Search results for ""ATF Press""
ATF Press Pieces of Ease and Grace
ATF Press Public Theology in Law and Life
ATF Press The Church in China
ATF Press Benedict, Me and the Cardinals Three
ATF Press Our Father Who Art On Earth
ATF Press Interface Theology - Volume 6, Issue 1
ATF Press Interface Theology - Volume 6, Issue 1
ATF Press The Significance of the Trinity
ATF Press Being Human in an Artificial World
The vision of Raimon Panikkar is to examine an understanding of the fulness of the human experience, understood ultimately in the iconic image of Jesus, the Christ. This book aims to explore an understanding of his work in context, context of the history of humanity, the emerging integral era of perception, the context of the contemporary secular society, which he speaks of as an artificial life, and the context of creation and the creator. As creature he sees the secret of life in the inter-relational nature of the three, creature, creation and creator. The unique nature of this mysterious three-way unity leads him to coin a term to speak of its nature as Cosmotheandric. His extensive academic background, of philosophy, theology and science, and the broad life of spirituality lived in the context of the interreligious world of both East and West equips well his mind to probe life's nature. Of his many students, Ewert Cousins' asks the pertinent question of how to live Panikkar's vi
ATF Press Being Human in an Artificial World
The vision of Raimon Panikkar is to examine an understanding of the fulness of the human experience, understood ultimately in the iconic image of Jesus, the Christ. This book aims to explore an understanding of his work in context, context of the history of humanity, the emerging integral era of perception, the context of the contemporary secular society, which he speaks of as an artificial life, and the context of creation and the creator. As creature he sees the secret of life in the inter-relational nature of the three, creature, creation and creator. The unique nature of this mysterious three-way unity leads him to coin a term to speak of its nature as Cosmotheandric. His extensive academic background, of philosophy, theology and science, and the broad life of spirituality lived in the context of the interreligious world of both East and West equips well his mind to probe life's nature. Of his many students, Ewert Cousins' asks the pertinent question of how to live Panikkar's vi
ATF Press Meditation on the Trinity
ATF Press The Church the Gospel and Culture
ATF Press The Church the Gospel and Culture
ATF Press The Way of Jesus: Cross and Passion
ATF Press Yves Congar: A Life: 1904-1995
ATF Press New Visions of Priesting
ATF Press Festival
ATF Press Diet
ATF Press Faith Politics and Reconciliation Catholicism and the Politics of Indigenity Aft Series Catholicism and the Politics of Indigeneity
The books compares stories of Roman Catholic involvement in current and historical indigenous policy debates in Australia and New Zeland. They are stories of inconsistent and often confused applications of God's perceived 'constant' truths about humankind to complex and controversial questions of public policy. The book, authored by a Maori New Zealander, is a discussion of the relationship between religious ideas and secular political decision making. It explores religious principles relevant to how Australian and New Zealand socities have considered the political implications of ideas about race, treaties, biculturalism, titles to land, foreshore and seabed, land rights, native title and reconciliation. The author is a postdoctroal fellow at the University of Waikato, New Zeland.
ATF Press Alice's Daughter: Lost Mission Child
ATF Press Theology in Health Care Matters
ATF Press A Strange Goodness
ATF Press Watch Out Tommy Tantrum
ATF Press Watch Out Tommy Tantrum