Search results for ""Author Howard""
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Honabeats Says: Crazy Words!
Brepols Publishers The Early Trombone: A Catalogue of Music
Skyhorse Publishing The Cook, the Crook, and the Real Estate Tycoon: A Novel of Contemporary China
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy and Poetry, Volume XXXIII
Philosophy and Poetry is the 33rd volume in the Midwest Studies in Philosophy series. It begins with contributions in verse from two world class poets, JohnAshbery and Stephen Dunn, and an article by Dunn on the creative processthat issued in his poem. The volume features new work from an internationalcollection of philosophers exploring central philosophical issues pertinent topoetry as well as the connections between the two domains.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Early Modern Philosophy Reconsidered, Volume XXXV
Early Modern Philosophy Reconsidered: Essays in Honor of Paul Hoffman is an international collection of essays from both well-established and younger scholars. In keeping with the example of Hoffman’s own work, the essays are written in the spirit of promoting serious philosophical engagement with the historical figures they discuss. Among the philosophers whose views are explored in the collection are Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Berkeley, and Kant.
Johns Hopkins University Press American Artisans: Crafting Society Identity, 1750-1850
Given the fundamental changes that transformed American society in the years between Benjamin Franklin's apprenticeship in a printer's shop and mid-19th-century efforts to organize labouring men and women, no social group offers a more interesting spectacle than skilled tradesmen or artisans. They came from various ethnic backgrounds (some worked in slavery), took their religion and politics seriously, lived mostly in cities but also in the countryside, and in many cases became pillars of their communities. This book examines the role of artisans in the American economy and society in the 18th and 19th centuries. Going beyond the traditional story of the decline of journeyman status, it explores a variety of themes loosely centred around opportunities in the developing economy. Indeed, many of these essays explore entrepreneurial ideals among many artisans competing in the marketplace. This collection also examines the interaction of race and the artisan economy in southern cities. It traces the economic relationships from father to son or between merchant and artisan, and explores the culture and politics of artisans, including religion, third-party politics, and the interaction of gender and reform.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, V, Volume 5: Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses
There is much to be learned philosophically from this volume, but philosophical instruction was not Kierkegaard's aim here, except in the broad sense of self-knowledge and deepened awareness. Indicating the intention of the discourses, the titles include "The Expectancy of Faith," "Love Will Hide a Multitude of Sins," "Strengthening in the Inner Being," "To Gain One's Soul in Patience," "Patience in Expectancy," and "Against Cowardliness." In tone and substance these works are in accord with the concluding words of encouragement in Either/Or, which was paired with the first volume of discourses: "Ask yourself and keep on asking until you find the answer, for one may have known something many times, acknowledged it; one may have willed something many times, attempted it--and yet, only the deep inner motion, only the heart's indescribable emotion, only that will convince you that what you have acknowledged belongs to you, that no power can take it from you--for only the truth that builds up is truth for you."
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Energy, Environment and the Economy: Asian Perspectives
Asian nations increasingly have to balance energy needs with environmental impacts and economic growth. These critical issues for the development of Asian nations and the quality of life of their citizens are extensively addressed in this major new volume which focuses on research and policy perspectives.A distinguished group of researchers from Asia, Europe and North America, focuses on Asian initiatives on global and regional environmental problems, the impact of energy and environment on development and international trade in Asia, the problems associated with siting major energy facilities, the Asian green movement and public reaction to environmental degradation, and the role of communities in achieving a balance between energy, environment and economics.Researchers and policymakers, public policy and management researchers and environmentalists will welcome this important book which addresses the key issue of balancing the conflicting objectives of energy planning, environmental management and economic development.
University of Toronto Press Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries
Myths are commonly associated with illusions or with deceptive, dangerous discourse, and are often perceived as largely the domain of premodern societies. But even in our post-industrial, technologically driven world, myths - Western or Eastern, ancient or modern, religious or scientific - are in fact powerful, pervasive forces. In Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries, G rard Bouchard conceptualizes myths as vessels of sacred values that transcend the division between primitive and modern. Myths represent key elements of collective imaginaries, past and present. In all societies there are values and beliefs that hold sway over most of the population. Whether they come from religion, political institutions, or other sources, they enjoy exalted status and go largely unchallenged. These myths have the power to bring societies together as well as pull them apart. Yet the study of myth has been largely neglected by sociologists and other social scientists. Bouchard navigates this uncharted territory by addressing a number of fundamental questions: What is the place of myth in contemporary societies and in the relations between the cultural and the social? How do myths take form? From what do they draw their strength? How do they respond to shifting contexts? Myths matter, Bouchard argues, because of the energy they unleash, energy that enables a population to mobilize and rally around collective goals. At the same time myths work to alleviate collective anxiety and to meet the most pressing challenges facing a society. In this bold analysis, Bouchard challenges common assumptions and awakens us to the transcendent power of myth in our daily lives and in our shared aspirations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Phenomenology of Affective Life, Volume XLI
This volume brings together new analytic and continental philosophic work on the nature of affectivity. Areas represented include philosophy of mind, epistemology, and philosophy of language. But such traditional designations fail to do justice to the new ground broken here. Topics include the nature of moods and emotions, the character of images, the relations between affective states and representational content/intentional states. Particular affective phenomena explored include shame, guilt, regret, grief, and alienation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Concept of Evil, Volume XXXVI
The Concept of Evil is dedicated to the analysis of the concept of evil. The term "evil" is used widely in ordinary language and yet philosophers have disagreed on what, if anything, distinguishes an evil act from a wrong act or an evil person from a bad one. Is "evil" a distinct and important moral category? Which agents and acts can and should be classified as "evil"? In which areas of practice does evil arise? These questions indicate three essential categories that belong to a thorough analysis of the concept of evil: meta-evil, the nature of evil, and applied evil. The articles presented in this volume provide insight into these categories.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XIV, Volume 14: Two Ages: The Age of Revolution and the Present Age A Literary Review
After deciding to terminate his authorship with the pseudonymous Concluding Unscientific Postscript, Kierkegaard composed reviews as a means of writing without being an author. Two Ages, here presented in a definitive English text, is simultaneously a review and a book in its own right. In it, Kierkegaard comments on the anonymously published Danish novel Two Ages, which contrasts the mentality of the age of the French Revolution with that of the subsequent epoch of rationalism. Kierkegaard commends the author's shrewdness, and his critique builds on the novel's view of the two generations. With keen prophetic insight, Kierkegaard foresees the birth of an impersonal cultural wasteland, in which the individual will either be depersonalized or obliged to find an existence rooted in "equality before God and equality with all men." This edition, like all in the series, contains substantial supplementary material, including a historical introduction, entries from Kierkegaard's journals and papers, and the preface and conclusion of the original novel.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XX, Volume 20: Practice in Christianity
Of the many works he wrote during 1848, his "richest and most fruitful year," Kierkegaard specified Practice in Christianity as "the most perfect and truest thing." In his reflections on such topics as Christ's invitation to the burdened, the imitatio Christi, the possibility of offense, and the exalted Christ, he takes as his theme the requirement of Christian ideality in the context of divine grace. Addressing clergy and laity alike, Kierkegaard asserts the need for institutional and personal admission of the accommodation of Christianity to the culture and to the individual misuse of grace. As a corrective defense, the book is an attempt to find, ideally, a basis for the established order, which would involve the order's ability to acknowledge the Christian requirement, confess its own distance from it, and resort to grace for support in its continued existence. At the same time the book can be read as the beginning of Kierkegaard's attack on Christendom. Because of the high ideality of the contents and in order to prevent the misunderstanding that he himself represented that ideality, Kierkegaard writes under a new pseudonym, Anti-Climacus.
Indiana University Press The Execution of Mayor Yin and Other Stories from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Revised Edition
Praise for the first edition:". . . in the great tradition of Orwell and Solzhenitsyn; its true subject is the survival—and sometimes the defeat—of the human spirit in its lonely quest for integrity." —Time"The almost childlike directness of Chen's tales. . . is captured in the very lightly revised translations of this new edition. . . Highly recommended." —ChoiceA classic of modern world literature, this collection of stories provides a vivid and poignant eyewitness view of everyday life in China during the Cultural Revolution. For this edition, Howard Goldblatt has thoroughly revised the text and updated it to Pinyin romanization. In a new introduction, Perry Link reflects on the book's significance in the post-Tiananmen era. Twenty-five years after its first publication, The Execution of Mayor Yin has lost none of its power to move the reader, and remains unmatched as a document of the period.
Hodder & Stoughton The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living
In this unique and important book, one of the world's great spiritual leaders offers his practical wisdom and advice on how we can overcome everyday human problems and achieve lasting happiness.The Art of Happiness is a highly accessible guide for a western audience, combining the Dalai Lama's eastern spiritual tradition with Dr Howard C. Cutler's western perspective. Covering all key areas of human experience, they apply the principles of Tibetan Buddhism to everyday problems and reveal how one can find balance and complete spiritual and mental freedom.For the many who wish to understand more about the Dalai Lama's approach to living, there has never been a book which brings his beliefs so vividly into the real world.
Harvard Business Review Press Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions
Where should I live? Is it time to get a new job? Which job candidate should I hire? What business strategy should I pursue? We spend the majority of our lives making decisions, both big and small. Yet, even though our success is largely determined by the choices that we make, very few of us are equipped with useful decision-making skills. Because of this, we often approach our choices tentatively, or even fearfully, and avoid giving them the time and thought required to put our best foot forward. In Smart Choices, John Hammond, Ralph Keeney, and Howard Raiffa--experts with over 100 years of experience resolving complex decision problems--offer a proven, straightforward, and flexible roadmap for making better and more impactful decisions, and offer the tools to achieve your goals in every aspect of your life. Their step-by-step, divide-and conquer approach will teach you how to: * Evaluate your plans * Break your potential decision into its key elements * Identify the key drivers that are most relevant to your goals * Apply systematic thinking * Use the right information to make the smartest choice Smart Choices doesn't tell you what to decide; it tells you how. As you routinely use the process, you'll become more confident in your ability to make decisions at work and at home. And, more importantly, by applying its time-tested methods, you'll make better decisions going forward. Be proactive. Don't wait until a decision is forced on you--or made for you. Seek out decisions that advance your long-term goals, values, and beliefs. Take charge of your life by making Smart Choices a lifetime habit.
MP-MQU Marquette University Kierkegaards Concept of Existence
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Film and the Emotions, Volume XXXIV
Film and the Emotions explores the complicated relationship between filmed entertainment, such as movies and television shows, and our capacity to feel emotions. This volume of The Midwest Studies in Philosophy covers topics such as the role of imagination in our capacity to respond emotionally to films, how emotions felt in response to films relate to emotions felt about real events, and the moral implications of responding emotionally to fictions, among others. This collection includes nineteen original articles from experts on film and emotion, including Noel Carroll, Gregory Currie, Susan Feagin, Stacie Friend, Robert Hopkins, Peter Lamarque and Peter Goldie, Derek Matravers, Carl Plantinga, and Murray Smith.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Space Weather
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 125.This volume provides a comprehensive overview of our current observational knowledge, theoretical understanding, and numerical capability with regard to the phenomena known as space weather. Space weather refers to conditions on the Sun and in the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere that can influence the performance and reliability of space-borne and ground-based technological systems, and can endanger human life or health. The rapid advance in these technologies has provided us with unprecedented capability and convenience, and we have come to rely on them more and more. Technology has reduced society's risk to many kinds of natural disasters, but through its own vulnerability, it has actually increased society's risk to space weather. Adverse conditions in the space environment can cause disruption of satellite operations, communications, navigation, and electric power distribution grids, leading to a variety of socioeconomic losses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Africa: The Future of Management Education
Africa is commonly perceived as a global growth region and a continent on the move, with a huge demand for managerial skills to ensure sustainable economic growth. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges to management education development in Africa, it is important to understand the diverse cultures, histories and contexts underlying the 54 member states. With this is mind, this book explores the future of management education, considering the differing scenarios for change and the practical realities of developing management education in VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environments. This is the second of two volumes, written with strong support from the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) and the GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council), aimed at understanding and examining the challenges of developing management education across Africa. The authors, through a fine-tuned, face-to-face interview process, explore the perspectives and interactions between management educators and other business and government stakeholders as they look to the future of management education in Africa.
University of Texas Press Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 13: Guide to Ethnohistorical Sources, Part Two
Volume 13 of the Handbook of Middle American Indians, published in cooperation with the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University under the general editorship of Robert Wauchope (1909–1979), constitutes Part 2 of the Guide to Ethnohistorical Sources. The Guide has been assembled under the volume editorship of the late Howard F. Cline, Director of the Hispanic Foundation in the Library of Congress, with Charles Gibson, John B. Glass, and H. B. Nicholson as associate volume editors. It covers geography and ethnogeography (Volume 12); sources in the European tradition (Volume 13); and sources in the native tradition (Volumes 14 and 15). The present volume contains the following studies on sources in the European tradition: “Published Collections of Documents Relating to Middle American Ethnohistory,” by Charles Gibson “An Introductory Survey of Secular Writings in the European Tradition on Colonial Middle America, 1503–1818,” by J. Benedict Warren “Religious Chroniclers and Historians: A Summary with Annotated Bibliography,” by Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. “Bernardino de Sahagún,” by Luis Nicolau d’Olwer, Howard F. Cline, and H. B. Nicholson “Antonio de Herrera,” by Manuel Ballesteros Gaibrois “Juan de Torquemada,” by José Alcina Franch “Francisco Javier Clavigero,” by Charles E. Ronan, S.J. “Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg,” by Carroll Edward Mace “Hubert Howe Bancroft,” by Howard F. Cline “Eduard Georg Seler,” by H. B. Nicholson “Selected Nineteenth-Century Mexican Writers on Ethnohistory,” by Howard F. Cline The Handbook of Middle American Indians was assembled and edited at the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University with the assistance of grants from the National Science Foundation and under the sponsorship of the National Research Council Committee on Latin American Anthropology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success: Student Workbook
THE STUDENT EQEDGE STUDENT WORKBOOK The Student Workbook is a companion to the book The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success . The Workbook offers you a hands-on resource for gaining a clearer understanding of emotional intelligence and is filled with practical exercises for developing your emotional intelligence. Filled with case studies, self-assessments, activities around movie and television clips, and reflection and discussion questions, the Student Workbook will give you the skills and confidence you need in order to succeed in college and beyond. "Success in college is not just a matter of luck nor is it all about being the smartest person in class. The way you approach college matters. The great news in this book is that you can learn how to be successful in college and in your life beyond college."Randy L. Swing, executive director, Association for Institutional Research "We have been long aware that academic ability does not necessarily predict college success. This book provides a comprehensive look at emotional intelligence and the role it plays in student persistence. It takes these noncognitive aspects that we know really matter and puts them into a practical, user-friendly guide. This book is long overdue in higher education."Catherine Andersen, master trainer in emotional intelligence; professor and special assistant to the provost for student success, Gallaudet University
Fordham University Press A Dancer in the Revolution: Stretch Johnson, Harlem Communist at the Cotton Club
The life of Howard Johnson, nicknamed “Stretch” because of his height (6'5"), epitomizes the cultural and political odyssey of a generation of African Americans who transformed the United States from a closed society to a multiracial democracy. Johnson’s long-awaited memoir traces his path from firstborn of a multiclass/multiethnic” family in New Jersey to dancer in Harlem’s Cotton Club to communist youth leader and, later, professor of Black studies. A Dancer in the Revolution is a powerful statement about Black resilience and triumph amid subtle and explicit racism in the United States. Johnson’s engaging, beautifully written memoir provides a window into everyday life in Harlem—neighborhood life, arts and culture, and politics—from the 1930s to the 1970s, when the contemporary Black community was being formed. A Dancer in the Revolution explores Johnson’s twenty-plus years in the Communist Party and illuminates in compelling detail how the Harlem branch functioned and flourished in the 1930s and ’40s. Johnson thrived as a charismatic leader, using the connections he built up as an athlete and dancer to create alliances between communist organizations and a cross-section of the Black community. In his memoir, Johnson also exposes the homoerotic tourism that was a feature of Harlem’s nightlife in the 1930s. Some of America’s leading white literary, musical, and artistic figures were attracted to Harlem not only for the community’s artistic creativity but to engage in illicit sex—gay and straight—with their Black counterparts. A Dancer in the Revolution is an invaluable contribution to the literature on Black political thought and pragmatism. It reveals the unique place that Black dancers and artists hold in civil rights pursuits and anti-racism campaigns in the United States and beyond. Moreover, the life of “Stretch” Johnson illustrates how political activism engenders not only social change but also personal fulfillment, a realization of dreams not deferred but rather pursued and achieved. Johnson’s journey bears witness to critical periods and events that shaped the Black condition and American society in the process.
University of Nebraska Press Riders of the Steppes: The Complete Cossack Adventures, Volume Three
A master of driving pace, exotic setting, and complex plotting, Harold Lamb was one of Robert E. Howard's favorite writers. Here at last is every pulse-pounding, action-packed story of Lamb's greatest hero, Khlit the Cossack, the “wolf of the steppes.” Journey with the unsung grandfather of sword and sorcery in search of ancient tombs, gleaming treasure, and thrilling landscapes. Match wits with deadly swordsmen, scheming priests, and evil cults. Rescue lovely damsels, ride with bold comrades, and hazard everything on your brains, skill, and a little luck. This four-volume set collects for the first time the complete Cossack stories of Harold Lamb: every adventure of Khlit the Cossack and those of his friends, allies, and fellow Cossacks, many of which have never appeared between book covers. Compiled and edited by the Harold Lamb scholar Howard Andrew Jones, each volume features essays Lamb wrote about his stories, an informative introduction by a popular author, and a wealth of rare, exciting, swashbuckling fiction. In this third volume, the wily old Cossack Khlit may have aged but he's lost none of his guile. He shepherds his dashing grandson Kirdy into one adventure after another, finally uniting with his allies Ayub and Demid in the climactic story White Falcon—out of print since the 1920s. Here too are the exploits of Ayub and Demid, risking all to safeguard the perilous Russian border from marauding Turks, Tatars, and even bloodthirsty Russian nobles.
Kogan Page Ltd Your Health at Work: An Indispensable Guide to Physical and Mental Wellbeing
Your Health at Work is your fully researched and up-to-date guide to the most common health risks at work in the UK and how you can tackle them. The TUC expertly explains your legal rights, how to avoid injury and illness and what support is available to you. Covering the full range of industries, Your Health at Work provides guidance for everyone. Both physical health (e.g. aches and strains, hazardous substances, accidents) and mental health (anxiety, depression, bullying) are comprehensively discussed to provide you with reliable help and advice on the full range of potential health problems at work. The stories of real workers who have encountered health issues at work are included to make sure that this book is fully representative of real life and gives practical, and sometimes inspirational, insights to support you and your health every day at work.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XXII, Volume 22: The Point of View
As a spiritual autobiography, Kierkegaard's The Point of View for My Work as an Author stands among such great works as Augustine's Confessions and Newman's Apologia pro Vita Sua. Yet Point of View is neither a confession nor a defense; it is an author's story of a lifetime of writing, his understanding of the maze of greatly varied works that make up his oeuvre. Upon the imminent publication of the second edition of Either/Or, Kierkegaard again intended to cease writing. Now was the time for a direct "report to history" on the authorship as a whole. In addition to Point of View, which was published posthumously, the present volume also contains On My Work as an Author, a contemporary substitute, and the companion piece Armed Neutrality.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Classics of American Political and Constitutional Thought, Volume 2: Reconstruction to the Present
From James I's Address Before Parliament (1610) to Joseph R. Biden, Jr.'s Learned Hand Dinner Address Before the American Jewish Committee (2005), this two-volume set offers an unparalleled selection of key texts from the history of American political and constitutional thought.
Hodder & Stoughton The Art of Happiness - 20th Anniversary Edition
In this unique and important book, now celebrating its 20th anniversary, one of the world's great spiritual leaders offers his practical wisdom and advice on how we can overcome everyday human problems and achieve lasting happiness.The Art of Happiness is a highly accessible guide for a western audience, combining the Dalai Lama's eastern spiritual tradition with Dr Howard C. Cutler's western perspective. Covering all key areas of human experience, they apply the principles of Tibetan Buddhism to everyday problems and reveal how one can find balance and complete spiritual and mental freedom.For the many who wish to understand more about the Dalai Lama's approach to living, there has never been a book which brings his beliefs so vividly into the real world.
Princeton University Press Without Authority
A volume of five short works that in various ways deals with the concept and practice of authority, including: "Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays" (1849), "An Upbuilding Discourse" (1850), and "Two Discourses at the Communion on Fridays" (1851).
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Sicily and the Surrender of Italy
Princeton University Press Cumulative Index to Kierkegaards Writings
Offers access to Kierkegaard's complex authorship and the extraordinary range of subjects he addressed in his writing. Covering the series' historical introductions, primary works, supplementary material (journal entries), and footnotes, this work provides a comprehensive entryway to more than 11,000 pages of text.
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Modern Carpentry
Johns Hopkins University Press Field Guide to the Natural World of Washington, D.C.
Nature awaits discovery at almost every turn in the complex ecosystem of Washington, D.C. In parks large and small, within the District's gardens, and on public streets, there is tremendous biodiversity. In Field Guide to the Natural World of Washington, D.C., naturalist Howard Youth takes us on an urban safari, describing the wild side of the nation's capital. Beyond the abundant wildlife that can be seen in every neighborhood, Washington boasts a large park network rich in natural wonders. A hike along the trails of Rock Creek Park, one of the country's largest and oldest urban forests, quickly reveals white-tailed deer, eastern gray squirrels, and little brown bats. Mayapples, Virginia bluebells, and red mulberry trees are but a few of the treasures found growing at the National Arboretum. A stroll along the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers might reveal stealthy denizens such as bullfrogs, largemouth bass, and common snapping turtles. Detailed drawings by Carnegie artist Mark A. Klingler and photography by Robert E. Mumford, Jr., reveal the rich color and stunning beauty of the flora and fauna awaiting every D.C. naturalist. Whether seeking a secluded jog or an adventurous outing, residents and tourists alike will find this handsome guide indispensable for finding oases away from the noise of the city.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 9th Edition sets the standard for teaching students how to be effective problem solvers. Real-world applications emphasize the relevance of thermodynamics principles to some of the most critical problems and issues of today, including topics related to energy and the environment, biomedical/bioengineering, and emerging technologies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 12 Hours to a Great Marriage: A Step-by-Step Guide for Making Love Last
For the past twenty-five years, the internationally renowned marital researchers from the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver have been helping couples around the globe replace loneliness with connection, frustration with understanding, fear with confidence, instability with commitment, revenge with forgiveness, and monotony with passion. Their program is called PREP®, short for the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program, and it's been so successful that its creators have been featured on Oprah, The Today Show, and 20/20, and its benefits have been documented in The New York Times, USA Today, Womans Day, and Redbook. Until now the only way you could experience this winning twelve-hour program was to attend a weekend workshop. But now, with 12 Hours to a Great Marriage, you can discover the simple, effective strategies that have helped thousands of couples— happily married, having issues, or planning to marry— to develop and protect their love, easily and at your own pace. Each chapter covers one of the key ingredients of the program, like Being Best Friends, Having Fun Together, and Protecting and enhancing Your Love Life, and shows you how to take the steps that research shows are the basis for a long-term, healthy, loving marriage. By practicing the simple skills, taking the thought-provoking self-tests, doing the fun and innovative exercises, and reading real-life couples' inspiring and informative stories, you'll find that in twelve short hours you'll be well on your way to having that great marriage you've always dreamed of.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Future of Risk Management
Whether man-made or naturally occurring, large-scale disasters can cause fatalities and injuries, devastate property and communities, savage the environment, impose significant financial burdens on individuals and firms, and test political leadership. Moreover, global challenges such as climate change and terrorism reveal the interdependent and interconnected nature of our current moment: what occurs in one nation or geographical region is likely to have effects across the globe. Our information age creates new and more integrated forms of communication that incur risks that are difficult to evaluate, let alone anticipate. All of this makes clear that innovative approaches to assessing and managing risk are urgently required. When catastrophic risk management was in its inception thirty years ago, scientists and engineers would provide estimates of the probability of specific types of accidents and their potential consequences. Economists would then propose risk management policies based on those experts' estimates with little thought as to how this data would be used by interested parties. Today, however, the disciplines of finance, geography, history, insurance, marketing, political science, sociology, and the decision sciences combine scientific knowledge on risk assessment with a better appreciation for the importance of improving individual and collective decision-making processes. The essays in this volume highlight past research, recent discoveries, and open questions written by leading thinkers in risk management and behavioral sciences. The Future of Risk Management provides scholars, businesses, civil servants, and the concerned public tools for making more informed decisions and developing long-term strategies for reducing future losses from potentially catastrophic events. Contributors: Mona Ahmadiani, Joshua D. Baker, W. J. Wouter Botzen, Cary Coglianese, Gregory Colson, Jeffrey Czajkowski, Nate Dieckmann, Robin Dillon, Baruch Fischhoff, Jeffrey A. Friedman, Robin Gregory, Robert W. Klein, Carolyn Kousky, Howard Kunreuther, Craig E. Landry, Barbara Mellers, Robert J. Meyer, Erwann Michel-Kerjan, Robert Muir-Wood, Mark Pauly, Lisa Robinson, Adam Rose, Paul J. H. Schoemaker, Paul Slovic, Phil Tetlock, Daniel Västfjäll, W. Kip Viscusi, Elke U. Weber, Richard Zeckhauser.
Harvard University Press The Sand Wasps: Natural History and Behavior
Howard Ensign Evans was a brilliant ethologist and systematist for whom the joy of science included lying on his belly in some remote location, digging out and diagramming a wasp’s nest. During his career, Evans described over 900 species and authored more than a dozen books, both technical and popular, on a wide range of entomological and natural history subjects. Upon his death in 2002, he left behind an unfinished manuscript, intended as an update (though not a revision) of his classic 1966 work, The Comparative Ethology and Evolution of the Sand Wasps. Kevin O’Neill, Evans’s former student and coauthor, has completed and enlarged Evans’s manuscript to provide coverage of all sand-wasp tribes in Evan’s earlier book. The result is a tribe-by-tribe, species-by-species review of studies of the Bembicinae that have appeared over the last four decades.The Sand Wasps: Natural History and Behavior already has been hailed by specialists as a new bible for those working on solitary wasps and an essential reference for scientists more broadly interested in insect behavioral evolution.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists
The only reference to focus on the must-know aspects of neurology for psychiatrists, Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists, 9th Edition, brings you up to date with the knowledge you need to excel on the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and other examinations. It fully covers the exam topics you'll encounter, along with new content, high-quality illustrations, and multiple-choice questions. In addition, this book prepares you for clinical work in the 21st century. Discusses timely, clinically-relevant topics such as chronic and acute traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease, correctible causes of dementia, violence, neurologic illnesses that present with symptoms of autism, illicit drug use, stroke, migraine, Parkinson's disease, tardive dyskinesia current treatments, and more. Includes nearly 2,000 multiple-choice questions both in print and online-all written to help you succeed on the ABPN certifying exam. Features new content, new and improved clinical illustrations: life-like patient sketches, anatomy line drawings, CTs, MRIs, and EEGs. Explains each condition's neurologic and psychiatric features, easily performed office and bedside examinations, appropriate tests, differential diagnosis, and management options. Correlates neurologic illnesses with the DSM-5. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The American Debate over Slavery, 1760-1865: An Anthology of Sources
"The American Debate over Slavery, 1760–1865 will be a superb resource for teachers and students of early American history. Editors Lubert, Hardwick, and Hammond have carefully assembled and introduced a rich collection of significant documents that bring the slavery debate into sharp and illuminating focus. This is easily the best book in its field." --Peter S. Onuf, University of Virginia and Thomas Jefferson Foundation (Monticello)
MH - Indiana University Press Letters from the Greatest Generation
Springer International Publishing AG Dermal Absorption and Decontamination: A Comprehensive Guide
This book is a comprehensive volume dedicated to dermal absorption and decontamination. Given risks including chemical warfare and accidents with toxic industrial chemicals, studies involving dermal absorption and decontamination are of the utmost importance. Each chapter consists of a systematic review on an important dermal absorption and/or decontamination topic. Chapters address key issues such as the general acceptance of water/ soap and water as the gold standard of dermal decontamination despite the fact that it commonly provides incomplete decontamination and may even result in a “wash-in effect” (an increased penetration of contaminant). Decontamination with other substances (e.g. RSDL) is explored, and factors that affect dermal penetration (e.g. anatomical variation) are summarized. All systematic reviews are comprehensive and up-to-date. Dermal Absorption and Decontamination will be useful for many fields and disciplines. Firstly, information on dermal decontamination may be used by governments for military and national defense purposes in the event of chemical warfare. Additionally, this information would be of use to many production companies, whose employees are at risk of an accident with toxic industrial chemicals. Topics covered in the book will also be of use to pharmaceutical companies, especially those exploring transdermal delivery of drugs and is of great relevance to those in the medical field, particularly dermatologists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Moral Luck
Many of us are inclined to accept something like the following principle: We can only be properly morally assessed for what is in our control. And yet our ordinary practices seem to frequently violate this principle. The resulting tension, and the attempt to resolve it, is the problem of moral luck. For example, we tend to punish and think worse of the negligent driver who kills a child than we do the equally negligent driver who was lucky there was no child in his path. Thus, the lucky outcomes of our actions do seem to affect the extent to which we hold and are held responsible, but these are not things over which we exercise control. And, as Thomas Nagel famously illustrated in his response to Bernard Williams (the two of which papers form the founding documents of the moral luck debate), the influence of luck is not limited to outcomes. For the circumstances in which we find ourselves and, indeed, our very constitution are also shaped by luck. Since the publication of Williams’ and Nagel’s papers, the existence and breadth of moral luck has been hotly debated. This debate is not a mere intellectual trifle but, as the essays in this volume illustrate, a debate which lies at the heart of free will, responsibility, identity, causation, and self-creation.
Jewish Publication Society The Rise of Reform Judaism: A Sourcebook of Its European Origins
This fiftieth anniversary edition of W. Gunther Plaut’s classic volume on the beginnings of the Jewish Reform Movement is updated with a new introduction by Howard A. Berman. The Rise of Reform Judaism covers the first one hundred years of the movement, from the time of the eighteenth-century Jewish Enlightenment leader Moses Mendelssohn to the conclusion of the Augsburg synod in 1871.In these pages the founders who established liberal Judaism speak for themselves through their journals and pamphlets, books and sermons, petitions and resolutions, and public arguments and disputations. Each selection includes Plaut’s brief introduction and sketch of the reformer. Important topics within Judaism are addressed in these writings: philosophy and theology, religious practice, synagogue services, and personal life, as well as controversies on the permissibility of organ music, the introduction of the sermon, the nature of circumcision, the observance of the Sabbath, the rights of women, and the authenticity of the Bible.
New York University Press City of Promises: A History of the Jews of New York, 3-volume box set
Winner of the 2012 National Jewish Book Award, presented by the National Jewish Book Council New York Jews, so visible and integral to the culture, economy and politics of America’s greatest city, has eluded the grasp of historians for decades. Surprisingly, no comprehensive history of New York Jews has ever been written. City of Promises: A History of the Jews of New York, a three volume set of original research, pioneers a path-breaking interpretation of a Jewish urban community at once the largest in Jewish history and most important in the modern world. Volume I, Haven of Liberty, by historian Howard B. Rock, chronicles the arrival of the first Jews to New York (then New Amsterdam) in 1654 and highlights their political and economic challenges. Overcoming significant barriers, colonial and republican Jews in New York laid the foundations for the development of a thriving community. Volume II, Emerging Metropolis, written by Annie Polland and Daniel Soyer, describes New York’s transformation into a Jewish city. Focusing on the urban Jewish built environment—its tenements and banks, synagogues and shops, department stores and settlement houses—it conveys the extraordinary complexity of Jewish immigrant society. Volume III, Jews in Gotham, by historian Jeffrey S. Gurock, highlights neighborhood life as the city’s distinctive feature. New York retained its preeminence as the capital of American Jews because of deep roots in local worlds that supported vigorous political, religious, and economic diversity. Each volume includes a “visual essay” by art historian Diana Linden interpreting aspects of life for New York’s Jews from their arrival until today. These illustrated sections, many in color, illuminate Jewish material culture and feature reproductions of early colonial portraits, art, architecture, as well as everyday culture and community. Overseen by noted scholar Deborah Dash Moore, City of Promises offers the largest Jewish city in the world, in the United States, and in Jewish history its first comprehensive account.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
Select nursing interventions with the book that standardizes nursing language! Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 8th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions. It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. More than 610 nursing interventions are described - from general practice to all specialty areas. From an expert author team led by Cheryl Wagner, this book is an ideal tool for practicing nurses and nursing students, educators seeking to enhance nursing curricula, and nursing administrators seeking to improve patient care. It's the only comprehensive taxonomy of nursing-sensitive interventions available! 614 research-based nursing intervention labels - with 60 new to this edition - are included, along with specific activities used to carry out interventions. Specialty core interventions are provided for 57 specialties. Descriptions of each intervention include a definition, a list of activities, a publication facts line, and references. NEW! 60 interventions are added to this edition, including several related to the care of patients with COVID considerations. UPDATED! Approximately 220 existing interventions have been revised.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The American Debate over Slavery, 1760-1865: An Anthology of Sources
"The American Debate over Slavery, 1760–1865 will be a superb resource for teachers and students of early American history. Editors Lubert, Hardwick, and Hammond have carefully assembled and introduced a rich collection of significant documents that bring the slavery debate into sharp and illuminating focus. This is easily the best book in its field." --Peter S. Onuf, University of Virginia and Thomas Jefferson Foundation (Monticello)
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Excel 2019 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
Newly revised to specifically address Microsoft Excel 2019, this book is a step-by-step, exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical biological and life science problems. Excel is an effective learning tool for quantitative analyses in biological and life sciences courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. Excel 2019 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics capitalizes on these improvements by teaching students and professionals how to apply Excel 2019 to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work.Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand biological and life science problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full practice test (with answers in an appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned. This new edition offers a wealth of new practice problems and solutions, as well as updated chapter content throughout.
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Electricity & Electronics