Search results for ""author laurence"
University of California Press Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind, Abridged edition
This virtual encyclopedia of the rattlesnake became a natural history sensation when it was first published in 1956. The republication of the Second Edition, with a new foreword by Harry W. Greene, will give amateur and professional herpetologists alike reason to rejoice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Vibrational Optical Activity: Principles and Applications
This unique book stands as the only comprehensive introduction to vibrational optical activity (VOA) and is the first single book that serves as a complete reference for this relatively new, but increasingly important area of molecular spectroscopy. Key features: A single-source reference on this topic that introduces, describes the background and foundation of this area of spectroscopy. Serves as a guide on how to use it to carry out applications with relevant problem solving. Depth and breadth of the subject is presented in a logical, complete and progressive fashion. Although intended as an introductory text, this book provides in depth coverage of this topic relevant to both students and professionals by taking the reader from basic theory through to practical and instrumental approaches.
John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore & Thailand (3rd edition)
This photographic identification guide to the 280 butterfly species most commonly seen in Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand is perfect for resident and visitor alike. High-quality photographs from the area's top nature photographers are accompanied by detailed species descriptions which include nomenclature, size, distribution, habits and habitat. The user-friendly introduction covers geography and climate, vegetation, habitats, behaviour, opportunities for naturalists and the main sites for viewing the listed species. Also included is a classification of butterflies found in Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, from their superfamilies down to the level of genera to give an understanding of the relationships of butterflies
Desclée De Brouwer Conductismo y positivismo lógico una reconsideración de la alianza
ISBN: 9788433010063Colección: BIBLIOTECA DE PSICOLOGÍAEdición: 1Páginas: 348Formato: 21x15 cm.Encuadernación: RústicaPrecio sin IVA: 25,00 Precio con IVA: 26,00
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Figures de la Rupture, Figures de la Continuite Chez Les Anciens
American Bar Association Pre-ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Developing a Drug Product and Patent Portfolio, Third Edition
All pharmaceutical companies, whether they are an innovator or a generic, must navigate the same complex legal and regulatory framework to bring a product to market and fend off competition. Now completely updated, Pre-ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Developing a Drug Product and Patent Portfolio, Third Edition is an in-depth resource for learning about and planning for ANDA litigations and all the different avenues that pharmaceutical litigants could follow. From the perspective of an innovator company, patents are vital to protect new drug products both to recoup the initial investment and for future investments. For the innovator and patent owner, the patentee must be aware of the risk to those intellectual property rights and be prepared for any patent challenge. Both entities can use Pre-ANDA Litigation as a resource to help formulate a strategy before patent litigation begins. ANDA Patent litigations and strategies are complex and require the patent professional to be able to explain complex technical and legal issues to lay persons, both within the organization and to judges and juries. This compendium provides lawyers with invaluable and in-depth tactics and advice so that any pharmaceutical litigant wanting to increase market share, whether as an innovator or a generic, can plan early and be ready to alter plans as new events occur. Topics include: Coordinating new drug application (NDA) and patent portfolio strategy Preclinical and patent considerations Clinical trials and regulatory considerations Trademark (TM) and nonproprietary name considerations Acquiring and in-licensing pharmaceutical products Pre-litigation investigations and due diligence Market entry business considerations for generic companies
Rowman & Littlefield Native American Justice
Tracing the history of U.S. Indian policy from the eighteenth century to the present, this book explores how the Euro-American ethos of Manifest Destiny fueled a devastating campaign of ethnic cleansing against Native Americans. After decimating the Indian population through organized massacres, the U.S. government forcibly removed the survivors from their homelands to live on reservations. Physical genocide gave way to attempts at cultural eradication through policies designed to Christianize and civilize the Indians. These policies included the traumatic separation of children from their families for indoctrination and abuse in remote boarding schools. Treaties and policies are linked to the concept of federal paternalism and its relationship to pervasive health and social problems endemic in Indian country, including substance abuse and addiction. The book is divided into three main parts. Part I covers the US government's treatment of Indians from the colonial era to the present. Part II describes how the Cherokees' aboriginal concept of blood vengeance gave way to justice models based on the Protestant ethic. Part II also discusses governmental restrictions of religious expression by Indians. Part III delves into the judicial system within Indian country, looking at tribal courts, the Navajo court system, law enforcement, and corrections. An epilogue covers the incompleteness of social justice in Indian country, as reflected in problems such as the misuse of Indian money by the federal government. A Burnham Publishers book
Syracuse University Press The Iroquois and the New Deal
Orion Publishing Co Black Heroes
Kessinger Publishing, LLC The Village Community With Special Reference To The Origin And Form Of Its Survivals In Britain
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Natural Resources, Taxation, and Regulation: Unusual Perpsectives on a Classic Problem
The field of natural resource economics is a broad one, and the fourteen essays included in this volume scope out major landmarks that exist in this vast territory. The essays’ subjects include an examination of media bias in the environmental/resource management debate; a comparison between lobbying efforts in the United States and in Australia in support of policies that benefit farmers; an exploration of the historical evolution of land and forestry management policies among developed nations; a look at the origins of resource economics in the US; a case analysis of Norway’s experiences with oil exploration and recovery and the international marketing of this resource for cash; and a section contemplating Georgist perspectives on resource utilization and financing. This book is a robust and wide-ranging collection in its inclusion of topics and conceptual approaches to natural resource economics.
New York University Press Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought: Alienation and the Quest for Meaning
“Moore focuses on Buber’s central message about what it means to be a human being, a person of faith, and what mankind can do to overcome the eclipse of God.” Shofar “Solid, well researched, and sympathetic…. might well spur a person to go back and read Buber.” Commonwealth
Indiana University Press Freedom from Liberation: Slavery, Sentiment, and Literature in Cuba
By exploring the complexities of enslavement in the autobiography of Cuban slave-poet Juan Francisco Manzano (1797–1854), Gerard Aching complicates the universally recognized assumption that a slave's foremost desire is to be freed from bondage. As the only slave narrative in Spanish that has surfaced to date, Manzano's autobiography details the daily grind of the vast majority of slaves who sought relief from the burden of living under slavery. Aching combines historical narrative and literary criticism to take the reader beyond Manzano's text to examine the motivations behind anticolonial and antislavery activism in pre-revolution Cuba, when Cuba's Creole bourgeoisie sought their own form of freedom from the colonial arm of Spain.
The University of Chicago Press The Emergence of the American University
The American university of today is the product of a sudden, mainly unplanned period of development at the close of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. At that time the university, and with it a recognizably modern style of academic life, emerged to eclipse the older, religiously oriented college. Precedents, formal and informal, were then set which have affected the soul of professor, student, and academic administrator ever since. What did the men living in this formative period want the American university to become? How did they differ in defining the ideal university? And why did the institution acquire a form that only partially corresponded with these definitions? These are the questions Mr. Veysey seeks to answer.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Glycopeptins
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook of Pediatric Urology
Now in full color for the first time, the third edition of the Handbook of Pediatric Urology helps you better understand the diagnosis and treatment of all major urologic disorders and conditions in infants, children, and adolescents. A new third editor, Dr. Jeffery A. Stock—Director of Pediatric Urology at Kravis Children's Hospital, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York—and over 25 contributors provide thorough, concise coverage of the entire field, making this quick-reference ideal for bedside use as well as deep-dive research. New chapters cover robotics, pediatric and adolescent gynecology, and sexually transmitted diseases in adolescence. Updated with new content on robotic surgery, ultrasound, congenital anomalies, reflux, urinary tract infection, and other disorders. Each disease- or condition-specific chapter is structured similarly, addressing genetics, treatment options (including surgery), post-treatment care, and other key topics. Ebook features case studies—with explanations—and patient education material. Serves as a handy quick-reference for commonly used medications—including dosing, valuing, and formulae. Perfect for a range of readers: pediatric urologists, urology residents, medical students, residents, nurses, and physician assistants. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities! Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. Adapt for unique reading needs, supporting learning disabilities, visual/auditory impairments, second-language or literacy challenges, and more.
University of Wales Press Wilkie Collins, Medicine and the Gothic
This book examines how Wilkie Collins's interest in medical matters developed in his writing through explorations of his revisions of the late eighteenth century Gothic novel, from his first sensation novels to his last novels of the 1880s. Throughout his career, Collins made changes in the prototypical Gothic scenario. The aristocratic villains, victimized maidens and medieval castles of classic Gothic tales were reworked and adapted to thrill his Victorian readership. With the advances of neuroscience and the development of criminology as a significant backdrop to most of his novels, Collins drew upon contemporary anxieties and used the medical more and more to propel his criminal plots. While the archetypal castles were turned into modern medical institutions, his heroines no longer feared ghosts but the scientist's knife. This study underlines the way in which Collins's Gothic adaptations increasingly tackled medical questions, using the medical terrain to capitalize on the readers' fears. It demonstrates how Wilkie Collins's fiction revised Gothic themes and presented them through the prism of contemporary scientific, medical and psychological discourses, from debates revolving around mental physiology to those dealing with heredity and transmission. The book's structure is chronological, covering a selection of texts in each chapter; with a balance between discussion of the more canonical of Collins's texts, such as The Woman in White, The Moonstone and Armadale, and some of his more neglected writings.
University Press of Mississippi David Fincher: Interviews
David Fincher (b. 1962) did not go to film school and hates being defined as an auteur. He prefers to see himself as a craftsman, dutifully going about the art and business of making film. Trouble is, it's hard to be self-effacing when you are the director responsible for Se7en, Fight Club, and The Social Network. Along with Quentin Tarantino, Fincher is the most accomplished of the Generation X filmmakers to emerge in the early 1990s. This collection of interviews highlights Fincher's unwavering commitment to his craft as he evolved from an entrepreneurial music video director (Fincher helped Madonna become the undisputed queen of MTV) into an enterprising feature filmmaker. Fincher landed his first Hollywood blockbuster at twenty-seven with Alien3, but that film, handicapped by cost overruns and corporate mismanagement, taught Fincher that he needed absolute control over his work. Once he had it, with Se7en, he achieved instant box-office success and critical acclaim, as well as a close partnership with Brad Pitt that led to the cult favorite Fight Club. Fincher became circumspect in the 2000s after Panic Room, shooting ads and biding his time until Zodiac, when he returned to his mantra that ""entertainment has to come hand in hand with a little bit of medicine. Some people go to the movies to be reminded that everything's okay. I don't make those kinds of movies. That, to me, is a lie. Everything's not okay."" Zodiac reinvigorated Fincher, inspiring a string of films--The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Social Network, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo--that enthralled audiences and garnered his films dozens of Oscar nominations.
Cork University Press The Land War in Ireland: Famine, Philanthropy and Moonlighting
This book addresses perceived lacunae in the historiography of the Land War in late nineteenth-century Ireland, particularly deficiencies or omissions relating to the themes of the title: famine, humanitarianism, and the activities of agrarian secret societies, commonly referred to as Moonlighting. The famine that afflicted the country in 1879-80, one generation removed from the catastrophic Great Famine of the 1840s, prompted different social responses. The wealthier sectors of society, their consciousness and humanitarianism awakened, provided the bulk of the financial and administrative support for the famine-stricken peasantry. Others, drawn from the same broad social stratum as the latter, vented their anger and frustration on the government and the landlords, whom they blamed for the crisis. The concern of marginal men and women for the welfare of their less fortunate brethren was not so much the antithesis of altruism, as a different, more rudimentary way of expressing it.The volume's opening chapter introduces the famine that tormented Ireland's Atlantic seaboard counties in the late 1870s and early 1880s. The four chapters that follow develop the famine theme, concentrating on the role of civic and religious relief agencies, and the local and international humanitarian response to appeals for assistance. The 1879-80 famine kindled benevolence among the diasporic Irish and the charitable worldwide, but it also provoked a more primal reaction, and the book's two closing chapters are devoted to the activities of secret societies. The first features the incongruously named Royal Irish Republic, a neo-Fenian combination in north-west County Cork. The volume's concluding essay links history and literature, positing a connection between agrarian secret society activity during the Land War years and the Kerry playwright George Fitzmaurice's neglected 1914 drama The Moonlighter. This original and engaging work makes a significant contribution to our understanding of modern Irish history and literature.
SPCK Publishing Sensing God: Learning To Meditate During Lent
'Those who want to save their life will lose it; and those who lose their life for my sake will find it' (Matthew 16.25). We often associate Lent with 'giving something up', but it is also a good time to begin or to deepen the practice of meditation. Through this ascetic discipline, we enter into the tradition of the Desert Fathers and, as we learn to nurture the silence within, come to experience joy and well-being in every area of our lives. This book is a practical introduction and guide to Christian meditation as taught by Fr John Main and continued through the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM). It contains meditation instructions, guidance and support as well as 46 enriching daily reflections on the Gospels, highlighting an aspect of their meaning and their continued relevance for modern living.
Orion Publishing Co My First Story Puzzle Home
Containing five puzzles, each made up of three pieces, this charming set is the perfect gift for early learners.A child gets into pajamas, reads a story, and falls asleep. Another child mixes pancake batter, watches them cook, and then tucks in! Young children will delight in Kanae Sato''s colorful images while learning simple stories and logical sequences with these three-piece jigsaws. Telling a simple story about everyday life at home, each puzzle measures 25.5 x 8.5 cm, so doesn''t require much room to complete. Introduce jigsaws in a simple, fun way, whilst also developing your toddler''s creative thinking, sequencing skills and dexterity.• 3-PIECE PUZZLES: These 3-piece puzzles are perfect for children ages 2+ to learn how to tell simple stories about home and day-to-day life.• INCLUDES 5 JIGSAWS: Set of 5 jigsaws means that kids can get creative and with several different combinations of stories and sequences.• CHARMING ILLUSTRATIONS: Kids
Four Courts Press Ltd Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century Ireland
Highlights Press Spiders!: Strange and Wonderful
This latest installment in the popular Strange and Wonderful series introduces readers to spider species from all over the world—from the common garden spider to the elusive black widow. Pringle’s comprehensive, lively, and informative text includes an overview of the many thousands of species in the world and describes spiders’ habitats, physiology, mating habits, web-making, what and how they eat, and how they protect themselves from predators. It also explores why people are so frightened by spiders and shows that those fears are largely unfounded. Accompanied by Meryl Henderson’s beautiful and illuminating paintings, this book perfectly hits the mark for budding entomologists. Includes a glossary, index, and further resources.
Zaffre Cold Blood
Can she play the game, and win?Suspicion and fear surround the mysterious disappearance of a movie star's daughter.The race to claim the reward for finding Anna Louise Caley - dead or alive - spirals into a deadly voodoo trail in the French quarter of New Orleans.In her desperation to succeed in her first case as a private detective, ex-Lieutenant Lorraine Page is caught in a web of deceit and violence that threatens to drag her back into the murky world she has fought so hard to escape.Continuing the investigation means risking everything. But the million-dollar bonus is one hell of an incentive not to back off from a case that could kill her - or give her the future and the professional respect she craves.The complete and unabridged Lorraine Page trilogy available for the first time in audio!This audiobook is an mp3-CD edition
Taylor & Francis Inc North American Border Conflicts: Race, Politics, and Ethics
North American Border Conflicts: Race, Politics, and Ethics adds to the current discussion on class, race, ethnic, and sectarian divides, not only within the United States but throughout the Americas in general. The book explores the phenomenon of border challenges throughout the world, particularly the current increase in population migration in the America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, which has been linked to human trafficking and many other causes of human suffering. North American Border Conflicts takes students through the rich, sad history of border conflict on this continent.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High-Performance Computing: Paradigm and Infrastructure
The state of the art of high-performance computing Prominent researchers from around the world have gathered to present the state-of-the-art techniques and innovations in high-performance computing (HPC), including: * Programming models for parallel computing: graph-oriented programming (GOP), OpenMP, the stages and transformation (SAT) approach, the bulk-synchronous parallel (BSP) model, Message Passing Interface (MPI), and Cilk * Architectural and system support, featuring the code tiling compiler technique, the MigThread application-level migration and checkpointing package, the new prefetching scheme of atomicity, a new "receiver makes right" data conversion method, and lessons learned from applying reconfigurable computing to HPC * Scheduling and resource management issues with heterogeneous systems, bus saturation effects on SMPs, genetic algorithms for distributed computing, and novel task-scheduling algorithms * Clusters and grid computing: design requirements, grid middleware, distributed virtual machines, data grid services and performance-boosting techniques, security issues, and open issues * Peer-to-peer computing (P2P) including the proposed search mechanism of hybrid periodical flooding (HPF) and routing protocols for improved routing performance * Wireless and mobile computing, featuring discussions of implementing the Gateway Location Register (GLR) concept in 3G cellular networks, maximizing network longevity, and comparisons of QoS-aware scatternet scheduling algorithms * High-performance applications including partitioners, running Bag-of-Tasks applications on grids, using low-cost clusters to meet high-demand applications, and advanced convergent architectures and protocols High-Performance Computing: Paradigm and Infrastructure is an invaluable compendium for engineers, IT professionals, and researchers and students of computer science and applied mathematics.
Random House USA Inc The Letters of Shirley Jackson
Fitness Information Technology, Inc, U.S. Sport Governance in the Global Community
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Social Science Goes to War: The Human Terrain System in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Human Terrain System (HTS) was catapulted into existence in 2006 by the US military's urgent need for knowledge of the human dimension of the battlespace in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its centrepiece was embedded groups of mixed military and civilian personnel, known as Human Terrain Teams (HTTs), whose mission was to conduct social science research and analysis and to advise military commanders about the local population. Bringing social science - and actual social scientists - to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was bold and challenging. Despite the controversy over HTS among scholars, there is little good, reliable source material written by those with experience of HTS or about the actual work carried out by teams in theatre. This volume goes beyond the anecdotes, snippets and blogs to provide a comprehensive, objective and detailed view of HTS. The contributors put the program in historical context, discuss the obstacles it faced, analyse its successes, and detail the work of the teams downrange. Most importantly, they capture some of the diverse lived experience of HTS scholars and practitioners drawn from an eclectic array of the social sciences.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd How Psychology Works: The Facts Visually Explained
How far would you go to obey orders? Why do many people - even some scientists - believe in miracles? Find out the answers to these questions and much more in this visual guide to applied psychology.Lying at the intersection of biology, philosophy, and medicine, psychology is at the heart of what makes us human.Perfect both for students and people new to the topic, How Psychology Works has a unique graphic approach and uses direct, jargon-free language. It explores various approaches that psychologists use to study how people think and behave, such as behaviourism, cognitive psychology, and humanism.This indispensable guide describes a wide range of mental health conditons, including bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It then takes you through treatments, from cognitive behavioural therapy and psychoanalysis to group therapy and art therapy. This book also explores the role of psychology in everyday situations. Discover what makes you, you - the unique blend of nature and nurture that makes up your sense of who you are - and pyschology's role in relationships, sport, work, and education.How Psychology Works is a fascinating read that will quickly hone your emotional intelligence and give you perceptive insights into both your own and other people's feelings and behaviour.
Orbis Books (USA) John Main: Essential Writings
Broadview Press Ltd A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
The quintessential novel of sentiment, A Sentimental Journey masquerades as the fragmentary travel journal of Parson Yorick, a whimsical and amorous Englishman abroad. Accompanied through Paris and the provinces by his loyal French valet, Yorick enjoys a variety of sentimental and often comic encounters with a lively range of French characters. The novel is also punctuated by passages of self-conscious reflection on questions of personal and national identity, slavery and freedom, poverty and inequality.Appendices include material on sensibility in philosophy and literature and on eighteenth-century travel writing, as well as excerpts from Sterne's other writings and examples of the novel's critical reception, imitation, and illustration.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Rainbow People
Dexter Haven Last Children Of The Raj, Volume 1
Kogan Page Ltd Global Brand Management: A Guide to Developing, Building & Managing an International Brand
In today's hyper-connected world, any brand with a website or digital presence is 'global' by its very definition; yet in practice it takes an enormous amount of strategic planning and adaptability to successfully manage an international brand. Global Brand Management explores the increasingly universal scope of brand management. In an era when many brand managers will find themselves working for large multinationals operating across varied territories, categories and consumer groups, developing an understanding of both the opportunities and risks of multinational brands is truly essential. Meticulously researched, Global Brand Management shows readers how to manage an existing global brand, while simultaneously equipping them with the skills to build one from scratch. The text uses fascinating case studies including Oreo, Harley Davidson and Xiaomi to demonstrate the challenges of maintaining a stable brand identity when operating across territories with different languages, cultural values and logistics. With helpful pedagogy throughout and built-in features to enhance classroom learning, Global Brand Management is the perfect springboard for students to appreciate, enjoy and embrace the nuances and complexities of brand management on an international scale.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Pragmatics
The Handbook of Pragmatics is a collection of newly commissioned articles that provide an authoritative and accessible introduction to the field, including an overview of the foundations of pragmatic theory and a detailed examination of the rich and varied theoretical and empirical subdomains of pragmatics. Contains 32 newly commissioned articles that outline the central themes and challenges for current research in the field of linguistic pragmatics. Provides authoritative and accessible introduction to the field and a detailed examination of the varied theoretical and empirical subdomains of pragmatics. Includes extensive bibliography that serves as a research tool for those working in pragmatics and allied fields in linguistics, philosophy, and cognitive science. Valuable resource for both students and professional researchers investigating the properties of meaning, reference, and context in natural language.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Manage Your GP Practice
The business side of running a medical practice may be unappealing but it's crucial How to Manage Your GP Practice is written for GPs and other health professionals running their own practices. It tells you in simple, engaging style what the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. It illustrates the good and bad ways of negotiating through management issues, using case examples and lightening the messages with witty cartoons. Written by a GP with over 10 years' experience editing a leading GP magazine, and an accountant whose firm advises over 2500 GPs, the information here is sound, relevant and up to date. It provides reliable and reassuring information for doctors starting out in their careers as well as those looking to refresh their management skills.
Little, Brown & Company The Synonym Finder
This reference contains over 1,000,000 synonyms arranged alphabetically, including clearly labelled slang and other informal words and expressions, as well as rare, archaic, scientific and other specialized terms.
The University of Chicago Press Dangerous Diagnostics: The Social Power of Biological Information
A study of the pervasiveness of diagnostic testing and the potential it offers institutions to classify, categorize and ultimately control individuals. Nelkin and Tancredi explore the ethical, social and legal implications of technologies that can lead to new forms of discrimination in the name of standardized, objective measurements. They caution against the creation of an underclass deemed unemployable, untrainable or uninsurable by such diagnostic tests.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Utopies et médias de masse
Nova Science Publishers Inc Job Satisfaction: Influencing Factors, Gender Differences and Improvement Strategies
Jessica Kingsley Publishers How Are You Feeling Today Baby Bear?: Exploring Big Feelings After Living in a Stormy Home
Baby Bear lives in a home with the Big Bears, and loves to chase butterflies and make mud pies - they make Baby Bear's tummy fill with sunshine. Then, one night, Baby Bear hears a big storm downstairs in the house and in the morning, Baby Bear's tummy starts to feel grey and rainy. How will such a small bear cope with these big new feelings?This sensitive, charming storybook is written to help children who have lived with violence at home to begin to explore and name their feelings. Accompanied by notes for adults on how to use each page of the story to start conversations, it also features fun games and activities to help to understand and express difficult emotions. It will be a useful book for social workers, counsellors, domestic violence workers and all grown-ups working with children.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Der sicherste Ort der Welt/L'endroit le plus sûr au monde: Deutsch-Französisch: Mehrsprachiges Bilderbuch. Zweisprachiges Bilderbuch zum Vorlesen für Kinder ab 3-6 Jahren (multilingual/bilingual)
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Mona Lisa Mystery
Class 3 of Hampstead Primary School are off on a school trip to Paris! Morgan is the first to spot the bearded man in the black Citroen car, cruising behind their school bus, and feels sure he is following them. The plot thickens when a second mysterious bearded man appears on the ferry boat, Soon Class 3 find themselves entangled with a group of art thieves intent upon stealing the Mona Lisa...!
Les Belles Lettres Le Chat de l'Egypte Ancienne
Europa Editions Bitter Almonds
Basic Books To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment