Search results for ""author lee""
Springer International Publishing AG Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications
This practically-focused reference presents a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in Cloud Computing, and examines the potential for future Cloud and Cloud-related technologies to address specific industrial and research challenges. This new edition explores both established and emergent principles, techniques, protocols and algorithms involved with the design, development, and management of Cloud-based systems. The text reviews a range of applications and methods for linking Clouds, undertaking data management and scientific data analysis, and addressing requirements both of data analysis and of management of large scale and complex systems. This new edition also extends into the emergent next generation of mobile telecommunications, relating network function virtualization and mobile edge Cloud Computing, as supports Smart Grids and Smart Cities. As with the first edition, emphasis is placed on the four quality-of-service cornerstones of efficiency, scalability, robustness, and security.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Daily Readings – John Owen
365 daily readings from one of the greatest theologians of the Puritan movement John Owen (1616–1683) was one of the best known and most prolific English church leaders of the 17th Century. His writings have been a challenge and encouragement to believers throughout the centuries since and have influenced many leaders in the church today. In this attractively bound faux leather book, Lee Gatiss has selected a reading from John Owen’s writings for each day of the year. Theologically sharp, these readings will help you to see the majesty of God anew. Includes some extracts from Owen that are not currently in print anywhere else, and freshly translations of his Latin works. Each reading is just a page long but is packed with theological insight. Spending a little time with this giant of the faith every day will help you to delight in the joy of the gospel again.
Little, Brown Book Group An Introduction to Coping with Depression, 2nd Edition
Overcoming app now available via iTunes and the Google Play Store.Depression is the predominant mental health condition worldwide, affecting millions of people each year. But it can be treated effectively with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).Written by experienced practitioners, this introductory book explains what depression is and how it makes you feel. It will help you to understand your symptoms and is ideal as an immediate coping strategy and as a preliminary to fuller therapy. You will learn:· How depression develops and what keeps it going· How to spot and challenge thoughts that maintain your depression· Problem solving and balanced thinking skills
Hachette Children's Group My Funny Family Moves House
It's a tight squeeze as usual in the Butterfield house, and with baby Will's stuff taking up all the room it's getting even worse. Lucinda's house has ten times more room for her family than the squished Butterfields have! Mattie's Worry List gets bigger when Mum seems to be unhappy, and wants to move house. But moving house would mean moving schools - Mattie's worst Worry List come true!
Panzerwrecks Limited Panzerwrecks 1: German Armour 1944-45
Panzerwrecks Limited Fotos from the Panzertruppen: The Early Years
Watkins Media Limited The Outside
Autistic scientist Yasira Shien has developed a radical new energy drive on board The Pride of Jai that could change the future of humanity. But when she activates it, reality warps, destroying the space station and everyone left inside. The Gods declare her work heretical, and Yasira is abducted by their agents. Instead of simply executing her, they offer mercy − if she’ll help them hunt down a bigger target: her mysterious, vanished mentor. With her homeworld’s fate in the balance, Yasira must choose who to trust: the Gods and their ruthless post-human angels, or the rebel scientist whose unorthodox mathematics could turn her world, literally, inside out. File Under: Science Fiction [ False Gods | Angel Inside | Autistic in Space | Here be Monsters ]
Baker Publishing Group Talking with Your Kids about Jesus: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have
You already know the world is becoming an increasingly secular place that will undoubtedly challenge your child's faith in Jesus. But do you know specifically what those faith challenges are, how to effectively talk with your child about them, and what that means for you as a Christian parent on a day-to-day basis? If your answer is "no," you're not alone. Many Christian parents feel the same. But here's the good news: Talking with Your Kids about Jesus will give you the confidence you need to have the conversations that matter most in today's skeptical world. In a friendly, parent-to-parent voice, Natasha Crain will walk you through essential topics on Jesus's identity, teachings, death, and resurrection. Each chapter clearly explains what skeptics are saying and provides a concise, easy-to-understand response you can discuss with your child (one that can be tailored for any age). Chapters are sequenced in a curriculum-oriented way to provide a cumulative learning experience, making this book a flexible resource for use in multiple settings: homes, church classes, youth groups, small groups, private Christian schools, and homeschools. Every chapter has a step-by-step conversation guide with discussion questions and tips, and content is readily adaptable for use with kids of any age.
Random House USA Inc How to Go Hiking
Random House USA Inc How to Do a Science Experiment
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Animal ′Toons
The "Draw 50" series has sold more than 3 million copies. It is aimed at children aged 5 and upwards. "Draw 50 Animal 'Toons" teaches aspiring artists how to draw with ease by following simple, step-by-step instructions. Celebrated author Lee J. Ames helps readers bring to life a skateboarding crocodile, a funky monkey and a juggling seal. Also included are dinosaurs, flamingos, squirrels, gorillas and a whole specturm of fun-loving animals. Ames' illustration style and renowned method has made him a leader in the step-by-step drawing manual and the 27 books in his "Draw 50" series have sold more than 3 million copies. It's easy to draw cartoon animals when it's done the "Draw 50" way.
Random House Publishing Group The Long Lavender Look
Random House Publishing Group The Scarlet Ruse
Mystic Productions Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries
In a wide variety of pagan paths, many forms of modern magic and mystery hold an expectation that all parties are heterosexual, cisgender, and, in many cases, white. In Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries, Lee Harrington and Tai Fenix Kulystin bring together a diverse and passionate collection of authors and artists who break out beyond that belief and explore how being LGBT+ is not just acceptable when exploring magic, but powerful. Using the diverse tools of queer activism, education, and storytelling, through academic essays and first-person narratives to comics and poster-style art, this intersectional group exposes a world beyond what so many magical practitioners have presumed is "normal." The reality is that magic, whether in Wicca or Vodou, Heathenry or Polytheism, has been fueled by people and systems beyond the binary for millennia. For many within, magic and queerness are not separate, but deeply entwined pieces of identity, worldview, and culture experienced together, always. Drag queen magic, Inclusive witchcraft, and magic for healing and survival. Gender transition in Rome, possession practices, and DIY divination. Social justice, queer black tantra, and polarity beyond gender. Honoring ancestors, fluidity of consciousness, and reimagining the Great Rite. Queer sex magic, power sigils, deities that reflect diversity... and more. Whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender, agender, genderqueer, or some other queer orientation, or you are curious about tools to access magic beyond what is often discussed, this book is for you. Each piece is a unique and passionate chance to look into your own relationship with magic, break out of the tales of what your practice "should" look like, and expand your awareness into the queer magic as well as your own power beyond boundaries.
Page Street Publishing Co. With Great Power: The Marvelous Stan Lee
Every superhero has their origin story: a radioactive spider bite turns ordinary teen Peter Parker into Spider-Man, wealthy Tony Stark escapes captivity by building his Iron Man suit, scientist Bruce Banner survives gamma rays only to transform into the Hulk. For Stan Lee, it was books of adventure, monsters, and magic that helped him transform from an ordinary boy to a superstar superhero creator. At first, reading these stories was a pathway to a world bigger than his family's tiny apartment in New York City, but it wasn't long until Stan was crafting his own stories, creating comics professionally when he was still just a teenager! Still, writing wasn't exciting when the heroes were always the same: strong, perfect, and boring. Stan had a revolutionary idea. What if anyone-even an ordinary kid-could be a superhero? Discover more about the life of the Cameo King, known to many for his appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how he revolutionized comics with this vibrant introduction bustling with action, humor, and references for fans new and old. 'Nuff said!
Astra Publishing House Alphathoughts
This clever collection of poems offers a word for each of the twenty–six letters— E for elevator, I for igloo, S for science—followed by a brief, playful definition. The subject of the poems are wide–ranging, and young readers will enjoy discovering the word or words in each poem that start with the featured letter.
Peter Pauper Press My First Baby Signs: Over 40 Fundamental Signs for You and Baby
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection Fallen Angel & the Soldier's Secret Child
St Martin's Press The Picture Bride
WW Norton & Co The Photographer's Guide to Washington, D.C.: Where to Find Perfect Shots and How to Take Them
This detailed guide will help you enjoy, explore, and photograph Washington, D.C., whether you are an amateur photographer, a gifted professional, or an adventurer recording your experience graphically with a cell phone or a point-and-shoot camera.
Georgetown University Press The U.S. Supreme Court and the Electoral Process
The U.S. Supreme Court - at least until Bush v. Gore - had seemed to float along in an apolitical haze in the mind of the electorate. It was the executive branch and the legislative branch that mucked about in politics getting dirty, the judicial branch kept its robes - and nose - clean. "The U.S. Supreme Court and the Electoral Process" makes it abundantly clear however that before, during, and after the judicial decision that made George W. Bush the President of the United States, everything was, is, and will likely be, politics-including the decisions handed down by the highest court in the land. This revised and updated edition takes into account not only the recent famous (or infamous, depending on the reader's point of view) judicial decision on the Presidency, but a myriad of others as well in which the U.S. Supreme Court has considered the constitutionality of a wide range of issues involving voting and elections, representation, and political participation. Practitioners and academics in both law and political science examine a number of court actions that directly affect how we choose those who govern us, and how those decisions have affected our electoral politics, constitutional doctrine, and the fundamental concepts of democracy, including: racial redistricting, term limits, political patronage, campaign finance regulations, third-party ballot access, and state ballot initiatives limiting civil liberties. Of the first edition, "Choice" said, "The U.S. Supreme Court and the Electoral Process" "plumbs the Supreme Court's constitutive apolitical role as 'primary shaper of the electoral system' and reveals the pervasive involvement of the Court in the political process."
Random House USA Inc A Purple Place for Dying: A Travis McGee Novel
Simon & Schuster Spectacular Science: A Book of Poems
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Wonderful Words: Poems about Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening
Stanford University Press Private Management and Public Policy: The Principle of Public Responsibility
Private Management and Public Policy is a landmark work at the intersection of business and society. First published in 1975, it focuses on the management processes that companies use to respond to social issues. The text develops the "principle of public responsibility" as an alternative to the notion that firms have unlimited accountability. And, it presents one of the first systems-based approaches to corporate responsibility, providing theoretical support for business involvement in public policy. Arguably, the book's major contribution is its broad outline of an alternative theory of the firm in society—one that offers the possibility of overcoming traditional public and private dichotomies.
Johns Hopkins University Press Seven Wonders of the Universe That You Probably Took for Granted
Time. Gravity. Night. So much of what surrounds us feels familiar and mundane. But each is a wonder that reveals profound insights into the world around us. C. Renee James's whimsical tour of seven everyday experiences-night, light, stuff, gravity, time, home, and wonder-opens the Universe to fantastical contemplation. Light? Although we need it to see, there's much more to it than meets the eye. Stuff? When it comes down to it, things are almost entirely empty space-99.9% nothing-especially when you get to the atomic level. Home? James's contemplation of our place in the Universe shows that it's not just a place to hang your hat-and that there's really nothing else like it. James introduces each of these seven wonders with a simple question that appears to be easily answered. The questions are deceptive, though-as is James's casual, light-hearted style. Underneath lie such concepts as relativity, matter and antimatter, and the electromagnetic spectrum. Her accessible discussion uses common analogies and entertaining illustrations to provide a bundle of detail on historical discoveries and to provoke serious pondering. Fun and edifying, Seven Wonders of the Universe That You Probably Took for Granted is an inviting introduction to secret knowledge of our everyday world. This book may be 99.9% nothing, but the thoughts it will inspire are massive.
Harvard Educational Publishing Group Leading Instructional Rounds in Education: A Facilitator’s Guide
In this practical guide, Thomas Fowler-Finn identifies the key ideas explored in each phase of instructional rounds and discusses how facilitators can skilfully guide a network of educators through the rounds process while gradually transferring agency to the network.He shows how to scaffold participant learning and model effective teaching practices, and explores potential facilitator responses to issues that arise at each step. The book includes new and tested protocols to advance the work of all facilitators, whether novice or experienced.Written by a leading instructional rounds consultant who worked closely with the Harvard team that pioneered instructional rounds, Leading Instructional Rounds in Education: A Facilitator’s Guide provides tools, suggestions, and reflections to ensure that facilitators—and the networks they lead—achieve maximum results.
Zondervan For a New Generation: A Practical Guide for Revitalizing Your Church
A New Generation Church is a church with attendees whose average age is at least as young as the average age of the community in which the church exists. Any church can become a New Generation Church that reaches and continues to reach the next generation.The Psalmist writes:We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders. (Psalm 78:4 NLT)No Christian would purposely hide the timeless truths of Christianity from the next generation. But often we do, not because of the substance of our church, but because of the approach of our church.For A New Generation is not about changing your church’s statement of faith or core beliefs. It is about evaluating and changing, as needed, your church’s programs, ministries and practices in order to more effectively connect with and stay connected with the next generation.Written for both church leaders and members, For a New Generation presents 5 practical strategies that will lay a foundation for a church to thrive for generations to come. It is based on the assumption that accepting the status quo is the greatest threat to your church’s core mission and, perhaps, to the long-term survival of your church.
University of Pennsylvania Press Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur
This stunning catalogue includes color photographs of more than 230 objects, excavated in the 1930s by renowned British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley, from the third-millennium-B.C. Sumerian city of Ur. Learn the fascinating story of the excavation and preservation of these magnificent artifacts. Many of the objects are published in color and fully described for the first time—jewelry of gold and semiprecious stones, engraved seal stones, spectacular gold and lapis lazuli statuettes and musical instruments; and vessels of gold, silver, and alabaster. Curator Richard Zettler sets the stage with a history of Ur in the third millennium and the details of the actual excavations. Art historians Donald Hansen and Holly Pittman discuss the historical importance and significance of the many motifs on the most spectacular finds from the tombs.
Cambridge University Press The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time: A Proposal in Natural Philosophy
Cosmology is in crisis. The more we discover, the more puzzling the universe appears to be. How and why are the laws of nature what they are? A philosopher and a physicist, world-renowned for their radical ideas in their fields, argue for a revolution. To keep cosmology scientific, we must replace the old view in which the universe is governed by immutable laws by a new one in which laws evolve. Then we can hope to explain them. The revolution that Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Lee Smolin propose relies on three central ideas. There is only one universe at a time. Time is real: everything in the structure and regularities of nature changes sooner or later. Mathematics, which has trouble with time, is not the oracle of nature and the prophet of science; it is simply a tool with great power and immense limitations. The argument is readily accessible to non-scientists as well as to the physicists and cosmologists whom it challenges.
Pelican Publishing Company Thibodeaux Turtle and Boudreaux Bunny: The Tortoise and the Hare with a Louisiana Twist
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Humanities Through the Arts
Rowman & Littlefield Our Point of View: Fourteen Years at a Maine Lilghthouse
Tom and Lee Szelog were the first tenants to live in the former lightkeeper's house at Marshall Point Light in Port Clyde, Maine. A professional photographer, Tom naturally kept a visual record of their years at Marshall Point, and both Szelogs kept personal journals. This book offers arrestingly beautiful visual images, as well as moving and interesting selections from the Szelogs' journals.
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Maine Coon's Haiku: And Other Poems for Cat Lovers
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Law and Courts
This comprehensive Research Handbook offers a multi-faceted analysis of the politics of law and courts and their role in governing. The authors develop new theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches to the study of law and courts as institutions, while accounting for the increasing diversity and complexity of the jurisdictions they oversee. The Research Handbook on Law and Courts features contributions from leading scholars in the United States, New Zealand, South Africa, Latin America and a number of European countries, enriching the scope of theoretical development in the field and identifying areas for future research. Chapters address courts' centrality to governance by explaining how they participate in holding democratic administrations politically accountable, as well as by highlighting the political significance of court decisions concerning citizenship and inclusion. Chapters include studies of interactions between legal arguments, courts and other institutions that rely on law, as well as reflections on the physical and digital spaces of law. This volume also examines demographic diversity in judging before concluding with discussions of increasing digitization and computing power, and the significance of both for legal processes and sociolegal scholarship. Scholars concerned with courts and political accountability in complex, multi-layered governance will find this Research Handbook an invaluable resource. Since courts and legal structures are increasingly significant around the world, the Research Handbook will also be useful to other social scientists concerned with inclusion, representation, and accountability through law.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery
Concise, practical, and highly illustrated, Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery focuses exclusively on non-cosmetic procedures performed due to cancer, accidents, or congenital defects of the breast. Covering both autologous and implant-based reconstruction techniques, this uniquely comprehensive reference provides step-by-step visual guidance on correcting dysfunctional areas and repairing defects to restore normal appearance and function. Provides detailed illustrations for clear visual guidance on every procedure. Features up-to-date coverage of pre-pectoral reconstruction, partial breast reconstructions, symmetry procedures, and fat grafting for total breast reconstruction as well as contouring for reconstructive breast procedures. Includes procedural videos on numerous selected topics such as Breast Reconstruction with the Pedicled Transverse Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous (TRAM) Flap; Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction; Immediate Implant Breast Reconstruction with ADM- Two-Stage; Nipple/Areolar Complex Reconstruction; and Correction of Congenital Breast Deformity (Poland Syndrome). Covers new developments in flap design, use of fat graft , oncoplastic (mastectomy-sparing) surgery, and tissue engineering. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Delta Publishing Sdn Bhd.,Malaysia Malaysian Favourites
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC What Works?: Research and evidence for successful teaching
From the authors of the Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit comes What Works?, a must-read guide that summarises the research and hard evidence of what works and what doesn't in primary and secondary classrooms, and provides practical strategies for transforming pupils' progress. Lee Elliot Major and Steve Higgins look at common teaching approaches, including raising aspirations, improving behaviour, outdoor learning and parental engagement. They present the research and evidence behind each approach and provide practical steps for best practice in the classroom to boost the learning and life outcomes of all pupils. Explored in a concise, accessible manner, the research and evidence is distilled into clear, precise guidance that can be used immediately, ideal for any busy teacher. What Works? makes it easy for all primary and secondary teachers to become research-informed practitioners in every aspect of their teaching. From debunking enduring education myths to providing practical next steps and strategies that really make a difference, this is the essential guide to evidence-based teaching and a must-have for every teacher looking to increase their impact in the classroom.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership
AN ELEGANT FRAMEWORK FOR MORE EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Bolman and Deal’s four-frame model has been transforming business leadership for over 40 years. Using a multidisciplinary approach to management, this deceptively simple model offers a powerful set of tools for navigating complexity and turbulence; as the political and economic climate continues to evolve, this model has never been more relevant than today. The Structural Frame explores the convergence of organizational structure and function, and shows why social architecture must take environment into account. Case studies illustrate successful alignment in diverse organizations, and guidelines provide strategic insight for avoiding common pathologies and achieving the right fit. The Human Resource Frame dissects the complex dynamics at the intersection of people and organizations and charts the leadership and human resource practices that build motivation and high performance. The Political Frame shows how competition, conflict, and the struggle for power and resources can be either a tool for growth or a toxic landmine for an individual or organization. Case studies show how both constructive and destructive practices influence social, political, and economic trends both within and beyond organizational boundaries. The Symbolic Frame defines organizational culture, and delves into the emotional and existential underbelly of social life. It underscores the power of symbolic forms such as heroes, myths, and rituals in providing the glue that bonds social collectives together. The Seventh Edition has been updated with new information on cross-sector collaboration, generational differences, virtual environments, globalization, cross-cultural communication, and more, with an expanded Instructor’s Guide that includes summaries, mini-assessments, videos, and extra resources.
John Murray Press How to Deal with Anxiety: A 5-step, CBT-based plan for overcoming generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and worry
Everyone feels anxious from time to time, and worry is a natural part of life. But it is all too common to allow concerns about our health, our security, our relationships or our place in the world to become a negative cycle and a burden. Anxiety gets called GAD when the worry is repetitive, becomes associated with a variety of emotional and physical symptoms, and begins to impact upon our ability to enjoy life. If these problems sound familiar to you, this book will provide you with practical help to deal with and overcome the problem.By picking this book up you've taken the first stride. Now, using the STEP system - a structured, CBT-based approach that delivers both support and proven techniques for beating anxiety - you can begin to transform your daily life. Written by an expert team with many years of clinical experience, this book will help you get a better understanding of your anxiety and what keeps it going, tackle negative thoughts and behaviour, and progress to a healthier, happier outlook - without fear of setbacks or relapse.ABOUT THE SERIESEveryone feels overwhelmed sometimes. When that happens, you need clarity of thought and practical advice to progress beyond the problem. The How To Deal With series provides structured, CBT-based solutions from health professionals and top experts to help you deal with issues thoroughly, once and for all. Short, easy to read, and very reassuring, these books are your first step on a pathway to a happier future. They are perfect for self-directed use and are designed so that medical professionals can prescribe them to patients.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones
Understanding gemstones in a geological context Gemstones are colorful treasures of the Earth that have captivated humans for thousands of years. The physical and chemical characteristics of each type of gem provide insights into the geological processes that created them. Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones is a textbook aimed at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. It presents the basic mineralogical and geological knowledge needed to understand gemstones and examines the characteristics and geological origins of different types of gemstone. Volume highlights include: Concepts in mineralogy Structure and chemical composition of minerals Geological processes that lead to the formation and movement of gemstones Equipment and tools used to examine gemstones and their physical properties The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Animals
Fifty furry, scaly and feathered friends are here for aspiring young artists to draw. Acclaimed author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw dozens of animals with a comprehensive, step-by-step approach. This title is suitable for children age 5+. Targeted at young aspiring artists seeking to develop their technical skill and build a repertoire of subjects, Lee J. Ames' "Draw 50" series shows you how to draw with ease using his signature step-by-step method. His clear instructions help budding artists explore their interests in a fun, familiar way. With over three million copies in print, the "Draw 50" series has successfully shown children how to create everything from a robin to a spaceship, Tyrannosaurus Rex to skyscrapers, and UFOs to racing cars.
Biblioasis Dance with Snakes
As El Salvador returns to peace after more than a decade of civil war, Eduardo Sosa, an unemployed sociologist, becomes fascinated by a homeless man who lives in a beat-up yellow Chevrolet parked across the street from his sister’s apartment. An unexpected turn of events causes Sosa to assume the other man’s identity. When he becomes the driver of the mysterious yellow Chevrolet, Sosa discovers that it is home to four poisonous snakes. With the snakes as accomplices, Sosa unleashes a reign of terror on the city of San Salvador. Dance With Snakes is a macabre high-speed romp, in which violence and comedy become almost indistinguishable. The non-stop action raises provocative questions about social exclusion and the role of the media, but this novel by the author of the acclaimed Senselessness also evokes the tenderness of relations among those on society’s margins.
Minnesota Historical Society Press Gaa-Izhi-Miinigoowizid A'Aw Anishinaabe: What We Were Given as Anishinaabe
Rowman & Littlefield Support Services Renewal in Education: Educational Leadership in the 21st Century
To learn more about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Hand in Hand: An American History Through Poetry
Oxford University Press Inc The Free Speech Century
The Supreme Court's 1919 decision in Schenck vs. the United States is one of the most important free speech cases in American history. Written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, it is most famous for saying that 'shouting fire in a crowded theater' is not protected by the First Amendment. The case itself upheld an espionage conviction, but it also created a much stricter standard for governmental suppression of speech. Over time, the standard Holmes devised made freedom of speech in America a reality rather than merely an ideal. In The Free Speech Century, two of American's leading First Amendment scholars, Geoffrey Stone and Lee Bollinger, have gathered a group of the nation's leading legal scholars (Cass Sunstein, Lawrence Lessig, Laurence Tribe, Kathleen Sullivan, Catherine McKinnon, and others) to evaluate the development of free speech doctrine since Schenk and assess where it might be headed in our post-Snowden era. Since 1919, First Amendment jurisprudence in America has been a signal development in the history of constitutional democracies--remarkable for its level of doctrinal refinement, remarkable for its lateness in coming (in relation to the adoption of the First Amendment), and remarkable for the scope of protection for free expression it has afforded since the 1960s. Since 1919, the degree of judicial engagement with these fundamental rights has grown exponentially. We now have an elaborate set of free speech laws and norms, but as Stone and Bollinger stress, the context is always shifting. New societal threats like terrorism, heightened political sensitivities, and new technologies of communication continually reshape our understanding of what sort of speech should be allowed. Publishing on the one hundredth anniversary of the decision that established free speech as we have come to understand it today, The Free Speech Century will serve as essential overview for anyone interested in how our understanding of the First Amendment transformed over time and why it continues to change to this day.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reframing Academic Leadership
Reframing Academic Leadership Reframing Academic Leadership is the go-to guide for deepening leadership commitment, capacity, and impact. Gallos and Bolman tease out the unique opportunities and challenges in academic leadership and present powerful ideas and tools to guide and assist college and university administrators in: Creating campus environments that facilitate creativity and commitment Forging vital alliances and partnerships in service of the mission Building campus cultures and shared vision that unite and inspire Crafting institutional structures and strategies that foster innovation and excellence In this updated edition, the authors integrate time-tested conceptual frameworks with rich and compelling real-world cases and tackle contemporary, high-impact issues such as changes in the professoriate and in student populations, funding shortfalls, equity and social justice, the double-edged sword of technology, managing conflict and crisis, ethics and governance, and strengthening leadership agility and resolve. This readable, intellectually provocative, and pragmatic book is for all who care deeply about higher education, are committed to making it better, and understand its potential to transform lives, families, communities, organizations, and nations. Leadership matters more than ever, and Reframing Academic Leadership offers the seminal framework for understanding and leading in higher education today.PRAISE FOR REFRAMING ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP | 1st ED “Reframing Academic Leadership is the most comprehensive book on the topic and an excellent source of knowledge for faculty and managerial leaders in every college and university. An invaluable resource for students of higher education leadership!”—MAUREEN SULLIVAN, Past President, American Library Association and Association of College and Research Libraries “Reframing Academic Leadership provides a compassionate understanding of the stresses of leadership in higher education. It offers insights to those who do not fully appreciate why higher education is so hard to ‘manage’ and validation for those entirely familiar with this world. I recommend it enthusiastically.”—JUDITH BLOCK MCLAUGHLIN, Senior lecturer on education and faculty chair of the Harvard Seminar for New Presidents and the Harvard Seminar for Presidential Leadership, Harvard Graduate School of Education “Bolman and Gallos provide a refreshing view of leadership essential for those assuming presidencies and other important leadership positions in higher education. This work is a bedside reference for aspiring and current leadership in higher education not only in the U.S. but also abroad.”—FERNANCO LEON GARCIA, President, Sistema CETYS Universidad, Baja California, Mexico “Bolman and Gallos have written a practical, lucid text that brings together illustrative vignettes and robust frameworks for diagnosing and managing colleges and universities. I recommend it to new and experienced administrators who will routinely confront difficult people, structures, and cultures in their workplaces.”—CHRISTOPHER MORPHEW, Dean, School of Education, Johns Hopkins University “Reframing Academic Leadership is filled with real-world examples from leaders. The book reads like a guide for leading a chamber music rehearsal where one’s role constantly shifts from star to servant and where multiple answers may be ‘right’.”—PETER WHITE, Dean and Professor of Conducting, Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific