Search results for ""Author Pierre""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimization in Engineering Sciences: Metaheuristic, Stochastic Methods and Decision Support
The purpose of this book is to present the main metaheuristics and approximate and stochastic methods for optimization of complex systems in Engineering Sciences. It has been written within the framework of the European Union project ERRIC (Empowering Romanian Research on Intelligent Information Technologies), which is funded by the EU’s FP7 Research Potential program and has been developed in co-operation between French and Romanian teaching researchers. Through the principles of various proposed algorithms (with additional references) this book allows the reader to explore various methods of implementation such as metaheuristics, local search and populationbased methods. It examines multi-objective and stochastic optimization, as well as methods and tools for computer-aided decision-making and simulation for decision-making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disruptive Activity in a Regulated Industry: The Case of Telecommunications
Theoretical and empirical work examining disruptive activity within industry has previously been restricted to the free market, even if an element of ad hoc government interference has occurred. In contrast, this book makes a unique evaluation of a situation that prevails across a significant part of the industrial sector where involvement is subject to the acquisition of an operating licence. Taking telecommunications as an illustrative industry, with a particular focus on mobile telecommunications, the book focuses on the regulatory bodies that are tasked with licence issuance. New entry is usually attempted by a single company, often with existing links within the telecommunications sector, and usually within a single country. This book provides detailed accounts of both the individual countries and international operators in question, while also including a case study of CK Hutchinson which has been associated with multiple country entries. It also examines how disruptive activity is evolving from its roots in the mobile sector to encompass so-called “quad-play” which includes fixed-wire broadband and pay-TV. Disruptive Activity in a Regulated Industry: The Case of Telecommunications will appeal to postgraduate researchers and academics in the fields of economics, innovation, regulation, and governance.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Microstructure Investigations to Multiscale Modeling: Bridging the Gap
Mechanical behaviors of materials are highly influenced by their architectures and/or microstructures. Hence, progress in material science involves understanding and modeling the link between the microstructure and the material behavior at different scales. This book gathers contributions from eminent researchers in the field of computational and experimental material modeling. It presents advanced experimental techniques to acquire the microstructure features together with dedicated numerical and analytical tools to take into account the randomness of the micro-structure.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Neuroscience
The goal of this book is to introduce organizational researchers and practitioners to the role of neuroscience in building theory, research methodologies and practical applications. On one hand, we aim to be a useful resource for researchers who look to become more familiar with organizational neuroscience or incorporate its concepts and methods into their own research. On the other hand, we provide insight for practitioners, who can envision neuroscience applications as a means of expanding their own professional toolboxes. The book is in two sections. First, we introduce general issues that cover the domain of organizational neuroscience, including the nature of the overall field and theoretical and methodological considerations. This section also addresses practical implications, especially for development processes. Second, we explore neuroscience influences on certain topics, such as leadership, emotion/affect, teams, ethics and moral reasoning and organizational justice. We conclude by pondering the future of organizational neuroscience; including ethical, social and legal issues, as well as the potential limitations of this emerging field.
Verso Books Reading Capital: The Complete Edition
Originally published in 1965, Reading Capital is a landmark of French thought and radical theory, reconstructing Western Marxism from its foundations. Louis Althusser, the French Marxist philosopher, maintained that Marx's project could only be revived if its scientific and revolutionary novelty was thoroughly divested of all traces of humanism, idealism, Hegelianism and historicism. In order to complete this critical rereading, Althusser and his students at the École normale supérieure ran a seminar on Capital, re-examining its arguments, strengths and weaknesses in detail, and it was out of those discussions that this book was born.Previously only available in English in highly abridged form, this edition, appearing fifty years after its original publication in France, restores chapters by Roger Establet, Pierre Macherey and Jacques Rancière. It includes a major new introduction by Étienne Balibar.
Other Press LLC Decolonization: Unsung Heroes of the Resistance
Bristol University Press A Climate Pact for Europe: How to Finance the Green Deal
The COVID-19 pandemic gives an opportunity to relaunch global economic systems with a better balance between the social and environmental dimensions. There is a need for a scientifically-based step towards a strong Green Deal: a Climate Pact for the EU. Based on a bestselling French book, this English translation provides a summary of the facts on the climate issue, the solutions available and their costs. It outlines the political advantages and challenges current policy, practice and thinking at a time when populist leaders are transforming politics worldwide. This timely book will contribute to a renewed political vision for the EU, the European Economic Area, the UK and Africa.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bayesian Programming
Probability as an Alternative to Boolean LogicWhile logic is the mathematical foundation of rational reasoning and the fundamental principle of computing, it is restricted to problems where information is both complete and certain. However, many real-world problems, from financial investments to email filtering, are incomplete or uncertain in nature. Probability theory and Bayesian computing together provide an alternative framework to deal with incomplete and uncertain data. Decision-Making Tools and Methods for Incomplete and Uncertain DataEmphasizing probability as an alternative to Boolean logic, Bayesian Programming covers new methods to build probabilistic programs for real-world applications. Written by the team who designed and implemented an efficient probabilistic inference engine to interpret Bayesian programs, the book offers many Python examples that are also available on a supplementary website together with an interpreter that allows readers to experiment with this new approach to programming.Principles and Modeling Only requiring a basic foundation in mathematics, the first two parts of the book present a new methodology for building subjective probabilistic models. The authors introduce the principles of Bayesian programming and discuss good practices for probabilistic modeling. Numerous simple examples highlight the application of Bayesian modeling in different fields.Formalism and AlgorithmsThe third part synthesizes existing work on Bayesian inference algorithms since an efficient Bayesian inference engine is needed to automate the probabilistic calculus in Bayesian programs. Many bibliographic references are included for readers who would like more details on the formalism of Bayesian programming, the main probabilistic models, general purpose algorithms for Bayesian inference, and learning problems.FAQsAlong with a glossary, the fourth part contains answers to frequently asked questions. The authors compare Bayesian programming and possibility theories, discuss the computational complexity of Bayesian inference, cover the irreducibility of incompleteness, and address the subjectivist versus objectivist epistemology of probability. The First Steps toward a Bayesian ComputerA new modeling methodology, new inference algorithms, new programming languages, and new hardware are all needed to create a complete Bayesian computing framework. Focusing on the methodology and algorithms, this book describes the first steps toward reaching that goal. It encourages readers to explore emerging areas, such as bio-inspired computing, and develop new programming languages and hardware architectures.
Emerald Publishing Limited What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?
Leading scholars consider Austrian economics from several perspectives such as characteristic themes of entrepreneurship and uncertainty, scientific methods such as mathematical complexity theory and experimental economics, and historical contexts such as pre-war Vienna and post-war France. Placing "Austrian economics" in these multiple contexts helps to reveal the rich texture of the Austrian tradition in social thought and its multiple connections to current research in diverse fields. Applications to the theory of the trade cycle and to foreign intervention suggest that the Austrian tradition contains possibilities not yet full explored and exploited. The volume gathers together papers presented at the second biennial Wirth conference on Austrian economics, held in October 2008 when the crisis of Fall 2008 was still new and shocking. This coincidence of timing makes policy issues and crisis management a kind of leitmotif of the volume. If, as keynote speaker David Colander argues, Austrians have a comparative advantage in political economy, then its stock should rise in times of crisis and political uncertainty. The volume provides evidence in favor of this view. Contributors include David Colander, Richard Wagner, Jeffery McMullen, J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Steve Horwitz, Richard Ebeling, Chris Coyne, and Peter Boettke.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Suffering of the Immigrant
This book is a major contribution to our understanding of the condition of the immigrant and it will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration. Sayad’s book will be widely used in courses on race, ethnicity, immigration and identity in sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, politics and geography. an outstanding and original work on the experience of immigration and the kind of suffering involved in living in a society and culture which is not one’s own; describes how immigrants are compelled, out of respect for themselves and the group that allowed them to leave their country of origin, to play down the suffering of emigration; Abdelmalek Sayad, was an Algerian scholar and close associate of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu - after Sayad’s death, Bourdieu undertook to assemble these writings for publication; this book will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration.
University of California Press In Search of a Concrete Music
Pierre Schaeffer's "In Search of a Concrete Music" ("A la recherche d'une musique concrete") has long been considered a classic text in electroacoustic music and sound recording. Now Schaeffer's pioneering work - at once a journal of his experiments in sound composition and a treatise on the raison d'etre of "concrete music" - is available for the first time in English translation. Schaeffer's theories have had a profound influence on composers working with technology. However, they extend beyond the confines of the studio and are applicable to many areas of contemporary musical thought, such as defining an 'instrument' and classifying sounds. Schaeffer has also become increasingly relevant to DJs and hip-hop producers as well as sound-based media artists. This unique book is essential for anyone interested in contemporary musicology or media history.
MIT Press Ltd Labor Economics
Columbia University Press Realms of Memory: The Construction of the French Past, Volume 1 - Conflicts and Divisions
Archives, monuments, celebrations:there are not merely the recollections of memory but also the foundations of history. Symbols, the third and final volume in Pierre Nora's monumental Realms of Memory, includes groundbreaking discussions of the emblems of France's past by some of the nation's most distinguished intellectuals. The seventeen essays in this book consider such diverse "sites" of memory as the figures of Joan D'Arc and Decartes, the national motto of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", the tricolor flag and the French language itself. Pierre Nora's closing essay on commemoration provides a culminating overview of the series. Offering a new approach on history, culture, French studies and the studies of symbols, Realms of Memory reveals how the myriad meanings we attach to places and events constitute our sense of history. A monumental collective endevour by some of France's most distinguished intellectuals, Realms of Memory explores how and why certain places, events, and figures became a part of France's collective memory, and reveals the intricate connection between memory and history. Symbols, the third and final volume, is the culmination of the work begun in Conflicts and Divisions and Traditions.Pierre Nora inaugurates this final volume by acknowledging that the whole project of Realms of Memory is oriented around symbols, claiming "only a symbolic history can restore to France the unity and dynamism not recognized by either the man in the street or the academic historian." He goes on to distinguish between two very different types of symbols - imposed and constructed. Imposed symbols may be official state emblems like the tricolor flag or 'La Marsaillaise', or may be monuments like the Eiffel Tower - symbols imbued with a sense of history. COnstructes symbols are produced over the passage of time, by human effort, and by history itself.They include figures such as Joan d'Arc, Descartes, and the Gallic cock.Past I, Emblems, traces the development of four major national symbols from the time of the Revolution: the tricolor flag, the national anthem (La Marsaillaise), the motto Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" and Bastille Day. Far from having fixed identities, these representations of the French nations are shown to have undergone transformations. As French republics rose and regimes changed, the emblems of the French state - and the meanings accosiated with them - were also altered.Part II, Major Sites, focuses on those cities and structures that act as beacons of France to both Frenchman and foreigner. These essays range from the prehistory paintings in Lascaux - that cave which, though not originally French in any sense, has become the very symbol of France's immemorial national memory - to Verdun, the site of the terrible World War I battle, now a symbol of the nation's heaviest sacrifice for the "salvation of the fatehrland" and the most powerful image of French national unity.Identifications, the final section, explores the ways in which the French think of themselves. From the cock - that "rustic and quintessentially Gallic bird" - to the figures of Joan of Arc and Descartes, to the nation's twin hearts - Paris and the French language - the memory of the French people is explored.This final installment of Realms of Memory provides a major contribution not only to study the French nation and culture, but also to the study of symbols as cultural phenomena, offering, as Nora observes, "the possibility of revelation."
Parkett Verlag Parkett No. 66 Angela Bulloch, Daniel Buren, Pierre Huyghe
Verlag Peter Lang Le Sens de l'Événement Dans La Littérature Française Des XIX E Et XX E Siècles: Actes Du Colloque International de Klagenfurt, 1 Er -3 Juin 2005
Talon Books,Canada The Grand Melee
Stanford University Press Localizing Transitional Justice: Interventions and Priorities after Mass Violence
Through war crimes prosecutions, truth commissions, purges of perpetrators, reparations, and memorials, transitional justice practices work under the assumptions that truth telling leads to reconciliation, prosecutions bring closure, and justice prevents the recurrence of violence. But when local responses to transitional justice destabilize these assumptions, the result can be a troubling disconnection between international norms and survivors' priorities. Localizing Transitional Justice traces how ordinary people respond to—and sometimes transform—transitional justice mechanisms, laying a foundation for more locally responsive approaches to social reconstruction after mass violence and egregious human rights violations. Recasting understandings of culture and locality prevalent in international justice, this vital book explores the complex, unpredictable, and unequal encounter among international legal norms, transitional justice mechanisms, national agendas, and local priorities and practices.
Pearson Education (US) Continuous Architecture in Practice: Software Architecture in the Age of Agility and DevOps
Update Your Architectural Practices for New Challenges, Environments, and Stakeholder Expectations "I am continuously delighted and inspired by the work of these authors. Their first book laid the groundwork for understanding how to evolve the architecture of a software-intensive system, and this latest one builds on it in some wonderfully actionable ways." --Grady Booch, Chief Scientist for Software Engineering, IBM Research Authors Murat Erder, Pierre Pureur, and Eoin Woods have taken their extensive software architecture experience and applied it to the practical aspects of software architecture in real-world environments. Continuous Architecture in Practice provides hands-on advice for leveraging the continuous architecture approach in real-world environments and illuminates architecture's changing role in the age of Agile, DevOps, and cloud platforms. This guide will help technologists update their architecture practice for new software challenges. As part of the Vaughn Vernon Signature Series, this title was hand-selected for the practical, delivery-oriented knowledge that architects and software engineers can quickly apply. It includes in-depth guidance for addressing today's key quality attributes and cross-cutting concerns such as security, performance, scalability, resilience, data, and emerging technologies. Each key technique is demonstrated through a start-to-finish case study reflecting the authors' deep experience with complex software environments. Key topics include: Creating sustainable, coherent systems that meet functional requirements and the quality attributes stakeholders care about Understanding team-based software architecture and architecture as a "flow of decisions" Understanding crucial issues of data management, integration, and change, and the impact of varied data technologies on architecture Architecting for security, including continuous threat modeling and mitigation Architecting for scalability and resilience, including scaling microservices and serverless environments Using architecture to improve performance in continuous delivery environments Using architecture to apply emerging technologies successfully Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Digestive System: From Basic Sciences to Clinical Practice
This textbook on the digestive system was developed in collaboration with medical students to meet both students' and teachers' needs and objectives. It is currently the official gastroenterology textbook for undergraduate students in all French medical schools in Canada, and is also used in Europe and Africa. An updated and improved 3rd edition was published in French in 2020; this translation and update make the book available in English for the first time. The text features contributions from GI experts from Quebec, France, French Africa, and from key Canadian GI experts.The first part of the book covers the eight main organs of the digestive system, while the second half discusses the major clinical diseases and symptoms that affect the digestive system. This book is comprehensive and well-organized, and features color-coded and beautifully designed figures and tables that make the book helpful and accessible to students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Non-Financial Disclosure and Integrated Reporting: Practices and Critical Issues
The financial crisis of 2008 and its economic and social aftermath have highlighted the limits and risks of an increasingly global and embedded economy. Weakening society's trust in organizations and institutions, this has led to calls for new strategic paradigms that focus more on the ethical conduct of organizations. Performance measurement for sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) plays a central role in these new contexts. The landscape of performance measurement and reporting is changing quickly, with calls for more integrated reporting and compulsory non-financial disclosures. Keeping up with those changes is a significant concern of managers in many organizations. Including research on the effectiveness and quality of non-financial disclosure, CSR/sustainability disclosure and Integrated Reporting, this exciting new volume looks to bridge the gaps in environmental, social and financial performance so managers can understand and successfully implement a broader, integrated view of performance measurement and reporting. Aimed at researchers and managers interested in performance measurement, this volume includes innovative research that sheds light on topics such as the determinants of disclosure quality, the identification of appropriate metrics, the relationship among the different disclosure mechanisms and between voluntary and mandatory disclosure, and many more.
Amazon Publishing Stay or Go: Dr. Ruth's Rules for Real Relationships
Committing to a long-term relationship is a big deal—especially if you have doubts. With a focus on common sense over emotion, world-renowned sex and relationship therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer offers straight-up advice on whether you should stick it out or cut your losses and move on. In Stay or Go, Dr. Ruth divides troubled couplings into three “flavors”: Dark Toxic (run!), Rocky Road (rough patch ahead), and Merely Troubled (it’s worth the effort). She knows relationships are rarely black and white—there’s always the bad with the good—so here she helps you determine where the scales in your relationship are tipping. Delving into everything from communicating to financial stresses, parenting pressures to long-distance relationships, she helps you to understand your romantic expectations—reasonable and unreasonable—what you can do to save a relationship, and how and when you should say goodbye. And it all comes with the wit and wisdom that has made Dr. Ruth the one to turn to for putting your life together once and for all.
Amazon Publishing The Doctor Is In: Dr. Ruth on Love, Life, and Joie de Vivre
The Doctor Is In! America’s best-loved therapist, Dr. Ruth, is known for her wise counsel on all matters of the heart. Here she shares private stories from her past and her present, and her insights into living life to the fullest, at any age. Everyone knows Dr. Ruth as the most famous and trusted sex therapist, but few people know she narrowly escaped death from the Holocaust, was raised in an orphanage in Switzerland, or that she was a sniper during Israel's War of Independence. After years spent as a student in Paris, Dr. Ruth came to America dreaming of a new life though never expecting the dramatic turns that would take place. And at the age of eighty-seven, she is as spirited as ever. Through intimate and funny stories, Dr. Ruth sheds light on how she's learned to live a life filled with joie de vivre. And she shows readers how they too can learn to deal with tragedy and loss, challenges and success, all while nourishing an intellectual and emotional spark, and, above all, having fun! Hilarious, inspiring, and profound, The Doctor Is In will change the way you think about life and love, in all their limitless possibilities.
ECW Press,Canada Heart of the Blackhawks: The Pierre Pilote Story
Edinburgh University Press The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey
Since coming to power, President Erdo?an's Justice and Development Party (AKP) have focused on narrating their vision of a 'New Turkey' an ideal that has resulted in the politicisation of popular culture and people's everyday lives. Exposing the strategy of Turkey's ruling elite to obtain cultural hegemony, this book examines the AKP's efforts to rewrite Turkish public memory by promoting its ideas through TV series, movies, propaganda videos, school curricula and material culture in urban public spaces. It also explores the tactics of cultural resistance developed by the politically weak to counter the ruling elite's dominant culture of pious conservatism.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The R Software: Fundamentals of Programming and Statistical Analysis
The contents of The R Software are presented so as to be both comprehensive and easy for the reader to use. Besides its application as a self-learning text, this book can support lectures on R at any level from beginner to advanced. This book can serve as a textbook on R for beginners as well as more advanced users, working on Windows, MacOs or Linux OSes. The first part of the book deals with the heart of the R language and its fundamental concepts, including data organization, import and export, various manipulations, documentation, plots, programming and maintenance. The last chapter in this part deals with oriented object programming as well as interfacing R with C/C++ or Fortran, and contains a section on debugging techniques. This is followed by the second part of the book, which provides detailed explanations on how to perform many standard statistical analyses, mainly in the Biostatistics field. Topics from mathematical and statistical settings that are included are matrix operations, integration, optimization, descriptive statistics, simulations, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, simple and multiple linear regression, and analysis of variance. Each statistical chapter in the second part relies on one or more real biomedical data sets, kindly made available by the Bordeaux School of Public Health (Institut de Santé Publique, d'Épidémiologie et de Développement - ISPED) and described at the beginning of the book. Each chapter ends with an assessment section: memorandum of most important terms, followed by a section of theoretical exercises (to be done on paper), which can be used as questions for a test. Moreover, worksheets enable the reader to check his new abilities in R. Solutions to all exercises and worksheets are included in this book.
Princeton University Press Economic Geography: The Integration of Regions and Nations
Economic Geography is the most complete, up-to-date textbook available on the important new field of spatial economics. This book fills a gap by providing advanced undergraduate and graduate students with the latest research and methodologies in an accessible and comprehensive way. It is an indispensable reference for researchers in economic geography, regional and urban economics, international trade, and applied econometrics, and can serve as a resource for economists in government. Economic Geography presents advances in economic theory that explain why, despite the increasing mobility of commodities, ideas, and people, the diffusion of economic activity is very unequal and remains agglomerated in a limited number of spatial entities. The book complements theoretical analysis with detailed discussions of the empirics of the economics of agglomeration, offering a mix of theoretical and empirical research that gives a unique perspective on spatial disparities. It reveals how location continues to matter for trade and economic development, yet how economic integration is transforming the global economy into an economic space in which activities are performed within large metropolitan areas exchanging goods, skills, and information. Economic Geography examines the future implications of this evolution in the spatial economy and relates them to other major social and economic trends. * Provides a complete introduction to economic geography * Explains the latest theory and methodologies * Covers the empirics of agglomeration, from spatial concentration measurement to structural estimations of economic geography models * Includes history and background of the field * Serves as a textbook for students and a resource for professionals
Princeton University Press The City of Man
The "City of God" or the "City of Man"? This is the choice St. Augustine offered 1500 years ago--and according to Pierre Manent the modern West has decisively and irreversibly chosen the latter. In this subtle and wide-ranging book on the Western intellectual and political condition, Manent argues that the West has rejected the laws of God and of nature in a quest for human autonomy. But in declaring ourselves free and autonomous, he contends, we have, paradoxically, lost a sense of what it means to be human. In the first part of the book, Manent explores the development of the social sciences since the seventeenth century, portraying their growth as a sign of increasing human "self-consciousness." But as social scientists have sought to free us from the intellectual confines of the ancient world, he writes, they have embraced modes of analysis--economic, sociological, and historical--that treat only narrow aspects of the human condition and portray individuals as helpless victims of impersonal forces. As a result, we have lost all sense of human agency and of the unified human subject at the center of intellectual study. Politics and culture have come to be seen as mere foam on the tides of historical and social necessity. In the second half of the book, titled "Self-Affirmation," Manent examines how the West, having discovered freedom, then discovered arbitrary will and its dangers. With no shared touchstones or conceptions of virtue, for example, we have found it increasingly hard to communicate with each other. This is a striking contrast to the past, he writes, when even traditions as different as the Classical and the Christian held many of these conceptions in common. The result of these discoveries, according to Manent, is the disturbing rootlessness that characterizes our time. By gaining autonomy from external authority, we have lost a sense of what we are. In "giving birth" to ourselves, we have abandoned that which alone can nurture and sustain us. With penetrating insight and remarkable erudition, Manent offers a profound analysis of the confusions and contradictions at the heart of the modern condition.
The University of Chicago Press Rethinking France: Les Lieux de m?moire, Volume 1: The State
"Les Lieux de Memoire" is perhaps one of the most profound historical documents on the history and culture of the French nation. Assembled by Pierre Nora during the Mitterand years, this multi-volume series has been hailed as "a magnificent achievement" ("The New Republic") and "the grandest, most ambitious effort to dissect, interpret and celebrate the French fascination with their own past" (The Los Angeles Times"). Written during a time when French national identity was undergoing a pivotal change and the nation was struggling to define itself, this unprecedented series consists of essays by prominent historians and cultural commentators which take, as their points of departure, a "lieu de memoire": a site of memory used to order, concentrate and secure notions of France's past. The first volume in the Chicago translation, "Rethinking France", brings together works addressing the omnipresent role of the state in French life. As in the other volumes, the "lieux de memoire" serve as entries into the French past, whether they are actual sites, political traditions, rituals or even national pastimes and textbooks. "Volume I: The State" offers a sophisticated and engaging view of the French and their past through widely diverse essays on, for example, the chateau of Versailles and the French history of absolutism; the "Code civil" and its ordering of French life; memoirs written by French statesmen; and Charlemagne and his place in French history. Nora's contributors constitute a who's who of French academia, yet they wear their erudition lightly. Taken as a whole, this extraordinary series documents how the French have come to see themselves and why.
John Libbey Eurotext Atlas of Electroencephalography Volume 3: EEG Neurology and Critical Care
University of Notre Dame Press Alasdair MacIntyre: An Intellectual Biography
This award-winning biography, now available for the first time in English, presents an illuminating introduction to Alasdair MacIntyre and locates his thinking in the intellectual milieu of twentieth-century philosophy. Winner of the prestigious 2005 Philippe Habert Prize, the late Émile Perreau-Saussine’s Alasdair MacIntyre: Une biographie intellectuelle stands as a definitive introduction to the life and work of one of today’s leading moral philosophers. With Nathan J. Pinkoski’s translation, this long-awaited, critical examination of MacIntyre’s thought is now available to English readers for the first time, including a foreword by renowned philosopher Pierre Manent. Amid the confusions and contradictions of our present philosophical landscape, few have provided the clarity of thought and shrewdness of diagnosis like Alasdair MacIntyre. In this study, Perreau-Saussine guides his readers through MacIntyre’s lifelong project by tracking his responses to liberalism’s limitations in light of the human search for what is good and true in politics, philosophy, and theology. The portrait that emerges is one of an intellectual giant who comes to oppose modern liberal individualism’s arguably singular focus on averting evil at the expense of a concerted pursuit of human goods founded upon moral and practical reasoning. Although throughout his career MacIntyre would engage with a number of theoretical and practical standpoints in service of his critique of liberalism, not the least of which was his early and later abandoned dalliance with Marxism, Perreau-Saussine convincingly shows how the Scottish philosopher came to hold that Aristotelian Thomism provides the best resources to counter what he perceives as the failure of the liberal project. Readers of MacIntyre’s works, as well as scholars and students of moral philosophy, the history of philosophy, and theology, will find this translation to be an essential addition to their collection.
Peeters Publishers Grammaire Et Enseignement Du Francais, 1500-1700
This volume contains 30 contributions, all dealing with the history of French pedagogical grammars and French language teaching in the 16th and 17th century. The volume opens with a historical and methodological survey of the teaching and description of French as a foreign language between 1500 and 1700. The 29 contributors that follow are grouped into two sections. The first section is devoted to methodological issues and institutional aspects of French language pedagogy. The second section, covering the teaching of French in the Scandinavian countries, Great-Britain, the Low Countries, the German-speaking area and Central Europe, the Iberian peninsula and Italy, offers detailed analyses of national traditions of foreign language teaching, manuals, grammarians and didactical practices. All contributions are followed by extensive bibliographies. The volume contains an index of personal names and of concepts. The editors of the volume are members of the "Seminarium Historiographiae Linguisticae" (University of Leuven, Belgium).
Theologischer Verlag Rede Und Antwort Stehen: Glauben Nach Dem Unservater
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hermeneutik der Transzendenz
An der Frage nach der Transzendenz scheiden sich die Geister. Gibt es neben den ontologischen, erkenntnistheoretischen, ethischen oder alterologischen Formen von Transzendenz überhaupt genuin religiöse Formen der Transzendenz? Und wenn ja, in welcher Beziehung stehen sie zu jenen anderen Gestalten der Transzendenz? Stimmt es, dass eine Verschiebung von einem 'vertikalen' zu einem 'horizontalen' Verständnis von Transzendenz stattgefunden hat? Aber auch wenn man daran festhält, dass die menschlich-religiöse Selbst-Transzendierung mehr als eine bloß immanente Erfahrung darstellt - wie soll man sich diese denken? Ist absolute Transzendenz nur denkbar, wenn sich diese von sich selbst her vergegenwärtigt, und inwiefern knüpft göttliche Selbst-Transzendierung auch dann modifizierend an menschliche Formen der Selbst-Transzendierung an? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes beleuchten und untersuchen diese und andere Fragen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Histoire Philosophique Du Travail
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Philosophie Des Sciences Humaines: Tome 1: Concepts Et Problemes
Les Belles Lettres Oeuvres II: Le Coup d'Etat Permanent (1964); Ma Part de Verite (1969); Un Socialisme Du Possible (1971)
Rowman & Littlefield Modern Liberty and Its Discontents
In this book, distinguished French philosopher Pierre Manent addresses a wide range of subjects, including the Machiavellian origins of modernity, Tocqueville's analysis of democracy, the political role of Christianity, the nature of totalitarianism, and the future of the nation-state. As a whole, the book constitutes a meditation on the nature of modern freedom and the permanent discontents which accompany it. Manent is particularly concerned with the effects of modern democracy on the maintenance and sustenance of substantial human ties. Modern Liberty and its Discontents is both an important contribution to an understanding of modern society, and a significant contribution to political philosophy in its own right.
Lexington Books Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in Political Philosophy
We are currently witnessing an increasingly influential counterrevolution in political theory, evident in the dialectical return to classical political science pioneered most prominently by Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin. In this context, the work of the relatively unknown Aurel Kolnai is of great importance. Kolnai was one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century to place the restoration of common-sense evaluation and philosophical realism at the center of his philosophical and political itinerary. In this volume, Daniel J. Mahoney presents Kolnai's major writings in political philosophy, writings that explore - in ways that are diverse but complementary - Kolnai's critique of progressive or egalitarian democracy. The title essay contains Kolnai's fullest account of the limits of liberty understood as emancipation from traditional, natural, or divine restraints. "The Utopian Mind," a prÈcis of Kolnai's critique of utopianism in a posthumous book of the same title, appears here for the first time. "Conservative and Revolutionary Ethos," Kolnai's remarkable 1972 essay comparing conservative and revolutionary approaches to political life, appears for the first time in English translation. The volume also includes a critically sympathetic evaluation of Michael Oakeshott's Rationalism in Politics and an incisive criticism of Jacques Maritain's efforts to synthesize Christian orthodoxy and progressive politics. Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in Political Philosophy is a searching critique of political utopianism, as well as a pathbreaking articulation of conservative constitutionalism as the true support for human liberty properly understood. It is a major contribution to Christian and conservative political reflection in our time.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Optimization, Variational Analysis and Applications: IFSOVAA-2020, Varanasi, India, February 2–4
This book includes selected papers presented at the Indo-French Seminar on Optimization, Variational Analysis and Applications (IFSOVAA-2020), held at the Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, from 2–4 February 2020. The book discusses current optimization problems and their solutions by using the powerful tool of variational analysis. Topics covered in this volume include set optimization, multiobjective optimization, mathematical programs with complementary, equilibrium, vanishing and switching constraints, copositive optimization, interval-valued optimization, sequential quadratic programming, bound-constrained optimization, variational inequalities, and more. Several applications in different branches of applied mathematics, engineering, economics, finance, and medical sciences have been included. Each chapter not only provides a detailed survey of the topic but also builds systematic theories and suitable algorithms to deduce the most recent findings in literature. This volume appeals to graduate students as well as researchers and practitioners in pure and applied mathematics and related fields that make use of variational analysis in solving optimization problems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Competitiveness and the Value of Intangible Assets
Intangible assets are of growing importance to corporate competitiveness and economic performance. They include R&D, human capital, innovation in products and in organisation, trademarks and patents, networking and software. This path-breaking book provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of intangible investment and its effect on public policy in Europe.The authors find that the growing importance of intangibles is transforming the direction of public policies in Europe, particularly industrial, R&D, competition and trade policies. They conclude that government policies must recognise the fact that intangible investment is becoming the key element in bringing about durable growth and accord at least the same priority to intangible factors as to physical investment.This work should be essential reading for students interested in this new field of economic analysis, national and international policymakers, and industrialists involved in the non-physical economy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Identities in Tension: Between Autonomy and Control
Digital Identities in Tension deals with the ambivalence of universal digitalization. While this transformation opens up new possibilities, it also redistributes the interplay of constraints and incentives, and tends insidiously to create a greater malleability of individuals. Today, companies and states are increasingly engaged in the surveillance and management of our digital identities. In response, we must study the effects that the new industrial, economic and political logics have on ethical issues and our ability to act. This book examines the effects of digitalization on new modes of existence and subjectivation in many spheres: digital identity management systems, Big Data and machine learning, the Internet of Things, smart cities, etc. The study of these transformations is one of the major conditions for more responsible modes of data governance to emerge.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Women and Music in the Age of Austen
Women and Music in the Age of Austen highlights the central role women played in musical performance, composition, reception, and representation, and analyzes its formative and lasting effect on Georgian culture. This interdisciplinary collection of essays from musicology, literary studies, and gender studies challenges the conventional historical categories that marginalize women’s experience from Austen’s time. Contesting the distinctions between professional and amateur musicians, public and domestic sites of musical production, and performers and composers of music, the contributors reveal how women’s widespread involvement in the Georgian musical scene allowed for self-expression, artistic influence, and access to communities that transcended the boundaries of gender, class, and nationality. This volume’s breadth of focus advances our understanding of a period that witnessed a musical flourishing, much of it animated by female hands and voices. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Women and Music in the Age of Austen
Women and Music in the Age of Austen highlights the central role women played in musical performance, composition, reception, and representation, and analyzes its formative and lasting effect on Georgian culture. This interdisciplinary collection of essays from musicology, literary studies, and gender studies challenges the conventional historical categories that marginalize women’s experience from Austen’s time. Contesting the distinctions between professional and amateur musicians, public and domestic sites of musical production, and performers and composers of music, the contributors reveal how women’s widespread involvement in the Georgian musical scene allowed for self-expression, artistic influence, and access to communities that transcended the boundaries of gender, class, and nationality. This volume’s breadth of focus advances our understanding of a period that witnessed a musical flourishing, much of it animated by female hands and voices. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Stanford University Press The Present Alone is Our Happiness: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson
In this book of brilliantly erudite and precise discussions, Pierre Hadot explains that for the Ancients philosophy was not reducible to the building of a theoretical system: it was above all a choice about how to live one's life. One of the most influential historians of ancient philosophy in the world today, Hadot is adept at using ancient philosophers to illuminate the relevance of their ideas to contemporary life. In this book, which is an ideal introduction to Hadot's more scholarly What is Ancient Philosophy?, we learn that to be an Epicurean is not merely to think like one; it is to adopt a way of living where limiting desires is the condition for happiness. Being an Aristotelian, similarly, is to choose a life that involves contemplation, and being a Cynic is to follow Diogenes in his refusal of quotidian convention and the mentality of ordinary people. If so many Ancient philosophers founded schools, Hadot explains, it was precisely because they were proposing how to live life on a daily basis. We learn here that the history of philosophy has been something more than just that of a discourse. The founding texts of Greek philosophy, after all, were notes taken from oral exercises undertaken in concrete circumstances and contexts, most often a dialogue between students and specific interlocutors who meant to shed light on their students' real existence. The immense contribution of this book, which also traces Hadot's own personal itinerary in a touching manner, is to remind us, through direct language and numerous examples, what the theoretical aspect of philosophy often masks: its vital and existential dimensions.
Cornell University Press Castorland Journal: An Account of the Exploration and Settlement of New York State by French Émigrés in the Years 1793 to 1797
The Castorland Journal is a diary, a travel narrative about early New York, a work of autobiography, and a narrative of a dramatic and complex period in American history. In 1792 Parisian businessmen and speculators established the New York Company, one of the most promising French attempts to speculate for American land following the American Revolution. The company's goal was to purchase and settle fertile land in northwestern New York and then resell it to European investors. In 1793, two of the company's representatives, Simon Desjardins and Pierre Pharoux, arrived in New York to begin settlement of a large tract of undeveloped land. The tract, which was named Castorland for its abundant beaver population ("castor" is the French word for beaver), was located in northwestern New York State, along the Black River and in present-day Lewis and Jefferson counties. John A. Gallucci's edition is the first modern scholarly translation of the account Desjardins and Pharoux wrote of their efforts in Castorland from 1793 to 1797. While the journal can be read as tragedy, it also has many pages of satire and irony. Its descriptions of nature and references to the romantic and the sublime belong to the spirit of eighteenth-century literature. The journal details encounters with Native Americans, the authors' process of surveying the Black River, their contacts with Philip Schuyler and Baron Steuben, their excursions to Philadelphia to confer with Thomas Jefferson, Desjardins' trip to New York City to engage the legal services of Alexander Hamilton or Aaron Burr, the planting of crops, and the frustrations of disease and natural obstacles. The Castorland Journal is historically significant because it is an especially rich account of land speculation in early America, the displacement of Native Americans, frontier life, and politics and diplomacy in the 1790s. The Cornell edition of the journal features Gallucci's introduction and explanatory footnotes, several appendixes, maps, and illustrations.