear Representations of Lie Groups
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Ergodic Theory
Based on lectures given by the author at the University of Chicago in 1956, this work covers such topics as recurrence, the ergodic theorems, and a general discussion of ergodicity and mixing properties. It is suitable for use for a one-semester course in ergodic theory or for self-study.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Noncommutative Noetherian Rings
Presents an account of noncommutative Noetherian rings. This book covers the major developments from the 1950s, stemming from Goldie's theorem and onward, including applications to group rings, enveloping algebras of Lie algebras, PI rings, differential operators, and localization theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Geometric Topology Part 2
Covers the proceedings of the 1993 Georgia International Topology Conference held at the University of Georgia during the month of August. This work includes Kirby's problem list, which contains a description of the progress made on each of the problems and includes a bibliography. It is suitable for those interested in the many areas of topology.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Essentials of Brownian Motion and Diffusion
Presents some gratuitous generalities on scientific method as it relates to diffusion theory. This book defines Brownian motion by the characterization of P Levy, and then constructed in three basic ways and these are proved to be equivalent in the appropriate sense.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable
Presents an approach to algebraic geometry of curves that is treated as the theory of algebraic functions on the curve. This book discusses such topics as the theory of divisors on a curve, the Riemann-Roch theorem, $p$-adic completion, and extensions of the fields of functions (covering theory) and of the fields of constants.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematical Developments Arising from Hilbert Problems
In May 1974, the American Mathematical Society sponsored a special symposium on the mathematical consequences of the Hilbert problems, held at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. This title contains the proceedings of that symposium and includes papers corresponding to the invited addresses with one exception.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Gibbs Symposium
Contains the proceedings of a symposium honoring the memory of Josiah Willard Gibbs, one of the giants of theoretical physics. This book provides perspectives on Gibbs, the man, and on the place his work occupies in the history of science.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations
Presents a general theory of iteration algorithms for the numerical solution of equations and systems of equations. This book investigates the relationship between the quantity and the quality of information that is used by an algorithm.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Nonlinear Semigroups
MP-AMM American Mathematical Discontinuous Groups and Automorphic Functions
Much has been written on the theory of discontinuous groups and automorphic functions since 1880, when the subject received its first formulation. This book intends to bring together in one place both the classical and modern aspects of the theory, and to present them clearly and in a modern language and notation.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings
Covers developments in the theory of Teichmuller spaces and offers references to the literature on Teichmuller spaces and quasiconformal mappings. This work describes how quasiconformal mappings have revitalized the subject of complex dynamics. It illustrates the role of these mappings in Thurston's theory of hyperbolic structures on 3-manifolds.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces
It has been realized that Hilbert schemes originally studied in algebraic geometry are closely related to several branches of mathematics, such as singularities, symplectic geometry, representation theory - even theoretical physics. This book reflects this feature of Hilbert schemes.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Metrics Connections and Gluing Theorems
Intends to provide an introduction to some of the analytic underpinnings for the geometry of anti-self duality in 4-dimensions. The book reviews some basic geometry, but it is assumed that the reader has a general background in differential geometry. It also includes a chapter containing open problems and conjectures.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Computational Geometry of Positive Definite Quadratic Forms
Starting from classical arithmetical questions on quadratic forms, this book takes the reader step by step through the connections with lattice sphere packing and covering problems. As a model for polyhedral reduction theories of positive definite quadratic forms, it presents Minkowski's classical theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lebesgues Theory of Integration
Places Lebesgue's early work on integration theory within in proper historical context by relating it to the developments during the nineteenth century that motivated it and gave it significance and also to the contributions made in this field by Lebesgue's contemporaries.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Curves and Surfaces
Offers a focused point of view on the differential geometry of curves and surfaces. This monograph treats the Gauss - Bonnet theorem and discusses the Euler characteristic. It also covers Alexandrov's theorem on embedded compact surfaces in R3 with constant mean curvature.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Topology Calgebras and String Duality
Based on CBMS lectures given at Texas Christian University, this book describes some of the interplay between string dualities and topology and operator algebras. It shows how several seemingly disparate subjects are closely linked with one another. It gives readers an overview of some areas of research.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Topics in Representation Theory
The papers in this volume were written by members of the seminar on representation theory at Moscow University, which has been running continuously since 1961. Among the topics included are representation theory of ""large"" groups and dual objects for certain real reductive Lie groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Applications
Derives from lectures presented at the 2001 John H Barrett Memorial Lectures at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This work is suitable for graduate students as well as the many groups of researchers working in advanced computations, including engineering and computer scientists.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Plateaus Problem
There have been many wonderful developments in the theory of minimal surfaces and geometric measure theory. This book covers variational geometry. It focuses on Plateau's Problem, which is concerned with surfaces that model the behavior of soap films.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Foundations of Algebraic Geometry
A guide to the basics of modern algebraic geometry.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Topology Ergodic Theory Real Algebraic Geometr Rokhlins Memorial
Dedicated to the memory of Russian mathematician, V A Rokhlin (1919-1984), this is a collection of research papers written by his former students and followers. It includes topics such as: topology, real algebraic geometry, dynamics, geometry of Riemannian manifolds, theory of Teichmuller spaces, and measure theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions and Determinantal Point Processes
Examines in some depth two important classes of point processes, determinantal processes and 'Gaussian zeros', i.e., zeros of random analytic functions with Gaussian coefficients. This title presents a primer on modern techniques on the interface of probability and analysis.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Classification of Subfactors and Their Endomorphisms
Based on lectures presented by Popa at the NSF-CBMS Regional Conference held in Eugene, Oregon, in August 1993, this title offers a unified and self-contained presentation of the results presented in Popa's earlier papers.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Kvant Selecta Volume 1
There is a tradition in Russia that holds that mathematics can be both challenging and fun. One fine outgrowth of that tradition is the magazine, ""Kvant"", which has been enjoyed by many of the best students since its founding in 1970. This book presents a collection of articles from ""Kvant"".
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebra Ktheory Groups and Education
Includes expositions of key developments in commutative and non-commutative algebra, algebraic $K$-theory, infinite group theory, and applications of algebra to topology. This book contains articles that are based on lectures given at a conference at Columbia University honoring the 65th birthday of Hyman Bass.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Traces of Hecke Operators
The Fourier coefficients of modular forms are of widespread interest as an important source of arithmetic information. This book covers the Eichler-Selberg/Hijikata trace formula for the traces of Hecke operators on spaces of holomorphic cusp forms of weight $\mathtt{k}>2$ for congruence subgroups of $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbf{Z})$.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Numbertheoretic Algorithms in Cryptography
Algorithmic number theory is a branch of number theory, which, in addition to its mathematical importance, has substantial applications in computer science and cryptography. This book describes the various algorithms used in cryptography.
MP-AMM American Mathematical History of the Theory of Numbers Volume 3
Covers quadratic and higher forms. This book presents methods of attacking whole classes of problems.
MP-AMM American Mathematical First Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Includes articles that introduce readers to mathematical methods of classical and quantum mechanics and the link between these two theories: quantization and semiclassical analysis. This title introduces graduate students with a basic knowledge of mathematics into areas of active research.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Proceedings on Moonshine and Other Topics
Contains the proceedings of the Moonshine workshop held at the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM) in Montreal. This work presents the various classical Moonshine themes, namely the Monster simple group and other finite groups, automorphic functions and forms and related congruence groups, and vertex algebras and their representations.