Search results for ""Author Ralph""
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume III: 1826–1832
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s life from 1826 to 1832 has a classic dramatic structure, beginning with his approbation to preach in October 1826, continuing with his courtship, his brief marriage to Ellen Tucker, and his misery after her death, and concluding with his departure from the ministry.The journals and notebooks of these years are far fewer than those in the preceding six years. Emerson noted down many ideas for sermons in his journals, but as time went on he wrote the sermons independently. Occasionally he wrote openly about family matters, but except for the passionate response to Ellen and her death the journals tell little about the impact upon him of other people and outside events. The pattern is consistent with the earlier journals: Emerson used them mainly to record his thought, to develop and express his ideas. His religious and intellectual interests were undergoing significant changes in orientation or emphasis. He was less concerned with the existence of God than with the nature and influence of Christ. He continued to reassert the truth of Christianity, but in his growing unorthodoxy he came to show less and less sympathy with the church, with forms and ritual, with convention. And he began to wonder whether it is not the worst part of the man that is the minister.During these years, Emerson read more in Madame de Staël, Wordsworth, Gérando, and Coleridge, less in Milton, the Augustans, Dugald Stewart, and Scott. In style, he moved from a rambling, bookish rhetoric to the tautness and the cadences that mark his later Essays.
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume VIII: Letters and Social Aims
Letters and Social Aims, published in 1875, contains essays originally published early in the 1840s as well as those that were the product of a collaborative effort among Ralph Waldo Emerson, his daughter Ellen Tucker Emerson, his son Edward Waldo Emerson, and his literary executor James Eliot Cabot. The volume takes up the topics of “Poetry and Imagination,” “Social Aims,” “Eloquence,” “Resources,” “The Comic,” “Quotation and Originality,” “Progress of Culture,” “Persian Poetry,” “Inspiration,” “Greatness,” and, appropriately for Emerson’s last published book, “Immortality.”The historical introduction demonstrates for the first time the decline in Emerson’s creative powers after 1865; the strain caused by the preparation of a poetry anthology and delivery of lectures at Harvard during this time; the devastating effect of a house fire in 1872; and how the Emerson children and Cabot worked together to enable Emerson to complete the book. The textual introduction traces this collaborative process in detail and also provides new information about the genesis of the volume as a response to a proposed unauthorized British edition of Emerson’s works.Historical Introduction by Ronald A. BoscoNotes and Parallel Passages by Glen M. JohnsonText Established and Textual Introduction and Apparatus by Joel Myerson
John Wiley & Sons Inc Foundation Engineering
Covers properties of subsurface materials, types of foundations and methods of construction, selection of foundation type and basis for design, and design of foundations and earth-retaining structures.
Indiana University Press Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology
The opening of an exhibit focused on "Jane," a beautifully preserved tyrannosaur collected by the Burpee Museum of Natural History, was the occasion for an international symposium on tyrannosaur paleobiology. This volume, drawn from the symposium, includes studies of the tyrannosaurids Chingkankousaurus fragilis and "Sir William" and the generic status of Nanotyrannus; theropod teeth, pedal proportions, brain size, and craniocervical function; soft tissue reconstruction, including that of "Jane"; paleopathology and tyrannosaurid claws; dating the "Jane" site; and tyrannosaur feeding and hunting strategies. Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology highlights the far ranging and vital state of current tyrannosaurid dinosaur research and discovery.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Innovative Institutions, Public Policies And Private Strategies For Agro-enterprise Development
In an effort to promote agro-enterprises and agro-industries as viable forms of inclusive development, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and The Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) in collaboration with the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), organized an international symposium on the topic “Innovative Institutions, Public Policies, and Private Strategies for Inclusive Agro-Enterprise Development”, as part of the Triennial Meetings of the IAAE held in Foz do lguaçu, Brazil, in August 2012.This book contains the major papers presented at the symposium, which feature a wide range of country and regional experiences and examine the influence of markets and technology transfer to agro-enterprises on food security, poverty, and economic growth. The contributions also identify alternative market access strategies for sustainable economic development. This volume will enrich existing knowledge of agro-enterprises as a channel for promoting inclusive growth and reducing poverty levels across developing and emerging markets.
University of California Press The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. Volume II
Martin Luther King, Jr's ideas - his call for racial equality, his insistence on the power of nonviolence to bring about a major transformation of American society - are as vital as ever. This title begins with King's doctoral work at Boston University and ends with his first year as pastor of the historic Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Theologien Des Politischen Im Horizont Interkultureller Theologie
Theologischer Verlag Urbanitat Und Offentlichkeit: Kirche Im Spannungsfeld Gesellschaftlicher Dynamiken
Rowman & Littlefield The Many Faces of Asian Security
Political developments in the post-Cold War era, the intensification of globalization, and the rapid spread of technology are forcing a reevaluation of the meaning of security. Traditional security is no longer the singular concern of the world powers, and new forms of security have become relevant to a growing number of countries. The Many Faces of Asian Security provides a comprehensive assessment of these developments in the Asia-Pacific region. The book begins with an examination of traditional security concerns—military capabilities, balance of power, territorial and resource disputes, the effects of new technologies on military strategy, and the problems involved in maintaining sovereignty in the face of globalization. It then introduces the new security issues that have become important in Asia since the end of the Cold War—economic and financial stability in the wake of the financial crisis, the spillover effects of environmental degradation, human rights and political stability, and the impact of transnational crime. Eleven leading specialists on Asia evaluate the types of, and approaches to, Asian security that have been emerging over the past decade. Their wide-ranging and incisive discussions will be of interest to policymakers, scholars, and students alike.
Rowman & Littlefield A Nietzschean Bestiary: Becoming Animal Beyond Docile and Brutal
Inspired by the ancient and medieval genre, A Nietzschean Bestiary gathers essays treating the most vivid and lively animal images in one of the philosophic tradition's greatest bodies of work. Leading scholars treat specific animals—such as the prowling beast of prey, Zarathustra's laughing lions, and the notorious blond beast—to ingeniously reveal how these creatures play a prominent role in the development of Nietzsche's philosophy. Numerous essays explore the nature of human animality and our relations to other animals. Contributors shed new light on Nietzsche's conception of power, freedom, and meaning. Research tools, including discussions of Nietzsche's influence on important twentieth-century philosophers and the most extensive index of animal references in Nietzsche's corpus, make this an essential volume for scholars and students alike.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume VII: 1838–1842
When Ralph Waldo Emerson began these journals in June of 1838, he “had achieved initial success in each of his main forms of public utterance. The days of finding his proper role and public voice were now behind him…and his…personal life had healed from earlier wounds.” Now he was married to Lydia Jackson of Plymouth and was the father of a young son, Waldo. They lived in a large, comfortable house in Concord, only a half-day’s drive from Boston but close to the solitude of nature. Still to come was the controversy he would create by his address to the graduating class at Harvard Divinity School, an address in which he would say that the Divinity School trained ministers for a dead church. These journals record his responses to the severe criticism and trace his struggles as he overcame the stings of attack with a growing confidence in himself as a thinker, lecturer, and writer.In addition to introspective writings, the journals contain Emerson’s observations on his reading, on his country, especially during the presidential campaign of 1840, on slavery, on art and nature, on religion and the need for a new understanding of its meaning, and on love. His relations with such close friends as Bronson Alcott and Margaret Fuller also are reflected here, as are his developing friendships with Thoreau, Jones Very, Samuel Ward, Caroline Sturgis, and William Ellery Channing, the poet.During this period he gave three series of lectures and published his second book, Essays, which contains some of his greatest work: “Self Reliance,” “Compensation,” and “The Over-Soul.” The major workshop for Essays, these journals are indispensable for the study of Emerson’s creative processes. Many entries are published here for the first time, including experimental lists of topics for Essays and possibly the earliest draft of the poem “The Sphinx.”For Emerson, the journal was one of the most important of literary genres. His own journals not only formed his “artificial memory,” but became “a living part of him.” He later wrote, “The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression.”
University of California Press The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume I: Called to Serve, January 1929-June 1951
More than two decades since his death, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s ideas - his call for racial equality, his faith in the ultimate triumph of justice, and his insistence on the power of nonviolent struggle to bring about a major transformation of American society - are as vital and timely as ever. The wealth of his writings, both published and unpublished, that constitute his intellectual legacy are now preserved in this authoritative, chronologically arranged, multi-volume edition. Faithfully reproducing the texts of his letters, speeches, sermons, student papers, and articles, this edition has no equal. Volume One contains many previously unpublished documents beginning with the letters King wrote to his mother and father during his childhood. We read firsthand his surprise and delight in his first encounter (during a trip to Connecticut) with the less segregated conditions in the North. Through his student essays and exams, we discover King's doubts about the religion of his father and we can trace his theological development. We learn of his longing for the emotional conversion experience that he witnessed others undergoing, and we follow his search to know God through study at theological seminaries. Throughout the first volume, we are treated to tantalizing hints of his mature rhetorical abilities, as in his 1945 letter to the Atlanta Constitution that spoke out against white racism. Each volume in this series contains an introductory essay that traces the biographical details of Dr. King's life during the period covered. Ample annotations accompany the documents. Each volume also contains a chronology of key events in his life and a "Calendar of Documents" that lists all important, extant documents authored by King or by others, including those that are not trnascribed in the document itself. The preparation of this edition is sponsored by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta with Stanford University and Emory University.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination
Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of Appreciative Inquiry offers OD and HR professionals a user-friendly resource for discovering how they can tap into the power of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process. An innovative process, AI is an effective way to work with a company as an organic system whose success depends on a holistic approach to connect that organization's human, technical, and organizational functions. This new edition meets the challenge of making the AI process accessible and updates three key areas of the process: the theoretical basis, fundamental assumptions and beliefs, and the basic processes. It includes step-by-step guidelines on how to apply AI in a variety of organizational situations and shows how it can be used with a wide range of initiatives, such as coaching, leadership development, strategic planning, and teambuilding. "If there's one book to read on AI, this is it. It provides the context and rationale for this paradigm changing approach to change at any level of system. Buy it, read it, use it and enjoy achieving great results and renewed energy and enthusiasm." —Barbara Sloan, director, Organizational Development and Learning, New York University, Langone Medical Center "Appreciative Inquiry brings the freedom and creativity of AI together with the 'nuts and bolts' of how to actually do it all. It contains everything I would want to have as a fresh practitioner, from potential designs to sample questions and excellent Case Stories." —David Shaked, founder and CEO, Almond Insight, United Kingdom "This book serves as a complete roadmap for those interested in the philosophy and practice of Appreciative Inquiry. The Case Stories encourage readers to find their own way on the journey by providing examples of successful interventions." —Terry Egan, professor, Management Studies, Pepperdine University
University of Notre Dame Press Natural Law and Human Rights: Toward a Recovery of Practical Reason
This first English translation of Pierre Manent’s profound and strikingly original book La loi naturelle et les droits de l’homme is a reflection on the central question of the Western political tradition. In six chapters, developed from the prestigious Étienne Gilson lectures at the Institut Catholique de Paris, and in a related appendix, Manent contemplates the steady displacement of the natural law by the modern conception of human rights. He aims to restore the grammar of moral and political action, and thus the possibility of an authentically political order that is fully compatible with liberty. Manent boldly confronts the prejudices and dogmas of those who have repudiated the classical and Christian notion of “liberty under law” and in the process shows how groundless many contemporary appeals to human rights turn out to be. Manent denies that we can generate obligations from a condition of what Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau call the “state of nature,” where human beings are absolutely free, with no obligations to others. In his view, our ever-more-imperial affirmation of human rights needs to be reintegrated into what he calls an “archic” understanding of human and political existence, where law and obligation are inherent in liberty and meaningful human action. Otherwise we are bound to act thoughtlessly and in an increasingly arbitrary or willful manner. Natural Law and Human Rights will engage students and scholars of politics, philosophy, and religion, and will captivate sophisticated readers who are interested in the question of how we might reconfigure our knowledge of, and talk with one another about, politics.
Indiana University Press Tchaikovsky through Others' Eyes
" . . . intriguing collection . . . a recommended study for anyone interested in the habits and personalities of great minds." —ForeWordThis compilation of reminiscences about Tchaikovsky the man is unprecedented in English. The memoirs, diary entries, and interviews written and conducted by his contemporaries show us both the public and the private figure: the law student, the professor, the philanthropist, the loving brother and uncle, the intrepid traveler, and of course the composer and conductor. In more than 50 documents—some laudatory, others not—Tchaikovsky's contemporaries speak of little-known facets of the composer's life: foibles and mannerisms, politics and tastes, prejudices and preferences (sexual and otherwise). The result is a dynamic portrayal of the composer, with all the complexities and paradoxes of a real life.
Wolters Kluwer Health Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Pancreatic and Biliary Pathology
New in the Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology series, this abundantly illustrated title helps you systematically solve tough diagnostic challenges in pancreatic and biliary pathology. It uses select images of clinical and pathological findings, together with succinct, expert instructions and diagnostic pearls, to guide you through the decision-making process. By presenting material according to the way pathologists actually work, this user-friendly volume helps you quickly differentiate commonly confused entities that have overlapping morphologic features. Presents nearly 100 differential diagnoses in pancreatic and biliary pathology, including the most common entities as well as selected rare diseases. Provides concise, bulleted summaries of clinical and pathological findings and relevant pictorial examples on the corresponding pages. Features 1,000 high-quality, full-color images of similar-looking lesions side by side for easy comparison with respect to clinicopathologic features and ancillary tests. Includes more than 30 detailed chapters on the pancreas, as well as coverage of the ampulla, extrahepatic bile duct, and gallbladder. Ideal for practicing pathologists, pathologists in training, residents, and medical students. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume II: Essays: First Series
Some of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s finest and most famous essays, such as “Self-Reliance,” “Compensation,” and “The Over-Soul,” appeared in his Essays of 1841, published when he was thirty-seven years old. Preceded by the slim volume Nature, it was his first full-length book.The present edition provides for the first time an authoritative text of the Essays, together with an introduction, notes, and supplementary material of great value for the study of Emerson’s creative processes. A list of hundreds of parallel passages in his earlier journals and lectures makes it possible to examine in detail how he drew upon those manuscripts (now published), especially the voluminous journals, as grist for the twelve essays. His subsequent alterations of the essays, particularly in the revised edition of 1847, give evidence of the evolution of his thought and style at this stage of his career. While the text incorporates his revisions, so as to represent his final intention, the earlier versions are given at the end of the book.Introduction and Notes by Joseph SlaterText Established by Alfred R. Ferguson and Jean Ferguson Carr
Oxford University Press How Genes Influence Behavior
How Genes Influence Behavior takes a personal and lively approach to the study of behavioral genetics, providing an up-to-date and accessible introduction to a variety of approaches and their application to a wide range of disorders, and modeling a critical approach to both methods and results. This second edition includes additional biology content to help students understand the biological foundations of the field, while maintaining an appropriate focus on the main issues of relevance to psychology students; updates coverage of genomic technologies and their applications; and covers a wider range of disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, eating disorders, and intellectual disability. A new final chapter guides students through a range of quantitative approaches using worked examples that relate directly to cases and examples used earlier in the text, and addresses current issues arising from debates around reproducibility. The online resources that accompany this book include: For students * Multiple choice questions for students to check their threshold knowledge * Data sets for students to manipulate, so that they can apply what they have learned For lecturers * Figures and tables from the book, ready to download
Princeton University Press Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time
From the famous siege of Constantinople in 1453 through the numerous other campaigns that securely established the Ottoman Empire, this title covers various events in the life of the emperor Mehmed II.
Random House Publishing Group American Transcendentalists Essential Writings Modern Library
Transcendentalism was the first major intellectual movement in U.S. history, championing the inherent divinity of each individual, as well as the value of collective social action. In the mid-nineteenth century, the movement took off, changing how Americans thought about religion, literature, the natural world, class distinctions, the role of women, and the existence of slavery.Edited by the eminent scholar Lawrence Buell, this comprehensive anthology contains the essential writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, and their fellow visionaries. There are also reflections on the movement by Charles Dickens, Henry James, Walt Whitman, Louisa May Alcott, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. This remarkable volume introduces the radical innovations of a brilliant group of thinkers whose impact on religious thought, social reform, philosophy, and literature continues to reverberate in the twenty-first century.
Yale University Press The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The authoritative edition of Franklin’s autobiography, with a foreword by the eminent Franklin scholar Edmund S. Morgan “The best and most beautiful edition [of the Autobiography].”—J. H. Plumb, New York Review of Books “Among the many editions available—read Yale’s. Its text is the most reliable (the Franklin papers are at Yale) and its supplementary material is uniformly useful.”—Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post A classic of eighteenth-century American history and literature, Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography has had an influence perhaps unequaled by any other book by an American writer. Written ostensibly as a letter to his son William, Franklin’s Autobiography offers his reflections on philosophy and religion, politics, war, education, material success, and the status of women. Prepared by the editors of The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, this definitive edition is drawn with scrupulous care from the original manuscript in Franklin’s handwriting, now in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. The introduction by Leonard W. Labaree places the autobiography in literary and historical contexts. In a new foreword, eminent Franklin scholar Edmund S. Morgan writes about Franklin’s dual allegiance as an American and a subject of an English king—and his emergence as a leader of the American Revolution. This edition also includes biographical notes, a chronology of Franklin’s life, and an updated bibliography.
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume V: English Traits
Emerson traveled broadly in England and Scotland in 1833 and again on lecture tour fifteen years later. Drawing on his experiences there as well as his wide reading in British history, he set forth in English Traits his view of the English as a nation. Published in 1856, this was one of his most popular books, perhaps because of its playfulness and wit and clarity of style.English Traits is a searching and distinctive portrayal of English culture that today offers a revealing perspective on American viewpoints and preoccupations in the mid-nineteenth century. It is notable, too, for revealing an interesting side of Emerson's complex character; here we find Emerson the practical Yankee, analyzing English power, resourcefulness, determination, and materialism.The historical introduction to this fullscale critical edition, places English Traits in the context of Emerson's career and travels, and discusses the book's contemporary reception. The explanatory notes provide a treasury of helpful information. This is the definitive scholarly edition of English Traits.Historical Introduction by Philip NicoloffNotes by Robert E. BurkholderText Established and Textual Introduction and Apparatus by Douglas Emory Wilson
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume VI: The Conduct of Life
The essays in this book, first published in 1860, were developed from a series of lectures on "The Conduct of Life" delivered by Emerson during the early 1850s. Some of the original lectures were dropped and the rest were considerably revised, with new topics introduced. The published essays, on "Fate," "Power," "Wealth," "Culture," "Behavior," "Worship," "Considerations by the Way," "Beauty," and "Illusions," show Emerson's interest in many practical aspects of human life, and reflect his increasing involvement in politics--chiefly in the antislavery movement--during the decade before the Civil War.This edition is based on Emerson's holograph manuscripts and published sources. The text incorporates Emerson's later corrections and revisions, and shows us what he actually wrote (or, perhaps in some cases, intended to write).The historical introduction traces the book's development and its relation to Emerson's own personal growth and political awareness. Joseph Slater's explanatory notes help the modern reader to understand many of Emerson's references and allusions that may not be readily apparent. Historical Introduction by Barbara L. PackerNotes by Joseph SlaterText Established and Textual Introduction and Apparatus by Douglas Emory Wilson
John Wiley & Sons Inc Adolescent Health: Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviors
This book covers the developmental and health problems unique to the adolescent period of life. It focuses on special needs and public health programs for adolescents. It offers deep insight into smoking, violence, teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and other problems, along with intervention and prevention strategies. "Anyone serious about improving adolescent health should read this book. It spans theoretical and developmental constructs, summaries of evidence-based interventions for adolescent risk behaviors, metrics, and policy recommendations." —S. Jean Emans, MD, chief, Division of Adolescent Medicine, and Robert Masland Jr., chair, Adolescent Medicine, Children's Hospital Boston, and professor of pediatrics, Harvard Medical School "This is the one single text that students can use to study adolescent health. It includes contributions from many of the world's most accomplished researchers to provide learners with cutting edge information to make the study of adolescence understandable and applicable in practical settings." —Gary L. Hopkins, MD, DrPH, associate research professor and director, Center for Prevention Research, and director, Center for Media Impact Research, Andrews University "This textbook presents an excellent balance in weighing the evidence from the risk and the resilience literature, incorporating research in racially and ethnically diverse populations." —Renée R. Jenkins, MD, FAAP, professor, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Howard University College of Medicine "This is an engaging, thorough, and thought-provoking statement of our knowledge about adolescence. " —Wendy Baldwin, PhD, director, Poverty, Gender, and Youth Program, Population Council
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume III: Essays: Second Series
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s second collection of essays appeared in 1844, when he was forty-one. It includes eight essays—“The Poet,” “Experience,” “Character,” “Manners,” “Gifts,” “Nature,” “Politics,” and “Nominalist and Realist”—and one address, the much misunderstood “New England Reformers.” Essays: Second Series has a lightness of tone and an irony absent from the earlier writings, but it is no less memorable: “a sermon to me,” Carlyle wrote, “a real word.”The present edition, drawing on the vast body of Emerson scholarship of the last forty years, incorporates all the textual changes Emerson made or demonstrably intended to make after 1844. It records variant wordings and recounts the development of the text before and after publication. A list of parallel passages makes it possible to trace Emerson’s extensive use of material from his journals, notebooks, and lectures. Endnotes provide information about people, events, and now-obscure terms. A brief historical introduction places the book in the context of the years during which it was written, the time of Brook Farm, The Dial, and the death of Emerson’s five year-old son.Historical Introduction and Notes by Joseph SlaterText Established by Alfred R. Ferguson and Jean Ferguson CarrTextual Introduction and Apparatus by Jean Ferguson Carr
powerHouse Books,U.S. Gary Cooper: Enduring Style
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Theologien Des Politischen II
Cornell University Press Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States
In much of North America, crickets and katydids provide the soundtrack to summer nights, and grasshoppers frequent the fields and roadsides of midsummer days. Although insects from this group have long been the bane of those who make their living from the land, grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets are themselves crucial food sources for many species of birds, reptiles and amphibians, and other creatures.Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States introduces readers to the biology, behavior, and ecological significance of one of the most obvious (abundant, large, and colorful) and important (ecologically and economically significant) insect groups in North America, the order Orthoptera. A simple, illustrated identification guide assists the reader in distinguishing among the various groups and narrows down the options to expedite identification. The book treats more than a third of the species found in the United States and Canada in brief, easy-to-understand sections that provide information on distribution, identification, ecology, and similar species. Distribution maps accompany each profile, and 206 species are pictured in color. Black-and-white drawings highlight distinguishing characteristics of some of the more difficult-to-identify species. Sonograms provide a graphic representation of the insects' distinctive sounds, which may be heard on Thomas J. Walker's website: Singing Insects of North America.This is the first treatment of North American grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets to portray the insects in full color, and it will be the first time many amateur naturalists and students have the opportunity to see the amazing and colorful world of Orthoptera, because many are cryptically colored (their bright colors evident only in flight) or cryptic in behavior (nocturnal in their habits). John L. Capinera, Ralph D. Scott, and Thomas J. Walker designed their book for amateur naturalists who wish to know the local fauna, for students who seek to identify insects as part of entomology and natural history courses, and for professional biologists who need to identify invertebrates. This invaluable field guide will be a useful supplement for laboratory and field activities and a reference for classrooms at every level.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume XIV: 1854–1861
The journals from 1854 to 1861 show the ripeness of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s thought overshadowed by the gravest problem of his time—slavery. In addition to completing English Traits (1856) and Conduct of Life (1860), Emerson wrote many of the lectures and articles that made up his next book, Society and Solitude. He also contributed often to The Atlantic Monthly after helping to found that magazine in 1857. Throughout these years he extended his strenuous trips as a lyceum lecturer, crossing and recrossing the frozen Mississippi several times each winter. In Concord, he continued his omnivorous reading, his beloved walks, and his friendships with Alcott, Channing, and Thoreau, but at home or away he saw America’s future darkening daily. In 1856, Emerson wrote to his brother William, “But what times are these, & how they make our studies impertinent, & even ourselves the same! I am looking into the map to see where I shall go with my children when Boston & Massachusetts surrender to the slave-trade.”Influenced by events such as the murder of New England men in bloody Kansas and the assault on Charles Sumner in the U.S. Congress in 1856, by a growing friendship with Theodore Parker, and by John Brown’s visits to Concord in 1857 and 1859, Emerson became one of the most notable speakers against slavery. He armed himself for his emergence from the study by marshalling his thoughts on liberty as he would have ranged his thoughts on any other topic. Notebook WO Liberty, rediscovered in the Library of Congress in 1964, collects his ideas on slavery and human liberty. Probably begun in 1854 it contains drafts or records of seven antislavery speeches, including his major antislavery address, “American Slavery,” first given in January, 1855. These notebooks and journals bring the philosopher of "the infinitude of the private man" to January 1861 and the brink of war.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Metal Fatigue in Engineering
Classic, comprehensive, and up-to-date Metal Fatigue in Engineering Second Edition For twenty years, Metal Fatigue in Engineering has served as an important textbook and reference for students and practicing engineers concerned with the design, development, and failure analysis of components, structures, and vehicles subjected to repeated loading. Now this generously revised and expanded edition retains the best features of the original while bringing it up to date with the latest developments in the field. As with the First Edition, this book focuses on applied engineering design, with a view to producing products that are safe, reliable, and economical. It offers in-depth coverage of today's most common analytical methods of fatigue design and fatigue life predictions/estimations for metals. Contents are arranged logically, moving from simple to more complex fatigue loading and conditions. Throughout the book, there is a full range of helpful learning aids, including worked examples and hundreds of problems, references, and figures as well as chapter summaries and "design do's and don'ts" sections to help speed and reinforce understanding of the material. The Second Edition contains a vast amount of new information, including: * Enhanced coverage of micro/macro fatigue mechanisms, notch strain analysis, fatigue crack growth at notches, residual stresses, digital prototyping, and fatigue design of weldments * Nonproportional loading and critical plane approaches for multiaxial fatigue * A new chapter on statistical aspects of fatigue
John Wiley & Sons Inc Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research
"Here is a 'must-read' for all health promotion researchers and practitioners eager to stay one step ahead of the pack. A panoply of insightful and promising new approaches is presented for consideration and exploration in our contemporary behavioral science arsenal." — M. Elaine Auld, MPH, CHES, Chief Executive Officer, Society for Public Health Education "This book is an essential addition to the health practice and research literature, concentrating on theories that have not been extensively covered elsewhere and that have great currency. It provides an up-to-date rendition on the interplay among contemporary public health concerns, sound public health practice, and the theoretical bases for practice."— Robert M. Goodman, PhD, MPH, Dean and Professor, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Indiana University "The authors of Emerging Theories provide vivid descriptions of the state of the science in health promotion and presents an exciting map for future research. Understanding and using theories is the hallmark of an excellent practitioner. Creating and elaborating theories is the mark of an excellent researcher. This text will be very valuable for both." — Noreen M. Clark, PhD, Myron E. Wegman Distinguished University Professor; Director, Center for Managing Chronic Disease, University of Michigan "Emerging Theories captures the dynamic growth in theories of health promotion and illustrates how divergent theoretical perspectives are being integrated into richer explanatory and practice models." — Matthew W. Kreuter, PhD, MPH, Professor of Social Work and Medicine; Director, Health Communication Research Laboratory, Washington University in St. Louis
Nova Science Publishers Inc USDA 2007 Farm Bill Proposal
Cardiotext Publishing Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age
Empires have fallen, and the land is broken. The great oathmarks that once stood as testaments to the allegiances and might of nations have crumbled into ruin. In this lost age, fealty and loyalty are as valuable as gold and as deadly as cold iron, and war is ever-present. Created by Joseph A. McCullough, designer of Frostgrave and Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, Oathmark is a mass-battle fantasy wargame that puts you in command of the fantasy army you’ve always wanted, whether a company of stalwart dwarves or a mixed force with proud elves, noble men, and wild goblins standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the battle-line. Fight through an integrated campaign system and develop your realms from battle to battle, adding new territories, recruiting new troop types, and growing to eclipse your rivals… or lose what you fought so hard to gain and fall as so many would-be emperors before you.
Elsevier Health Sciences McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy
Understand foot, ankle and lower limb anatomy visually and clinically. McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy is the ideal study aid or trusted visual reference for the range of students and practitioners who require a detailed understanding of the anatomy of the foot, ankle and lower limb. It provides you with the perfect grasp of all the important lower limb structures that are likely to be encountered in practice or in the anatomy lab. Superb images of dissections, osteology, radiographic and surface anatomy offer an unmatched view of muscles, nerves, skeletal structures, blood vessels and more. Figures are accompanied by concise notes and commentaries, as well as orientational artworks to help you locate the structure accurately on the body. This updated fifth edition offers increased clinical relevance and features an entirely new chapter on Imaging of the Lower Limb, reflecting the very latest modalities and techniques. It also comes with the complete, enhanced eBook for the first time. All new state-of-the-art clinical imaging chapter - provides new insights and reflects anatomy as seen in modern practice Easily correlates essential anatomy with clinical practice - through over 200 high-quality photographs, combined with explanatory illustrations for more complex areas and concise, accompanying notes throughout Bonus information in Appendices - including practical guidance to administering nerve blocks accurately and effectively in the regional anaesthesia section Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase - this enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Mostly life-size dissections and osteology - corresponds to what students/practitioners will see in the dissection lab or in real life Includes radiography and surface anatomy pictures - helps maximise clinical relevance (and necessary for modern courses) Orientational and explanatory artworks - helps the reader to position on the body Short accompanying text - expands on the illustrations and serves as study tool Numbered labels - helps facilitate self-testing Appendix containing key information on Skin, Muscles, Arteries and Nerves All new and expanded 'Imaging' chapter to reflect what is seen in current teaching and practice Revised section on regional anaesthesia of the lower limb, to improve layout and reflect practice updates Print + electronic package for the first time, incorporating new and enhanced eBook version via Expert Consult
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Primer of Diagnostic Imaging
Widely known as THE survival guide for radiology residents, fellows, and junior faculty, the "purple book" provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of diagnostic imaging in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. Focusing on the core information you need for learning and practice, this portable resource combines the full range of diagnostic imaging applications with the latest imaging modalities, making it the perfect clinical companion and review tool. Features more than 1,200 detailed illustrations now in full color, plus images that clearly depict the latest applications of CT, MRI, PET/CT, and other diagnostic imaging modalities. Provides new coverage of non-interpretive skills such as quality and safe dosing. Balances new information and anatomic drawings with timeless, relevant material to fully prepare you for the boards and for daily practice. Explains the nuances of key diagnostic details for all body systems, including signs and symptoms, anatomic landmarks, and common radiologic-pathologic alterations, for the full range of radiologic modalities and specialties. Uses a bulleted format and provides mnemonics, descriptive terminology, and space for note taking that make it easy to learn and remember key facts, techniques, and images. Allows you to work through diagnoses with hundreds of differentials for board certification preparation. Clarifies the impact of the latest disease entities on the interpretation of radiologic findings. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cancer Metabolism: Historical Landmarks, New Concepts, and Opportunities
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume I: Nature, Addresses, and Lectures
In 1849 Ralph Waldo Emerson collected in one volume all of his published work he thought worthy of preservation that had not been contained in the two series of Essays (1841, 1844) and the Poems (1847). Included were the essay Nature (1836); four orations, “The American Scholar,” “The Divinity School Address,” and two others; and five lectures which had appeared in The Dial.As the first volume of a projected new Collected Works, this edition of Nature, Addresses, and Lectures now provides for the first time a definitive text based on collation of all editions in which Emerson might have had a hand, together with a wholly new introduction and extensive notes. The recently published Journals and Lectures from this period help bring to this volume a fresh perspective on the first and formative stage of Emerson’s career as a public figure and man of letters.Introduction and Notes by Robert E. Spiller; Text Established by Alfred R. Ferguson
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume IX: Poems: A Variorum Edition
At his death in 1882, Ralph Waldo Emerson was counted among the greatest poets in nineteenth-century America. This variorum edition of all the poems Emerson chose for publication during his lifetime offers readers the opportunity to situate Emerson’s poetic achievement alongside his celebrated essays and to consider their interrelationship.Decades before Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson took their places in the firmament of American poets, Emerson was securely enthroned. Though his reputation as essayist now eclipses his reputation as poet, Emerson self-identified as a writer of verse and worked out his transcendental philosophy in this genre, establishing his belief in the authority of individual experience and in the essential metaphoric nature of language. Albert J. von Frank’s historical introduction traces the development of Emerson the poet, considering how life events, as well as his reading of German philosophy and Sufi poetry, influenced his thought and expression. Alongside accounts of the critical reception of his poems are public and private writings that reveal Emerson’s own estimation of his poetic project and achievement.The textual introduction and apparatus make transparent the theoretical and practical concerns that inform these critical texts. Also included are a chronological lists of variants and texts constituting the historical collation, notes clarifying obscure allusions, and headnotes identifying sources and context.
Harvard University Press The Annotated Emerson
Emerson remains one of America’s least understood writers, having spawned neither school nor follower. Those wishing to discover or reacquaint themselves with Emerson’s writings but who have not known where or how to begin will not find a better starting place or more reliable guide than David Mikics in this richly illustrated Annotated Emerson.
Random House Publishing Group Juneteenth
The radiant, posthumous second novel by the visionary author of Invisible Man, featuring an introduction and a new postscript by Ralph Ellison''s literary executor, John F. Callahan, and a preface by National Book Award-winning author Charles Johnson “Ralph Ellison’s generosity, humor and nimble language are, of course, on display in Juneteenth, but it is his vigorous intellect that rules the novel. . . . A majestic narrative concept.”—Toni MorrisonIn Washington, D.C., in the 1950s, Adam Sunraider, a race-baiting senator from New England, is mortally wounded by an assassin’s bullet while making a speech on the Senate floor. To the shock of all who think they know him, Sunraider calls out from his deathbed for Alonzo Hickman, an old black minister, to be brought to his side. The reverend is summoned; the two are left alone. “Tell me what happened while there’s still time,” demands the d
Theologischer Verlag Gott, Warte Auf Mich: Eine Gebetsschule Fur Einzelne Und Gruppen
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medieval and Early Modern Religious Cultures: Essays Honouring Vincent Gillespie on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday
New approaches to religious texts from the Middle Ages, highlighting their diversity and sophistication. From the great age of pastoral expansion in the thirteenth century, to the revolutionary paroxysms of the English Reformation, England's religious writings, cultures, and practices defy easy analysis. The diverse currents of practice and belief which interact and conflict across the period - orthodox and heterodox, popular and learned, mystical and pragmatic, conservative and reforming - are defined on the one hand by differences as nuanced as the apophatic and cataphatic approaches to understanding the divine, and on the other by developments as profound and concrete as the persecution of declared heretics, the banning and destruction of books, and the emergence of printing. The essays presented in this volume respond to and build upon the hugely influential work of Vincent Gillespie in these fields, offering a variety of approaches, spiritual and literary, bibliographical and critical, across the Middle Ages to the Protestant Reformation and beyond. Topics addressed include the Wycliffite Bible; the Assumption of the Virgin as represented in medieval English culture; Nicholas Love and Reginald Pecock; and the survival of latemedieval piety in early modern England. LAURA ASHE is Professor of English Literature and Tutorial Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford; RALPH HANNA is Professor of Palaeography (emeritus), Keble College, Oxford. Contributors: Tamara Atkin, James Carley, Alexandra da Costa, Anne Hudson, Ian Johnson, Daniel Orton, Susan Powell, Denis Renevey, Michael G. Sargent, Annie Sutherland, Nicholas Watson, Barry Windeatt.
Emerald Publishing Limited Joy: Using strategic communication to improve well-being and organizational success
This volume explores current research in public relations and communication management, and in particular examines how public relations can have a positive impact on the well being of its publics. One of the biggest competitive advantages in today's business world are positive and engaged publics, because satisfied participants are at the core of any successful relationship. The success of relationships with publics is mostly based on how people are valued and treated, which in turn affects their self-perceptions and level of performance. Both of these elements are correlated with life happiness. Thus, strategic communication should be used for cultivating a positive environment and for fostering happiness and joy among their publics. This can help improve both organizational success and the well-being of people. This book will be essential reading for researchers in marketing and communications, as well as practitioners who wish to understand how PR and Communication Management can positively impact the well-being of organizations and the wider community.