Search results for ""pocket""
Hal Leonard Corporation Ultimate Scale Book Pocket Guide Guitar Tab Book
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Pokemon The Complete Pokemon Pocket Guide Vol. 2
A full-color two-volume series that includes stats on 898 Pokémon!A massive newly revised guide that covers 898 Pokémon! Fully illustrated and totally comprehensive, this two-volume series includes full-color pictures, descriptions, and stats on Abilities, moves, and Evolutions!This second volume of a two-book set, organized by Pokédex number, includes data on 456 Pokémon, from Gible to Calyrex! Plus details on many regional, Gigantamax, and Mega Evolution forms!
SportsBooks Ltd The Nationwide Annual 2017–18: Soccer’s pocket encyclopedia
Mountaineers Books The Pocket Doctor: A Passport to Healthy Travel
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Brown Bear Notebook Dotted
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
Search Press Ltd Pocket Book of Crochet: Mindful Crafting for Beginners
From best-selling author and crafting queen Claire Gelder, this gorgeous mini guide is packed full of crochet know-how, practical illustrations and comes with four simple projects. Perfect for complete beginners, Claire clearly explains everything you need to know about crochet: how to read a ball band, how to get tension correct, how to choose hooks and yarns and how to read abbreviations and crochet patterns. It is structured as a simple 3-step course that will help you progress from bronze to gold as your skills and confidence grow. Start with the basic stitches and techniques, build up a few more stitches for your collection, then finally add in some simple shaping and some pompoms. Before you know it you'll be crocheting a colour blocked scarf, some snuggly pompom slippers and a cuddly teddy bear, plus the bonus granny square blanket project. Filled with positive affirmations and beautifully illustrated, this wonderful book is the ideal introduction to crochet for a complete beginner.
APA Publications Berlitz Pocket Guide Bilbao (Travel Guide with Dictionary)
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Orange Tiger Notebook Lined
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Green Deer Notebook Plain
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Orange Tiger Notebook Graphed
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Living Prayer: The Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom
There are few writers on prayer who speak with more authority than Metropolitan Anthony. In this book we can share his spirituality and his deep understanding of the link between contemplation and action in Christian life. He explores the relationship between worship and prayer, and goes on to look at well-known prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer, revealing new depths in familiar phrases. He also reflects on less familiar petitions such as the Prayer of Bartimaeus, and many people will find his teaching on unanswered prayers particularly helpful.
The Pool of London Press The Royal Navy Officer’s Jutland Pocket-Manual 1916
The Natural History Museum Treasures of the Natural History Museum: (Pocket edition)
The Natural History Museum, London is home to one of the world's most important collections of natural history specimens, literature and artworks. This book showcases treasures, selected both from objects on display and those stored behind the scenes. Each one is chosen for its scientific importance, striking beauty or intriguing story - and sometimes all three. Among the many exceptional natural wonders featured are: a rare meteorite from Mars; Darwin's celebrated finch specimens; a lethal claw from the dinosaur Baryonyx; one of the first forms of life on Earth; and some immaculately dressed fleas. The book also includes many architectural treasures from the magnificent Museum building itself. With intriguing stories behind each entry, this is a fascinating insight into the Museum's unrivalled collections.
Paizo Publishing, LLC Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide Pocket Edition
Adventure like never before with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide! Explore new heights of heroism with 10 new base classes, each with 20 levels of amazing abilities. Incredible powers also await existing characters, with more than a hundred new archetypes and class options. Prepare characters for their most legendary adventure ever with massive selections of never-before-seen spells, magic items, and more! The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 15 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium. Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide includes: • Ten new base classes—the magic-twisting arcanist, the ferocious bloodrager, the cunning investigator, the daring swashbuckler, the formidable warpriest, and others. • Variant class abilities and thematic archetypes for all 29 base classes, such as the counterfeit mage and the mutagenic mauler. • Nearly a hundred new feats for characters of all classes, including style feats, teamwork feats like Coordinated Shot, and more. • Hundreds of new spells and magic items, such as feast on fear and skullcrusher gauntlets. • An entire armory of amazing equipment, from vital new adventuring gear to deadly alchemical weapons. • ... and much, much more!
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Early essential newborn care: clinical practice pocket guide
Insight Editions Game of Thrones: House Stark Ruled Pocket Journal
Insight Editions Game of Thrones: House Targaryen Ruled Pocket Journal
Waterford Press Ltd Knots: A Folding Pocket Guide to Purposeful Knots
Knots is a handy guide to tying purposeful knots. If you need to handcuff a burglar, lasso a steer, escape from an asylum or tie a perfect bowtie, this is the guide for you. Fifty effective knots that can be used for a variety of purposes are highlighted. Knots is a great resource of portable information and is ideal for field use by both novices and experts. Made in the USA.
Simon & Schuster A Pocket Full of Lies Star Trek Voyager
An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: Voyager,from the New York Timesbestselling author!
Andrews McMeel Publishing Pocket Posh Sudoku and Beyond 5 100 Puzzles
Alfred A. Knopf National Audubon Society Pocket Guide: Insects and Spiders
Handwerk + Technik GmbH eBook inside Buch und eBook Erste Hilfe pocket
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Pocket Teacher Musik 510 Klasse Kompaktwissen 510 Klasse
Kein + Aber Die Biene und der Kurt Kein Aber Pocket
Oldcastle Books The Universe New Expanded Edition Pocket Essentials S
A witty, accessible and entertaining journey through teh philosophies of time and space.
Oldcastle Books Ltd A Pocket Essential Short History of The Gnostics
Gnosticism - derived from the Greek word gnosis, to know - is the name given to various religious schools that proliferated in the first centuries after Christ and, at one time, it almost became the dominant form of Christianity. Yet some Gnostic beliefs derive from the older Mystery traditions of Greece and Rome, and the various Gnostic schools came to be branded as heretical by the emerging Christian church. Indeed, although some Gnostic beliefs are close to mainstream Christianity Gnosticism also held that the world is imperfect as it was created by an evil god who was constantly at war with the true, good God; that Christ and Satan were brothers; that reincarnation exists; and that women were the equal of men As a result, the Gnostics held the Feminine Aspect of God - whom they addressed as Sophia, or Wisdom - in very high regard. They also stressed that we each have a spark of the Divine inside us which, when recognised and developed, will ultimately liberate us from the prison of the material world. Although largely stamped out by the Church by the sixth century, Gnosticism survived underground through groups such as the Bogomils and the Cathars, and influenced the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the psychologist Carl Jung, the Existentialists, the New Age movement and writers as diverse as William Blake, W.B. Yeats, Albert Camus and Philip K. Dick. In this book, Sean Martin recounts the long and diverse history of Gnosticism, and argues for its continued relevance today.
APA Publications Pocket Rough Guide London Travel Guide with eBook
APA Publications Berlitz Pocket Guide Tenerife (Travel Guide with Dictionary)
APA Publications Berlitz Pocket Guide Brussels (Travel Guide with Dictionary)
Insight Editions Harry Potter: Spells and Charms Ruled Pocket Journal
Waterford Press Ltd Earthwatchers: Pocket Guides to Geology, Volcanoes and Dinosaurs
Schiffer Publishing Ltd A Pocket Guide to Pink Depression Era Glass
During the Great Depression, glass companies turned to machine-made methods to produce inexpensive, colorful glass. Due to its wonderful variety, availability, beauty, and usefulness, this type of glassware has endured to become one of the hottest collectibles on today's antiques market. This is the first book to extensively cover only Depression Era pink glass; pink was the most popular color of glassware then and has retained its popularity to the present day. It contains over 200 color photographs, examples of forty-five patterns, and brief histories of glass companies such as Bartlett-Collins, Cambridge, Federal, Fostoria, Hazel-Atlas, Imperial, Westmoreland, and others. This revised and expanded second edition features some new photographs and newly revised prices. It is an indispensable guide for all who collect Depression era glass and enjoy the beauty of pink glassware.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Pocket Matchsafes: Reflections of Life & Art, 1840-1920
Are you interested in matchsafes, breweriana, orientalia, fraternal orders, black memorabilia, Native Americans, royalty and politicians, risquŠ themes, sports, advertising, heraldry, gambling, and late-nineteenth and early twentieth century art forms? One medium that has captured all the above is matchsafes, presented here as a microcosm of life and art from 1840 to 1920. Nearly 2,000 matchsafes have been captured in exquisite detail in 398 color photographs by Gordon Deas. Each is described with details of its pertinent artist, patentee, manufacturer, materials, construction, and value, all complementing the brief and conversational general text. This definitive book is organized according to these interests to provide hours of enjoyment and a source you will return to again and again.
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2021 Blue Sea
The diary pages are laid out with one week to view, beginning with Sunday (which has a double-size space) and including the whole of December and Advent. Titles of Sundays and dates of festivals correspond to the Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer. There are pages at the back for personal memoranda, addresses and telephone numbers. Also includes: Complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary for Advent 2020 to Advent 2021, with Sunday names for Common Worship and BCP schemes Information on every Anglican Diocese in the UK and the Republic of Ireland Names and addresses of major Christian societies, charities and other organizations, including all mainstream denominations
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2019: Black A5
The diary pages are laid out with one week to view, beginning with Sunday (which has a double-size space) and including the whole of December and Advent. Titles of Sundays and dates of festivals correspond to the Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer. There are pages at the back for personal memoranda, addresses and telephone numbers. Also includes: Complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary for Advent 2017 to Advent 2018, with Sunday names for Common Worship and BCP schemes Information on every Anglican Diocese in the UK and the Republic of Ireland Names and addresses of major Christian societies, charities and other organisations, including all mainstream denominations.
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Green Deer Notebook Dotted
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
Search Press Ltd Pocket Book of Knitting: Mindful Crafting for Beginners
From best-selling author and crafting queen Claire Gelder, this gorgeous mini guide is packed full of knitting know-how, practical illustrations and comes with four simple projects. Perfect for complete beginners, Claire clearly explains everything you need to know about knitting: how to read a ball band, how to get tension correct, how to choose needles and yarns, how to cast on and how to read abbreviations and knitting patterns. It is structured as a simple three-step course that will help you progress from bronze to gold as your skills and confidence grow. Start with the basic stitches and simple joining, build up a few more stitches for your collection, then finally add in some simple shaping and some pompoms. Before you know it you'll be knitting a garter stitch scarf, herringbone stitch blanket, a loop stitch cushion and a pompom hat. Filled with positive affirmations and beautifully illustrated, this wonderful book is a perfect introduction to knitting for a complete beginner.
APA Publications Berlitz Pocket Guide Florence (Travel Guide with Dictionary)
Shambhala Publications Inc The Path of Insight Meditation: Shambhala Pocket Library
The Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year Pocket Diary 2022
John Murray Press NIV Pocket Cyan Soft-tone Bible with Zip
With over 400 million Bibles in print, the New International Version is the world's most popular modern English Bible. It is renowned for its combination of reliability and readability. Fully revised and updated for the first time in 25 years, the NIV is ideal for personal reading, public teaching and group study.This Bible also features: - clear, readable 6.75pt text- easy-to-read layout - shortcuts to key stories, events and people of the Bible - reading plan - timeline - book by book overview - quick links to find inspiration and help from the Bible in different life situationsThis edition uses British spelling, punctuation and grammar to allow the Bible to be read more naturally.More about the translationThis revised and updated edition of the NIV includes three main types of change, taking into account changes in the way we use language day to day; advances in biblical scholarship and understanding; and the need to ensure that gender accurate language is used, to faithfully reflect whether men and women are referred to in each instance. The translators have carefully assessed a huge body of scholarship, as well as inviting peer submissions, in order to review every word of the existing NIV to ensure it remains as clear and relevant today as when it was first published.Royalties from all sales of the NIV Bible help Biblica, formerly the International Bible Society, in their work of translating and distributing Bibles around the world.
Gill A Pocket Guide to the Wild Atlantic Way
The Wild Atlantic Way is Ireland’s most famous and most popular driving route, attracting thousands of visitors each year. Stretching from west Cork right up to Donegal, it is a place of incredible, breath taking scenery, with beautiful places to stay, delicious food and great craic. This little book is both a guide to and a souvenir of one of the world’s most spectacular areas.
FILOFAX UK Filofax Pocket Week on two pages Diary 2024
Filofax Pocket 2024 diary. Week on two pages format. English language. White paper. Paper size 81mm x 120mm.