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Pen & Sword Books Ltd British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII: Destroyers, Frigates, Escorts, Minesweepers, Coastal Warfare Craft, Submarines & Auxiliaries
During the Second World War navies developed low visibility camouflage for their ships, on both the vertical and horizontal surfaces, in order reduce visibility by blending in with the sea, or confuse the identity of a ship by applying more obtrusive patters. In this now classic work by maritime artist Mal Wright both the official and unofficial paint schemes that adorned ships of the Royal Navy and Commonwealth are depicted in detail, along with discussion on changes of armament and electronics that effected the outward appearance of each ship. Starting with destroyers from WW1 still in service during WW2, the book progressively covers ships below cruisers, class by class, to provide a detailed and easy-to-use guide to paint schemes in use. In some cases individual ships are shown in the several schemes they wore thus providing a source that covers various periods of service. With 740 full colour illustrations, all of named vessels, this book concentrates information into a single volume to provide a one-stop reference source, and, for the first time in a single volume, it covers not just the well-known ships, but also escort vessels, minesweepers, trawlers, coastal craft and auxiliaries in sequential format. Many schemes would be difficult for the reader to have found other than with the most intensive research so that historians, collectors, modelmakers and wargamers will find this unique reference source absolutely invaluable. 'A book that all steel navy fans will want in their library. The book is heavily researched and I doubt that anyone else but the author knows more about this subject. ... All I can say is "Wow" to all of the information packed into this small book. It is perfect for the WWII researcher, and the model maker. Bob Friedman, Ship Modellers Forum
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Grow Low Maintenance: Essential Know-how and Expert Advice for Gardening Success
Designing, creating, and maintaining a beautiful garden doesn't need to be time-consuming!Ideal for first time gardeners, Grow Low Maintenance contains everything you need to create a low-fuss garden without compromising on design or beauty. Short on time and want to keep things simple? This gardening book is full of low maintenance plants and techniques, featuring tips and tricks to keep your backyard in top shape with minimal effort! Inside the guide, you will find:-Mini-profiles of easy-care plants including pictures, characteristics, and essential needs-Simple tips and techniques, from choosing a weed control to sowing seeds and planting between paving stones-Essential know-how for minimising maintenance tasks including weeding, watering, and feeding Enjoy the fruits of your gardening!The perfect reference book for beginners or more experienced gardeners looking for easy management hacks, this simple guide debunks the myth that gardening requires hours of hardwork every week. Learn from the experts how to minimise watering, make the most of vertical gardening, and reduce the need to weed. Packed with practical, jargon-free know-how, this easy-to-use reference book includes everything from herb gardening to micro-woodlands and low maintenance water features. Short on space? This gardening guide will teach you which crops are suitable for small easy-care veg beds. Looking to attract animals to your garden? Find instructions on creating your own wildlife pond. Don't have access to a lawn mower? Now you can transform your lawn into a perennial meadow! Complete the Series: For more expert advice from DK, the UK's leading practical gardening publisher, discover the Grow series. There you will find know-how about how to garden more sustainably in Grow Eco-Gardening, how to fend off unwanted visitors in Grow Pests & Diseases, how to grow with limited space in Grow Containers, and much more!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances of CFD in Fluid Machinery Design
In the past Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was confined to large organisations capable of developing and supporting their own codes. But recently there has been a rapid increase in the availability of reasonably priced commercial codes, and many more industrial organisations are now able to routinely use CFD. Advances of CFD in Fluid Machinery Design provide the perfect opportunity to find out what industry is doing and this book addresses how CFD is now being increasingly used in the design process, rather than as a post-design analysis tool. COMPLETE CONTENTS Trends in industrial use of CFD Challenges and methodologies in the design of axial flow fans for high-bypass-ratio, gas turbine engines using steady and unsteady CFD A three-dimensional inverse method based on pressure loading for the design of turbomachinery blades Application of CFD to the design and analysis of axial and centrifugal fans and compressors The design and performance of a transonic flow deswirling system – an application of current CFD design techniques tested against model and full-scale experiments Recent developments in unsteady flow modelling for turbomachinery aeroelasticity Computational investigation of flow in casing treatments for stall delay in axial flow fans Use of CFD for the three-dimensional hydrodynamic design of vertical diffuser pumps Recommendations to designers for CFD pump impeller and diffuser simulations Three dimensional CFD – a possibility to analyse piston pump flow dynamics CFD analysis of screw compressor performance Prediction of aerothermal phenomena in high-speed discstator systems Use of CFD in the design of a shaft seal for high-performance turbomachinery Users and potential users, of CFD for the design of fluid machinery, managers, designers, and researchers working in the field of ‘industrial flows’, will all find Advances of CFD in Fluid Machinery Design a valuable volume discussing state-of-the-art developments in CFD.
Workman Publishing The Tiny Kitchen Cookbook: Strategies and Recipes for Creating Amazing Meals in Small Spaces
Whether home is a small apartment, a tiny house or RV, a boat, or a college dorm room, space in the kitchen is nearly always at a premium. But cooking in a small kitchen, with minimal equipment, doesn't have to be limiting; it can actually be is a great opportunity to hone food-prep skills and become a more efficient, versatile home chef. And the smarter the workspace, the easier it is to cook. In The Tiny Kitchen Cookbook, chef Annie Mahle shares her small-space cooking strategies and 50 of her favorite recipes she developed as the galley chef aboard the J&E Riggin, a windjammer she operated with her husband off the coast of Maine for many summers. From her 6-by-8-foot kitchen, she prepared three beautiful, flavorful meals from scratch every day, for up to 30 people. From versatile breakfast options, such as Sweet Corn and Jalapeno Pancakes or Pan Roasted Honey Pears with Oatmeal, to one-bowl salads and mains, stovetop meals such as Pan-Fried Red Snapper with Fresh Peas, Shiitakes, and Asparagus with Dill, dishes that can be prepared in the toaster oven (for cooks without a full oven) such as Cheese-Stuffed Meatballs with Fresh Tomato Sauce and Fettuccini, and even make-ahead desserts in a mug, every recipe is delicious and utterly attainable in a kitchen with as little as six square feet of counter space. Along with gorgeous recipes, Mahle delivers tips and techniques for making the most of a small kitchen. Strategies such as “shopping” the pantry before going to the store, transforming leftovers into new meals, create vertical storage options, and buy utensils that nest all help create meals with maximum flavor in minimal space.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Sufi City: Urban Design and Archetypes in Touba
A book about contemporary urban design, a metaphysical worldview and a cultural process that transcends the pre-colonial/colonial/post-colonial divides. Sufi City: Urban Design and Archetypes in Touba is a geographical study of the modern Muslim holy city of Touba in Senegal, capital of the Mouride Sufi order. Touba was founded in 1887 by a Sufi shaykh in a moment of mysticillumination. Since the death of the founder in 1927, the Mouride order has designed and built the entire city. Touba is named for Tûbâ, the "Tree of Paradise" of Islamic tradition. This archetypal tree articulates Islamic conceptions of righteous life on earth, divine judgment, and access to the Hereafter; the city of Touba actualizes this spiritual construct. Important aspects of its configuration, such as the vertical and horizontal alignment of its monumental central shrine complex, its radiating avenues and encircling ring roads, and the actual trees that mark its landscape relate directly to the archetypal tree of Sufi theosophy. The relationship between the spiritualarchetype and its earthly actualization as a city is explained by recourse to Sufi methodology. The book employs a semiotic analysis of urban form, cartography, hermeneutics, field investigation and analysis of satellite imagery in order to relate contemporary urban design issues to overarching metaphysical concepts. Sufi City also explores the history of urban networks in Senegal since the emergence of autonomous Muslim towns in the seventeenth century. Finally, the layout of Senegal's modern Sufi cities is related to the monumental palaver trees that marked that country's historic settlements. Eric S. Ross is a cultural and urban geographer who holds a degree inIslamic Studies. Since 1998 he has been Assistant Professor of Geography at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. Apart from research on Sufi orders and Muslim towns in Senegal, he has studied cultural tourism and urban planning in Morocco.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Plates vs Plumes: A Geological Controversy
Since the advent of the mantle plume hypothesis in 1971, scientists have been faced with the problem that its predictions are not confirmed by observation. For thirty years, the usual reaction has been to adapt the hypothesis in numerous ways. As a result, the multitude of current plume variants now amounts to an unfalsifiable hypothesis. In the early 21st century demand became relentless for a theory that can explain melting anomalies in a way that fits the observations naturally and is forward-predictive. From this the Plate hypothesis emerged–the exact inverse of the Plume hypothesis. The Plate hypothesis attributes melting anomalies to shallow effects directly related to plate tectonics. It rejects the hypothesis that surface volcanism is driven by convection in the deep mantle. Earth Science is currently in the midst of the kind of paradigm-challenging debate that occurs only rarely in any field. This volume comprises its first handbook. It reviews the Plate and Plume hypotheses, including a clear statement of the former. Thereafter it follows an observational approach, drawing widely from many volcanic regions in chapters on vertical motions of Earth's crust, magma volumes, time-progressions of volcanism, seismic imaging, mantle temperature and geochemistry. This text: Deals with a paradigm shift in Earth Science - some say the most important since plate tectonics Is analogous to Wegener's The Origin of Continents and Oceans Is written to be accessible to scientists and students from all specialities This book is indispensable to Earth scientists from all specialties who are interested in this new subject. It is suitable as a reference work for those teaching relevant classes, and an ideal text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students studying plate tectonics and related topics. Visit Gillian's own website at
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Microcavity Semiconductor Lasers: Principles, Design, and Applications
Microcavity Semiconductor Lasers Explore this thorough overview of integrable microcavity semiconductor lasers and their applications from two leading voices in the fieldAttracting a great deal of attention over the last decades for their promising applications in photonic integration and optical interconnects, microcavity semiconductor lasers continue to develop via advances in fundamental physics, theoretical analysis, and numerical simulations. In a new work that will be of interest to researchers and practitioners alike, Microcavity Semiconductor Lasers: Principles, Design, and Applications delivers an application-oriented and highly relevant exploration of the theory, fabrication, and applications of these practical devices.The book focuses on unidirectional emission microcavity lasers for photonic integrated circuits, including polygonal microresonators, microdisk, and microring lasers. After an introductory overview of optical microcavities for microlasers and detailed information of the lasers themselves, including mode structure control and characteristics, and lasing properties, the distinguished authors discuss fabrication and applications of different microcavity lasers. Prospects for future research and potential new applications round out the book.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to multilayer optical waveguides, the FDTD Method, and Padé Approximation, and deformed, chaos, and unidirectional emission microdisk lasers An exploration of mode analysis for triangle and square microresonators similar as FP Cavity Practical discussions of mode analysis and control for deformed square microlasers An examination of hexagonal microcavity lasers and polygonal microcavities, along with vertical radiation loss for 3D microcavities Perfect for laser specialists, semiconductor physicists, and solid-state physicists, Microcavity Semiconductor Lasers: Principles, Design, and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of materials scientists and professionals working in the semiconductor and optical industries seeking a one-stop reference for integrable microcavity semiconductor lasers.
Mountaineers Books Unraveled
The Boardman Tasker Prize for Mountain Literature 2023 2023 Banff Mountain Book Award finalist in Mountain Literature "As a teen phenomenon, Katie Brown raised the bar to a whole new level. Unraveled is an honest and bold recounting of how Katie was able to navigate the dark days of her childhood to become a world champion climber, mother, and amazing human being." --Lynn Hill, author of Climbing Free: My Life in the Vertical World As a teenager in the 1990s, Katie Brown was one of climbing's first "comp kids"--a young natural who, along with her peers, redefined the image of a strong and successful climber. After climbing for less than two years, Brown won her first junior national title. The next year she became the Junior World Champion at age 14 in Laval, France. In 1996 she won both the Rock Master--a prestigious international contest in Arco, Italy--and the esteemed X-Games. From 1996 on, Brown won every US Adult National that she entered, as well as a World Cup Title in France in 1999. Yet even as she reigned on the podium, Brown felt her life begin to unravel. A quiet child, she struggled with a home life that was very different behind closed doors than it seemed on television. A fundamentalist version of Christianity was at the center of the household, and Brown fought to live according to rules that were strict, ever-changing, and irrational. Isolated and feeling hopeless, Brown latched onto food as something she could control. She quit competitive climbing and bounced in and out of the industry, eventually disappearing in her late twenties. Now, more than two decades later, Brown is ready to share her story. Unraveled answers the question thousands of fans worldwide have wondered: "What ever happened to Katie Brown?"
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The 1st Fallschirmjäger Division in World War II: VOLUME TWO: YEARS OF RETREAT
Based on their combat achievements, friends and foes alike have singled out the men from the German 1st Parachute Division as the best soldiers in World War II, as they at Eben Emael executed the most successful commando raid of the war; on Crete the most audacious attack; and in Monte Cassino the most dogged defense. A total of 129 Knight's Crosses were awarded to men from this division - twice as many as any other German division. For the first time a comprehensive book has been written about the fate of this division based on all available sources and with the invaluable aide of veterans from the division. It is a warts-and-all tale, which gives a candid insight not only to the battles from the German perspective, but also to the minds of the men who became the backbone of the division. The books contains more than 500 color and black and white photos, many of which have never been printed before. Furthermore, there are thirty unique maps in color, thirty detailed Orders of Battle, 500 short biographies of the key personnel in the division, and a list of all the division's Knight's Cross and the German Cross in Gold winners. The first volume, Years of Attack, follows the recruitment and training of the Fallschirmjägers and their revolutionary vertical deployment in Scandinavia, Holland, Eben Emael, Corinth and Crete through to two tough tours as elite infantry on the Eastern Front. The second volume, Years of Retreat, follows the division from the battles of El Alamein, Tunisia, Sicily, Monte Cassino, Bologna, Normandy and Brittany to the final chaotic days before the capitulation. The battles are brought to life through nearly 1,000 eyewitness accounts and add new information to all the battles fought by elements of the German 1st Fallschirmjäger Division.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Surgery of the Skin: Procedural Dermatology
Master the latest medical and cosmetic procedures with Surgery of the Skin, the most comprehensive dermatological surgery resource available. Written from the surgeon?s perspective, this medical reference book features step-by-step guidance on performing the most updated developments and cutting edge approaches across the entire spectrum of dermatologic surgery.Surgery of the Skin was awarded the prize. "Major Contribution - Book" Reviewed by the Romanian Medical Association, 2015 "Dermatologists, both experienced and inexperienced, along with residents and other doctors interested in cutaneous and aesthetic surgery will greatly benefit from referring to this book." Reviewed by Lisa Naysmith, Section Editor on behalf of Acta Dermato-Venereologica, March 2015 Improve surgical results and avoid pitfalls with expert, evidence-based guidance. Stay on the cutting edge with in-depth step-by-step descriptions of tumescent vertical vector facelifts, blepharoplasty, composite grafts, Botox treatments, soft tissue augmentation, management of dysplastic nevi and melanoma, and more. View immersive videos from an expanded library with more than 130 clips totaling over six hour's footage. Explore brand-new chapters on rejuvenation of the female external genitalia; hidradenitis suppurativa; and photoaging-related mottled pigmentation. Improve treatment outcomes for patients with skin of color and gain a truly global perspective of dermatologic surgery through an expanded contributor group of leading international experts. Master how to perform cutting-edge techniques across the entire spectrum of dermatologic surgery, including botulinum toxins; fillers; cryosurgery; flaps; grafting; scar revisions; lasers; face-lift techniques; blepharoplasty techniques; Mohs surgery; and more. Effectively manage a full range of complex disorders, such as vitiligo surgery, keloids, and leg ulcers, with a unique section devoted to these special procedures. Easily visualize complex procedures and concepts with more than 1,000 illustrations, photos, and graphics. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.
Pearson Education (US) Code That Fits in Your Head: Heuristics for Software Engineering
How to Reduce Code Complexity and Develop Software More Sustainably "Mark Seemann is well known for explaining complex concepts clearly and thoroughly. In this book he condenses his wide-ranging software development experience into a set of practical, pragmatic techniques for writing sustainable and human-friendly code. This book will be a must-read for every programmer." -- Scott Wlaschin, author of Domain Modeling Made Functional Code That Fits in Your Head offers indispensable, practical advice for writing code at a sustainable pace and controlling the complexity that causes projects to spin out of control. Reflecting decades of experience helping software teams succeed, Mark Seemann guides you from zero (no code) to deployed features and shows how to maintain a good cruising speed as you add functionality, address cross-cutting concerns, troubleshoot, and optimize. You'll find valuable ideas, practices, and processes for key issues ranging from checklists to teamwork, encapsulation to decomposition, API design to unit testing. Seemann illuminates his insights with code examples drawn from a complete sample project. Written in C#, they're designed to be clear and useful to anyone who uses any object-oriented language including Java , C++, and Python. To facilitate deeper exploration, all code and extensive commit messages are available for download. Choose mindsets and processes that work, and escape bad metaphors that don't Use checklists to liberate yourself, improving outcomes with the skills you already have Get past “analysis paralysis” by creating and deploying a vertical slice of your application Counteract forces that lead to code rot and unnecessary complexity Master better techniques for changing code behavior Discover ways to solve code problems more quickly and effectively Think more productively about performance and security If you've ever suffered through bad projects or had to cope with unmaintainable legacy code, this guide will help you make things better next time and every time. Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
BenBella Books Leading in the Global Matrix: Proven Skills and Strategies to Succeed in a Collaborative World
Enter the matrix . . . and discover a whole new reality for your organization. In today's global business world, many organizations are shifting away from decentralized, vertical structures—with silo functions such as finance, HR, or operations—to a "matrix" model of cross-functional teams that work across a number of business units. When executed successfully, a matrix structure helps companies thrive in the modern market by better leveraging internal resources, eliminating duplication, spurring innovation, and driving enterprise-wide strategy. However, integrating matrix structures is often a challenge for organizations. John Futterknecht and Marty Seldman, PhD, have worked with some of the world's largest companies—including PepsiCo, Disney, McDonald's, and Microsoft—to investigate and conquer the challenges that arise with these highly integrated organizational structures. Through coaching hundreds of leaders and training thousands for on success in a matrix environment, they have witnessed first-hand which skills and strategies are most critical for matrix success . . . and now they're sharing these breakthrough, field-tested tips with you. Leading in the Global Matrix offers a real-world perspective of working in a matrix while using examples from the authors' actual coaching of business leaders. This book tackles the critical, "unspoken" dimensions that are often underestimated and unaddressed in the global business world, helping readers learn: • specific skills and insights that can help them be successful in the trenches • how to deal with day-to-day realities—which include complexity, pressure, and demand to deliver results with speed • what to do, why it's important, and how to accomplish each task With concrete action plans, readers can implement what they learn in the book into their everyday work lives. Leading in the Global Matrix encapsulates field-tested advice to help individual professionals and their teams unlock their full potential, allowing the matrix to finally deliver on its promise.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Rethinking Exclusionary Abuses in EU Competition Law
This book offers an original interpretation of the case law on exclusionary abuses under Article 82 EC (now Article 102 TFEU, according to the numbering introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon), and it identifies the various factors that have shaped the application of this provision through its history. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the European Commission's Guidance on enforcement priorities under Article 82 and it makes a provocative proposal for further modernisation of the analysis of exclusionary abuses by recasting the prohibition of abuse of dominance as a norm which deals only with unilateral conduct. The first part of the book reconsiders fundamental legal and economic concepts underpinning the assessment of exclusionary abuses and identifies the difficulties posed by the principal forms of abusive practices (refusals to deal, predatory pricing, rebates and tying). The EU case law is compared with the US experience under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. The second part of the book explores solutions, based on the premise that the reform of Article 82 (now Article 102 TFEU) should be in line with the modernisation of Article 81 (now Article 101 TFEU) and the EU merger control rules. The last chapter demonstrates the gradual convergence of the application of Articles 81 and 82 in the area of vertical restraints. It points towards a redefined division of labour between these two provisions with a view to ensuring efficient enforcement, better protection of consumer interests, and clearer incentives for dominant firms to invest in desirable commercial practices. The book will be of interest to students and practitioners of EU competition law, and to those in other jurisdictions where the application of competition law to practices of dominant firms is controversial.
Taylor & Francis Inc Groundwater Assessment, Modeling, and Management
Your Guide to Effective Groundwater ManagementGroundwater Assessment, Modeling, and Management discusses a variety of groundwater problems and outlines the solutions needed to sustain surface and ground water resources on a global scale. Contributors from around the world lend their expertise and provide an international perspective on groundwater management. They address the management of groundwater resources and pollution, waste water treatment methods, and the impact of climate change on groundwater and water availability (specifically in arid and semi-arid regions such as India and Africa). Incorporating management with science and modeling, the book covers all areas of groundwater resource assessment, modeling, and management, and combines hands-on applications with relevant theory. For Water Resource Managers and Decision MakersThe book describes techniques for the assessment of groundwater potential, pollution, prevention, and remedial measures, and includes a new approach for groundwater modeling based on connections (network theory). Approximately 30 case studies and six hypothetical studies are introduced reflecting a range of themes that include: groundwater basics and the derivation of groundwater flow equations, exploration and assessment, aquifer parameterization, augmentation of aquifer, water and environment, water and agriculture, the role of models and their application, and water management policies and issues. The book describes remote sensing (RS) applications, geographical information systems (GIS), and electrical resistivity methods to delineate groundwater potential zones.It also takes a look at: Inverse modeling (pilot-points method) Simulation optimization models Radionuclide migration studies through mass transport modeling Modeling for mapping groundwater potential Modeling for vertical 2-D and 3-D groundwater flow Groundwater Assessment, Modeling, and Management explores the management of water resources and the impact of climate change on groundwater. Expert contributors provide practical information on hydrologic engineering and groundwater resources management for students, researchers, scientists, and other practicing professionals in environmental engineering, hydrogeology, irrigation, geophysics, and environmental science.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers
Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers Authoritative and comprehensive go-to reference work for commercial vegetable growers around the world For more than 65 years, Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers has provided generations of commercial growers with the most timely, accessible, and useful information available on the subject, containing key guidance on transplant production, planting rates and spacing, irrigation, fertilization, methods for controlling diseases, and insect pest identification, plus important information on topics such as composting, post-harvest storage and processing, genetically-engineered crops, organic growing, federal regulations and best management practices, environmentally friendly pest management, and food safety. To allow for convenient and efficient access to the enormous amount of data contained within, most of the information is presented in the form of tables and charts. The work goes above and beyond to provide everything a reader needs to know on the subject, even including a multilanguage vegetable dictionary. Now in its 6th edition, the work has been significantly expanded and modernized to cover key modern advancements in the industry, such as: Computer-based crop monitoring technologies, robotic disease control and harvesting systems, and new protected-ag production systems (including vertical systems and indoor production) New production systems pertaining to protected organic agriculture, soil moisture sensing, environmental monitoring, soil health, and soil conservation New technologies, including satellite-based decision-making, robotics, and UAVs for increasing production efficiency The various advances that have been made in food safety regulations, plus coverage of new invasive pests Part Farmer’s Almanac, part encyclopedia, and part dictionary, Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers serves as an invaluable asset for growers, students, and other industry professionals seeking an all-in-one reference for all of the questions they have on both holistic and specific facets of the commercial vegetable industry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Blockchain: Principles, Technologies and Applications
Explore foundational concepts in blockchain theory with an emphasis on recent advances in theory and practice In Wireless Blockchain: Principles, Technologies and Applications, accomplished researchers and editors Bin Cao, Lei Zhang, Mugen Peng, and Muhammad Ali Imran deliver a robust and accessible exploration of recent developments in the theory and practice of blockchain technology, systems, and potential application in a variety of industrial sectors, including manufacturing, entertainment, public safety, telecommunications, public transport, healthcare, financial services, automotive, and energy utilities. The book presents the concept of wireless blockchain networks with different network topologies and communication protocols for various commonly used blockchain applications. You’ll discover how these variations and how communication networks affect blockchain consensus performance, including scalability, throughput, latency, and security levels. You’ll learn the state-of-the-art in blockchain technology and find insights on how blockchain runs and co-works with existing systems, including 5G, and how blockchain runs as a service to support all vertical sectors efficiently and effectively. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to the Byzantine Generals problem, the fundamental theory of distributed system security and the foundation of blockchain technology An overview of advances in blockchain systems, their history, and likely future trends Practical discussions of Proof-of-Work systems as well as various Proof-of-“X” alternatives, including Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-Importance, and Proof-of-Authority A concise examination of smart contracts, including trusted transactions, smart contract functions, design processes, and related applications in 5G/B5G A treatment of the theoretical relationship between communication networks and blockchain Perfect for electrical engineers, industry professionals, and students and researchers in electrical engineering, computer science, and mathematics, Wireless Blockchain: Principles, Technologies and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of communication and computer system stakeholders, regulators, legislators, and research agencies.
Princeton University Press Situated Meaning: Inside and Outside in Japanese Self, Society, and Language
Situated Meaning adds a new dimension, both literal and metaphoric, to our understanding of Japan. The essays in this volume leave the vertical axis of hierarchy and subordination—an organizing trope in much of the literature on Japan—and focus instead on the horizontal, interpreting a wide range of cultural practices and orientations in terms of such relational concepts as uchi ("inside") and soto ("outside"). Evolving from a shared theoretical focus, the essays show that in Japan the directional orientations inside and outside are specifically linked to another set of meanings, denoting "self" and "society."After Donald L. Brenneis's foreward, Jane M. Bachnick, Charles J. Quinn, Jr., Patricia J. Wetzel, Nancy R. Rosenberger, and Robert J. Sukle discuss "Indexing Self and Social Context." "Failure to Index: Boundary Disintegration and Social Breakdown" is the topic of Dorinne K. Kondo, Matthews M. Hamabata, Michael S. Molasky, and Jane Bachnik. Finally, Charles Quinn explores "Language as a Form of Life."Jane M. Bachnik is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is presently pursuing research in Japan under a Senior Fellowship Grant from the Japan Foundation. Charles J. Quinn, Jr., is Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the Ohio State University.Originally published in 1994.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Large Hydro Generators: Operation and Maintenance
This book offers comprehensive coverage of the operation and maintenance of large hydro generators This book is a practical handbook for engineers and maintenance staff responsible for the upkeep of large salient-pole hydro generators used in electric power plants. Focusing on the physics and maintenance of large vertical salient pole generators, it offers readers real-world experience, problem description, and solutions, while teaching them about the design, modernization, inspections, maintenance, and operation of salient pole machines. Handbook of Large Hydro Generators: Operation and Maintenance provides an introduction to the principles of operation of synchronous machines. It then covers design and construction, auxiliary systems, operation and control, and monitoring and diagnostics of generators. Generator protection, inspection practices and methodology and auxiliaries inspections are also examined. The final two chapters are dedicated to maintenance and testing, and maintenance philosophies, upgrades, and uprates. The handbook includes over 420 color photos and 180 illustrations, forms, and tables to complement the topics covered in the chapters. Written with a machine operator and inspector in mind, Handbook of Large Hydro Generators: Operation and Maintenance: Instructs readers how to perform complete machine inspections, understand what they are doing, and find solutions for any problems encountered Includes real-life, practical, field experiences so that readers can familiarize themselves with aspects of machine operation, maintenance, and solutions to common problems Benefits experienced and new power plant operators, generator design engineers and operations engineers. Is authored by industry experts who participated in the writing and maintenance of IEEE standards (IEEE C50.12 and C50.13) on the subject Handbook of Large Hydro Generators: Operation and Maintenance is an ideal resource for scientists and engineers whose research interest is in electromagnetic and energy conversion. It is also an excellent book for senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in energy generation, and generator operation and maintenance.
The University of Chicago Press The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss
On dry land, most organisms are confined to the surface, or at most to altitudes of a hundred meters - the height of the tallest trees. In the oceans, though, living space has both vertical and horizontal dimensions: with an average depth of 3,800 meters, the oceans offer 99 percent of the space on Earth where life can develop. And the deep sea, which has been immersed in total darkness since the dawn of time, occupies 85 percent of ocean space, forming the planet's largest habitat. Yet, these depths abound with mystery. The deep sea is mostly uncharted - only about 5 percent of the seafloor has been mapped with any reasonable degree of detail - and we know very little about the creatures that call it home. Current estimates about the number of species yet to be found vary between ten and thirty million. The deep sea no longer has anything to prove; it is without doubt Earth's largest reservoir of life. Combining the latest scientific discoveries with astonishing color imagery, "The Deep" takes readers on a voyage into the darkest realms of the ocean. Revealing nature's oddest and most mesmerizing creatures in crystalline detail, "The Deep" features more than two hundred color photographs of terrifying sea monsters, living fossils, and ethereal bioluminescent creatures, some photographed here for the very first time. Accompanying these breathtaking photographs are contributions from some of the world's most respected researchers that examine the biology of deep-sea organisms, the ecology of deep-sea habitats, and the history of deep-sea exploration. An unforgettable visual and scientific tour of the teeming abyss, "The Deep" celebrates the incredible diversity of life on Earth and will captivate anyone intrigued by the unseen - and unimaginable - creatures of the deep sea.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Until it is Fulfilled: Lukan Eschatology According to Luke 22 and Acts 20
Anders E. Nielsen presents a fresh look on New Testament eschatology by analysing the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. He first of all considers whether ancient literary expressions of farewell motif may or may not lead to an outlook of some sort of transcendental nature, which could play an active role in the composition of the text as read text. He concludes that in a fairly representative number of non-biblical as well as biblical farewell-addresses we do find transcendental outlooks with eschatological implications. Furthermore, these particular outlooks seem to be at work in close relation to the approaching death of the intended speaker of the addresses. Against this background the two major farewell addresses, the one of Jesus in Luke 22 and the one of Paul in Acts 20, are at great length analysed by means of a rhetorical and text-linguistic approach.Anders E. Nielsen divides his exegetical-theological findings into three main-points. First of all the traditional hypothesis of an imminent expectation of the parousia is seen as problematic, because the eschatology in Luke seems to be less a matter of chronology and more a question of quality. Secondly, some of the sayings in a hellenistic work like Luke-Acts may sometimes be free to express a vertical-transcendent aspect with individual-eschatological associations, while other phases are sufficiently vague to call up in the audience both individual and/or collective-eschatological connotations. Thirdly, all this put together suggests that Luke's religious language does in fact not play down eschatology. On the contrary, Anders E. Nielsen suggests that one can speak of some sort of applied eschatology in the sense that all the relevant expressions in the compositions examined suggest a far more parenetic or prescriptive semantic function than an informative one.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Landscape Painter's Workbook: Essential Studies in Shape, Composition, and Color: Volume 6
The Landscape Painter’s Workbook is the definitive hands-on guide to the time-honored techniques and essential elements of landscape painting. Written by celebrated landscape artist, instructor, and author Mitchell Albala, this richly informative and beautifully illustrated volume leads you step by step through his approach to the genre, from establishing a composition using basic shapes to applying time-tested color strategies, with all-new lessons, practical exercises, and special topics, including: The Complete Color Strategy. What are the three aspects of color contrast that guide a painting’s strategy? Notan. Explore this special type of compositional study, which identifies the underlying shapes and patterns of a composition. Picture Formats. How does the picture format—horizontal, vertical, or square—affect the composition? What are the pros and cons of each? Color Grouping. A full chapter details this special practice, which helps maintain harmony by organizing colors into a limited number of groups. Composition. An in-depth review of variation, movement, and active negative space, with illustrations that diagram the action in each example. Workshop Exercises. Instead of demonstrations that show how the author paints, The Landscape Painter’s Workbook includes 10 skill-building workshop exercises to help you work through essential lessons on your own. With examples of work by 45 contemporary landscape painters—more than 80 paintings in all—in oil, acrylic, pastel, and watercolor, the lessons are suitable for all mediums. Each painting is thoroughly analyzed in terms of shape, composition, or color, with supporting diagrams, thumbnails, and photographs. The Landscape Painter’s Workbook inspires and informs all artists, from aspiring to accomplished, on how to successfully portray the majesty and subtlety of the natural world. The For Artists series expertly guides and instructs artists at all skill levels who want to develop their classical drawing and painting skills and create realistic and representational art.
Lexington Books Policy Metamorphosis in China: A Case Study of Minban Education in Shanghai
China has been experiencing great economic and social changes since the late 1970s when the Reform and Opening-Up policies were accepted. While some Sinologists argue that such changes have made the Chinese structure of authority fragmented and discrepant, and have weakened the directive power of the Central Government, a few others emphasize that despite a certain degree of economic decentralization and segmentation of public power, the Central Government has been seeking ways to hold the nation together. Consequently, while the former argue that due to the centrifugal nature of the political system, policy implementation is bound to deviate from the route specified by the Central Government, the latter hold that national policies are carried out faithfully, with minor deviations only in certain circumstances. This book studies the processes of policy implementation in contemporary mainland China by taking minban/private education at the level of basic education in Shanghai as an example. Based on 65 interviews conducted during 2001 and 2004, three moduses of policy implementation are proposed, and the Model of Structural Fracturation is advanced as the prevailing modus of policy implementation in contemporary China. The model argues that policy metamorphosis during implementation is not something random; in contrast, it is determined by structural factors that no single policy actor can manipulate. The pyramid of Chinese politics is a loose construction, with vertical and horizontal fracturations between different layers. The model highlights the fact that governments at the county/district level are remote from and beyond the control of the Central Government and the provinces. They deserve more attention than they have received. Contrary to Western perspectives which regard the structural fracturation in the Chinese polity as dangerous for national stability and unity, this book takes the fracturation as an important and delicate element of the Chinese mode of governance, and suggests that the very strength of the state lies in its capacity to tolerate local deviation and to embrace it into national institutions.
Casemate Publishers The Paratrooper Training Pocket Manual 1939–1945
Airborne assault was one of the great innovations of the 1930s and 1940s, adding a new ‘vertical’ dimension to infantry warfare. By the onset of World War II in 1939, Germany, Italy, and Russia were already advanced in their development of paratrooper units. Germany in particular demonstrated the tactical shock of paratroopers in Western Europe in 1940 and, most spectacularly, in Crete in 1941, galvanizing the UK and the United States to expand and train their own airborne forces, which they unleashed in 1943–45. The Allied paratrooper drops on D-Day (6 June 1944) and those of Operation Market Garden (17–25 September 1944) were the stuff of legend, huge in scale and ambition, but both Allied and Axis paratroopers were deployed in numerous other actions, including special forces raids.It quickly became apparent that the physical and tactical demands placed upon paratroopers required men of exceptional stamina, courage and intelligence. To create these soldiers, levels of training were unusually punishing and protracted, and those who came through to take their ‘wings’ were a true elite.The Paratrooper Training Pocket Manual provides an unusually detailed insight into what it took to make a military paratrooper, and how he was then utilized in actions where expected survival might be measured in a matter of days. Using material from British, US, German archives and other primary sources, many never before published, the book explains paratrooper theory, training and practice in detail. The content includes details of the physical training, instruction in static-line parachute deployment, handling the various types of parachutes and harnesses, landing on dangerous terrain, small-arms handling, airborne deployment of heavier combat equipment, landing in hostile drop zones, tactics in the first minutes of landing, radio comms, and much more.Featuring original manual diagrams and illustrations, plus new introductory text explaining the history and context of airborne warfare, The Paratrooper Training Pocket Manual provides a detailed insight into the principles and practice of this unique type of combat soldier.
David & Charles The Art of Landscape Knitting: Beginner Knitting Patterns for Unique Blankets
Knit beautiful, bespoke blankets that reflect your favourite landscapes with this original pattern collection. Designer, Anne Le Brocq, has created a collection of 50 knitting pattern designs for different kinds of landscape and weather features so whether you live near the mountains or by the sea, you can knit your own landscape blanket. The 50 pattern swatches include wet sand, pebbles, footprints, rain, clouds, different kinds of tree foliage, mountains, sand dunes and more. There are written instructions and numbered charts for each of the landscape swatches, as well as stunning photography showing the inspiration for each of the designs. These swatches are the perfect 'on-the-move' project because you can knit one square at a time and join them together to make a blanket, perfect for taking with you in your project bag. However, if you prefer to knit a blanket in one rather than joining the individual swatches at the end, there are also instructions for how to use the swatch patterns as vertical and horizontal repeats. As well as the pattern swatch library there are seven finished blankets to illustrate how the pattern swatches can be used. All of the blankets have instructions for making them using the swatches as well as how to knit them in one so you can choose your preferred method. The author uses a wide range of different yarns - including gradient yarns - to show how colour and fibre can change the effect of the finished blanket. The solid colour changes emphasize the different landscape features whereas the gradient yarns create a more subtle effect. Author, knitting designer and geographer, Anne Le Brocq, is uniquely qualified to create this collection of knitting patterns inspired by the natural world. Anne has combined her two passions in The Art of Landscape Knitting to create a very special collection of designs. This unique concept will inspire you to knit your own favourite landscapes and create beautiful, bespoke blankets that evoke the world around us.
McGraw-Hill Education Clinical Neurology and Neuroanatomy: A Localization-Based Approach, Second Edition
A Doody's Core Title for 2023!An Engagingly Written Text That Bridges the Gap Between Neuroanatomy and Clinical NeurologyClinical Neurology and Neuroanatomy provides a clear, logical discussion of the relationship between neuroanatomy, clinical localization, and the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disease. Written in a concise, conversational style, this unique text offers a valuable overview of fundamental neuroanatomy and the clinical localization principles necessary to diagnose and treat patients with neurologic diseases and disorders.The text is divided into main sections. Part I teaches the neuroanatomy essential for clinical localization and demonstrates how to apply this knowledge to clinical reasoning in developing a differential diagnosis for common neurologic symptoms including weakness, sensory changes, visual loss, ataxia, diplopia, anisocoria, and dizziness. A detailed overview of the neurologic examination and a primer on interpretation of neurodiagnostic tests with a focus on neuroimaging and CSF analysis is also included.Part II provides an up-to-date synthesis of the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic diseases including epilepsy, stroke, neurologic infections, demyelinating diseases, dementia, movement disorders, neurologic complications of cancer and its treatment, and conditions of the peripheral nervous system. More than 50 radiologic images of common and rare neurologic conditions and over 30 tables summarizing key aspects of various conditions and their treatment are featured.Clinical Neurology and Neuroanatomy is an ideal companion for students on their neurology rotation, neurology residents, and any healthcare practitioner looking for a quick, clear, up-to-date resource in neurology.NEW IN THE UPDATED AND EXPANDED SECOND EDITION 26 new full-color neuroanatomy illustrations plus numerous high-resolution MRI and CTI scans New sections on multiple cranial neuropathies, vertical diplopia, basal ganglia circuitry, functional movement disorders, neurologic complications of immune checkpoint inhibitors and CAR T-cell therapy, and antibody-mediated neurologic diseases Updated and expanded tables including new treatments for seizures, multiple sclerosis, and migraine; recently described autoantibody-mediated conditions; and revised classification of brain tumors Updated chapter on strokes reviews the latest clinical trial data on acute stroke treatments, use of dual antiplatelet regimens, and PFO closure
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Hawker's Secret Cold War Airfield: Dunsfold: Home of the Hunter and Harrier
In 1948, Hawker Aircraft, faced with new jet projects that could not use their existing airfield at Langley, began the process of searching for alternative accommodation for their flight-testing requirements. It would, however, take three hard years before Dunsfold Aerodrome would be made available by a reluctant Air Ministry and the company was able to launch its first jet aircraft design - the Sea Hawk - into series production for the Royal Navy, closely followed by the superlative Hunter. Hawker Aircraft would go on to produce nearly 2,000 Hunters before other projects came to the fore. As Hunter production continued in the late 1950s, the company looked to its successor - the Mach 2 capable air superiority fighter designated P.1121, though this would stall before flight in the wake of serious national financial short-falls. With the loss of its premier project, the company came upon a radical new engine proposal and schemed an aircraft around it capable of vertical take-off and landing. While many decried the proposal, claiming it would never amount to anything, the Harrier would go on to prove the nay-sayers wrong as it came into its own during the Falklands War. Following the Harrier, Hawker Siddeley stepped into the competitive trainer aircraft market with the Hawk for the RAF. After completion of the RAF requirement, Hawk was sold into air arms across the world, including the US Navy, an incredible achievement for a UK design. British Aerospace then brought forth the Harrier GR.5, the UK version of the US AV-8B, a completely upgraded and improved Harrier. One might expect that this prolific output was the result of some massive industrial plant in the Midlands rather than an isolated aerodrome tucked in the rural hinterland of south Surrey. Surrounded for most of its existence by secrecy, due to the nature of its work, Dunsfold has largely escaped the notice of the general public. This work shines a light on the remarkable work carried out there.
Rutgers University Press Cyberwars in the Middle East
Cyberwars in the Middle East argues that hacking is a form of online political disruption whose influence flows vertically in two directions (top-bottom or bottom-up) or horizontally. These hacking activities are performed along three political dimensions: international, regional, and local. Author Ahmed Al-Rawi argues that political hacking is an aggressive and militant form of public communication employed by tech-savvy individuals, regardless of their affiliations, in order to influence politics and policies. Kenneth Waltz’s structural realism theory is linked to this argument as it provides a relevant framework to explain why nation-states employ cyber tools against each other. On the one hand, nation-states as well as their affiliated hacking groups like cyber warriors employ hacking as offensive and defensive tools in connection to the cyber activity or inactivity of other nation-states, such as the role of Russian Trolls disseminating disinformation on social media during the US 2016 presidential election. This is regarded as a horizontal flow of political disruption. Sometimes, nation-states, like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain, use hacking and surveillance tactics as a vertical flow (top-bottom) form of online political disruption by targeting their own citizens due to their oppositional or activists’ political views. On the other hand, regular hackers who are often politically independent practice a form of bottom-top political disruption to address issues related to the internal politics of their respective nation-states such as the case of a number of Iraqi, Saudi, and Algerian hackers. In some cases, other hackers target ordinary citizens to express opposition to their political or ideological views which is regarded as a horizontal form of online political disruption. This book is the first of its kind to shine a light on many ways that governments and hackers are perpetrating cyber attacks in the Middle East and beyond, and to show the ripple effect of these attacks.
HarperCollins Publishers 100 Symbols That Changed the World
100 Symbols That Changed The World looks at the genesis and adoption of the world’s most recognizable symbols. Universal symbols have been used as a form of communication from the Bronze Age, when the dynasties of ancient Egypt began the evolution of the thousand characters used in Egyptian hieroglyphics. In pre-Columbian America the Mayan civilization set out on a similar course, using pictures as a narrative text. With the adoption of written languages, symbols have come to represent an illustrated shorthand. The dollar sign in America evolved from colonists’ trade with the Spanish, and the widespread acceptance of Spanish currency in deals. Merchants’ clerks would shorten the repeated entry of “pesos” in their accounts ledgers, which needed to be written with a ‘p’ and an ‘s’. A single letter ‘s’ with the vertical stroke of the ‘p’ was much quicker. Historically correct dollar signs have a single stroke through the ‘S’. Symbols are also used to impart quick, recognizable safety advice. The radio activity symbol was designed in Berkley in 1946 to warn of the dangers of radioactive substances – and following the widespread use of gas masks in WWII, the trefoil symbol echoed the shape of the mask. There are many symbols of affiliation, not only to religious groups, but support of political causes or even brand loyalty. Symbols are used for identification, military markings and recognition of compatibility. They allow users to convey a large amount of information in a short space, such as the iconography of maps or an electrical circuit diagram. Symbols are an essential part of the architecture of mathematics. And in the case of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics – the first Games to be held in an Asian country – symbols allowed the organizers to create event signage that wouldn’t be lost in translation. The set of Olympic sports pictograms for the Games was a novel solution, and one that was added to in Mexico and Munich. Organized chronologically, 100 Symbols That Changed The World looks at the genesis and adoption of the world’s most recognizable symbols.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Computer Modeling in the Aerospace Industry
Devoted to advances in the field of computer simulation of aerospace equipment, this study is the most up-to-date coverage of the state-of-the-art on coastal and passenger aircraft, drones, and other recent developments in this constantly changing field. This book is devoted to unique developments in the field of computer modeling in aerospace engineering. The book describes the original conceptual models of amphibious aircraft, ground-effect vehicles, hydrofoil vessels, and others, from theory to the full implementation in industrial applications. The developed models are presented with the design of passenger compartments and are actually ready for implementation in the aircraft industry. The originality of the concepts are based on biological prototypes, which are ergonomic, multifunctional and aesthetically pleasing. The aerodynamic layout of prospective convertible land and ship-based aircrafts of vertical and short takeoff-landing is presented, as well as the development of the original model of the unmanned aerial vehicle, or drone. The results of full-scale experiments are presented, including the technology of modeling aerospace simulators based on the virtual reality environment with technical vision devices. Whether for the practicing engineer in the field, the engineering student, or the scientist interested in new aerospace developments, this volume is a must-have. This groundbreaking new volume: Presents unique developments of coastal aircraft concepts based on biological prototypes, from the idea to the finished model Gives the process of modeling the original unmanned aerial vehicle Investigates aerospace simulators based on virtual reality environment with technical vision devices Covers the original ideas of creating carrier-based aviation for sea ships and the results of field experiments simulating an unmanned aerial vehicle Provides many useful illustrations of naval aviation Audience: The book is intended for aerospace engineers, mechanical engineers, structural engineers, researchers and developers in the field of aerospace industry, for aircraft designers and engineering students. It will be useful for scientists, students, graduate students and engineers in the field of naval aviation and space simulators.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How I Trade Options
Wiley Online Trading For A Living Beat Risk and Reap Rewards Like A Pro! The Compelling True Story of How a Top Market Maker Built a Successful Trading Business Praise for How I Trade Options "To much of the outside world, trading appears to be as incomprehensible as rocket science. What Jon Najarian has done in this engaging and very readable book is to 'demystify' the world of options for both the aspiring trader and the retail investor. How I Trade Options is a rare opportunity to look over the shoulder of this experienced options trader, teacher, and lecturer." -Lewis J. Borsellino, CEO/Founder, www.TeachTrade.Com; Author, The Day Trader: From the Pit to the PC "How I Trade Options gives retail investors who have little or no prior knowledge the insight into how options work and how to use them effectively and responsibly. For those who want to learn about options, this is a rare opportunity to learn from a master trader. Najarian shows commitment to educating investors on the use of options to enhance their portfolios." -Rance Masheck, President, Quantum Vision Inc. "Not only is Jon Najarian a Supertrader, he is a Superteacher. I owe much of my good fortune to Jon Najarian. I learned more from him than I had learned in an entire decade-plus it was fun! Jon's abilities to make his profitable trading strategies understandable are sure to make How I Trade Options a must-have tool that every option trader will want to own." -Don Fishback, Developer of the Fishback Option Pricing Model "Jon Najarian is a world-class options trader and a world class options educator. His crystal clear explanations of such strategies as vertical spreads empower the average investor to participate in attractive options approaches that, until now, have been dominated by professional traders." -Bernie Schaeffer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Schaeffer's Investment Research, Inc. Please visit our Web site at
WW Norton & Co Botany for Designers: A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals
Plants are among the most important materials for effective landscape design. Yet the fundamentals of plant biology and growth; their morphology, color, and functional assets; and details such as planting, pruning techniques, and maintenance practices are surprisingly absent from our education and training, which tend to focus on other core principles like drainage, grading, and spatial relationships. What do you need to know about how plants grow and function? How can you determine appropriate plants for a particular site? How can you use their distinct design features effectively? What are the real design considerations to keep in mind? This book—a Botany 101 course for professionals and students alike—walks you through all the answers, equipping you with the ability to be not just an informed landscape designer but also an effective planting designer. Kimberly Duffy Turner, a landscape architect and horticulturalist, explains the essentials of planting design, exploring form and function and showing how various characteristics of plants and trees—shape, pigment, leaf veination, texture, fragrance, sound, height, and more—can be used to achieve effective site-appropriate designs. Specifying appropriate plant material and examining stock at the nursery—drawing up a planting schedule of the species or cultivar, sizes, and quantities—and evaluating modes of transplantation (when to ask for bare root, balled and burlapped, or containerized) are other key “on-the-job” concepts covered. A chapter on green design outlines some of the sustainable trends in botany: the role of LEED certification in landscape design; mitigating environmental problems with plants and open space; the emergence of green roofs and vertical gardens; biomimicry; and sensitive material selection, like composite wood products and plant-derived, soy-based paints. Both a handy appendix of common Latin and Greek terms used in horticulture and a comprehensive list of plant palettes are included. With more than 150 color photographs and schematic drawings illustrating key strategies, Botany for Designers is the professional’s go-to guide, showing you how an appreciation of plant fundamentals can lead to more inspired, well-designed landscapes.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Manual of Surgical Pathology
Offering complete, practical guidance on the evaluation of the surgical pathology specimen, the Manual of Surgical Pathology concentrates decades of experience from the faculty and staff of one of the busiest and most respected pathology departments in the world. From a specimen's arrival in the department to preparation of the final report, you'll find step-by-step instructions on specimen processing, tissue handling, gross dissection technique, histological examination, application of special stains, development of a differential diagnosis, and more. The fully revised 4th Edition is an invaluable reference for practicing pathologists, residents, and pathology assistants as a practical, everyday resource for learning and applying optimal specimen evaluation as well as an excellent guide for board review. Helps you find information quickly with a user-friendly design, concise paragraphs, numbered lists, and bulleted material throughout the text. Reflects the latest AJCC staging information, as well as updates throughout on reporting procedures, protocols, and safety. Offers detailed instructions on the dissection, description, and sampling of specimens, and explains the application of pathology reports to patient management. Provides procedures for new types of specimens including pulmonary image guided resections, endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, laparoscopic hysterectomy, or nephrectomy morcellation, vertical sleeve gastrectomy, and evaluation of breast implant capsules with a clinical suspicion of lymphoma Features dozens of illustrations that demonstrate the gross appearance of common pathologic lesions, and more than 150 tables that examine the interpretation of histochemical stains, immunohistochemical studies, electron microscopy findings, cytogenetic changes, and much more. Examines the specimens from every organ and system as well as bullets, medical devices, and foreign materials. Includes a new chapter on occupational hazards for pathologists ranging from visual and musculoskeletal problems to exposure and prevention of workplace acquired infection and cancer. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Geography Mark-Up Language: Foundation for the Geo-Web
The development of the Internet has changed the environment for Geographical Information Systems (GIS), with the emphasis shifting from analysis to the sharing of data and information over the Internet thus making GIS more mobile and powerful. The Geography Mark-Up Language (GML) was developed as the standard language and is emerging as the foundation for Internet GIS. Geography Mark-Up Language: Foundation for the Geo-Web provides a broad coverage of the use of GML in different application areas, along with the technical means for building these applications. Starting from the basic concepts, this book works through all the important topics in both GML 2.0 and GML 3.0, with illustrations and worked examples to demonstrate its use. Organized into two sections, Volume I introduces readers to the new world of GML, and explains how it can be used across a broad range of GIS projects. It deals with the basic concepts of XML and GML, and enables readers to make decisions on the utility of GML in their projects and software acquisitions. Volume II is intended for the technical reader and answers questions on the meaning and structure of GML schema components, the development of GML application schemas, and the use of GML in connection with web services, legacy GIS and relational databases. Contains worked examples Covers all aspects of GML 3.0 from geometry and topology to units of measure, default styling and coverages Explains the Geo-Web and its impact on vertical applications Authored by leading figures in GML development This book is a must have for GIS vendors, system integrators and data providers; local/state/provincial and national government agencies; utilities and telecommunication companies; location-based services companies; data distributors; software developers and technical managers. It would make an excellent reference for mid and upper-level undergraduate students and Masters students taking technical GIS modules as part of a GIS or Technical Geography programmes.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Petlyakov Pe-2: Stalin's Successful Red Air Force Light Bomber
During the Second World War, the Soviet Union's Petlyakov Pe-2 Peshka dive-bomber was unique in that it was as fast as most fighter aircraft. This was in a period when it was considered by the RAF that it was impossible for monoplane aircraft to conduct vertical bombing with any degree of success. During the war the Pe-2 was the principal dive- and light-bomber of Russia's air power across the vast Eastern Front and it continued in service until the early 1950s with the air forces of the Warsaw Pact countries and Yugoslavia. Conceived by a team of top aircraft designers whom Stalin had incarcerated in a prison camp on trumped-up political charges, the Pe-2 had originally been designed as a high-altitude twin-engine fighter plane, but, due to the outstanding success of the German Stukas in the Blitzkrieg, its role was quickly changed to that of a fast dive-bomber. The Pe-2 arrived in service around the time of the German attack on its hitherto ally. Although only a handful had reached front line units by the start of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941, the Pe-2 soon became the main dive-bomber in both the Soviet VVS and Naval service. Mass production, by factories hastily moved back beyond the front, meant that numbers increased rapidly, and more than 11,000 of the type, including many variants, were built up to 1945. The Peshka became the mainstay of the Soviet counter-offensive that ultimately resulted in the fall of Berlin. Pe-2s also led the way in the brief but annihilating Manchurian campaign against Japan in the closing days of the war in 1945. Using official sources, including the official Pe-2 handbook, and numerous colour and black-and-white photographs made available to the author from both official and private sources and collections, this book is the definitive record of the Pe-2 - the dive-bomber supreme!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Present and Future of European Family Law
As Britain's leading comparative Family Law scholar, Jens Scherpe demonstrates his considerable knowledge and expertise in this, the final book, in the series on European Family Law. Drawing on the three earlier works in the series (of which he is the editor) Scherpe starts by convincingly arguing that there is such a thing as European Family Law and then examines the concept from different perspectives, namely, institutional and organic, and horizontal, vertical and individual European Family Law. He ends by speculating about future developments. Written in an easy-to-read yet not unchallenging style The Present and Future of European Family Law is a 'must read' for all those interested in Family Law particularly as the subject can no longer be sensibly studied purely from a domestic angle.'- N.V. Lowe, Cardiff University, UKThe Present and Future of European Family Law explores the essence of European family law - and what its future may be. It compares and analyzes existing laws and court decisions, identifies trends in legislation and jurisprudence, and also forecasts (and in some cases proposes) future developments. It establishes that while there is, at present, no comprehensive European family law, elements of an 'institutional European family law' have been created through decisions by the European Court on Human Rights and by the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as other EU instruments. At the same time an 'organic European family law' is beginning to emerge. The laws in many European jurisdictions have developed similarly and have 'grown together', not only as a result of the aforementioned institutional pressures, but also as a result of societal developments, and comparable reactions to medical and societal advances and changes. Hence there already is a body of institutional and organic European family law, and it will continue to grow.This book, and the others in the set, will serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in family law. It will be of particular use to students and scholars of comparative and international family law, as well as family law practitioners.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Shaping Your Baby's Foundation: Guide Your Baby to Sit, Crawl, Walk, Strengthen Muscles, Align Bones, Develop Healthy Posture, and Achieve Physical Milestones During the Crucial First Year: Grow Strong Together Using Cutting-Edge Foundation
A revolutionary work that guides new parents in helping their baby form healthy movements, strong muscles, and a fit body during the child’s critical first year of life, filled with vital information and over 400 full-color photographs that clearly show how to create a strong foundation for a baby’s musculoskeletal health and future wellness A child’s first steps are one of the great miracles in life—one we think of as a natural, essential, intuitive process. But just as new parents foster positive digestive, emotional, and intellectual growth, we cannot leave it to nature and instinct alone to ensure that infants develop the strong musculoskeletal foundation they need. Little bodies are malleable: nerves are elongating, bones are hardening, muscles are strengthening—newborns are a never-ending process of physical change. The problem is that the car seat, the bouncer, the carrier, the crib, the pack-n-play—the very devices modern parents depend on for hands-free parenting—leave that precious developing bundle at the mercy of gravity and passive, bodyweight-based alignment. Shaping Your Baby’s Foundation gives new parents the information they need to safely and effectively build their baby’s muscle tone, strengthen the child’s growing body, and set their newborn on the path for a lifetime of wellness. Shaping Your Baby’s Foundation isn’t about hitting milestones (for example, walking early can mean a child missed some key areas of strengthening at earlier stages), it’s about growing well. Jen Goodman gives parents the tools they need to give their baby a body that will be strong and balanced by the time the child is vertical. By helping a baby meet gravity’s challenges during the first year of life, this book vastly increases the chances of that baby later remaining strong, fit, and healthy as a toddler, teen, and adult. Written in Goodman’s gentle and accessible, yet authoritative, voice, and aided by over 400 full-color photographs to guide parents step-by-step through the first year of their baby’s life, Shaping Your Baby’s Foundation is a revolutionary parenting bible for a new generation.
Rutgers University Press Cyberwars in the Middle East
Cyberwars in the Middle East argues that hacking is a form of online political disruption whose influence flows vertically in two directions (top-bottom or bottom-up) or horizontally. These hacking activities are performed along three political dimensions: international, regional, and local. Author Ahmed Al-Rawi argues that political hacking is an aggressive and militant form of public communication employed by tech-savvy individuals, regardless of their affiliations, in order to influence politics and policies. Kenneth Waltz’s structural realism theory is linked to this argument as it provides a relevant framework to explain why nation-states employ cyber tools against each other. On the one hand, nation-states as well as their affiliated hacking groups like cyber warriors employ hacking as offensive and defensive tools in connection to the cyber activity or inactivity of other nation-states, such as the role of Russian Trolls disseminating disinformation on social media during the US 2016 presidential election. This is regarded as a horizontal flow of political disruption. Sometimes, nation-states, like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain, use hacking and surveillance tactics as a vertical flow (top-bottom) form of online political disruption by targeting their own citizens due to their oppositional or activists’ political views. On the other hand, regular hackers who are often politically independent practice a form of bottom-top political disruption to address issues related to the internal politics of their respective nation-states such as the case of a number of Iraqi, Saudi, and Algerian hackers. In some cases, other hackers target ordinary citizens to express opposition to their political or ideological views which is regarded as a horizontal form of online political disruption. This book is the first of its kind to shine a light on many ways that governments and hackers are perpetrating cyber attacks in the Middle East and beyond, and to show the ripple effect of these attacks.
5M Books Ltd City Farming: A How-to Guide to Growing Crops and Raising Livestock in Urban Spaces
Farming in cities and small spaces is becoming increasingly popular, but it has its challenges. City Farming addresses the problems the urban farmer might face and turns them into creative solutions. It assists the new grower to gain expert understanding of how to create a production urban farm, as well as helping established farmers to troubleshoot and discover new ways to bring their space into greater harmony and production. From the perspective of a holistic gardener, growing plants and raising livestock are covered as well as integrated approaches, which bring together the whole farming system in a small space to produce high yields with minimal energy and effort. The content is organised by themes of importance to urban farmers‚ sun and heat, water usage, seasonal production, spatial planning, soil quality and usage, propagation and breeding, pests and diseases, farming under time constraints, sustainability and community initiatives. These are all discussed within the context of urban farming and include common issues and strategies like microclimates in built-up areas, natural and organic approaches, water harvesting, toxic land, roof gardening, converting ornamental gardens to productive edible gardens, municipal regulations, vertical gardening, aquaponics, composting methods, livestock suitability in limited space, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) schemes, permaculture in small spaces, community gardens and trade & barter schemes. Each chapter unfolds a piece the story of The Micro Farm Project that provides an overview of the theme, and then discusses the crop and livestock considerations relating to the theme of the chapter in the form of the challenges they present and practical solutions to the problems such as lack of space, high population density, poor soil quality, planning restrictions etc. Case studies giving examples of different methods used within urban farming from different regions throughout the world are included. City Farming is a beautifully illustrated source that can be valuable to both beginners and more experienced urban farmers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Residential Interior Design: A Guide to Planning Spaces
Discover a practical guide to residential space planning, in this room-by-room guide with up-to-date info on accessibility, ergonomics, and building systems In the newly revised Fourth Edition of Residential Interior Design: A Guide to Planning Spaces, an accomplished team of design professionals delivers the gold standard in practical, human-centered residential interior design. Authors Maureen Mitton and Courtney Nystuen explore every critical component of interior architecture from the perspective of ergonomics and daily use. The text functions as a guide for interior design students and early-career professionals seeking a handbook for the design of livable, functional, and beautiful spaces. It includes hundreds of drawings and photographs that illustrate key concepts in interior design, as well as room-by-room coverage of applicable building codes and sustainability standards. The authors also cover all-new applications of smart building technology and updated residential building codes and accessibility standards. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the design of interior residential spaces, including discussions of accessibility, universal design, visibility, sustainability, ergonomics, and organizational flow In-depth examinations of kitchens, bathrooms, and the fundamentals of residential building construction and structure Comprehensive explorations of entrances and circulation spaces, including foyer and entry areas, vertical movement, and electrical and mechanical considerations Practical discussions of bedrooms, leisure spaces, utility, and workspaces An overview of human behavior and culture related to housing Updates made to reflect changes in the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) The latest edition of Residential Interior Design: A Guide to Planning Spaces is ideal for instructors and students in interior design programs that include interior design, residential design, or residential interior architecture courses. This edition provides updated content related to CIDA standards in human centered design, regulations and guidelines, global context, construction, environmental systems, and human wellbeing. It’s also an indispensable resource for anyone preparing for the NCIDQ, the interior design qualification exam.
Quarto Publishing PLC Sustainable Garden: Projects, insights and advice for the eco-conscious gardener: Volume 4
A stylish, inspirational and practical guidebook to maintaining a more environmentally friendly outdoor space, now shortlisted for the GMG GARDEN BOOK OF THE YEAR award! Sustainable gardener Marian Boswall walks us through the process of creating and maintaining a sustainable outdoor space, offering tips, guidance and step-by-step projects designed to help you lead a more low-impact lifestyle. Whether it’s by harnessing natural energy, converting to peat-free compost, reducing your consumption of plastic, saving seeds or creating garden areas from reclaimed materials, there are numerous ways – both big and small – to make a difference. Entries cover every aspect of the garden, from how to create a space and draw up a plan for your sustainable garden from scratch, to advice on boundaries and fences, and guidance on how to ethically source materials to make sure your garden is as environmentally friendly as it is beautiful. This book also contains several projects with easy-to-follow instructions that you can replicate at home, such as creating a frame for succulents to grow in out of recycled materials.Projects include: Plant an edible hedge - This berry-laden boundary brings joy into your garden and offers a great way to connect to and notice the seasons for both children and adults, Make a lawn spiral - This innovative approach to lawns will reduce mowing time by half (thereby saving energy) and will create a beautiful, textured swirl of flowering grass which is good for pollinators, Make your own frame for succulents - Using recycled and found materials, create your own vertical planter for a host of succulents, perfect for balconies or other small spaces, Saving your seeds - Collecting seeds from your garden is the perfect way to start planning ahead for your garden next year, all while reducing waste. Sustainable Garden will guide anyone hoping to take informed and intelligent decisions to make a difference, but who perhaps don’t know where to begin.
Grub Street Publishing Five of the Few
Churchills Few will forever be remembered by history as men who thwarted the seemingly invincible German war machine, when all seemed lost. They countered the full force of the Luftwaffe in the daylight battles during the summer of 1940, and in the night skies of the winter and spring of 1940/41. They were at the time, and still are, perceived as knights of the air, as our heroes. Now, five distinguished RAF airmen, four pilots and one radar operator/navigator, who fought that air battle during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, have recounted their experiences in detail to author Steve Darlow. Their stories have never before been published, and they talk engagingly of their service life, combats, losses, injuries, friendships and fears flying Spitfires, Hurricanes, Blenheims, Beaufighters and Havocs. One pilot tells of the time he fell victim to the enemy My Spitfire stopped being a flying machine, it became a lump of metal. I was going down with it and I couldnt get out. I broke the seat by standing on it. The pressure throwing me into the bottom was terrific A Beaufighter radar operator remembers being involved in shooting down a German aircraft He took a vertical dive, struck the ground and exploded with a shower of incendiaries. I felt like a child with a new toy. I had at last proved myself but for some reason I suddenly felt a little sad. But Five of the Few is not just about the experiences of these men during 1940/41. They would also distinguish themselves in subsequent air campaigns night defence of the UK, offensive operations over the continent and support to D-Day and beyond. In between the aerial combats and ground attack operations, promotions, decorations and command responsibilities would come their way. But not all would make it through safely to the end of the war. One would end up behind barbed wire. Collectively Five of the Few is a war story of youth maturing, through aspiration and idealism, courage and bravado, fear and heroism, memory and reflection. It is a reminder of why so much was owed, and still is, by so many to so few.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Enforcement of Transnational Regulation: Ensuring Compliance in a Global World
'As business spreads across the world, but jurisdictions remain essentially national, means must be found whereby business may effectively regulate itself and be regulated for public benefit. This important book addresses these issues, at theoretical and practical levels, explaining important sectoral examples and with deeper analysis. It is both timely and important, and provokes ideas for actions that should be taken at both transnational and national levels. The range of issues covered is rich and impressive.'- Christopher Hodges, Oxford University, UK and Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 'Globalization pushes the boundaries of markets. Alongside the greater ''goods'' of transnational economic activity come the ''bads'' of unregulated conduct. This important book looks to the new frontiers of legal intervention to make sure that global markets do not run riot over important public values. The signal contribution is not the search for ever higher levels of transnational authority - the superstates of a brave new world - but empowering numerous private actors to enforce legal norms in our fast-changing economic environment.'- Samuel Issacharoff, New York University, School of Law, US This book addresses the different mechanisms of enforcement deployed in transnational private regimes vis-a-vis those in the field of public transnational law. Enforcement represents a key dimension in measuring the effectiveness and legitimacy of transnational private regulation. This detailed book shifts the focus from rule-making to enforcement and compliance, and moves from a vertical analysis to a comparative sectoral analysis. Both public and private transnational regulation fall under the scrutiny of the authors, and the book considers the effectiveness of judicial models of enforcement - under international law and through national courts - and of non-judicial means. Comparisons are drawn across sectors including international commercial law, labor law, finance, Internet regulation and advertising. Enforcement of Transnational Regulation will appeal to scholars of both private and public law, regulation and comparative law. It will also prove a stimulating and challenging read for policy makers and law makers. Contributors: E. Benvenisti, F. Cafaggi, F. Casarosa, S. Cassese, E. D'Alterio, K.E. Davis, M. De Bellis, G.W. Downs, C. Estlund, F. Francioni, G.P. Miller, E.-U. Petersmann, C. Scott, R. Stewart, P. Verbruggen
John Wiley & Sons Inc Formation Testing: Low Mobility Pressure Transient Analysis
Traditional well logging methods, such as resistivity, acoustic, nuclear and NMR, provide indirect information related to fluid and formation properties. The “formation tester,” offered in wireline and MWD/LWD operations, is different. It collects actual downhole fluid samples for surface analysis, and through pressure transient analysis, provides direct measurements for pore pressure, mobility, permeability and anisotropy. These are vital to real-time drilling safety, geosteering, hydraulic fracturing and economic analysis. Methods for formation testing analysis, while commercially important and accounting for a substantial part of service company profits, however, are shrouded in secrecy. Unfortunately, many are poorly constructed, and because details are not available, industry researchers are not able to improve upon them. This new book explains conventional models and develops new powerful algorithms for “double-drawdown” and “advanced phase delay” early-time analysis - importantly, it is now possible to predict both horizontal and vertical permeabilities, plus pore pressure, within seconds of well logging in very low mobility reservoirs. Other subjects including inertial Forchheimer effects in contamination modeling and time-dependent flowline volumes are also developed. All of the methods are explained in complete detail. Equations are offered for users to incorporate in their own models, but convenient, easy-to-use software is available for those needing immediate answers. The leading author is a well known petrophysicist, with hands-on experience at Schlumberger, Halliburton, BP Exploration and other companies. His work is used commercially at major oil service companies, and important extensions to his formation testing models have been supported by prestigious grants from the United States Department of Energy. His new collaboration with China National Offshore Oil Corporation marks an important turning point, where advanced simulation models and hardware are evolving side-by-side to define a new generation of formation testing logging instruments. The present book provides more than formulations and solutions: it offers a close look at formation tester development “behind the scenes,” as the China National Offshore Oil Corporation opens up its research, engineering and manufacturing facilities through a collection of interesting photographs to show how formation testing tools are developed from start to finish.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Market Building through Antitrust: Long-term Contract Regulation in EU Electricity Markets
Antitrust is a sledgehammer to the creation of European-wide markets. How does it really work though? Take the case of power contracting. Look at the smart and fresh view from a promising scholar: Adrien de Hauteclocque. A must read.'- Jean-Michel Glachant, European University Institute, Italy'Long-term energy contracts pose one of the greatest challenges for EU competition law. Focusing on electricity markets and contracts, this book provides interesting new approaches and guidance in this area of EU law. The book also examines a wider and even more difficult issue: what role can competition law have in creating markets. The book delivers. It is a remarkably lucid account of difficult issues. A must-have book for practitioners and policy makers alike.'- Kim Talus, University of Eastern FinlandMarket Building through Antitrust investigates the role of antitrust policy in the building of competitive energy markets in Europe.By looking at the specific problem of long-term supply and access contracts in the electricity sector, the book questions the suitability of antitrust policy as a market building tool. It shows that the institutional infrastructure that pre-dated competitive reform and the politics of liberalization have largely shaped the current dynamics at work in European energy regulatory practice. In particular, antitrust law has increasingly been used as a quasi-ex ante regulatory tool, thereby raising problems in terms of economic efficiency, legal certainty and political legitimacy.By mixing legal, political and economic perspectives, this book will appeal to a wide range of readers from academia in law, economics and political science, regulatory and competition authorities, as well as legal and consulting practices and business economists.Contents: Foreword General Introduction 1. The Problem of Long-term Contracts in Decentralized Electricity Markets: An Economic Perspective 2. Vertical De-integration and Single Market Integration in the European Union: An Incomplete Transition 3. The Antitrust Strategy of the European Commission on Long-term Contracts: Is the New Methodology truly 'More Economic'? 4. Long-term Contracts Across Member States: The Problem of Priority Access Rights to Interconnectors 5. The Strategy of the European Union for the Development of Interconnectors: Assessing the Role of Merchant Transmission Investment with Vincent Rious Bibliography Index
John Wiley & Sons Inc Understanding Infrastructure: Guide for Architects and Planners
Urban Water Infrastructure Planning, Management, and Operations Neil S. Grigg ". discusses the factors that lead to effective management of water systems in urban areas." --Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation Unique in its orientation for managers, Urban Water Infrastructure focuses on the productive management of urban water systems by laying out its discussion in terms of the system as a whole, how a system's component elements work together, how much they cost to build and operate, and the sociopolitical forces that guide the productive operation. This easily accessible reference is aimed at engineers, planners, and managers, teaching both the theoretical and practical aspects of urban water management. 1986 (0 471-82914-5) 328 pp. A Guide to Site and Environmental Planning Third Edition Harvey M. Rubenstein "Perhaps the strongest feature of the book is the inclusive, comprehensive, and logical analysis within each of the chapters . All in all, I can highly recommend this book to anyone engaged in site planning, or interested in site plans developed by others." --Landscape Planning This Third Edition incorporates pertinent research of the past decade and presents an approach to design based on factual information that enables creative talent to be used to its utmost advantage. Chapters follow phases used in the development of a site plan and include extensive information on: site selection, resource analysis, land use, storm drainage, alignment of horizontal and vertical curves, specifications, sports facilities and play-grounds, rooftop gardens, residential development concepts, and much more. 1987 (0 471-85033-0) 410 pp. Infrastructure Engineering and Management Neil Grigg Here is the first technical and management book to focus on solutions to complex, large-scale problems involving major infrastructure projects. The wide-ranging text covers such systems as roads and streets, water and wastewater, waste management, buildings and structures, and energy facilities. Infrastructure Engineering and Management gives an in-depth knowledge of several key subjects relating technology to management: planning, programming, and budgeting; finance, organization, and private sector involvement; operations and maintenance; project management; and research needs. 1988 (0 471-84974-X) 380 pp.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design
Analog CMOS integrated circuits are in widespread use for communications, entertainment, multimedia, biomedical, and many other applications that interface with the physical world. Although analog CMOS design is greatly complicated by the design choices of drain current, channel width, and channel length present for every MOS device in a circuit, these design choices afford significant opportunities for optimizing circuit performance. This book addresses tradeoffs and optimization of device and circuit performance for selections of the drain current, inversion coefficient, and channel length, where channel width is implicitly considered. The inversion coefficient is used as a technology independent measure of MOS inversion that permits design freely in weak, moderate, and strong inversion. This book details the significant performance tradeoffs available in analog CMOS design and guides the designer towards optimum design by describing: An interpretation of MOS modeling for the analog designer, motivated by the EKV MOS model, using tabulated hand expressions and figures that give performance and tradeoffs for the design choices of drain current, inversion coefficient, and channel length; performance includes effective gate-source bias and drain-source saturation voltages, transconductance efficiency, transconductance distortion, normalized drain-source conductance, capacitances, gain and bandwidth measures, thermal and flicker noise, mismatch, and gate and drain leakage current Measured data that validates the inclusion of important small-geometry effects like velocity saturation, vertical-field mobility reduction, drain-induced barrier lowering, and inversion-level increases in gate-referred, flicker noise voltage In-depth treatment of moderate inversion, which offers low bias compliance voltages, high transconductance efficiency, and good immunity to velocity saturation effects for circuits designed in modern, low-voltage processes Fabricated design examples that include operational transconductance amplifiers optimized for various tradeoffs in DC and AC performance, and micropower, low-noise preamplifiers optimized for minimum thermal and flicker noise A design spreadsheet, available at the book web site, that facilitates rapid, optimum design of MOS devices and circuits Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design is the first book dedicated to this important topic. It will help practicing analog circuit designers and advanced students of electrical engineering build design intuition, rapidly optimize circuit performance during initial design, and minimize trial-and-error circuit simulations.
Harriman House Publishing Complete Guide Point-and-Figure Charting
The aim of this book is to explain point-and-figure charting to European investors and traders, and to show why it is the most reliable technical tool for timing entry and exit points in stocks, indices and other securities. The book is written for all levels of trader, from the novice to the experienced. It starts by explaining the basics of point-and-figure, and by showing its advantages over other types of chart. Readers are then given step-by-step instructions on how to start a point-and-figure chart from simple price data, and how to add to it day-by-day using simple rules based on end of day highs and lows. The emphasis is on simplicity and clarity. The section on chart interpretation introduces the basic buy and sell signals, and goes on to explain the more complex signals, in each case illustrating the pattern, and the precise entry and exit points, with colour charts from FTSE stocks and indices. It also shows how trend lines are incorporated into a chart. The latest point-and-figure trading techniques are covered in depth.The authors show how to: use horizontal and vertical counts to estimate the size of price moves, use stop-orders to protect positions, use pyramiding to maximise profitable trends, and use swing trading in combination with p&f. They also show how to adapt your trading style to the amount of capital you have available and to your risk tolerance. In the later sections of the book, the authors concentrate on optimisation of p&f trading and the avoidance of the most common trap - 'over-fitting' - and on analysis of the profitability of p&f trading. They demonstrate conclusively that point and figure, correctly applied, produces consistent and reliable profits across a variety of markets. In summary, Heinrich Weber & Kermit Zieg's book is the definitive guide to the theory and application of point-and-figure charting. It is especially welcome for UK and European traders, since it uses recent charts of FTSE and European securities as examples, and includes hitherto unpublished research on p&f's applicability to European securities.
Pearson Education (US) Securing 5G and Evolving Architectures
SECURING and EVOLVING ARCHITECTURES 5G initiates a period of technological evolution where the benefits transcend faster data download speeds and enable services that will change the way we all live and consume technology. Leveraging 5G's openness, a new developer ecosystem is building breakthrough services that billions of people will consume, delivering immense value to enterprises and subscribers alike. For 5G to achieve its potential, organizations must embrace multi-layered security that goes far beyond 3GPP specifications. Now, leading security architect Pramod Nair helps network professionals climb the steep learning curve associated with securing 5G, fully understand its threat surfaces, systematically mitigate its risks, and maximize the value of their security investments. This coherent, pragmatic, and vendor-agnostic guide will help you plan for security from the outset, make better choices throughout the lifecycle, and develop the mindset needed to secure new generations of networks. You'll find all you need: from high-level 5G security concepts to in-depth coverage of specific security controls, end-to-end architectural guidance, 5G security use cases, and cutting-edge "quantum proofing." Throughout, practical examples and real-life scenarios help you apply Nair's insights---whether you're a service provider, an enterprise, an industry vertical, a startup, a cybersecurity vendor, a systems integrator, or even in a defense environment. Securing 5G and Evolving Architectures is for technical and management audiences at all levels of 5G experience---from enterprise and security architects to network engineers, cloud computing and data center professionals, to CSO and CTO teams. Explore new 5G security challenges---and why you still need external controls, even with recent 3GPP improvements Implement network component security controls for RAN, Transport, 5GC, and devices Safeguard Multi-Access Edge Compute (MEC), SDNs, virtualized 5G cores, and massive IOT Protect Public and Non-Public Networks (Private 5G) deployment scenarios Secure Critical Infrastructure, Vehicle to Everything (V2X), and Smart Factory use cases Optimize end-to-end 5G security architecture across all 5G domains based on zero trust Prioritize 5G security investments in service provider or enterprise environments Preview emerging 5G use cases and ML/AI-based security enhancements