Search results for ""APress""
APress Great Big Agile: An OS for Agile Leaders
Big Agile leaders need an empirical, "high-trust" model that provides guidance for scaling and sustaining agility and capability throughout a modern technology organization. This book presents the Agile Performance Holarchy (APH)—a "how-ability" model that provides agile leaders and teams with an operating system to build, evaluate, and sustain great agile habits and behaviors. The APH is an organizational operating system based on a set of interdependent, self-organizing circles, or holons, that reflect the empirical, object-oriented nature of agility. As more companies seek the benefits of Agile within and beyond IT, agile leaders need to build and sustain capability while scaling agility—no easy task—and they need to succeed without introducing unnecessary process and overhead. The APH is drawn from lessons learned while observing and assessing hundreds of agile companies and teams. It is not a process or a hierarchy, but a holarchy, a series of performance circles with embedded and interdependent holons that reflect the behaviors of high-performing agile organizations. Great Big Agile provides implementation guidance in the areas of leadership, values, teaming, visioning, governing, building, supporting, and engaging within an all-agile organization. What You’ll Learn Model the behaviors of a high-performance agile organization Benefit from lessons learned by other organizations that have succeeded with Big Agile Assess your level of agility with the Agile Performance Holarchy Apply the APH model to your business Understand the APH performance circles, holons, objectives, and actions Obtain certification for your company, organization, or agency Who This Book Is For Professionals leading, or seeking to lead, an agile organization who wish to use an innovative model to raise their organization's agile performance from one level to the next, all the way to mastery
APress Exploring Advanced Features in C#: Enhance Your Code and Productivity
Become a more productive programmer by leveraging the newest features available to you in C#. This book highlights the new language features available to you and how to use these and other tools such as Bootstrap, SCSS, and jQuery to enhance your web applications.Exploring Advanced Features in C# starts with some of the new features of C# 7 such as how to implement local functions, tuples and generalized async return types. The book also looks at C# 8, where the author demonstrates how to implement nullable reference types, recursive patterns, ranges, indicies, switch expressions, and many more. Next, you go through some of the distinct features of C# that might often be overlooked such as generics, asynchronous programming, and dynamic types. The author demonstrates how to implement these features through clear and concise examples. Next, you’ll discuss creating responsive web applications using ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC) where you’ll learn how to combine Bootstrap with jQuery and SCSS to create interactive web applications with a great-looking, user-friendly UI. Moving forward, you will create and run applications on the latest .NET Core version 3.0 as well as explore some of the features of .NET Core 3.0. Finally, you will go through the tips and tricks of Visual Studio 2019 that make you more productive.After reading the book, you will be able to implement new features available in C# and learn how to enhance your application development using ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core.What You Will Learn Implement the new features available in C# 7 Enhance your web applications using ASP.NET MVC, Bootstrap, SCSS, and jQuery See what C# 8 has to offer with clear code examples Create and run applications in .NET Core 3.0 Who This Is Book ForC# programmers who have worked with C# for a number of years and who want to keep up to date with the latest advancements of the language .
APress Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8
Understand functional programming concepts and the functional nature of the JavaScript language. Starting with an introduction to functional programming concepts, you will learn the key differences between imperative and functional programming. Diving straight into JavaScript functions, you will learn to write them with ES8. Followed by this you will move to higher order functions and learn how 'Function as Data' opens up a world of possibilities. You will then build higher order functions with closures. Arrays will then be introduced, followed by a set of APIs you can use with them. You will learn how to transform one function to another using currying and partial application. The compose function will be discussed in detail, followed by functors and monads. After having an in-depth look at applicative functors, you will learn the new features offered in ES8. The concluding chapters of Beginning Functional JavaScript will show you how to use a functional toolkit to build a small library that allows you to develop web applications, followed by tips on testing your functional code.What You Will Learn Discover functional programming concepts such as string padding and async functions Identify how functions are treated in JavaScript Create a functional library that mimics Underscore.JS Deep dive into ES8 functional features such as spread operators and generators Create a library that works like the react-redux pattern by following the functional paradigm Who This Book Is ForNovice JavaScript developers.
APress MATLAB Control Systems Engineering
MATLAB is a high-level language and environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. Using MATLAB, you can analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications. The language, tools, and built-in math functions enable you to explore multiple approaches and reach a solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages, such as C/C++ or Java.MATLAB Control Systems Engineering introduces you to the MATLAB language with practical hands-on instructions and results, allowing you to quickly achieve your goals. In addition to giving an introduction to the MATLAB environment and MATLAB programming, this book provides all the material needed to design and analyze control systems using MATLAB’s specialized Control Systems Toolbox. The Control Systems Toolbox offers an extensive range of tools for classical and modern control design. Using these tools you can create models of linear time-invariant systems in transfer function, zero-pole-gain or state space format. You can manipulate both discrete-time and continuous-time systems and convert between various representations. You can calculate and graph time response, frequency response and loci of roots. Other functions allow you to perform pole placement, optimal control and estimates. The Control System Toolbox is open and extendible, allowing you to create customized M-files to suit your specific applications.
APress Pro ASP.NET Core 6: Develop Cloud-Ready Web Applications Using MVC, Blazor, and Razor Pages
Professional developers will produce leaner applications for the ASP.NET Core platform using the guidance in this best-selling book, now in its 9th edition and updated for ASP.NET Core for .NET 6. It contains detailed explanations of the ASP.NET Core platform and the application frameworks it supports. This cornerstone guide puts ASP.NET Core for .NET 6 into context and dives deep into the tools and techniques required to build modern, extensible web applications. New features and capabilities such as MVC, Razor Pages, Blazor Server, and Blazor WebAssembly are covered, along with demonstrations of how they are applied.ASP.NET Core for .NET 6 is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s ASP.NET web platform and provides a "host-agnostic" framework and a high-productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code architecture, test-driven development, and powerful extensibility.Author Adam Freeman has thoroughly revised this market-leading book and explains how to get the most from ASP.NET Core for .NET 6. He starts with the nuts-and-bolts topics, teaching you about middleware components, built-in services, request model binding, and more. As you gain knowledge and confidence, he introduces increasingly more complex topics and advanced features, including endpoint routing and dependency injection. He goes in depth to give you the knowledge you need.This book follows the same format and style as the popular previous editions but brings everything up to date for the new ASP.NET Core for .NET 6 release and broadens the focus to include all of the ASP.NET Core platform. You will appreciate the fully worked case study of a functioning ASP.NET Core application that you can use as a template for your own projects.Source code for this book can be found at You Will Learn Explore the entire ASP.NET Core platform Apply the new ASP.NET Core for .NET 6 features in your developer environment See how to create RESTful web services, web applications, and client-side applications Build on your existing knowledge to get up and running with new programming models quickly and effectively Who This Book Is ForWeb developers with a basic knowledge of web development and C# who want to incorporate the latest improvements and functionality in ASP.NET Core for .NET 6 into their own projects.
APress Pro Angular: Build Powerful and Dynamic Web Apps
Welcome to this one-stop shop for learning Angular. Pro Angular is the most concise and comprehensive guide available, giving you the knowledge you need to take full advantage of this popular framework for building your own dynamic JavaScript applications. Angular is an open-source JavaScript library maintained by Google. It has many excellent options when it comes to server-side development and is used in some of the largest and most complex web applications in the world to enhance HTML in the browser. Its cornerstone is the ability to create applications that are extendable, maintainable, testable, and standardized. Knowing Angular’s foundations and understanding its applications is an asset in any developer toolbox. The fifth edition of this popular guide explains how to get the most from Angular, presenting the range of benefits it can offer. You will begin learning how to use Angular in your projects, starting with the nuts-and-bolts concepts, and progressing to more advanced and sophisticated features. Each topic in this full-color book provides you with precisely enough learning and detail to be effective. In true Adam Freeman style, the most important features are given full-court press treatment, while also addressing common problems and how to avoid them.What You Will Learn Access accompanying online files for Angular 13 and 14 (when it is released) Create rich and dynamic web app clients using Angular Tap into some of the best aspects of server-side development Know when to use Angular and when to seek an alternative Use the ng tools to create and build an Angular project Extend and customize Angular Take advantage of popular component libraries Utilize source code located at Who This Book Is ForThis book is for web developers who want to create rich client-side applications. Foundational knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is recommended."Adam's books provide a finely tuned blend of architectural overview, technical depth, and experience-born wisdom. His clear, concise writing style, coupled with project-driven, real-world examples make me comfortable recommending his books to a broad audience, ranging from developers working with a technology for the first time to seasoned professionals who need to learn a new skill quickly." Keith Dublin, Staff Architect, Upfront Health Care“Adam’s books are the print version of a chat bot. His investment in learning how developers learn pays off in dividends, making this one of the most comprehensive resources available. Novices and experienced professionals alike will gain knowledge from the accessible and insightful material.” Mark Donile, Software Engineer, MS CS
APress SAP Enterprise Architecture
Does digital transformation ever stop? The answer is a resounding no and this book guides you in developing an SAP enterprise architecture that prepares you for constant technology changes. The book introduces enterprise architecture, the role it plays in executing successful business strategy, and its application in SAP. A detailed step-by-step guide teaches you how to utilize SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer to model the four key areas: business, data, landscape, and requirements. Executives will gain insight into the considerations that will aid them in building their digital transformation road map while remaining agile to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. and adapting to the new normal. SAP partners and consultants will find their place in SAP's future. By the end of this book, you will learn what SAP enterprise architecture is and how to develop it along with its best practices. You Will UnderstandThefundamentals of enterprise architectureSAP enterprise architectureHow
APress Programming for Absolute Beginners
New programmers start here...this book introduces students or aspiring professionals to the world of computer programming using JavaScript and related technologies. This book doesn''t just teach the basics of programming, but also all of the tools that new programmers need to get started, including the basics of making web pages and how the Internet works. Programming for Absolute Beginners offers practice problems, activities, and a host of resources to get new programmers started, plus a large glossary of terms introduced in the book and that a new programmer might encounter when learning on their own. No special software is required; this book will help you regardless of what your computer setup is, and source code will be freely available via GitHub. What You Will Learn How computers work How computers communicate over networks How web pages are built with HTML an
APress Introducing Microsoft Flow
Use Microsoft Flow in your business to improve productivity through automation with this step-by-step introductory text from a Microsoft Flow expert. You''ll see the prerequisites to get started with this cloud-based service, including how to create a flow and how to use different connectors. Introducing Microsoft Flow takes you through connecting with SharePoint, creating approval flows, and using mobile apps. This vital information gives you a head-start when planning your Microsoft Flow implementation. The second half of the book continues with managing connections and gateways, where you''ll cover the configuration, creation, and deletion of connectors and how to connect to a data gateway. The final topic is Flow administration and techniques to manage the environment. After reading this book, you will be able to create and manage Flow from desktop, laptop, or mobile devices and connect with multiple services s
APress Practical Machine Learning and Image Processing
Gain insights into image-processing methodologies and algorithms, using machine learning and neural networks in Python. This book begins with the environment setup, understanding basic image-processing terminology, and exploring Python concepts that will be useful for implementing the algorithms discussed in the book. You will then cover all the core image processing algorithms in detail before moving onto the biggest computer vision library: OpenCV. You''ll see the OpenCV algorithms and how to use them for image processing. The next section looks at advanced machine learning and deep learning methods for image processing and classification. You''ll work with concepts such as pulse coupled neural networks, AdaBoost, XG boost, and convolutional neural networks for image-specific applications. Later you''ll explore how models are made in real time and then deployed using various DevOps tools. All the concep
Apress Virtual Threads Structured Concurrency and Scoped Values
Chapter 1: Virtual Threads.- Chapter 2: Structured Concurrency.- Chapter 3: Scoped Values.- Chapter 4: Concurrency Patterns.
APress Hardening Windows
* Covers the Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Windows Server R2’s new Security Configuration Wizard, branch-office security features, and new setup options. * Each chapter ends with checkpoints to ensure thoroughness. * Applicable to all current versions of Windows (NT, 2000 Pro/Server, SP Pro, and Server 2003). * Includes automation suggestions, from deployment to rollout and beyond.
APress Basic Math for Game Development with Unity 3D: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematical Foundations
This book will teach you fundamental mathematical concepts using Unity-based custom examples, explaining the implementations and demonstrating how these concepts are applied in building modern video game functionality. You will learn the theoretical foundation of each concept, and then interact, examine, and modify the implementation to inspect the effects. Basic Math for Game Development with Unity 3D begins by explaining points in the 3D Cartesian Coordinate system. From there, you’ll gain insight into vectors and details of dot and cross products, quaternions, rotation and decomposition of vectors. These basic mathematical foundations are illustrated through Unity-based example implementations. Associated with these concept presentations are separate examples of how the concepts are applied in creating typical video game functionality, such as collision support, motion simulations, autonomous behaviors, shadow approximations, and reflections off surfaces with arbitrary orientations. After completing this book, you will have a thorough understanding of core mathematical concepts and how they are used to create compelling gameplay. What You Will Learn Understand the basic concepts of points and vectors, and their applications in game development Grasp the details of autonomous behaviors such as facing a target, following and chasing an object, and more Apply mathematical concepts in implementing modern video game functionality such as ray casting, collision, and motion control Who Is This Book For Game enthusiasts, hobbyists, and anyone else who is interested in the implementation of interactive games but needs basic mathematical background or could just use a refresher with modern examples.
APress Still Searching for Satoshi: Unveiling the Blockchain Revolution
We are at the threshold of a new area of the internet that promises to transform the way we engage financially and take the power of data and privacy back from big corporations and give it to the individual through decentralization. This is sometimes called Web 3.0. While Web 1.0 transformed information sharing and commerce and brought us giants like Google and Amazon and Web 2.0 unlocked the social potential of the internet and created Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, exactly what will come of Web 3.0 remains to be seen. It is indisputable that the seed of Web 3.0 is the technological, social, and economic innovations that came together in Bitcoin and the blockchain technology it created. But where the first web iterations were relatively straightforward to understand, the inner workings of Web 3.0 remain more opaque and shrouded in mystique. Current voices on Bitcoin and the blockchain revolution fall squarely into one of two camps; either technological “experts” who are all also invariably personally invested in the success of Bitcoin and the blockchain or “critics” who are typically deeply invested in the status quo and the failure of Bitcoin and blockchain. It seems like there is a need for a middle ground to provide the public with a more unbiased view of this important technology. This book therefore aims to unveil some of the mystique and show how to unlock the potential of the blockchain revolution in a manner that does not dismiss out of hand even radical and outlandish ideas nor jumps on the bandwagon of hailing Bitcoin and the blockchain as the answer to all problems. What you’ll learn The nature of blockchain technology, how it works and what it does. The history of the technological developments that lead to the blockchain. A historical analysis of who the likely creator of Bitcoin is. How bitcoin and cryptocurrencies fit in the history of human exchange. The nature and history of electronic money. How blockchain technology solves problems in a novel way and what it cannot be used for. What web 3.0 could be. Who This Book Is For This book is for a general non-technical audience trying to understand the difficult and complex nature of blockchain and cryptocurrencies and the contours of the Web 3.0 revolution.
APress The Rise of Virtual Communities: In Conversation with Virtual World Pioneers
Uncover the fascinating history of virtual communities and how we connect to each other online. The Rise of Virtual Communities, explores the earliest online community platforms, mapping the technological evolutions, and the individuals, that have shaped the culture of the internet.Read in-depth interviews with the visionary founders of iconic online platforms, and uncover the history of virtual communities and how the industry has developed over time. Featuring never-before told stories, this exploration introduces new ideas and predictions for the future, explaining how we got here and challenging what we think we may know about building online communities.Readers will: Learn what a virtual community is and how it has become an integral part of modern society Review key insights into building virtual communities and platforms from the founders and pioneers who created them See what the current developments and the potential challenges are related to the future of virtual communities Who is this for:Community managers, company founders and those who want to know more about the origins and future of virtual communities.interviews Include: Randy Farmer & Chip Morningstar – Lucasfilm Games ‘Habitat’ and creators of the modern Avatar Howard Rheingold - Community expert and member of the WELL Stacy Horn - Founder of Echo NYC Jim Bumgardner - Founder of The Palace Philip Rosedale - Founder of Second Life Sampo Karjalainen - Co-founder of Habbo Hotel Lance Priebe - Co-Founder of Club Penguin Angelo Sotira - Co-Founder of Deviant Art Caterina Fake - Co-Founder of Flickr Alexis Ohanian- Founder of Reddit Kevin Rose – Co-Founder of Digg & PROOF Collective Jason Citron - Founder of Discord Trevor McFedries - Founder of FWB & Brud Cherie Hu - Founder of Water & Music Michelle Kennedy - Founder of Peanut
APress Practical OpenTelemetry: Adopting Open Observability Standards Across Your Organization
Learn the value that OpenTelemetry can bring to organizations that aim to implement observability best practices, and gain a deeper understanding of how different building blocks interact with each other to bring out-of-the-box, vendor-neutral instrumentation to your stack. With examples in Java, this book shows how to use OpenTelemetry APIs and configure plugins and SDKs to instrument services and produce valuable telemetry data. You’ll learn how to maximize adoption of OpenTelemetry and encourage the change needed in debugging workflows to reduce cognitive load for engineers troubleshooting production workloads.Adopting observability best practices across an organization is challenging. This book begins with a discussion of how operational monitoring processes widely followed for decades fall short at providing the insights needed for debugging cloud-native, distributed systems in production. The book goes on to show how the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s OpenTelemetry project helps you standardize instrumentation and transport of telemetry signals, providing a common language for all observability tooling.You Will Learn Why observability is a necessity in modern distributed systems The value of OpenTelemetry for engineers and organizations OpenTelemetry component specification and general design Tracing, metrics, and logs APIs and SDKs, with examples in Java OpenTelemetry Collectors and recommended transport and processing pipelines How to adopt observability standards across an organization Who This Book Is ForSoftware engineers familiar with cloud-native technologies and operational monitoring who want to instrument and export telemetry data from their services; observability leads who want to roll out OpenTelemetry standards and best practices across their organizations; and Java developers who want a book with OpenTelemetry examples in that language
APress Winning the National Security AI Competition: A Practical Guide for Government and Industry Leaders
In introducing the National Security Commission on AI’s final report, Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO, and Robert Work, former Deputy Secretary of Defense, wrote: “The human talent deficit is the government’s most conspicuous AI deficit and the single greatest inhibitor to buying, building, and fielding AI-enabled technologies for national security purposes.” Drawing upon three decades of leading hundreds of advanced analytics and AI programs and projects in government and industry, Chris Whitlock and Frank Strickland address in this book the primary variable in the talent deficit, i.e., large numbers of qualified AI leaders.The book quickly moves from a case for action to leadership principles and practices for effectively integrating AI into programs and driving results in AI projects. The chapters convey 37 axioms – enduring truths for developing and deploying AI – and over 100 leader practices set among 50 cases and examples, 40 of which focus on AI in national security. Emphasizing its impact and practical nature, LTG (ret.) Ken Tovo, former commander of U.S. Army special forces, characterized the book as “the Ranger Handbook for AI implementation!”Whether you are a senior or mid-level leader who lacks hands-on experience with AI, or an AI practitioner who lacks leadership experience, this book will equip you to lead AI programs, projects, people, and technology. As the Honorable Robert Work wrote in the foreword: “This book is not the last word on leading AI in the national security enterprise, but I believe it is an essential starting point.”You will: Review axioms or enduring truths at work in six dimensions of AI: program, budget, project, data science, people, and technology Apply best practices—such as decision frameworks, processes, checklists—for leading work in each of the six dimensions. See how the axioms and best practices are contextualized to national security missions.
APress GameMaker Fundamentals: Learn GML Programming to Start Making Amazing Games
Master the fundamental programming skills needed to create your own computer games in GameMaker. This book shows how to use GameMaker to build and publish cross-platform games. Each chapter covers a certain programming element, including layers, variables, and so on. You will also learn how to design levels in your games, draw sprites to populate your virtual worlds, and build GUIs for your menus and game interfaces. GameMaker Fundamentals also provides a thorough introduction to the GameMaker Language (GML). Practical example projects reinforce the concept discussed in each chapter. On completing this book, you will have a thorough understanding of how to create games from scratch using game design and programming principles using GameMaker and GML. What You Will Learn Review core programming features required for sound knowledge of GameMaker Master how to combine GML to orchestrate game actions Utilize GameMaker's layers to create exciting games Set up player control Who Is This Book ForThose new to GameMaker or game programming in general; it assumes no prior knowledge or skill set.
APress Link Technology to Your Long-Term Business Goals: How to Use Technology to Mobilize Your People, Strategy and Operations
Link the use of technology with long-term business goals to optimize the core elements in your organization: people, strategy, and operations. This book will show you how effective planning of processes and execution of strategies with the help of technology can bring about an organization-wide increase in productivity and performance.Business environments have grown increasingly competitive. Before an organization realizes what has happened, it can lose or gain market share. Being agile is the key to success. This book covers the processes that can help your enterprise be agile and follow best practices when executing your business strategy.You'll review case studies from real-world experiences that dive deep into the problems a business encounters and the ways to solve those challenges. They deal with the different ways in which your organization can achieve dramatic performance improvements by changing your company’s processes. The book also explains how objectives and key results can be used to align business teams for increased productivity. With Use Tech to Mobilize Your People, Strategy, and Operations you'll learn how the intensity of core processes can ensure that growth does not wane in your organization. What You'll Learn Know the role of three core elements in organizations: people, strategy, operations Understand how technology can enhance these three core elements Be aware of the importance of scale and security in the information era Eliminate distractions and uncertainty in core processes Who This Book Is ForPeople with experience building businesses (founders, CEOs, COOs, CTOs, project managers, product managers, operation heads, sales heads, finance heads, strategy heads, technology leaders) who are looking for technology solutions to business problems
APress Practical Guide to Salesforce Experience Cloud: Building, Enhancing, and Managing a Digital Experience with Salesforce
Whether you are brand new to the world of digital experiences on the Salesforce platform or you are looking to take your Experience Cloud (previously "Community Cloud") knowledge to the next level, this detailed guide will help you build and manage a Salesforce site by leveraging the declarative power of the platform with clicks, not code.Each Salesforce site/community is a part of a widespread ecosystem, with thousands of sites and millions of users active today on Experience Cloud. Through valuable social and business tools, this online platform enables companies to empower and equip their customers, partners, and employees in new, powerful ways.Author Philip Weinmeister, Salesforce MVP and the only recipient of the “Community Cloud MVP” Trailblazer award from Salesforce, leads you through the ins and outs of Salesforce Experience Cloud and provides you with an array of best practices to deliver top-notch business portals on the Salesforce platform.This completely revised edition updates all content to reflect the new "experience-centric" branding and a slew of platform updates from the last few years (including screenshots, terminology, features, etc.). Net new content includes Salesforce CMS, the Experience Cloud Consultant certification exam, and Mobile Publisher, among other topics.The book takes you through the entire process: from planning and designing a site to configuration/build, setup, and administration, all the way to deployment. Detailed explanations are provided for key components, templates, and features such as Experience Builder, Audience Targeting, Lightning Bolts, and much more.What You Will Learn Plan and design a site using Experience Cloud Conceptualize how employees, partners, and customers use and benefit from Salesforce sites Use Experience Builder and Lightning components within an Experience Builder template Apply topics and knowledge articles to a site to increase value and adoption Build and display rich content within a site using Salesforce CMS Create dynamic and personalized user experiences with audience targeting Build, export, and import unique templates with the Lightning Bolt solution framework Provide site data for members or site managers Who This Book Is ForSalesforce administrators, developers, functional architects, business analysts, and site/community managers.
APress Automated Deep Learning Using Neural Network Intelligence: Develop and Design PyTorch and TensorFlow Models Using Python
Optimize, develop, and design PyTorch and TensorFlow models for a specific problem using the Microsoft Neural Network Intelligence (NNI) toolkit. This book includes practical examples illustrating automated deep learning approaches and provides techniques to facilitate your deep learning model development. The first chapters of this book cover the basics of NNI toolkit usage and methods for solving hyper-parameter optimization tasks. You will understand the black-box function maximization problem using NNI, and know how to prepare a TensorFlow or PyTorch model for hyper-parameter tuning, launch an experiment, and interpret the results. The book dives into optimization tuners and the search algorithms they are based on: Evolution search, Annealing search, and the Bayesian Optimization approach. The Neural Architecture Search is covered and you will learn how to develop deep learning models from scratch. Multi-trial and one-shot searching approaches of automatic neural network design are presented. The book teaches you how to construct a search space and launch an architecture search using the latest state-of-the-art exploration strategies: Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) and Differential Architectural Search (DARTS). You will learn how to automate the construction of a neural network architecture for a particular problem and dataset. The book focuses on model compression and feature engineering methods that are essential in automated deep learning. It also includes performance techniques that allow the creation of large-scale distributive training platforms using NNI. After reading this book, you will know how to use the full toolkit of automated deep learning methods. The techniques and practical examples presented in this book will allow you to bring your neural network routines to a higher level.What You Will Learn Know the basic concepts of optimization tuners, search space, and trials Apply different hyper-parameter optimization algorithms to develop effective neural networks Construct new deep learning models from scratch Execute the automated Neural Architecture Search to create state-of-the-art deep learning models Compress the model to eliminate unnecessary deep learning layers Who This Book Is For Intermediate to advanced data scientists and machine learning engineers involved in deep learning and practical neural network development
APress Powerful Presentations: Selling Your Story on Stage or In The Boardroom
Unlock your potential and understand how you can have an audience hanging on to your every word. Entrepreneurs and business professionals often have to pitch their products and projects to an audience - whether at a conference stage, meetup group, to VC firms or even at the office to their peers and leaders. Through this book, you will learn how to plan, rehearse, and deliver the perfect presentation for your needs. You'll review different presentation styles, how to craft and structure a talk and how to make it engaging for the audience. If you've ever wondered how you can be chosen to speak at a conference, this book will show you how and go in depth on how to craft a winning talk synopsis and proposal to stand out over the competition. You'll also examine many other details that go into giving a presentation such as face and hand gesturing, pre-performance rituals like visualization techniques, time management , addressing technical difficulties, preparing for question-and-answer sessions, gathering feedback, the differences between in person events and online talks/webinars and how to mold your presentation to the medium. Powerful Presentations will show you how to perfect your public speaking and presentation skills.What You'll Learn Explore the design and structure of presentations that retain an audience’s attention Prepare for a talk, including rehearsal, but also failure contingency planning for things like projectors, Wi-Fi, demo failure, etc. Review all of the useful tools and services available to help you develop and deliver a great presentation Who This Book Is For Professionals who want to design and deliver talks in their chosen fields of expertise, whether that be a software developer or an entrepreneur.
APress Web Application Development with Streamlit: Develop and Deploy Secure and Scalable Web Applications to the Cloud Using a Pure Python Framework
Transition from a back-end developer to a full-stack developer with knowledge of all the dimensions of web application development, namely, front-end, back-end and server-side software. This book provides a comprehensive overview of Streamlit, allowing developers and programmers of all backgrounds to get up to speed in as little time as possible. Streamlit is a pure Python web framework that will bridge the skills gap and shorten development time from weeks to hours. This book walks you through the complete cycle of web application development, from an introductory to advanced level with accompanying source code and resources. You will be exposed to developing basic, intermediate, and sophisticated user interfaces and subsequently you will be acquainted with data visualization, database systems, application security, and cloud deployment in Streamlit. In a market with a surplus demand for full stack developers, this skill set could not possibly come at a better time. In one sentence, Streamlit is a means for the empowerment of developers everywhere and all stand to gain from it. What You’ll Learn Mutate big data in real-time Visualize big data interactively Implement web application security and privacy protocols Deploy Streamlit web applications to the cloud using Streamlit, Linux and Windows servers Who is this Book for? Developers with solid programming experience wanting to learn Streamlit; Back-end developers looking to upskill and transition to become a full-stack developers; Those who wish to learn and become more acquainted with data visualization, database systems, security and cloud deployment with Steamlit
APress Snowflake Access Control: Mastering the Features for Data Privacy and Regulatory Compliance
Understand the different access control paradigms available in the Snowflake Data Cloud and learn how to implement access control in support of data privacy and compliance with regulations such as GDPR, APPI, CCPA, and SOX. The information in this book will help you and your organization adhere to privacy requirements that are important to consumers and becoming codified in the law. You will learn to protect your valuable data from those who should not see it while making it accessible to the analysts whom you trust to mine the data and create business value for your organization.Snowflake is increasingly the choice for companies looking to move to a data warehousing solution, and security is an increasing concern due to recent high-profile attacks. This book shows how to use Snowflake's wide range of features that support access control, making it easier to protect data access from the data origination point all the way to the presentation and visualization layer. Reading this book helps you embrace the benefits of securing data and provide valuable support for data analysis while also protecting the rights and privacy of the consumers and customers with whom you do business.What You Will Learn Identify data that is sensitive and should be restricted Implement access control in the Snowflake Data Cloud Choose the right access control paradigm for your organization Comply with CCPA, GDPR, SOX, APPI, and similar privacy regulations Take advantage of recognized best practices for role-based access control Prevent upstream and downstream services from subverting your access control Benefit from access control features unique to the Snowflake Data Cloud Who This Book Is ForData engineers, database administrators, and engineering managers who want to improve their access control model; those whose access control model is not meeting privacy and regulatory requirements; those new to Snowflake who want to benefit from access control features that are unique to the platform; technology leaders in organizations that have just gone public and are now required to conform to SOX reporting requirements
APress Wireshark Fundamentals: A Network Engineer’s Handbook to Analyzing Network Traffic
Understand the fundamentals of the Wireshark tool that is key for network engineers and network security analysts. This book explains how the Wireshark tool can be used to analyze network traffic and teaches you network protocols and features.Author Vinit Jain walks you through the use of Wireshark to analyze network traffic by expanding each section of a header and examining its value. Performing packet capture and analyzing network traffic can be a complex, time-consuming, and tedious task. With the help of this book, you will use the Wireshark tool to its full potential. You will be able to build a strong foundation and know how Layer 2, 3, and 4 traffic behave, how various routing protocols and the Overlay Protocol function, and you will become familiar with their packet structure.Troubleshooting engineers will learn how to analyze traffic and identify issues in the network related to packet loss, bursty traffic, voice quality issues, etc. The book will help you understand the challenges faced in any network environment and how packet capture tools can be used to identify and isolate those issues.This hands-on guide teaches you how to perform various lab tasks. By the end of the book, you will have in-depth knowledge of the Wireshark tool and its features, including filtering and traffic analysis through graphs. You will know how to analyze traffic, find patterns of offending traffic, and secure your network.What You Will Learn Understand the architecture of Wireshark on different operating systems Analyze Layer 2 and 3 traffic frames Analyze routing protocol traffic Troubleshoot using Wireshark Graphs Who This Book Is ForNetwork engineers, security specialists, technical support engineers, consultants, and cyber security engineers
APress Pro C# 10 with .NET 6: Foundational Principles and Practices in Programming
Welcome to the most comprehensive foundational guide available on the topic of C# coding and .NET. This book goes beyond “do this, to achieve this” to drill down into the core stuff that makes a good developer, great. This expanded 11th edition delivers loads of new content on Entity Framework, Razor Pages, Web APIs and more. You will find the latest C# 10 and .NET 6 features served up with plenty of “behind the curtain” discussion designed to expand developers’ critical thinking skills when it comes to their craft. Coverage of ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, and more sits alongside the latest updates to the new unified .NET platform, from performance improvements to Windows Desktop apps on .NET 6, updates in XAML tooling, and expanded coverage of data files and data handling. Going beyond the latest features in C# 10, all code samples are rewritten for this latest release. Dive in and discover why this essential classic is a favorite of C# developers worldwide. Gain a solid foundation in object-oriented development techniques, attributes and reflection, generics and collections, and numerous advanced topics not found in other texts (such as CIL opcodes and emitting dynamic assemblies). Pro C# 10 with .NET 6 will build your coding confidence putting C# into practice, and exploring the .NET universe and its vast potential on your own terms.What You Will Learn Explore C# 10 features and updates in records and record structs, global and implicit using directives, file level namespaces, extended property patterns, and more Develop applications with C# and modern frameworks for services, web, and smart client applications Hit the ground running with ASP.NET Core web applications using MVC and Razor Pages, including view components, custom tag helpers, custom validation, GDPR support, and areas Build ASP.NET RESTful services complete with versioning, enhanced swagger, and basic authentication Embrace Entity Framework Core for building real-world, data-centric applications, with deeply expanded coverage new to this edition including SQL Server temporal table support Dive into Windows Desktop Apps on .NET 6 using Windows Presentation Foundation Understand the philosophy behind .NET Discover the new features in .NET 6, including single file applications, smaller container images, and more Who This Book Is ForDevelopers of any level who want to either learn C# and .NET or want to take their skills to the next level.“Amazing! Provides easy-to-follow explanations and examples. I remember reading the first version of this book; this is a ‘must-have’ for your collection if you are learning .NET!” – Rick McGuire, Senior Application Development Manager, Microsoft“Phil is a journeyman programmer who brings years of experience and a passion for teaching to make this fully revised and modernized ‘classic’ a ‘must-have’. Any developer who wants full-spectrum, up-to-date coverage of both the C# language and how to use it with .NET and ASP.NET Core should get this book.”– Brian A. Randell, Partner, MCW Technologies and Microsoft MVP
APress Data-Driven Alexa Skills: Voice Access to Rich Data Sources for Enterprise Applications
Design and build innovative, custom, data-driven Alexa skills for home or business. Working through several projects, this book teaches you how to build Alexa skills and integrate them with online APIs. If you have basic Python skills, this book will show you how to build data-driven Alexa skills. You will learn to use data to give your Alexa skills dynamic intelligence, in-depth knowledge, and the ability to remember. Data-Driven Alexa Skills takes a step-by-step approach to skill development. You will begin by configuring simple skills in the Alexa Skill Builder Console. Then you will develop advanced custom skills that use several Alexa Skill Development Kit features to integrate with lambda functions, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Internet data feeds. These advanced skills enable you to link user accounts, query and store data using a NoSQL database, and access real estate listings and stock prices via web APIs.What You Will Learn Set up and configure your development environment properly the first time Build Alexa skills quickly and efficiently using Agile tools and techniques Create a variety of data-driven Alexa skills for home and business Access data from web applications and Internet data sources via their APIs Test with unit-testing frameworks throughout the development life cycle Manage and query your data using the DynamoDb NoSQL database engines Who This Book Is ForDevelopers who wish to go beyond Hello World and build complex, data-driven applications on Amazon's Alexa platform; developers who want to learn how to use Lambda functions, the Alexa Skills SDK, Alexa Presentation Language, and Alexa Conversations; developers interested in integrating with public APIs such as real estate listings and stock market prices. Readers will need to have basic Python skills.
APress Beginning IntelliJ IDEA: Integrated Development Environment for Java Programming
Get started quickly with IntelliJ, from installation to configuration to working with the source code and more. This tutorial will show you how to leverage IntelliJ’s tools to develop clean, efficient Java applications. Author Ted Hagos will first walk you through buidling your first Java applications using IntelliJ. Then, he’ll show you how to analyze your application, top to bottom; using version control and tools that allow you expand your application for big data or data science applications and more. You'll also learn some of the IDE’s advanced features to fully maximize your application's capabilities. The last portion of the book focuses on application testing and deployment, and language- and framework- specific guidelines. After reading this book and working through its freely available source code, you'll be up to speed with this powerful IDE for today's Java development. What You Will Learn Use IntelliJ IDEA to build Java applications Set up your IDE and project Work with source code Extend your Java application to data science and other kinds of applications Test and deploy your application and much more Who This Book Is For Programmers new to IntelliJ IDEA who may have some prior exposure to Java programming.
APress Innovative SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting: A Guide to Creating Custom Integration and Automation
Get creative and optimize your SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting implementation with this guide, which examines a variety of integration and automation opportunities throughout the recruiting process outside of the standard integrations.Innovative SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting walks you through the end-to-end recruiting process and highlights opportunities to create interfaces and automation at each stage using a variety of methods and tools. After a brief overview of the market demands driving growth in this area and an introduction to OData, Anand Athanur, Mark Ingram and Michael A. Wellens detail each step in the recruiting process, starting with automating and integrating requisition creation using APIs and middleware. They then explore ways of enhancing candidate attraction and experience for the initial application process. After that, they jump into automation for overall candidate selection and processing, including automation using Robotic Process Automation, Integration center, the assessment integration framework, custom OData integrations, the background check integration framework, and Business Rules. Additionally, you’ll be shown onboarding optimization techniques using Intelligent Services, as well as hiring into third-party HRIS systems.After finishing this book, you will have a thorough understanding of how to utilize SAP SuccessFactors to recruit the right candidates for every position. What You Will Learn Integrate and automate the requisition creation process in innovative ways outside of SAP documentation Enhance candidate attraction and experience Leverage integration and automation opportunities within the application processing stage Automate hiring into third-party HRIS systems Who this Book ForCustomers, Consultants, and 3rd Party Vendors wishing to connect their solutions to SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting.
APress Unity Networking Fundamentals: Creating Multiplayer Games with Unity
Learn the fundamentals of networking with Unity and C#. This book covers a variety of topics, including accessing data using RESTful APIs, local networked games, and creating multiplayer online games using client-server architecture. The book provides the basics of networking, sockets, TCP vs. UDP, client-server architecture, serialization, RESTful APIs, network latency, and client-side prediction. Projects are presented to illustrate the concepts, including a chat client/server overlay for your game, and a 3D maze game that allows up to four players to connect over the network. By the end of the book, you will be familiar with low-level networking concepts such as protocols and architecture as well as high-level knowledge on how to create applications that use a client/server architecture for multiplayer games. What You Will Learn Know the difference between TCP and UDP, and the pros and cons of these protocols Create client-server multiplayer games in Unity using C# Receive and process data from a remote server using RESTful APIs Understand latency and how to mitigate its impact Who This Book Is For Readers familiar with Unity and C# development who want to create multiplayer games
APress Deep-Dive Terraform on Azure: Automated Delivery and Deployment of Azure Solutions
Get started with the foundations of Infrastructure as Code and learn how Terraform can automate the deployment and management of resources on Azure. This book covers all of the software engineering practices related to Terraform and Infrastructure as Code with Azure as a cloud provider.The book starts with an introduction to Infrastructure as Code and covers basic concepts, principles, and tools, followed by an overview of Azure and Terraform that shows you how Terraform can be used to provision and manage Azure resources. You will get started writing multiple Terraform scripts and explore its various concepts. Author Ritesh Modi takes a deep dive into Terraform and teaches you about deployment and multiple resource creation using loops. Writing a reusable script using modules is discussed as well as management and administration of secrets, sensitive data, and passwords within Terraform code. You will learn to store and version Terraform scripts and know how Terraform is used in Azure DevOps pipelines. And you will write unit and integration tests for Terraform and learn its best practices. The book also highlights and walks through the Terraform Azure Provider and shows you a simple way to create a new Terraform provider.After reading this book, you will be able to write quality Terraform scripts that are secure by design, modular, and reusable in Azure.What Will You Learn Understand implementation within infrastructure and application deployments Provision resources in Azure using Terraform Use unit and integration testing Explore concepts such as local vs remote, importing state, workspaces, and backends Who This Book Is ForSoftware engineers, DevOps professionals, and technology architects
APress Wireless Network Simulation: A Guide using Ad Hoc Networks and the ns-3 Simulator
Learn to run your own simulation by working with model analysis, mathematical background, simulation output data, and most importantly, a network simulator for wireless technology. This book introduces the best practices of simulator use, the techniques for analyzing simulations with artificial agents and the integration with other technologies such as Power Line Communications (PLC).Network simulation is a key technique used to test the future behavior of a network. It’s a vital development component for the development of 5G, IoT, wireless sensor networks, and many more. This book explains the scope and evolution of the technology that has led to the development of dynamic systems such as Internet of Things and fog computing. You'll focus on the ad hoc networks with stochastic behavior and dynamic nature, and the ns-3 simulator. These are useful open source tools for academics, researchers, students and engineers to deploy telecommunications experiments, proofs and new scenarios with a high degree of similarity with reality. You'll also benefit from a detailed explanation of the examples and the theoretical components needed to deploy wireless simulations or wired, if necessary.What You’ll Learn Review best practices of simulator uses Understand techniques for analyzing simulations with artificial agents Apply simulation techniques and experiment design Program on ns-3 simulator Analyze simulation results Create new modules or protocols for wired and wireless networks Who This Book Is ForUndergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and professors interested in network simulations. This book also includes theoretical components about simulation, which are useful for those interested in discrete event simulation DES, general theory of simulation, wireless simulation and ns-3 simulator.
APress Pro SQL Server Relational Database Design and Implementation: Best Practices for Scalability and Performance
Learn effective and scalable database design techniques in SQL Server 2019 and other recent SQL Server versions. This book is revised to cover additions to SQL Server that include SQL graph enhancements, in-memory online transaction processing, temporal data storage, row-level security, and other design-related features. This book will help you design OLTP databases that are high-quality, protect the integrity of your data, and perform fast on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid configurations. Designing an effective and scalable database using SQL Server is a task requiring skills that have been around for well over 30 years, using technology that is constantly changing. This book covers everything from design logic that business users will understand to the physical implementation of design in a SQL Server database. Grounded in best practices and a solid understanding of the underlying theory, author Louis Davidson shows you how to "get it right" in SQL Server database design and lay a solid groundwork for the future use of valuable business data.What You Will Learn Develop conceptual models of client data using interviews and client documentation Implement designs that work on premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid approach Recognize and apply common database design patterns Normalize data models to enhance integrity and scalability of your databases for the long-term use of valuable data Translate conceptual models into high-performing SQL Server databases Secure and protect data integrity as part of meeting regulatory requirements Create effective indexing to speed query performance Understand the concepts of concurrency Who This Book Is ForProgrammers and database administrators of all types who want to use SQL Server to store transactional data. The book is especially useful to those wanting to learn the latest database design features in SQL Server 2019 (features that include graph objects, in-memory OLTP, temporal data support, and more). Chapters on fundamental concepts, the language of database modeling, SQL implementation, and the normalization process lay a solid groundwork for readers who are just entering the field of database design. More advanced chapters serve the seasoned veteran by tackling the latest in physical implementation features that SQL Server has to offer. The book has been carefully revised to cover all the design-related features that are new in SQL Server 2019.
APress Modeling and Animation Using Blender: Blender 2.80: The Rise of Eevee
Discover the 3D-modeling and animation power of Blender 3D. This book starts with a brief introduction to Blender 3D including installation and the user interface. The following two chapters then introduce you to the upgraded tools in Blender 2.80 for 3D modeling, texturing, shading, and animation. The last chapter discusses the Blender game engine and all its core features. Along the way you’ll see why Blender 3D has proved its competency in UV unwrapping, texturing, raster graphic editing, rigging, sculpting, animating, motion graphics, and video editing through the years. Modeling and Animation Using Blender gives a thorough tour of Blender Eevee, covering its new features and how to make best use of them. After reading this book you will have the confidence to choose Blender for your next project. What You Will Learn Master the features of Blender Eevee Work with modeling, animation, and much more using the updated software Understand important concepts such as physics and particles Who This Book Is For Art enthusiasts and professionals who want to learn Blender 3D. Blender 3D professionals who want to learn about the latest version would find the book useful.
APress Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: Creating Neural Networks with Python
Discover the concepts of deep learning used for natural language processing (NLP), with full-fledged examples of neural network models such as recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory networks, and sequence-2-sequence models.You’ll start by covering the mathematical prerequisites and the fundamentals of deep learning and NLP with practical examples. The first three chapters of the book cover the basics of NLP, starting with word-vector representation before moving onto advanced algorithms. The final chapters focus entirely on implementation, and deal with sophisticated architectures such as RNN, LSTM, and Seq2seq, using Python tools: TensorFlow, and Keras. Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing follows a progressive approach and combines all the knowledge you have gained to build a question-answer chatbot system.This book is a good starting point for people who want to get started in deep learning for NLP. All the code presented in the book will be available in the form of IPython notebooks and scripts, which allow you to try out the examples and extend them in interesting ways.What You Will Learn Gain the fundamentals of deep learning and its mathematical prerequisites Discover deep learning frameworks in Python Develop a chatbot Implement a research paper on sentiment classification Who This Book Is ForSoftware developers who are curious to try out deep learning with NLP.
APress Cybersecurity Incident Response: How to Contain, Eradicate, and Recover from Incidents
Create, maintain, and manage a continual cybersecurity incident response program using the practical steps presented in this book. Don't allow your cybersecurity incident responses (IR) to fall short of the mark due to lack of planning, preparation, leadership, and management support. Surviving an incident, or a breach, requires the best response possible. This book provides practical guidance for the containment, eradication, and recovery from cybersecurity events and incidents.The book takes the approach that incident response should be a continual program. Leaders must understand the organizational environment, the strengths and weaknesses of the program and team, and how to strategically respond. Successful behaviors and actions required for each phase of incident response are explored in the book. Straight from NIST 800-61, these actions include: Planning and practicing Detection Containment Eradication Post-incident actions What You’ll Learn Know the sub-categories of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Understand the components of incident response Go beyond the incident response plan Turn the plan into a program that needs vision, leadership, and culture to make it successful Be effective in your role on the incident response team Who This Book Is For Cybersecurity leaders, executives, consultants, and entry-level professionals responsible for executing the incident response plan when something goes wrong
APress Practical Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Bots, and Agent Solutions Using C#
Discover how all levels Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be present in the most unimaginable scenarios of ordinary lives. This book explores subjects such as neural networks, agents, multi agent systems, supervised learning, and unsupervised learning. These and other topics will be addressed with real world examples, so you can learn fundamental concepts with AI solutions and apply them to your own projects.People tend to talk about AI as something mystical and unrelated to their ordinary life. Practical Artificial Intelligence provides simple explanations and hands on instructions. Rather than focusing on theory and overly scientific language, this book will enable practitioners of all levels to not only learn about AI but implement its practical uses.What You’ll Learn Understand agents and multi agents and how they are incorporated Relate machine learning to real-world problems and see what it means to you Apply supervised and unsupervised learning techniques and methods in the real world Implement reinforcement learning, game programming, simulation, and neural networks Who This Book Is ForComputer science students, professionals, and hobbyists interested in AI and its applications.
APress Code Generation with Roslyn
Learn how Roslyn's new code generation capability will let you write software that is more concise, runs faster, and is easier to maintain. You will learn from real-world business applications to create better software by letting the computer write its own code based on your business logic already defined in lookup tables.Code Generation with Rosyln is the first book to cover this new capability. You will learn how these techniques can be used to simplify systems integration so that if one system already defines business logic through lookup tables, you can integrate a new system and share business logic by allowing the new system to write its own business logic based on already existing table-based business logic.One of the many benefits you will discover is that Roslyn uses an innovative approach to compiler design, opening up the inner workings of the compiler process. You will learn how to see the syntax tree that Roslyn is building as it compiles your code. Additionally, you will learn to feed it your own syntax tree that you create on the fly.What You'll Learn Structure logic to be stored in database design Build complex conditional logic based on lookup data in the database Compile code that you generate programmatically Discover generated code and run it dynamically to implement new business logic Debug problems in generated code Deploy and access generated code Who This Book Is ForBack end developers in very dynamic fast-paced business environments. Developers focused on integrating different systems across an enterprise should also find this information useful.
APress Designing Human-Centric AI Experiences: Applied UX Design for Artificial Intelligence
User experience (UX) design practices have seen a fundamental shift as more and more software products incorporate machine learning (ML) components and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms at their core. This book will probe into UX design’s role in making technologies inclusive and enabling user collaboration with AI. AI/ML-based systems have changed the way of traditional UX design. Instead of programming a method to do a specific action, creators of these systems provide data and nurture them to curate outcomes based on inputs. These systems are dynamic and while AI systems change over time, their user experience, in many cases, does not adapt to this dynamic nature. Applied UX Design for Artificial Intelligence will explore this problem, addressing the challenges and opportunities in UX design for AI/ML systems, look at best practices for designers, managers, and product creators and showcase how individuals from a non-technical background can collaborate effectively with AI and Machine learning teams. You Will Learn: Best practices in UX design when building human-centric AI products or features Ability to spot opportunities for applying AI in their organizations Advantages and limitations of AI when building software products Ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with AI/ML tech teams • UX design for different modalities (voice, speech, text, etc.) Designing ethical AI system
APress Game Development with GameMaker Studio 2: Make Your Own Games with GameMaker Language
Create games from start to finish while learning game design and programming principles using the GameMaker Studio 2 game engine and GameMaker Language (GML).Game Development with GameMaker Studio 2 covers all aspects of game design and development from the initial idea to the final release, using an award-winning game engine. You learn how to create real-world video games based on classic and legendary video game genres. Each game project introduces and explains concepts of game development and design and coding principles, allowing you to build a wide set of skills while creating an exciting portfolio to kick-start a career in game development.Author Sebastiano Cossu teaches you to design levels in your games, draw sprites to populate your virtual worlds, program game objects for interaction with the player, incorporate custom music and sound effects, build GUIs for your menus and game interfaces, and support keyboard, mouse, and gamepad controls in your projects. He shows you how to build cross-platform games to run on all desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) and publish them on the most popular game stores such as Steam, GOG, Humble Store, and What You’ll Learn Create games for different genres Master GameMaker Language (GML) programming Apply game design principles Delve into game programming patterns Who This Book is ForVideo game enthusiasts interested in game development and design. No prior programming experience is required.
APress Pro Entity Framework Core 2 for ASP.NET Core MVC
Model, map, and access data effectively with Entity Framework Core 2, the latest evolution of Microsoft’s object-relational mapping framework. You will access data utilizing .NET objects via the most common data access layer used in ASP.NET Core MVC 2 projects. Best-selling author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from Entity Framework Core 2 in MVC projects. He begins by describing the different ways that Entity Framework Core 2 can model data and the different types of databases that can be used. He then shows you how to use Entity Framework Core 2 in your own MVC projects, starting from the nuts and bolts and building up to the most advanced and sophisticated features, going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need. Chapters include common problems and how to avoid them.What You’ll Learn Gain a solid architectural understanding of Entity Framework Core 2 Create databases using your MVC data model Create MVC models using an existing database Access data in an MVC application using Entity Framework Core 2 Use Entity Framework in RESTful Web Services Who This Book Is ForASP.NET Core MVC 2 developers who want to use Entity Framework Core 2 as the data access layer in their projects
APress Salt Open: Automating Your Enterprise and Your Network
There is a rapid growth of automation in server rooms and data centers. The days of having many administrators running around busily configuring and maintaining servers are gone and have been replaced with droves of Salt-Minions; agents beavering away on the target nodes ensuring the configuration is as specified. This book covers Salt Open (also known as SaltStack Open) from the ground up and shows you how to work with two Linux distributions.You'll see how Salt Open is duplicated with ArubaOS and IOS networking devices, which can be configured without the underlying OS. As you step through the configuration options, you'll learn how to run remote execution modules from the CLI before looking at stateful configuration using SLS files. Moving on, you'll learn how to configure the systems where you also need to monitor your devices and that is when reactors and beacons come into play. Creating beacons to alert the server when thresholds are exceeded, you will be able to create reactors to mitigate the issues identified by the beacons.By the end of this book, you will be able to deploy Salt to your servers and network infrastructure. You will be able to install the Salt-Master and Salt-Minion, executing commands from both the Master and the Minion. The networking devices you need to manage will be controlled through the Salt_Proxy Minions that you have configured. Finally, you will be able to load-balance connections to the master with Salt-Syndic. What You'll Learn Install Salt Services on Ubuntu and CentOS based systems Work with remote execution modules Format YAML files correctly Provide defined configuration using state files Use Salt-Proxy to configure network devices Automate the configuration of Linux servers and networking devices Add value for both the server and network automation team Who This Book Is ForSystem administrators experienced in Linux administration, who desire to expand their horizons into the world of automation, moving from scripts to states.
APress Information Assurance and Risk Management Strategies: Manage Your Information Systems and Tools in the Cloud
Learn how to deploy information assurance risk management strategies that align with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s recommendations. This book will show you how to implement information assurance risk management strategies within your organization. Aimed at system administrators and cybersecurity practitioners, author Bradley Fowler first walks you through how to assess known risks in your organization, understand why using a risk mitigation security strategy control profile is essential, and how to create one for your organization. You will then learn how to develop a risk factor table, outlining descriptions for each risk factor within your organization and which software applications you’ll need to rely on for daily business communication and operations. You will also see how to assess and categorize the level of risk within each technology tool, as well as the impact of an information security breach on the organization. As you progress through the book, you'll review privacy issues relating to your organization, develop and manage a privacy compliance risk profile, and develop and manage a privacy compliance control profile. Additionally, you will gain insight into creating a privacy compliance risk mitigation strategy that helps protect your organization even as security threats evolve. Take the first step to safeguarding your company’s highly valuable information assets today! What You'll Learn Understand what information assurance is and how it relates to risk management strategies Assess, develop, implement, and manage risk management strategies for corporate information systems, technology, and cloud environments Develop and utilize information usage profiles and risk factor tables Understand the value of data encryption and usage of private and public key exchange for information assurance and security Who This Book Is For Information system and cloud architects responsible for developing, implementing, and managing corporate information systems and cloud environments.
APress Linux Containers and Virtualization: Utilizing Rust for Linux Containers
This book is a practical, comprehensive guide to creating secure and efficient Linux containers using the Rust programming language. It utilizes a hands-on approach to teach Rust's programming constructs, security features, and its application in containerization. Author Shashank Mohan Jain starts with a gentle introduction to Rust to help you grasp the language's core concepts, syntax, and unique memory safety guarantees. He then transitions into the realm of Linux container development, where Rust shines as a robust and secure language for building containerized applications. Through hands-on examples, you will gain a deep understanding of how to harness Rust's features to create lightweight and secure Linux containers and how to leverage its strong type system and ownership model to eliminate common bugs and ensure memory safety in containerized applications. As you progress, you’ll explore the intricacies of working with system resources, networking, and interacting with the host operating system while maintaining isolation and security within the containers, as well as how Rust's concurrency model can build performant and responsive containerized applications. The book also covers advanced topics such as secure configuration handling, logging, and handling authentication within your containerized environment. After completing this book, you will be well-versed in Rust programming, equipped to create efficient and secure Linux containers, and confident in your ability to develop containerized applications for a variety of use cases. What You Will Learn Understand the basics of the Rust programming language Understand Rust's security features Create Linux constructs like namespaces in Rust Develop your own container runtime using Rust Who This Book Is For Developers, Architects and SREs working with cloud applications and dealing with container based workloads.
APress Beginner's Guide to Unity Shader Graph: Create Immersive Game Worlds Using Unity’s Shader Tool
Discover how shaders can enhance your game and mesmerize players by making graphic gameplay elements more realistic and attractive. This book provides easy-to-follow recipes that will show you how to leverage the Unity Shader Graph to create more immersive, enjoyable games. Author Álvaro Alda takes you through each effect step by step, so that you gain a foundational understanding of how they are created using the Shader Graph tool. Practical projects help you put what you’re learning into context, from simple effects like 3D scan lines to more complicated effects such as black holes, bubble particles, water, and even interactive snow. Twelve different effects are demonstrated, to cover almost everything related to shader graph. On completing this book, you will have a thorough understanding of the Shader Graph tool and samples to replicate and continue learning from. Whether you are an indie game developer or technical artist, Beginner's Guide to Unity Shader Graph will give you the confidence to use the Shader Graph tool to create games that will keep players glued to their screens. What You Will Learn Understand the purpose and use of every node and function in Shader Graph Gain a working knowledge of the mathematics needed to use the fragment and vertex shaders Create complex effects with Shader Graph using post processing and taking full advantage of the URP of the Unity 3D engine Develop procedural textures using mathematical nodes in Shader Graph Who Is This Book For Technical artists, indie developers, and game developers with little to no knowledge of shaders, but who have basic knowledge of Unity. As the Shader Graph in Unity is similar to other shader editors like Amplify, Blender material nodes and Unreal shaders, this book can be used as reference when working with other platforms and game engines different from Unity.
APress The Quiet Crypto Revolution: How Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Are Changing Our Lives
Crypto is going to change the world, and for those tired of confusing financial jargon and complicated technical terminology, look no further. This book demystifies the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology and explains in accessible language how it will affect your daily life. In The Quiet Crypto Revolution, Klaas Jung dives beneath the surface of Bitcoin to explore the engine that powers it - blockchain. Far surpassing the confines of cryptocurrencies, blockchain's potential for wide-ranging applications is enormous. It's crucial to understand that cryptocurrencies are merely a single manifestation of blockchain's capabilities. This book casts light on the broader spectrum of blockchain applications and the exciting future of this groundbreaking technology. With a focus on real-world applications, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the key concepts behind the innovative technology of blockchain, equipping you to make informed decisions. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or a complete newcomer to the world of crypto and finance, this book will arm you with the knowledge and insights you need to understand the impact cryptocurrency and blockchain will have on your future.You Will Look at the future of blockchain technology Review potential use cases for blockchain beyond cryptocurrency Study security strategies to avoid scams in the crypto space Who This Book Is ForBeginners who would like to gain a better understanding of cryptocurrency and the technology that supports it.
APress Developer Advocacy: Establishing Trust, Creating Connections, and Inspiring Developers to Build Better
No matter which point you're currently at on the developer advocacy journey – whether you've already implemented a developer advocate function or you're exploring the possibility – this book is for you. This book provides actionable guidance that business and technology leaders can use to understand the benefits of advocacy, identify what goes into the function, and learn how to maximize the success of developer advocate teams.Developer advocacy is a role that is sometimes hard to quantify and build – but you feel it when you’re missing it. Companies are struggling to solidify advocacy despite a strong desire to do so and little guidance exists for businesses seeking to build a developer advocacy program or assess its effectiveness. This book will show you how to get an advocacy program in your business: the basics of having an advocacy program, what tasks and processes need to be set up, and how to identify key stakeholders. You'll see how companies of all types that sell to or engage with technical audiences can develop a developer advocacy strategy. Specifically, you'll learn what developer advocates do, how business can start an advocacy practice in your organization and how to scale and operationalize such a practice once it is in place. The book will further explore the metrics for measuring advocacy success and ways the scale advocacy teams internally and externally. The Power of Developer Advocacy explores the exciting career path of advocacy for developers and engineers. What You Will Learn Discover what developer advocacy is Determine which sorts of companies need the function Understand what the primary strategic considerations for developer advocacy is Who This Book is For Existing and future advocacy leaders, would-be developer advocates, developer marketers and DevRel teams and leaders
APress Creative Prototyping with Generative AI: Augmenting Creative Workflows with Generative AI
Reimagine different generative AI as useful creative prototyping tools that can be used to augment your own creative process and projects. Gain a deeper understanding of how generative AI can elevate your creative future. You will acquire a comprehensive understanding of how AI works, uncover tools that can enhance your AI interactions, learn how to extract maximum potential from AI-produced content, and experiment with methods for assessing, refining, and boosting the content to transform your creative projects. You'll also explore how creative professionals from varied disciplines are employing generative AI in their workflows to produce distinctive contributions to the world. Each chapter provides examples of how designers and other creative individuals can utilize these technological wonders, adopting various prototyping techniques to fast-track and optimize design processes and workflows. Creators from all disciplines can tap into the vast capabilities and benefits of generative AI, enabling them to rapidly experiment and prototype their ideas.You Will Learn: Understand how generative AI can support your own creative process Learn tools to get the most out of text-text, text-image, and text-video generative AI Augment your design practices using generative AI Draw inspiration from AI generated content to create unique creative work Improve and streamline creatives processes and workflows Who This Book Is For Digital media professionals who want to access off-the shelf creative tools to improve and accelerate their creativity and workflow. Designers and engineers who are looking at novel ways to improve their prototyping and testing processes. Students who want to use AI to rapidly generate ideas to support them in prototyping assignments. Instructors interested in pointing their students to a variety of accessible AI resources to manage their own creativity.