Search results for ""author rath"
Stanford University Press The Idea of Form: Rethinking Kant’s Aesthetics
Against the assumption that aesthetic form relates to a harmonious arrangement of parts into a beautiful whole, this book argues that reason is the real theme of the Critique of Judgment as of the two earlier Critiques. Since aesthetic judgment of the beautiful becomes possible only when the mind is confronted with things of nature, for which no determined concepts of understanding are available, aesthetic judgment is involved in an epistemological or, rather, para-epistemological task. The predicate "beautiful" indicates that something has minimal form and is cognizable. This book explores this concept of form, in particular the role of presentation (Darstellung) in what Kant refers to as "mere form," which involves not only the understanding, but also reason as the faculty of ideas. Such a notion of form reveals why the beautiful can be related to the morally good. On the basis of this reinterpreted concept of form, most major concepts and themes of the Critique of Judgment—such as disinterestedness, free play, the sublime, genius, and beautiful arts—are examined by the author and shown in a new light.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Elizabeth Heyrick The Making of an AntiSlavery Campaigner
Elizabeth Heyrick fought fiercely for the rights of oppressed people. After a disastrous marriage, she became a prolific pamphleteer, a Quaker and one of the most outspoken anti-slavery campaigners of her time. Despite renewed contemporary interest in slavery, and in the stories of those who opposed it, female abolitionists are still much less well known than their male counterparts. Yet they were often more radical and more daring. Heyrick defied male authority and she led others in challenging William Wilberforce and his colleagues to fight for the immediate rather than the gradual abolition of slavery.This book is the first full length biography of Elizabeth Heyrick and it sets her life in the context of the British anti-slavery movement of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. She was a woman who dared to put her head above the parapet and to call out those responsible for one of the worst abuses of human rights in history. She was courageous, loyal and uncompromising, and
John Wiley & Sons Inc Winning the Professional Services Sale: Unconventional Strategies to Reach More Clients, Land Profitable Work, and Maintain Your Sanity
An innovative approach to winning more profitable sales in the growing professional services industry In recent years, professional services providers have had to rethink their sales methods and adapt to profound changes in the way clients buy services. In response, Winning the Professional Services Sale argues for fundamental changes in the seller's mindset and sales strategies. Rather than pressing the sale, salespeople must help clients buy--the way that works best for each client. This new approach gives buyers what they now want in a services seller: a consultative problem solver, change agent, and solution integrator, all rolled into one. Author Michael McLaughlin presents a strategy for winning new business with a holistic approach to each client relationship. Only by fully understanding a sale from every angle, including its impact on the client's business and career, can salespeople thrive in the new era of the service economy.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Tudor Tales: The Thief, the Fool and the Big Fat King
From the bestselling author of Horrible Histories, named 'the outstanding children's non-fiction author of the 20th century' by Books For Keeps _______________ Ideal for readers aged 7+ Every day, hapless hopefuls travel to dirty and dangerous Tudor London, trying to seek their fortunes. But what and who is waiting for them when they get there? Tricksters and conmen, like young Eleanor's family, who prey on their naivety. Meanwhile, the fearsome King Henry VIII has some rather cruel ideas of justice... for everyone. Terry Deary’s Tudor Tales explore the infamous world of the Tudors through the eyes of children who could have lived at the time. These stories feature real people and take place in some of the most recognisable Tudor settings. This new edition features notes for the reader to help extend learning and exploration of the historical period. _______________ ‘Bubbling with wit, language play and robust dialogue....just the right mix of ingredients to trigger young readers' interest in all things historical’ - Books For Keeps
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cycles of Child Maltreatment: Facts, Fallacies and Interventions
Although most families do not repeat the patterns of abuse of their childhood, there is evidence that, for whatever reason, substantial numbers do. This book explores continuing intergenerational cycles of child maltreatment and the controversies that surround the theories, focusing mainly on physical abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse, rather than sexual abuse. Examining the facts and the fallacies permeating the international literature, the author suggests that in intergenerational child maltreatment, there may not be just one cycle, but four separate cycles: sociopolitical factors; recurring cultural patterns; psychological factors; and biological factors. Interventions need to be focused on each cycle independently to attempt to break the cycle of child maltreatment. Ann Buchanan draws on her wide range of both academic and research experience in this field, as well as on her clinical experience, to bring together both the theories and research in the mechanisms of transmission, and the practical aspects of interventions. The book is easily accessible with clear summaries and will prove an excellent introduction to all those working with children and families.
Temple University Press,U.S. Four Germanys: A Chronicle of the Schorcht Family: A Chronicle of the Schorcht Family
In this last book by the late Donald Pitkin, author of The House that Giacomo Built, comes a story of the Schorcht family, through whose fortunes and struggles one can see the transformations of Germany through the long twentieth century.Each chapter of Four Germanys is reflective of generational rather than historical time. In 1922, Edwin Schorcht inherited his family farm, and in Part One, Pitkin traces the derivation of this farmstead. Part Two focuses on Schorcht’s children who came of age in Hitler’s Germany. Part Three has the Schorchts growing up in the Ulbricht years (1950–73) of the German Democratic Republic. The book concludes with the great-granddaughter, Maria, looking back to the past in relation to the new Germany that history had bequeathed her.Ultimately, Four Germanys reflects the impact of critical historical events on ordinary East Germans while it also reveals how one particular family managed its own historical adaptation to these events.
Princeton University Press The Shape of the Signifier: 1967 to the End of History
The Shape of the Signifier is a critique of recent theory--primarily literary but also cultural and political. Bringing together previously unconnected strands of Michaels's thought--from "Against Theory" to Our America--it anatomizes what's fundamentally at stake when we think of literature in terms of the experience of the reader rather than the intention of the author, and when we substitute the question of who people are for the question of what they believe. With signature virtuosity, Michaels shows how the replacement of ideological difference (we believe different things) with identitarian difference (we speak different languages, we have different bodies and different histories) organizes the thinking of writers from Richard Rorty to Octavia Butler to Samuel Huntington to Kathy Acker. He then examines how this shift produces the narrative logic of texts ranging from Toni Morrison's Beloved to Michael Hardt and Toni Negri's Empire. As with everything Michaels writes, The Shape of the Signifier is sure to leave controversy and debate in its wake.
Simon & Schuster First Things First
In the spirit of THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE, the international bestseller, FIRST THINGS FIRST is a revolutionary guide to managing your time by learning how to balance your life. Traditional time management suggests that working harder, smarter and faster will help you gain control of your life, and that increased control will bring peace and fulfilment. The authors of FIRST THINGS FIRST disagree. In the first real breakthrough in time management in years, Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill apply the insights of the 7 HABITS to the daily problems of people who must struggle with the ever increasing demands of work and home life. Rather than focusing on time and things, FIRST THINGS FIRST emphasises relationships and results. And instead of efficiency, this new approach emphasises effectiveness. Covey offers a principle-centred approach that will empower readers to define what is truly important; to accomplish worthwhile goals; and to lead rich, rewarding and balanced lives.
Ebury Publishing The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success For Parents: Guiding your Children to success and Fulfilment
`Deepak Chopra`s thoughts on spirituality and child rearing are original, profound and fascinating' BENJAMIN SPOCK, MD Deepak Chopra`s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success have touched a chord around the globe because of their simplicity and trust. This parenting book takes those laws one by one and explores the many ways parents can bring them into the lives of their children. Explaining that success depends on who you are rather than what you do, this world-renowned physician and author shows that spirituality lies at the source of all achievement in life. Suggesting ways that parents can help their children absorb this timeless wisdom from an early age, Deepak Chopra offers a daily programme of practical, thought-provoking ideas for the whole family to follow. In this way, parents can teach their children how to live in the most effortless, harmonious and creative way - and thus know true abundance thoughout their lives.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Christmasaurus and the Night Before Christmas
A second picture-book Christmasaurus adventure from beloved children''s author Tom Fletcher, full of festive magic.It''s the night before Christmas, and Christmasaurus wants to help the elves get everything ready for Santa. But it turns out that having claws can make things like wrapping presents, baking gingerbread, and decorating trees rather . . . difficult.Can Christmasaurus find his own way to make this the best Christmas ever?A new Christmasaurus story from bestselling author Tom Fletcher, told in brilliant read-aloud rhyme and with an uplifting message about finding your own special talents. Featuring magical illustrations from Shane Devries and two stunning pull-out gatefold spreads, this gorgeous book is the perfect Christmas gift.More Christmas magic from Tom Fletcher:The Christmasaurus Tom Fletcher''s timeless picture-book adventure
Stanford University Press Royal Censorship of Books in Eighteenth-Century France
Today, we are inclined to believe that intellectual freedom has no greater adversary than the censor. In eighteenth-century France, the matter was more complicated. Royal censors envisioned themselves not as fulfilling a mission of state-sponsored repression but rather as guiding the literary traffic of the Enlightenment. By awarding pre-publication and pre-distribution approvals, royal censors sought to insulate authors and publishers from the scandal of post-publication condemnation by parliaments, the police, or the Church. Less official authorizations were also awarded. Though censors did delete words and phrases from manuscripts and sometimes rejected manuscripts altogether, the liberal use of tacit permissions and conditional approvals resulted in the publication and circulation of books that, under a less flexible system, might never have seen the light of day. In essence, eighteenth-century French censors served as cultural intermediaries who bore responsibility for expanding public awareness of the progressive thought of their time.
University of Illinois Press Great Gatsby and Modern Times
"A stunning piece of work. If Fitzgerald could have wished for one reader of The Great Gatsby, it would have been Ronald Berman. Berman's criticism creates an ideal companion piece to the novel--as brilliantly illuminating about America as it is about fiction, and composed with as much thought and style." -- Roger Rosenblatt "An impressive study that brilliantly highlights the oneness of Fitzgerald's art with the overall context of modernism." -- Milton R. Stern, author of The Golden Moment: The Novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald "Citing films, dates, places, schedules, Broadway newsstands, and the spoils of manufacture, the author, never lapsing into critical jargon, locates the characters in 'the moving present.' Gatsby, the first of the great novels to emerge from B movies, uses the language of commodities, advertisements, photography, cinematography, and Horatio Alger to present models of identity for characters absorbed in and by what is communicated. . . . Berman concludes that Gatsby 'reassembled' rather than 'invented' himself." -- A. Hirsh, Choice
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Shape Of Algebra In The Mirrors Of Mathematics, The: A Visual, Computer-aided Exploration Of Elementary Algebra And Beyond (With Cd-rom)
The Shape of Algebra in the Mirrors of Mathematics is a unique text aiming to explain some elements of modern mathematics and to show its flavor and unity. It is neither a standard textbook nor a tour of algebra for a casual reader. Rather, it is an attempt to share authors' mathematical experiences and philosophy with readers who have more than a passing interest in mathematics, but only a traditional exposure to High School Algebra and some elements of Calculus. The book gives the readers a sense of visual nature of significant part of mathematics.The reader becomes an owner of and a researcher in VisuMatica, a virtual math laboratory. It is an original and comprehensive PC software package (a brainchild of the second author) that will enable the reader to experience mathematics both as a human intellectual endeavor and as an experimental science. Although it is possible to read and appreciate the book without ever visiting the VisuMatica lab, those who engage with the interactive demos found in the lab will greatly advance their understanding of the text. The book seeks to encourage an interactive, investigative style of learning that can promote the habits of mind characteristic of modern mathematical thinking.An outline of the topics that are discussed may read like a list of graduate courses: Abstract Algebra, Topology, Singularity Theory, Complex Analysis, and Number Theory. However, they are presented from an intuitive perspective that uses primarily visual models and concepts. Although the main subject is polynomials and polynomial equations, the true story line is the interplay between basic ideas from algebra, geometry, analysis and topology.The Shape of Algebra might serve as a text for an “appreciation” course in modern mathematics designed for non-mathematics majors or for students who are considering majoring in mathematics or related disciplines. The authors' goal is to present the reader with a fresh viewpoint on the sense and flavor of mathematics. The subject is often presented in a fashion that students find stale and uncompelling. The book's emphasis, in contrast, is on how a modern practitioner thinks about and works within the discipline.The book aims to attract students of all ages, particularly including professional mathematicians interested in pedagogy. In part, The Shape of Algebra is directed at secondary and college teachers and students who want to expand their horizons in the field and to find both a fresh presentation of familiar concepts and, perhaps, some unexpected results. Many of the topics and demos are self-contained and can be used individually to enhance traditional courses. Several of the ideas and materials developed in the book have been tested in high school and college classrooms. The book will enable readers to approach its content on three levels: the first level requires only some fluency with routine algebraic manipulations; the second also presumes familiarity with the notions of derivatives, and the third uses some basic concepts of multivariable calculus and linear algebra. All three levels are clearly marked in the text, and allow for a smooth reading enhanced by virtual experiments.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Clinical Manual for the Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Patients
Since the first edition of Clinical Manual for Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Patients was published in 2005, advances have been made that increase our understanding of suicidal and self-destructive behavior. Although clinicians cannot unerringly predict which patients will die by suicide, they can focus more successfully on early identification of suicidal behavior and effective intervention, and this new edition of the clinical manual thoroughly explores not only assessment of suicidality but what comes after an at-risk patient has been identified. The authors argue that treating specific psychiatric disorders is not enough to prevent suicide, and they offer clinicians the necessary information and strategies to bridge that gap. The authors' main premise is that suicide is a dangerous and short-term problem-solving behavior designed to regulate or eliminate intense emotional pain—a quick fix where a long-term effective solution is needed—and this understanding is the underpinning of the assessment and treatment strategies the authors recommend. The content of this new edition has been thoroughly reviewed and revised, and substantive changes have been made to specific chapters to ensure that the book represents the most current thinking and research, while retaining the strengths of the previous edition. • The chapter on assessment has been revised to put the fundamental components of effective treatment in a clinical, case-oriented context and includes an easy-to-use assessment protocol that allows clinicians to determine where individual patients stand on seven dimensions (cognitive rigidity, problem-solving deficits, heightened mental pain, emotionally avoidant coping style, interpersonal deficits, self-control deficits, and environmental stress and social support deficits).• The many issues involved in the use of psychotropic medications in suicidal patients are addressed in a new chapter, which includes information on the relevant classes of drugs (such as antidepressants and antianxiety agents) and the issues that may arise with their use, including side effects, degree of lethality, and tendency to aggravate suicidality on introduction and withdrawal of the medication. • The chapter on special populations has been expanded to include adolescents, elders, and patients with co-occurring substance abuse or psychosis. Because of additional vulnerabilities, treating these groups may call for the use of added or special techniques to ensure the best therapeutic outcomes.• Primary care physicians are the first point of contact for many patients, and they may require additional preparation in order to assess and respond to those experiencing suicidal thoughts. The chapter "Suicidal Patients in Primary Care" explores strategies for screening, recognizing, and assessing risk; treating the initial crisis; and developing a crisis management plan.• "Tips for Success" appear at intervals, and "The Essentials" are included at the end of each chapter, highlighting the most important concepts. In addition, there are scores of helpful charts and exercises. Practical, accessible, and reader-friendly, the Clinical Manual for Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Patients is not an academic book but rather is one designed to become an indispensable part of clinicians' working libraries.
Wakefield Press Marcel Schwob - Imaginary Lives
“The art of the biographer consists specifically in choice. He is not meant to worry about speaking truth; he must create human characteristics amidst the chaos.”—Marcel Schwob Imaginary Lives remains, over 120 years since its original publication in French, one of the secret keys to modern literature: under-recognized, yet a decisive influence on such writers as Apollinaire, Borges, Jarry and Artaud, and more contemporary authors such as Roberto Bolaño and Jean Echenoz. Drawing from historical influences such as Plutarch and Diogenes Laërtius, and authors more contemporary to him such as Thomas De Quincey and Walter Pater, Schwob established the genre of fictional biography with this collection: a form of narrative that championed the specificity of the individual over the generality of history, and the memorable detail of a vice over the forgettable banality of a virtue. These 22 portraits present figures drawn from the margins of history, from Empedocles the “Supposed God” and Clodia the “Licentious Matron” to the pirate Captain Kidd and the Scottish murderers Messrs. Burke and Hare. In his quest for unique lives, Schwob also formulated an early conception of the anti-hero, and discarded historical figures in favor of their shadows. These “imaginary lives” thus acquaint us with the “Hateful Poet” Cecco Angiolieri instead of his lifelong rival, Dante Alighieri; the would-be romantic pirate Major Stede Bonnet instead of the infamous Blackbeard who would lead him to the gallows; the false confessor Nicolas Loyseleur rather than Joan of Arc whom he cruelly deceived; or the actor Gabriel Spenser in place of the better-remembered Ben Jonson who ran a sword through his lung. Marcel Schwob (1867–1905) was a scholar of startling breadth and an incomparable storyteller. The secret influence on generations of writers, Schwob was as versed in the street slang of medieval thieves as he was in the poetry of Walt Whitman (whom he translated into French).
SAGE Publications Inc The New Teacher Revolution: Changing Education for a New Generation of Learners
For 21st Century Educators – The New Rules Of Student Engagement It’s time to throw out the old rulebook. Today’s classroom demands teacher innovation, embracing of new technology, and rejection of outdated practices, especially when someone tells you it’s "always been done" a certain way. Meet Josh Stumpenhorst, recently named Illinois Teacher of the Year. Stumpenhorst’s orthodoxy-challenging methods have produced outstanding student outcomes, and in these pages he details how to maximize teacher effectiveness by thinking outside the box: Build student relationships on trust and respect rather than fear and punishment Rethink homework and letter grades, which—in their current forms—are harming learning Leverage technology by not treating it as a "shiny toy", but rather understand its power as a tool for rapid progress Educators who welcome large-scale change are about to pull ahead of those who don’t. "Josh Stumpenhorst is an all-star teacher. And the advice he provides for his colleagues comes from his own authentic experience in the classroom and from a place of deep respect for students and learning. For new teachers in search of mentoring, this book is the place to start." - Daniel H. Pink, Author "The dynamic changes in society have fundamentally altered our learners, resulting in a system that no longer meets their needs. Josh Stumpenhorst not only provides a plan to right the ship, but backs it up by including numerous strategies that have been successfully implemented." -Eric Sheninger, Author and Award-Winning Principal "Josh clarifies the goals most salient to the teaching profession, while providing solutions to entrenched challenges. Any teacher, new or veteran, will rethink their classroom after reading this book." -Angela Maiers, Educator and Author
The University of Chicago Press Managing to Make It: Urban Families and Adolescent Success
One of the myths about families in inner-city neighbourhoods is that they are characterized by poor parenting. The sociologist Frank Furstenberg and his colleagues explode this and other misconceptions about success, parenting, and socioeconomic advantage in this text. The book launches a series which focuses on how and why youth are able to overcome - rather than succumb to - social disadvantages. Based on more than 500 interviews and qualitative case studies of families in inner-city Philadelphia, the text reveals how parents managed different levels of resources and dangers in low-income neighbourhoods and how this management, rather than community involvement, contributed to the success of their children. The authors detail the factors that shape the trajectories of adolescents and in so doing provide information about programmes and services that should be useful to policy makers, sociologists, educators, and indeed anyone concerned with the fate of the urban poor.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biofilms in the Food Environment
In nature, microorganisms are generally found attached to surfaces as biofilms such as dust, insects, plants, animals and rocks, rather than suspended in solution. Once a biofilm is developed, other microorganisms are free to attach and benefit from this microbial community. The food industry, which has a rich supply of nutrients, solid surfaces, and raw materials constantly entering and moving through the facility, is an ideal environment for biofilm development, which can potentially protect food pathogens from sanitizers and result in the spread of foodborne illness. Biofilms in the Food Environment is designed to provide researchers in academia, federal research labs, and industry with an understanding of the impact, control, and hurdles of biofilms in the food environment. Key to biofilm control is an understanding of its development. The goal of this 2nd edition is to expand and complement the topics presented in the original book. Readers will find: The first comprehensive review of biofilm development by Campylobacter jejuni An up-date on the resistance of Listeria monocytogenes to sanitizing agents, which continues to be a major concern to the food industry An account of biofilms associated with various food groups such as dairy, meat, vegetables and fruit is of global concern A description of two novel methods to control biofilms in the food environment: bio-nanoparticle technology and bacteriophage Biofilms are not always a problem: sometimes they even desirable. In the human gut they are essential to our survival and provide access to some key nutrients from the food we consume. The authors provide up-date information on the use of biofilms for the production of value-added products via microbial fermentations. Biofilms cannot be ignored when addressing a foodborne outbreak. All the authors for each chapter are experts in their field of research. The Editors� hope is that this second edition will provide the bases and understanding for much needed future research in the critical area of �Biofilm in Food Environment�.
SAGE Publications Inc The Distance Learning Playbook, Grades K-12: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting
Effective teaching is effective teaching, no matter where it occurs The pandemic teaching of mid-2020 was not really distance learning, but rather crisis teaching. But starting now, teachers have the opportunity to prepare for distance learning with purpose and intent—using what works best to accelerate students’ learning all the while maintaining an indelible focus on equity. Harnessing the insights and experience of renowned educators Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie, The Distance Learning Playbook applies the wisdom and evidence of VISIBLE LEARNING® research to understand what works best with distance learning. Spanning topics from teacher-student relationships, teacher credibility and clarity, instructional design, assessments, and grading, this comprehensive playbook details the research- and evidence-based strategies teachers can mobilize to deliver high- impact learning in an online, virtual, and distributed environment. This powerful guide includes: Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each module to track your own learning and model evidence-based teacher practices for meaningful learning A diversity of instructional approaches, including direct instruction, peer learning, and independent work that foster student self-regulation and move learning to deep and transfer levels Discussion of equity challenges associated with distance learning, along with examples of how teachers can work to ensure that equity gains that have been realized are not lost. Special guidance for teachers of young children who are learning from a distance Videos of the authors and teachers discussing a wide variety of distance learning topics Space to write and reflect on current practices and plan future instruction The Distance Learning Playbook is the essential hands-on guide to preparing and delivering distance learning experiences that are truly effective and impactful. To purchase from an Authorized Corwin Distributor click here. A Spanish translation of the Distance Learning Playbook, Grades K-12, Aprendizaje a Distancia Guia, Guia de Preescolar a Bachillerator, can be purchased by contacting Irene Yepez from Editorial Trillas at
John Murray Press Complete Creative Writing Course: Your complete companion for writing creative fiction
LEARN HOW TO WRITE CREATIVELY WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE AND PRACTICAL COURSE.The only comprehensive Creative Writing title on the market that goes beyond introducing the basic genres to offering a complete journey along the writing path, including material on editing, redrafting and polishing a piece of work. Featuring the unique Workshop exercises to encourage readers to hone their work rather than just progressing through a number of exercises.Takes the reader from complete beginner or committed amateur to the point you've completed, edited and redrafted your work and are ready for publication.ABOUT THE SERIESThe Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.
The Collective Book Studio Dear White Women: Let's Get (Un)comfortable Talking about Racism
"Dear white women: please do us all a favor and buy this book….Then READ IT." —Kate Schatz, New York Times bestselling authorWHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? This is a question that many seemingly well intentioned White people ask people of color. Yet, it places the responsibility to educate on their peers, friends, colleagues, and even strangers, rather than themselves. If you've ever asked or been asked "What can I do to help combat racism?" then Dear White Women: Let's Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism is the answer you're looking for. From the creators of the award winning podcast Dear White Women, this book breaks down the psychology and barriers to meaningful race discussions for White people, contextualizing racism throughout American history in short, targeted chapters. Sara Blanchard and Misasha Suzuki Graham bring their insights to the page with: Personal narratives Historical context Practical tips Dear White Women challenges readers to encounter the hard questions about race (and racism) in order to push the needle of change in a positive direction.PRAISE FOR DEAR WHITE WOMEN: "Dear White Women: Let's Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism is a book that needs to be read by all people." —Shanicia Boswell, Author and Founder of Black Moms Blog "This gentle but firm guide will appeal to readers interested in putting the concept of anti-racism into action." —Publishers Weekly "Smart, insightful....Sara Blanchard and Misasha Suzuki Graham provide a blueprint for thinking through the hard questions, recognizing that crossing identity lines requires intentional and continuous practice." —Ji Seon Song, Acting Professor of Law, University of California at Irvine "The invisibility of Native Americans from U.S. society must be a part of our racial reckoning, something Sara Blanchard and Misasha Suzuki Graham have taken care to address in this thoughtful look at race in America.” —Crystal Echo Hawk (Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma), Founder and Executive Director of IllumiNative
Johns Hopkins University Press Ending Sexual Violence in College: A Community-Focused Approach
How do we create a culture of zero tolerance for sexual violence on college campuses?In a world where one in five women on campus experience some form of sexual assault, what would it take to create a campus culture that was free of violence against women? From a public health perspective, sexual assault is an epidemic on campuses, but why? What is it about a campus community culture that permits or encourages this, at a time when a majority of students are now female? In this practical guide for colleges and universities, Joanne H. Gavin, James Campbell Quick, and David J. Gavin lay out a community-based model that is designed to eliminate sexual misconduct, spot it before it happens, punish its perpetrators, support its victims/survivors, and end this epidemic. Ending Sexual Violence in College is a prescriptive guide for creating a campus culture that is intolerant of sexual misconduct regardless of who is involved or the context in which it happens. A culture of intolerance, the authors argue, does not consider the role or status of either the perpetrator or victim/survivor. Rather, this culture protects all members. Using a public health model with an emphasis on prevention to create this cultural change, the book utilizes psychological and organizational research to understand the challenges of making these changes while enhancing the odds of permanent cultural change for the better.Designed to spur community-wide conversations on how we can make our campuses safe from sexual violence, this book's preventive approach allows communities to self-monitor. The authors include case studies of institutions that have not been proactive in putting programs in place to protect students, as well as examples of institutions that are effectively addressing these problems. Aimed at college administrators and Title IX coordinators who are responsible for leading campuses that are safe for everyone, Ending Sexual Violence in College also enables those who work or live on a college campus to take an active role in making the campus safer.
Savas Beatie Gettysburg in Color: Volume 1: Brandy Station to Little Round Top
Artificial Intelligence meets Gettysburg. And it is a marvelous pairing.Author Patrick Brennan, a long-time student of the Civil War, published author, and an editorial advisor for The Civil War Monitor magazine, has teamed up with his technology-astute daughter Dylan Brennan to bring the largest Civil War battle to life in striking life-like colors in this remarkable two volume study.Rather than guess or dabble with the colors, as so many do these days, the Brennans used an artificial intelligence-based computerized color identifier to determine the precise color of uniforms, flesh, hair, equipment, terrain, houses, and much more. The result is a monumental full-color study of the important three-day battle that brings the men, the landscape, and the action into the 21st Century.The deep colorization of battle-related woodcuts, for example, reveals a plethora of details that have long passed unseen. The photos of the soldiers and their officers look as if they were taken yesterday.The use of this modern technology has also solved a couple lingering mysteries. It not only helped pinpoint the precise location of one of Gettysburg’s most famous “death” images, but determined that two of the seven “Union” dead depicted were in fact Confederates. As Pat Brennan explains, that may also be a “first” when it comes to Civil War photography: “It was long believed this was an image of seven dead Union soldiers. In fact, only five are Union men. The other two are Confederates. I am still researching the issue, but I believe this may be the only photo we have from the entire Civil War that portrays dead from both sides.”Gettysburg in Color: Vol. 1: Brandy Station to Little Round Top and Vol. 2: The Peach Orchard to Falling Waters, will be out in July 2022 and include nearly 300 photos, paintings, drawings, and woodcuts colorized utilizing the latest in color-recognition software, together with Brennan’s unique digital painting techniques, incredible 3-D maps, and his own extensive research.
Yale University Press Devotion
The National Book Award–winning author of Year of the Monkey, Just Kids, and M Train offers a rare, intimate account of her own creative process “Devotion is short enough to devour at one enjoyable sitting and thought-provoking enough to deserve re-reading.”—Suzi Feay, Financial Times “Devotion shows rather than tells what it means to give a life to writing.”—Katherine Cooper, Hyperallergic A work of creative brilliance may seem like magic—its source a mystery, its impact unexpectedly stirring. How does an artist accomplish such an achievement, connecting deeply with an audience never met? In this groundbreaking book, one of our culture’s beloved artists offers a detailed account of her own creative process, inspirations, and unexpected connections. Patti Smith, a National Book Award–winning author, first presents an original and beautifully crafted tale of obsession—a young skater who lives for her art, a possessive collector who ruthlessly seeks his prize, a relationship forged of need both craven and exalted. She then takes us on a second journey, exploring the sources of her story. We travel through the South of France to Camus’s house, and visit the garden of the great publisher Gallimard, where the ghosts of Mishima, Nabokov, and Genet mingle. Smith tracks down Simone Weil’s grave in a lonely cemetery, hours from London, and winds through the nameless Paris streets of Patrick Modiano’s novels. Whether writing in a café or on a train, Smith generously opens her notebooks and lets us glimpse the alchemy of her art and craft in this arresting and original book. The Why I Write series is based on the Windham–Campbell Lectures, delivered annually to commemorate the awarding of the Donald Windham–Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prizes at Yale University.
Coach House Books Any Night of the Week: A D.I.Y. History of Toronto Music, 1957-2001
The story of how Toronto became a music mecca. From Yonge Street to Yorkville to Queen West to College, the neighbourhoods that housed Toronto’s music scenes. Featuring Syrinx, Rough Trade, Martha and the Muffins, Fifth Column, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, Rheostatics, Ghetto Concept, LAL, Broken Social Scene, and more! “Jonny Dovercourt, a tireless force in Toronto’s music scene, offers the widest-ranging view out there on how an Anglo-Saxon backwater terrified of people going to bars on Sundays transforms itself into a multicultural metropolis that raises up more than its share of beloved artists, from indie to hip-hop to the unclassifiable. His unique approach is to zoom in on the rooms where it’s happened – the live venues that come and too frequently go – as well as on the people who’ve devoted their lives and labours to collective creativity in a city that sometimes seems like it’d rather stick to banking. For locals, fans, and urban arts denizens anywhere, the essential Any Night of the Week is full of inspiration, discoveries, and cautionary tales.” —Carl Wilson, Slate music critic and author of Let’s Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste, one of Billboard’s ‘100 Greatest Music Books of All Time’ “Toronto has long been one of North America’s great music cities, but hasn’t got the same credit as L.A., Memphis, Nashville, and others. This book will go a long way towards proving Toronto’s place in the music universe.” —Alan Cross, host, the Ongoing History of New Music “The sweaty, thunderous exhilaration of being in a packed club, in collective thrall to a killer band, extends across generations, platforms, and genre preferences. With this essential book, Jonny has created something that's not just a time capsule, but a time machine.” —Sarah Liss, author of Army of Lovers
Princeton University Press Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life
Leviathan and the Air-Pump examines the conflicts over the value and propriety of experimental methods between two major seventeenth-century thinkers: Thomas Hobbes, author of the political treatise Leviathan and vehement critic of systematic experimentation in natural philosophy, and Robert Boyle, mechanical philosopher and owner of the newly invented air-pump. The issues at stake in their disputes ranged from the physical integrity of the air-pump to the intellectual integrity of the knowledge it might yield. Both Boyle and Hobbes were looking for ways of establishing knowledge that did not decay into ad hominem attacks and political division. Boyle proposed the experiment as cure. He argued that facts should be manufactured by machines like the air-pump so that gentlemen could witness the experiments and produce knowledge that everyone agreed on. Hobbes, by contrast, looked for natural law and viewed experiments as the artificial, unreliable products of an exclusive guild. The new approaches taken in Leviathan and the Air-Pump have been enormously influential on historical studies of science. Shapin and Schaffer found a moment of scientific revolution and showed how key scientific givens--facts, interpretations, experiment, truth--were fundamental to a new political order. Shapin and Schaffer were also innovative in their ethnographic approach. Attempting to understand the work habits, rituals, and social structures of a remote, unfamiliar group, they argued that politics were tied up in what scientists did, rather than what they said. Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer use the confrontation between Hobbes and Boyle as a way of understanding what was at stake in the early history of scientific experimentation. They describe the protagonists' divergent views of natural knowledge, and situate the Hobbes-Boyle disputes within contemporary debates over the role of intellectuals in public life and the problems of social order and assent in Restoration England. In a new introduction, the authors describe how science and its social context were understood when this book was first published, and how the study of the history of science has changed since then.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of Romantic Literature
Historical Narrative Offers Introduction to Romanticism by Placing Key Figures in Overall Social Context Going beyond the general literary survey, A History of Romantic Literature examines the literatures of sensibility and intensity as well as the aesthetic dimensions of horror and terror, sublimity and ecstasy, by providing a richly integrated account of shared themes, interests, innovations, rivalries and disputes among the writers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Drawing from the assemblage theory, Prof. Burwick maintains that the literature of the period is inseparable from prevailing economic conditions and ongoing political and religious turmoil, as well as developments in physics, astronomy, music and art. Thus, rather than deal with authors as if they worked in isolation from society, he identifies and describes their interactions with their communities and with one another, as well as their responses to current events. By connecting seemingly scattered and random events such as the bank crisis of 1825, he weaves the coincidental into a coherent narrative of the networking that informed the rise and progress of Romanticism. Notable features of the book include: A strong narrative structure divided into four major chronological periods: Revolution, 1789-1798; Napoleonic Wars, 1799-1815; Riots, 1815-1820; Reform, 1821-1832 Thorough coverage of major and minor figures and institutions of the Romantic movement (including Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Montague and the Bluestockings, Lord Byron, John Keats, Letitia Elizabeth Landon etc.) Emphasis on the influence of social networks among authors, such as informal dinners and teas, clubs, salons and more formal institutions With its extensive coverage and insightful analysis set within a lively historical narrative, History of Romantic Literature is highly recommended for courses on British Romanticism at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. It will also prove a highly useful reference for advanced scholars pursuing their own research.
The University of Chicago Press Covering the Body: The Kennedy Assassination, the Media, and the Shaping of Collective Memory
Images of the assassination of John F. Kennedy are burned deeply into the memories of millions who watched the events of November 1963 unfold live on television. Never before had America seen an event of this magnitude as it happened. But what is it we remember? How did the near chaos of the shooting and its aftermath get transformed into a seamless story of epic proportions? In this book, Barbie Zelizer explores the way we learned about and came to make sense of the killing of the president. Covering the Body (the title refers to the charge given journalists to follow a president) is a powerful reassessment of the media's role in shaping our collective memory of the assassination—at the same time as it used the assassination coverage to legitimize its own role as official interpreter of American reality. Of the more than fifty reporters covering Kennedy in Dallas, no one actually saw the assassination. And faced with a monumentally important story that was continuously breaking, most journalists had no time to verify leads or substantiate reports. Rather, they took discrete moments of their stories and turned them into one coherent narrative, blurring what was and was not "professional" about their coverage. Through incisive analyses of the many accounts and investigations in the years since the shooting, Zelizer reveals how journalists used the assassination not just to relay the news but to address the issues they saw as central to the profession and to promote themselves as cultural authorities. Indeed, argues Zelizer, these motivations are still alive and are at the core of the controversy surrounding Oliver Stone's movie, JFK. At its heart, Covering the Body raises serious questions about the role of the media in defining our reality, and shaping our myths and memories. In tracing how journalists attempted to answer questions that still trouble most Americans, Zelizer offers a fascinating analysis of the role of the media as cultural authorities.
Johns Hopkins University Press Portraying the President: The White House and the News Media
The media have become principal actors on the American political scene. Politicians and their press secretaries release news items with one eye on the event and the other on the millions of voters who depend on the White House press corps to keep them informed about the workings of their government. Portraying the President explores the inner workings of the relationship between the White House and the press. Rather than emphasize the well-publicized sparring between inquisitive reporters and evasive administrative spokesmen intent on enhancing the President's public image, the authors stress the vast amount of cooperation between journalists and their sources. They point out the similarities of the White House-media relationship in recent administrations and suggest what shape it is likely to take in the future. The authors also address the key issues of information management and manipulation by both the administration and the press. Grossman and Kumar demonstrate that, whether a lower level staff member leaks a news item to elevate his own status or an official spokesman mentions a new policy proposal in order to gather support, the release of information to the White House press corps involves complicated strategies among a number of administrative personnel. Washington reporters, aware of some of these tactics, compensate by cultivating personal sources and trading information with officials. Nevertheless, the routine nature of White House reporting and the competitiveness of modern news organizations often trap the reporter into what has been called "pack journalism." Interviews with current and former White House reporters, including Bob Schieffer, Tom Brokaw, James Naughton, James Reston, and John Osborne, give Portraying the President an authentic, firsthand sound and feel. Comments from Ron Nessen, Gerald Rafshoon, Jody Powell, and other presidential spokesmen and advisors, give insight into White House operations during the Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations. Portraying the President provides information vital to an appreciation of the modern American political system. Its thought-provoking conclusions will be of interest political scientists, media specialists, and anyone interested in current affairs.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cybercrime and Cyber Warfare
In order to enable general understanding and to foster the implementation of necessary support measures in organizations, this book describes the fundamental and conceptual aspects of cyberspace abuse. These aspects are logically and reasonably discussed in the fields related to cybercrime and cyberwarfare. The book illustrates differences between the two fields, perpetrators’ activities, as well as the methods of investigating and fighting against attacks committed by perpetrators operating in cyberspace. The first chapter focuses on the understanding of cybercrime, i.e. the perpetrators, their motives and their organizations. Tools for implementing attacks are also briefly mentioned, however this book is not technical and does not intend to instruct readers about the technical aspects of cybercrime, but rather focuses on managerial views of cybercrime. Other sections of this chapter deal with the protection against attacks, fear, investigation and the cost of cybercrime. Relevant legislation and legal bodies, which are used in cybercrime, are briefly described at the end of the chapter. The second chapter deals with cyberwarfare and explains the difference between classic cybercrime and operations taking place in the modern inter-connected world. It tackles the following questions: who is committing cyberwarfare; who are the victims and who are the perpetrators? Countries which have an important role in cyberwarfare around the world, and the significant efforts being made to combat cyberwarfare on national and international levels, are mentioned. The common points of cybercrime and cyberwarfare, the methods used to protect against them and the vision of the future of cybercrime and cyberwarfare are briefly described at the end of the book. Contents 1. Cybercrime. 2. Cyberwarfare. About the Authors Igor Bernik is Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Head of the Information Security Lab at the University of Maribor, Slovenia. He has written and contributed towards over 150 scientific articles and conference papers, and co-authored 4 books. His current research interests concern information/cybersecurity, cybercrime, cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism.
Stanford University Press An American Bible: A History of the Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880
"An American Bible is an extremely compelling piece of cultural history that succeeds in making rich rather than schematic sense of the major dramas that lay behind the production of over 1,700 different American editions of the Bible in the century after the American Revolution. Gutjahr's book is especially powerful in demonstrating how nineteenth-century efforts to purge the Bible of textual and translational impurities in search of an 'authentic' text led ironically to the emergence of entirely new gospels like the Book of Mormon and the massive fictionalized literature dealing with the life of Christ." —Jay Fliegelman, Stanford University During the first three-quarters of the nineteenth century, American publishing experienced unprecedented, exponential growth. An emerging market economy, widespread religious revival, educational reforms, and innovations in print technology worked together to create a culture increasingly formed and framed by the power of print. At the center of this new culture was the Bible, the book that has been called "the best seller" in American publishing history. Yet it is important to realize that the Bible in America was not a simple, uniform entity. First printed in the United States during the American Revolution, the Bible underwent many revisions, translations, and changes in format as different editors and publishers appropriated it to meet a wide range of changing ideological and economic demands. This book examines how many different constituencies (both secular and religious) fought to keep the Bible the preeminent text in the United States as the country's print marketplace experienced explosive growth. The author shows how these heated battles had profound consequences for many American cultural practices and forms of printed material. By exploring how publishers, clergymen, politicians, educators, and lay persons met the threat that new printed material posed to the dominance of the Bible by changing both its form and its contents, the author reveals the causes and consequences of mutating God's supposedly immutable Word.
Island Press Project Planning and Management for Ecological Restoration
Project Planning and Management for Ecological Restoration addresses a problem that is the reason many current restoration projects are not as effective or successful as they could be: a lack of understanding of the principles of sound planning and management. John Rieger, John Stanley, and Ray Traynor, who collectively have decades of experience implementing successful restoration projects, provide a straightforward framework for developing and executing an ecological restoration project in order to maximize its potential for success. The authors focus on process, planning, design, implementation, and management rather than science. They describe a simple project management plan, identify the design approaches and the commitments that decisions require, and explain how design theory is translated to on-the-ground project design. The book includes numerous illustrations, as well as a series of checklists and tables to help restorationists recognize and then correct problems that may arise.
Stanford University Press Bearing Arms for His Majesty: The Free-Colored Militia in Colonial Mexico
This study uses the participation of free colored men, whether mulatos, pardos, or morenos (i.e., Afro-Spaniards, Afro-Indians, or "pure blacks"), in New Spain's militias as a prism for examining race relations, racial identity, racial categorization, and issues of social mobility for racially stigmatized groups in colonial Mexico. By 1793, nearly 10 percent of New Spain's population was made up of people who could trace some African ancestry—people subject to more legal disabilities and social discrimination than mestizos, who in turn fell below white creoles, who in turn fell below the Spanish-born, in the stratified and caste-like society of colonial Spanish America. The originality of this study lies in approaching race via a single, important institution, the military, rather than via abstractions or examples taken from particular regions or single runs of legal documents. By exploring the lives of tens of thousands of part-time and full-time free colored soldiers, who served the colony as volunteers or conscripts, and by adopting a multi-regional approach, the author is able not only to show how military institutions evolved with reference to race and vice versa, but to do so in a manner that reveals discontinuities and regional differences as well as historical trends. He also is able to examine black lives beyond the institution of slavery and to achieve a more nuanced impression of the meaning of freedom in colonial times. From the 1550s on, free colored forces figured prominently in the colony's military forces, and units of free colored soldiers evolved with increasing autonomy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The author concludes, however, that the Bourbon reforms of the 1760s—which clearly expanded the military establishment and the role of Spanish soldiers born in the New World—came at the expense of free colored companies, which experienced a reduction in both numbers and institutional privileges.
HarperCollins Publishers Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball (The Amelia Fang Series)
A GORGEOUSLY GOTHIC, WICKEDLY FUNNY NEW SERIES FROM WITCH WARS ILLUSTRATOR LAURA ELLEN ANDERSON Welcome to the world of Nocturnia, where darkness reigns supreme, glitter is terrifying, and unicorns are the stuff of nightmares! Amelia Fang would much rather hang out with her pet pumpkin Squashy and her friends Florence the yeti (DON'T CALL HER BEAST!) and Grimaldi the reaper than dance at her parents' annual Barbaric Ball. And when the King’s spoiled son Tangine captures Squashy, Amelia and her friends must escape the party to plan a daring rescue! In their race against time, they begin to realise things in Nocturnia may not be quite what they seem … Join Amelia on her very first adventure. She won't bite! This gloriously ghostly new series from the creator of EVIL EMPEROR PENGUIN is perfect for 7-9 year olds and fans of THE WORST WITCH and WITCH WARS. Amelia Fang is a modern Wednesday Addams – but much more loveable! Look out for Amelia's next adventure, AMELIA FANG AND THE UNICORN LORDS, coming soon! Praise for Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball: 'Brilliantly imagined … laugh-out-loud funny' Sunday Express 'The perfect mixture of funny, foul and fearful' Metro When she's not trying to take over the world or fighting sock-stealing monsters, Laura Ellen Anderson is a professional children's book author & illustrator, with an increasing addiction to coffee. She spends every waking hour creating and drawing, and would quite like to live on the moon when humans finally make it possible. Laura is the creator of EVIL EMPEROR PENGUIN and illustrator of WITCH WARS, as well as many other children’s books. AMELIA FANG is her first series as author-illustrator. Look out for book two, Amelia Fang and the Unicorn Lords!
John Murray Press Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender
A History Today Book of the YearFinalist for the Lambda Literary Award'A beautiful, brilliant, lively book that weaves together fascinating and moving examples with thoughtful analysis. Both heartfelt and rigorous, entertaining and scholarly, Before We Were Trans invites us to expand our sense of communities - past and present - in welcoming ways, rather than contracting them and policing their borders' MEG-JOHN BARKER, author of Gender: A Graphic Guide'Celebrates trans history, whilst acknowledging the reality of what it means to live within our community with joy and kindness. In-depth research and personal stories tie Before We Were Trans up into a true treat for the mind' JAMIE WINDUST, author of In Their ShoesAcross the world today, people of all ages are doing fascinating, creative, messy things with gender. These people have a rich history - but one that is often left behind by narratives of trans lives that focus on people with stable, binary, uncomplicated gender identities. As a result, these stories tend to be recent, binary, stereotyped, medicalised and white.Before We Were Trans is a new and different story of gender, that seeks not to be comprehensive or definitive, but - by blending culture, feminism and politics - to widen the scope of what we think of as trans history by telling the stories of people across the globe whose experience of gender has been transgressive, or not characterised by stability or binary categories. Transporting us from Renaissance Venice to seventeenth-century Angola, from Edo Japan to North America, the stories this book tells leave questions and resist conclusions. They are fraught with ambiguity, and defy modern Western terminology and categories - not least the category of 'trans' itself. But telling them provides a history that reflects the richness of modern trans reality more closely than any previously written. Before We Were Trans is a history and celebration of gender in all its fluidity, ambiguity and complexity.
Sourcebooks, Inc The Last Sailor: A Novel
"There is real life in Sarah Anne Johnson's new book, and genuine family drama too, all grounded in an authoritative evocation of old Cape Cod's waterways, marshes, and waterfront towns. The Last Sailor is memorable, clearly seen, and deeply felt."—Jon Clinch, author of Marley and FinnFrom the author of The Lightkeeper's Wife comes a poignant and powerful historical novel about grief, redemption, and brotherhood set on the shores of Cape Cod.Cape Cod, 1898: All that Nathaniel Boyd wants is to be left alone. His hopes of marriage died years ago, not long after the storms and the seas and the sails took away his youngest brother. He'd rather be in the marshes of Cape Cod, with their predictable rhythms and no emotion. The Cape doesn't blame him for the accident.The other Boyd brother, Finn, dives headlong into his fish trading company, trying to prove something to himself. When their father asks the brothers to sail a schooner down from Boston to their harbor village, he didn't expect them to bring back a young girl fleeing her home, much less a girl who slips off the boat and nearly drowns. The Boyd men take Rachel to the nearest home to the harbor—that of Nathaniel's first love, Meredith.As Rachel's recovery brings Nathaniel back into Meredith's world, nothing will be the same. And when their father dies and upends the world as they know it, Finn spins into a violent rage. Nathaniel will be forced to sail his own ship, taking command of his family and of his future.For fans of Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris and Lost Boy Found by Kirsten Alexander, The Last Sailor is the painful, but hopeful story of two boys scarred by the loss of their brother, and the men they know they must become.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty: Different Strokes
Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK) is the current preferred technique of Endothelial Keratoplasty and involves replacing only the inner endothelial cell layer, rather than the whole thickness of the cornea, as happens in a conventional full-thickness graft ( This reference is a guide to the technique of DSAEK. Beginning with an introduction to the procedure and pre-operative evaluation, the following chapters discuss in detail different surgical techniques, including pre-operative preparation, anaesthesia, the procedure, post-operative follow up and complications. Authored by recognised specialists in Australia, Hong Kong and India, this comprehensive manual includes more than 230 full colour illustrations and radiographic images, as well as a DVD demonstrating surgical techniques. Key points Comprehensive guide to technique of DSAEK Features more than 230 full colour illustrations and radiographic images Includes DVD demonstrating surgical techniques
Columbia University Press China’s War on Smuggling: Law, Economic Life, and the Making of the Modern State, 1842–1965
Smuggling along the Chinese coast has been a thorn in the side of many regimes. From opium and weapons concealed aboard foreign steamships in the Qing dynasty to nylon stockings and wristwatches trafficked in the People’s Republic, contests between state and smuggler have exerted a surprising but crucial influence on the political economy of modern China. Seeking to consolidate domestic authority and confront foreign challenges, states introduced tighter regulations, higher taxes, and harsher enforcement. These interventions sparked widespread defiance, triggering further coercive measures. Smuggling simultaneously threatened the state’s power while inviting repression that strengthened its authority.Philip Thai chronicles the vicissitudes of smuggling in modern China—its practice, suppression, and significance—to demonstrate the intimate link between illicit coastal trade and the amplification of state power. China’s War on Smuggling shows that the fight against smuggling was not a simple law enforcement problem but rather an impetus to centralize authority and expand economic controls. The smuggling epidemic gave Chinese states pretext to define legal and illegal behavior, and the resulting constraints on consumption and movement remade everyday life for individuals, merchants, and communities. Drawing from varied sources such as legal cases, customs records, and popular press reports and including diverse perspectives from political leaders, frontline enforcers, organized traffickers, and petty runners, Thai uncovers how different regimes policed maritime trade and the unintended consequences their campaigns unleashed. China’s War on Smuggling traces how defiance and repression redefined state power, offering new insights into modern Chinese social, legal, and economic history.
Little, Brown Book Group What Kind of Girl
'An ingenious way of suggesting that all of us contain multitudes . . . Sheinmel brilliantly dramatises the pupils' attempts to create a system of morality for themselves, rather than simply accepting the one handed down by authority' Financial Times'This is an immensely satisfying book from a skilled author' The Irish Times-------------------------------------------------------------------'He said we'd go to the same college, that we'd live in the same dorm, that we'd end up working in the same city after graduation. Doesn't every girl dream that her boyfriend will love her like that?'The girls at North Bay Academy are taking sides. It all started when Mike Parker's girlfriend showed up with a bruise on her face. Or, more specifically, when she walked into the principal's office and said Mike hit her. But the students have questions: Why did she go to the principal and not the police? Why did she stay so long if he was hurting her? Obviously, if it's true, Mike should be expelled. But is it true? Some girls want to rally for his expulsion - and some want to rally around Mike. The only thing that the entire student body can agree on? Someone is lying. And the truth has to come out. -------------------------------------------------------------------'Both timely and timeless, WHAT KIND OF GIRL is a powerful exploration of abuse in its many forms, as well as the strength it takes to rise up and speak your truth. Alyssa Sheinmel has crafted a compelling, moving, and empowering story of hope and courage - one that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page' - Amber Smith, New York Times bestselling author of The Way I Used to Be
Rowman & Littlefield Common Goods: Reinventing European Integration Governance
As European countries become more interdependent, the provision of common goods increasingly must be organized across national boundaries, levels of government, and sectors. In addition, former adversaries in the public and private sectors must learn to collaborate rather than compete. These changing paradigms call for new institutional and instrumental arrangements that move beyond existing modes of national governance. Offering a unique focus on the emerging role of private actors, this volume explores the evolving challenge of governing common goods in an increasingly transnational environment. The first systematic analysis of institutional solutions for providing common goods, this book shows how hierarchies established over centuries of nation-state rule have become obsolete, while negotiation and self-regulation have grown in importance. The contributors explore innovative solutions to the collective action problems countries encounter when clear lines of traditional authority dissolve.
Pearson Education Limited Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Global Edition
For courses in electrical & computing engineering. Feedback control fundamentals with context, case studies, and a focus on design Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 8th Edition, covers the material that every engineer needs to know about feedback control—including concepts like stability, tracking, and robustness. Each chapter presents the fundamentals along with comprehensive, worked-out examples, all within a real-world context and with historical background provided. The text is devoted to supporting students equally in their need to grasp both traditional and more modern topics of digital control, and the author's focus on design as a theme early on, rather than focusing on analysis first and incorporating design much later. An entire chapter is devoted to comprehensive case studies, and the 8th Edition has been revised with up-to-date information, along with brand-new sections, problems, and examples
Little, Brown Book Group Devoted Ladies
'Keane has a sharp eye, but a compassionate one' GUARDIAN 'I admired many authors. But Molly, I loved' DIANA ATHILL 'Miss Farrell's genius lies in her remorselessness . . . deliciously funny' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW Jessica and Jane have been living together for six months and are devoted friends - or are they? Jessica loves her friend with the cruelty of total possessiveness; Jane is rich, silly, and drinks rather too many brandy-and-sodas.Watching from the sidelines, their friend Sylvester regrets that Jane should be 'loved and bullied and perhaps even murdered by that frightful Jessica', but decides it's none of his business. When the Irish gentleman George Playfair meets Jane, however, he thinks otherwise and entices her to Ireland where the battle for her devotion begins.
Princeton University Press Theoretical Aspects of Population Genetics. (MPB-4), Volume 4
To show the importance of stochastic processes in the change of gene frequencies, the authors discuss topics ranging from molecular evolution to two-locus problems in terms of diffusion models. Throughout their discussion, they come to grips with one of the most challenging problems in population genetics--the ways in which genetic variability is maintained in Mendelian populations. R.A. Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane, and Sewall Wright, in pioneering works, confirmed the usefulness of mathematical theory in population genetics. The synthesis their work achieved is recognized today as mathematical genetics, that branch of genetics whose aim is to investigate the laws governing the genetic structure of natural populations and, consequently, to clarify the mechanisms of evolution. For the benefit of population geneticists without advanced mathematical training, Professors Kimura and Ohta use verbal description rather than mathematical symbolism wherever practicable. A mathematical appendix is included.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Learning, Philosophy, and African Citizenship
The book addresses the compelling questions concerning the ideals of African citizenship, the processes of learning to fulfill these ideals, and possibilities of education in fostering citizenship. Rather than advocating for one particular framework, the authors demonstrate the continuously contested nature of the concept of citizenship as both theoretically discussed by philosophers and practically experienced in daily lives. The monograph combines, in an unconventional way, selected philosophical accounts and everyday experiences from certain locations in Tanzania and Uganda. It provides contributions from philosophical ideas drawing on scholars such as Chantal Mouffe, Rosi Braidotti, Theodor Adorno and Étienne Balibar on one hand, and the conceptions articulated by groups of inhabitants of rural and urban settings in Africa, on the other hand. Therefore, the book offers fresh readings under the lenses of citizenship and learning.This is an open access book.
Stanford University Press A History of Madness in Sixteenth-Century Germany
This magisterial work explores how Renaissance Germans understood and experienced madness. It focuses on the insanity of the world in general but also on specific disorders; examines the thinking on madness of theologians, jurists, and physicians; and analyzes the vernacular ideas that propelled sufferers to seek help in pilgrimage or newly founded hospitals for the helplessly disordered. In the process, the author uses the history of madness as a lens to illuminate the history of the Renaissance, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the history of poverty and social welfare, and the history of princely courts, state building, and the civilizing process. Rather than try to fit historical experience into modern psychiatric categories, this book reconstructs the images and metaphors through which Renaissance Germans themselves understood and experienced mental illness and deviance, ranging from such bizarre conditions as St. Vitus’s dance and demonic possession to such medical crises as melancholy and mania. By examining the records of shrines and hospitals, where the mad went for relief, we hear the voices of the mad themselves. For many religious Germans, sin was a form of madness and the sinful world was thoroughly insane. This book compares the thought of Martin Luther and the medical-religious reformer Paracelsus, who both believed that madness was a basic category of human experience. For them and others, the sixteenth century was an age of increasing demonic presence; the demon-possessed seemed to be everywhere. For Renaissance physicians, however, the problem was finding the correct ancient Greek concepts to describe mental illness. In medical terms, the late sixteenth century was the age of melancholy. For jurists, the customary insanity defense did not clarify whether melancholy persons were responsible for their actions, and they frequently solicited the advice of physicians. Sixteenth-century Germany was also an age of folly, with fools filling a major role in German art and literature and present at every prince and princeling’s court. The author analyzes what Renaissance Germans meant by folly and examines the lives and social contexts of several court fools.
The Crowood Press Ltd Cook Game
If you don't know what to do with game and are rather apprehensive about cooking it, or if you are already a game cook and wish to expand your knowledge, then you will find this comprehensive book of enormous interest. As the authors point out in the Introduction, 'Cook Game takes the cook back to basics one minute and is mouth-wateringly adventurous the next.'
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC History's Angel
A darkly funny, sharply observed, and deeply moving novel about the surprises and struggles of life in contemporary Delhi _____________________ 'A beautiful novel exploring tensions in modern India' OBSERVER 'Confirms Anjum Hasan as one of the most important writers of our time' WILLIAM DALRYMPLE Alif is a middle-aged, mild-mannered history teacher, living in contemporary Delhi, at a time in India’s history when Muslims are seen either as hapless victims or live threats. Though his life's passion is the history he teaches, it's the present that presses down on him: his wife is set on a bigger house and a better car while trying to ace her MBA exams; his teenage son wants to quit school to get rich; his supercilious colleagues are suspicious of a Muslim teaching India's history; and his old friend Ganesh has just reconnected with a childhood sweetheart with whom Alif was always rather enamored himself. And then the unthinkable happens. While Alif is leading a school field trip, a student goads him, and in a fit of anger, Alif twists his ear. His job suddenly on the line, Alif finds his life rapidly descending into chaos. Meanwhile, his home city, too, darkens under the spreading shadow of violence. In this darkly funny, sharply observed, and shockingly moving novel, Anjum Hasan deftly and delicately explores the life of Muslims in India and the force and consequence of remembering your people’s history in an increasingly indifferent milieu. 'Hasan's eye is sharp and her aim is unerring. This is a work of sublime elegance' SHRUTI SWAMY, author of The Archer 'Told in a subdued, sad, ironical tenor, it is compassionate without being sentimental' GEETANJALI SHREE, author of the International Booker Prize-winning Tomb of Sand 'Extremely timely … History's Angel helps us view the erasures of the past through a living lens with sensitivity and nuance' DAISY ROCKWELL
Little, Brown Book Group Back to Human: How Great Leaders Create Connection in the Age of Isolation
'A practical guide for leaders to stop using technology as a crutch and start building genuine connections with their teams' - Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of OriginalsBack to Human explains how a more socially connected workforce creates greater fulfillment, productivity, and engagement while preventing burnout and turnover. New York Times bestselling author Dan Schawbel guides the next generation of leaders to create a workplace where teammates feel genuinely connected, engaged, and empowered to grow strong interpersonal skills rather than relying on technology. Based on Schawbel's exclusive research studies--featuring the perspectives of over 2,000 managers and employees across different age groups and from the US, UK, China, India, Brazil and other countries - Back to Human reveals why electronic and virtual communication, though vital and useful, actually contributes to a stronger sense of isolation at work than ever before. The corporate cultures we are experiencing right now need to change, and Schawbel offers a new leadership model featuring The Work-Life Balance Myth (we should consider work-life integration instead, which creates more synergies between all areas of your life and puts you in control of how you allocate your time), Shared Learning (how sharing knowledge allows you to stay relevant despite industry disruptions), and more. The book includes:-Interviews with 100 leaders from notable companies including Facebook, Honeywell, HBO, Starbucks, General Mills, GE, Nike, American Express, Four Seasons, Walmart, TIME, LinkedIn, and The U.S. Air Force.-A self-assessment called "The Work Connectivity Index" that measures that strength of team relationships.-Exercises, examples and activities that readers can work on individually, or as a team, which will help them improve their leadership skills.-Tips and strategies on how to increase personal productivity, be more collaborative and become more fulfilled at work.